#forgot to post this here yesterday hihi
bicayaya · 25 days
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foxgloveinspace · 8 months
hello hello!
been a minute since i popped in here (i think? maybe not that long since my tron thoughts lmao but it feels like a month cuz ✨stress✨)
how’ve you been? i’ve been… surviving 😅
sleep token presale was possibly one of the most stressful days of my life. but i secured a ticket! and it’s pit! i get to try to look at iii again and redeem myself from my first ritual lmao
i’ve also been mad stressed about school, i have a debate on tuesday and lowkey forgot how triggering public speaking is?? so that’s fun. think i’ve got it together and can get it done so that’s okay i guess lol
but! (i’m assuming it’s from the mild stress relief i got yesterday lol) i had another sleep token dream! i cannot remember much of it, and i do not know what the context was but vessel unmasked? he looked different than my fun cult dream, but still 😮‍💨 the funny thing is that dream me was still focused on his mouth even though i already knew what that looked like lmao. apparently i just like mouths😂🙈
but yeah. kinda glad to have them back in my unconscious mind, it feels dumb but it’s lowkey comforting lol
hope you have a good day!
hihi Exie! it does feel like its been awhile, haha.
I too am surviving at the moment, I had a painful day yesterday, and my anxiety has been through the roof, oof. But I get to relax today, hopefully. I need to relax today, so maybe the tension headache will go away, and I won't get a migraine again.
I'm super excited for you!! about tickets!! I'm honestly a bit ok with not even trying to get any this time. I hope there will be a next time, and I'll have the money to go, but dang. It seems like it was a bloodbath for tickets in the US. I think there might still be St. Louis tickets?? but I'm not even gonna look, oof.
I saw your post yesterday about college stress, dang that sucks, and I wish you didn't have to go through it, goodness knows I hated just the little speaking things I had to do for my high school classes. Give yourself a little, like.... reward for doing it. Not even doing it 'well' just have a little something to look forward to after haha. You deserve it.
I haven't had a sleep token dream in a while either, i told you of the last one, but honestly? I think I like the casual ones better than the ones with huge plots haha. No stress, just chill. Glad you got to have one! Also, mood, i too would probably be focused on his mouth 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣.
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rinharu-purple · 4 years
Twitch Session with Joe Zieja
...was fantastic and I loved every single moment of it!
For the ones who missed this spectacle, here are couple of my notes and one of the vids I took with miserable quality (sorry, I couldn’t do any better)
Joe told us that he originally went to audition for Lucien and Gavin. HE was so nice to dig up his audition tapes for us and played them online!
Here is the Gavin one :
Even Joe admits that he sounds like Kiro in this one, so cheery and happy ^_^ But Gavin was very serious at the beginning, so it doesn’t fit at all!
His tape for Lucien on the other hand WAS very Gavin-like! No wonder he then got the job :)
And then he started to try to play the game and boy he was so overwhelmed and confused haha! He was bombed by all the random company names. Don’t believe me? Here is the video Joe took and posted on twitter.
The first two stages of CH1 has gone missing, so he started by the Victor and Kiro scenes and get this...Even though he probably doesn’t remember his own line, as Victor saved MC from the car, he instinctively said something like “Mr. Diskin?! I thought I would be the one saving with the wind and such” 
Remember the line “Victor? I never thought he would save you like that”. Yeah :)
He really had a hard time to understand the concept of Evol and didn’t even know the other guys also had Evols. Goddemmit Joe haven’t you ever checked the posters of the game or sth?
He was like :”Is Kiro’s Evol love? Like, he looks in the eyes of people and command -love me!-?” Hilarious.
When Lucien’s moment came he was really surprised by Bill's  “Lucien voice”. But then saw the blackboard scene and said MC should get out because Joe also found the scene quite disturbing.
But let’s be honest, it IS a creepy scene. # creeplucien (no worries a Lucien appreciation post is on the way)
Interestingly, he was quite nonchalant, when Gavin’s scene in CH1 popped up. He didn’t comment much on it.
Unfortunately before cH1 was finished he was hit by the true MLQC experience by a neverending, ever freezing game update hahahahah :D He restarted it twice or thrice, but to no avail.
While waiting for the update to “not” run, Joe played a fun game with us, in which he came up with spontaneous pick-up lines to viewers’ scenarios and hell they were some extraordinary ones like “You sneeze into her face and because of you Evol, MCs skirt is flown away, how do you make up for that?”. His answer was...
Don’t say “bless you”. I already am ;)
Another scene was about being attacked by ducks, I believe, and he dropped a dad joke here by:
I won’t back down (you know, as in duck’s feathers)
I don’t know what the other ones were, but his answers were:
With me, you don’t need a second take (he said it is a rather insider joke for the VAs)
The funniest one was when someone asked about a scene where a masked “childe” kept throwing logs into the fire, but Joe didn’t know the word, so he tried to come up with something in a scenario in which a masked “child” kept throwing logs into the fire. He was sooooo lost at that moment :D
But he tried hihi ^_^
There was a very sexy cop reference at some point and it actually came from a viewer. Unfortunately I forgot how it went, sorry :/
At the end he made a quick Q&A session and to my luck, he answered my question!!! 
I asked him, if he checks the Chinese dub beforehand or if he checked any of the coming ASMRs, because...in case you don’t know...I live for that sh*t.
It turns out, he doesn’t. He only checks them in terms of synchronization:
Fun fact: His director’s name is Stephanie Amber...That can’t be coincidence :)
Fun fact: This stream is the most watched one on his Twitch channel hitherto.
At the end we all raided Sean’s twitch and bombarded it with “Let Kiro eat chips” comments. I tell you that... he wasn’t expecting it...AT ALL!!! But was very delighted by it and he even showed us his cat whose name is PANDA?! God so many parallels, I can’t even :D
All in all it was a great experience with Joe and the fellow Gavin-stans and it made me appreciate once again, how blessed we are as Gavin-stans. I mean, even our VA takes the time to talk to us and play the game with us. How great is that? I hope from the bottom of my heart that he does it again.
Btw. Joe mentioned that Bill also talks about Lucien from time to time, so I guess I will look more into that.
Anyway dear fellow producers. These were my notes from yesterdays’ event. I am pretty sure that I forgot many lines, jokes, moments etc. But I hope  you could at least get a sense of it by reading this.
Don’t be sad if you’ve missed it. Joe is going to publish the whole thing on his youtube channel soon and it is already available on his Twitch channel, so that everyone can catch up :)
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xianetist · 4 years
I forgot to post this yesterday huhuhu. But here is my entry
What makes me happy?
Smiles. That makes me happy. I am this kind of person who does not talk too much so when I am with my family or circle of friends I only listen and talk sometimes if it is really necessary. Seeing their smiles is making my heart swell out of happiness. Another thing that makes me smile is a clean bedroom. A clean bedroom gives this feeling of calmness and I feel like my life is perfect and that I can conquer all the challenges in school, home or personal when my bedroom is clean hihi.
Who are the people closest to you? How do you often talk to them?Why do you consider them your closets relationship?
I consider my family as the closest people to me because they are the people whom I spend most of my time and they are the people who can make me comfortable and safe and I talk to them always hihi of course Other than them, I have my Girl Friends namely Marie, Marianne, Vanessa and Catherine also. I talk to them everytime because I like to bother them at all times Hahahah. Talking to them is my way to forget about all the stress and to kulit them hahaha I send funny videos of me and send funny tiktok vids in case if they are feeling down. I consider them as my closest relationship because they are with me during my down moment even though they didn't know when is that, they helped me so much and they inspire me everyday❤️
Have a great day people. Study well and goodluck on tomorrows exam❤️💙💚
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trixyvalmoria-blog · 4 years
February 3,2021
Hey day 7! To be honest this is a late post for my journal because I totally forgot to do it last night because I have a lot of things to do activities and on. So here's what happen yesterday. Nothing special I mean except for waking up in the morning first things first the most special hihi but the whole day is justthe same routine tho. But my friend came over here and we got a little time to talk ang laugh for trips but she go home early. So yeah that's happen to me yesterday.
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annajeanf · 4 years
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So it was National Lipstick Day yesterday and I forgot to post this. 🤦‍♀️❣️ So here's my pahabol entry. Thanks to my bestfriend @carlos.laron for without him I wouldn't have a Mac collection. He never forgets to bring 💄as pasalubong whenever he comes back from 🇨🇦. Hihi lovelove! 💕 #nationallipstickday #Mac #lippie #makeupaddict https://www.instagram.com/p/CDRA7jjphJu/?igshid=9dm01kjv03k3
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nalahrica · 6 years
You know how I love writing especially if it's for you. So here it goes...
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Happy 2nd Monthsary, Min. I know I may be short-tempered and irritable most of the times but please know that no amount of anger can make my love for you fade. I just distance myself to cool my head because unpleasant words might come out of my mouth and I might regret it for the rest of my life. We have been through various challenges and we are more than blessed because we settle it right before the day ends. I'm so thankful God is the center of our relationship and He will continue to do so. I will try my best to lengthen my patience, Min. I will avoid being upset over petty things. I will love you more than I did yesterday. Thank you so much for everything, Min. To making months to years to lifetime with you, Min. I love you so much! 😘💞😍💏
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PS I was gonna post this on our monthsary (Jan. 7) but we had so much fun that I forgot. Hihi.😅
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taesthetes · 7 years
hi petal, vn army anon here. ah I hope ur exams will go well! omg did smth happen or was it just a false alarm?? I hope u all were safe! I'm not sick anymore but exams are starting again and I'm getting stressed over them already:| we went to see some monuments to learn abt them for the graduation exams but the teachers barely said any info tbh so it was more like going for a walk&then for food&shopping. oh u have a pretty busy schedule I see! my posters arrived btw, I was only worried, they–
–usually come a week after the albums. have u bought any album yet? and I got JK, V&RM 2x hihi. that’d be awesome if we traded, I’d exchange tae with u^^ ooh nice actually I own carry on by rainbow rowell as well&I read eleanor&park! but I haven’t heard abt the rest two so I’ll check them out! hm, that’s weird u didn’t get the playlist, I remember sending it to u but it’s ok, I’ll send it again:) ooh wow that looks rly great! :O I like the symmetry&the shading looks good! same tbh, I also like–
–anything that bts releases. aah all those songs are great too! ik I forgot abt some 😄 and yees RM’s & MYG’s mixtape are so good! I’m sure ur doing great with playing the piano, I admire hardworking ppl w patience, I’m the opposite tbh😅 I finished & published my work yesterday so gimme some time to sort some things out & you’ll be able to see my works soon :) sadly halloween isn’t a common holiday over here so I can’t experience all the spooky trick or treat :(–
–same goes for thanksgiving so I’d say my favorite holiday would be christmas because it’s the most wonderful time of the year❄️ oh I’m sure u did well on ur midterms! fighting!^^~ my weekend was good as I could finally finish my gfx set so I’m glad I don’t have to put so much of my time into it :D have a lovely day/night, petal 🌸✨
hello, raindrop!! i missed talking to you! how have you been? has anything exciting happened? i hope you’re doing alright! my midterms went well; i got a 97% on one and a 94% on the other!! ah, we think one of the wires in the microwave caught on something, which started all the smoke? no one was hurt, and we’re all safe! ahhh, it’s good that you’re not sick anymore, but i completely feel with the exams– my second round of midterms is already coming up next week D: oooh, i see; well at least you got good food!!
and omg that’s great!! did you hang up your posters already? :D and i did! i bought the v version in honor of tae 💕 omg you got tae i’m so jealous!! i actually got namjoon and he looked so cute i had to put him up on my corkboard asap. my order also came with some extra random cards, and i got a taekook one and two ot7 cards, so i’m happy there’s a tae one in there :D but also, i feel like this is a sign i should start stanning namjoon now because i also got him in my wings album ahah
i haven’t read eleanor & park yet, but i’m excited to! did you like it? i really enjoyed the book, fangirl, by her, so i can’t wait to read this one. lang leav and rupi kaur write poetry / short excerpts, so if you enjoy reading that type of book,  then you should definitely give them a try! ahhh i didn’t get the playlist again ): i think tumblr doesn’t let you send in a link unless you put ( ) around the . in the url? like taesthetes(.)tumblr(.)com i think? and alskjfhas thank you!! i finished painting the paper airplanes one and turned it in today actually :D we’ll be starting on colored still life’s next class!
yes!!! anything bts releases is pure art. it’s honestly way too difficult trying to pick out a favorite bts song :’) yes!!! i love their mixtapes so much; i listen to them when i go gymming often. and i can’t wait for hixtape! qweruiqw thank you!!! but i’m also a very impatient person who procrastinates a lot 😅 i think i just work well under pressure? i get a lot more done when i’m rushing to meet a deadline. omgomgomgog i’m so excited to see you pretty graphics and posts!! i can’t wait to see them all 💘😻
aww, no halloween? ): if you ever visit here during the halloween season, i’ll make sure you get the full fun and scary experience!!! and same for thanksgiving! if you come visit during then, you can join our thanksgiving feast!!! omg i love christmas as well! especially since there’s a long holiday break from school then, plus the yummy foods and decorations and music! and thank you!!! i managed to do well on my midterms, so i’m very very happy. and that’s fantastic to hear!!! i’m 100% positive your gfx set looks gorgeous! i hope you have a wonderful day and night as well, raindrop 💙
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