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Arsene Jaal heard them first...
I heard them first.
Snarling breath and heavy limbs, some dragging their tools of slaughter with the sharp, high sound of incoming screams. Others opted to carry their weapons with more dignity, but the thumps of their feet gave them away. Those were the older ones, the slower but stronger ones. The fresh ones were more lithe of foot and more in control of their limbs. But their breath, that dragging, labored sound of one trying to catch their breath as if something was caught in their throat, gave them away.
Then there was the smell.
The fresher ones smelled of afterbirth and burning oak (and other scents to cover their unique, pungent aroma), of burnt clothes, sage, fresh cadavers. They were the first to cause alarm, the first to strike.
To be expected, Aldens were the first line to fall. Blue became purple in splatters, showers, from slow, fallen pools. The ones who could fight did so, valiantly, but it was when they made the mistake of tearing off the veiling cover of the Fresh that they would cringe in terror from their twisted, henious visage. Just enough to catch a blade to the temple, or a pick, or a hammer. The Fresh carried small, quick weapons and decimated the first line of defenders. Aye, the Fresh moved with remarkable intelligence, for just as Aldens were ambushed with Corsin like swiftness, it was then screams of horror came from the Corsin tower.
I watched them climb the stone walls with a spider's grace and swiftness, with a predator's intent. Some had clawed weapons, others used picks, and others just used their twisted claws to dig into the stone as they breached the walls of the outer towers of the elite and homes of the fortunate. They caused panic, with panic comes the high screech of women to alert all, and then... the Old moved with new vigor. Knight Commanders barked orders, Aldens went running with clanging weapons and shields. Rangers turned a late, pink and orange afternoon sky near black with torrents of arrows from above. Corsins, the ones that could escape, fled like rodents into the sewers they thought Aldens didn't know about (well, I did). And the Royals..?
Delayed. A fatal mistake for most of them. Which cost Alden lives for we are meant to protect Royals until our last breath. The last breath was used to swing a sword, and that carried into a Royal's throat to either scream or beg before it was taken by Old, gory pikes and hammers.
Where was I? Watching and listening... What were they..? Not human, they didn't smell like displaced Spirits or Shadows nor did they look like Elves... They looked like... vengeance. As the air filled with smoke and smelled of piles of fresh corpses.
-Arsene Jaal, Alden Knight
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For Glory, For Honor, For You...
My brave little man. I cannot say how wonderful it has been to watch you grow. The first time I held you, you were just a wee little babe that could almost fit in my one hand. Your mother was so happy, so proud, your were her greatest accomplishment, a creation of her own flesh and blood and you were beautiful. Beautiful and strong just like your mother. You didn't cry, a tough little lad you were, not til the midwife pinched your foot. Then you wailed like a hell cat, flailing your tiny pudgy arms like you were daring her to get within reach. You were born to be a warrior. Not just because you're an Alden. Not just because you're the son of silly old knight. You were born to it. You took to your training like a fish to the river. My only regret is that I'll never get to see you knighted. Never have the chance to call my little boy, Sir. Keep to it boy. And listen to Hamish. He's the best Knight Commander in three generations. And you stay close to Gregori. Don't let him get too moody, or he'll soak up all the fun. And take care of your mother boy. I love her almost as much as I love you. If you haven't guessed yet, I'm not coming home. Whatever happens to me, I can only hope I can say I died a hero. It'd be a damn shame to lose a father for anything less. Be good son. I love you. For Glory, For Honor, For You. Your father. Jayson Alden
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