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The only time Chaser and Choc get along :|
Chaser belongs to @underchaser and @cyaneworks
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Choc is very over protective of her older sister...she is also basically from hell...So don’t make her mad....and NEVER take her pocky’s...her brother Aaron learned that the hard way....
Chaser: @underchaser or @cyaneworks
Joyce: @joy-joyful
Choc: @undertalechocolatelol
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Joyce: I’m sick of you two fighting! You need to work things out! NOW!
Chaser: Y-yea, okay we will.
Choc: Fart nuggets...
Chaser belongs to @underchaser and @cyaneworks
Joyce belongs to @joy-joyful
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Forgotten Thieves (in progress)
The night was beautiful. A young girl, with bright green eyes was listening, filled with wonder, as her older sister Joyce, told her about the latest heist. The young girl's name was Charolette. Her older sister was the greatest thief of all time and Charolette wanted to be just like her. But, Joyce had other plans. She didn't want Charolette to have to resort to stealing. It was getting late, so Joyce put her sister to bed. Sadly, that night, someone broke in, and killed Charolette. Where she went, no one returned, as this was the place of forgotten AUs. But, although it felt like it took 7 seconds to get there, it took 7 years. So, the 11 year old turned 18, without knowing. Once Charolette finally got there, she saw so many monsters and some humans, most were crying or just staring into space. She noticed that everyone's eyes were grey. Although everyone there was grey, there was one monster that caught her eye. He was the only one with a colour other than grey, white, or black. He wore a navy blue sweat jacket with white stripes on each arm and a beanie. She saw she had colour too, accept it was just the overalls. Overalls? She had been wearing a green jumper a moment ago. Then again, she was older so that was the least if her worries. She also had stripes. She walked over to the skeleton, hoping to make a new friend.
"Hello sir, I'm Charolette. What's your name?" She asked.
"Look kid, I don't-" As the skeleton turned around, he saw her eyes. Still bright green. "Uh, your eyes."
Charolette didn't understand. What was it? She went to ask her sister but she was nowhere to be seen.
"Where-?" Charolette started to say, but was cut off by the skeleton.
"My name is Sans, Sans the skeleton. Now, I got two questions for ya. One, why do your eyes still have colour? Two, how the hell did you get here?" Charolette was caught off guard. She had never heard anyone say 'hell' before. She didn't even know it was a word. She shook her head. She didn't know what he was talking about. She needed help, but no one was giving it to her.
"I... well... um, I don't know why my eyes are still green... they have always been green but, um. I... I got here when..." Charolette then began gently rubbing her neck, remembering the pain she felt when she was grabbed. Whatever grabbed her had been behind her, once Charolette screamed, Joyce ran in, clearly terrified. But... she came too late. The being cut the girl's neck and dragged her into some black, empty void.
The skeleton saw Charolette holding her neck and asked her, "You were forced here, weren't you? Your universe wasn't destroyed?" She simply nodded in reply. She wasn't supposed to be here. She just wanted to go home.
H o m e.
As soon as she thought of those words, she gripped her head, covering her ears. The sound was yelling at her, the volume rising higher and higher.
"S-shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!! SHUT! UP!" Charolette screamed, hitting her head. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!"
"W-whoa kid! Are you okay?!" Sans asked, a slight shakiness in his voice. Charolette fell to her knees, crying and hitting her head.
"YOU'RE LYING! STOP IT! MAKE THEM STOP!!" She yelled, hot tears stinging her cheeks. Sans froze, realizing the last part was directed at him. Charolette needed his help, she was begging for him to make whatever was going on stop. What the skeleton didn't realize, the girl was in pain, the voice becoming too loud to stand. Then everything went black...
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