#forgot there is a ball in the rooms hehe awesome
realboutfatalfury · 2 years
xrd players are soooo mean to me <- guy who can't use ethernet at the moment
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rosies-pastimes · 3 years
ooh cookie run kingdom! I would love to play it but I don't really have the time :( I shall live through hearing your thoughts then heh
good luck with your modules ;-; ahh take your time! the teapot will always be there :)
well it's more like I used a third party application to get it on my laptop, so strictly speaking? no... (also very sad news but I have to play all over again because I erased my disk and forgot that my transfer code would be deleted so I can't log in to my old account 😭 still using the same name though, and I'll add you again if that's okay? I got it on my phone now since I can't get it on my laptop anymore)
aha that would've been really cool! more ideas haha and yes we see you lucy
mhm mhm! like thank you for the gems but I don't need them right now :(
I don't think I know what you're talking about and I don't know if I should be scared ;-;
sdfghgfd especially the golden newt syrup part ahh I get you it feels a little scandalous to me
ah, true... ehe yes strong independent woman hmph
yayy ~ I feel so sorry for keqing I don't have anything for her T-T yes he is!
okie I will!!
ahaha mm even in the manga is eyes stand out :D glowy things I see I see
*holds you tight* there there
a kenma lamp!! :O haikyuu stickers ~ whoa that's so cool!! crocheting a whole top and a hoodie?? amazing! awesome! aww cat ears ~
I can see why! and yeah they usually tend to be more special no?
++ your new themeee I love the purple!
- 🎮
IT IS SUPERDUPER FUN I LOVE IT SM!! my faves that i have rn is clover, raspberry and cherry cookie, CHERRY THROWS CHERRY BOMBS ISNT THAT GREAT AKZNJS aaand the ones i want are herb and sea fairy (SHE LOOKS LIKE A MERMAID OKAY) :))
we got the ones for this week on tuesday and i'll be getting started on them in the morning hehe
AND MY TEAPOT IS KINDA STARTING TO LOOK HALF-DECENT!! i had to mass produce fences though so the sides could be closed off, im not sure why im doing that-
awww :(( THATS HORRIBLE AND IDK WHAT TO SAY but oN tHe bRiGhT siDe atleast you can fall in love with all your faves all over again! the progress though :(( yes, yes add me again :))
seriously though lucy 😤 just say you love mc and move on ✋🙄
we can all live happier lives not knowing what im talking about bestie shh ➖👄➖ dont worry about it, it'll come when it comes ➖👄➖
i dont need a man ✋🙄 unless he's 2d i might jog a little-
kequing is still happy to be in your presence 😌 she told me so herself just give her the golden shrimp balls and she'll be fine 😌 is that the right dish omg kansjs HAHAHA
*hides behind you*
my mom kept peeking into my room at night because i kept the lamp on all night even though she told me not too ☺️ HAHAHAHA I WAS SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF WHEN I FIRST USED IT! i have one of the stickers on the back of my phone case and in my wallet 😌 thank you 👉👈 i cant wait to wear the hoodie in the outside world 🥲
trueeeee!! haikyuu was the catalyst in ny decision that my sports animes were my free therapy 😌
thank you, thank you, i saw a purple pic while scrolling through pinterest and decided i wanted a purple theme ksjdjs
and i gotta ask: do you prefer shoujo animes / manga? or shounen?
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Kingdom High Chapter 4
Warnings: same as the other ones
Rating: SFW
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In the Music Room of the school, Peter Piper was teaching the students how to play music. 
“Excuse me, Professor Piper, can you show us that melody again?” Kitty Cheshire asked as she raised her hand. 
“Ah, of course, my dear!” Peter Piper said. 
“Oh boy,” Hana muttered. 
“Kitty! You know what happens when—” Raven said. The Pied Piper blew his instrument and rats fell from the sky.
“Oh, rats. I forgot!” Kitty said sarcastically. She smiled and disappeared. 
“Raven Queen, please report to Baba Yaga's office,” the announcer said. 
“Me?” Raven asked.
“Yes, you.” Raven eyed the speaker annoyingly.
“Good luck,” Hana said. 
“Thanks, Hana,” Raven said. 
~Le Time Skip~
Raven walked in Baba Yaga's office.
“Um, Madam Yaga, is everything...” Raven said. Raven found several students sitting together, along with the Headmaster, including Yui.
“Ooookaay?” Raven asked. 
“Raven, take a seat. As a faculty advisor, it's my job to meet with the... um...” Baba Yaga said. 
“Troubled students,” Grimm said.
“What? I'm not troubled!” Raven said. 
“We're here to get you back on the right path... hehe, the wrong path. I'll let your friends explain,” Baba said.
“Raven, I adore you! But, like, the other day you spilled that everlasting black ink all over my new ball gown,” Apple said. 
“That was an accident. I felt really bad and I said I was sorry like a hundred times!” Raven said. 
“You're not supposed to apologize! You're evil!”
“Ugh, but what if I don't want to―” Grimm held out a finger.
“Raven. You're here to listen,” he said. Raven folded her arms angrily and sat down. Briar was texting on her phone.
“Briar, would you like to go next?” Baba asked.
“Everyone!” Briar said as she stood up.
“I set up a bungee jumping platform on the east turret―” she said. 
“Briar, hocus focus! Maddie?” Baba said.
“I think Raven is wicked awesome just the way she is,” Maddie said. Yui and Earl Grey nodded in agreement. 
“And you didn't tell me we were here to behassle her. You said we were gonna have a tea party!” Maddie said. 
“Yes, I lied,” Grimm said. He looked at Yui.
“Yui, it’s your turn,” he said. 
“I agree with Maddie. I think Raven should choose her own destiny. I mean, we’re in a society that allows people to do whatever they want without being discriminated,” Yui said. 
“Thanks, Yui,” Raven said. 
“Okay. We haven’t heard from Lizzie Hearts,” Grimm said. Lizzie was playing with her card deck. She took out a Queen card from the deck.
“Off with her head!” she said as she sliced the Queen card drawing's head off. Afterwards, the students started bickering, making Raven agitated. 
“Everyone, STOP!” she said. She lashed out her magic by accident, turning the Headmaster into a chicken.
“Now that's what we're looking for from an Evil Queen!” Grimm said. Raven sighed and walked out the door. Yui got up and followed her.
“ I think we made real progress here! But... how do I change back?” Grimm said. He scampered after Raven and Yui.
“I don't want to be a chicken man!” he said. 
Yui was walking with Xemnas in the castle. The two of them had recently returned from a mission from Wonderland and was now going to relax in the castle. 
“Hey, superior! There’s a girl in the Gray Area and I don’t know what to do,” Xigbar said.
“Huh? A girl? Thank you, Xigbar. We’ll check it out,” Xemnas said. Yui and Xemnas walked into the Gray Area to see a girl, crying and covered in dirt. 
“She won’t let anyone near her. I think someone has been hurting her,” Vexen said. 
“Can I try?” Yui asked. 
“If you want. Just be careful, okay?” Xemnas said. Yui walked over to the girl and sat in front of her.
“Hi, my name’s Yui. What’s yours?” she said. 
“H-Hana,” the girl said. Xemnas looked at the girl, surprised. The daughter of his somebody was in his castle?! Xemnas carefully walked over to Hana and Yui and knelt down. 
“Would you like us to help wash all this dirt off?” he asked. 
“You won’t hurt me, r-right?” Hana asked. 
“No way. This place is way too kind for something like that,” Yui said. Hana smiled a bit and wiped away her tears.
“Here. Come with me. We’ll get you a nice warm bath, some clean clothes and I bet you’ll want something to eat,” Xemnas said as he helped Hana up. Hana took his hand and followed him into the bathroom. After her bath, Xemnas handed her some warm, clean clothes and gave her some food. Yui got some food as well and sat down next to Hana. 
“Hi, again,” Yui said. 
“Hi,” Hana said. 
“So, would you like to tell me about yourself?” 
“Yui!” Xemnas scolded.
“No, it’s okay. I can tell you about myself,” Hana said. Xemnas calmed down and sat down at the table. 
“Um, so I-I’m Xehanort’s daughter and I ran away because I didn’t want to follow in his footsteps. I’ve heard about what he’s done and it makes me scared of what might happen to me,” Hana said.
“Well, you’re in a safe place now. We will do everything we can to make sure that you feel safe,” Xemnas said.
“Thank you for your kindness.” 
“You’re welcome. Yui, would you introduce Hana to your cousins?” 
“Sure! Follow me,” Yui said. 
“You have cousins?” Hana asked as she followed Yui.
“Mhm! Their more like friends than cousins, but my dad considers them family,” Yui said. The two girls walked into a large playroom where Yui’s cousins were hanging out.
“Hey, Yui. Who’s this?” Annna said. 
“This is Hana. Hana these are my cousins,” Yui said. Yui introduced Hana to each of her cousins. 
“Nice to meet you guys,” Hana said. 
“Nice to meet you too. Hey, wanna come play with us? I’m so close to beating Elena’s record on Just Dance,” Mizuki said. 
“Sure!” Hana and the others played together for the rest of the day. Maybe living here won’t be so bad. Just maybe.
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jokerfan99 · 4 years
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Jig's Up! (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
In the Comms Room
There’s nothing but poor quality sound and static.
Sarge: This one’s from a camera inside the cargo bay. Donut: Eew, the video quality is so grainy. I could do video editing better than this! Sarge: Hmm... let me try something. WORK YOU RUSTED HUNK OF JUNK!
Sarge punches the monitor, hoping that’ll fix the problem, but still static.
Lopez: ¿Es así como siempre me reparas? Sarge: Dammit, Simmons! You said you’ve extracted all the data, but all I’m seeing is dusts of monochrome! Simmons: I’m sorry, sir, but data extraction isn’t like downloading apps from a web browser. It’s all jumbled up like a pile of unorganized jigsaw puzzle pieces. Sarge: And how long will it take for you to put everything together? Simmons: Well if you want the whole incident from yesterday, a month. Donut: A month?! Sarge: That’ll take too long. Is there any other quicker way? Simmons: There is. I can try to assemble one small part of the data, which only takes about two hours to finish. But we’ll only get two minutes of video. Best choice would be the last recording from the pilot’s helm cam. Sarge: And the coordinates from where it was shot at? Simmons: Two days. Sarge: Darn! Alright, process the video first and then the coordinates. Now get to it, this old man's curiosity can't feed itself. Simmons: Yessir. With your permission, I would like to get something from my room, it-. Sarge: See her and your balls be meeting with stainless steel spikes.
Sarge points down at his shoes, now retrofitted with spike like cleats.
Simmons: Uhm... nevermind. Sarge: Lopez, keep an eye on Simmons. Make sure he doesn’t go out. Lopez: Sí señor.
Sarge and Donut leaves Simmons and Lopez. With Lopez in the room, there's no way Simmons would have any chance to get out off there until he's done with the data.
Sarge: Sigh, I just can’t understand those two. Last time they were arguing about the mysteries of the universe, and now their focusing themselves on Ruby’s older sister. Donut: I don’t know, I find, Yang to be very attractive too.
Sarge glares Donut at his response.
Donut: I-I mean to say is... how attractive her hair is. Sarge: Speaking of Ruby's sister, where is she right now? Donut: When I went to get Simmon, she was with Ruby and Grif at the armory. Sarge Ruby and... Grif.
In the Garage
Yang: This is, Pvt. Yang Xiao Long, do you copy? Outpost 48-A, respond! Dammit, what's taking them so long.
That's the fifth attempt she tried to contact her team! What are they doing over there, flag hunting?
Ruby: Yang? Yang: GASP!
Yang quickly turned off her radio as, Ruby pokes her shoulder from behind.
Ruby: Who were you calling? Yang: I was contacting Command. I asked them if they can pick me up but no response came through yet. Ruby: Yeah, Vic's probably taking a "leak" again, I'm sure. Yang: Who’s Vic? Ruby: Our Communication Officer from Command, he can be annoying sometimes. Hey, wanna see the Mongoose? Yang: Sure.
Ruby brings Yang to the, Mongoose.
Yang: *whistle* This is your ride? Ruby: Yep. It’s built from old Warthog parts from what I was told. The parts in it were too outdated so I had the honor of tuning it up a bit. Two inch plating armour, two canisters of nitrous oxide and it can go up to 150 kilometers per hour. Yang: Hmm very fast, but not as fast as Bumblebee. Grif: Don’t waste your time with that hunk of junk. What you need is a four inch armor plating of awesomeness!
The girls notice Grif sitting on the driver’s seat on the Warthog. Oh no, another attempt to hook up with Yang. Hey that’s Tucker’s job! Ruby is not please to see this.
Ruby: Oh God, please no. Yang: Whoa! Is that an M12 LRV? It’s been a while since I’ve seen one intact. And look at the bumps and scratches on it. Thing must've been through a lot of battles. Grif: Indeed she did. She’s been shot, blasted and crashed for the Red Army. It's still in one piece sll thanks to my driving skills behind the wheel. I called her the "Puma". Ruby: It's "Warth-" Grif: SHH! Yang: Nice name. Though it looks more like a boar to me. Grif: Tell you what. how about I take you on a free ride around the canyon if you make yourself comfy on this chair next to me and maybe, we can stop by somewhere more... peaceful for the two of us. Take that, Simmons! Yang: As long as it’s quiet too, I don’t mind. Ruby: Yang, no! Grif: Shut up, Rose. This is a talk between adults! Ruby: Hmph, I'm already twenty years old! Grif, So what do you say shall we go now and- what the? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sarge: GOTCHA, YOU SEX DRIVED MANIAC!
Sarge (and just in time), pulls Grif out off the Warthog and starts, not with the same ‘shotgun butt to the head’ technique, but kicking him with the spike shoe to the balls.
Grif: OW! OW! OW! OHOHOHOOOOOOO, WHY?! Ruby: Phew! About time you showed up, sir. Yang, I’m telling Dad about this! Yang: Aww. Donut: What did Grif try to do? Ruby: He try to take my sister for a drive to a private place, just for the both of them. Donut: That doesn’t sound so-
Ruby gives him a serious look. He can tell what she meant by the way she’s looking at him.
Donut: Oh I see what you mean. Sarge: I DID NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO STICK YOUR ROD IN, PVT. ROSE. Grif: OW!
Ruby gasped and blushed when Sarge, just mentioned her name.
Ruby: EW!! Why would I do it with- Sarge: Not you! Yang: I think he’s refering to me. Ruby: You? Why... oh, right. They don’t practice the Color Naming Rule. Grif: SARGE... OW! STOP, STOP!!! Sarge: Okay.
Grif: OW! I said STOP! Sarge: Sorry about my soldier, He requires a little more ‘discipline’. Yang: Nah, he did nothing wrong. He’s just doing what boys do. Sarge: Except I prefer to make him do what MEN do. Starting with him salvaging every piece of scrap metal from the derelict outside! Grif: Sarge, I doubt there’s anything to salvage there but ashes! Sarge: Spike shoe. Grif: Sigh... yessir. Ruby: Sarge, about the ship outside, shouldn’t we contact Command about it? Sarge: Right, I forgot about that. Hold on let me... Yang: Uh... no need! I’ve already told them about it. Sarge: Really? And what did they say? Yang: They still haven’t replied yet. Sarge: Dammit, Vic! What the hell is he up to?! Conga dancing? Ahh forget it. Rose, the younger Rose, I have an assignment for you. I need you to go outside and keep an eye on the Blues. They may have seen the crash yesterday and they're maybe planning on attacking us soon. Now get going. Ruby: Yessir! Hey can, Yang come too? Sarge: Hmm... she may not be part of the team but she's still a Red nevertheless. Alright. Just make sure she stays away from the men. Yang: No, I shouldn’t disturb you. Ruby: Oh come on, we haven’t seen each other for quite some time! If you go back to High Ground, we might not have time to communicate with each other. Try spending whatever time you have left with me before you get back. Yang: Hmm, good point. Alright, sis, you convinced me. Ruby: Yes! Let's go. Yang: Wait, I’ll need to get my shotgun first. I won’t last long outside if I go unarmed. Ruby: Okay. See you at the roof.
Yang leaves the garage.
Sarge: I'm beginning to like her attitude. Ruby: Who doesn’t like her? She's the best big sister in the galaxy.
Back In the Comm’s Room
Simmons: Let’s see... if I can put it here...
The door behind Simmons opens, probably Sarge coming in to see his progress.
Simmons: Come in, sir. I’ve just finished 46% of the data. I should be done in an hour. Yang: Think again.
He turns around to see Yang standing by the doorway.
Simmons: Oh it’s you!
Simmons’ eyes once again are locked to Yang’s girls. But the image of Sarge’s spike shoes appeared in his mind, making him avert his eyes from them. Just as Yang, was about to enter, Lopez, stops her.
Lopez: No se te permite estar aquí.
Lopez pushes her out off the room as the door closes behind him. What follows was the painful sound of metal being disassembled, one by one. Simmons could hear the whole thing happening. What is going on out there, he thought. Once the sounds cease, Yang enters the room but no Lopez at sight.
Simmons: Where’s Lopez? Yang: I gave him a quick break. He won’t bother us for a while. Simmons: Look you shouldn’t be here! This room is for authorized personal only, even if you’re a Red too. Yang: Aww don’t tell me, Sarge ordered you not to let a girl like me around? Simmons: I-I didn't say that... but... Yang: Hehe. Don't worry, I won't be here long. Say what’s that?
Yang points to the black box and the computer it’s connected to. She bends down to have a closer look at them, not realizing that her girls are so close to Simmons’ face. His entire blood is now flowing down between his thighs.
Simmons: Sweet beautiful heavens! Yang: Well, Simmons? Simmons: Oh of course! Ah... it's the black box we recovered from the ship you were in. I’m currently working on extracting the data from it, so it would take about an hour to get everything. Yang: Didn’t I told you guys what happened up there? Simmons: You did, but Sarge wanted to see the whole picture through the pilot’s eyes. Yang: Pilot’s eyes? Simmons: The helmet's camera. It’s also connected to the box. Yang: You sure you want to see it? ‘Cause the first thing you’ll see is him jumping out of the ship. Simmons: Still it's considered important information. Yang: Whatever you say. Einstein. Hey can I burrow the radio? Simmons: Why? Yang: I wanted to update my status to my team from High Ground but I seem to have trouble trying to reach them. I thought about using your high powered radio would help. Simmons: Want me to help you with it? Yang: No!... I mean, I can manage. Simmons: Whatever you say. Help yourself. Jesus Almighty, thank you for bringing her here!
As Simmons goes back to his work, Yang attempts to make another call to her team. She whispers, hoping that Simmons doesn’t overhear her.
Yang: This is Pvt. Yang Xiao Long. Sir, if you can hear me, please I need your help! Pick me up from a place called Blood Gulch and whatever you do, don’t call Command! Now I can’t explain why, just get me out of here!
No response
Yang: Dammit! If you’re getting this, I’m sending you my coordinates. I might not last a day or two here. Yang, out!
Yang sends her coordinates before turning off the radio. But before she can leave, she’ll need to get rid of that black box. There's too much evidence for the Reds here to know. The problem is it’s indestructable, but the data inside could be messed up if it’s connection to a computer is fried.
Yang: Welp, I’m done with the radio. Better go before you’re Sargeant and Lopez finds me here. Bye! Simmons: Wait don’t go!
Sorry, Simmons. But she's gone.
Simmons: Sigh, I wish she stayed longer.
Simmons is dissapointed that she left. He wished she could stayed longer but if she did, Sarge would give him the spike shoe. Best not to tell him that she was here just now. He continued back to work when all the sudden...
Simmons: What the... water?
A drop of water landed on his left hand.
Sprays of water starts pouring down on him. The sprinkler system has been triggered!
On the Red Base
It's already past five minutes and Yang hasn't come.
Ruby: What’s taking her so long? Is it really that hard to find one single weapon in the base? Yang: I’m here!
Yang finally arrives with her custom made shotgun.
Ruby: There you are! And I see you brought Ember Celica with you. What took you so long? Yang: Sorry, had to grease the old thing first. So this is Blood Gulch?
Yang looks around Blood Gulch. She is surprise to see the place entirely void of life, save some sparse grass and bushes.
Yang: Damn, looks more like a dustbowl of sand and dust. Who would want to live in this dump? Ruby: If you say that in front of Sarge’s face, he’ll rupture a blood vessel at you for mocking his ‘beloved’ battlefield. Yang: Heh, would love to see that kind of reaction. Now that we’re alone together, how about we talk to each other, sister to sister. Ruby: I see why not? Yang: So how’s the team here? Did they treat you well? Ruby: They’re okay. Though not much with Grif and Simmons. Donut’s a nice guy but sometime he complain about the base’s interior decorating. Sarge's is such a loud mouth, but I manage to get on his good side. As for Lopez... he's just Lopez. How do you find them? Yang: Studs ready to wreck my... Ruby: EW! Yang: Haha! Still the old innocent Ruby I remember. I wonder what the situation here in the canyon like. High Ground’s pretty chaotic once two teams clashed one another. Ruby: Want me to fill you in on everything? Yang: I don't mind a little info.
Simmons: NONONONONO!!!
Simmons watched in horror as every piece of hardware in the room is being fried up by the water from the sprinklers spraying from above. Sarge and Donut happened came just in time to see the chaos.
Sarge: Simmon, how goes the- Hot Sonny Bono, what's going on here?! Simmons: HELP! Sarge: Donut, turn off the sprinkler system! Donut: On it!
Donut rushes to the sprinkler system. It didn't take long for the sprinklers to finally stopped. Simmons rushes to the computer to see if the data’s safe but all he gets is the blue screen of death before it goes dark. Grif (groaning in pain as he holds a bag of ice on his balls) was passing by until he notice what happened in there.
Grif: Huh, as if things ever got better here. Sarge: Put a cork in it, Grif. Simmon's, status report! Simmons: I-I don’t know. I was working on the data, when all the sudden the sprinklers went off by themselves! Sarge: Did any of the equipment catch on fire? Simmons: If any of them did, I would’ve smell smoke. Sarge: Well that ain't important. Is the data from the box still intact? Simmons: I’m not sure! The box might be affected badly when the computer it was connected to fried. I don’t know if it’s still intact or gone. Sarge: Damn, then we're dead on the water. Lopez, help Simmons with... Lopez?
Sarge noticed Lopez is absent in the room.
Sarge: Simmons, where’s Lopez? Simmons: Ya- He went for a break. Sarge: A break? Since when does Lopez take breaks? Simmons: That's what Y-he told me. Sarge: Hmm, must've gone to oil himself. Wait a minute, are you sure you're not hiding something? Simmons: Uhm... no! Why would I, your chief technician, hide anything? Sarge: Nothing, just asking you.
If he tells Sarge that Yang was here, bye bye making children. Wait, Yang. She was with him just now in the room to use the radio. Could it be a coincidence that she's the one that caused it? No it can’t be. A girl like her wouldn’t bring this kind of trouble. Or did she? Donut finally returned.
Donut: Sir, I’ve managed to stop the sprinkler system. Sarge: I already see that. Good work. Donut: Also there’s something else you need to see.
Donut reveals Lopez’s head to Sarge.
Lopez: Hola. Sarge:... Simmons? Simmons: Crap.
On the Red Base
Ruby: And if you can see at the otherside of the canyon, that’s the Blue base. Yang: You mean the base that looks exactly like the one we’re standing on right now? Ruby: That's the one.
Yang moves her binoculars to the left and sees a Scorpion sitting silently.
Yang: *whistle* They’re packing some serious heat over there. Huh? Is that the Blues you mentioned?
She turns to the roof and see three Blues standing there. It doesn’t look like they’re discussing an attack. From the way the white blue one is acting, he’s probably ranting at two of his men, probably for not informing him about the crash last night.
Yang: That is one angry Blue over there. Ruby: Oh it gets better. Try guessing who that is. Yang: Mmm... just a random Blue? Ruby: No. Look closely.
Yang focuses her binoculars at the ranting Blue. He isn't wearing his helmet and his hair is white as snow... Oh my God is that...?
Yang: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BITCH DOING HERE?! Ruby: You’re telling me. I can’t believe she enlisted herself in the Blue Army! Yang: GRR! She doesn't deserve to be in any army! Ruby, why didn’t you shoot her when you had the chance? Ruby: I tried. Since she was our member of the team and my ex-partner, she knows every move I make. When I fired, she ducks. When I shoot a branch over her, she makes a step. And when I put a grenade into her pocket, she throws it back at me. Yang: Yeah, she definitely knows you too well. It's a good thing I'm here. I can go there right now and cave in through that rich girl face of hers! Ruby: I would love to see that happen! Yang:... Ruby:... Yang:... So... we're alone now? Ruby: Yes. Yang: And no one else is coming up here? Ruby: No, no one's coming. Why do you ask? Yang: Good. Listen, Ruby. I didn't want to keep this from you yesterday. Ruby: Keep me from what? GASP... Don't tell me! Blake's having another kid? AAAAAAAHHHH, I knew it! Yang: Nonono, that's not what I'm here to talk about! It's about the ship. Ruby: And what about it? Yang: There are some things that I haven't told you the truth about. Look, I didn't want to lie to you, but if I tell you everything with your team around, I'll be in big trouble! Ruby, you know me. I only cause trouble unless I have a good reason. Ruby: Yang, I'm not getting you. What are you trying to say? Yang: I-
Sarge: Rose, I need you in the Meeting Room, and bring your sister along with you.
Ruby: Best not to let, Sarge wait. Whatever it is you want to talk about, we can discuss this later, okay? Yang: Okay.
The Meeting Room
Ruby and Yang enters the Meeting Room. The whole team are in, already armed themselves.
Ruby: We’re here. What’s- Sarge: THERE SHE IS!
Everyone suddenly starts pointing their guns at Yang. Yikes! They found out!
Yang: Aw crap, they know! Ruby: Heyheyhey! What are you doing?! Sarge: Stand aside, Rose! I’m gonna blow this dirtbag saboteur to kingdom come! Ruby: Saboteur? Sarge: While you were out there, the sprinkler system from the comms rooms suddenly went off and fried the equipment there. Simmon told us that your sister was in there shortly before it happened, which mean it isn't a coincidence at all! Simmons: And it costs a reproductive organ to spill it... OW!
Simmons presses a bag of ice to his groin.
Grif: I feel you man. Simmons: Fuck you! Sarge: Not only that, look what she done to poor, Lopez! Bring him in, Donut.
Donut pushes a wheelbarrow and on it contains what’s left of Lopez’s. A pile of limbs and circuitry, ripped apart with Lopez The Head placed on top of it.
Lopez: Odio mi vida. Donut: You said it Lopez.
Ruby is left horrified to see Lopez like this, did Yang really do this?
Yang: Well fuck. Alright, you guys got me, let me explain. Simmons: Then how do you explain this?!
Simmons, holds up a small tablet in his hand.
Ruby: What's that? Simmons: Concrete evidence of what really happened on that ship! Donut: At first we thought the data was lost. Simmons: Yeah but somehow the short circuit did a better job than I did. Which was supposed to be theoratically impossible. Watch!
Simmons plays the video on the tablet. The first thing that appeared on the screen was the first person view of the pilot’s cockpit being piloted by someone in different color armor. The flashing red flight instruments are going crazy, indicating the ship is in critical condition.
Nebraska: MAYDAY! MAYDAY! This is, Agent Nebraska from Darter dropship, Sanctuary!
The voice of pilot is a male of twenty years of age.
Nebraska: MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Command do you copy, over?
Vic: Heyhey, Command here. How's it going, dude, you doing fine? I'm doing fine too! Now what the hell you want? Nebraska: What? NO! Everything's not fine! Listen I can't explain much! I'm loosing control over my ship here and I can't risk landing on rough terrain! Are there any safe places to land on, over? Vic: Whoo sounds like you're in a tight situation. Alright let me read your coordinates and I'll see if there are any soft spots for you to land on. Nebraska:... Vic:... Nebraska: Hello? Vic: Okay I got one for you, there's a wide box canyon with a Red Outpost near ya. Hope ya don't mind staying too close to enemy lines. Nebraska: As long as I don't get blown to smithereens that's fine! Thanks for the help Com- what the?
The pilot turns around when he hears the door behind opened. He hoped it was one of his teammates, but instead he sees the wrathful rage of, Yang Xiao Long, ready to strike her fist through the poor soul’s faceplate.
And then static.
Ruby couldn’t believe her eyes. Yang caused the crash! She turns at Yang and glares at her. Yang let’s out a nervous laugh as she tugs her undersuits collar.
Ruby: Yang? Yang: That's what I wanted to tell you about. Hehehe. Sarge: She’s possibly Blue agent and deserves the penalty of death! Boys, prepare to fire. Grif: How about we take her captive instead? Simmons: I agree, killing her would be a waste of a perfectly good bo...
Sarge silently glares at both of them.
Grif and Simmons: Yessir! Ruby: Now hold your fire! I know what she did was horrible, but she might have a good reason to cause the crash! Yang: Yeah and I only attack them because Command kidnapped me! Ruby: Yes... wait, WHAT?! Sarge: WHAT?! Grif: WHAT?! Simmons: WHAT?! Donut: WHAT?! Lopez: QUE?! Simmons: Waitwaitwait... Command kidnapped you? Sarge: What do you think? They may have already suspected her as a spy! Yang: No, I’m not a Blue spy! I'm just an innocent Red soldier who was captured by her own will by Command for no apparent reason! Can you hear me out for a sec? Ruby: Please, Sarge, just give Yang a chance to explain. She doesn't mind any punishment but I don’t want to see my sister shot right in front of me! Please!
Ruby give Sarge a teary eyed look, begging him not to hurt Yang. Despite having a heart made of military steel, it was pierced by those big puppy doggy silver eyes.
Sarge: This goes against everything I stand for. Fine, talk. Yang: Right, here goes. The first part of what I told you was true. I really was assigned by Command to escort supplies to the other Red bases. Or that’s what I thought it was. When I got inside the dropship, things start to look suspicious. When I entered the cargo bay, it was empty. No ammo boxes, no medicine, no food. Nothing. That’s when they knock me out and threw me into a cell. Still don't believe me? Look at this bump on the back of my head, do you think I did this to myself?
Yang moves her hair aside, revealing a nasty bump on her head. The Reds gasp by the sight.
Ruby: OOOH! Uncle Qrow won't be happy to see that. Simmons: Yeah she definetly didn't do that to herself. Sarge: Mother of God, that came from a butt of a rifle! Grif: How do you know? Sarge: When you hit somebody in the head many times with a gun, you'll know. Donut: How did you escape then? Yang: I kinda "charmed" a guard and stole his keycard. After I got out, I planned on jumping out from the ship, but not while it's flying eighteen thousand feet in the air. So I went to plan B. Sabotage the ship and crash land on the dirt. Sarge: Why didn't you go with the first one? It would've been a magnificent! Simmons: Hate to ruin your excitement, sir. The ship was flying in high altitude and it would be too cold for even the Mjolnir to handle. Sarge: But that still makes things a lot better. Ruby: Wait, before you blow the ship from the inside, what did you do to your kidnappers? You didn’t kill them, did you? Yang: Ruby, you know me. I wouldn't do anything so cold blooded. I knocked them all out, put ‘em in a large crate and throw them out off cargo just before the ship crashed. Donut: That doesn't sound safe. Yang: Nah I’m sure they’re fine, with a few broken bones at least. Grif: Then why go all the trouble to lying to us and attempting to destroy the evidence? Yang: What do you think? If you had known the truth before, you’ll contact Command and they'll capture me again. Ruby: Wait if that wasn’t Command you were calling just now, who were you attempting to contact with? Yang: My team from High Ground. I tried to called them to get me out of here, but they haven't responded. Simmons: This doesn’t make sense. If you’re not a Blue spy... Yang: Which I’m not. Simmons:... then why would Command go all the trouble to kidnap you? Could it be that you might have done something to anger them? Yang: Nothing serious, really. Well I did punch my Commander in the face. But even if I did, I would've been informed of my actions rather than getting knocked unconscious. And I have seriously no idea what's their reason to kidnap me at all. But I did overhear the guards’ conversation from my cell. Ruby: What did you hear? Yang: They said that I’m a suitable “host” for... “Omega”. Ruby: Omega? Isn't that the last Greek alphabet? Yang:  Or it could be a codename. Grif: W-wait, d-d-id y-you say... Ome... Ome... O-Omega? Yang: Uh... yeah? Ruby: Guys, are you alright?
Ruby and Yang noticed that the Reds have gone quiet when they heard the name 'Omega' from Yang. The silence lasted for a minute until;
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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marvelxfam · 5 years
Growing Up✨
(Steve x Reader)
(Dad!Tony x Reader)
Summary: You are Tony’s daughter, and you have a crush on Steve.
Requested by: @talk-geek-to-me (sksk this idea is so cute btw)
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“BIOS is the long-standard firmware that manages your PC outside the operating-system environment—that is, before you boot up. Access the-“
“Okay, I’m going to stop you right there,” Wanda put a hand up and took her computer from your lap, smiling slightly. “You’re starting to sound too much like your father. I’m going to need English please,” she joked, giving you a somewhat serious look. You rolled your eyes, having to pry the computer from her hands as she tried to put it out of your reach.
“I’m going to access the compiler, and then you are going to turn off your computer and turn it back on,” you spoke slowly, attempting to annoy Wanda. After helping her with computer issues, you decided to leave her room before she tried to ask you about anything else.
“Wanda, you know you could’ve asked Vision, right?”
“That would just be more of a headache. How about we grab some food?” Wanda suggested, accompanying you to the kitchen. The two of you were engrossed in the topic of discussion as you entered the kitchen area, but the sound of two other voices overlapped Wanda’s ranting.
Tony and Steve sat across from each other, deep in conversation. It seemed to be playful banter, as Steve threw his head back in laughter and your dad took off his glasses-of-the-day, wiping the tears from his eyes.
Your eyes met his for a moment, and that’s all it took for you to throw open the refrigerator door, practically inserting yourself into fridge. You stuck your head into the shelf of food, taking a big breath. You could feel the hotness of your cheeks knowing there would be redness, although the chill of the fridge surrounded you.
“Y/N, what are you-“
You pulled Wanda next to you, striving to act natural.
“Y/N, I’m hungry, and I’d really like to see the food I cooked instead of your head.”
You moved to the side, allowing Wanda to take out the pasta and chicken she had made the day before.
“What was all of that about?” She asked as she put the food in the microwave. You tilted your head in Steve’s direction, smoothing down your hair and smiling widely in an attempt to draw attention. Wanda’s eyes followed, looking at Steve.
“Oh,” she laughed. “I almost forgot about your crush on Steve.”
“It’s not a crush!”
“Keep telling yourself that.”
You glanced over again, watching as Steve told Tony a mission story, using his hands to elaborate. His eyes lit up as he made sound effects, which made you bite your lip to keep from looking like a grinning idiot. You knew it was wrong to like Steve Rogers-your dad’s good friend and someone you had grown close to over the years, considering him family. But Steve was so...good. He was constantly making sure everyone was okay, always working for the right thing. Plus, how could anyone’s heart not go into overdrive when Steve smiled or laughed?
You wanted something-someone-like that.
“Y/N, come over here!” Tony motioned for you, and you looked back desperately at Wanda for help, but she was already making her way with her food out the door.
You scurried over to your dad, sitting next to him. Steve smiled brightly at you as you approached, choosing a seat next to the couches they sat on either ends of. You returned Steve’s smile with a warm one of your own, a million thoughts running through your head, never wanting to break eye contact. Tony eyed the both of you before clearing his throat in suspicion.
“Okay. Y/N, dear, I know you enjoy working more in the lab with Bruce and I rather than being out on the field with the rest of us. Now, normally I wouldn’t want you going out on a mission with us, but-“
“YES!” You yelped, smacking a hand over your mouth from your sudden outburst of loudness. Even your ears rang from the sound of your reply. You looked over at Steve who was chuckling quietly, and you felt the heat rise in your cheeks again, wishing you could curl up in a ball and disappear from embarrassment.
Tony’s brow furrowed as he saw you continuously look over at Cap while trying to explain mission details. They needed you because you had such a similar skill set to your father’s and while Tony was blasting people and buildings, he needed you for your coding (more like hacking) skills that he taught you so well. He noticed how you pressed your hands to your face, drawing in breaths to calm yourself. How that dumb smile on your face glowed when Steve cut in to share information. Tony clucked in annoyance wondering why you were paying so much attention to Steve and not your own dad.
And then it hit him.
Tony authorized Steve to speak for the rest of the briefing, crossing his arms in distaste. He was already opposed to you going on the mission, much less getting all happy with America’s number one captain.
As Steve ended the meeting and got up to leave, you followed him in a trance, silently squealing as you wiped your sweaty palms. The trace of Steve’s cologne was in the air. It was a wonder to you how he smelled like joy.
“I’ll see you later, Y/N,” Steve smirked and left the kitchen area. You leaned against the counter to compose yourself, but couldn’t seem to get over the floating feeling you felt from his presence. Tony grabbed your arm and spun you around, his mouth dropping in horror. For once he was at a lost for words, questioning how his little girl was already falling in love with a man older than Apple.
“What was that?” Tony squawked, forgetting how to form words. You were too young, he thought. Too young to get into all of this already.
You struggled to cover up your expression of glee. “What do you mean?” You tried to look innocent, looking into your father’s eyes with question. Tony scoffed and shook his head.
“You were gawking at Steve. You think I don’t have eyes, Y/N?”
“I wasn’t gawking. I was giving him my attention, like you told me to. You’ve always told me to look someone in the eyes when engaged in conversation.”
“Engaged? You want to be engaged?” Tony’s eyes widened with terror, gripping your shoulders.
“What? No! Dad, why are you so-“
“-Because I know you like Cap, Y/N! It’s written all over your face!” Tony burst, laughing to himself. It seemed like he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the same time. His daughter, liking his friend.
“Dad, this is embarrassing to talk about.” You flopped onto the couch and put a pillow onto your face, trying to block out your dad’s voice.
“Well, I’m embarrassed that you like him! You know, I have power. There’s this thing called ‘grounding’ and I’m thinking of trying it.”
Tony wasn’t going to do it.
“You know what? I can’t stop you, honey. These things are complicated, and I can’t hold you back forever,” Tony admitted in defeat, pulling the pillow off of your face and putting an arm around you. It saddened him to think his daughter was already growing up, fighting with him about boys he didn’t want around her.
“So...you’re okay with me liking Steve?” You asked, laying your head on Tony’s shoulder. Tony kissed your head, nodding.
“I guess.”
“Well, if it did happen-hypothetically, of course- that Steve asked me out or liked me back, would you-“
The End☺️
**There is now a Part 2 if you want to see what happens next:)
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amoristt · 7 years
To Shelter a Storm | Nathan x Reader
disclaimer: i know nathan is not a good person. i am not putting a blanket over his actions in this fic. i, the writer, understand he’s not an innocent character and has made many terrible choices. im just answering people’s requests, please dont put me under the fire for it.
thank you.
Anonymous Asked: more nathan please!!!! Not for grazing fire part 2, can you write where reader and nathan are already into a relationship and he calls her late and she stays at his dorm, or he stays at hers? female reader obviously. thanks for the blog <3
i actually had a nathan fic in the drawing boards so i just altered it to fit this! hopefully this is what you were looking for, hehe. vulnerable nathan is my favorite thing- the lad needs to just *feel* for once, so i made this sort of gushy (even if it doesn’t start out that way) <3 enjoy!
reblogs + tags and replies will make my entire day as i put a lot of effort into this :)!
story continues beneath the read more. let me know if you can’t access it!
To Shelter a Storm
It was 4 am when your phone started to ring. 4 am when you groaned against your pillow, forced yourself to roll over, and nearly threw your phone as it blinded you with light. Though you couldn’t see the name on the screen thanks to the brightness you knew exactly who it was calling you, and it made your eyebrows knit together in frustration. 
If he actually stayed on the line when you answered maybe you wouldn’t be so pissed off, but when you answered and grumbled a ‘hello’ in the speaker the line went immediately dead. You almost threw your phone again in late night fury. How dare he wake you up for no reason? Half of you wanted to call him back just incase something truly was wrong (not uncommon for him, after all) but the other half decided fuck it, and you tossed your phone somewhere down by your waist and rolled right back over. Just because he was your boyfriend didn't mean you had to deal with all his late-night antics.
Ring ring, ring ring.
You snatched your phone so quick it astounded even you in your tiredness.
“What Nathan?” you huffed, sitting up. There was silence. “Don’t you fucking dare hang up.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
You flopped back on your back and pulled the covers up. “Why are you calling me again in the middle of the night.”
“Because I can?”
“Yeah, sure,” you rolled over. “Is something wrong or are you just insistent on making sure you ruin my sleeping schedule?”
“I don’t owe an explanation to you.”
“Jesus christ Nathan, stop being so stubborn.” If you from a year ago heard yourself talking like this to Nathan Prescott you’d have shit your pants, but he’d been calling you well late into the night for months now. At this point if he killed you it would be mercy. Plus he was your boyfriend now, you weren’t as scared of him as you probably should have been.
“Maybe I just want to make sure my phone’s working.” He sounded distracted on the other end.
“Then call one of your other late-night buddies. I bet Warren would value a midnight chat.”
“Shut up, you bitch.” Nathan spat, but there wasn’t any real venom behind it. Not like when you’d first met.
“I’m serious Nathan, stop calling me in the middle of the night. Or at least don’t hang up right when I answer the first time.”
“Why should I? You have no problem calling me during class.”
“Because the teachers don’t give a shit about what you do, Nathan. I’m not as privileged. I need my sleep.”
He scoffed. “Jesus fuck, ___, sorry you have to suffer so much.”
“Aaand I’m hanging up. Night, Nathan. Love ya’.” You pulled the phone from your ears, ready to press the taunting big red ‘hang up’ button, but his voice stopped you.
“Okay, okay, wait.” You waited silently. He huffed. “Just- Wait a minute, damn.”
“Wait for what?” Try as you might you couldn’t hide the annoyance in your tone.
You heard a clatter of movement on his end, followed by a sharp ‘shit’. He sounded outside, the wind making you pull the phone from your ears. “One minute.”
Rolling your eyes, you stared up at the ceiling and fought the urge to fall back asleep. When he didn’t come back for a minute you almost did, but was jolted back into consciousness when he began to speak again.
“Have you talked to Vic?”
Even though he couldn’t see it, you frowned. “Are you kidding me? You’re having girl problems?”
“Fuck you, ___! You know it’s not like that. She’s just-. She was supposed to meet me outside and she’s not here. I think she fell asleep, god damn it.” The frustration in his tone made you bite back another short tempered retort. “So here I am, sitting outside even though it’s fucking freezing.”
“What do you want me to do about it?” When there was silence you knew exactly what he wanted. “Damn it, Nathan. I just said I needed sleep.”
“Come on, don’t be a bitch about it. You knew exactly what you were getting into the minute you picked up the phone. Plus it’s not like it’s the first time you’ve snuck out after hours. Remember when you used to creep on me by the rocks?” He spoke about it like he was fond of the memory.
“Jesus Nathan you know I wasn’t creeping on you.” You ran a hand through your hair and sighed. “Fine. Fine. But only for like, 10 minutes. That’s it, then I come back and you get to freeze your ass off alone for however long you want.”
“Awesome. Hurry the hell up.”
Sneaking out of your room was not an issue. You’d done it so many time’s at this point you were more than confident about you’re ‘hiding behind walls’ skills- not that it mattered. At most there was usually only one guard keeping watch and she was a lousy one at that, leaning against walls on her phone or chilling in one of the lounge chairs. Once she fell asleep and you fought the urge to write on her face. Sometimes, though, there was just no one. They ‘trusted’ the students enough to make good choices, and you were living proof that the honor code was complete bullshit. It worked out in your favor, though, so you couldn’t complain.
Tonight was one of the nights where the halls were clear of any security guards, so it was an easy trip opening one of the windows and hopping out so you wouldn’t trigger the system alarm settled on the dorms. Apparently someone had broken into one of the rooms months ago and no one ever said a thing, just quietly installed system alarms onto the doors and pretended like it was mandatory.
“It’s for the students safety!” Said Principle Well’s. “You can rest easy now!”
The only reason you learned there was a break in was from one of your friends who happened to know the dude responsible for it, and you asked her to smack him for you since he made it that much harder to sneak out at night. Thankfully the windows were overlooked which was dumb because they were even easier to climb out of than get out the door. Plus there was one right next to your room.
Outside was cold and biting but you didn’t mind, huddling your arms together for a chance of warmth as you snaked around the building and made your way past the front doors, then the hedges surrounding, and finally out towards the fountain. You felt exposed beneath the orange streetlight but you knew no one was outside paying attention anyways. 
Nathan, like expected, was sitting on the edge of the fountain looking around like he was in trouble. It made you shake your head in a sort of disapproving way, the dude needed to lighten up for once in his life. Then again, maybe he shouldn't. You knew some shit on Nathan and perhaps it was for the best he kept his guard up at all times. Looking over his shoulder he saw you and leaned back, waving you to come closer, and you did.
“Hope you’re happy.” you mumbled, plopping down next to him and huffing. “It’s so fucking cold out. You owe me for this, Prescott.”
“No I don’t.” He said nonchalantly. You gave a defeated laugh and shook your head again.
“No, you don’t.”
There was a silence and immediately you picked something up.
“Were you smoking?” you asked, propping your elbows up and resting your chin on your hands.
“I was but I ran out.” He shoved his hands into his pockets, staring up at the sky for a minute before looking back down at you. “I thought Vic was coming so I just blew through mine. She usually brings more.”
You laughed again, licking at your lips. “Don’t you ever get tired of smoking?” You knew the answer but you asked anyways. He shrugged curtly, and you frowned. For someone who couldn’t relax a moment in his life (save for when he was almost dead-drunk) he was being oddly quiet. Usually at night he talked a lot, much more than when he did when he was around students. Maybe the solitude made him feel more open.
Leaning back to look at him, you sighed. “Everything okay?” Now it was his turn to hunch forward, but instead of just relaxing he ran his hands rather roughly through his hair. “What’s wrong?”
“Everything.” he grunted, and for a moment you almost forgot who he was and went to rub his back. “Everything’s always wrong.”
“Even us?” You watched him from the corners of your eyes, listening to the fountain behind you. It was obvious what his answer would be, but you knew him. Remind him some things are good.
Nathan swallowed and let his hands fall back down onto his lap.
“We’re good.”
Then, you did reach out, touch tentatively at the area between his shoulder blades. For just a moment you could feel him tense beneath your touch but before you had the chance to pull away he managed to relax, even leaned into the feeling. You flattened your palm and gently ran it down, then up. He rolled his shoulders.
“Good.” You whispered. Leaning forward so that you could see his expression was a dangerous move given his spontaneous nature but you did it anyways. Something was eating at him. “Do you want to talk about it?”
For a minute he shook his head, then he gave a defeated huff. His reply was almost entirely what you expected it to be:
“Dad.” You fought the urge to ball your fists against his upper back when he kept going. “Son of a bitch threatened me. Again.”
Ah, yes, Mr. Prescott. The Myth, the man, the legend, the absolute asshole. You didn’t know a whole lot about him since you spared Nathan the awkward and spiteful conversation, but from you could gather he was a strictly businessman. No if’s, and’s, or buts, and definitely no ‘no’s. He was a verbally abusive jerk who apparently enjoyed picking on Nathan’s choice of habits, and even though part of you could agree that they weren’t what he needed, you hated the fact that his father used cold threats rather than actually trying to reach out and help him. He was just as much to blame as Nathan was for his son’s horrible life style.
But, still, despite Nathan’s anger, despite his hate and hurt, you loved him. So you continued to rub his back. He wasn’t perfect but he’s what you wanted, and you’d made that choice a year ago. 
“What a dick.” you murmured, and Nathan nodded. For a time there was another silence until you broke it. “Hey, it’s cold out here. Do you maybe wanna head inside?” You almost couldn’t recognize the softness in your tone but he could, and he nodded again. For someone as explosive as he was, someone who despised being ‘talked down to’ and being ‘treated like a child’, he responded to softness well. You’d never bring his attention to it but he followed kindness like a moth follows light.
He didn’t make a move to get up until you did, and when you were both standing you took the chance to lean up and place a chaste kiss on his cheek. He still smelled like weed but you didn’t say anything. He didn’t respond to the action and you thought maybe for a moment it made him upset for some unknown reason, but then, without meeting your gaze, he pulled you in for a hug.
His hugs weren’t comfortable, you’d learned. He was uncertain even after months of doing so, unsure where to rest his hands and where exactly to wrap his arms around. He was bony and angular and sometimes it felt like just straight up hugging stone, but this was Nathan. The hateful, uncaring and menacing Prescott with a chip on his shoulder, and he was hugging you, at least making an effort to be affectionate, to be docile. So, you wrap your arms right back around him. You lean your head against his chest and close your eyes, and you sigh against his collarbones. He could use the warmth.
Then, just as it began, he pulls away. You’ve also learned that he isn’t a fan of long hugs. He’d never given you a reason why but you guessed it had something to do with his issue about touching. It was confusing at times- when you two were alone in the other’s room he couldn’t get his hands off of you, rather it be cuddling or ‘other things’, but outside of that he bristled like a porcupine when you so much as ran your fingers over his own. It wasn’t because he was embarrassed of you, and you knew that for a fact when he kissed you in front of some kid you’d never met before to prove a point. He just had… Issues. Deep rooted issues that you fully intended on helping him smooth out.
“Yours or mine?” You asked softly, looking up at him, giving him the choice. Suddenly he lowered his head and groaned in shame.
“Yours,” He said. “I somehow managed to fucking lock myself out for the night.” You put a hand over your mouth to muffle a laugh and he rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, asshole. It’s so funny.”
“It is funny!” You giggled. “How did you manage that?”
He kicked at the concrete beneath his feet, and spoke quietly, quickly. “The window closed behind me.”
A burst of laughter made it’s way out of you and you leaned forward for a moment, imaging the look of ‘fuck’ on his face when he heard the lock click behind him. Nathan Prescott, the master of sneaking out and being shady, got outsmarted by a window.
“Stupid fucking alarm systems.” He fumed, shoving his hands into his pockets. “If I wasn’t already in trouble I’d just walk the fuck in. Screw everyone trying to sleep.”
You laughed again. “Is that why you were meeting with Victoria?”
He rolled his eyes. “I was gonna’ call you at first but you,” He used finger quotations, “need your beauty sleep.”
It warmed you to think that he considered your comfort over his own, even if it was for a brief time only. “Maybe if you didn’t call me so often at night I wouldn’t complain as much.”
“Yeah well, too bad.” He mumbled, and there it was. He was right back to being himself. “So are we gonna’ go or?”
“Yeah, but I have to warn you, the window might just lock you out again.”
“Shut the hell up.”
The window held up it’s end for the night, remaining open for the duration of your trip and up to when you two climbed inside. It was funny watching him move quicker than usual, like a person crawling out of a broken elevator. When he was up on his feet he smugly grinned at you and led you to your own dorm. Just like when you left there wasn’t a soul up and moving around except for you two. It was alluring, almost, knowing that in a building of nearly 100+ kids you two were probably the only ones awake. Everything was silent, almost echoing when he opened your door and walked in, finding his way to bed and falling down onto it face first.
“Graceful.” You teased, sitting beside him. He rolled onto his side and welcomed you to nestle against him. “And chivalrous.”
“”Fuck off,” He said, and just like earlier there was no bite to his tone. “I’m tired.”
“Climbing into a window really took that much out of you?” You settled next to him, sitting up and he found his way against your side. You wrapped your arms around him. In the course of your relationships you learning something shocking: Nathan was a cuddler behind closed doors. Well, that, and the realization that he liked to be the little spoon. You had no issue with it- he liked to feel protected and you liked having something to wrap your arms around. Everyone wins.
Since his head was resting on your chest you couldn’t see his face, but you just knew it was a glare at the disgruntled huff that left his lips. You sighed and ran your hand over the top of his hair, letting him relax against you.
“Come on Nathan,” you cooed. “You know I’m only joking.”
“I know.” He replied quietly, and if you hadn’t been with him for as long as you were you’d be surprised at the lack of anger in his tone. “I’m just… I don’t know. My dad’s so far up my ass I can almost taste the keyboard he uses type up email threats.”
You grimaced. “That’s gross.”
“Yeah, you’re fuckin’ telling me.”
“It’ll get better.” you said, even though you knew those weren’t the words he wanted to hear. He scoffed but didn’t move away.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure they will.” you could almost hear him rolling his eyes. “Things will get better when I’m 40 and have kids of my own to fuck up.”
“Don’t say that,” you frowned. “They’ll get better long before that. When school's out we can-...” you sighed, licked at your lips nervously, and said something that had been weighing at you for months. “We can run away.”
The silence was deafening.
“Run away?” He suddenly whispered, and it wasn’t really a question. It sounded like he was playing the idea in his head, imagining what it would be like.
“Yeah,” you breathed, petting his hair soothingly. “We can get out of here. Me and you, and Victoria if she wants to come.”
Victoria used to piss you off, made you feel threatened. She was beautiful and had more years of experience with Nathan than you did, knew secrets you could only hope to wonder about, could pick him out of a crowd blindfolded. Yes, she used to make you feel so small, but it changed when Nathan always came back to you. He kissed you, held you, loved you, and that was huge. Love wasn’t something he thought he could feel, but it was there, and it was for you. When you finally grasped that concept Victoria wasn’t a problem anymore. If anything you welcomed her- Nathan could use all the open arms and outlets he could get.
“Where would we go?” Nathan sounded interested now, and your heart lifted at the thought of him actually taking your statement into consideration.
You leaned back, stared up at the ceiling. “Anywhere,” you said. “And everywhere.” He shifted against you and you finally felt him relax. You smiled. “Sound good?”
“Hell yeah.” He said with a breath, and you could hear his exhausted smile. “No more shitty blackwell, no more shitty Arcadia Bay, and best of all no more shitty dad.”
You giggled in tired delight, feeling your eyes grow heavy. “We’ll see everything together, won’t we?”
When Nathan said something, slurred and soft, you almost asked him to repeat himself. But, you stopped yourself having been in this exact spot so many times- he’d fallen asleep. He always had a habit of saying things just as he was passing out and at times it annoyed you- you wanted to know what he had said, but other times it was endearing, like he just couldn’t keep himself awake but also wanted to continue your useless conversation. You warmed up at the thought of knowing Nathan did these things- things that no one else but you would know.
You relished in Nathan’s eased state of mind, his head tucked beneath your chin as you pet over his hair. No one knew him like you knew him, knew how small he could be when he didn’t have his walls built sky high. No one knew how easy he fell apart, or molded against you. You were the only one who knew that when he fell asleep peacefully, not induced from a narcotic or drug, he looked like an angel. So relaxed, so peaceful. No one knew he sometimes talks in his sleep, or that his favorite sleeping position (when alone) is on his stomach.
No one would get to know him like you, and it was an oddly possessive but calming thought. Only you could wrap your arms around him, feel him melt against your body as he let you hold him. His anger can only last for so long, you’ve picked up. He burns out quicker than he’d like to admit. He sometimes thinks he’s indestructible, that he’s a wildfire that can burn forever. But, even the mightiest fires can be doused. Even the harshest of storms have a calm. After struggling to learn him and his ways, you figured it out. This, curled up beside you and vulnerable, was his calm.
You leaned your head back against the headboard. It was 5:30 am now, you’d be up for school in less than two hours, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move. You could sleep sitting up just fine. You didn’t want to risk moving and waking him up. Instead, you imagined a better time. A time where he wasn’t calling you in the middle of the night, masking a break down in bitter laughter or drugs. You imagined a time where you’d hop in his car, one bag packed each, and Nathan would hit the gas pedal so hard the entire car would jerk with it’s start up. It wouldn’t matter who stared, or pointed. The two of you were never coming back.
Now leaving Arcadia Bay.
You could almost see it behind your eyes when they closed, and boy was it a wonderful sight. Long day’s and even longer nights with him. So many sights to see, so many things to do without the chains of Nathan’s father breathing down his neck. No one could tell either of you what to do when you would be out on the road. You knew it would be hard. He was hard. He was loud and irrational and at times tiresome but it always came back around when he’d shove his pride to the side and settle next to you, apologizing, trying to get better. He was always trying to get better. Even now you could pick out the differences in his demeanor since when you’d first met him. He wasn’t as quick to argue with you anymore. He still had trouble believing he was in the wrong but he’d progressed in listening to you, and just him trying was enough to let you believe he could get past all of his emotional baggage.
Now leaving Arcadia Bay.
It was almost so close you could touch it, reach out and drag your fingers over the old and weather-worn sign. You could almost hear Nathan sitting in the driver's seat beside you, asking where you wanted to go first. It was a warm and inviting image and when it lulled you to sleep, you smiled, pet his hair again. The last thing you heard was his sleepy noise of content, and the last thing you felt was his arm squeeze you just a bit tighter.
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marisatofu-blog · 8 years
Well well well…I’m back!
In case you forgot about me, I’m still here!
It’s been a long while since I last posted! It’s kind of nice to give my perfectionism a break from reading and re-reading my blogs over and over again to make sure my grammar is spot on.  I have quite a few pet peeves when it comes to grammar…but even I know I’m not perfect all the time. (Like you should know the difference between ‘their’ and ‘there’, ‘than’ and ‘then’ or ‘our’ and ‘are’…but I’ll still forgive you if you don’t :) haha)
To get to the point, ’cause you’re probably like “What has this girl been up to lately?”. Well my friends, I had a glorious, month long visit home! Our (Ryan and myself) departure was December 23; so up until that point I was listening to Christmas music as often as I could…and Ryan judged me majorly for this. We both needed to pack up the apartment we were living in (because we’re moving soon!!) and I had all the songs on repeat. Thankfully he put up with me and my insane Christmas cheer :D (and I love him even more for it).
China doesn’t really decorate around Christmas time, (well, the city we were in doesn’t) so I can still remember the feeling of  excitement I had to go home and see the Christmas tree my mom decorated, or just any decorations. Or to smell the homey Christmas candles….ahhhh. Also I was really pumped for all the snow! Weird right? Everyone seems to dread the snow, but I was welcoming it with open arms. In fact, just the other night I missed the sound of a snow plow going by. So strange…But the main reason for my excitement was just to be with my friends and family to celebrate the holidays. I mean that’s what the holidays are all about, right!?
Well, I feel like presents are such an expected thing around Christmas-time, or even for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day…okay a lot of days. Kids (well most kids) aren’t afraid to show their expectations/excitement when it comes to presents. I personally remember a time when it was my 9th birthday (or around that..okay it was last year you guys! ahah kidding) and my parents got me a stuffed animal.  I didn’t want a stuffed animal…pshhh. I was too mature for that (meanwhile I tucked in all of my 7 stuffed animals into bed every night)….But I was definitely a child that loved gifts.
But as adults I feel like we hide it, as we often do our emotions. “Oh you didn’t have to get me anything!”. Meanwhile, if you have a birthday party and no one brings you a gift at all, are you slightly disappointed? Or lets say it’s your anniversary and your special someone doesn’t get you a gift. My guess is that your inner, immature self would be throwing a tantrum; if you had even a shred of hope that someone would bring you a gift. BUT if you’re like, an amazing human being and just cherish the company of others, kudos to you. You are awesome.
And this year, I’m joining that awesome club! I feel like this year I truly cared less about gifts. Seriously. This year I didn’t care what I got, or if I even got anything. I was truly happy to be home with friends and family to just spend my time with them (not that I didn’t appreciate the gifts I got!!). And I know you’re like “yeah sureeee she cares about her family this much���…
I DO. With all my heart I would do anything for every single one of them. They’re all a bit loud, fun, weird, and different…and sometimes a bit moody (okay that’s me on low sleep). But they’re all amazing (I guess I’ll put myself in that category as well…hehe..I mean blood relation you know, I have to have it too!). And boy was it nice to be home!! I arrived home safely, and Ryan, after having our flight delayed, rushing to his connection flight, only to have that delayed an hour, meanwhile having zero sleep on a 14 hour flight, reached Florida safe for his family holidays. For me, as usual, my arrival was on a Friday night pizza night, and my mom saw me at the door and welcomed me with a big hug. I walked in and saw my dad with our very close family friend (again, hugs all around), and I of course got to see my BABIES.
These two little ones…
They steal my heart every time. It melted my heart when they came to cuddle. I feel like they know who I am, but who really knows with cats. They definitely weren’t jumping up and down when they saw me, as most dogs do (they would run you over). But my cats behaved much like cats (surprise surprise) and did that cool cat walk like “Hey…what’s up? Come here often?” just to rub it in my face that I haven’t been around, making me feel bad for leaving them :(
I remember Ryan suggesting at one point to go to Toronto to meet up with friends, and I didn’t want to go because I wanted to spend as much time as possible at home. Even if no one was home because they had to do their regular day things, I just wanted to be at home and cuddle my cats….which I mean, judge me however you like (crazy cat lady, crazy animal lady), but I just wanted to smoosh them as much as possible. (We did end up going to Toronto by the way and it was a blast!)
So at this point you’re probably thinking “Okay, your entire time home did not involved just smooshing your cats…”
You’re right.Let me get to the more interesting parts of the holidays.
Florida New Years
This New Years was a big deal to me you guys. I feel like most New Years I end up staying in and watching the ball drop on TV with whoever else I’m celebrating with. Which, yes, it’s about the company and whatnot, BUT I seriously wanted to get out and do something fun for New Years….Okay last year I celebrated New Years in Thailand with some pretty awesome people (Ryan’s family), so that was amazing. But most new years I tend to spend indoors at my own fault. Sometimes you gotta make your own fun!
So, this year I did my research and figured out what Ryan and I could do in Florida. I booked us a hotel, a restaurant reservation, and mapped out where we would go afterwards. Perfect! We were not going to have a boring New Years.
My flight arrived in Florida the evening of December 30, and we drove to Fort Myers on the 31 to get to the hotel and get ready for our evening.
Views from the sky!
Here’s what the night looked like:
Followed by this:
And then this:
So we had our lovely dinner and we walked around Fort Myers to celebrate with everyone around. This was really cool because there were multiple streets shut down just for people to walk around, drink, and listen to the handful of bands dispersed throughout. As well, a part was sectioned off for the ball drop. All through the night we were able to order alcohol from the booths stationed outside, and that’s when Ryan noticed the Jell-O syringes. Yes…they were actually in a syringe!
I don’t remember exactly how many I had, but I remember hating the taste of them; but yet with peer pressure from Ryan I continued to have them anyway (notice the whipped cream on top; it wasn’t totally awful). I just remembering shuddering every time from the nasty flavour, and having to chase it with beer.
As the night went on, the streets got more crowded and I started feeling like I was back in China, but at this point I already had enough alcohol in me that I didn’t really care about my surroundings. Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything inappropriate! But when we were waiting for the ball to drop, which was blocked off by moveable fencing, there was an interesting security guard watching ‘his area’ (by moveable I mean someone has to physically move it…it can’t move on it’s own!). Ryan and I had our hands on the fence, just chatting away, minding our own business when the security guard comes over and tells us to take our hands off the bar. I didn’t realize a resting hand could do so much damage to a fence! We kept watching him and he continued to do this for anyone, even if they just rested their foot on it, or any body part for that matter. Well, I was feeling pretty rebellious so I kept my hand on their anyways. I showed you Mr. Security Guard!!
…and then he came over and pushed me, and Ryan got in a fight and that was the end of our evening.
Just kidding! But wouldn’t that be interesting!
That really was the extent of my rebelliousness though…nothing happened. (I know, why can’t I be more rebellious just for the purpose of this blog??)
Later on in the night more ‘fun’ people came out from wherever they were hiding. This included a group of super interestingly religious people;  they announced to everyone continuously via loud-speaker, that everyone around Fort Myers was going to hell. Just the kind of vibes people want around New Years right?! I remember seeing some people going up and trying to hug this one particular speaker, to try and show him some compassion. Instead he said “What are you doing, do not touch me, I said to not touch me. Please stop touching me. You’re all going to hell”. This guy was dead serious. Some others went up and explained their own religious views, but this group still put them down for going out and celebrating New Years Eve. I really had no idea religious people weren’t allowed to go out, drink or have fun. All I know is, I wont be joining that religious group (and I probably wouldn’t even be allowed!).
When it got closer to midnight,  Ryan and I gathered with everyone else around the ball drop area. And as you might imagine New Years being between couples…well yeah it was darn cute. And if you’re single, you’d probably kiss that random stranger or hug a good friend…or all of the above if you’re really having a good time!
A really blurry photo shortly after midnight by the ball drop!
I however stuck with Ryan, and we continued to have a good time by going into a nearby bar. The place was huge, with lights flashing, people dancing and the music vibrating through the walls. I decided (like a kid) to follow the bright flashing lights upstairs. With alcohol in my system I tend to be a bit more curious than normal, and Ryan tagged along. Once we got upstairs, the room opened up to a less busy of a bar with several couches placed throughout, and people dancing to the music between them. I remember seeing the couch and was like “Oh that’s nice, I’ll just sit down for a bit”. I at that point hadn’t sat all evening and my feet were tired. Suddenly, a husky security guard comes over and says “This is VIP! Get out!”, and as we jump out of our seats we hear one of the guys from VIP say “No it’s okay, they can stay”. I should have figured out it was the VIP section before I sat down, based on the environment, but my situational awareness wasn’t the best. So Ryan and I were sitting there and this guy didn’t even tell us his name, he just said “Yeah I’m a football player. We’re all football players up here, and this is our section. But it’s cool if you want to stay”. My mind was at first like “Ooookay football player with no name”, and then thought “I know he wants us to be blown away by his sheer amazing-ness, but what’s his name again?”. In my mind, your name is more important than your occupation, but I think he thought opposite. So to make him feel more special, here was my reaction: “NO WAY! WOW. THAT IS SO COOL! Oh my gosh. This is crazy. No we should leave! We’re sooooo sorry”. In which case he was like “No, no you guys can say”. Then Ryan and I looked at each other and are like…crap, now we owe him/them something. We have to buy them all drinks, and I don’t know that we have that much money left! (I also don’t know if I can worship them that much longer…). So I asked some of the guys and girls around what they wanted and Ryan and I waited at the bar for a bartender when Ryan said,  “I just really want to get out of here”. Smart cookie Ryan is!  So, we literally bought zero drinks and just walked out of the building, not even saying goodbye to anyone.
Poor football players were probably wondering where their rum and coke’s were at!
At this point it was getting late and we decided to walk back to our hotel, which was about a 20 minute walk. We had stopped in at a gas station to pick up some food and refreshments and next thing you know, it’s morning and we were in the hotel. I was laying on the bed, on top of the covers with my clothes from the previous night on….we made it back to the hotel??
I turned over to make sure I made it back with Ryan, and saw him on the other  double bed. I tried get up to go to the bathroom but my head was pounding, and the room was spinning. I finally forced myself to the bathroom because my bladder couldn’t take it anymore, and as I was washing my hands I regretfully looked at myself in the mirror. You can use your imagination to picture how good I looked just then. (hint hint: amaaaaazing). I drank some water, and very, very slowly walked back to bed.
Checkout was at noon, so of course we needed to get out of the hotel, but I was in no state of wanting to live.
I tried to pack up some of my things when I had to suddenly run to the bathroom to puke….ugh. I tried again…and puke again. Then we made it to the checkout, I looked like a mess and didn’t even want to talk, so I let Ryan handle it. We decided to grab something at Dunkin’ Donuts before we drove back, but I couldn’t even look at food, or coffee…not even Ryan because the sun was reflecting off his magnificent white skin.
Ha! Just kidding. He’s no vampire. Anyways, Ryan ordered something at Dunkin’ Donuts and I sat there, slumped in my chair with my eyes closed, waiting, and hoping not to throw up again. After he was done, we made it to the car and Ryan pulled out of the parking spot when a wave of nausea hit me again. He pulled back in the spot and I quickly got out, thinking I was going to puke, but it was a false alarm. Thank goodness Ryan’s mom had the travel sickness bags in the car; what a smart lady! I got back in and took the bag out just in case, and ended up falling asleep. We finally got back to the condo, with no accidents in the car (yay!), but as I got out of the car and can you guess what happens next?! Yepp…I threw up again. Ryan left me to do my business each time because he couldn’t handle it, which I totally get! Who wants to see that. But the plus side of this situation is that Ryan complimented me on how quiet I am when I throw up. Sooooo I’ll add that to my resume!
Anyways, the whole day I felt like crap. I was willing myself to feel better because I saw how beautiful of a day it was. I just wanted to be out in the sun, and I only had a few days left in Florida! But no matter how hard I tried, I never did get to sit out in the sun that day. I made my New Years Resolution to never drink again (as if a year is that quick to get through)….but I’ve broken that promise several times since! But New Years was a blast with Ryan and SO memorable, and that’s all I really wanted. I would go back and do that again another year, just minus the Jell-O syringes. Bleh.
Me the day after New Years: recovering all day
I was able to get to the beach a few days, and was it ever nice!!
Post New Years Adventures
Pretty much every weekend after getting home from Florida, we spent staying up late and having fun. I have to say, Ryan did really well in this area. Ryan’s dad has this saying that nothing good happens after midnight; but I would say for Ryan that nothing good happens after 5am.
There was the one pizza night when everyone was over, being all loud and having a good time. One person we were extra happy to have around because he doesn’t make it to pizza nights as often anymore; my brotha from anotha motha, Eric. Actually though he is like another brother, since my family grew up with his just 2 houses down the road. Anyways, it was getting late and I was super tired that night so I decided to head to bed early. Ryan and Eric however stayed up until 6AM!! Like a little kid on Christmas morning, Ryan came into my room and excitedly woke me up to tell me that we’re going out for breakfast at 7am. They wanted to keep the day rolling, and I was their ride to breakfast. I negotiated with Ryan that 7:30 would be better, but when that time came around Ryan didn’t wake me up. 8:30 came around and still I heard nothing.  So I went downstairs to where the guys were last, and I see the them both sleeping away like little angels (okay maybe some snoring was involved). When they finally woke up they were both still drunk, and they knew breakfast was off, especially since Eric had to be somewhere for noon.
The next really fun time of Ryan waking me up was when he went out with my brother and his girlfriend to celebrate their friends birthday. (PS. do you notice this pattern of me not staying up late and drinking?? I learned something from New Years!) We had just gotten home from my grandma’s 80th birthday around midnight, and they were ready to party! Rico and Ryan had some shots before I dropped them off downtown, and I told them to text me if they needed a ride. I even stayed up late to wait for a text, but received no response. SO I got a lovely call at 5am, and I don’t even remember what Ryan said because I was pretty much still asleep. In my half asleep state, I went downstairs and saw Rico propping Ryan up and trying to open the door at the same time. I at first was like “Okay…they’re just really close now”. Then I finally, really woke up and because something about it didn’t look right. Finally Ryan bursts out “I broke my ankle!!” He’s drunk, and Rico’s giving me a smile like “Geez I dunno what happened…yeah it was stupid”. Confused with how he could possibly break his ankle, I respond “What?? Are you okay? What happened??”. I swear I didn’t hear the full story of what happened until the next day (I did not get much information out of the drunk Ryan).
Here’s the story:
Everyone goes out to the bar, has a great time, Ryan’s not drunk
Bar closes, everyone Uber’s to the birthday girls’ house, Ryan’s not drunk
Birthday girls’ family (and Rico’s girlfriends’ cousins) arrive, Ryan’s not drunk
The family brings out the real alcohol, people start dancing in the living room, Ryan’s drunk
Shots, shots, more shots, Ryan’s really drunk
Deep conversations, heart to hearts, still drunk
More shots….still really drunk
Time to go home, Rico and Ryan have the brilliant idea of walking..still drunk
What’s that Ryan see’s? A really tall shed you say?….still drunk
Ryan parkour’s to the top of the shed and proceeds to jump down (stupid, stupid idea…really drunk)
Ryan lands…and voila! He can’t really walk (maybe a bit more alert, but still drunk)
Rico somewhat carries Ryan home
Ryan calls Marisa
So yes, Ryan jumped off a very tall shed in a random person’s backyard, and seriously messed up his ankle. Rico said he was just walking along, and the next thing he knows Ryan brings out his inner monkey and is climbing on a fence towards a shed, gets onto the roof, and jumps off, landing flat on his feet. Okay there Mr. Hulk! (Except instead of him shattering the ground beneath him, the ground shatter him) Something in his ankle must have cracked, or fractured…we still don’t know. My biggest worry at the time was that we were leaving for China the next day and I was wondering how I would get him through the airport with all the luggage we had. Also I have yet to see any people in wheelchairs in China, and there was no way I could carry Ryan the whole way through.
If you’re wondering what’s up with Ryan’s ankle now, we still don’t really know. It was, and is still sometimes painful to watch him walk. On the day of our departure, my dad was able to find some crutches for Ryan to use. Thanks dad! I didn’t have to end up carrying Ryan after all!
Overall the trip home was a blast; we made the most of our days home and spent as much time with people we knew we wouldn’t see anytime soon. Going away has made me appreciate those important people in my life even more; I often randomly think of people from home and sometimes feel like crying! But crying from missing friends and family has subsided a lot, compared to when I initially got here. Sometimes I have the opposite reaction and feel like bursting out laughing, which is equally as funny. The longer I stay, the easier it gets.
Some other memories from my visit home:
Skiing at Blue Mountain with my dad and family friend
More cuddles
Going for a nice hike, full of smog-free air!
Got my Italian passport!!
Axe throwing competition
Being home always creates warm memories for me; I laugh uncontrollably at least once a day, and I feel surrounded by great people.  My brother, for example, has an awesome humour that can make me laugh non-stop for about 5 minutes from just a silly noise.
Which brings me to a 1.5 hr  Christmas Eve drive home from my grandparents; my brother was driving, and everyone else in the vehicle had been drinking. We listened to all sorts of music, had some good talks, and Rico did insanely good voice impressions of an old Japanese man, an Australian, and Hermione Granger from Harry Potter (pretty much just sounded like Mrs. Doubtfire). It was the Japanese man that got everyone in the car gasping for air; and I had to tell Rico to stop because I was concerned my sister was going to pass out. If we sound like an insanely happy family, I’d say for the most part, we are :D (We’re probably truly insane, but also happy at the same time) And I’m so glad Ryan has joined in on our crazy train; I remember when he first met everyone, his facial expression was like “What kind of water are these people drinking?!”
Anyways folks, as always, thanks for taking the time to read my blogs (even if they can be a tad long), and listening to how awesome the people in my life are. Going home is bound to create some good memories, but I’m also loving my life here in China. We’ve met some pretty cool people from America that will unfortunately be leaving us soon to go back home. However, this coincides well with Ryan and I moving to Chongqing within the next week or so! I’m SO excited to move. Until then, I hope you’re all enjoying your 2017 so far. If you’re not, come visit us in China, it’ll change the way you think!
Coming up: The move to Chongqing
Next trip:  Vietnam
One Wild Month Well well well...I'm back! In case you forgot about me, I'm still here! It's been a long while since I last posted! 
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