#forgot that one aha
pplatonic · 1 year
Hi! Due to that one extremely popular fan PV, EVERYONE thinks that Two-Faced Lovers by wowaka ft. Hatsune Miku is about teenage pregnancy and careless sex, and as someone who is very probably manic right now, I’m here to channel my manic energy into hopefully somewhat comprehensible ramblings about why you’re wrong and I’m right. 
So the basic literal story of our girl starts with waking up from a dream. She says that “Love” takes over, and continues on to spew out lines upon lines at rapid speed all about how her emotions are all over the place. On the pre chorus, we stop focusing on purely emotional and shift over to physical sensations, where in the chorus it all boils over to some striking imagery involving body parts.
It basically repeats the same thing over again with her consequences starting to sneak up on her, but she jumps back into that emotion and physical sensation nonetheless. The pre chorus and chorus play out straight, until the key shifts up and the chorus repeats and ends with the banging chant of “Love love love love--NO!”
So that’s our literal story. And many people will interpret the colorful physical sensations to be sex, and you’re not wrong the song is literally called Two-Faced Lovers, but I’m telling you that’s NOT ALL THERE IS TO IT.
Let’s start at the start, line by line!! 
“I woke up from a dream full of delight inside my head-space
A perplexing thing called Love took over, and then”
These are pretty self explanatory. The girl is brimming with happy emotions at a dream full of delight, and then an emotion they don’t understand and find perplexing - Love - takes control.
“I couldn't keep my heart-space from splitting in two
Never had the capacity to control it in the first place”
First of all what should be noted is that of the contrast between a “head-space” and a “heart-space.” Most simply, there’s a disconnect between the girl’s logic and the girl’s emotions.
The lines themselves further this theme of disorienting emotions, saying their heart-space has split in two. (This will be brought up again later.) The girl then acknowledges they couldn’t control it in the first place - this was bound to happen with her wild emotions.
“With my mostly naive theory of emotion somewhere in that spray of words
I was someway, somehow looking for a pair of eyes to find out where it's at--LIFE”
I cannot prepare you for the absolute RAWNESS of these lines. Firstly, the way they straight up just acknowledge that the way they connect with and conceive their emotions is naive and pathetic outright?? And they’re just spraying words out rapidly - they’re looking for the eyes that can even see where that theory of emotion is, where that meaning is, and then they just go, “Aw, shucks, that’s life son!” WOW. 
So the first verse sets our stage: an emotionally disoriented girl, trying to make sense of life. The next verse will add on to this by demonstrating the emotional confusion all of this intense emotion of Love is causing her.
“Every day is full of "why" did this, did that, but in the end, it's sayonara baby”
The first part, asking why they did this and that, is the nonsense that life has become with this emotion of Love plaguing her. Her life is nothing but questions, but in the end, all she’s doing is saying goodbye to another baby. Which like, you can interpret that to mean she’s getting another abortion which like perfectly demonstrates the consequences of her careless actions and fits with the theme, yeah, but also what about “baby” as in the pet name for a lover? What if the same line could have a double meaning of hopping from one love and life to another, saying sayonara, as soon as you blink twice?
“One side facing truth, one side running, my two-sided heart”
This is what I think the heart-space split in two is referencing. One side faces truth - one part of her heart is ready to be self-aware and accept what’s happening, the unhealthiness going on. But the other side runs away further into delusion - further into the madness - and such is the dilemma that our poor girl faces. People say listen to your heart, but which side of her heart does she listen to?
“Is there no good out there? I ask my topsy-turvy self
Inside myself, beside myself, insides turned inside out, ahhhh”
A question given out in utter desperation, sprung up by endless confusion and toil - is there any good to be found in the world? She acknowledges that she’s all over the place right now, before she falls apart completely, getting wrapped up in that emotion before we spring into the pre chorus.
“Just touching by instinct with nothing to say
Hurting, touching, gasping, feeling like I could climb to heaven”
Acting purely on instinct now with no thoughts running through her head, experiencing a whole breadth of human experience, using the phrase “like I’m in heaven.” The emotion of Love is taking control of her body and mind, she’s getting totally swept up in emotion.
“But I'm stuck going nowhere here and there”
She acknowledges that just for a second, this is leading her nowhere, that it’s all going towards disaster, but -
“Take that leap to the other side”
She submits anyway, giving into the whir of emotions, leading us into the chorus!
“Get head over heels in love, breathe from your diaphragm
Jump into a intense taste, front side, flip side, big as life
Force them together, stick them over your retinas
Just give yourself to love! Want-don't-want to see you--NO!”
The start and end of the chorus clarifies fully that she’s giving into the perplexing emotion of Love, even romanticizing it. Other parts of the chorus are vivid imagery of physical sensation - breathing from your diaphragm, sticking them over your retinas, jumping into an intense taste...The end of the chorus is a girl in conflict, does she go to see him or not? In the end she just says NO to it all!
Obviously this can be read as sex, but that’s not all it is. The sex is a metaphor, guys, I’m not crazy. Committing such a personal, intimate, beautiful act entirely on a whim - and facing the deadly consequences afterwards. That’s what this song is about. And the next iteration of the song proves that.
Not much has changed - our girl obviously hasn’t learnt her lesson. She’s still singing nearly the exact same lyrics! Our first key that something is off is that the dream is now full of misery. Then, the end of the verse shows us what’s wrong:
“Mostly vaguely innocent calamity strewn by my swollen ego
Telling me where I'm at, these words I think I've grasped”
She becomes self aware for just a flash about her ego - swollen - leading her to jump straight into scenarios that seem fun but end awfully, causing calamity and chaos in her life. All caused by her listening to her big ego about what to do - she thinks she’s finally starting to understand what’s happening, but she continues back into the same loop anyways… 
I honestly don’t think the second chorus needs a line-by-line breakdown. It’s just a show of how chaotic her life has become, she’s completely lost in the loop and even though she acknowledged before what’s happening she can’t stop it. Then, the key shift happens and the chorus repeats, with the iconic ending “Love love love love--NO!”
(Personally, I like to interpret the last “NO!” as her realizing the full consequences of her actions just as it’s a second too late. Teehee.)
All in all, this song isn’t about teenage pregnancy. That’s the most literal interpretation of the lyrics - a girl carelessly throwing herself into unsafe sex and getting the consequence of pregnancy. But why would she do these things? What’s the underlying message behind that? The sex is a metaphor, guys, I’m not crazy. 
This song is about, TO ME (I WOULD LIKE TO CLARIFY) getting caught up in a whirl of emotions, and bright-eyed naive you just gets swept up in them while you don’t fully understand them. Even though a part of you is aware of what's happening - and your actions are starting to come back to bite you in the ass - you still continue letting yourself get whirled up in this amazing delightful sensation, and then the consequences of your actions hit you full force. 
As someone with bipolar disorder, this song is just so highly relatable! And it’s why I’m so passionate about it not just being about teenage pregnancy, and instead something more. That amazing whirl of emotion that comes to you like a dream, that takes over your whole life, forces you into impulsivity, hypersexuality, and never thinking about the consequences of your actions. How a part of you wants to aim for recovery but the desire for manic energy nags at your heart, wanting to run deep into the madness. And you ignore the red flags and warning signs, but once everything’s said and done, you’re sat there staring at the horrid consequences of what you’ve done while swept up by mania.
Just to clarify, I am NOT saying this song is about mania. To me it’s about any old whir of emotion you get caught up in. But in the context of mania, it sure is fucking relatable!
Anyway hope that made sense share my ramblings with someone else spread the word kthx bye
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psychicism · 1 year
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in the super secret version of botw you can find this pic in the sheikah slate's gallery
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l0gitex · 2 months
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rox-of-iu · 1 year
ayo guys guess what time it is again :)) 💜💜
spoiler warning for cultivate ch 41-46
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hehe finally scrambled brain enough to be able to catch up and cultivate makes me go 🥰🥰😌🤗😊😊
cultivate of course by @neonghostcat beloved
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happy anniversary to all the friendships where we truly thought we could make it through together
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zakuryoishi · 6 days
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i'm so sick of this guy
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starsisstars · 1 month
A collection of fashion design/doodles/whatever I've made (typically with croquis books as a base). I hate anatomy and am not super serious about this but it's fun thinking of clothes and such so I'm just doing whatever haha. Never thought I'd be posting these but was sorting through some old images and yolo right?
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In order: Trying to fit a friend's style, dragonfly-themed design, designing a friend's OC based off loose written concepts, Arknights OC although I don't know anything about Ark and just like the designs, leopard moth NPC for a friend's dnd campaign, watermelon ballerina (???? My motives are unknown), and random stuff probably loosely inspired by ISAT I doodle at work haha.
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jankwritten · 8 months
jasico bingo challenge: crossover
Nico tries extra hard to keep his ears still as the humans descend to the surface. 
His suspicion is reasonable, even if Leader keeps snapping at him to reel his emotions in. Nico might be young, but he isn’t naive. He’s heard whispers throughout the universe of what humans do to each other, do to their planet, for the sake of greed and power. 
In his not so humble opinion, humans and Galra are not different in the slightest. If humanity had even a sliver of the technology that exists this far out in the cosmos, Nico’s positive they’d have two empires to overthrow. 
Tucked near the back of the group (likely to hide his obvious opposition to this alliance), Nico can only kind of hear what the human donning black armor says to Leader on his approach. His handshake looks solid enough. 
“That’s the one who was captured,” Hazel whispers to him, always flanking his side. Her fingers curl around his forearm, digging in. “He’s dangerous. Titan Slayer.” 
Nico can’t stop his ears from swiveling flat. He wishes he had the facade of his mask to hide behind, so he could bare his teeth in displeasure. 
He knows of the Titan Slayer. One of the only survivors of Kronos’s coliseum. A being so wholly destructive, so eager for blood, he was rumored to feast on the remains of those he slayed. 
“I thought he’d be taller,” Nico mutters back. 
Hazel snorts, just loud enough that Leader’s right-hand woman turns on her heel and stakes them with an evil eye. 
The Paladins, so called defenders of the universe, are the sort of lively that Nico associates with space madness. A chaos created by a mind untethered. The one dressed in red sticks by the Titan Slayer and speaks to him so fast, Nico’s translators can hardly keep up. The one in green and the one in yellow monitor the edges of the room, observing from a distance, occasionally peeling apart some piece of technology that they then stitch back together before someone of importance catches them. The blue one is the friendliest to the Blades, though it doesn’t earn her much, in Nico’s books. She speaks as if they’re all equals here. It puts his teeth on edge. 
“Quit your brooding,” Melinoe says. She tugs once on Nico’s hood, then wraps her arm around him when he’s off balance, holding him hostage to her side. “You don’t have to like them, but you have to respect them.” 
“Do I?” Nico mutters, bitter. What have these Paladins done to earn his respect, aside from endangering some of their most vital members, threatening their whole network of undercover agents within the Empire? 
“If you ever want to be off base again you do,” Melinoe says. She flashes her teeth at him and nips not-so-playfully at his ear. “Your choice, kitling.” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
“I call you whatever I like.” 
Nico’s ears flatten down as he slumps, folding his arms across his chest, glaring daggers in the opposite direction. 
Melinoe’s laugh is more of a bark, hard and ringing. 
As the base lights begin to dim in preparation for the sleep-sequence, Nico escapes the still ongoing welcome celebration for the more secluded decks. He’s sure his disappearance will be noted, but Leader can’t hold it against him if his excuse is habit and schedule. Nico has hardly slept well a day in his life, but he always goes to bed on time. 
This cycle, he taps into one of the common areas and slouches onto the plush cushioning arranged by whomever used the room last. He doesn’t want to go to his own room yet, worn out as he is. He needs to keep an eye out. It seems everyone else is swept up in the revelry of their guests, but Nico isn’t fooled. 
In the common area, he’ll be able to hear unfamiliar, human footfalls coming or going. He can remain on his guard in an open area. His room would just feel claustrophobic. 
Arranging himself so the entrance remain within sight, Nico finally allows himself to relax just the slightest bit into the comfortable cradle of cushion. 
He snaps awake to the sound of the doors wooshing shut. 
The Titan Slayer blinks at him. “Oh,” he says, in that strange, human tone. “Sorry. I- didn’t know, uhm, someone was here.” 
Nico bristles, unable to keep himself from going on the offensive. His shoulder hike, and he bares his teeth. 
“I’ll just go,” The Titan Slayer says. He puts his hands up. “My bad.” 
“You are sneaking,” Nico hisses, rising to his feet. He’s still in his armor. If he needs to, he can yank his hood on and strike fast, strike hard. Strike first. 
“I was just trying to find some water.” The Titan Slayer keeps his hands up, perhaps a defense? “I’ll go back to my quarters.” 
“I will follow,” Nico says. The Titan Slayer’s eyes widen slightly, as if shocked. Nico wants so badly to bare his teeth. “To make sure you find your way.” 
The human lowers his hands, finally. He tips his head forward in a nod not dissimilar to those given in respect to commanders, generals. “I’d appreciate that,” The Titan Slayer says. 
Though he takes the long way, there are no deviations from the path the paladin leads back to the guest quarters - a sliver of space set up with cots, furnished just enough to feel better than nothing. 
Nico watches from the doorway as the Titan Slayer pads near-silently to the empty cot across the room, between two of the others. The yellow and blue, Nico thinks. They look smaller without armor. 
The Titan Slayer looks up at him. If he’s surprised to see Nico still there, he does not say. Instead, in the otherwise silent space, he murmurs, “I look forward to working with you. I don’t believe I caught your name?” 
The translator catches for a moment over the word name, though the translation suits Nico fine. A name is not a title. There is not much to giving it. 
“Nico,” he says, gruff and short. 
The Titan Slayer smiles, that strange, bare human expression. “I’m Jason,” he says. “It’s nice to meet you, Nico.” 
Nico narrows his eyes suspiciously, parsing apart the tone, the word choice. To meet under these circumstances is not nice. What games do the humans play with their words? To lie so blatantly? 
“We will see,” Nico says. He steps backward through the still-open doorway, refusing to look away from the Titan Slayer. Jason. Danger. 
The door hisses shut. 
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ilovebeingaturtle · 2 years
Additional reasoning to vote for 87!Raph in this poll is that since I once voiced him in a improv fandub once you’d also be voting against ME, you will also be breaking MY heart /j AHA
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lemon-grey · 1 year
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I am done with my graceless heart - tonight I’m gonna cut it out and then restart
I like to keep my issues drawn - it’s always darkest before the dawn
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xiewho · 6 months
hi guys please send me art reqs so i have something to draw while im in the car for a few millennia
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lonely--seeker · 2 years
I've been listening to lemon demon way too much. Cabinet man has to be one of my favourite songs and I love goofing around with my favourite songs.
This video was longer but I spent months believing I had deleted the Krita archive (which I did) BUT was able to bring it back, at least in shambles :>
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shit out of quotes
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sethdomain · 1 year
Yknow my mom asked me to get massages because she told me im like tired and i need to relax or sum. I declined cause i don’t feel like being touched by strangers.
But, it turn out its just for her to make me ‘pretty’ or sum. I’m kinda disappointed.
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i think one of my favorite things almond has canonically done is try to buy butter pretzels paintings with coffee
oh my god hes so stupid /aff
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woah grim made not one but two art posts???? that’s crazy woah
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