#for those BaU enjoyers in the crowd
kami-scribbles · 7 months
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Happy Couple 🩷🩵
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chosenimagines · 3 years
Happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Universe: (H) Criminal Minds
Summary: The Team has to go to Las Vegas (Nevada) for a case. They are earlier done than expected and decided to go out together. But something unexpected happens. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! Doesn’t it? (Reader is named Jasmine)
Used Prompts: -
Warnings: Alcohol, getting drunk, mentioning of sex
Language: English
Request: Yes/No
Request: Can I request a image for Spencer Reid We’re Spencer and reader  go to Vegas for a case with the team and the case and early so they go out and they get drunk with the team they wake up in the hotel room together they have rings on their finger and they’re married they don’t want to get divorced so they stay married and when they come back the team wonders why they have wedding rings And they try to hide that stuff they are married but they get caught you can fill in the rest (by hyialover)
Requests [Open]
A/N: Thank you very much for your request @hyialover I enjoyed writting it! Enjoy <3
This One Shot/Imagine can be found as well on my Wattpad ^^ My requests are open on Wattpad and Tumblr
🖊️    🖊️    🖊️   🖊️
“I don’t know what you think” Prentiss holstered her weapon. “but I don’t want to go back to the jet just yet! I think that we should go out this evening.”, she suggested. 
The idea immediately found approval within our team! Even though I wasn’t a big fan of crowded bars I wasn’t averse to go out tonight. We worked hard the past few days and closed the case earlier than expected. Nobody deserved a relaxed, free night with their friends in a bar more than the BAU! The events of the case had been disturbing enough. Why not get out and have fun? Playfully I nudged our youngest member. “How is it, Dr Reid? Do we get some Vegas-insidertips? Where can we get some drinks in peace?”, I wanted know with a big smile on my face. Blood rushed into his cheeks. Reid’s mimic was flooded with the expression of panic. Immediately I was sorry for asking him! I accidently stroke a chord. Of course I knew that our Reid was nobody who went out but I thought that he might have heard of some bars or clubs who are good. Obviously not… “I don’t know-” But Reid didn’t get the chance to explain himself or to end his sentence. “Reid! You can’t tell me that not one bar comes to your mind that has a good reputation. You lived here! How is it possible that you don’t have a clue?” That was the start of a big squabbing between Morgan and Reid. What did I do? Laughing I shook my head and pushed the squabblers out of the door of the department.
“Now listen to me, pretty boy!” Morgan put his arm casually around Reid’s shoulders. Then his other hand made dissolute move. “Frow now on you can say that you know a small bar in Vegas which isn’t crowded. If you ever go out with a woman here in Vegas you can suggest that you two go into Blues!”, Morgan said and patted his best friend on his shoulder. Reid didn’t seem to feel very comfortable. I couldn’t tell if it was what Morgan said that made Reid uncomfortable or something else. But there was to be nobody in the bar who seemed to be dangerous. That’s why I’d go with option 1. While Morgan continued to give Reid Dating Advice I winded through the room behind the team. We were aiming for one of the tables standing by the wall. The tables at the wall were surrounded by a square bench on three sides. On the top of the table which was facing towards the room were placed two chairs. On one of those tables all of us would fit around it. The seconde we have sat down Rossi stood up again. “The first round is on me!”, Rossi announced what made Morgan listen. “That’s what I like to here!”, he answered. “I’ll take a Whiskey.” “For me a coke please!”, Reid and I said in the exact same moment. That brought Garcia into the conversation. “No way!”, she yelled outraged. As a profiler I should have expected that from her. But I didn’t see that coming and flinched after her heavy reaction. “No way! I didn’t fly with you to Vegas to not party appropriately. Nobody here will drink something non-alcoholic in our first round! I will not let this happen. Under no circumstances.”, Garcia made clear. I gave up immediately. It was useless to fight against Garcia and a small drink was okay. After that one drink I could go over to drink coke. But Reid had to be convinced more than me. After a few minutes Morgan and Garcia managed to get our young doctor to get one alcoholic drink.
One drink? Good one! One drink became two and before I realized it was nobody left at our table who wasn’t at least tipsy. Giggling and laughing we were sitting with each other. Our conversations were on the scale from philosophical to absolutely senseless! Whoever came across our table wouldn’t think that there were sitting eight smart people who work for a successful unit of the FBI. But in this moment, we weren’t agents of the FBI, but we were some normal people who visited Las Vegas and had a good time with their friends. “Hey Jasmine!” Reid nudged me giggling. In doing so he was a bit clumsy, but I thought it was cute. “Yes, Reid?”, I giggled. Why did I find it so amusing that he talked to me? There was no reason, but I was still laughing. It doesn’t matter! Reid wanted to ask or tell me something and I was curious. “I want to show you my city! Do you feel like it?”, he mumbles. A soft pink spread across is handsome face. He was so cute! Man, I really liked him. “Of course! I am already excited.” Reid took my hand and pulled me gently out of Blues.
An enjoyable warmth tingled my nose and chased away the last bit of my will to continue to sleep. Yawning I opened my eyes. I stretched my body while sitting up. My head was buzzing, and every muscle of my body seemed to hate me today personally. I obviously had had one drink too much! Never again. I would never again let Penelope convince me to get one drink. I should have known that it couldn’t go well and that she wouldn’t stick to only one drink. One was always wiser after the event! I pressed my hands into the mattress to push myself up to stand up. But I saw something in the corner of my eye. Or somebody… “REID?!”, I gasped louder than I wanted to. That couldn’t be true! I- I- I shared- I shared a room with Garcia! Spencer should be sleeping next to Morgan! In HIS room and not in mine. Quick I looked down my body. Thank God! I was clothed. That meant we haven’t had sex. Not that the though of having sex with Reid was disgusting but drunk sex destroyed some friendships, and I couldn’t risk it. I just liked Reid way too much! Relief flooded my body. We probably stumbled after our little tour into my room and fell asleep. In the same moment something on my left ring finger sparkled in the sunlight and the relief faded away immediately. On my left hand was a modest ring. Wait! A ring? I didn’t own any rings! But I wore one on my finger. On my left ring finger. Left ring finger… LEFT RINGFINGER! The scales fell from my eyes. But I wasn’t one hundred percent sure. To prove my hypothesis, I grabbed Spencer’s left hand what made him groan. While Reid slowly woke up I scrutinize his hand. Indeed! He wore a ring as well which looked exactly like mine. Like me Reid had it on his left ring finger. That could only mean one thing! “What’s the matter?”, Spencer mumbled, and I didn’t miss how lovely his sleepy voice sounded. In that seconde the memories of the past evening came back. I had most assuredly when the memory past my mind’s eye. “Reid, don’t get scared but I believe that you and me got married…”, I broke the matter to him. Suddenly Spencer sat up straight and appeared right awake. Without a word he grabbed his phone. Just a moment later he pressed it against his ear. “Hello! My name is Dr Spencer Reid. I work for the FBI and I want to get some information about Jasmine Morris. Her date of birth is September 17th 1980! Come again please?” Reid curled his lips. “Okay, thank you very much! In that case I was talking about Jasmine Reid. Anyways thank you! Have a good day.” He hung up and looked at me. “We are married.”, he said. I pointed at his hand. “Your hand could have told you the same story.”, I replied. Reid locked at the ring but quickly moved his eyes at me again. “And what are we doing now?”, he asked. I sighed and leaned on the wall at the headboard. “We have two options.”, I answered. “We divorce or we don’t divorce.” I knew that I stated the obvious but saying it out loud gave it another impact. I knew what I wanted but I first needed to know Reid’s thoughts. Based on them I am going to decide! “That may sound crazy, and I can totally understand if you don’t want that.”, Reid hemmed and hawed. “But if I am being absolute honest, I don’t want a divorce!” My eyes widened. I didn’t expect that! “Why?”, I asked. He swallowed hard. “I like you, Jasmine. I don’t like you like Morgan likes Garcia. I like you more likely like Hotch likes Hailey.” Now I saw! “That’s good.” I tucked my messed-up hair behind his ear. “Because I like you exactly in that way!” “No divorce?” I grinned. “If it is okay for you that I have your last name?” Reid smirked as well. “I imagined this differently but I am not taking it back.”
Infront of jet I stopped and pulled Spencer’s sleeve. There was one thing we haven’t talked about yet! “Are we going to tell the rest?” Reid stopped as well. “I don’t know.”, he confessed. “When we tell them how this happened Morgan is going to tease us for weeks.” “And Garcia would be offended, because she wasn’t with us.”, I added. We agreed right of the bat. We wouldn’t tell them but we would tell him soon that we are a couple. Then we would move and a few months later we would have a wedding like party and nobody would know how we really got married. It would keep us from embarrassments and accusations! It was a win-win. In good conscious we entered the plane and put our stuff away. We hardly sat down when the plane took off.
“Jasmine, since when do you wear a ring?”, JJ wanted to know. Surprised I looked up. “Come again?”, I asked. I was only listening with half an ear. “I wanted to know since when you are wearing a ring. I’ve never seen one on your hand before.” Casually I waved it off. Then I noticed that Reid was getting nervous. “I bought it Vegas. It was a mistake which was caused by the alcohol. Thanks, Garcia, by the way!”, I commented while I kicked Spencer underneath the table. He was being more than obvious! “I actually don’t like rings but now that I have it, I can wear it.”, I explained. JJ swallowed the lie and I continued reading. “Wait a minute, princess! Eyes up again. How is it possible that you and Reid are wearing rings which look so much alike and look suspiciously like wedding rings-” Morgan broke off. “YOU’VE GOT MARRIED DRUNK IN VEGAS!”, Garcia screamed. I looked at Spencer amused. “So much about we won’t tell them.”
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