#for the thing about no alternate mojoverses
arctimon · 2 years
Thinking with Portals - A BH6 Character Analysis
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You know, I laughed at this when I posted these two together last week, but now I’m been thinking about it a bit too much.
So...a normal day for me.
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Everybody knows who the person on the right is.  That’s Celine Simard (aka Sirque), the acrobat thief that showed up for one episode, made a splash, and then never came back ever again sans a mention by Hiro in “Go Go the Woweroo”.
The person on the left?  Well, that’s a little bit more interesting.  I could give you one reason why, but instead...
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(Spoiler: I don’t actually have six.)
That would be Rita Wayword, aka Spiral. 
Now, I know that you guys are probably thinking, “Jason, you’re on the sauce again, aren’t you?  These two don’t have anything in common.”
Which I would say “No...because I have to work tomorrow.”
Spiral is a mutant, once known as Ricochet Rita and a professional stuntwoman (similar to Celine’s background as a circus performer).  In a very long, very convoluted backstory that I’m totally not going to go into, she was attacked by her future self, went to the Mojoverse to be with her boyfriend, genetically modified to be Mojo’s bodyguard, and then sent into the past to close the time paradox.
This is why I hate time travel.
Oh yeah, and this is Mojo:
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Ain’t nobody got time for that thing, though.  Moving on.
Spiral is a sorceress and was once on the shortlist to be the replacement to Dr. Strange as Sorcerer Supreme.  The magic that she’s most well known for, however...
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Is portals.
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So we have a stuntperson/circus acrobat who can make/steal portals into other dimensions with white hair.
Now, let’s add another wrinkle to that.
Spiral at some point would join up with the Sisterhood of Mutants with a bunch of other people (mainly Jean Grey’s clone Madelyne Pryor) in an attempt to steal a lock of Grey’s hair to resurrect her and have her body be Pryor’s body.  Another member of that team?
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Lady Deathstrike (on the right).
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I would also like to note that both the names Celine and Rita mean “moon” and “pearl” respectively (Celine being an alternate spelling of Selene, Greek for moon and French for “heavenly body” and Rita being a shortening of Margarita, Greek for “pearl”).
Take that into account with Spiral and portals, and...
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Everything comes back around, doesn’t it?
(Yes, that was a circle joke.  You’ll have to forgive me; it was almost one AM when I was typing this.)
Now, I know what you’re also thinking.  “Jason, aren’t you forgetting the most obvious part? The whole ‘six arms’ thing?”
No, imaginary person, I didn’t.  That’s because I...don’t really have an explanation for that.  The only thing I can say is that they can’t really give her six arms in the show, now can they?  It’d sort of give it away.
“Also, didn’t you have a six-armed person in your fanfics already?  Coat of Arms?”
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Yes, I did, and Hiro did learn a lot from fighting her back in The Straight and Arrow.  But that’s not the point.  She’s got a coat.
Boom.  Got ‘em.
But the imagination starts to run wild at some point, and my mind but can’t help but go back to Momakase’s situation with Sycorax and how she was “enhanced” to fight Big Hero 6.  If she can go from this:
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To this:
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Just imagine if Di Amara was able to get her hands on Sirque.
Is it really that hard to believe that there’s another villain in the Big Hero 6 universe that can go from this:
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To this?
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*taps head*  See?  Now you’re thinking with portals.
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pseud0knots · 2 years
the xforce youngblood crossovers might literally be the worst comics I've ever read in my life and, to quote sara lovebugglow, I've read xforce:shatterstar. ricochet rita was there but GOD at WHAT fucking cost. only the very vaguest allusion to her connection with longshot. she was basically just there to be sexy and do exposition. I think annie nocenti should get to hunt everyone involved in these 2 issues for sport. speaking of which there was also some of the worst longshot characterization I personally have ever read in my life and I've read peter davids x factor investigations. they made my girl into a stoic actionman I will never forgive that. the literal ONLY redeeming quality to these 2 issues was that in one of them rita was wearing this purple robe thing that was the same exact color as shatterstar's xforce uniform. ourple: it runs in the family. finally, THIS is where it is established that there's only one mojoverse and no alternate versions exist. Was starting to worry I made that one up
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theinsanecrayonbox · 4 years
well it was supposed to be FCBD (yes i know “postponed”), and it’s been a terrible day thus far, so how’s about my plot outline/list for what was going to happen in Superverse before it went on hiatus...because at this point it would either be another time skip past all/most of this or a full on hard reboot if we went back to it at this point
to start off, the STT was going to continue with Chloe struggling to be leader since Tim’s around, and everyone keeps going to him a bit more than her...well half of everyone. it culminates with Time leaving to  go restart the Power pals, since well, he’s nearing 20 at this point. and the STT was getting quite a large roster, so the older members went with him, while the younger stayed and Chloe once again could be the leader.
Kevin would’ve met Junior at some point (because who doesn’t like amophus daemons). Trudy also got herself a girlfriend in the form of Susan C. Anthony, a bank heiress, who does not have powers.
Tootie was going to eventually come back (idk when or how) as Shadow Stalker. again, her return was farther down the line, so i don’t have the details that well ironed out...
Chester had already left Star Investigations because Mari had called him to a reading of Catman’s will. he did indeed inherit half of West Industries, as the young Adam was posing as a long lost son and thus was legally entitled to half the company too. Chester took over as Catman, while Mari stayed on to help Adam deal with the company. Chester would join Tim’s new Power Pals, thus finally fixing their broken friendship.
Trixie and Trini were going to head to Glamazon Island after they defeated Hair Razor. Trini’s lasso was destroyed in the fight, so they figured maybe she could use this reality’s lasso. Trixie’s powers were also starting to flare up, so they were also hoping to get some answers to that. once there they get to see that Goldenlocks has had her son, and they get to meet Hermia (whom Dwight was dropping off). they both end up going through a mystical trial of sorts that ended with Trini not getting the golden lasso of this universe, but her own silver one forged for her; Trixie on the other hand gets flashes of Cel’rey and Trisha, and the mystical voices tell her that she needs to go to England, leading into a Star/Sonic crossover event
over with Sonic and Paladin, it’s business as usual. however, CHATTY is starting to get hyper aggressive since Sanjay and Francis are starting to renew their romance.the team has to take her out, but in the ensuing battle their complex looses power for some time. this leads to 1) Sanjay learning that Britannia has blackmail over every member of Paladin and 2) it jump starts Molly out of her coma. Molly goes full Phoenix force though, as she absorbed the Light from Trixie at the end of Civil War (thus leading to her coma). this is when Trixie and Trini arrive more or less, so they help Paladin wrangle Molly back in and Trixie is able to reabsorb the Light, getting her powers back, and becoming Star-Gal once more. this also leaves Molly awake and permanently able to fly.
it would soon become revealed that BRAT, headed by Doombringer (the life hopping sorceress from King Arthur’s time), had been bankrolling Paladin (she also had a hand in funding Shallowgrave’s Civil War, and had the Summers killed, among other things). how is it revealed? because Crimson Lightning comes back into play once Sanjay and Francis are together again as the annoying jealous ex that he is. they manage to get him under control thanks to Molly’s help, but Alyssa ends up with the demon sword, becoming the Black Knight.
Trini goes and joins Tim’s Power Pals, while Trixie gets called back into space. First she finds and frees Hawkgal, then the two go out into space. Remember the ice guy Star Investigations helped out? well he sends a distress call to Trixie; her mentor Killgala is back some how...and the Darkness is also en-couching. Mark and Starfury also join up with them, ad they would in time find a version of Crash Nebula. the whole Light/Darkness mythos was also better explained, about how at the time of creation the cosmos split, thus leading to the Darkness and the Light; both energies became corrupted in different ways (the Light Corp imprisoning and using the Light, the Darkness going power hungry and creating the Eliminator drones, etc) and only by genuinely reuniting them could there be balance or something. that’s all cosmic stuff that i hadn’t fully fleshed out, since we needed to get past the Cosmic Cat stuff...
of course one minor subplot; Hermia would use Trixie and Trini’s existence as an excuse to escape Glamazon Island, claiming to go back to the mainland to go live with them, only to instead go shack up with Liam (the young Wet Willie). Trini, since she joins the Power pals, is the one to find that out, and gets royally peeved. but Hermia eventually takes over her spot on the team.
over in Eraserz, the team was going to get stuck going on a World Tour, being cut off from the Nexxus because some force was screwing up the multiverse. they would end up in a Mojoverse-like setting where they’d meet a half-editor entity (i forget who it was, might’ve been the April Fool or Puck). they’d pick up some temporary members, like the Franklin West Catman (who ends up staying in his reality), Charlie Hampton, the young Crimson Chin (who ends up on an alternate earth where the Power pals and STT had tehir age roles reversed, but there was no Chin, so he stays with that earth’s teenage Goldie) and some more permanent ones like RJ; specifically when they recruit RJ, Shirely stayed out of the Primeverse to do so (this was plot important) but so did Tony because he didn’t wanna risk running into Trini; RJ was recruited BEFORE Trini joined the Power Pals though. Tony would end up going missing while the team was hunting for an entity that was killing off alternate Trixie tangs, so they called in Trini to rejoin the team. somewhere along the line, RJ got stuck in a time displacement, and wound up on Earth 0 (the world that Shirely was exiled to) in the past; see, since RJ joined up, Shirely had been half avoiding, half flirting with him, and he was just starting to come around to it, but now he understood why, because from Shirely’s perspective they'd already dated. so RJ spends time with the past Shirely, is the one that convinces him not to be a prick and help the Eraserz when they come to him to take down Dark magician and co, and he ends up going back to his proper time, and the two of them pick back up tehir relationship where it left off. (this is all every important because as it would be revealed, Shirley and RJ are actually Tru Turner/Double T/FTT’s Masked Magician’s parents. Tim and Toot adopted her to keep her safe. that’s why she has such cosmic power, because she’s half Editor).
we were also going to learn more about Maggie’s backstory, since on the surface she seems like the only Eraserz member without a horrible tragic backstory, but as the plot progressed we’d keep getting hints to something. yeah, she has a Winter Solider!Kevin on her earth, and she kinda had to kill her cousin to save lives. but turns out she didn’t really kill him or something, because they end up on her world at some point and find out that she was manipulated to think she had?? something like that...i also had no intention to ever bring Kore back, so yeah, he’s dead-dead.
anyways, the Trixie hunting entity; that’s the Dark Star-Gal from that one special. she’s the Trixie that merged with the Darkness (since the Darkness wants to consume the Light, that we know she was the vessel for) and became self aware of the multiverse and started reality hopping to consume all Trixies. the Eraserz stop her...only to discover that the reason that Dark Star became aware of the multiverse was because the Showrunner gave her access...the Showrunner  that has been MIA since the Eliminatorz were stopped.
 the Showrunner was the one now causing the multiverse to start collapsing and breaking down because, to him, “this isn’t what the universe was supposed to be like”. he created one canon, and then another entity (the fandom) came in and started breaking it up, making spin offs, AUs, different versions, creating the multiverse. so he broke that entity up into pieces and scattered them across the multiverse, then created the Editors to police the multiverse to make sure the pieces couldn’t get back together (thus the universe rule of only 1 version of a person can exits there at a time) and slowly try to correct and remove the “wrong” universes. but the Editors grew out of his control as they evolved, so he created the Eraserz to, well, “erase’ the mistakes. but even they went against his plans, so he decided to just leave and just erase everything. but the pieces of the greater entity did find a way to come together, (a fragment of?) Omegus managed to hitch a ride with RJ when the Eraserz recruited him. Omegus then overtook Tony who bore the mark of Beteal, who went to Dark Magician to take the powers that Anosmotic, aka Zethran, had given him away, undoubtedly found a way to the Nega-verse to confront Alphane, and so on and so forth (if you hadn’t noticed, each reality that had an Omegus equivalent had a different name, and now you know why)...until all the pieces could be reunited, possibly in the body of CoT!Saber actually, into one being called Omnicron.
and the final confrontation of the Showrunner and Omnicron would be in the vast void as the multiverse was set on pause as it crumbled. the Showrunner claiming that Omnicron had destroyed the thing he had created, only for Omnicron to be all “i saw what you created and wanted to create my own. you helped me flourish, and then i helped others flourish. how can growth and creativity be the wrong thing to do?” because no, Omnicron did not destroy the multiverse, it was indeed the Showrunner; Omnicron took what the Showrunner had made and let it flourish on its own, while he just tried to contain it back into what he made it to be to begin with.
and so yeah, that’s what i had planned for Superverse. some thing were far more fleshed out than others, but those were the parts i’d had planned for YEARS. i had the Omnicron stuff planned before Civil War, while the Cosmic Cat i had planned since Civil War
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sineala · 6 years
Do you know what kind of interactions 616 has had with other earths? I've heard about things here and there, but I was kind of hoping for a fuller picture, if you have the time. Thanks for all your comics posts!
How much time do you have? Because, uh, this is a big topic.
If you enjoy the multiverse and are looking for comics to read that will get you lots of multiverse interactions, you want to read pretty much Jonathan Hickman’s entire career at Marvel. I have not personally read everything he’s written and I can’t speak to his SHIELD-focused work, but his FF work, what I have read of it, leans big-time into the multiverse (there is a Council of Reeds made up of, well, a bunch of Reed Richardses) as does his Avengers run, the plot of which is that different Earths are colliding into each other, which is a plot that involves 616 and a lot of different Earths, and ultimately (heh) 616′s final collision with Earth-1610 (Ultimate Earth), which is then resolved in Secret Wars. (Secret Wars also has a bunch of miniseries of various bits of the multiverse interacting; Ultimate End is specifically about the remains of 616 and 1610.)
616 and 1610 interacted prior to Secret Wars, of course; the standout series here is Spider-Men, in which 616 Peter Parker ends up in Ults after the death of his Ults counterpart. (Spider-Men II is post-Secret Wars but also worth reading.) The events of the miniseries Age of Ultron – which are actually what brought about the incursions – also led to another portal between 616 and 1610, which is how 616 Galactus ended up in 1610, which is how Ults Steve died a terrible and tragic death in Cataclysm.
There has also been some universe interaction post-Secret Wars. The fact that 1610 Miles Morales is now part of 616 is the big obvious change, but I have the vague impression that a lot of the other Spider-People are originally from different universes, or maybe they’re just hanging out there? I’m not really keeping tabs on the Spider-Verse.
There are also characters like America Chavez who just happen to be from elsewhere in the multiverse.
I don’t know if you’re counting things like Counter-Earth, the Microverse, the Mojoverse, and the Negative Zone, or if you just want things that are straight-up different Earths, but those are certainly other places in the universe that people in 616 interact with.
I would say that as far as the multiverse goes, other than Hickman’s run, you are probably going to find more multiversal goings-on in parts of Marvel that aren’t Avengers. For example, the Fantastic Four have just come back as part of a storyline that involved Johnny and Ben searching the multiverse for Reed and Sue. The Guardians routinely tangle with portions of the multiverse – the Cancerverse is an interesting run if you want to see the Revengers, who are evil Avengers from another universe. (The current Infinity Wars event has some multiverse stuff – I’m really enjoying seeing Moondragon and Phyla-Vell together again.) 
But what you’re really going to want to read for multiverse interactions with 616 is X-side stuff, because the multiverse got its start with Captain Britain and Excalibur, and the X-teams routinely run around with people from various far-future and alternate Earths, usually ones where mutants are being crushed in some kind of dystopia. You know, people like Bishop, Cable, and Rachel Summers – the characters where mostly you just kind of hope no one is ever going to ask you to explain their background. (Or maybe that’s just me.)
I stopped reading it after a few issues, but you might enjoy the current series Exiles (at least, I think it’s still going) which is about a bunch of people from across the multiverse who have banded together to do, y’know, the things superheroes usually do. One of them is Peggy Carter, Captain America. Her sidekick is Becky Barnes. I will say that the issue I read was A+ worth it for Becky dancing with Valkyrie.
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