#forgotten cartoon- Frankenstein!modern!bendy
ITotP Short- Melted Beasts And Demons
A.N: Soooo seems like i've been pretty busy with stuff, im glad i had the time though to try and finish one of these shorts after i did the comic, also rip shawn cause of mercy killing oof- either way i think my writing style has improved a bit, what do you all think hm?  corr as always belongs to @core4lost also now i only have two shorts left to do i feel pretty happy to almost be done with these as i can work more on chapter 5 ---------- It was possibly early in the morning now in the abandoned Joey Drew's Studios As deep down in the inky abyss in a almost safe house like area way down in the studios, the retired animator named Henry yawned as he stretches a bit, he had just woken up from his recovery after that long and exhausting battle he had with the ink demon a day ago, he wondered if that attack killed the ink demon, he shouldn't get his hopes up, he sighed as he looked over at bendy and corr who were sleeping next to him as he softly smiled and rubbed in between bendy's horns as the hooded demon emitted a soft purr like sound and snuggled closer to his creator as he smirked a bit and rolled his eyes, he looked at the mirror as he could still feel the pain he had gotten from the ink demon, the two pierces in his body, the torn up face which was healed up now thanks to the ink in his toon form, but there was the idea of THAT raged like state he was in when he saw the ink demon was going to use the knife, he didin't know what came over him one moment he was a human then the next he was a 'toon' and NOW during that fight he became... something else, the retired animator sighed as he rubbed his head still feeling the bandages as he makes a scoff and gently got up not wanting to wake up both bendy and corr, he heads to the bathroom and begins unwrapping his bandage checking his head concussion, it reopened thanks to that fight he had with the ink demon as he sighed "should of known..." he said to himself as he rewrapped it with a new bandage, he doesn't want to risk getting more infected now thanks to the ink's curse, he makes a pondering thought as he wondered what else he could do in that toon like form.  Meanwhile The Ink Demon was trying to get used to his new body as he moved around using his new glowing 'eye' socket he got from the now decreased grant, he flexed his claws a bit as he grumbled and cracked his neck still feeling the bones aching but not sooo much "wEll tHaT's oNe GoOD tHing this nEw BodY haS..." he said as he now doesn't have to feel his bones aching and cracking so much as he stretched his back a bit his spine emitting a pop! sound as he grumbled rubbing where his wound on his head was "GoTtA aDmiT, ThAt oLD maN SUrE paCkeD a PuNCh" the ink demon said to himself as he grunted "bUt I'll GeT bAcK aT hIm, I alWaYS dO" he said as he makes a grunt like grumble as he sniffs in the air his glowing eye widening slightly as he snarls "ThAt ThiNg AgaIn?! I thOugHt I mAdE suRe To HaVe It STaY dEaD foR 2 dAys.. UrGH bLAstEd JoEy" he said as he growled, looks like he will have to again 'save' the old man and demon from that thing, he couldn't afford having that creature stop his plans, but still he needs to wait, his plan is working, not in the way he planned it to be but it was slowly working, he will just have to bide his time and stall it a bit more, he has to make sure that creature will stop interrupting his plans as he growled. Henry got back to his room to find bendy awake but not corr, he smiled tiredly at henry and waved "hey there bud, you okay?" the retired animator asked him as bendy nodded "i still feel my back burning... but it doesn't hurt as much anymore" he said as henry nodded "good, im glad" he said as he makes a low thoughtful sound "Wanna see if there's anything to do?" Henry said as the toon nodded making a yawn as he got up tucking corr in as the small demon slept soundly with a small smile as bendy smiled a bit "sleep tight little bro, ya need it..." he said as he went out the room with henry, they two bumped into lacie who was gathering stuff for shawn's condination as the infected toy maker's situation was getting worst every day "henry, I know you just woke up and all but shawn is getting worst by the minute, we need to get him some medications but we're almost out" she said as henry nodded "tell me and bendy where to go we can get it" he said as the toon nodded he didn't want anyone else to die by his or anyone else's hands. lacie gave the two a small map and told them where to go, the two headed out as they pulled out their weapons for safe keepings "you know you can transform right?" henry said as the toon nodded "yeah... i just don't want too.... i... i don't like turning into those forms.... even THAT one" the toon said talking about his unstable form as henry makes a sympathetic look and patted his shoulder "bendy you've been getting more and more control ever since you've been using it longer, but if that's how you feel then i won't pester you about it" he said as the toon smiled "thanks..." he said as henry smiled back "no problem bud, now come on, let's hurry and find that medication for Shawn" Henry said as the toon nodded and headed on more, as they walked they began to feel a familar feeling that they were being watched, "a bit too early to already feeling paranoid..." henry said as the toon nodded as he clutched his revolver closer to him as they walked on, unaware to them an familiar beast was watching them, the same creature that attacked them before and attacked them when it was in it's second form, thanks to joey's magic and it's own demonic powers it was able to be revived before the 2 days were up and it already became an new form, this was now it's third form and despite it not having anymore legs and just a melted malformed dragonoid like beast it was still powerful it will have to wait before ambushing henry and the toon by said spot as it lumbered off elsewhere.  Henry and bendy soon found the room they need to be but there was bad news, an old face was there "oh great... him again" henry said as the ink demon lumbered around trying to look for something, both the retired animator and toon hid as the ink demon walked out the room making an groan like sound as his glowing eye dimmed as it looks around snarling in annoyance a few times before walking off while opening up a ink portal and going into it. bendy and Henry wasted no time in rushing to the room and slamming it shut until they need to go out, they start to search cabinets, shelves, and even dressers but couldn't find the medication that Lacie was talking about, bendy noticed a safe "hey Henry!" he said as Henry looked over to see the toon shot off the lock with the revolver "was that really worth it?" he said as the toon gave a sly smirk "what?~ I'm a demon at heart causing a bit of trouble is in my blood hen!" he said as the retired animator makes a chuckle "alright alright see what's in there" he said as bendy looked through the safe finding again another orb as it floated around Henry as the retired animator makes a pondering look as the orb went into his 'tie' as it started glowing a dim blue, he makes a shrug and saw bendy pulling out a strange bottle that said "temporary Vaccine For Ink Corruption, Made By Joey Drew" he read It outloud "guess joey made something for himself if he ever did get a infection from the ink like that... anywho it's close enough! but we only have enough in this bottle for one person and that has to be Shawn" he said as Henry nodded "right, come on then bud, let's get going" he said as the two headed out the room unaware of the danger there about to face. the two marched on still feeling a bit wary of everything like something will jump out at them in the last moment but nothing had come out at them, it was strange, yet a bit wondering, where searchers and other ink based creatures still sleeping? henry shivered at the thought of some of those creatures act like reptiles as the two kept walking, meanwhile back in the safehouse shawn was coughing and wheezing as ink slowly starts to drip from his head as everyone was waiting for henry and bendy to come back, corr was hiding behind the couch as he peeks over making a whimper like sound as he wondered where the two were, shawn started hacking as his hands start to become inkifed as his mouth became almost crooked as he stumbles before falling down having a seziure as lacie and norman tried to stop him from letting the ink take over "fight it shawn come on! it's what grant would of wanted!" lacie said as the projectionst makes a concern screech and held down shawn with ease as his robotic hand was stronger than his other more inky but real hand. boris looked at the clock as allison makes a sigh "oh where are they....." the angel said as the wolf whimpered a bit "who knows...." he said sadly as they kept waiting. with the ink demon he was having not a grand old time trying to find this creature "EitHEr Im gOinG lITteRaLLy bLinD, oR He'S goTtEn bEtTEr AT hIding His auRa FrOm M E" the ink demon said snarling and roaring a bit as he punches the wall grunting as he felt the studio started to have a mini earthquake from that as bendy and henry stumbled a bit feeling the vibration as the two look around quickly as the creature took that as a time to ambush as it emerged right in front of the two roaring and swatting away henry and slamming bendy to the wall "GAK! HENRY!!" the toon cried out as he had dropped his revolver, henry got up and glared "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM!!" he said as the creature looks and laughs lifting up the toon and slamming him repeatedly on the wall as the toon had enough and transformed straight into his berserker form as he roared and lunged slashing and punching the creature as he makes a snarl and went all out on the berserk demon as henry watched slowly getting the realization that this was the same creature they saw before and after, it seems to have gotten stronger though, a lot stronger as the demon makes a painful snarl as his arm was leg was ripped off as he makes a groan as he hovered in the air before being grabbed tightly as he snarls out in pain. Henry glaring and pulling out his weapon and started firing away the bullets barley making the creature flinch as it growled as bendy struggles to get himself free as he makes various clicking nosies in a cry for help as the ink demon's horns twitched hearing the clicking noises in the ink as he makes a alerted snarl and starts to follow it.  back in the safehouse corr's horns perked a bit also hearing the clicking noises as he looks around making sure he wasn't being watched as he slowly makes his way out the safe house before running as fast as he could as he hears the clicking noises getting louder and louder as he turns the corner before his pie-cut eyes widen he saw henry and bendy were very hurt by this awful creature as it makes a howl of laughter as it squeezed the demon tighter as he then huffs and throws the berserk demon through a weak wall as the berserker demon fell through the wall as he makes a echoing roar as henry's eyes widen "BENDY!, N O!!!!" he said as the retired animator instantly turns into his toon form as he tries to get to bendy who was still falling as he was again swatted by the creature as he growls as his arms to axes as he makes a glare "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR DOING THAT TO HIM! DO YOU HEAR ME?! P A Y!" he said as the creature howled with laughter as Henry ran at the creature in pure anger as corr hid in fear from seeing Henry angry and seeing bendy being thrown away. the wounded berserk demon makes a low growl as he wakes up slowly as he looks around inspecting himself as he saw how wounded he was, he had multiple gashes around his body his shirt almost ripped off completely, his jeans were more torn and ripped as he saw his arm, legs and part of his tail were ripped and destroyed as he inspects his face he had a axe head stuck into the eye socket as he growls and notices he was impaled on a sharp spear like pipe as he emits a low grunt and first got the axe head out emitting a loud snarl as he worked on yanking the spear out of his ribcage he did this several times before finally yanking it out as he roars in pain and uses his good arm to held his side as it was oozing ink he had to fix himself, and fast as he starts to crawl looking around his surroundings as he seem to be in some sort of junkyard like area as he makes a low grunt as he looks at the litter bodies of failed corpses of clones, ink and other sort of objects and creatures, the wounded demon found himself a arm, a boris arm as he stares at the clawed bandaged arm and hand as he snorts and picked it up putting it on where his right arm would be as he slowly adapts to the new limb as he searches around for a leg as he found a failed bendy leg as he snorts and uses it to replace the one he lost, he found his foot was the only thing destroyed from his good leg as he grunts and finds a shoed foot as he grunts and wipes off the ink from it seeing that it was a brown ripped tap shoe just his size as he inserted the new foot into the one where he lost his foot as he stands up struggling to stay balance as he eventually did as he looks around seeing his severe his body was as he saw his wings and spines were gone the impact of the fall and the damage.  he Took must of made them ripped apart he did'int care he needed to save Henry and the others he had too he found a belt shoulder and putted it on him as he growled and looked around before noticing a old lost one just sitting in the corner it had a eye just for him as the berserk demon limped his way over as he grabs the lost one as it weakly struggled with him as he pulls out the eye and stumbled about before placing it inside the empty socket as he then starts to snarl out as he stumbles his seals slightly glowing as he almost forgot about them as he roars out in pain as he starts to transform again not to his unstable form but to what he gathered from the limbs he starts to gain a new form his height increasing to about 13 feet tall as he snarls his trademark smile was replaced with a fanged grin for good as he grunts and looks around seeing his changes as he tilts his head, his horns perked when he hears the sounds of a fight happening above as he glares no time for him to get used to this new form he had to save Henry and the others before it was too late for them. Henry gets slammed right back to the ground as he got back up holding his arm as the toon turned animator was already getting tired despite even using his own monstrous version he still was getting overpowered by that creature it seems almost nothing would stop it, just then as the creature was going to grab henry and finish him off a loud snarl was heard as something cutted off the creature's arm as it makes a loud roar as henry was picked up and placed back onto the ground as the now retired animator looked up to see "bendy?!?!?!" he said as the frankenstein like demon nods slowly as he turns around growling lowly at the creature who stared in shock that the demon was still alive, none the less it growled and tried convincing bendy to join him as he sees how different the demon was now when suddenly the demon roars in anger shouting at him "N O! ! ! ! !" he said as he attacks the creature as the creature roars in surprise as it was quickly getting overpowered as both corr and henry watched in wonder as how adapted bendy seem to be in that new form already as the creature snarls in pain and agony from each blow but eventually the creature overpowers the demon as he growls and as the fight went on he had to use up all his energy as he reverted back to his toon form panting as all three looked up to see the creature glaring down at them with a low growl.  as the creature raises it’s claws to finish them off when suddenly a piercing pain rang out through the creature as it roars loudly as it looks to see that it's chest has been impaled it looked behind to see alpha who was also melted but also very big as he grinned and laughed madly as he drags the creature into the inky river it claws at the ground begging for their help as the three only stared as the creature snarls and gets dragged off into the inky river as they all watched. henry looked at bendy who was tired and then looked at corr who hugged bendy "i though you died!" he said as the toon grinned weakly and patted corr's head "hey now, it'll take more than that thing to keep me down, im a tough ol demon" he said as he struggled with getting up a bit as the three started to head their way back, along the way henry stopped as he felt something was up "hold on......" his eyes widen "GET DOWN!!" the three ducked as something lurched above them and misses as it fell to the floor, henry was the first to see it as his eyes widen "oh god no....." corr looked up and gasped as he covers his mouth, bendy stares in shock "s....shawn.... oh god why..." he said as the malformed now inky shawn who was a melted bendy with a crooked smile as the malformed melted bendy makes a low gurgle like roar and lunges as corr dodges and henry drops his axe as he was pinned to the ground as he struggles "c-come on shawn! fight it please! please!" he said as the malformed melted bendy makes a loud roar as it kept trying to get at henry as he struggles as suddenly the malformed melted bendy lets out a snarl in pain as it was hitted by the axe as it fell to it's side as bendy kept smashing the malformed shawn with the axe ignoring the cries of pain the malformed shawn was giving as bendy held back his tears as he kept hitting and hitting until he felt henry grab a hold of him "calm down bud! calm down it's over!" he said as bendy shakes and drops the axe before sobbing and hugging henry as henry comforted him "shhhh... it's okay... it's alright" he said as he stares at the corpse now of shawn in pity "he needs proper burial.." he said as the toon nodded as corr came out of hiding helding back tears as they stared at the dead body of the malformed melted bendy that was shawn as henry picked him up gently and began walking. when they made it back to the safehouse they saw that they already knew, there was nothing to say as they watched henry dig up a grave and placed shawn into it "im sorry this happened to you shawn... you did'int deserve this..." he said as he sighs and closed the grave as they stood in silence bendy was the one that was quiet the most he seemed to be thinking as he walks off, corr was about to go to him but he gets stopped by henry "no corr... he needs time to think" he said as the small demon nods a bit sad now but he understands that the demon needs his space. bendy sat in his room just staring of looking at himself in the mirror as he closed his eyes as all he could see was the begging face of the malformed shawn crying for help as the demon letted his tears shed "...god..... why....just why..." he said as he burries his face in his knees as he tries going to sleep.
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“i-i- n-n-never a-asked f-for t-t-this c-curse! i-i-i d-d-din’t m-m-mean t-t-to h-hurt a-any-one i-i- j-j-just w-wanted t-to- i-i-m s-s-sorry! i-i-m s-s-so sorry! i-im-” ---- [Title: (Inky Terrors AU) Monsters Inside Of Me] sooo here’s an bit of angst and info now ((yes i put my main blog’s name in the drawing for an good reason)) you see in order for modern to transform whenever out or of at will he needs ink, the more ink he has the more chances he has to transform  into his more stronger forms. but he fears that he slowly loses more of himself the more he transforms, it doesn’t help that he’s not an actual toon demon, he’s an real man made demon with the soul of an hellhound, as he ages like i said so does the hellhound soul, cause of this bendy is able to feel emotions, and gain an crush on alice, but there is another form that not even he or the others know about, his seventh form, despite alpha knowing about the being he too does not know what the form even is he just knows the creature because he’s only seen the spirit form of it, this form is twice as large as his true form almost bigger than anything, in order for him to gain this form however he needs an corrupted soul to be merged into his ‘toon’ and ‘tainted’ soul (tainted meaning alpha’s soul) but however it also brings zetocarnious an few more steps closer to being awakened. and again in order for bendy to achieve and gain this form he needs to be angry.... VERY very angry and he also needs souls like i said but also INK... lots of it and due to the only place having lots of ink like that was the studio but hey due to current events in this AU now it is bound for him to obtain this form eventually it is only an matter of time
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