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troubledontlast1 · 2 years ago
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Disappointments are opportunities to trust God. #godsplanforme The devil uses DISAPPOINTMENT to destroy your faith. God uses DISAPPOINTMENT to develop your faith. #godisatwork Our disappointments, our defeats, our times of disillusionment, do not separate us from Christ. They can actually draw us close to His heart. #godwillworkitout What if DISAPPOINTMENT is really the exact appointment your soul needs to radically encounter God? #godhasaplan DISAPPOINTMENTS are just God’s way of saying: I’ve got something better in store. #disappointments Many times, disappointments come in order to teach us more about the depths of God’s love. #trustinthelord God uses disappointments, delays, setbacks and detours to move us into our purpose. #godsplan Sometimes what we think is a DISAPPOINTMENT is God working behind the scenes protecting us from that situation. Trust and believe, He will always come through for you with another opportunity and catapult you with something more significant and fulfilling. #godsplansarebetter The delays, the detours, the disappointments didn't stop God's plan. #divineappointments Don’t allow DISAPPOINTMENT to steer you away from God. #godsplanisperfectis just leading you to your DIVINE APPOINTMENT. #divineappointment You are where God wants you to be at this very moment. Every experience is part of His divine plan. #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou How we process disappointment is a testament to our trust in Jesus. #allthingsworktogether 🔥YouTube & podcast,👉🏾"Uplift Past Crossroads"👈🏾🔥 FB/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins 🔥Follow👉🏾@troubledontlast 👈🏾IG/Twitter/Snap/TikTok🔥 Turn on Post Notification-Like-Comment-Share-Save ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ . . My other IG accounts: YouTube👉🏾@my_daily_bible @upliftwithdrj👈🏾 Podcast👉🏾@upliftpastcrossroads👈🏾 Fashion👉🏾@glamourmeetsgq👈🏾 . . 👤 Tag others ⬇️ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #trustgod #trustingod #trustinggod #trustgodsplan #trustgodsplans #trustingodsplan #trustinggodsplan #godisworking #godsplans #disappointment #allthingsworktogetherforgood #godworksinmysteriousways #godworkseverythingout #trustingodsplan #godsplannotmine #godhasabetterplan #godworksallthingsforgood #godspurposeformypain (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBQcykLu0H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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One of the worse tragedies in life is to spend your life copying somebody else's Kingdom assignment purpose, in your prideful belief, that you can outdo them better because they live a more modest or different life than you.
#MimickingSpirit #SpiritualCovetousness #SpiritualImmaturity #SpiritualJealousy #SpiritualMaturity #SpiritualPosession #SpiritualPurpose
God has a plan and purpose for everybody. Some are similar; none are exact. #KingdomDestiny #KingdomLiving #KingdomPlan #KingdomPurpose
For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb.
#Psalms139Vs13 AMP
It's spiritual pride and a one-sided competition to try to do better than somebody you claim to admire.
#Competition #Envy #Pride #Selfishness
When your purpose isn't to bring glory to God's Kingdom or to fellowship among the Body of Christ but to put out products as a distraction from your own choices, that's not Godly fruit.
#BodyOfChrist #ChristianFellowship #FruitOfTheSpirit
It's weeds and you wonder why you're choking.
#BadFruit #RottenFruit #SpiritualWeeds
“You’ll never find choice fruit hanging on a bad, unhealthy tree. And rotten fruit doesn’t hang on a good, healthy tree. Every tree will be revealed by the quality of fruit that it produces. You will never pick figs or grapes from thorn trees. People are known in this same way. Out of the virtue stored in their hearts, good and upright people will produce good fruit. Likewise, out of the evil hidden in their hearts, evil ones will produce what is evil. For the overflow of what has been stored in your heart will be seen by your fruit and will be heard in your words.
#Luke6Vs43‭Thru45 TPT
There should be no competition within the Body of Christ, especially among those who claim to love each other as brothers and sisters.
#SpiritualWarfare #PutOnTheFullArmorOfGod
🗣🙋🏾‍♀️👥 @stormyfaye
Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway
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life-888 · 3 years ago
God has no plans of moving on without you!!
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chrlsr911 · 3 years ago
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Day 24: “For I know the plans I have for you” Admit it, we usually love to make plans for ourselves, or even with our friends. And probably, the calendar reminder looks like, “Lunch with (inser name of your friend) on (date and time) at (insert place)” or something like that. However, we also admit that not all of our plans are coming true. Our lives here is uncertain, to the point that we’re worrying for our future. Some of us aren’t ready to accept this fact. The biblical definition of plan has something that we need to learn. God has a plan for all of us, and it is perfect. But, why we need to go through these situations? Nothing’s perfect in this world, and so are the situations. However, know that He doesn’t want us to be harmed, but know that He has a purpose for us to be taught about living a short life that we have in this world There are times that the Lord doesn’t want our plans to be pursued, because there’s a worst situation that will happen or already in the place, so that He will not let us be harmed. Or, He has a better plan than ours. This is my very lesson from past few months, and that is ask the Lord if it is His will to do this or not? Seek His answers as we pray faithfully. Surrender everything unto Him, and know that He has a greater purpose for us. I know it is too hard, but know that God is with us, and in every situation He is present. In all what we do, trust Him and He will do everything and provide everything according to His will. We cannot afford to do our will at all times. Don’t waste our short lives here on earth for nothing, do it for the glory of God and to even praise Him. God bless you more for reading this, and obey His will. Shine, Jesus, Shine! (Jeremiah 29:11) 16 days to go, we’re celebrating Yom Kippur 6 days to go, Rosh Hashanah is getting nearer. Date taken: May 28, 2019 Dotonbori Osaka, Japan #refresh #teshuvah #return #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou (at Osaka, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTRhaxUHcxE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hollarobrob-blog · 7 years ago
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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Imagine from bzioninspires.com #jerimiah2911 #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou #godsword #morninginspiration #inspiration #bible #hollarobrob #faith #prosper
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illustratedbytara · 5 years ago
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Do you know what’s mapped out ahead of you? Want to find out? . Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV) . 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. . Yes folks God has our lives planned and only He knows. So want to be on the same page as him? Just ask for guidance, just ask to your path. Sometimes times seem hard but God also said he allows things to test us to make us stronger, it’s all part of His bigger plan 🙌🏻 CAN I HEAR AN AMEN? 🙌🏻 . . . #watercolorgifts #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou #watercolorsketchbook #jeremiah2911 #christiangifts #christeningideas #godsgal #watercolourblogger #etsystore #watercolorists #christianartist #artworship #christianetsyshop #godhasaplanforyou #bibleartwork #womenoffaith #bibleversecalligraphy #nurserydecor #faithillustrated #aquarellegallery #lettering_daily #scribblinggrace #christiancreatives #watercolor_painting #illustratedfaithcommunity (at Barnsley) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4P5EbAJiio/?igshid=6v9pi1ze6f7f
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paraphraze615 · 5 years ago
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Sometimes, it can feel like we don't know what God is doing in our lives. Other times, we know exactly what He's doing... and we don't like it. Some of us don't like the idea of change even if it's for the better. Once you become accustomed to a very pattern, it's nerve wracking to break it. What we have to remember is that God wants better for us than what we want for ourselves. And we can rebel against Him all we want but at the end of the day, His will will be done. #Jeremiah1And5 #ScriptureOfTheDay #BibleScriptures #HolyBible #ForIKnowThePlansIHaveForYou #GodsPlan #GodsAssignmentForMe #GodsCalling #GodsCallingOnMyLife #TrustGod #BeStillAndKnowThatHeIsGod https://www.instagram.com/p/B4FQBDkgWLY/?igshid=ddcsgqfzdv6u
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anonymously-me · 5 years ago
Dear Lord,
I need you. I need help getting out of this dark season. I want to have what so many of my Christian friends have. The overwhelming sense of the Holy Spirit filled in their souls. I want to feel that so badly. I trust in you, believe in you, and see the good you do for me daily. I have all I need because you provide. But I can't hear you. Lord help me to hear what you are telling me. Help me down the right path. I lift my hands to you and pray for your voice to fill my ears. For the Holy Spirit to fill my soul. For my faith to burst with pride. Lord please help me. In your sons name I pray, Amen.
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troubledontlast1 · 1 year ago
So much of your future is sabotaged by living in the past. #livinginthepast
Keeping the past alive will make you unable to live. #thepastisthepast
The past will kill you if you don’t let it die. #thepast
Living in the past is killing your future. #past
Before you can step into the height and beauty of the future for all that God has in store for you in this life, you must break off any chains that may be holding you back. #brightfuture
When you let go of your past, you’ll find your future. #brightfutures
If you don’t leave your past in the past, it will destroy your future.
Live for what today has to offer, not what yesterday has taken away. #brightfutureahead
If you are feeling stuck and like you cannot move forward, then you have to assess whether you are focusing too much on the past and ignoring the potential of the future. #future
You can’t step into your purpose until you step out of your past. #yourpast
You must say goodbye to your past in order to be able to say hello to your future. #thefuture
Our future is amazing, and when we move on from our past we move toward our future. #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou
Let go of the past—it's the key to unlocking a brighter future. #stoplivinginthepast
You will miss your future by living in the past. #thepastisinthepast
Let your past go to let your future grow. #letthepastbethepast
In order to get on with our future and simply our lives, we must choose to make a clean break and leave the past behind. #letthepastgo
The past cannot breathe, talk, think, or do.
However, it is immensely powerful and can take over our future—if we let it. #thepastisgone
There is no future in living in the past. #nofuture
1. YouTube/podcast: Uplift Past Crossroads
2. FB/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins
3. 📸/X/👻/TikTok/Threads = @troubledontlast @my_daily_bible
4. Fashion = @glamourmeetsgq
5. Fan pages = @upliftwithdrj @upliftpastcrossroads
#dontliveinthepast #dontdwellonthepast #lettinggoofthepast #thepastdoesnotdefineyou #thepastisover #thepastisdead #thepastishistory #killthepast #letthepastdie #moveonfromthepast #letgoofpast #thepastisthepastforareason #yourpastisnotyourfuture
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theblackcatprints · 7 years ago
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Another modern calligraphy bible verse is here: For I know the plans I have for you, Jeremiah 29:11 available in SVG DXF PNG and EPS file formats. Grab it here: http://bit.ly/Jeremiah29-11SVG . . . #jeremiah2911 #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou #bibleverse #christian #scripture #svg #svgcutfiles #svgcuts #cricutexplore #cricutmade #cricutexpression #silhouettecameo #silhouetteamerica #moderncalligraphy #calligraphy #typography #theblackcatprints #biblestudy #heattransfer #vinyladdict #lettering #clipart #etsy #etsyfinds #quotes #sayings #crafts #scrapbooking
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lopojo · 7 years ago
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#itsnotoveruntilGodsaysitover #keepgoing #shinebright #doyourbest #Hesgotourbacksandthensome #leannotuntoyourownunderstanding #havefaithintheLord #Godhasaplan #sunday #forIknowtheplansihaveforyou #letgoandletGod (at Burbank, California)
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msroyalplanner · 7 years ago
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@Regranned from @thefunctionalhappyplanner - When you can’t just pick one daily devotional... you take them all! ❤️ #heartforgod #womanoffaith #his #devotional #godfirst #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou #blessedandhighlyfavored #blessed - #regrann
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jenise425 · 8 years ago
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Current mood. 😢 Wishing that I can change a situation, but knowing that God is in control, so I continue to pray for peace. 💔💔 #prayingformyboo #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou
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edensjasmine · 8 years ago
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It's going to break my heart to leave this city, to leave these people and to walk away from my first job out of college but no future was ever fulfilled by clinging to the past. #stepforward #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou (at Seattle, Washington)
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stay-optimistic-k-blog · 8 years ago
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LORD I hear you, I feel you, I see you moving and most of all I TRUST YOU 100%! I subtract myself from the equation so that you can be the SUM of EVERYTHING PRODUCED! I'm simply a vessel so please continue to FILL ME with PURPOSE and GUIDE me toward whatever you want me to pursue!!! LORD THANK YOU for the HONOR, GRACE and the AUTHORITY you've placed in each and everyone of us! We now understand that it's not about our plans it's all about YOUR PLAN FOR US!!!!!!!! I surrender to you and I will do whatever you ask of me! Amen......... #SomethingAboutTheNameJESUS #ItIsTheSweetestNameIKnow #HeHasAPlanForMeAndYou #ForIKnowThePlansIHaveForYou #FaithInHim #TrustInHim #BelieveInHim #MoveInHim #BeBlessed 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 #PraiseBreak #PrayerWorks
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plushism · 6 years ago
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🙏 #blessed sale to #missouri @redbubble https://www.redbubble.com/people/plushism/works/38268230-jeremiah-29-11 #thankgod #phonecase #phonecases #bibleverses #samsungs10e #bibleverse #faith #gospel #christianity #redbubble #giftsforher #giftsformom #giftsfordad #giftsforhim #jeremiah2911 #samsungphonecase #christiangifts #putgodfirst #christianclothing #christianphonecase #christianapparel #christiangift #jesusislord #foriknowtheplansihaveforyou #plushism (at Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0F_uqOHLYj/?igshid=a87t8racgmrw
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