#forgive me uwu 🥺
thealleydog · 1 year
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile 💜
Brooo, my fee fees.
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@ironstrange1991 @wint3r-h3art @bakerstreethound @bobateadaydreams @nightonblogmountain
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girlcavalcanti · 2 years
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this is so funny help
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yeah, why were they so happy? did they completely forget about catra screaming at adora for saving her? i think this was the point in the series where i realized that my fears were confirmed and that catra's redemption arc was gonna be really hard to sit through.
also i've said this before but catra had NO RIGHT to participate in anything that was dedicated to angella. glimmer made that food to honor her dead mother and the person who literally killed said mother participates in it? catra doesn't even apologize. she never shows remorse for killing angella, in fact, she seems pretty happy about it in s4. glimmer, whose mini-corruption arc was mainly kickstarted because of her mother's death, is completely okay with this. she's gotten over her grief and is coddling her mother's murderer.
and that whole uwu soft catgirl front that catra put here was so hard to watch. like imagine if criminals did that irl they murder someone and go “sowwy i didn't mean to 🥺 but look i'm so cute you should forgive me”. god, this show's writing was horrible. i'm glad it didn't get a movie adaptation.
(also i can only see a quarter of entrapta's face here and she does not look happy lmao)
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monstercampus · 11 months
Ellie help I have werewolf brain rot and Kirk has been living in my mind rent free the past few nights 😩 please tell me more about him, does he have a secret soft side or is being mean his love language and you know he cares about you if he's giving you a hard time? Why does he live in a dorm by himself? Where is he on the possessive scale? Honestly just tell me everything you know about him so I can simp to the best of my ability 🥺😫🙏
And actually while I'm here, anything about Elliott or Julian would also be tasty 👀👀👀 forgive me for the werewolf team fic altered my brain chemistry and I may never be the same
absolutely !! !!!!! i am at your mercy uwu <33 (this is mostly stream of consciousness so if u want more i am READY)
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(cws: kirk being a sap + lore)
Kirk is very much that way--giving you a hard time is generally how he shows he cares about you. He's only truly mean to those he doesn't care about, and trust that there is a difference even when you get frustrated over his attitude in the beginning. He didn't grow up with a lot of love in his household so it's really not his area of expertise, he never really learned how to show it and only started experiencing affection when he joined the pack and made friends with all the other werewolves. Being snuggled, having his hair stroked instead of pulled, listening to his friends talk about him being handsome and smart even if he's got a shitty attitude.....it's weird to him. He doesn't hate it deep down, but he hates how it makes him feel vulnerable when he doesn't want to be.
'Vulnerable' is barely even in his vocabulary, which is why he comes at you with so much heat at first. He'd been hoping and praying that you two could boink, have a good time, and then you would pretend like it never happened so he wouldn't have to face any of those feelings he has when he looks at you. But when you don't, and when you're just so sweet, Kirk can't handle it and has to revert to what he knows: being a dick. Not nearly to the extent of how he is with other people, but just enough to keep you at arm's length in his constant fear that you're gonna end up making him feel like he isn't totally worthless. Because what would he do then? He's accepted the role of being an irredeemable, raging douchebag for pretty much all his life. He's got an attitude, his temper is awful, he doesn't consider himself that good-looking, he's got some of the worst grades out of the whole pack, he fixates on things and lets them consume all his thoughts, and he hasn't even got any palate to boot and will eat just about anything, even if it's on the verge of spoiling. He's total garbage and he's friends with a pack of people that couldn't be more perfect; Julian is incredibly charming, Portia's practically a genius, Nick is insanely handsome, Elliott is so gentle and really funny, Priam is a total sweetheart and Athos is the pinnacle of cool in his eyes. How could he even think of measuring up to all that, much less stick out among the rest and prove he's worth even a little bit of your love?
That may be the most frustrating part about Kirk--he can be the prickliest guy you know and he would die before he ever says those things out loud, but he seriously admires his friends and you yet he has little to no belief in himself. Granted, growing up he would've gotten his ass beat for showing that kind of weakness, so it's still deeply ingrained in him as an adult--especially since the pack are pretty much the first friends he's ever made on his own. And at his core, he's jealous. Jealous of them and their nice families, jealous of how well they all turned out despite going through their own struggles, jealous of how easy it is for them to be open when he's terrified of people finding out he's bi, jealous of you for being so brave and so beautiful in equal measure....so that's why the best thing he can do--in his own opinion of course--is to be your collective guard dog.
After all, Kirk isn't afraid to bite. His instincts are hard to control in his human form, could you even imagine how feral he can get when he's full wolf, or even just close to the full moon? If anything it's what he's good at; hunting, beating ass, and taking a punch. If he can't be as good as you and the others deserve, the least he can do is make sure that sweetness and the goodness of your souls isn't ever dominated by someone else. He'll spill blood, he doesn't care. He would even get suspended if it came to that, expelled, arrested, whatever it takes and he'll let the chips fall where they may. You'll know his love for you is real when he starts acting protective over you, not only when other people try to bother you but as far as your daily needs as well. Have you eaten properly? Are you thirsty? Do you need to sleep? When's the last time you stretched? He acts like it's a favour he's doing for you, like you're a little wolf that needs caring after, but in truth it settles his own self-doubts and makes him happier knowing that he's doing something for you--that he's taking care of you like a mate would, and when you smile at him or thank him for his help he just melts. He would do anything to keep hold of that smile.
.....Which is why he's got a plan in his head for after graduation. He and Nick are the oldest and thus are going to graduate first of all of you, so once that's over and done with he's got plans to start building a place for you all to properly call 'home'. It's nothing crazy--just a cabin in the woods--but if there's one thing he can confidently say he's good at it's woodworking, and he's sketched out the designs to make it everything you could ever want.
Personal rooms for you, him, and Portia who has trouble falling asleep when it's noisy. A big living room with enough sofas to fit you all. Polished oak walls like Julian grew up with and always wanted to see again. A bathtub big enough to fit Nicky's giant, muscly legs without spilling over. Tables and chairs to fit everyone and more, to fit all the family gatherings and maybe even the pups you might have one day. A garden out back where he'll plant those ugly little flowers Elliott loves. Trees and greenery around where they can run and hunt and play during the full moon, totally obscured by the rest of the world. A big fucking chandelier in the dining room to intimidate any friends you bring over that think they're hot enough shit to snatch you. It's gonna be perfect, it's gonna be the one thing he can say he's proud of in practically his whole life. It'll be a gift to all of you for putting up with his assholery for so damn long, for sticking with him even when he couldn't find a single reason why you should.
That's the kind of love Kirk shows. Words don't mean much to him--actions and acts of service are how he expresses his affections, because it's much simpler for him to put work into something he can touch and measure and paint rather than throw some flimsy words around and call it love. Plus, one of the reasons why he lives in his own dorm is because his downtime is incredibly important to him. Usually he would request a private one-bedroom apartment, but this year he was assigned roommates that he very quickly drove away with his annoying habits almost entirely on purpose. If he's not comfortable with someone, then like hell is he going to share an intimate living space with them--and after a long day he just needs time to be completely alone. He has to think, work on his projects, exercise, chew on something, and have no prying eyes around that will impede his progress in trying to figure out how the hell he can try to make himself worthy of being loved by you. A dumb, violent wolf reaching to grab the very moon from the sky.
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woodchipp · 2 months
So I was mulling over OMORI like you do and I found one of the BIGGEST plot holes that you haven't somehow found: Why did Sunny even come out of his house in the "canon route"
Think about it. He literally has not opened his door for 4 years, and that seemingly hasn't intended on changing, but all of a sudden, on EXACTLY 3 days left I might add, he answers Kel. Out of nowhere and we never actually got reason for this?
Imagine you were Kel, you've been knocking for 2 months or so, and right as you were about to stop because you were losing energy (as he does on 2 days left in the Hikkikomori[?] route), and then your best friend suddenly just comes out. Then, when he's supposed to leave, before you get to say goodbye, he reveals he killed someone you saw as a sister.
I would almost feel bad for Kel if yk this game wasn't all about "Sorry uwu 😿 forgive me? 🥺🥺" for Sunny and brushing over any other character besides Basil.
My thoughts atl I'm not good at this
Don't worry, I'm not good at it either lol
Apparently the game implies Sunny might've felt compelled to go out and reconnect with his besties because he knew he had a deadline
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And that just makes him look even worse, as it implies he'd have been content to uphold Basil's lie were it not for circumstances forcing him out of the house.
In all honesty, I can't bring myself to feel bad for Kel. Why did he start giving a shit about Sunny only after learning the latter is due to leave? dude should've been knocking on that door for all those four years. at least that would've been more of a showcase of their friendship lmao
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hakucho-art · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
question: what r three things you like about ur art? and what is ur current fav art piece of urs? <3
also bonus touken headcanon: they’re in their married era, but still new relationship, and while they’ve more comfortable — kaneki still seems hesitant sometimes when he reaches to her, in initiating any sort of skin ship, like he’s unsure of howwhen. Touka finds it endearing and kind of laughable considering they just had a blow ur mind sex like an hour ago, but here kaneki is looking so unsure of how to put his arms around her shoulders. This man is ridiculous. God she loves him.
But sometimes — he catches her completely off guard. They’re were doing smth… idk, making coffee??? And Kaneki makes this voice pitched with alarm and touka bends over to see him fumbling with this amateur thing she KNOWS he can do with his eyes closed and is like wow… Kaneki??? Did you get off the bed on the wrong side???? What is wrong with you. But it turns out it was all a plot for her to give him a cheek kiss without her knowing.
Touka blinks, as she just registers where her lips where and looks up at kaneki who has this big silly smile that says “gotcha” and gives her butterfly in stomach…
URGH I LOVE THEM… they’re so cute (also forgive me if this is out of character. I am out of touch)
You're out of touch... I'm out of tiiiime....
OKI OKI, first the questions sjdvjw
Three things I like about my art
Hmmmm lately I've been feeling more happy with my coloring! I feel like finally I've kind of understood what I'm doing and feel more experienced with it. I also like how my sketches look, sketching is always my favorite part and making some cleaned sketches with pencil again has been really nice uwu. And I like how I draw faces! Lately they have been more simplistic but generally, I do like them.
Your favorite art piece?
UHHH, actually a piece for a zine so I cant post it here yet but my current favorite touken piece of mine are these two (because im indecisive)
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The left one because for once I properly colored them (usually I get lazy with my touken pieces since theyre very indulgent wjvdjwhd) and the other because I adore the style there a lot, especially how kaneki looks🥺 definitely want to try using it more!
NOW TO YOUR SWEET HEADCANON AHHHH, you never disappoint with the touken fluff wjvdjwvdjwvdhwh♥️♥️😭
FIRST OF ALL, mischievous kaneki is ADORABLE and we need more of him. Here and there he can be a little tricksy, especially when he wants to get back to touka because she so often does little pranks and messes with him hehe
Kaneki not knowing how to approach casual intimacy while they fuck everyday is so funny and canon 😭💕 touka is just as ridiculous, kaneki calls her cute and she gets a massive blush as if they havent been dating for MONTHS.
Also, I didnt fully understand the last part. So kaneki tricked her into giving him a cheek kiss or did kaneki give her a cheek kiss 👀 either way, its adorable because kaneki making silly little pranks that are basically just kisses and snuggles orz. Kill me with the fluff, HELP. Touka feeling a little Bad because his pranks are so innocent and loving while he suffers a little when she pranks him JWVJDDVJD
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spicy-lemnade · 2 months
Casavir Headcanon in the nutshell
(Low res pic, I just want small pic, okay?)
How everyone headcanon (or written) him:
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"My lady." guy
a sorely gentleman (stereotype)
"My lady"
white knight (stereotype)
dragonborn must be his true love or something like that
"I must maintain my vow😞, though I regret taking it"😢😩
Is actually (secretly) horny. uwu
"My lady?"
also deep bass boosted voice
By "taking a vow" very seriously, it means include he should care about his "celibacy"? Just because he's very religious guy??
cares about your boundaries (positive, actually)
my lady....
Praying the divines / Tyr all day
traits? what positive traits? (it's nothing of a value, according to them)
Also Casavir: "met many a fine lass on his travels, but none were sufficiently enticing to churn his core" (literally overused sentences in every fanfics they've written in every fandom)
Here's some verbatim for you all to understand: "he met many pretty women, but none of them are pleasurable enough for him like how dragonborn do." (not), it's very lazy writing.
my lady
my lady
How I headcanon him:
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"It's been 18 years, Bishop. You haven't pay for your crime...and your bills, you've been wasting their ale back from Neverwinter."
old ass
soft ass
sassy ass
goth ass BITCHES
was tired of Bishop's bullshit, but well.. not anymore...
"Knows what he was doing"
but if you ask, he ain't subtle. Well sometimes subtle about it, he'll speak like riddles, just like how you met one of the Stormcock soldier in Sovngarde
remind practical and observant...like how he observed Bishop's behavior and tendencies
Your tired granddad(dy) (ignore this)
is actually introvert nerd
"My lady, I guess..."
"Or my sire, perhaps?"
prefer not to label himself and you do as well respect that
definitely into deathcore
Unironically listening to "I am... All of Me." by Crush 40 from Shadow the Hedgehog ("Hey isn't this for-" SHUT THE FUCK UP)
sure, he doesn't like swearing but he will do it if he feels like it. He's not gonna freak out about it if he hears someone swearing, don't push your luck
he kinda looks like: "Cry all you want while I, as the new gen once called "the Chad", stay stoic as the paladin should do", when he doesn't make any expression that much (he will not say that tho)
His rivalry with Bishop is just as old and boring as your favorite game. Give him a fucking break, he just wants to move on ffs. I don't care about the canon, it's just a fucking game.
He's all in forgiveness, but "never forget for what they've done and hurt you"
He realized he doesn't know who they were fighting over, amnesia perhaps? Or just plain memory loss since he could recall it sometimes but he doesn't know who that is...
has depression, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and terrible anxiety (or generalised anxiety disorder due to his past)
In fact, he IS The Gentleman.
I can go all I wanted to say if I ever wanted to, he deserves better.
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merakiui · 16 hours
For that ask game, i'll be answering it genuinely and with how i truly feel when it comes to your writings. Forgive if it's long-- Here goes:
👀👀👀👀👀 putting you on notif even; always a joy to see your new thoughts everyday
⏰⏰⏰ Sometimes you drop two or more bangers on such a sort span like, ma'am-- how do you do it??
💀💀💀💀💀 few examples that haunt me till today is DRU and promising young man; the fear i got from reading them are so delicious
💌💌💌 always nice to read extra tidbits and extra headcanon, or just seeing your ask posts in general <3
🤡🤡🤡 and boy, there are times when i feel like i have a clown nose ready to plaster onto their faces; clownery and irony are sisters in some ways
💖💖💖 your writings are so delicious i'm actually tempted to read the ones outside of twst, specifically the ones abt scaramouche (thank u for introducing mouchey to me <3)
🥵🥵🥵🥵 literally horny gripping my thighs for dear life--
💔💔💔💔 i remember having to douse my head in cold water after HBE; anyway, yes, your angst gutted me more times than i could count--
🍓🍓🍓 When you write fluff they always got me soooo >_< they're downright diabetic!!!
🎀🎀🎀the same with the fluff, the way you write these scenes always give me butterflies and got me sooo 🥺🥺 <33
🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠 methinks your brain should be studied and put on display in a museum <3
🌺🌺🌺 even when all the death/bad end flags are there, i still hope the otherwise because i want them to survive so badd
🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄 i'm insane about how you write them actually, loving the mental gymnastics i go thru whenever i read them <3 you really bring the freaky out of these freaks uwu
🩰🩰🩰🩰🩰 not exaggerating, but the first time i found your blog i felt like finding a hidden gem and has been in love with your writings until today (and i suspect for an even longer time <3)
🌞🌞🌞 and sometimes they turn me into an emotional mess and make me insane (affectionate)
⭐⭐⭐ not only they draw me in immediately, they refuses to leave my head; they're living rent free as we speak--
🎨🎨🎨 plenty times i have to look up meanings and symbolism from your writings and it's so much fun gaining new knowledge!
💡💡💡some of your fics really do got me thinking "How did you come up with this???" and i am always INTRIGUED
🧸🧸🧸 how can i not when they're THAT good?? They's comfort fics! (and said comfort fics have not given the characters comfort AT ALL)
🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 the emotional rollercoaster you put me thru everytime i read your stories is real; i don't think i'll be getting off soon.
🧩🧩🧩 oouughh it's got me acting like that one meme of a guy with his whiteboard
💐💐💐i ADORE how you write your MCs, each one of them has such a distinct personality and a refreshing point of view!
🧶🧶🧶 they flow so nicely and smoothly >_< especially love it when you write bickerings like old-married couples
🧊🧊🧊 even when said character may not act like this in canon, the way you write them actually feels like they might??? Somewhere in the multiverse of this specific character, there's this character acting just like how you write them--
💎💎💎 and i especially love it when they're unreliable narrators and/or slowly descending into madness <3 but yes, i just love you write thought processes of each characters in general
💧💧💧both tears of agony and joy, definitely. The butchered got me bawling actually, getting so attached to Marisa even though knowing she won't survived... OTL OTL
🌌🌌🌌🌌 some i wish you'd elaborate more, like that aein in ant hill fic with floyb because i'm honestly curious with worldbuilding of that one
😱😱😱 and you make an amazing build-up towards it too! They're not so sudden and you can even pick the crumbs as the stories go. love it when my suspicions are proven to be correct
🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 like a moment of epiphany; and i have to say, "Good Luck, Babe" would make a good fem!rido song--
🍇🍇🍇 very very great taste i must say, they're like *chef's kiss* ✨✨✨
🍆🍆🍆 considering they make up the majority of your writings, AAAAAA yes i do love how you write them >_< (they're very much canon in my heart)
🪀🪀🪀 they're definitely not a quick read to me, but they're highly enjoyable!!
🔮🔮🔮 i can't say how many times your plot twists make me feel like getting hit by a baseball bat-- (in a good way) and sometimes (many times) i have to put down my phone and go "....hUH? WUH???"
💣💣💣💣 countless times you've put me on the edge of my seat and got me bouncing me leg in anticipation >_<
🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬 they way you write your stories are so vivid that it's so easy seeing them portrayed scene by scene in my mind (sometimes i like to even imagine them in a visual novel game format)
🎱🎱🎱 and they blew my mind every time <33
🎩🎩🎩 everytime you update new chapters, i like to re-read the previous chapters in order to refresh my mind and see the current plot in its wholeness
🧛🧛🧛 so much that i'm dropping everything i'm doing every time you posted a new fic <3
In short, i bow before your throne of godly writing skills and rejoice for the feast you kindly bestowed upon us <333 again, i'm sorry of it's long >_<
(ask game)
KHEYY, YOU ABSOLUTE MADLAD!!!! YOU DID ALL OF THEM AND PROVIDED EXTRA THOUGHTS????? Sending you lots of kisses and happy vibes in a package because WAAAAAA THIS IS SO SWEET AND KIND OMG?!??!?!?!?! 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 thank you so very much!!!!! I am cradling this message in my heart forever and always,,, 🥺💖 please don't apologize for the length!!! These positive vibes added so many years to my life!! (〃´𓎟`〃) I am incredibly honored to be a blog worth putting notifs on for,,, and to say my works should be books, that they can be imagined in VN format, that many aspects and more can be enjoyed so thoroughly....... AAAAA OMG YOU'LL MAKE ME CRYYYYYY!!! T^T
These pictures illustrate how I felt reading every one of your lovely words. I'm so flattered,,, orz orz uuuwaaaa I will continue to cook up the most delicious of feasts!!!!!! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
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kylewalker-peters · 2 years
but also what an L for every loser that was like "see! conte is so good and great because he's calling the ownership out and properly dissing the club this is perfect" to know that he instantly backtracked and was like "uwu I'm so sowy daniel i pwomise i didn't mean it about YOU i was just upset and angwy at the players pwease forgive me 👉🥺👈"
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joyridingmp3 · 11 months
my boss: i am forcing you to work all day without a lunch break to complete tasks within an unreasonable amount of limited time
me: i am frustrated about this
my boss: sowwy... 🥺👉👈 we just weawwy needed it done.. pls forgive me uwu
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jinanreona · 2 years
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@fireandfae​ sent: ⊙ 😎
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Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours
I think you are:
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre (a weirdo :///) | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish (hatchling uwu) | Clumsy (Mal not breaking shit challenge impossible) | Cowardly | Cruel 🥺 | Dignified | Dramatic (🌩) | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful!!!! | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable (🐶) | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish (brain cell where???) | Frightening (🚗 mal only uwu) | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible (VERY) | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature (ha!) | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy (ob mal only uwu) | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unhinged | Unpredictable |  Vulnerable | Witty | Weak |
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a3songtournament · 1 year
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Brand New World (Spring Version) vs Brand New World (Autumn Version)
Fan-submitted propaganda included under the cut.
brand new world is THE mankai stage opening song of all time, all four versions, but spring is one of my favourites bc of the LYRICS THEY'RE SO CUTE like
"the cherry blossoms dance as if saying, 'welcome home'" WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH CRYING SOBBING SCREAMING TEARING MY HAIR OUT
"this time that's like a dream is going to let us bloom" awwww
"the shining start is blooming in this treasured place now, thanks to the miracle that let us meet new smiling faces" AWWWWWWWW
they did such a good job with the lyrics bc like spring troupe is supposed to be soft cute uwu troupe and the lyrics really show that 🥺🥺🥺🥺
i did a poll on my blog to determine the best 'brand new world' and autumn tied with spring soo yeah. the production fucking slaps dude i love how it's different from spring and summer which used the same arrangement (rip summer yall deserved your own unique arrangement too), like spring and summer's brand new world arrangement is cute and easy on the ears kinda like pop-ish i guess that's the best way i can think to put it?
but autumn's is ROCK AND BADASS, and in the play too the way they transitioned from everyone's monologues to the intro with the stage lights blacking out with the badass guitars kicking in WHEW. the lyrics too! they're different from spring (which i also nominated so if they're pitted against each other from the very start i'm gonna be big sad) (EDITORS NOTE: erm. sorry
- "i've found the smile i wanted to place in the frame" (omi) CUTEEEE and the way everyone does a camera sign with their hands I LOVE THEM
- "the time that stopped in me is starting to move little by little" (sakyo) WHEN I TELL YOU I TEARED UP WHEN I READ THAT TRANSLATION ON YC WAAAAAUGHHH SOMEONE GIVE HIM A HUG
- "roadside trees that change colours and bloom into emotional flowers" i love the autumn imagery in this
- "we'll change a decaying heart into one that shines" is so special and personal to me bc all of them had their own baggage and regrets entering the troupe but now they're shining!! banri was jaded and apathetic and aimless but now he's found passion for something and a purpose in life now; juza hated the person he was, someone who was awkward and constantly mistaken to be a troublemaker all bc of his appearance, and wanted to become someone else on the stage and now he finally can stand on the stage and bask in the spotlight; taichi for being a traitor but finding forgiveness from his new friends; omi who was kinda just apathetic after nachi's death and joined the troupe to fulfill nachi's dream but it has now become his own dream too; and sakyo who thought it was too late for him to go back to theatre after the shameful things he did in his youth but was given a second chance by izumi WAAAAAAAH I LOVE THEM
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llycaons · 1 year
ep 34 (2/2): hey guys? I think jiang cheng might be stupid
well, this isn't boring anymore I suppose
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this is bizzare - jc implying that lwj had some kind of shady connections to bring wwx back?
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and wwx defending lwj, as he does
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this performance from xz is SO good. the little hitch in his breath as he admits this - he's clearly close to tears
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the kicker is. the kicker is I know why jc thinks the way he does even though I know he's wrong and his perceptions are skewed. and he does have sincere grievances with wwx here. because that WAS a shitty thing that wwx said, even if he didn't know how jl was. like you'd think an orphan would know better than to mock another (teenage) orphan but he can be such a dick sometimes
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yeah this is something that it makes sense to be upset about too. though again given that wwx literally killed himself I think he knows
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the plaintive streak in his line here reminds me so much of my younger brother. he almost sounds like a child, and he doesn't really have anything to defend himself.
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yeah despite everything I've said about misconceptions of their relationship and how bad things really were back then for them, this little scene captures a lot of what's compelling and painful about their dynamic, and what pushes people to rewrite jc into someone already worthy of having a relationship with even in the midst of one of the worst things he ever does to wwx. worse than the attempted strangulation, I'd say. maybe on par with telling him to go die when he was already suicidal. up near attacking him as he was leaving LP for no other reason than he wanted to see him hurt. GOD this guy sucks
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actually I can see this from his pov as well. like OBVIOUSLY he still hates wen ning, who murdered jzx and doomed their sister.
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you know it's fully insane that fans make jc look for wwx for all those years because he genuinely misses him and wants him to be okay because this makes it so abundantly clear that he literally wants them both dead
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good question, wwx! unfortunately we won't have time to unpack all that
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jl was listening at the door, so he knew that jc wants to find wen ning and sends him out with that excuse. it's actually really funny how easy jc is to manipulate. that is not a very smart man
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god I love jin ling. he has such a mouth on him. who else can disrespect jc like this? he's so funny
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people will read that top line like "uwu I wanted my brother back 🥺' and maybe that's a part of it but jc literally says in the next sentence he would have murdered wwx so idk what he thought wwx was going to realistically do. I mean he literally already died, he wasn't going to offer himself up AGAIN. jc. be practical.
tho I do think a little part is that jc wanted to be trusted. even if he would have betrayed that. he's a complicated dude. people don't always make logical sense. and he always hated being out of the loop
but yeah jc is a deeply punitive person who wants to hurt people until he personally feels mollified, or to kill them. and this just isn't very condusive to like, lifelong stability or happiness. I'm the first to say nobody is obligated to forgive, but he raised jl to be so angry and focus so much on the negatives instead of focusing on jl as a person, his strengths and goals and hobbies. and that's destructive to jl I think, it's corrosive for a child to grow up with that burden and that pressure on him. and as soon as jl runs into an adult who supports him and uplifts him, he blooms
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jc fans saying 'what do you MEAN jc doesn;t trust wwx. look how he left him with his nephew! if that isn't brotherly love (TM) I don't know what is!' are so funny because jiang cheng is actually just stupid. he's just dumb and he thinks this will work
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jl being mean to wwx is fine because wwx started it, wwx is thirty years old, and it's funny. it's everything people like in the jc and wwx dynamic, adjusted for their ages, but without all the baggage of literal murder and torture. wwx did jl wrong, but he apologizes for his words, looks after and teaches and protects jl, and jl reluctantly loves him and protects him in turn. it's a really special relationship that deserves more than an afterthought in postcanon works
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oh mister toxic masculinity is back
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SO TRUE JIN LING. real men DON'T concern themselves with people who shame them for being feminine. come on wwx you're going to literally have gay sex you have to get over this
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I love when he pulls out his 'wise mentor' voice. it's I'm sorry and thank you time!!!!!
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oof. sobering words from someone who has suffered
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AND HE APOLOGIZES!!!! he apologizes to jin ling!! it's a great step in their relationship and it's so gratifying to see. I said at one point that wwx isn't very apologetic, but this (and to jyl a few times, and to lwj) are the exceptions
personal highlights:
well the streets are pretty
lwj needing that extra push from wwx is like one of the only pieces of evidence he gives a shit about him in the episode
jl manipulating jc, mouthing off to him, and then letting wwx go is an enthralling series of events
wwx saying the im sorry and thank you line!! and apologizing to jl!!
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on the subject of the "uwufying" the MH and Creepypasta characters, I vividly remember all of those quizzes and wattpad stories about the Slendermansion. And Masky had, get this, blue eyes and Hoodie has dark brown hair?!?!?
I even remember reading a story where Hoodie has black hair and green eyes 😭 (He and Toby were also necrophiliacs in that story and Masky was a pedophile in that story🤢🤮)
and then I saw MH clips and I was like: "ain't no way these are the same people"
So that's sort of why it's hard for me to read your creepypasta highschool au, because all I imagine is Masky and Hoodie's 30 year dilf dad bods strolling up to class XD
Imagine a class full of teenagers being kids, and then two grown ass dudes, beard and everything, sitting in those tiny ass chairs 💀
Also?? Toby in the OG story was actually really level-headed, despite everything he was willing to forgive his father and start again, it was his piece of crap dad that drove him to the edge.
So when people write him as a "wild card" and brainless and desperate, and "uwu im just so misunderstood 🥺" I'm just sort of standing there like "did you even read the story?"
Sorry for ranting but these are my own two cents ^^
I'm reading this as I'm walking home so the answer might not be long.
Ain't no way people made thjd man have blue eyes. Like, the thing is and the scary thinh is, Brian and Tim look like normal ass people. Like they the kind of people you see chilling on the streets, there's not really anything eye catching about them besides Brian's blonde brownish hair. Bro, when I read that pedo part I full on stopped walking and stared at my phone. Like wtf.
The creepypasta and the Marble hornets fandoms are pretty weird fandoms when it comes to how accurate the stories are.
When it comes to the high school AU, I picture like those two as like, not adults but like more like actual teens. (I'm pretty sure that like Brian/Hoodie is pretty skinny but I digress) I feel like in the high school AU j made them all way more unhinged then when they were adults, I feel like they calmed down just a tad. I will say tho, they look like actual teenagers, not like how they canonically like.
I never knew people saw Toby as a brainless and desperate person ngl.
Edit: WAIT WAIT WAIT. College au....
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overheaven · 1 year
hypmic spoilers
hahah nooo don’t humanize Rei he’s so sexy and unknowable…
no but really i do want him to always be at least a smidge “irredeemable” if you know what i mean. “redemption” is so trite and misused in fannish type stuff these days so i don’t even like using that word but it’s the best i’ve got. i really hope his motivations don’t end up wholly justifying his actions yknow? i don’t think he needs to be a villain (i don’t think there are any villains in hypmic actually, just antagonists. characters with wildly different motives and morals yknow.) but i would be very sad if all of his edges got smoothed.
while i love guys who are just Bad and Gross all the way through, it makes for an interesting character that he was “good” (or at least “honest”) at some point but then he got burned or even just backed into a corner and had to play the villain to get [his loved ones or even himself] out safely. again, Hypmic just doesn’t have many characters who are just evil for the sake of being evil, the main characters DO often have good intentions and multilayered backstories, complex conflicts that they have to deal with and navigate imperfectly. they all get messy. but i do fear Rei’s choices being undermined by a big HAHA IT WAS ALL AN ACT!! AND I’M SORRY!! moment. he’s a lot like Ardyn from FFXV for me, where yeah the guy as we know him was forged in grief and genuine good intent, but that doesn’t absolve him of the dubious things he’s done on the way here. remorse doesn’t mean shit when you’re digging your heels in and continuing to stomp down a path of spite.
i mean he even tells Saburo that one time like “even if i had a good reason for it, i still abandoned you kids.” so he’s aware of the role he’s been given, he’s not biding his time until he can shuck off this slimy facade and reveal a kind sad repentant man uwu— he IS a bit of a scumbag and he knows it. & he doesn’t expect his family to forgive him! (also i personally would love if he’s been kind of like. leaning into it too much and yknow. might as well have fun with it! if you want me to be a suspicious scheming conman, i will be! he’s committed to the bit too much etc etc. his solos are all about hustling and manipulating people and all that… it would be charming if that’s a genuine side of him just as much as his more “noble” ideals are)
ULTIMATELY i don’t want fans to end up with a really shallow take of “aw he was just a wife guy all along 🥺 he made some mistakes but he’s trying to take the world back from these Evil Women 🥺 he loves his sons 🥺 which means he’s Good, actually” UGH. like that’s my worst nightmare lol. but i guess other interpretations don’t have to be my problem even if that comes to pass because yknow he’s subject to my own He Would Not Fucking Say That sense when i come to this fandom & i can always pretend i do not see it i just. (claws at my skull) please let him be gross. just let him be sleazy and mysterious. he can have a heart of gold underneath but please understand that he’s still Like This now and he can’t go back.
THAT ALL SAID i don’t take issue with the most recent events, he’s still not showing us all of his cards and he’s still always cryptic. there’s a lot of potential for him to still be dishonest and stubborn, weaving webs and burning things down, all that. Otome is posed as someone who had good intentions but became “corrupted” so to speak. Rei even says he thinks something of this nature & that’s why he’s trying to destroy what she’s done in order to correct it all. so narratively, Otome is the Big Bad and Rei is “on our side” (i.e., on a team, part of the main cast) but we really shouldn’t forget that he’s a foil for her. whatever ideals he has are not The Solution just because he’s on this side— they’re his ideals, not the story’s ideals. his goals & methods are probably just as Wrong as hers by now. also i love them both a LOT i think they should both get worse.
i don’t have a conclusion to this post lol. just pondering the state of things and admiring the complexity of this character that i love, and how you can’t have his complexity without baggage, and hopefully things will get even MORE complicated as the story goes on… it’s great.
also i hope he pays attention to Jiro soon because i don’t want my baby suffering from too much middle child syndrome please please please let him have a one on one with Jiro too
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deaneverafter · 2 years
Are You Mad?
First things first, I just have to say, if something happens to Beau, I won't survive that 😱😭😡💔 (whether that be death of the body saving people who don't care about him, or death of his soul by going back to Carla's captivity 💔😭)
My sheriff and undersheriff sheriffing like no other 💯😌 They're always so in sync, have each other's backs, their silent communication! 😍💘  I hate that they've kept splitting them up though, especially with this few episodes left 😒
Jenny always having Beau's back, supporting him, reminding him that he doesn't have to blame himself for things that aren't his fault. True love 🥺🥰💞 (That scene should've been longer though) Jenny always has Beau's back, just like he has hers 😌💟 Another thing that was telling was Beau not taking Jenny with him to Avery's house because he knew she is the only one who could pull him back, that hit right in the heart 🥺💕 And then as soon as he had a minute, he let his guard down, let her in, let her be there for him 🥺🥰 They deserve to be happy together, they've both been so hurt, but are so good for each other, understand and trust each other, are always there for each other. And she loves Beau so much, and now they're going to make her lose him, she doesn't deserve this 😭💔 And he's clearly fallen for her, and they're just going to be like "this sign won't stop me, because I can't read" and then send him back to his toxic "family". I can't 😡😫 I am ready to riot, not going to lie.
"Breakfast burrito time?!" I say once again, I love him so much 🥺💟💘
Madge is so funny 🤣 I can even forgive the time she interrupted Beau and Jenny's hug, just because she's so sassy 🤣
All three McCallisters 🤝🏻 Blaming Beau for literally every single thing ever 🙄😒🙃😡 Last week, Carla and Emily blaming him for the divorce, this week, Avery blaming him for..... I don't even know what. Again this week, Carla yelling Beau about being followed like it's his fault, not her husband's? 😒🙄 Like, when do we address the fact that Carla is the reason Beau is in danger, she's the one who married Avery, then involved Beau into this mess, continues to throw him into danger, and THEN she yells at him like it's his, not her own fault? And she really does use Beau as a threat, a tool, a human shield, it's truly vile to me. He almost got shot in the back already because of her, now she's pointed him out to the bad guy to save her own butt. Can't get any more selfish than this. And I really cannot with the entitlement and superiority complex. Like, why is she walking into the precinct with that look on her face like she's better than everyone, and literally looking down her nose at the officers doing their jobs? And clearly Beau was in the middle of something, but no, her issues can't wait (the absolute self centeredness, the entitlement with which she said that line, I really can't understand how the narrative keeps trying to pretend as if she's not the most toxic character we've seen on screen in a while). The way she's always putting him down, acting as if she's the center of the universe, never supporting him, (and not to mention how every "family moment" we've gotten has been a glimpse into the fact that at their happiest, this "family" consisted of Carla and Emily just sitting there and making fun of Beau, putting him down)...... it's abusive, and I hate that it's not being acknowledged. As a woman, I find it offensive that this caricature of a mean girl is being shown as the picture of a successful, strong, "fiesty" woman, when she's just...... really cruel and selfish.
And Emily showing once again she doesn't want to talk to Beau, uwu, so cute 🙄😒 Which, also brings me to the point that, full offense but if they wanted me to be invested in Emily and Denise and their safety, it would've been a good idea to make them more likeable and less mean to characters I love, instead of banking just on their "connection" to Beau to make me care. Not one, but two episodes wasted on "where's Emily?" 🙄😒 Like? I don't care, frankly. And Beau's emotions, and Jensen's excellent acting, wasted on being about Emily, for why? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Istg, if they sacrifice Beau saving his daughter who does not give a single damn about him, you guys will never ever hear the end of it. Ever.
Donno and his TWO hammers, asdfghhjk 🤣🔨 That was fun. But..... I hope they didn't just sacrifice DONNO for Emily, Carla and Avery's sake? 😱💔 But I remember that season 4 is supposed to have something to do with Donno and Tonya, so maybe he'll be okay 🥺 Then Donno and Tonya will be partners in literal crime and partners in life 🤗
I still want a Sunny and Walter killing team going after Buck 😈🔪 And based on the trailer, I think the Sunny-Walter killing team plan is back on 👿
Cassie and Cormac and them putting their heads together for the case AND their talk, that was cute 💛
On a more outside-the-story note, I just have to say, I don't understand making Jenny have feelings for Beau, and making Beau have feelings for her, if they're just planning on sending him back to his evil ex. That would be such a disservice to both Beau and Jenny. It would be bad enough if it's just Beau, blaming himself and getting Stockholm Syndromed into going back to a person who does nothing but be condescending, abandoned him when he needed support the most, uses him, and for whom he'd only be a second choice. But adding Jenny's feelings into the mix if they're sending him back to hell, all it does is unnecessarily hurt Jenny (it isn't as if they'd explore her heartbreak and hurt) and humiliate her, having a third man leave her for another woman. And why make Beau have feelings for Jenny? All that does is hurt more, because there was something there, hope. And making him get closer to her all season if he had feelings for the other one, that just unfairly messes with his characterization. He wouldn't. Sending him back to Carla period, messes with his characterization, every scene they have together, there is no romantic love or attraction. There's subzero chemistry. The respect, care, adoration, chemistry, trust, that's only there with Jenny.
And the way Carla treats him, the only reason Beau would even consider going back to her is guilt, regret, gaslighting, holding on to the past. Not love, he respects himself more than that. Doing that, sending him back to her, it would be unfair not just to Jenny, but also Beau AND disrespectful to the work Jensen and Katheryn put in to make this relationship believable and complex, interesting and complete. Not to mention how rude it is to prioritize the story of two guest characters, their "happy ending", over storylines, exploration of backstories, development of current relationships, for two of the three main characters, Beau and Jenny. All of which is to say, the chemistry is between Beau and Jenny, the story, the trust, compassion, support, attraction. And it's evident in the way that they DID choose to pursue this between them. So I don't understand if they're sending him back. And if for some unknown reason, the endgame must be with Carla (I can't think of a single reason that would be necessary, but okay), then...... there were better ways to do it, that wouldn't make things extra messy all around. Working with the chemistry b/w Beau and Jenny, the comradrie and trust that has been there from the beginning is the best thing the writing did. Spending time focusing on his toxic ex, or even thinking about sending him back to her... not so much.
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