#for this and for the discussions we've had abt this & related topics
spheciform · 9 months
thoughts on Dedf1sh + Paul Sashimori siblings theory/hc? im a personal fan but id love to hear your thoughts :3
Hmmmm rotates it around in my mind... it's something that is definitely plausible and definitely has been done in really good and interesting ways (dedzone especially was what really sold me on it as something that can be really interesting to explore past the basic 'what if these two knew eachother'), it just never really captured me? Until this ask and I started thinking about the shrimplications. I think why it never really captured me until this point is just because of how little we know about Paul? Who is this little guy, past being just a baby savant u know? There's at least a little bit of characterization for most splatbands guys, but Paul is just... oddly devoid of it. Like there's more discussion about the events that surround him (mixing human vocals, sashimori possibly being pearls old band, the fact that he's a 10 year old ultratalented kid, him being friends with marina) than there is about Who He Is as a character? Though I guess that does leave more room for wildly making things up!!! Which. With the info from side order has some really neat shrimplications in its favor:
-Acht and Marina "going way back", and Paul and Marina being friends. This is possibly the coolest thing this has in its favor. The siblings hc makes this sudden random bit of information have a lot more weight to it, like oh yeah my old buddy's little brother. They went missing but at least their little brother is doing ok and being looked after... (rips the walls apart)(though this does imply that both acht and paul were octarian octolings, which is neat, but also doesn't really help the common assumption that all octolings must inherently be octarian, given the only two confirmed non octarian octolings we've seen so far are shiver and warabi. Yoko and the gold bazookas mysterious blue ringed octopus girl... who are you....)(I don't even know if it's a common distinction made by fans I have just been going fuck it we ball like "octarian" is the more wide term for those who were ruled by DJ Octavio (including both tentacle guys and octolings) which makes sense why there are octolings & octopus guys who have been on the surface and in society absolutely fine for seemingly generations when u look a shiver's family, and is a slightly more plausible reason why people are so instantly normal about octolings bc like. They've been here. They just don't know they're octarian. Etc. Does this make any sense??? Maybe. Is it nitpicking??? Absolutely. Is it a huge diversion from the topic at hand?? Absolutely yeah I'll get back on topic)
-If sanitization seemingly had no effect on Acht, and they canonically made it to the surface(hotlantis window sign)... have they seen Paul yet? Have they met? If not... why?
Now for the more HeadCanon Realm of things:
-It's been said that Acht was really... intense and anxious over their music pre-sanitization. The fact that Paul is also very talented has some neat possibilities in exploring how that sort of perfectionism could be shared between them. Like did Paul pick it up because he idolized them? Did they ever hear what he was doing? How did that make them feel, honored or oddly threatened by his skill? This shit is soooooo (spins it around in my mind.) this is the good shit to me. Strained sibling relationships my beloved. This is the good shit that really interests me abt this hc, rather than the inherent tragedy of losing Acht. This is the stuff I think I would want to dig into if I ever wanted to explore this personally. If we take it that they never met back up after Acht reached the surface... boy. Whether on purpose or by circumstance it has a lot of potential to breed some crazy characterization moments. Dies a million times.
Even further into realm of headcanon, specific to my take on dedfish and the shit I've been cooking in relation to her:
-the shrimplications are making me crazy in the brain in relation to what I have already written and have planned around dedfish. Reoccurring awesomegirl delta summers and her strained relationship with her 14-15 year old sibling. Eternally broken unable to enter society lost in the sauce (blood) fringe desert dweller dedfish and her complete loss of her relationship with their now 15 year old brother. You see it. You see it and you explode with me. Parallels. Implications. Etc. There isn't really a way to capitalize on it given the fact that I have kept it so that dedfish was completely transformed by and lost their complete previous personality to the double goopening, and the fact that they're completely isolated, meaning there wouldn't really be a way for them to ever know about or interact w paul without outside interference... but you see it. The cooking. The ideas. The everything.
Um tldr: it's good 👍 don't know if it's something I'll ever fully explore and it's not like a hill I'll absolutely die on but I'm a fan of when people do it and do something really cool w it because it has the potential to be really cool!!
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shoshiwrites · 3 years
DVD commentary on your History Book, please, because I love ittt 🥺💕
It’s a funny business, she’s found, grieving for someone you think in some other life you might have known. She’s stronger than almost anyone’s ever given her credit for, but the memories mix like swirling water, the flashbacks hit without warning. She’s never sure, these days, what year she’s crying for.
They had damn well tried, she knows, to get them out, the bruises and dirtied hands say as much. But only twenty feet of progress a day — that meant hope faded fast. They didn’t even know the names of those who’d died until after; the list of miners working was trapped along with those whose names were on it.
She wonders weakly, blood rushing in her ears, how many more boys they will feed to these hills.
This got so unbelievably far away from me I'm sorry.
[send me a fic snippet and I'll give you the director's commentary!]
Can I just take a minute to say how !!!!!!!! I am that you love this AU? Because I am !!!!!!! it was just hanging out in my GoogleDocs and I'm so glad I revisited it, due in no small part to yours and the GC's enthusiasm😊 Like literally would not have without u guys.
Regarding the AU in general, I didn't do a really big uh, renovation when doing the rewrite. Which I guess I say to mean, if I was doing it NOW, from total scratch, I'd probably do some things differently. Each section is referencing a specific, real historical event. This one was the Twin Shaft disaster which occurred in 1896. It took place in Pittston where certain RL people are from but. We're ignoring that, see note above. Also I regard this basically as historical fiction at this point since neither of them is actually named IN the piece but anyway.
This passage, save for these two lines, "she’s never sure, these days, what year she’s crying for" and the last sentence, are from the original writing. The rest is all facts taken from sources & Wikipedia. (I'm also !!! that you picked this part because I honestly thought it came off as a little info-dump-y?)
That being said, I really do like how this fits as a piece into the rest of the AU. It's important that there be these lifetimes where the two of them barely know each other but that the pull is so strong, and that she runs because of something inside her that she doesn't really understand (though not for lack of trying). The isolation she feels because of this is particularly strong in this section, I think, even though she's part of this larger community that's grieving.
In researching for this AU I looked at a lot of Pennsylvania Gothic Tumblr posts (lol), to try and get slightly more of a sense of ... ambiance is the wrong word. Landscape. Pennsylvania's not a place I grew up or have spent a lot of time in, though there's .. something similar there, I think, to PA and the Rust Belt sections of NY where my dad's family is from (least of all the fact that the two states are next to each other aha). The last line in this passage is directly inspired by this post (the word 'fed' specifically) and also from thoughts I was having while researching these mining disasters.
That last line wasn't meant to be something scary or creepy, though I could see how it might read that way. The use of the word boys was intentional. The word sacrifice also comes to mind (whole other ramble there about uh. Capitalism).
One thing that really struck me, back when I was researching this the first time around, was looking into places like Centralia, which is probably the most famous name out of all of this. I'll be honest, I was intrigued by it the same way as most people, like, ooh! Neverending coal fire! Abandoned! Silent Hill! But when you actually read and watch and learn more — I think there's a documentary somewhere —it's just very sad. It's a story of people being failed by government. That's manmade disasters. Mine collapses are stories of people being failed. Dam collapses are stories of people being failed. There's nothing creepy about it.
There was so much rattling around in my head for this AU — landscape, memory, markers, remembrance. Photos of old mine entrances and the remnants of stone foundations and old memorial sites documenting ghosts towns. Like. I wish I could say this with the gravity with which it's meant but. The whole state's haunted. Anywhere that's that full of industrial history, of that relationship with the land (I.. is it a relationship? We're getting even less coherent today lads) is going to.. have that.
Mine disasters continued well into the 20th century and of course still occur today. But for this AU specifically I wanted to dive into that period of time that's mostly the 19th and early 20th centuries. There's so much there I didn't know about. These tragedies that were so huge at the time, so life-changing, and what's left now is in the land, and in passed-down memories and stories.
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qwedfas · 7 years
hey fam omg omgggomgggggg like this mhs guy started talking to me bc I posted smth 13 reasons why related on my story and he replied and we've been talking abt 13rw and stuff and comparisons between the book and movie- he seems like a rlly nice guy and im not sure what will happen once we stop discussing?!? like I still wanna talk to him but idk how to keep the convo going with a diff topic I'm so inexperienced with talking to boys :((((
It’s great to talk to somebody about a common topic!! I also struggle with talking to people and keeping up conversation but here’s a few tips:
Ask if he watches other tv shows and if you have any in common you can go from there
Maybe talk about something that happened in your day and it’ll branch off from there - for example today I ate Dessert Story and I told my friend about it and we had a debate for about half an hour which asian desserts taste the best :)
Ask him what he did today or what he does in his spare time, or let him know what you did in your day
Make sure to ask questions so he know you’re interested in talking with him - you can start with what he’s doing at school/ subjects
Discuss news events - in my group chat we like to talk about these kinds of things and they can have an easy opening - so you could start with ‘omg btw did you hear’
Talk about sport? Exercise? MHS boys like the gym for some reason hehehehehe ;)
Also are you trying to razz or just be friends with him because if you want to razz here’s some flirting tips too:
Meet up irl and in my opinion it’s best to eat food bc idk food
Laugh a lil like hahahah even if he says smth weird
Flutter your eyelashes like bat wings gurl you got it be confident with yourself!!!!!
Hopefully these help!
Love, FAM xx
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