#for the sake of laughs. also also. hopefully it goes w/o saying but if something ever lacks a source it's bc i found it like that
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seventh-district · 10 months ago
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 6
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5]
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redrebecca · 6 years ago
Interview Interests
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When you go on your favorite chat show to promote your new movie, a lot can happen, especially when you’re sharing a couch with Tom Holland. 
Tom x actress!reader
Warning(s): three or four curse words
A/N: This is my first ever fic, so bear with me, I just wanted to turn my idea into something for people to (hopefully) enjoy, feedback is always appreciated. Anyway thank you hope you enjoy!
Words: 2.4k
Tonight was the big night, you were going on the Graham Norton Show - the first big chat show that would kick off the press and promotion you were dong for your new highly anticipated film adaptation of the book Legend (By Marie Lu), in which you played June Iparis, who was one of the two main characters in the film.
From your space backstage you could hear Graham announcing Tom's arrival on the stage, that and the loud applause that followed after Tom walked up the steps.
"Last but definitely not least, we have a very talented guest on tonight. The two time Oscar-winning actress, who is now appearing in the new big hit film 'Legend'. Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in welcoming to the stage Y/N L/N!"
Giving your dress one last check, you walked up the stairs to the red platform, waving and giving your award-winning smile as you did so which received a large cheer from the audience - whom you'd sat in front of many times - before giving Graham a warm hug and greeting Tom Holland with a polite kiss on the cheek.
After making yourself mildly comfortable on the all too familiar couch, you reached forward to pick up your drink, taking a sip before placing it down again. The audience had just started to calm down when Graham spoke up.
"Lovely to have you here Tom and Y/N. Y/N, I'll come to you first, can you explain what your upcoming film is about?"
"Yeah, of course. Well it follows the life of two people, Day, and my character June. In the film June is trying to find and avenge her brothers murderer, Day. But without realizing it's him they sort of kind of fall for each other." You finish off, not wanting to give anything away that you shouldn't have. It was only the first interview after all. Graham nods and there are a few cheers from the crowd.
"Do you mind if I show them a clip from the film?" He asks.
"Of course," You chuckle, "That's what I'm here for." You tease, already feeling comfortable in the surroundings of the studio - after doing countless interviews here it was fair to say you were a good friend of the show.
You could hear Tom laugh from beside you, before the rest of the audience followed. Graham turned slightly pink before jokingly muttering a "Why do we invite her on this show." which caused you to laugh too.
The clip played showing the scene where your character June met the elector and his son Anden. In the scene you were wearing a very tight, cleavage showing, sapphire colored ball gown which, although you never told anyone, you may or may not have hanging up in your closet at home. As the scene ended the audience, Graham and a flustered Tom clapped. You smiled happily, thrilled to have a positive response. When the clapping - and the odd wolf whistle - died down Graham spoke up.
"Y/N, I think I speak for everyone when I say that you look hot." You blushed, a lot. It didn't help that basically all of the audience were showing at least some sign of agreement. You turned to your left, hoping for some kind of support from Tom, only to find him nodding along too.
"Not you as well." You groaned. Tom chuckled, at first looking slightly embarrassed that he had been caught, before he embraced it.
"I'm sorry love, but you do." Now, if you weren't red before, you certainly were now. You could actually feel the heat radiating off of your cheeks, the Tom Holland called you hot, Tom freaking Holland! 
Everyone cheered in agreement with Tom, whilst you turned an even darker shade of red - at this point you wouldn't have been surprised if you had turned purple from amount of blood rushing to your cheeks.
"Can we move on?" You asked, a pleading tone to your voice, not wanting to stay on this subject for any longer.
"Fine, fine. If you insist." Graham playfully huffed before asking Tom a few basic questions about his new film, 'Spiderman From Far Home'. None of which needed your direct input or focus. So you used the time to calm yourself down, especially the fluttering feeling in your stomach.
"Well Y/N I was told that you also had an unfortunate experience in a hotel." You were snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of your name, luckily hearing what he had said so you didn't make it obvious that you were paying very little attention to what was going on.
"Now you're going to have to be more specific than that, I've had way too many and I'm not going to start telling a very embarrassing one only to find out that it wasn't the one you were talking about." You said with an airy laugh, a hum of light laughter came from the audience.
"Does one that involves a umm how do I put it... gift on the middle of the floor give you any ideas to which one I'm talking about?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to think back to what it could possibly be, as embarrassing experiences often happened to you, probably why you found chat shows easier than most people as you could always bring one up to make people laugh if things seemed to be getting a bit dull. Then it clicked, obviously shown to the audience by your reaction, your eyes widening suddenly before you threw your head back, a laugh escaping.
"Oh my god! How could I forget?" You said before explaining to everyone in detail about the time in a hotel in Spain, there was an actual shit on the floor of your hotel room and you had no clue what to do about it. The audience howled in laughter as you explained the confused reaction the hotel manager gave you as you showed him the shit on your floor, the language barrier making the situation much more hilarious (and humiliating then) as he had thought you were showing him your shit instead of someone else's. Using your hands you described the story perfectly, animatedly over-exaggerating certain parts, which had everyone in fits of laughter.
"And yeah that's basically it." You said. Looking around you saw the aftermath of your story. Graham had somehow fallen off his chair and was on his all-fours practically wheezing, the audience was in tears of laughter and all of a sudden you realized that Tom had his hand on your thigh, doubled over, his eyes and nose scrunched up in laughter. 
Cue the strange feeling in your stomach as you became more relaxed under his touch, the sight of the people around you was alone enough to make you laugh as well.
"O-oh my god." Graham laughed out as he pulled himself back onto his chair, a laugh escaping your lips as he did so.
"You know what now I remember why we invite you on the show." He chuckled, the audience joined him in his amusement.
"Tom are you okay?" Graham asked in a teasing tone. You looked to your side and there he was, furiously wiping tears off his cheeks. You giggled and his eyes found yours, you raised your eyebrows with a smile on your face as you waited for him to answer.
"You know what Graham, I think I peed." He said in a strained voice before laughing again, the whole room burst back into laughter, including you.
The chat show continued without a fault, glances and jokes were shared between you and Tom and there was an effortless conversation between the three of you. Although Graham had to regularly stop one of you from going too far off the topic of his or each other's questions, you definitely got to learn a lot about Tom and he got to learn just as much about you.
As the chat show reached the end it was fair to say you didn't want to leave. You always had a great time on the Graham Norton Show, I mean they gave you alcohol for heaven's sake, but this time you felt more relaxed and as if you had known the two for years.
The audience gave their last loud round of applause as Graham shouted goodnight at the cameras. You and Tom waved before reluctantly standing up from your seats. You felt a tap on your shoulder, turning round you froze as Tom wrapped two muscular arms around you, before quickly relaxing and returning the gesture, hugging for a bit longer than you expected before he pulled away smiling at you. You returned the warm smile.
"Nice meeting you Tom, hope your new film goes well, I might even go and watch it." You teased, he practically beamed - thrilled that someone understood sarcasm. He hummed a thoughtful expression appearing on his face
"I mean I would go and watch yours but I would have to check my schedule first. Being Spiderman takes up most of my time."
"I completely understand, just in the same way that being hot takes up nearly all of mine." He let out a laugh, nodding.
"You're not wrong darling." He bashfully replied, causing a blush to spread across your cheeks. You mentally cursed yourself for being so obvious.
"It was lovely having you two on tonight, I'll be sure to have you on another time." Grahams cheery voice broke through your Tom induced haze, turning your head towards Graham. You were both grateful for the distraction but also slightly upset that it was no longer just you and Tom, but you pushed those feelings down whilst telling yourself not to be stupid.
"Thanks for having me Graham." You said before checking your phone and sighing.
"Right, I need to get going, I've got to go home, anyway thanks again, see you Tom." You turned and started walking towards the exit.
"Wait Y/N!" You turned quickly, confused, only to be met with the sight of a brown haired boy jogging towards you. You waited for him to catch up and didn't say anything, waiting for him to speak.
"Any chance of getting a drink or two in sometime? I know a really nice bar." He said, his face full of hope and anticipation for your answer. You smiled slightly a response forming in your head almost immediately as you remembered his words from earlier.
"Well I mean I don't know," His face dropped he opened his mouth to speak before you cut him off with a cheeky grin on your face. "I'm gonna have to check my schedule." You winked a beaming smile now on his face.
"Yeah you do that, see you love." He leant in and placed a kiss on your cheek. He lingered there for a bit longer than he should've with you praying that he couldn't feel the heat coming from our cheeks the entire time. He pulled back and smiled softly at you before turning away and walked back towards his dressing room. It was hard to miss the spring in his step.
You hesitantly turned, exiting the building. Your shocked expression eventually turning into a massive grin. You grabbed your keys out of your bag, opening your car and then driving to your house.
You went to sleep that night with a smile on your face.
You woke up to the sound of constant buzzing. It took you awhile in your sleepy state to realize it was your phone blowing up from texts from your friend and a few twitter notifications. Grabbing your phone off charge and sitting up and leaning against the headboard, you scrolled through your messages from your best friend Isla.
Your fans are absolutely going mad
Why, what's happened?!
You could already feel your palms getting sweaty. You had heard stories about other celebs whose careers disappeared in seconds. And although you were positive you had done nothing career ending, you were still worried.
The interview with TOM HOLLAND
His fans and yours are going crazy
You let out a big sigh of relief, at least it wasn't negative. It took a moment to hit you and you breathed out an "Oh shit." Were you that obvious that you liked him? You took a deep breath preparing an answer that wouldn't make you seem too desperate.
Wait why?
Did I do something?
Have you seen what the fans are writing?
Did you even watch the interview?
No but I was there, why what happened?
Just look on any social media page
Taking a deep breath you mentally prepared yourself and clicked on Instagram, it opened in seconds. Selecting to see photos you were tagged in, it became obvious why the interview had caused such a stir between Tom Holland and your fans.
Videos were captioned with different variations of ‘Get a man who looks at you like Tom looks at Y/N’
Others were going crazy about the part of the interview when he had his hand on your thigh, countless edits of that moment were streaming in. You were careful not to like any as that would be like putting petrol on an already huge fire.
But the majority of them were the videos of the moment Tom called you hot. You could feel your cheeks heating up simply at the reminder of it.
You sat there for a few minutes skimming over the hundreds of pictures and videos of that interview that were flooding into your 'tagged' section. You exited the app and went to twitter exiting that too when you saw that your and Tom’s ship name was trending and getting higher and higher up the list.
You put your phone face down whilst thinking about what your next move should be, knowing it would make the situation worse if you did something that wasn't thought out. A sudden rush of confidence ran through you and you picked up your phone, threw caution to the wind and opened your dm's. You swallowed when you saw there was more 'requested' than usual. You shook your head and typed his name into the search bar, smiling slightly as it appeared. You quickly typed in a message and before you could talk yourself out of it. you hit send and waited.
A ten minute walk away from where you were sitting, a certain brown haired boy was grinning at his phone as your message flashed up.
So I checked my schedule, I'm free tonight if you fancy that drink.
He had the widest, largest smile on his face as he dm'ed you back
Anything for you darling, send me your address and wear something fancy. I'll pick you up at 7 :)
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ryouverua · 6 years ago
Trial 6 -  ”hello, world!” (6)
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Time to pick up the fallen torch.
Trial: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
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K.... K1-b0? This - this must be you, right?
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I’ve been waiting for this moment since the beginning of the chapter 3 trial! Finally, the explanation I’ve been craving! If - if the inner voice is coming into play now - it might actually be a benevolent force, right? Maybe? At this point we just need something to keep us moving forward...
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..... Oops.
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“And please choose the right answer this time.”
Okay okay, jeez -
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K1... K1-b0? W-Why not - ?
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...... remedy the situation. Not save... but fix...???
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Voices??? It’s plural now? Does that include me, the player?
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K1-b0! Your moment has finally come, with no more lasers or explosions required! hopefully
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This is incredibly late game for a protagonist switch b-but okay! also oh god what does that say about Sweetcheeks’s condition -
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I’m glad we haven’t completely lost Shuichi. ): He really does look like he’s not with us, though. How can we help him? I joke about how much I love this sprite, but it’s awful seeing him like this.
But apparently Shuichi’s been relegated to the sidelines entirely now, because K1-b0 is entirely focused on Jun - Tsumugi. Oh boy, I almost started thinking of her as Junko. I will not let her hide behind her characters, damn it!
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Yes! Yes, exactly! She can’t have it both ways!
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Ooh? Yeah, the text is changing at the bottom...
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no seriously she didn’t even give him a chance to build up momentum
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The way she’s able to just dismiss him so casually like that, just completely trivializing him, is absolutely brutal. also what plotline lol -
I-I mean I’m joking, he has had a ‘coming to terms with his status as a robot amongst humans and accepting himself’ plotline! Sorta! It’s just been pretty.... well, behind the scenes. I just wished we got to see more of you and Miu together at the very least.
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Wait -
He’s been the actual audience’s surrogate? That.... that means his ahoge....... really is the connection to the outside... but also, the only thing holding him back from going kamikaze??? It’s basically an outside force that’s been suppressing his free will?
Oh shit... is that why the game switched us to this POV, for that reveal? Well-damn-played, DRV3!
wow this is getting worse and worse, huh
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“You know all those hi~lar~ious asides everyone had at your expense about you being no more important than your average kitchen appliance? Guess what - ! They were r i g h t!”
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Somehow I wonder if it would have been better if it was the mastermind’s will. At least it would assign him some sense of importance, even if that stinging feeling of betraying his friends would be there. At least he wouldn’t literally just be the subject of some nameless audiences’ whims - as it is, he’s basically been relegated to the status of ‘plaything’.
From Chapter 3 onward, when I was thinking about it, I wasn’t sure originally if I should consider it a force for good or evil - it seemed to be generally benevolent and since he didn’t take any actions against anyone, it was generally okay for me to discard it as an extension of ‘a mastermind whose goal was for everyone to be at odds with each other/kill each other’. He was always one of the most willing to cooperate with the others, too! I even considered if any of his actions had indirectly caused tension or murder, and I couldn’t find any instances where he did. But if he’s been at the beck and call of a third party, who’s been directing him for the sake of entertainment? Well, that’s a completely different story. In that context... everything makes... a lot more sense...
.... Except for his Chapter 5 actions??? He nearly got Shuichi to take him out twice??
Wait, actually - oh, this does change how I might look at him from this point on. How often would he consult the voice? Do the decisions override his own every time? Does that mean he can only make a move at the behest of the audience????
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fhgh I guess that answers one of my questions
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every production buzzword thrown in makes my stomach drop more
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S-Shit the last time he had his ‘short-circuiting’ sprite was when Kokichi did his mastermind reveal in tandem with the ‘outside world’ reveal - D:
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A.... Are you trying to make them feel bad for you, because I don’t think it’s working -
omg I just realized there would totally be twitter threads and reddit posts and stuff dedicated to this, and I’m trying to imagine the rage!posts that would swarm them as users ran to the internet to bitch about how ‘the robot totally isn’t responding to us anymore!’ and ‘I bet they’re rigging it so the ending goes the way they want! What a cop out ending!’ and hell, one of those more topical ‘let 👏 us 👏 control 👏 the 👏 robot 👏 you 👏 cowards 👏’
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glances at my computer monitor, then back here
ahahaha I am officially part of the outside world!mastermind tomfoolery oh god I’m so sorry everyone
Wait.... wait. Wait! So the Nanokumas’ footage is for the mastermind’s exclusive use? Really?
I... I was under the impression that if this audience was watching everyone, they’d have access to everything....
Then how different would this all look from only K1-b0′s eyes?! Did he know about Kaito’s training, for example? About Kaede and Shuichi’s practical inseparability in the first chapter? Wow, how different would this entire thing look from K1-b0′s exclusive POV?
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I’m sorry what?
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okay okay she’s going off on a despair rant which is - y’know, great, you do you and whatever - but I think it just turned my brain off a little bit. Like I just got catapulted back to DR1.
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A-Are we really turning back to the whole ‘Junko persona’ idea? That she took on that role specifically, and by taking on the role as ‘Junko Enoshima’ she feels obligated to follow it through to the end? B-But...... but??? For a show??? That’s... no, that can’t be right, that’s weird, that’s stupid, that can’t be right....
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You gotta admire her dedication to the craft I-I MEAN NO
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i say this as someone whose previous favourite was komaeda it was very love/hate don’t @ me
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Oh hey, the opening music is on! Is this the big turnabout we’ve been waiting for? It’s.... so.... weird that it’s coming from K1b0 now? Also wasn’t this sort of the plot of the DR3 anime via the Ultimate Animator or -
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I??? I guess??? Weren’t they all just screaming DESPAIR at Shuichi a minute ago??? Isn’t it their comments on the screen???
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Inspirational and all but -
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I’m GoINg to cHOkE anD DiE
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oh shit well there’s text saying Hope now so I guess something has changed out there
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I believe it’s called déjà vu.
No seriously, am I hallucinating? Is this not what led to the whole final vote in DR1 or am I going crazy? Is this... what is.... happening........???? And Shuichi has just completely BSoDed in the corner??? Like, is he disassociating right now? Where is he?
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It’s interesting that she looks happy here compared to angry Junko. She looked excited earlier when K1-b0 challenged her too (her new jazz-hands!sprite, lol) too, and her voice is on the brink of. Uh. I’m just going to say it’s getting very.... passionate. Is she just that confident or...?
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Oh hey their sprites mirror each other. Parallels. :D
I like how Tsumugi is having Makoto say this part ~
But this brings up a good question... how exactly is this so-called final battle going to work? If they can’t fight for the right to leave, then what can they do?
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alksdfj Himiko and Maki have also been so quiet this so time - I almost forgot they were there. K1-b0 and Tsumugi are basically the only ones doing the talking and between all the cosplays it feels like there are way more people here than there actually are - which is the point, I think? It really adds to that oppressive, ‘everyone is against you four’ atmosphere.
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“- DETAILS DETAILS anyway it’s happening I don’t really care, now about that special vote ~”
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This -
This is literally DR1?!?!
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This.... this is strange. There has to be incentive to vote one way or the other. Is she going to tie ‘vote for K1-b0’ and ‘you’ll be forced into a world where you can’t/shouldn’t exist’ together vs ‘Vote for Tsumugi′ and ‘stay inside forever’? That’s.... what happened in the others, right?
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Shuichi, mentally clocked out but occasionally checking back in so he doesn’t miss anything important: Wow this is absolute bullshit
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Yeah... there’s no way they weren’t going to find a way to tempt you to vote for K1-b0. Okay, lay it on us.
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“Ugh why did I let myself get lured back into the conversation by my bitchin’ ‘Lazy Parallel World’ theme song I’m going to mentally check out again because everything hurts and I want to die -”
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There.... there aren’t....??
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THAT’S NOT ENCOURAGING omg I missed that catchphrase it always made me laugh
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I??? I don’t know if I can trust that??? If you can literally make flashback lights to override their old memories - if you can force it on them, whether they’re willing or not - if you can delete the last 24 hours, you could make them do something again??? T-Though if Tsumugi is gone... but then again, there’s a whole team of people behind this apparently! Her being gone means nothing!
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“So you cannot leave this place.” Is it? Is it literally, physically impossible to leave this place? That’s the real question. the impossible is possible all you gotta do is make it so... s o b
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For that matter this whole damn series sounds like a snuff film, if actually people are involved. Dear lord, even if they are actually adults - and I desperately hope that if this is true, that the outside world is actually like this, and watches this for fun, then they have a ‘18+’ rule for auditions (actually considering the love hotel exists they must be at least 18 ggh) - even the survivors.... have been killed, in a sense. Their previous selves have been killed. They were dead the moment they entered the world...
So either 16 people consented to ‘dying’ in an existential sense as well as possibly a physical sense, or 16 people were kidnapped and ‘killed’ for the entertainment of the world. I.... I actually... do at least believe, no matter what, that there is a depraved audience viewing this from somewhere. There’s no way there isn’t - this feedback via comments, the scene with that kid Makoto watching this at the beginning of this chapter - those are true. And they were more than okay with the idea of these people dying for their entertainment, even the so-called winners.
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You can only create new identities, not recover them... I, I dunno. Somehow that’s so much more soul-crushing than a lot of the other things that have come up this trial.
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t-the way his voice is breaking skdlfjgh -
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W HA T!?
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H.... How the hell.... are they supposed to do that?! Is that how you’re doing it?! Putting the burden of the decision on them, in order to break them?!
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She is really trying to push that point, huh... but there it is. They can escape to the ‘outside world’. That is a cold comfort at this point, but...
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They...... I don’t. I don’t know. I wouldn’t be able to do this - look my classmates in the eyes and condemn them. I guess this somehow managed to be worse than DR1.
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K1-B0 NO
fml of course the only potential option would be students choosing self-sacrifice
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I... I’m glad Shuichi is showing concern. I’ve noticed it a few times, how finally in the last chapter or so that he’s been observant of K1-b0′s well-being where the others haven’t been.
But I’m getting distracted - that’s not the point! FML I know he’s been shown those extremist tendencies towards the vague ideal of hope and destroying the despair, I - between this and the ‘destroying the school’ rampage he went on - what is he aiming for? You’re saying that you’re trying to defeat despair, but what is that? Is hope just the opposite of despair? Is despair just whatever Tsumugi says it is, so we’re immediately opposed to it, as the representatives of hope? Are you fighting for them to escape? Why is everyone surviving together ‘living despairful lives’ if Tsumugi is gone and they aren’t trying to kill each other anymore? What makes it that way? Why is this considered ‘defeating despair’? What does that even mean?
I... I guess K1-b0 would be punished anyway if they voted for him, but.... still....
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Ugh, I get it. I get that kibou is hope, and that K1-b0 is therefore hope, and that we’re fighting for him to win or... something.... uhghghgh
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This was such an uncomfortable parade of ~ideal waifus~ sdlkfjsdf especially when we were getting into the ‘super tiny/cute’ territory because I have absolutely no interest in that whatsoever also I accidentally deleted Mahiru’s cameo sorry -
.... I wonder if this would’ve been more effective if I was the target audience for this? Either way, ending on Junko was still an offsetting choice, right? Right??
Wait for that matter, who was this aimed for? Who out of Maki, Himiko or Shuichi would have fallen for that? Even if you believe that Maki or Himiko have an interest in women, nothing about the types they showed or may have shown interest in the game (Maki @  Kaito, Himiko @ Angie, Tenko and hell, even Kokichi) would lend them to the girls Tsumugi just cosplayed as? And even Shuichi’s strongest interest were in Kaede and Kaito - so who is Tsumugi trying to appeal to here?!
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Oh shit we’re going into a mass panic debate! Okay, okay okay - !
.... Oh. Oh boy, I have to shoot down every mention of despair. Uh, okay -
OMFG I missed the screenshot but Monokuma started shilling their merch and their website I cannot even deal with how they’ll occasionally devolve into corporate shilling it’s so good -
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But!!! We’ve got better things to do than get caught up in Monokuma’s commercializing of the class trial!
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are you telling me
you’re not even doing this out of guilt
it’s spite
you’re doing this out of spite
you’re sacrificing yourself purely ou t of spite
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okay I’m not going to feel right until I write down the new set of comments
my darling assassin T_T
Hope lives on!
Shuichi looks yummy <3
Well said!
Another hope loop?
Hope is contagious!
Two steps forward...
Don’t lose to despair!
Don’t tempt Maki’s fate...
That’s my Maki.
Hope must go on!
Maki, darling...
;_; I’m gonna cry...
Hope vs despair!
one vote for Keebo!
tfw you’re in despair
I am living for these comments and I would have killed to see the comments for the Chapter 5 trial - hell, the Chapter 4 trial. that’s what let’s plays and YT comments are for I suppose -
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tbh I think if that one that keeps lusting after Shuichi comes to help we’re going to need a restraining order
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is............... Is that -
Clair de Lune playing......?!
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kusunogatari-a · 7 years ago
[ Stay ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū] [ Alcohol mention ] [ Verse: White Hands of Healing ]
“Are...are you sure this is a good idea?”
Obito doesn’t answer, keeping pace to the roadside inn...which apparently doubles as a tavern. Following a bit nervously, Ryū goes on.
“Tobi, I don’t drink -”
“Then you can just keep me company, hm?”
There’s a slight pout to her lips, but she doesn’t argue as they make their way inside. Neither sparse nor full, the main room’s lively as they weave through to the bar along the back wall.
“Sake,” he orders without hesitation, taking a seat as Ryū gingerly does the same, shying from the person on her other side. Tucking her feet atop the crossbar of the stool, she gives Obito a glance as he receives his first bottle, pouring a cup and lifting his mask just enough to knock it back.
As a sensor, she can feel a slight...agitation to his aura, but she doesn’t question him. For now, a few drinks isn’t enough to worry over. Hopefully it won’t go any further than that. And she supposes even if it does, well...she can always detox him herself if she has to. Gods know she’s done it enough times by now to know how…
Still, she can’t help a slight worry, watching from the corner of her eyes as he seems to brood. “...ne...would you rather, um...go sit somewhere and talk for a while?”
“...no. Not today.”
Ryū deflates. “...o-okay.” After a brief pause, her spine snaps straight as something cold spills against her back “AH!”
Already sloshed, the man on her other side slurs out apologies over his spilled drink, offering to help her clean it up.
“No! No, that’s...fine. I can handle it.” A bit loath to remove her coat, Ryū gives Obito another glance. “I’ll...be right back.” Hopefully she can wash it out in the bathroom…
He only grunts in reply, watching her retreat before taking the opportunity to knock back several more shots...and order another bottle.
He shouldn’t have let her come with him. Hell, there’s a lot of things he shouldn’t be doing concerning her, and yet...here they are. He’s lost count of how many times they’ve met in shadowed places for brief flings of passion...only for each to have her pull away with a bit more of his heart. A heart he thought was dead and gone long before he met her.
...it’s causing problems.
He gets his bottle, and takes another shot, mood souring further by the moment the more he thinks on the subject. Doesn’t help that there’s a slight fog to his senses now, a bit of vertigo starting to loosen his seat on the stool. Part of him thinks to take off his traveling cloak, but...maybe not a good idea, no matter how warm it is. Fumbling the last shot in the bottle, he orders another, ignoring the perk of a brow the barman gives him.
He’s worked so hard, for so long...pulled so many strings, laid intricate traps. Connected people to serve his greater purpose. He - he alone! - has masterminded everything he needs to put this plan into motion. To bring about true peace...the one thing he’s desired since Rin’s death.
...and now there’s her.
There’s a scowl, resting his brow in his palm for a moment. Nothing like this was ever meant to happen. He never intended to let anyone close! He’d thought his facade without cracks, without weakness...and then just one woman stumbles into his life, and everything he’s dedicated his life to for so long is thrown into doubt.
...maybe the world isn’t as dark as he’d thought. Maybe it’s possible for people like her - good people - to live as beacons of light in the shadows.
...maybe he’ll cling too tightly until his darkness snuffs her out.
She makes him happy - something he never thought he’d be again. Something he thought he couldn’t be. Are the rest of his convictions so easily proven wrong?
...what if he is wrong…?
No...no, he can’t doubt. He can’t! Too much depends upon him reaching the end of this road. No matter how long it takes, how many bodies, how many villages...he’ll bring them all together into a perfect world of dreams. No more war, hate, death, destruction...none of it will matter so long as he makes his goal.
It’s what makes her so dangerous. She weaves an illusion better than any genjutsu. Tricking him into believing he could have a peaceful life. Every time she talks about home in the mountains, painting such a pretty picture, traitorous images fill his mind. Sunlit mornings sprawled in a bed by her side, able to touch her, kiss her, make love to her any time he desires. A house to call a home, land to wander and simply bask in its simplicity. No villages, no shinobi, no war...just a place tucked away, where no one could find them. Where they could do whatever they want, however, whenever...no expectations, no rules. No one to answer to...maybe even a place he wouldn’t fear having a family of his own, far from the poison of his own childhood. A taste of heaven among the taint of Hell he’s lived in for so long.
...not only is it selfish, but it surely can’t be possible. He’s delusional and the pain it brings him is unbearable.
The third bottle’s gone, and the barkeep is clearly ignoring his gesture for another.
It’s then she comes back.
Looking self-conscious with her damp coat in her arms, she quickly notices the three empty bottles, snapping to attention. “What -?”
Only further morose at her reappearance, Obito rises from his seat, immediately lurching to one side as she struggles to catch him. “Go ‘way…”
“Tobi…?” Ryū hesitates as he tries to shove her aside, only to end up staggering to the wall. Worry darkens her greys, deciding to ignore the water and slip her coat back on before offering money to the bartender. She’ll need both hands for this. “...easy there.”
He has to get away from her. Trying to navigate to the door, he nearly crashes into a few tables, earning stares as he attempts to make it back out into the night air. It’s so warm...and he’s so damnedly dizzy!
Ryū follows in his shadow, arms half-raised and ready to catch him. Eventually they make it back through the door, and Obito comes to a stop in the middle of the barren road, a hand fumbling with his mask. 
“...maybe...maybe you should sit down, ne? We can go back in and just...get a room. Where you can find your feet again.”
Either he’s ignoring her, or he really didn’t hear her, staring skyward with his back to her.
Easing around to try and see his front, she hesitates at his expression, streaked with a few errant tears. “Tobi?!”
“You...you have to go…”
“...I’m not leaving you like this -”
“Go!” An arm half-heartedly reaches as though to push her despite being nowhere near enough. “You’re...you’re ruining everything…”
Rather than angry, Ryū just looks all the more worried. “...what do you mean…? Taking a few more steps, she jolts as he suddenly changes mood, turning and latching onto her with enough force to knock her over. But he doesn’t seem to notice, hiding his face in the crook of her neck.
“...I can’t...focus with you here. I’m so...confused.”
Pinned beneath him, Ryū ignores the pinch of a rock in her back. A hand lifts to pet along his hair. “...I don’t mean to confuse you, Tobi…”
“I was so sure...of...of everything! But you’re throwing it all into doubt…” He just clings to her tighter. “...I want things from you I can’t have...I can’t…”
“...why not?”
A sigh. “...it’s...I can’t say. I can’t…”
Only all the more unsure herself, Ryū tries to piece together his ramblings. “...you mean...it’s hard to...to choose between spending time with me, and...attending to your work…?”
“Yes…” The answer’s tone is weak. “...at times I want to throw everything away, take you away, disappear...but I can’t...I can’t!”
Despair clutches in her chest. “...you can’t…or...?”
“...I shouldn’t…I…” Another sigh. “...oh, Ryū...why can’t it be so simple…?” A moment of silence, and then, “...I feel so lost…”
It’s Ryū’s turn to cling to him, bordering on her own tears. “...I’m sorry, Tobi. I wish there was something I could do…”
“...you won’t leave…?”
A pause. “...no. Not unless you really, truly want me to. And…” She gives a soft huff of humorless laughter. “...I don’t know if your judgment is really all that clear right now, ne…?”
“Are you sure?”
“...yes, I’m sure.” Hesitating a moment, she decides now might be a good time. “...I already told you, ne…? I love you, as...silly as that may be.”
For a long moment, Obito is silent. “...I think...I love you, too. But I don’t...know what that means.”
A soft smile pulls at her lips. “...well, we can talk about that later. It’s a rather big subject after all, ne? And I need to make sure you’re not going to have a nasty hangover in a few hours.” She tries to sit up, laughing as Obito grunts in refusal. “We can’t stay in the road!”
A pause, and then a sharp breath as he manages to take them both into his pocket dimension. A little shaken at the change, Ryū eventually gives an exasperated laugh. “...you’re ridiculous…”
“We’re not in the road.”
“No...no, we’re not.”
Obito adjusts himself slightly, lying more to her side with an arm across to her shoulder, and a cheek atop her chest. “...stay?”
“...do I have much choice in here?” she teases softly. But after a pause, she restarts her attentions through his hair, returning his hold. “...but yes...I’ll stay. For as long as you’ll have me…”
     Well, here some angst-fluff. Fluff-angst. ...flangst? xD I dunno if I went overboard, but uh...hopefully it’s okay? .w.;;;      (Also this is so Ryū to him in this verse, btw - I ADORE THIS SONG AND IT’S PERF FOR THIS VERSSSE)      ...anyway, not much else to say this time? Thanks for the prompt, as always x3 Feel free to give me more tbh This ship and this verse are gonna be the death of me, goodness.
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