#for wanting to destroy an oppressive nationalistic state and I won’t ever forget that
sinnbaddie · 4 months
The Naruto ask! 4, 6 and 19
Putting a cut here so y’all don’t have to scroll because it is rather long!
4. are the romantic undertones between naruto and sasuke intentional or accidental?
I want to say fully accidental because Kishimoto just cannot write romance but I can’t help but think that some scenes are just… too romantic to not be intentional. The moon/sun theme, naruto saying he would die with Sasuke if it came to that, the cover art of them having necklaces with each others faces, etc.
There are just too many instances where they fit together a little too well, I mean even dude bros call them gay, which is a feat in of itself.
So, while I can’t say for certain if it was either, I can say that if there was intention to it, it makes the canon couples look incredibly bad imo.
6. what makes the Naruto ending bad?
I’m rewatching rn and am currently in the beginning of the war arc, so I’m refinding out that there are just… so many things Kishimoto ruined with the way he ended the series.
My biggest gripe of course is Sasuke. He is one of my favorite characters and has been since the beginning. After freshly rewatching the scene where he nearly kills Sakura and knowing how his arc finishes is frustrating. Sasuke deserved justice, he deserved revolution and his clan’s name cleared.
If we’re following canon where Sasuke lives, then I think a full dismantling of the system – changing the way the entire village worked would’ve been a good start. Destroying the leaf was not the way to go about it and he was intent on it because he was (validly) emotional. It’s a huge disservice to Sasuke and readers to not see revolution happen because it pushes this idea that the oppressed have to conform to their oppressor, it’s super nationalistic but that’s more about the entirety of Naruto instead of just the ending.
Personally for me? Sasuke and Naruto dying at the end of their last fight would’ve been a more appropriate ending than Sasuke assimilating to the oppressive village that committed genocide against his clan for “peace”. I’m incredibly upset that Kishimoto wrote Naruto not actually doing anything for Sasuke and the remembrance of his people (lets also not forget the Hyuga), it feels disingenuous to Naruto’s character that he “went back on his word”.
It was set up so well for Sasuke and Naruto to die in the end and to make them continue living just backtracked on both of their writing.
19. pettiest fandom opinion you've blocked someone for?
Almost always for disliking my faves. I just recently blocked someone for disliking Might Gai and some others for shipping characters I don’t like together😭
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