terrayoung · 7 years
that character ask game you reblogged how bout mick rory and amaya :0 (i just cant wait for legends to come back??)
Thanks for the ask! Apologies for the wait - college is crazy busy atm.
-favorite thing about them
Not really sure… maybe the fact that he never gives up? Like, he’s been through a lot of shit, but even with his borderline suicidal phase in season 2, he still keeps going. 
And he’s funny. 
-least favorite thing about them
Well, all the murdering/hurting people in cold blood that he did before his character development started would have to be my pick. 
-favorite line
Don’t remember the exact words, so I’m kinda paraphrasing… “Everyone shut up. I still got one chapter left.” It’s one of my favorites because I have never related more to Mick than in that moment. 
I like him and Jax, Sara, and Stein (when he wasn’t insulting Mick) - they all had interesting dynamics together.
Coldwave. All the way. Atomwave’s a close second, and my favorite polyship is Vixencoldwave. 
Honestly, I don’t have any. There are ships I don’t ship that involve Mick, but I don’t have strong feelings towards them that the term ‘nOTP’ would suggest. They’re more ‘nahTPs’ than anything else. And there’s too many of those to name. 
-random headcanon
Mick’s mom had a special recipe for chocolate chip cookies that Mick never memorized because he could just read it out of her cookbook. But said cookbook was lost forever when the house burned down and Mick’s been trying to recreate the recipe ever since. He’s not sure what he’d do if he got it right, and he’s not sure if he’ll ever know if he got it right since it’s been roughly thirty years since he last tasted them. 
(Everyone Mick has let taste the attempted batches appreciate his efforts - they’re always really good.)
(If Mick gets the chance - that is, if the Waverider lands in the right time and place - he might break into his house to take a picture of the recipe. It’s been several decades but he still wants as many connections to his family as possible.)
-unpopular opinion
I don’t know what’s popular and what’s not, but if I had to guess something that might count - I don’t think Mick’s a good guy or a hero. He’s definitely not as bad as he was on Flash, but I still wouldn’t call him a hero. Anti-hero/anti-villain maybe. 
It’s like, if morality is a spectrum, with black being the worst person ever and white being the best, Mick’s journey on Legends would be him going from a darker grey to a lighter grey. But still closer to grey than white. 
-song i associate with them
Honestly, anything to do with fire, but particularly “Things We Lost to the Fire” by Bastille for his reflecting on what he did to his family moments.
-favorite picture of them
I don’t have one, really. Sorry about that.
-favorite thing about them
Maybe that she’s tough and in touch with her emotions. A lot of female characters are written as stereotypes - tough without emotion or “weak” with too much emotion (not that that’s bad in real people, it’s just that too many of those in characters gets annoying) - but Amaya’s well-balanced. 
-least favorite thing about them
Nothing, really? I mean, whenever I watch that early season 2 episode where she says Ray isn’t a hero without his suit I get annoyed, but I don’t hold it against her otherwise/long-term/outside that episode. I’m getting a bit annoyed by her flip-flopping between wanting to stay in 1942 or not, but that’s on the writers/plot, not Amaya.
-favorite line
Nothing stands out to me, sorry. There are a lot of lines I’ve enjoyed - particularly those during her interactions with Mick - but nothing stands out as a favorite.
Her and Zari, Sara (when I’m not shipping them), the members of the JSA, and I think her and Kendra would get along well.
Vixenwave, for sure. And, like Mick, my favorite polyship is Vixencoldwave. 
None, really, same as Mick. I’m getting a bit annoyed by how popular her and Zari is considering I don’t ship them, but it’s far from a nOTP. 
-random headcanon
A few small ones: She has absolutely horrible handwriting, hates neon-colored anything, refuses to take a side in the Star Trek vs. Star Wars debates that go on periodically (and actually prefers Stargate to both of them), is slightly afraid of thunderstorms, and leaned towards not wanting to have kids before learning about Mari
-unpopular opinion
As touched upon above, I… don’t ship her and Zari. No offense to those that do, but I’ve started headcanoning Zari as aroace so I don’t ship them myself. I think they’d work well as qpps, but I don’t see any romantic feelings being involved.
(Plus, regardless of my feelings about the situation, I’m pretty sure she’ll end up with Nate/Nate will be Mari and Kuasa’s grandfather because the show’s as subtle as an atom bomb regarding them and the Arrowverse as a whole is really bad at subverting destiny.)
-song i associate with them
Ever since I saw this one post from @misscrazyfangirl321 about her singing it to Mick, one of the first that comes to mind is Just Like Fire by P!nk
-favorite picture of them 
Again, like Mick, I don’t have one. I do think my favorite outfit of hers is that red dress she wore back in the beginning of season 2, if that helps. 
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majortomwaits · 7 years
I got tagged by @v-vvolfie
rules: tag nine people with excellent taste
color(s) I’m currently wearing: pink, blue, black
last band t-shirt I bought: It’s been centuries since I’ve gotten a band shirt, I’m guessing Muse?
last band I saw live: Urban&4, a croatian band I saw almost 3 years ago
last song I listened to: Born Slippy by Underworld
lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
last movie I watched: Blade Runner
last 3 TV shows I watched: The OA, The Good Place, Galavant
last 3 characters I identified with: No idea, my dude, sorry, I’m fried
books I’m currently reading: Angel’s Game (Zafon) and From Hell graphinc novel (Moore) 
I tag: @sponge-clogs @inyumenxibalba @forcesensitivequeer @risingpilots @proinslascassidy @chase-a-dream @justinaneedle @notthatlamia @petrodactyl
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