#forgot to add tags cause its fuckin 5am
Magnus Moment(tm)
Welcome to lore tidbits I find interesting.
I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before, but for today's entry, it's Magnus tanking an entire Baneblade shot.
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So Magnus had been walking around for 13 years occasionally getting hurt in battle, purely because he wanted to. This is kind of hilarious, but also the very idea of Magnus never truly getting hurt on a battlefield until a Baneblade just BLASTS him point blank is insane.
Also him being like "damn. This is what my Sons feel?? Wow. What a coward I've been, hiding from this". I can kinda get it. But also, considering how much Magnus wants to protect his Sons from shit (scenic him removing all memory of Morningstar from them, never telling them of the Tzeentch pact til it was too late, etc.), bro not immediately jumping to "damn I really need to give them more advance shielding techniques, this sucks" is weird. He does seem to be uber protective to a degree, but not here.
Also also I wouldn't call it cowardly to try and keep yourself from taking damage and Not Dying and then suddenly you tank something that would reasonably delete someone manually to give perspective to how little you've been injured, I'd call that proof of concept of how great your wards have worked.
Also also also, immortal dad dispelled(tm).
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This is also interesting considering how later on Magnus wields so much power that he literally winds up conking out for almost three days. If they were confused about him getting hurt then, HOO BOY.
Once I get to that point I'll probs make another post, cause it's got some good feels with Perturabo and Magnus attached.
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