badheart · 5 years
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dumbasses.png  |  something for @forgedvalor.
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khresme · 5 years
@forgedvalor -- ;
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They were free to come and go as they chose; she knew that. But that didn’t stop Luna from starting badly when she appeared, Shiva’s icy frigidity melting away what peace she felt in her heart. Clenched with fear, Luna averted her eyes.
“I’m sorry-- I didn’t see you, my Lady.”
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hxgure · 5 years
“ nothin’ ever stops you leaving.”
⊰☠⊱ — The sadness in her eyes made him tear away his eyes from her, just for a moment. He knew what she meant. If they could just stay, safe and sound, they would at least be together and not in harm’s way. However, that was only temporary. It wouldn’t take too long until the danger came to them. Now that he couldn’t have. Wouldn’t have. Not while he was breathing. Which explained the sadness and concern etched across her face. She knew how far he would go, until he was bruised and tattered. Close to death’s door. Something he was no stranger too. Many times had he been close to knocking on that door. It just wasn’t his time– not yet.
At least he would like to see, feel her sing one more time before it was his time. Although that may just be wishful thinking. Not that he’d outright ask. He would like to bear witness to that, those comforting vibrations. It would be a good way go. The soft vibrations seeing him off as the light faded away completely in him.
‘Don’t be so eager. You still have a job to do.’
Baring the rarest of smiles, so gentle and warm, a foreign sight to behold, Nicolas casts a glance off in the distance for a moment. He wasn’t even sure what to tell her. There were times when his words wouldn’t come out the way he wanted. It sometimes left the wrong impression on her, he knew that. They always stepped around each other’s feet, like an awkward dance. An awkward dance that was slowly coming into place as they were slowly finding their rhythm with each other. A sense of understanding, from each side.
«You, singing.»
It was a half truth but the look on her face was so serious, he couldn’t help himself but tease her a little bit with that. All an attempt to lighten her up as well as to catch her off guard. That concern belonged to someone more deserving. Someone that could be saved. He was far too gone in the deep end to be saved, it was only a matter of time until he cashed in his chips. Nicolas was way past his expiration date anyway. 
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«You know I have to.»
The gaze shifted for a moment after he signed, finally giving an answer. One that she already knew. He had a job to fulfill. People to save, to protect, to fight for- Alex being one of them.
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golosi-blog · 5 years
Liked for a starter || @forgedvalor
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     ❝HOW'S LIFE BEEN TREATIN' ya, Alex? Heard things gotta little crazy down here in Ergastulum.❞ A little crazy was probably an understatement. Between the Mafia Family conflicts and the issues going on in the city in general in concerns to Twilights and their treatment, the entire city was just one big mess. ❝Surprised you ain't leave yet, considerin'. Would probably better for you.❞ Oh, but he knew that Alex would stay here. She was attached to this Handyman business and to the two men present. Leaving was probably not in her thoughts for all he knew. Alas...he could not help the concern he felt for her well-being.
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bcnriya · 5 years
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     “...i also don’t want me to be doing what i’m doing.”
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durativo · 5 years
forgedvalor replied to your post: “How do you want your eggs?”
// she’s terrified to ask how he likes his bacon next
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amplectormors · 5 years
forgedvalorがあなたの投稿に返信しました: “I’m sick for two months and my country is in...
“Do you need me to clean this mess up?”
“Not unless you know how to un-ruin horrible trade deals made by my reigning son, and fix the court system.”
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herbounty · 5 years
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                    ❛    you know that you stick out like a sore thumb ? not sure how the natives may feel with you visiting in such apparel . personally , i do not care but this place isn`t too kind .    ❜  /  @forgedvalor
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eldingaesir · 5 years
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Unprompted !  @forgedvalor
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He wasn’t the least bit surprised as she climbed onto his lap, laying there as she pleased. In fact, he quite enjoyed that she felt comfortable enough to do so with him without a word spoken otherwise. Blue eyes looked down to her with a slight smile, humming as he went to trail his fingers through her dark locks. Only, she didn’t remain laying there for long, he barely got to begin playing with her hair. Curiosity danced in his eyes as she sat up on his lap, staring at him with those bright eyes of hers. And then she nipped at his shoulder. Laughter bubbled from his lips then, an arm wrapping around her waist to keep her close, and his lips pressing to the top of her head. Of course she was welcome to nip at him like that, it was adorable. And Thor would always, always want more.
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leorugiet · 5 years
“Come for a walk with me.”
Misc. starter sentences.
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“... Very well.” He doesn’t have much more to say than that. He walks alongside her, and then soon behind her as she seems to have more of a clue where she wishes to go than he does. He glances around, checking for any dangers, but there is nothing, just the expanse of pitch black ocean, and the rippling glisten of a pale moon on the surface. The starts are hidden by the clouds tonight. The waves are low. A breeze comes off the ocean, a thick scent of brine on cold wind, and she continues to walk, so he follows. He doesn’t ask if she wishes to speak of something, he knows in due time she will say her peace if that is her intention, so he instead only waits.
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👫 ( if it is okay! )
character headcanons 
- Absolute book nerds, both of them. And Vergil needs to be caught up on so many amazing ones that released in his absence. He trusts Alex’s taste and often asks for recommendations, while in exchange, he gives her more obscure or outright impossible-to-obtain books. He puts some nice notes in them too, like ‘this one leaves an impression no matter how many times you read it’ and ‘Just don’t summon anything.’
- Vergil is such an absolute snob when it comes to weaponry, it’s impossible to impress him with anything that he could possibly prefer over yamato, Alex is probs the only person he’s ever bought anything demon killing related from, because he trusts her judgement.
- They sass and snark each other so much, it’s ridiculous, but it’s not in a malicious, harmful way, and they are both aware of it and have fun getting on each other’s nerves, lol.
- Vergil is an utter gent and will treat her as such. If she ever wants a dance partner or someone to take her out somewhere nice, he will gladly be of assistance.
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badheart · 5 years
"Do you think spirits are more into boobs or ass?"
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“Asking the real questions here, huh?”  Keeping a straight face only for seconds before he had to let out a snort, how in the world did she start thinking about this and even got the courage then to ask him that as if he was some kinda expert about Spirits and their fetishes. 
“Well...”  He had to cover his mouth with his hand to stop himself from bursting into full laughter; managing to keep it overly quiet though but the constant grinning and looking away could not hide his ever-growing amusement.  “Well,”  he began again, grinning even wider now.  “If you are that curious, we could go on a Hollow hunt and find out... but in the end, if Hollow or normal Spirit... they were all humans once, I doubt their tastes change much... and by Hollows, they will eat you either way, your looks ain’t really important but who knows... I could always present you to them and perhaps they are so nice and share their tastes.”  By that, his fingers pointed right at her chest, and his grin turned into a smirk.  
“Why though, ... am I not giving them enough attention and you got a secret ghost boyfriend I do not know of?” 
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hhemeraa-a · 5 years
Send 🌟 for a headcanon about our muses’ relationship
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          I have a feeling that these two could be really compatible friends.  They might not hang out often, but when they do, they can pick up right where they left off the last time they were talking.  Likely sharing information or gossiping about their mutual friends -- though never in a bad way -- and feeling comfortable enough to share their real opinions about subjects because they know the other can be trusted and in any real tight situation, can be relied on. It’s likely they both owe each other a favor or two from helping the other out of some sticky situations, more often than not not work related, but enjoy each other enough that they don’t really keep tabs because they know the other is good for it. 
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         Troy is actively and painfully shyly trying to get to know Alex. He has a high school boy crush on her and, while he knows what to do and how to handle crushes, finds himself absolutely dumbfounded by her. While he normally can speak but uses ASL 90% of the time -- when it comes to her, he’s just a stuttering mess and resorts to sheepish hand movements and broken Spanish because what is he supposed to say? 
         When her and Myles find themselves chatting away, Troy can often be seen lurking behind doorways trying not to be nosy or very unconvincingly “cleaning” or just... moving things around until Myles gives him a wtf look and he panics before going outside to have a smoke because now he’s embarrassed. Myles is ruthless and won’t help him out either. 
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hxgure · 5 years
Alex ( @forgevalor ) selected to (gently) pet!
There was something warm and soothing. Gentle, even. Like something out of a dream. This was how dreams were like, right? A stark difference to nightmares, something he was all too familiar with. Many a night he was plagued with but managed to grow accustomed to it, no longer concerned or tripped up over such terrible shit he’s seen in his nightmares. Mostly of his past, a past that was forever ago. Almost completely forgotten. Almost.
Nicolas stirred, feeling that same welcoming feeling. Like a gentle caress, brushing across the wild mass of his hair. As he was coming to, shifting to a position on the couch where he can see what was going on, the woman came into view. The look on her face was hard to read, given by how his eyes were barely cracking open and how hazy his vision was. A nap that was long overdue, it left him a little disoriented. Maybe the gentle touch to his head was all a dream.
That was until he noticed how she seemed to tense up, caught like a deer in headlights as her hand lingered on his head until her fingers continued to rake against his scalp gently. It seemed she had gained more confident, became more comfortable around him. She’s come a long way from how she was at the start. She was no longer afraid of him and seemed to want to understand him. Even went as far as to teach herself sign language without saying a word. 
There was a time when he caught her with the book on sign language, he initially thought that it was futile. To learn a language for a man who’s as good as dead in the very near future. Nicolas just didn’t want her to trouble herself with little things like that. He was just a Twilight, nothing more and nothing less. Nothing special. no one worth putting time into. He wasn’t her keeper, he wouldn’t tell her what to do and what not to do. There was some appreciation to her actually wanting to learn a way to communicate with him and she was steadily improving. Probably faster than he did as a youngster. 
The rare moments like this was something he wouldn’t ruin by saying or doing anything about it. There was only time to merely just bask in the moment and be. Almost as if he was being lulled to sleep with the gentle ministrations of her nimble fingers, his breathing evened as he gently closed his eyes.
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This was what it must be like to be at peace.
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bcnriya · 5 years
@forgedvalor | liked [ x ]
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“Leave me here to die,” he complained, spread out on the floor. They really needed to get a new A/C this year. The first heat of the summer and he was suffering. He wasn’t used to it yet, only just having gotten used to the cold.
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durativo · 5 years
forgedvalor replied to your post: ✥
// i cannot believe legendary devil hunter dante is taken out by a button because alex’s titties are too big
death by tiddy
and not in the way i was hoping
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