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godhikr · 3 years ago
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#loveallah #loveislam #quranic #islamicpost #quranquotes #islampost #prophetmuhammad #allahswt #quranrecitation #islamicreminder #hadith #brotherhood #quotation #taqwa #ayah #sabr #quranverses #surah #forevertemporary #motivationalwords #mindsetshift #blessingsonblessings #prayerchangesthings #mindsetquotes #successfulmindset #motivationquote #prayerworks #motivationdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/CY-xXaBNScV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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duniatojannah · 6 years ago
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#Repost with @Repostlyapp @gardenofthepious “The fortunate one is the one who puts right that which is between him and Allah, because for whoever puts things right between him and Allah, then Allah will put things right between him and the creation. - Whoever seeks the praise of people with that which earns the displeasure of Allah, then the person who praises him will come to blame him. - The real loser is the one who makes the rightness of his actions apparent to people, and shows his ugly actions to the One who is nearer to him than his jugular vein.” - (Jami’ Al-Ulum Wa’l Hikam, Page 269) - “Establish salah at each end of the day and in the first part of the night. Good actions eradicate bad actions. This is a reminder for people who pay heed.” (Quran, 11:114) - @gardenofthepious #ForeverTemporary
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likalulu · 7 years ago
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Repost from @qaf.indonesia We are most knowing of what they say, and you are not over them a tyrant. But remind by the Qur'an whoever fears My threat. [ Q.S. Qaf : ayat 45 ] Your connection to the Quran is a reflection of your relationship with Allah. Nouman Ali Khan_ Qaf, reconnect to the Quran. Qaf new appearance. New spirit of giving and good deeds inshaAllah. #runtobeeternal #infokajianbandung #noumanalikhan #forevertemporary
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bobolyo · 7 years ago
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Mufti Ismail Menk
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thestridingsoul · 6 years ago
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May Allaah ease the affairs of those who are oppressed by individuals/ a group of people/authority who creates fitnah and by Allaah, may the latter be dealt with fairly and just. May Allaah rectify the conditions of all muslims. Ameen. Reposted from @gardenofthepious - Without a doubt, we will all be tested with sickness that affects our health, having our wealth taken away which affects our riches, being sad which affects our happiness, and having distress which affects the overall wellbeing of our state of mind. If we are patient hoping for the reward with Allah in return (for our patience), then we will inevitably reach the good that Allah wanted for us. - One of the most beneficial ways to cope with our trials is by following the footsteps of others who have been tested and continued to persevere, and to know that there are disasters in every household. If you and I were to search, we would not find a person that has not been tested. Either that test would be that they lost a loved one, or something undesirable happened to that individual. - Anas ibn Maalik narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The greatness of reward depends on the greatness of the affliction, and if Allah loves a person, He tests them, so whoever is happy with that, then Allah will be happy with them, and whoever is angered by that, then Allah will be angry with them.” (At-Tirmithi 2396 and Ibn Maajah 4031) - Whoever is pleased with what Allah has tested them with will attain Allah’s pleasure and will receive plentiful reward, and whoever is angered by Allah’s test, panics because of it, and is not pleased with His decree, then such a person earns Allah’s anger and severe punishment therefore we must bare patience when faced with afflictions. - The wisdom of Allah dictates that this life will not be void of grief and distress. Whoever wishes to remain healthy and safe at all times without facing any afflictions has not knowing the meaning of “being held accountable” and has not understood the meaning of submission, for humankind in this life will no doubt be tested, either in their wealth, body, or family. @gardenofthepious #ForeverTemporary - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BtDx3AxhKwEN4DHFViFzYFrH1VamVJ7dNoQr3k0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4en86xhub6fk
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arisdyoo-blog · 8 years ago
Alkisah, hiduplah seorang laki-laki yang mempunyai 4 orang istri. Dia begitu mencintai istri ke-empatnya dan selalu mengupayakan segala hal yang terbaik yang dia mampu untuk diberikan kepada istri ke-empatnya ini.
Dia juga mencintai istri ke-tiganya. Dia selalu membanggakan istri ke-tiganya ini di hadapan orang lain. Meskipun, ada satu ketakutan dalam dirinya bahwa istri ke-tiganya akan berpaling ke orang lain.
Dia pun mencintai istri ke-duanya. Kapanpun dia memiliki masalah, dia selalu mengadu kepada istri ke-duanya. Dan istri ke-duanya selalu mampu menenangkannya dan memberikan penyelesaian terhadap setiap masalah-masalah yang dia alami.
Namun dia tidak mencintai istri pertamanya. Walaupun istri pertamanya sangat mencintainya, ia begitu setia kepadanya, dan selalu merawat suaminya dengan baik.
Suatu hari, laki-laki ini jatuh sakit. Dia merasa bahwa ia akan meninggal dunia tidak lama lagi.
Dia berkata pada dirinya, “Aku memiliki empat orang istri. Aku akan membawa salah satu dari mereka untuk menemaniku di alam barzah seketika aku meninggal nanti.”
Maka kemudian, dia memohon kepada istri ke-empatnya untuk mati bersamanya dan menemaninya. “Tidak mungkin!” jawab istri ke-empatnya, yang kemudian pergi tanpa mengucap sepatah katapun lagi.
Dia pun memohon kepada istri ke-tiganya. Jawabnya, “Aah, hidup begitu indah di sini. Aku akan menikah lagi dengan orang lain nanti jika kau meninggal.”
Lalu dia meminta kepada istri ke-duanya. “Maafkan aku. Aku tidak bisa membantumu kali ini. Hal yang mungkin bisa aku lakukan hanyalah menemanimu sampai ke pemakaman saja.” jawab istri ke-duanya.
Seketika itu pula hatinya hancur, dan memperparah kondisinya. Tubuhnya dingin layaknya es.
Kemudian ia mendengar suara, “Aku akan menemanimu. Aku akan mengikutimu tak peduli kemanapun engkau pergi.”
Laki-laki itu melihat sekitar untuk memeriksa darimana suara itu berasal. Dia dapati istri pertamanya. Ia terlihat begitu memprihatinkan, kurus kering, hampir seperti orang yang menderita kekurangan gizi. Dengan sangat menyesal, laki-laki itu berkata, “Seharusnya aku merawatmu dengan baik selagi aku mampu dulu.” – Sebenarnya, kita semua memiliki empat istri (pasangan) dalam hidup kita.
Istri ke-empat kita adalah tubuh kita. Tak peduli berapa banyak waktu dan usaha untuk merawatnya agar terlihat baik, dia akan meninggalkan kita ketika kita meninggal nanti.
Istri ke-tiga kita adalah tahta, status, kepemilikan, harta dan kekayaan. Ketika kita meninggal, ia akan beralih ke orang lain.
Istri ke-dua kita adalah keluarga, teman, dan sahabat kita. Tak peduli seberapa dekat mereka dengan kita selama hidup, hal terjauh yang bisa mereka lakukan hanyalah mengantarkan kita sampai ke pemakaman saja.
Istri pertama kita adalah ruh, iman kita. Yang seringnya kita lupa untuk merawatnya karena terlalu asyik mengejar kesenangan dunia. Padahal dia lah satu-satunya yang selalu menyertai kita, kemanapun kita akan pergi nantinya. – Translated from “Story of Four Wives” instagram.com/rose_mahar
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gardenofthepious-blog · 8 years ago
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“And if Allah should touch you with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him. If He touches you with good, then He is over all things competent.” (Qur’an, 6:17) - Allah is the only One Who can respond during times of anguish and difficulty. He is the only One Who can remove the trails and the tribulations that we may be experiencing, and He is the only One Who can save us from every distress. - Allah promises us that He will respond when the supplicant calls upon Him and that He will make a way out of every difficulty. It is up to the one experiencing tribulation to believe in this and to maintain hope in Allah’s promise. The true believer will always have a positive attitude and will never despair of Allah’s mercy. - We must always expect good from Allah and know that He will fulfil our expectations. If we continue to have positive thoughts about Allah and His mercy, then the outcome will always be good. However if we begin to doubt Allah’s response, then we will be treated in a way that matches this negative expectation. - We must avoid becoming impatient towards Allah due to a what we feel is a lack of response, and instead expect the best from Allah, relying upon Him and having faith that He will respond. It might not come at the time we want, or in the form that we expect, but be sure, without a doubt that Allah will respond. @gardenofthepious #ForeverTemporary (at London, United Kingdom)
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piuyul · 4 years ago
Ada bagian tubuh yang tak bisa kita lihat tanpa kebeningan cermin. Ada bagian jiwa yang tak bisa kita fahami tanpa persaudaraan di jalanNya.
Nabi ﷺ bersabda, "Al mukmin mir-atul mukmin. Mukmin itu cermin bagi sesama mukmin." Apa arti cermin? Apa yang kita lakukan ketika bercermin?
Yakni, ketika kita mendapati ada yang tak beres pada bayangan di dalam cermin, maka justru diri kita sendirilah yang pertama-tama harus dibenahi. Ketika kita melihat sesuatu yang tak patut pada saudara kita, diri kitalah yang mesti lebih dulu diperiksa, jangan-jangan ia lebih parah hakikatnya.
Maka dengan selalu berkaca; jika merasa suci, curigailah jangan-jangan itu putihnya nanah dari luka nurani. Jika merasa besar, curigailah bahwa hati sedang bengkak. Jika merasa tinggi, curigailah bahwa kita sedang melayang kehilangan pijakan. Dan jika merasa wangi, curigailah ia asap dari 'amal shalih yang hangus dibakar riya'.
📝 @salimafillah
#forevertemporary #seekinghidayah #whynotpray #selfreminder #blessed #imaan #taqwa #deenoverdunya #jannahismygoal 
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habibict · 7 years ago
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#forevertemporary #ramadan2016 #qadr #twana #maha #khalse #reflection #fmsphotoaday #sabr #allah #baht #relyonallah #dontbesad #allahknowsbest #behappy #love #islam #muslims #trustallah #allahs #life #loveallah #quran #ramadan #ramazan #iqra #kuran #camii #moschee #tafakkur (at Mashhad, Iran)
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maizadmalik · 8 years ago
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@Regrann from @gardenofthepious - “...Allah does not ask a soul what is beyond its ability. This only demonstrates Allah’s kindness, compassion and generosity towards His creation…” (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Volume 2, Page 103) - Through this verse, Allah’s benevolence is demonstrated. Allah, our Creator, does not expect us to do what is beyond our own scope. He is compassionate and merciful towards His creation, not burdening any one of us with excessive trials outside of our own ability. Though at first, facing these trials may seem daunting. Essentially a trial that brings us to our knees reinforces us, do we still not persevere? - We all have our own ways of coping with troubles. It may be crying ourselves to sleep, isolating ourselves to the dark corners of a room, or turning to our friends. These are some ways in which many of us handle trials from Allah, but the best way of dealing with our problems and tests is through sabr and salah. - Unfortunately we are naturally impatient, and our patience and imaan differ between each other and alternates. But this is why Allah tests our faith according to our own tolerance. Allah knows how much each one of us can cope with, and Allah does not give us more than we can bear. This is out of His great mercy, furthermore the more patient we are, the more rewards we reap in this life and the Akhira. - So know that strength to bear whatever we may face, both mental and physical, comes from Al-Qawiyy (The Possessor of All Strength - Allah). We are reassured that when a difficulty takes place, Allah already knows we can get through it and this should reassure us for our future problems also. Allah ultimately knows what is best for us, and never sends us harm as believers unless it is to benefit us in some way. - Starting from now, we must aim to develop a more trusting, unquestioning and positive attitude towards Allah, and patiently make the best use of what appears to be a bad situation by drawing closer to Allah. - @gardenofthepious #ForeverTemporary #OldPost (at Restoran Di Naina)
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godhikr · 4 years ago
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#islamquotes #loveallah #loveislam #quranic #islamicpost #quranquotes #islampost #prophetmuhammad #allahswt #quranrecitation #islamicreminder #hadith #brotherhood #quotation #taqwa #ayah #sabr #quranverses #surah #forevertemporary #motivationalwords #mindsetshift #blessingsonblessings #prayerchangesthings #mindsetquotes #successfulmindset #motivationquote #prayerworks #motivationdaily#laylathulqadr https://www.instagram.com/p/COgplMXB8Us/?igshid=a49ipu8hrh4b
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duniatojannah · 7 years ago
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#Repost with @Repostlyapp @gardenofthepious The pinnacle of happiness is found only in knowing Allah, worshipping Him alone and feeling comfort and ease while doing so, longing to meet Him, and devoting all actions for Him. - On the other hand, the most meaningless life is of those whose hearts are distracted with the worldly life and those whose actions are not devoted to Allah, hence they find no peace nor do they find any refuge. - Without a doubt, a pleasant and beneficial life, with peace of mind are attained through the serenity and solace found while drawing closer to Allah. Regardless of how much our heart sways between all the worldly pleasures we love and desire, we will never enjoy any of them until we feel comfort and delight with our Rabb, the Protector and Sustainer. - #ForeverTemporary @gardenofthepious
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likalulu · 7 years ago
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Namanya @alin.maulida . Tepat hari ini moment bocah cilik dengan perawakan lebih tinggi dari saya ini bertambah usia. Bertambah juga tantangan dan kesempatan hidup. Meski terpaut beberapa tahun, tapi rasanya kaya saudara kembar (muda dong yah aku) Umur 20 sekian lah.. Ga beda jauh :p Sekarang jadi temen sekamar, sekantor, sekomunitas, sepengajian, pokonya setiap kegiatan Lika pengennya ngelibatin bocah satu ini. Biar bisa belajar bareng dan saling ngingetin. Meski sebetulnya kita berdua punya interest yang berbeda tapi ternyata bisa beririsan loh! Terutama karena kita ber.2 sama-sama jomblo, eh single. Haha Bukan, bukan, sebetulnya karena kita insyaAllah sedang belajar menuju tujuan yang sama, mengharap ridhonya Allah. Biar doa2 kita bisa jadi alasan papap mamah diringankan jalannya menuju Allah. Jika cinta yang dibangun ini atas dasar cinta pada Pencipta kita, semoga hubungan persaudaraan sedarah ini ga cuma sibling di dunia tapi juga sampai dipertemukan lagi di Jannahnya Allah. Semoga semakin sayang Allah Swt, Rasul Saw, mamah, keluarga, sebagai wujud taat padaNya. Maapin suka nyebelin teteh yg satu ini. Tau kan ya aselinya gmn? Tapi Allah Maha Baik masih memberikan Rahmat dan KaruniaNya, bikin kita ga punya alasan buat ga taat, jadi kita mesti kompak ya cyiiin.. Da hidup mah sementara. Semoga senantiasa dilimpahkan keberkahan, kasih sayang dan cintanya Allah :* #forevertemporary #runtobeeternal #saatnyabermuhasabah #miladberkah All images taken by me ^^
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pebrinurhayati · 8 years ago
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/ AMIN YARABB / #Repost @gardenofthepious with @repostapp ・・・ “No one can indulge in unlawfulness except for two reasons: - The first of which, is failing to trust in Allah, despite the fact that if one obeys Him, he will surely be granted the best of gains. - The second reason is knowing that whoever abandons anything for the sake of Allah, surely He will grant him something better than what he has abandoned. - Unfortunately, his vain desires surpass his patience and his inclinations overpowers his mind. The first one has poor knowledge, and the second one has poor insight”. - (Al Fawa’id, page 73) - @gardenofthepious #ForeverTemporary
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al-ghumaisha · 8 years ago
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Ya Allah.. if I am to fall in love, let me touch the heart of someone whose heart is attached to you. . يارب لاتعلق قلبي بما ليس لي . Ya Allah, do not attach my heart to what's not written to be mine. . وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ يَحُولُ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَقَلْبِهِ . "..and know that Allah comes in between a person and his/her heart." (QS 8:24)
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arisdyoo-blog · 8 years ago
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Di antara hari-hari yang telah lalu, atau bahkan hari ini, mungkin kita bukanlah orang baik. Namun hari baru selalu menawarkan kesempatan. Hari akan selalu berpihak pada mereka yang tak henti memperbaiki diri. Ingatlah untuk selalu berusaha merapikan, walau diri dalam keadaan berantakan.
Teruntuk engkau, semoga lebih baik lagi dari kemarin. Aamiin 😊
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