jade-island-lives · 2 years
My memory is a jumbled mess of exhaustion at the moment, but I recognized your name from my forlornraven days and wished to say hello.
Hi Raven! It's so good to hear from you!! <3 Hope you're doing okay! <3
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spencecreates · 6 years
Bonded -Thambles AU
These lovely boys belong to @forlornraven 
Night had fallen, bringing with it the eerie silence of the forest that surrounded the temple. The lights of it could be seen from where Bram perched, high in the tree with his wings around him against the cold. He stared up at the sky, eyes half closed and an open book in his lap.
He'd always felt a connection to the dark and shadows that surrounded him, feeling more comfortable amongst them. He wondered if that was because of who his mother was or simply because of his preference.
His eyes drifted down as he heard someone walking towards his tree, recognizing the dark fur of Thaddeus. He sighed, for he enjoyed the Klol's company but with it brought conflicting feelings that he would rather not deal with. But perhaps he would not notice him, so he remained quiet, wondering if his midnight blue wings blended amongst the darkness.
All of that hope was dashed as he heard Thaddeus shout his name. He didn't respond, pretending he didn't hear him.
When he glanced down again, Thaddeus was scaling the tree.
He couldn't help but watch, seeing how effortless he made it seem and the obvious strength he held as he pulled himself up onto the branch beside Bram. He was barely out of breath.
“You, my dear Bram, are very hard to find when you wish to be,” he said, a grin directed at him. Bram’s expression was flat as he looked back at him, arching a brow elegantly.
“Was there something you needed?” he asked.
“You weren't at dinner.”
“I wasn't hungry.”
“They were worried, we all were. They said you've been out here more often since the winter started.”
“I hadn't noticed.”
“May I ask why?”
Bram didn't answer and instead looked down at his book, hoping that might be the end of the conversation. He heard Thaddeus sigh and the sound of movement but he knew he wasn’t leave.
“May I join you?”
Bram almost wanted to say no but he couldn't bring himself to. True he wished to be alone, but Thaddeus’s company was never something he would turn away. He enjoyed it too much, not that he would admit it even under threat of severe harm. So he just nodded and heard Thaddeus settle in, saw him look up to the stars from the corner of his eye.
He admired Thaddeus’s profile for a moment, wondered if his fur was as soft as it looked or if his eyes were as bright and warm as they seemed in the reflection of the stars or if-- He shook such thoughts away, scolding himself silently. He sighed softly and began reading again.
He was granted the mercy of forgetting himself as his eyes scanned the lines and only resurfaced when the cold had bitten his fingers and nose numb and he was sore from sitting so long in a tree. He groaned as he stretched and looked over, surprised to see that Thaddeus was still there, watching him and not seeming to have moved otherwise.
“You’re still here,” he said, unable to keep the surprise from his tone.
“Indeed I am,” Thaddeus said. He laughed lightly and sat up as well. “Forgive me, you’re just quite captivating when you’re concentrating.”
Bram felt his cheeks heat up and he huffed in annoyance. He marked the page and closed the book and gently stretched his wings, testing them. Their strength came in spurts aided by the healing crystals the priestesses gave him after they had been broken.
“How are your wings?” Thaddeus asked and Bram considered his answer for a moment, straightening up.
“They're fine,” he said. He spread them and winced. “I just may take a bit longer to get down.”
Tucking his book under his arm, he slowly began to climb down from the branch. Thaddeus watched him for a moment before moving to climb down as well, staying nearby incase Bram needed help.
Bram scowled. He knew Thaddeus would never judge him, didn't see him as weak, but it was a feeling he was all too familiar with.
He reached the ground after far too long and Thaddeus was there, graciously trying to appear that he wasn’t watching Bram worriedly. Bram sighed as he straightened up, his wings and back sore still. He’d need the crystal around his neck recharged.
“You’re losing feathers,” Thaddeus noted and Bram looked over as he bent to pick up one of the dark feathers from the ground.
“That tends to happen this time of year. It can’t be he--” As Thaddeus’s fingers came in contact with it, his chest started to glow and Bram found himself unable to continue speaking, staring in shock. He didn't even notice that his own chest mirrored it until he realized Thaddeus was staring at him in turn.
He looked down and felt himself pale, his hands coming up as if to muffle the glow. Of course, there was no way to. It wouldn't go until Thaddeus did. Or until the Bonding magic was in place.
“No,” he breathed. It had been just the day before when he'd expressed to Reign that he'd never want a Bond. “No, no. How could this happen?”
Thaddeus hadn't moved and Bram couldn't read the expression he had. Finally he seemed to come back to himself and he looked at Bram. In the moonlight, Bram could see glints of gold in his fur and it made his breath catch. His heart still hammered but for a brief second things calmed.
“Bram,” he said, voice soft and Bram knew he didn't feel the same turmoil he did. And why would he? After all, this was supposed to be a happy occasion. You had found a soulmate.
Thaddeus reached for his hand and Bram all but leaped back. He didn't hear Thaddeus’s apologies, blood rushing in his ears. He waved him off, telling him to go.
He hesitated but finally Bram was left alone. The light in his chest slowly faded and he finally could breathe a sigh of relief.
He sat heavily at the base of the tree, needing to get his head on straight. He looked down at the feathers in front of him, eyes flicking between them all. There was eighteen. He wondered if Thaddeus had taken the one he'd touched with him.
Bram swallowed thickly as he thought to all he knew of Bonds, all the stories and legends he'd read. Some were more forgiving than others.
But it seemed the most agreed upon thing was that a destined Bond meant the two had meant something to each other in another life. As friends or family… or lovers even.
His pulse quickened.
Romance between a Libbirix and a Klol, especially a Bonded pair, was strictly forbidden and Bram knew that it was such a ridiculous thing to equate it to but his mind, as traitorous as it was, gave him the fleeting thought of being more. It terrified him, for far too many reasons.
He squeezed his eyes shut, taking deep breaths as his chest ached and the air turned suffocating. The trees seemed closer, the soft starlight seemed brighter, everything for that terrifying moment seemed to be out for him.
He wanted to fly away and would have if even just moving his wings didn't cause pain. Instead, he stayed there, curled in on himself as he tried to remember how to breathe.
Finally, he was able to get up, stumbling into a tree for a brief moment as he got his bearings again. Taking a deep breath, he stood and began to walk back to the temple, book held to his chest.
He pulled the crystal from around his neck and handed it to a priestess, asking quietly that it be recharged. Then he went to his room and curled in on himself on his bed, trying desperately to distract himself from either the pain or the faint glimmer in his chest.
What did it matter if Thaddeus was his destined? Bram had final say on if they Bonded and, for now, he wanted nothing to do with it. Thaddeus, he knew, would accept that but he recalled the bright expression on Thaddeus’s face and knew he'd see heartbreak there next. It made him scowl to himself.
Such an impossible situation he'd been put in. He knew that Fate laughed at him now. It's always been cruel to him.
But he shook it from his head. In the morning, he'd tell Thaddeus he had no intention of being his Bonded.
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writblrpositivity · 6 years
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@forlornraven is amazing at creating characters that make you fall in love with them and it's such an amazing talent. Raven is such a beautiful writer, too.  -anonymous
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veleitas · 6 years
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“You’re gone, gone, gone away, I watched you disappear, all that’s left is a ghost of you.”
for @forlornraven !! I really hope you like it!! <33
psd cred
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apocellipse · 6 years
reeseweston replied to your post: i…. i don’t want to fuck any of my characters…...
…I have never once thought about it max. And now you made me think about it
forlornraven replied to your post: i…. i don’t want to fuck any of my characters…...
Wait. What? What has been happening in my absence? o.o
reeseweston replied to your post: i…. i don’t want to fuck any of my characters…...
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this is all my dash is talking about!!!!!!!!!!
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infinitelyblankpage · 6 years
💕 🌡 📷 🔑
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
Percy Jackson and Zak Darke
🌡 Fave season
📷 Post the 12th photo from your phone’s gallery
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🔑 Key to your heart
Puns and potatoes
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klywrites · 6 years
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pendeus birthday doodle for @forlornraven​
colours based on art by @theimportanceofbeingbookish​ 
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pitofghosts · 6 years
Yahoo me
Leave an “Yahoo Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about the specified characters celebrating something [feel free to specify.]
It was the kind of morning that made Heila want to stay in bed because, even with the whether warming (spring, the northerners called it) getting out from under plush, warm blankets was difficult.
She took off her night cap as she stepped into the shared kitchenette, coiled tresses falling to her shoulders. Kai Fen was awake already, which wasn’t surprising. He’d also poured three cups of tea. An unusually thoughtful gesture.
She sat with him at the table and took a slow sip of the liquid. It forced the cold dreariness of the morning from her bones, and she sighed in content. Kai Fen looked at her over the top of the book he was ready, intense and on edge as always. She leaned forward to try and look at what he was reading, but he pulled it into his chest. She rolled her eyes. He was always like this, secretive and sulking.
She had taken her tea to the sink and marveled briefly at the Vwosi engineering when Kai Fen asked her if she knew what day it was, and something clicked. A wide grin covered her face and she spun to look at him, laughing breathily.
“Kai Fen,” she said. “Today is my birthday.”
His eyes lit up quickly, hints of a kindness he always tried to hide, and slammed his book shut as he stood up. “What do Gorrans usually do for their birthdays?”
Heila shrugged as she ran towards Saoirse’s door. She didn’t care what Gorrans were doing for their birthdays, she knew what she wanted to do for hers. “Saoirse!” She yelled gleefully as she threw open his curtains. She dove for his bed, pulling the pillow out from under his head and hitting it with him until he gave up pretending to be asleep.
“What?” His hair looked like a nest. Heila beamed at him, glanced over her shoulder at Kai Fen - he always made a habit of lurking awkwardly in doorways - and then turned back to Saoirse.
“It’s my birthday today.”
Saoirse wasted no time in getting out of bed and starting to dress himself. Kai Fen, undoubtedly scandalized by Saoirse’s brief nakedness, pulled a face and made his way back to the kitchen. Heila politely averted her gaze, but snickers escaped her.
“Then today,” Saoirse announced as he pulled on the latest of Vwosi fashion. “We stop mucking about the high society of the capital, and we spend day in ‘til day out doing whatever it is you want.”
Her eyes gleamed with childish excitement. Today was going to be amazing.
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  Legit question: Is it bad to have two chapters...
So long as the story is properly told, it doesn’t matter whose perspective it is.
You think so? It won’t be confusing or anything?
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spencecreates · 6 years
forlornraven replied to your post: Duck
Yes! What are the other bird associations?
Seres, God of Life: Pigeon
Meriam, Goddess of Love and Family: Cardinal
Reign, God of Intimacy and Healing: Starling
Modmir, God of Peace and War: Dove and Pigeon
Delihas, God of Light and Growth: Sparrow
Kydon, God of Art and Masculinity: Woodpecker
Kudar, God of Nature: Hummingbird
Amera, Goddess of Death, Famine and Plague: Owls
Aara, Goddess of Family and Home: Finches
Mapta, Goddess of Hunt and Femininity: Hawk
Lyola, God of Shadows and Darkness: Ravens or Crows 
The Leviathan, God of the Ocean: Flamingoes or Herons
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danafaithwriting · 6 years
What, precisely, is a vampire scientist?
Something of a hybrid between a (necro)biologist and an engineer. Historically no one has ever done research into what/why/how vampires work (or if they have, they are no longer around and never wrote down their research), so Connie is pretty much filling that gap. She was a human scientist before she turned and she had so many questions like ‘but why the sun?’ ‘but why can’t we enter a house?’ ‘but why immortal?’ and everyone was like ‘idk it just is’ and Connie was like.... no. unacceptable. 
At the same time, she kind of implements these discoveries in like, vampire hunting gear that Lenore and her crew use. For example, a vampire can’t enter a private residence without invitation. Connie figured out what like necrobiological process controls that and why it happens, and figured out a way to exploit that process in other ways, like making individual rooms private access. 
It was basically an excuse to create cool vampire spy gadgets 
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thelittlestspider · 6 years
which character do you relate to the most?
i guess maybe alec?? bc of the following reasons:
older sibling who lets myself get picked on by parents to diffuse conflict/take the heat off my younger sibling.persona put on to cover up shaky sense of selfsparkliglitterloves abba. and pop music in general.obsessed with the paranormaldramatic
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Random word : hope
Ahhhh thank you so much, love!!!
Oregon was right there below her, streaked with white clouds but still distinguishable as her home. She looked to the coast, clear of cloud cover, and wondered if Lydia had taken her kids to the beach today. All six of them would be out of school right now, and Lydia wasn't working anymore. A beach trip would be a nice getaway for them, a good chance to get out of Eugene for a bit, away from the rain. God, it had been months since Angie had last felt the rain. Years since she had been to the ocean.
But, still, she was floating as if swimming, her space suit like a pair of water wings. She smiled at the thought. Lydia’s youngest, Kristin, would still be wearing water wings. She was only two. Lydia probably wouldn't let her near the ocean.
Dear Lydia, she began in her head, tugging at the satellite’s motherboard and yanking it from its rivets. I thought about you and the kids today.
Maybe she could make something for the kids out of these old wires and circuits. She would love to bring them souvenirs from space when she got home. No doubt they would be asking for them. Only the oldest, John, seemed to understand that her trip wouldn’t exactly be taking her to exotic locales -- moon colonies or Mars research stations. She was still tethered to Earth, in a way.
But instead of focusing on that rabbit hole of philosophical thought, she returned to the letter, the one she wouldn’t write, let alone send. I hope you went to the coast, she continued, then shook her head, erasing it in her mind. I was thinking about the coast. It looked nice down there.
Even 76,000 miles above Earth’s surface, the only thing Angie could think to talk to her sister about was the goddamned weather. What else could she say?
Thanks!! Sorry the excerpt is so long.... again. kjas;lkfsjdfl XD
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Character Flaws Tag
Thank you for tagging me @alpinewriter !
I’m using my character, Keeva. She’s one of the main character’s sisters and she’s quite a piece of work.
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-martyr | shallow | sociopathic | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
Tagging: @forlornraven @corishadowfang and @omgbrekkerkaz 
Apologies if you’ve already done this tag!
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aschenink · 6 years
OC Tag Game :)
So I’m like, suuuper late but I was tagged by the lovely @an-author-in-progress, thanks hon! 💖
I’m gonna do the OC section for Jackal! 
List 5 basic facts about your OC: 
Young 20-something with basically no self-agency, who fucks up phenomenally the first time he ever tries to take control of his own life
Has dark, curly hair
Has gray eyes.  Because is it really a SFF novel if a character doesn’t have incredibly rare eyes?
Loves to tinker with scrap metals, and makes little statues and figurines with them
Can’t aim to literally save his life
If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why? Stopping time!  So he could, ya know, sleep forever and be as lazy as he likes.
Post a pic/gif that describes your OC
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there’s nothing wrong with your MC being an attractive version of Smeagol, don’t let society tell you otherwise
Summarize your WIP in 10 words or less: Death plays himself and everyone suffers for it.
Do you have any villains in your story? All of them.  They’re literally all villains in their own ways, and it’s glorious.
What’s easier for you to write, dialogue or description?  Depends!  Some days I’m in a dialogue mood, some days I’m in a description mood :P I’m hard to pin down
Do you have a favorite writing-related quote?  Stephen King’s “Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings” was the first writing quote I ever heard that I honestly agreed with, tbh. 
If you could assign your story one song, what would it be? This is such a hard question, it changes like every day omg.  Today it would be Three Days Grace’s Strange Days ... “Raise a glass to the end of it all/ Who’s to blame when it’s everyone’s fault?” 
Where do you get inspiration from? Haha... the shower. LOL. Hm, I take inspiration from everything.  I’m always looking at the world and turning it into words, trying to pull story ideas out of every song, trying to make strong emotions last, etc. 
Do you tend to overwrite or underwrite in your first draft? I usually overwrite, but not by much!  I’m verbose and write passive and all this shit that boosts my word count, but I also usually find that I need to add scenes/conversations/whatever, so the edited word count is still about 90% of the original count.
Tagging (feel free to ignore): @homesteadhorner @lady-redshield-writes @forlornraven @eternalwritingstudent and anyone else who’d like to join in!
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fatal-blow · 6 years
Random word : goblet
Oh MAN, I don’t even know?  I’m certain I’ve never used it in writing, but um.  Hm.
I’ve never really thought about/used goblets in any of my WIPs so I’ll drop a fact about Fergus’s favourite coffee mug: it’s one of those jumbo mugs and it says “World’s Best Mom” and it’s from Skylar!
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