#ford and icarus are very similar in a lot of ways
anyway another eyetrees secret
on the subject of names i like vs names that are mine
icarus actually falls into the second category. except gravity falls (show fandom both i have no idea) turned it a bit sour
still a good name though
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lev1than · 5 years
10 Famous Inventions that were the particular culmination regarding other people’s work
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An unclean (yet open) secret regarding innovation is most wonderful breakthroughs seldom happen due to a single only genius.
Whereas history is rife with stories with famous inventors, who are generally national game characters, in almost every event they were just the first reduce weight improve a preexisting system to your final level where the item achieved muscle appeal.
Imagine how research discoveries with hundreds of years in the past inspired the works for subsequent ages of professionals.
Or what sort of iPod changed personal song thanks to the actual combination of advancement in the despropósito fields about digital favorite songs compression, hard drive miniaturization, affordable ARM microprocessors and other sorts of technological innovations.
1. Galileo and the telescope
Even while Galileo is normally credited having devised the main telescopes, there was actually a good Dutch individual called Hans Lippershay who had been making addition devices making use of the ever bettering qualities of glassmaking at the moment.
Allegedly, Galileo heard about all these and chosen to build his personal, even generating some changes in the process. Having been also the first person to work with these brand-new optics being a scientific musical instrument, which is where his true value was initially added.
2. James Watt and the steam engine
While I was in secondary school, my scientific research teacher thought it was funny individuals “What was the name of the man who seems to invent the particular steam website? ” Very funny, because “Watt” was the reply, so the problem was a fashionable statement.
Merely steam applications predated Watt’s design just by almost 58 years. Brit Thomas Savery patented the very first steam serps design for 1698, to take out water from coal fosse. Subsequently, Jones Newcomen superior the design to function at atmospheric pressure, of which became the normal design for concerning 50 years.
Watt’s real advancement was building the program with an independent condenser, which made the full process now more efficient.
3. Eli Whitney and the cotton gin
During periods of captivity in the USA, Georgia predominantly expanded cotton that had quicker fibers. The didn’t are very effective with the products at the time which usually tried to take away seeds on the fibers (roller gins), plus required a great deal of manual job. So the point out of Ga sponsored a good engineering force to come up with an improved design.
Whitney improved within the roller gins by updating the sturdy rollers by using wire your teeth.
While this drastically improved manufacturing ability with regard to cotton, this also had typically the sad complication of increasing the requirement for slaves to a fella the career fields.
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4. Elisha Otis and the elevator
Equipment capable of working out with people straight into tall architectural structures has endured since the early Egyptians. And since the industrial wave and the regarding cities triggered taller homes being designed, people started to be tired of being forced to climb various flights associated with stairs. And so elevators had been invented, applying either steam or power engines which often pulled uplifts with ropes.
However, rules have a tendency to bust. And even having an elevator just one or two stories excessive, if the rope broke so you plummeted while using carriage it will result in no less than severe personal injury, if not the loss of life.
Otis truly invented the safety break, which will stop often the elevator through crashing when it was initialized by quick falling every time a rope got destroyed. This took off a major potential for death coming from buildings tall than several stories and even spurred around the building in the first skyscrapers.
5. Thomas Edison and the light bulb
It's perhaps the most popular invention in recent history, and its sign actually sums up the concept of a notion.
And yet, Youngsters Edison didn’t invent the sunshine bulb. Not necessarily the wine glass bulb, or perhaps the glowing filament inside it. They merely better the previous styles to the point that they can become otc practical, in 1880.
The initial electric light product, called a great Arc-Lamp, was made by Humphry Davy with regards to 78 decades before in which but did not last long together with was too bright. Throughout 1850, Ernest Swan has seen that carbonized paper was much better stuff for a filament and put to use them to help make light bulbs. But he could not get the design to be more effective or durable.
After furthermore experimentation, both equally Swan and Edison uncovered subsequently more beneficial materials, and ultimately their a pair of companies amalgamated to market most of their new improved upon design jointly, though most of the people only recall Edison.
6. Guglielmo Marconi and the Radio
In the 1890s, both Marconi and Nikola Tesla have been fighting to formulate the radio. Tesla actually got more of the beginning patents to the technology. Still, the initial treasure of electromagnetic radiation was actually made seven years earlier by German researcher Heinrich Hertz, who was capable to both broadcast and acquire radio swells in his research laboratory.
However, the guy couldn’t imagine any sensible applications regarding his knowledge.
It was after Marconi who has been able to acquire all these technological innovations and switch them perfectly into commercial merchandise.
7. Henry Ford and the car
Honda released the exact Model Testosterone levels in 1908, and it is the first auto to gain block market elegance and good results at a time any time many people nonetheless traveled through the horse.
Nonetheless, the car while powered simply by an internal combustion engine was really created by Karl Benz within 1885, and many other engineers, therefore, improved about the design for greater efficiency, coziness performance.
Precisely what Ford reached was improve production technique of the machine. Her assembly line advanced production productivity significantly, slashing the cost of every single unit for a price point in which people could possibly actually have the funds for it.
8. The Wright Brothers and the airplane
Teens have been hoping to see flight intended for eons. Via Leonardo Kc Vinci’s sketches of hovering machines to story regarding Icarus, many people desired to clear themselves on the shackles involving gravity.
And then the Wright Brothers were not really the only people of their time to try and establish a machine competent at powered airline flight.
George Cayley was the first person to move via designs regarding flapping similar to birds towards a “fixed wing” design. Yet another engineer referred to as Otto Lilienthal then implemented a lot of those models to create genuine gliders through fixed wings and examining them, putting together a lot of files which the Wright Brothers would likely subsequently usage.
Additionally, the very Wright Siblings were able to implement another the latest invention within the time: the internal combustion algorithm from vehicles. They were all-around at just the right age when this kind of became offered.
Their real innovation was a student in their patterns which authorized their planes to actually always be steered as well as controlled. And also rest is usually history.
Also, check out: invention help
9. Philo Farnsworth and the TV
An excellent sort of an invention that had been only probable thanks to quite a few other pioneering technological advances across market sectors.
Farnsworth had the ability to take the trends of the cathode ray tubing (by Ferdinand Braun) and also combine them with an approach to scan graphics using electrons which the person apparently started out thinking of inside high school.
This design likewise outperformed other competing TV SET technology at that moment: mechanical TELEVISION SET.
10. Bill Gates and the Graphical User Interface
Beginning computer systems were being primarily command-line driven, this means you had to know every one of the inputs for you to type right keyboard in order to the machine that which you wanted it all to do.
A lot of people credit Roshan Windows utilizing introducing the globe to the Gui (GUI), which you could use a rabbit to just click on-screen materials to tell it again what to do, making the whole course of action much more simple.
However, much of the progress throughout GUI growth happened very much earlier. Some sort of pioneer was basically Douglas Engelbart, who exhibited an Operating System which has a mouse pointer in 1968. This plan was subsequently taken up by simply Xerox, exactly who released their valuable Alto pcs which were the 1st with a duck and GUI.
As figures go, Apple’s Steve Work opportunities saw an Alto when visiting Xerox’s PARC study center along with inspired him or her to make sure the main Apple Macintosh personal computer would have some GUI, the initial mass-market GUI computers. This unique then flat the way to the even more business-focussed Intel Windows Main system, which got the idea absolutely mainstream.
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cupidsbower · 8 years
in re
Supernatural 12x11, “Regarding Dean.”
Most of the good things about this episode are thanks to the actors, especially Jensen Ackles and Ruth Connell, who were both delightful. The writing was competent but not meaty, like last week’s episode. I came away from “Regarding Dean” not really feeling I knew all that much more about Dean than I had before, which was a shame given the premise. But perhaps the point was actually to shine more light on Sam and Rowena, who both reacted to Dean in interesting ways.
Let’s start with the title, which is a reference to a Harrison Ford movie, Regarding Henry, written by J. J. Abrams.
Here’s the trailer:
It’s about an ethically-dubious but successful lawyer, played by Ford, who is shot in the head by a robber, and loses his memory. As a result, he turns over a new leaf, becoming more innocent and idealistic, and forges closer relationships with his quasi-estranged wife and daughter. Ironically, it is a film that is mostly appealing due to the actors, as the plot is rather by-the-numbers. If there’s any lesson to be learned here, it’s that pre-shooting-Henry is unlikable, both to himself and others, and hates his job but loves his family, who he had been neglecting.
In contrast, post-amnesia-Dean discovers that he likes himself and his life, but quite possibly both Sam and Rowena are unhappy with their lives and their current relationships -- more on that below.
While I don’t think Abram’s script for Regarding Henry is very nuanced, I find the reference to the film interesting for another reason than the obvious similarities of plot between it and “Regarding Dean”. I have always assumed that Regarding Henry was itself a reference to A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Follow that rabbit all the way down its hole, and you end up at the Daedalus myth, which is the story of a man making himself wings in order to escape imprisonment, and whose son who escapes with him, Icarus, falling to his death as a result of flying too close to the sun.
Why do I draw a connection between Regarding Henry and Portrait? It’s about that use of words with multiple meanings in the titles, and specifically about how we interpret and understand people and the ways we represent them.
in respect of, on the subject of
looking at
a visual likeness (something people look at)
a description of a person’s character (a story)
As I said above, while Ackles is very good in this episode, what we see just confirms what we already know (and/or admire) about Dean -- he has a childish delight in things that he often masks as self-defence, his responsibilities and perceived failures weigh heavy on him, he genuinely loves hunting things and saving people, he loves the people in his life and does the emotional labour of keeping them in his life.
The freshest aspect of the episode is not actually the portrait of Dean, but the reactions of Sam and Rowena to Dean, and in reaction to his memory loss -- how they regard him, in other words.
Sam is devastated by the loss of Dean, in a way that tells us a lot about what he’s living for. This love for Dean is not a happy thing, though, as it highlights Sam’s social isolation and depression. He comes across as ambivalent about the hunting lifestyle, and with the people currently in his life. With the “I’ll text everyone” scene, we yet again have the implication that Sam relies on Dean to keep in touch with people, unless there’s some particular need. I think that’s about the third time this season.
In fact, we’ve had subtext for many seasons now that Sam would leave hunting for the “apple-pie life” if only he could find a way to do so, but that he feels tied (chained?) to Dean, and this episode adds more weight to that reading. Sam is a mirror of Regarding Henry in a different way than Dean is. Where Henry is given a chance at a new and more satisfying life because of his memory loss, and Dean is confirmed as already loving his life via the memory loss, Sam, it is strongly implied, would love to ditch his current life -- he wants to be the lawyer, with the wife and kid, and to forget hunting, but doesn’t know how to achieve that, and instead is trapped and unhappy.
I mean, this is great for the deconstruction of the co-dependency, if only Sam can actually get to the point of honestly articulating that, and Dean can hear it without feeling rejected. But still, ouch.
Then there’s Rowena.
I really like that Rowena and Crowley are being shown to have character traits in common. In particular, it took a while, but Rowena has now figured out that the Winchesters are an unstoppable force, just like Crowley has, and as so many (now dead) villains never did. She had her own agenda in this episode to do with the other witches, and I love that her plot is getting closer and closer to intersecting as enemies with the Men of Letters -- I have wanted that for a loooong time. But in addition to that, now that she recognises the Winchesters either deadly or a form of supernatural social capital, I have some hopes she will live a good long while. *fingers crossed*
The other interesting Rowena thing picks up on a thread from last season, when Rowena told Crowley she had to hate him or else she’d love him. In this episode, we find out that Rowena is a lot like Dean. She projects a hard-as-nails outside to protect her squishy insides from the many people who have hurt her. And she yearns for connection, as demonstrated by her falling for Dean’s (at this point quite possibly supernatural ability to) charm, responding to his defenselessness with a lowering of her own guard instead of cruelty.
Well, except for this, which isn’t directed at Dean.
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(I don’t have a source for this image.)
That voodoo doll and its multiple pins in the heart. It’s played for humour, but actually, it calls back to a visual motif we’ve been getting throughout the season:
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The Immaculate Heart of Mary (x), representing Mary’s grief at the death of her son.
Interesting, yes? I mean, also kind of horrifying given the foreshadowing. Apart from the subtextual implication that Dean is Jesus Christ, stabbing his mother in the heart with his death(s), it does make me wonder about the nephilim. Are we going to get actual Jesus reborn in the superntural ‘verse? As the child of Lucifer? Because the symbolism certainly seems to be going there!
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Hi, Satan, who is an angel and therefore not gendered as humans are. Ready to have your heart broke yet?
Anyway, for an episode that in itself was competent but not great, it adds some interesting elements to this season’s myth arc.
Final things:
I think it’s pretty strongly implied at the end of the episode that Dean does remember some of what happened, but isn’t admitting to it. I wonder how that will play out in terms of his relationship with Rowena.
I really appreciated that the waitress apologised once she believed Dean had been roofied while they were flirting. Good.
Tree magic. Hmmm. Angel grace can live in trees, and now this. I am intrigued, and not just because I wrote fic that used a premise jumping off from this. I kinda hope we get more on tree magic.
The Ministry of Information vs Wayward Sons Carrying On (12x01)
My, my, how can I resist you? (12x02) and follow-up about Bohemian Raphsody
So what am I so afraid of? (I think I love you) (12x03)
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy Down in my heart (Where?) (12x04) and a follow-up about the codependency and about Dean’s self-flagellation and issues with space
There can be only one! (12x05), and a follow-up conversation with elizabethrobertajones on Freud vs Schwartz.
They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes (12x06)  
Presenting the Immaculate Heart Reunion Tour (12x07)    
I’m still living the life where you get home and open the fridge and there’s half a pot of yogurt and a half a can of flat Coca-Cola. ~Alan Rickman (12x08, 12x09)
When the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men (12x10)        
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