#for the record I do not actually call them that
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othernaut · 3 days ago
Every now again, someone goes hunting through this guy's past, looking for the Secret Agonies that have to be there. Every single lead is the reddest of herrings, but right off the bat... god, but they look promising.
He has a sister, and she went missing in the Death Zone! No one's heard from her in years! Look, he keeps a little plush dinosaur in his bunk, and look, it has her name written on the belly! And it turns out she's part of the ground team for Mechs Sans Frontiers and has to keep communication scanty so no bad actors treat the hospital site like a hostage library. She has a girlfriend and gossips like a grandma. The dinosaur is because their parents retired, sold the house, and he didn't want to keep it in storage.
Hey, look, his first team disbanded after a six-month investigation by military intelligence! After a black mission in the Needle Mountains! His previous CO is imprisoned in the Lunar Oubliette and his record is sealed! Except all they were doing was independently verifying sites of historical importance, mechs could get up there way easier than anyone else, and the last time they went public with this kind of thing prior to the mission, there were looters. The team disbanded because they didn't work well together - nothing against those guys, they're okay people, they just made a real shit team. The CO is up on the moon for a wholly unrelated embezzlement situation.
Oh shit, this guy's got a file at PSI Division! Most of it's redacted, but he's got a 97.6 EEP score! The details are blacked out, but it was found in connection to something called the "Nightfield Project"! Everyone we ask about it warns us not to continue investigating! And, yeah, PSI has a file on everyone, that's what that half-day of needles and physical testing was about. EEP is actually a negative score, you want to be as close to zero as you can get for a psychic. Nightfield does appear to be some legitimate psychofuckery, but it looks like our boy just got misfiled; his name's one letter off from a tech who works in Astral Imaging. Records Division thanks you for your diligence.
Because yeah, if you've got a hangar bay full of traumatized little podlings who expect anyone close to them to be a secret demon about to weaponize and discard them, they're not going to be able to trust anyone appearing to be good and normal without, every now and again, becoming convinced that they're not. Our boy is happy just to let them at it most of the time, but also just as happy to let them know whenever they come close to crossing any lines. And he takes it as a good sign, a sign of progress, that when he sits his people down and says, friendly but firm, "Hey, I get you're scared, but what you're doing right now isn't right and I'd like you to stop," - they listen. Sometimes they cry, sometimes they apologise, but they listen all the same.
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mech fans are so funny. what if there was a guy who was normal and doing just fine
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incorrectmarvelquotesss · 2 days ago
— drunken night —
Warnings: alcohol intoxication, excessive drinking, fluff, sprinkle of angst, pregnancy, allusions to violence, nudity (not sexually), a few suggestive comments
Summary: Jason comes home from a boys night out.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Female Reader from She’s Mine
Word Count: ~4.7k
A/N: I was initially writing a drabble, but I got carried away. So it’s a little longer than expected, but full of cute drunk Jason. Please, feast upon this!
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Jason fumbled with his keys, trying to unlock the front door, his coordination impaired by the alcohol. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he managed to open the door and step inside. Roy and Dick followed behind, still thoroughly entertained by the entire situation. They toed off their boots and threw their jackets on a sofa. 
“Careful there, Jaybird. Don’t want you tripping over your own feet now, do we?” Dick drawled out, a little tipsy, but much better than Jason. Jason shot both of them a withering glare before stumbling into the living room. He collapsed onto the couch, groaning as his muscles finally relaxed from the strain of walking. 
“You both are assholes, you know that?” He seethed at them. It was their fault he was drunk anyway—he would never admit it was actually his stubbornness to prove to them he wouldn’t be the first to cut out of the drinking game. 
Roy smirked, unable to resist taking another jab at him. “Yeah, but we’re your assholes, dude. And right now, we’re having the time of our lives watching you stumble about like a drunken buffoon.”
Jason groaned again, closing his eyes. “Thanks for the support. Really feeling the love here,” he grumbled out sarcastically. His head throbbed at the thought of you seeing him like this. 
Dick laughed, unable to hold back his amusement. “Trust me, little bird,” he started with a shit-eating grin as he flopped down to the couch, “this is how we show our love. We lovingly tease and humiliate your drunk ass.”
Roy chuckled, shaking his head. “That’s right, dude. This is just our way of showing we care.” He glanced at the stairs lead for a moment before his gaze flickering back to Jason. “We’re taking the piss out of your state right now because we care. It's called tough love.”
Jason lifted his head just enough to give them a sarcastic smile. “Oh, I feel so loved right now. My heart is just bursting with joy and appreciation.”
“Yeah, Jay. Consider yourself lucky we’re not recording this entire scene for future blackmail purposes,” Dick chimed in, a cheeky grin on his face. 
A floorboard creaked overhead and Jason’s eyes widened as he and the other two men snapped their heads up towards the ceiling. “Please don’t tell me that’s her coming down the stairs...” he muttered, bracing himself for the worst. Dick and Roy turned their attention to the staircase, curious to see what will unfold when you came down at this time of night. 
“Oh, mate, you’re in trouble now,” Dick said with a chuckle, unable to hide his excitement.
Jason groaned, feeling the effects of the alcohol still weighing heavy on him. He tried to sit up a bit straighter on the couch, but it only made his head spin more. “Yeah, I know... I’m screwed.”
You came down to the last step, arms crossed and an unamused expression in your face at the sight of your drunk husband and his tipsy friends. Your hair was in a braid while you wore an old band tee of his to cover your big belly fully and some maternity sweatpants. 
Jason’s eyes widened as he saw you standing at the bottom of the stairs, your arms crossed and a look of annoyance on your face. “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, bracing himself for the impending storm. 
Roy snickered, loving every moment of Jason’s discomfort. “Oh, dude, you’re in for it now. The missus doesn’t look too happy, does she?” Roy exchanged a glance with Dick and tilted his head towards the door, a silent plea to leave before you ultimately started your lecture for Jason. 
Dick nodded eagerly, not wanting to be in the middle of a couple’s quarrel. “We should get going,” Dick announced, nodding at you. 
You nodded back, eyes softening slightly at the two. “Do you two have a ride home?” You asked, knowing if Jason was drunk, they’d also be tipsy enough not to drive. 
“Uh, yeah, we’ll be fine. We can call a taxi or something,” Dick replied, standing up from the couch.
“I can—” you started, about to offer to call an uber. 
Dick held up a hand to stop you. “No, no. We don’t want to impose any further. We’ll make our own way home. Besides, we’d hate to further ruin your night any more than we already have.”
You hummed. “Thank you for bringing him home safe,” you murmured, nodding at them. Dick and Roy nodded back, feeling relieved that the tension had eased a bit. 
“No problem. We’ll be sure to keep a closer eye on him next time,” Roy said, giving you a small smile. 
You smiled back slightly. “Be safe, you two.”
Dick and Roy nodded again, grabbing their jackets that they had thrown onto the sofa and heading towards the door. 
“We will, Y/N. Take care,” Dick called over his shoulder as he opened the front door. 
Roy followed close behind, stepping into his boots. “Yeah, we’ll be careful. Thanks again for everything.” And with that, the pair left the house, the door closing softly behind them.
Jason watched in silence as Dick and Roy left, feeling a mix of relief and guilt. He knew he had caused quite a scene in front of them, both at home and at the bar, and he dreaded the thought of them ribbing him relentlessly for the things he had said and done. 
You glanced at him then, hands going to your hips. The movement made the tee stretch across your baby bump and the sight made Jason soften a little. He loved your bump. He loved touching it and talking to the baby. He was almost obsessed with it. 
As you turned your gaze a little sterner, Jason couldn’t help but wince. He knew that look all too well. It was the look that told him he was in for a lecture.
“Why are you so drunk?” You asked, feeling a little irritated at the fact that Jason would drink so much. You wanted him to have fun, but right now he was totally shit-faced. 
Jason looked up at you, feeling a little sheepish under your gaze. “I know, love, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so drunk,” he replied, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. He knew he had overdone it, and he couldn't deny feeling a bit guilty for letting things get out of hand. 
When you seemed to look unimpressed, he sighed and knew he’d have to come forward with a more sincere apology. 
“I guess the drinks just went down too easily, and before I knew it, I was pretty smashed.” He paused for a moment before adding, “I’m sorry for putting you through that. I know it’s not a great look, coming home like this.”
For some stupid reason, perhaps because of how much you loved him, your eyes softened at his genuine apology. “Stupid,” you muttered as one last word, an insult filled with fondness, before you let a hint of a smile grace your lips. 
Jason couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him as he saw your features soften even just the tiniest bit. He knew he was lucky to have you in his life and he never wanted to take that for granted. The way you had just called him stupid, but with a hint of affection in your voice, reminded him of the playful banter you two often engaged in.
He couldn’t help but crack a small smile in response. Even though he was in trouble for his drunk behaviour, he couldn’t help but find your affection endearing.
“Yeah, I know I’m a stupid drunk. I just got carried away, I guess. But I promise I won’t do it again,” he said, trying to sound sincere despite the alcohol still coursing through his system.
You sighed, shoulders loosening with the breath escaping you. “Tell me that when you’re sober,” you retorted gently, taking a seat on the sofa beside him. Your hands rested under your belly as you glanced at him. 
Jason chuckled softly, feeling a flutter of affection for you as you sat down next to him. Even though he knew he was still in hot water, he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in your presence. 
“Alright, I’ll tell you that when I’m sober,” he said, his eyes meeting yours. “But you know I can’t promise that I won’t have a drink or two again. It’s just... sometimes I need to unwind, y’know?”
You nodded, understanding the need to loosen up after a rough patrol or even a stuffy gala that he had to attend. You smiled slightly and nudged his shoulder with yours. “Just one or two.”
Jason smiled warmly as he felt your shoulder nudge him. The small gesture felt like reassurance; you weren’t angry with him, only concerned and slightly frustrated. 
“Just one or two,” he agreed, holding up two fingers in a mock salute. “I’ll try to stay within my limits.” 
“Good.” You stared at him for a moment, just raking your eyes over his flushed face and disheveled hair, finding it endear. You nodded, shifting slightly so that you could get up without losing your balance due to the bump. “You reek.”
Jason chuckled, knowing that you had a point. “Yeah, I suppose I do.” He rubbed his face with his hands, the smell of alcohol and smoke clinging to his skin and clothes. “I could use a nice hot shower.”
“Maybe not a shower with your jelly legs,” you teased, knowing very well that when Jason was wasted, he often stumbled and tripped over air. 
Jason chuckled weakly, knowing that you were right. Even though he was a highly trained vigilante, when he was this drunk, he couldn’t even walk without stumbling. 
“Yeah, you might have a point there.” He sighed as he looked at you. “Do you think you can help me to the bathroom? I’m afraid I’ll fall headfirst into the toilet unless you help me.”
“Yeah,” you said, nodding at his ask for assistance. He had done this a few times for you when you two had first started dating and you used to come home a little too drunk after a night out with friends. You supposed this was how he felt when he was caring for you; both finding it annoying and endearing. 
You helped him up from the couch. “I’ll run a bath for you, yeah?” You led him to the stairs and then paused, glancing between the stairs and your wobbly husband. “You think you’ll be fine on the stairs?”
Jason looked at the stairs with a mixture of defiance and hesitation. He didn’t want to look weak in front of you—or anyone for that matter, but he knew he wasn’t in the best shape to take on a flight of stairs. 
“Yeah, I think I can manage,” he said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. “Just, uh, keep a hold of me, yeah?” 
You nodded. “Just so you know, I’ll let go of you if I think I’m going to fall with you. I have the little one to think about.”
Jason nodded, sharing your concern for the baby’s safety. "Alright, that’s fair," he said, draping an arm heavily around your shoulders for support. "And don’t worry, I wouldn’t have let you fall."
With your help, Jason began the slow and careful ascent up the stairs. He clung to you and the stairs like a lifeline, his grip tight on your shoulder and the railing. Every step was a strain, his legs feeling like jelly and his head spinning from the alcohol. But Jason made it up the stairs, albeit with a lot of stumbling and muttered curses.
Despite the seriousness of safety, you couldn’t help but find the situation a little amusing; here you were, guiding your drunken husband up the stairs like a wobbly toddler. 
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you reached the top of the stairs and entered the bathroom. “Alright, sit down here,” you instructed, guiding him to the edge of the bathtub. 
Once he was sat, you gently helped him out of his clothes, now a little damp in some places with sweat. 
Despite his inebriated state, Jason tried his best to help you undress him, but it was a clumsy and awkward endeavor. He was grateful for your help, but also felt a bit embarrassed at his lack of coordination. Once Jason was undressed, he sat on the edge of the bathtub, looking up at you with a goofy smile.
You smiled back unconsciously, something that often was merely a result of seeing Jason happy. “What is it?” You asked in a quiet murmur, started to fill the tub with water, adding some epsom salt and lavender oil as well. 
Jason’s drunken smirk grew wider as he watched you prepare the bath, the smell of the soothing oils filling the room. “Nothing, just enjoying the view,” he replied jokingly, his eyes scanning over your form. “You look pretty damn hot, y’know that? No, wait, scratch that, you look absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful. Stunning.”
You chuckled softly, shaking your head fondly as a light wave of heat flushed your cheeks. For as drunk as he was, he was still the same flirt you knew. You didn’t know how he did it, even after three years of marriage, but he always managed to make you flustered. 
Jason let out a satisfied hum, enjoying the sight of you flustered as he complimented you. Even in his drunken state, he couldn’t resist teasing you. He knew just the right things to say to make you squirm and it was a skill he was proud of. 
“See, that's the reaction I was hoping for,” he said, pointing at your flustered state. “You still get all bashful after three years.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and nudged him, turning off the water. “Get in, you flirt.” 
Jason chuckled and slowly stood up, holding onto the edge of the bathtub for support. He stepped into the warm water and sunk down, letting out a sigh of contentment as the heat seeped into his muscles and joints. 
“Ah, this is nice,” he mumbled, his eyes half-closed. “Join me?” He peeked up at you with a smirk plastered to his face. 
You shook your head and sat down on the edge of the tub. “No. You’re drunk.” You tucked a hand under your belly while the other rested on the edge of tub to keep your balance. 
“Damn. Can't blame a man for trying.” Jason pouted playfully, but he knew you were right. Despite his desires, he was in no condition to be intimate with you right now. He leaned back against the bathtub, soaking in the warmth. 
“You're such a buzzkill, you know that?” He joked, the words slurring together slightly. He didn’t blame you for not wanting to get into the tub. If roles were reversed, he wouldn’t have gotten in either. 
You merely hummed as he moved to rest his head against your thigh. Jason closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his head resting against your thigh. It was a simple but comforting gesture and it made him feel even more relaxed. 
“You know,” he said, his words still slurring slightly. “I don’t deserve you.”
You raised an eyebrow at his unexpected confession. “What makes you say that?” You asked softly, your free hand moving to gently stroke his hair. Jason groaned, enjoying the feel of your hand through his hair. 
“I just... I don’t know. I’m a mess, y’know? I screw up all the time. I'm always away on patrols and missions, I've got a stubbornness problem, and I'm hardly a ray of sunshine.” He paused for a moment, then added, “You deserve someone better than me.”
You sighed softly, your hand still stroking his hair. “Jason, you may have your flaws, but we all do. And you’re not a mess, you’re just human. You do what you have to do for your job, and sometimes it's hard on you.” 
You kissed his temple, whispering the rest against his skin. “And as for someone better than you, I don’t want anyone else; I want you.” 
Jason opened his eyes to look up at you, his gaze searching your face. He could see the sincerity in your eyes and it made his heart ache. 
“I just feel like I’m a disappointment,” he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m supposed to be the strong one, the protector. But here I am, drunk and needing you to take care of me again.” 
You leaned down, gently placing a kiss on his damp forehead. “You are strong, but that doesn’t mean you have to be strong all the time. Everyone needs help and support sometimes, even you.”
You continued, “As for being a protector, that doesn’t mean you can never show any weakness. You may be a vigilante, but you’re also human, and humans make mistakes and stumbles. And I’m here for you, to pull you back up when you stumble.” 
You rubbed your belly. “We’ll always be here.”
Jason’s eyes softened at your words and the gesture of rubbing your belly. He placed a hand on top yours, feeling the warmth of it and the knowledge that there was a baby growing inside you. 
“Yeah,” he said faintly. “You and the little one. You two... you’re my everything.”
“Yeah.” You smiled, cupping his cheek. “And you’re our everything.” 
You wanted to take every little self-deprecation thought of his and drown it in your reassuring words and sweet kisses, but you knew it would take a lifetime to do so. The best you could do was just tell him. Remind him why you chose him. 
Instead you settled on changing subject for now. “Boy or girl?” You asked with a glint in your eyes. 
Jason looked up at you, feeling the warmth of your hand on his stubbled cheek. The change of subject caught him off guard, but he appreciated it nonetheless. He pondered the question for a moment, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“Well, I don’t think we'll know for a while,” he said with a shrug. “But if I had to guess... I think it’s gonna be a girl.” 
You raised a brow, silently asking why. 
Jason chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I don’t know, just a feeling I have,” he said with a shrug. “I think it’s gonna be a little girl who’s as beautiful and strong as her mother.”
“And if it’s a boy?” You asked, not expecting anything but the best from him. You knew all he wanted was a healthy and happy baby. So did you. 
Jason smiled, a warm and genuine smile, at your question. “If it’s a boy, then he’s gonna be a little hellraiser, just like me,” he joked, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “And I'll teach him everything I know about the world and how to take care of himself. But most importantly, I’ll teach him how to treat a woman right.”
He took your hand in his, his touch soft and gentle. "But no matter if it's a boy or a girl, they're going to have the best mother in the world. And that's all that matters in the end."
“And father,” you said, tugging his locks gently to emphasize your point. 
Jason chuckled softly, his head moving with the tugging of his hair. “Yeah, yeah. Of course, the best father in the world too.” He looked up at you, a small grin on his face. “Can I be honest with you for a moment?”
“Of course. Always.” You stroked his cheek as you reached for a wash cloth with your other hand. 
Jason sighed, his eyes closing briefly as he leaned his cheek into your touch. “I’m scared,” he admitted, his voice quiet. “Terrified, actually. I don’t know anything about being a father. I had a terrible upbringing, and I’m afraid I’ll screw this up.”
You hummed, rinsing the cloth and then gently trailing it over the expanse of his back, not even blinking at the scars you had seen so many times that littered his body. 
“Can I be honest with you, baby?” You murmured, waiting for his response. 
Jason nodded, his eyes still closed as he relished the feel of the cloth gliding over his back. “Of course, sweetheart,” he murmured back, his voice low and rough.
“I think you’re worried for no reason,” you whispered, pressing the cloth into his skin a little firmer to drive in your point. “You’re attentive, caring, and responsible. You love with all you got and that’s what matters. Maybe you can’t be home all the time, but the quality of the time you do spend with us is what matters.”
Jason opened his eyes, his gaze settling on your face as you spoke. Your words sunk in, each one chipping away at the self-doubt that had settled in the back of his mind. You were right. He was more than capable of being a good father. The fear of screwing up was natural, but he had to trust himself and his abilities to do right by you and the baby. 
“You always know what to say,” he murmured, his voice tinged with an edge of amazement and affection. 
You grinned. “That’s what happens when I know your brain, Mr. Todd, and, as your wife, I’m supposed to know what to say.”
Jason chuckled weakly at that, his shoulders shaking slightly in the warm water. “Supposed to, huh?” he said, a small smirk playing at his lips. “Well, I’m glad you do. I swear, you’re the only one who can put up with me and my bullshit.” 
You put away the wash cloth with a gentle smile before grabbing his shampoo and pouring a decent amount on your hand. “I love you,” you murmured before massaging it into his scalp. 
Jason closed his eyes again, the feeling of your fingers massaging the shampoo into his scalp making him sigh in contentment. “I love you too,” he murmured back, his voice low and raspy. As you continued to rub his scalp, he couldn't help but let out a soft moan, the mixture of the heat and your touch lulling him into a state of blissful relaxation.
As you worked through his hair, you noticed how tension seemed to seep out of his body. His shoulders relaxed, and the lines on his forehead seemed to soften. You smiled softly, loving the effect you had on him.
“Feeling better?” You asked quietly, your fingertips tracing lazy circles on his scalp.
Jason hummed in agreement, his head lolling back against the edge of the tub. “Much better.” He opened his eyes briefly to look up at you, a lazy smile gracing his features. “You have magic hands, you know that?”
You chuckled softly. “Is that so?” You continued massaging his scalp for a few more moments before rinsing the shampoo from his hair. The warm water cascaded down over his head, the suds running in rivulets down his neck and back.
As you finished rinsing the shampoo out, you noticed his gaze was on your belly, his hand moving to rest on the small bump.
Jason’s eyes were drawn to the swell of your belly, his hand reaching up to rest gently on top of it. His touch was tender, almost reverent. It was clear that he was already feeling protective of the life growing inside you.
"You're starting to show a little bit more now," he commented softly, his finger tracing a gentle circle around your belly button.
You hummed, feeling the slight swell of your belly under his hand. It was a constant reminder of the life growing inside you, and it made your heart flutter every time you thought about it. 
“Yeah,“ you murmured, your hand covering his. “Won’t be able to hide it much longer with these old shirts of yours.” 
Jason chuckled, his eyes shifting to the oversized shirt you were currently wearing. It was one of his old ones, the fabric faded from years of wear and tear. 
“I like seeing you in my clothes,” he said, his fingers lightly tracing your hip. 
You hummed. 
“Makes me think about what you're wearing beneath them,” he added, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
You laughed then, flicking his nose and getting up carefully to make sure your balance didn’t falter with the growing weight of the baby. 
Jason chuckled at the playful flick on his nose, his eyes watching you as you stood up, carefully making sure you didn't lose balance. “Careful there, sweetheart,” he said, his hand resting on your hip briefly to steady you. 
You could see the weariness in his eyes now, the exhaustion slowly taking over as the effects of the alcohol wore off. He looked tired, both physically and emotionally. 
“Looks like the alcohol is wearing off,” you murmured, your hand tracing his shoulder.
Jason nodded weakly in agreement, his head lolling back against the edge of the tub. “Yeah... it's catching up to me now,” he said, his voice hoarse and tired. “I’m gonna pass out any second, I think.”
You smiled. “Let me grab your towel and get you dried up.” 
Jason grunted in assent, his eyes fluttering open as he let you attend to him. He was too tired to protest, and secretly he relished the feeling of your touch, tender and loving, as you dried him off with a soft towel.
You draped the towel over his shoulders, gently patting his back and chest dry. Jason leaned into your touch, his body heavy and weary. You could see the exhaustion etched in the lines of his face, the weight of the world and his demons catching up with him.
“Come on, baby,” you said, grabbing his bicep and helping him. “Let’s get you in some cozy pyjamas and then in bed.”
Jason nodded, allowing you to help him out of the tub. He wobbled a bit on his feet, clearly still feeling the effects of the alcohol, but he managed to stay upright with your support.
“Cozy pyjamas, huh?” he mumbled dryly as you helped him walk to the bedroom. 
You chuckled softly. “I suppose it would just be a soft shirt and sweatpants.”
“Probably more comfortable, anyway,” he agreed, his arm looped around your shoulders for support. He shuffled to the bed and collapsed onto it with a weary sigh, his body immediately sinking into the mattress. 
You quickly grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and an old, soft t-shirt, helping him into the clothing. He was practically half-dead at this point, barely able to move on his own. 
Once he was dressed, you helped him under the covers, tucking him in snugly before making your way around to your side of the bed. You settled into bed next to him, the sheets cool against your skin. You could hear Jason’s ragged breathing, a sign of just how tired he was.
Jason grunted in appreciation as you tucked him in, his eyes already drooping shut. He was exhausted, his body desperate for rest.
You reached out, gently stroking his hair, letting your fingers trail through the messy, damp locks. Jason let out a soft moan, his head instinctively tilting towards your touch. He may have been drunk and exhausted, but he still craved your affection.
“I’m right here, baby,” you whispered, your hand continuing to stroke his hair. “Just sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Jason mumbled something incoherent, his words slurred with sleepiness. But you could tell he was comforted by your presence. He shifted closer to you, his head finding a place on your shoulder and a hand on your stomach protectively as he finally succumbed to sleep. 
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semisslave · 1 day ago
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♡ Give me your sound, making your song going loud... ♡
Contents: WLW, Dom!Se-mi x Sub!R, Guitarist!Se-mi x Singer!R, Smut
Warnings: Smut, degradation (kinda), praise, strap sex, fingering
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You were part of an independent band called "The Roselights." You were their lead singer. Your band wasn't quite popular but had some fans. Your band aesthetic was quite girly and pinkish, especially you, being the lead singer.
Your band had a "rival" band, which was quite the opposite of yours. "Lost kisses" was an independent rock band that also had a small fan base like yours, and they kept fighting among each other. Both bands always suffered with comparisons between them since they were both indie rock bands but quite different. Lost kisses had a very dark aesthetic, very different from yours.
You couldn't deny that their music was good, but something was better than the music. Their lead guitar, Se-mi, was quite popular outside the band. She had 50k followers on Instagram just because she was gorgeous (something you couldn't deny). You tried to talk to her some times but she and her band mates were very rude and cold, that's one of the reasons why your band and theirs don't get along.
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You and your band decided to enter an independent bands competition were the winner had the chance to sign with a big record label, of course you weren't missing this opportunity, but guess who wasn't either...
The competition was held in a concert place where people could watch and vote online for their favorite band at the end of the presentations. There weren't judges, so you had to make your biggest effort to connect with the audience and convince them to vote you.
Your band had to play right after Lost Kisses, which made you more nervous already.
You thought it wasn't fair because Se-mi was more popular than her band, and that would benefit them. Some girls even threw her bra to the stage while Se-mi's band was performing.
When they end, the announcer calls your band out, and you prepare yourself to go, but Se-mi grabs your wrist and whispers to your ear in a low voice...
"Good luck, pretty girl."
How the fuck were you supposed to concentrate after she said that? It was clearly part of her plan, fuck her.
"Now, welcome to... The Roselights"
You stood on stage and gave the best of you, hitting notes you didn't even know you were able to and expressing every lyric perfectly, making the public feel the song with you.
After the presentation, you and your band went to the backstage where there was only one person... Se-mi. The other bands where in the other room waiting for them to be called or already left since the results were going to be announced the next day. You looked at Se-mi confused while your other band mates started grabbing their things to leave.
"That was a great show... You actually surprised me ___" Said Se-mi with a smirk and playing with her lip piercing.
"What do you want?" You asked annoyed, your band mates were already leaving, each one by their own.
"I just wanted to congratulate you... Is that illegal?" She said faking innocence while you sighed
"I know you're not here just for that. You really expect me to believe you suddenly changed and now you're kind?"
"Now that everyone is gone, I can tell you my true intentions... You looked really sexy on stage, you know?"
You blushed at her comment. What was she saying? "Thanks, I guess..."
"You could say the same about me."
"I don't think you need my words, I mean... You had people throwing their underwear at you."
"But I don't care about them... They're not pretty as you." She said taking steps closer to you. Her height towering you as she slid a hand on your waist.
You were speechless, what the fuck was happening? Is this another wet dream you had with her?
Suddenly, she kissed you. You didn't pull away, how could you? You wrapped your arms around her neck while her pierced tongue was exploring your mouth. God, she was experienced.
Se-mi then, hearing the other band finished their performance, pulled you and her bag into a bathroom to continue what you both already started.
She started undressing you slowly while kissing you, taking off your black jacket, then your pink dress, leaving you only in your pink underwear and you black large boots that never took off.
She started caressing your clothed pussy as she felt the wet stain in your panties.
"God, so wet already, and only for kissing? You're such a slut." She said with a smirk in her face, placing you on the counter of the bathroom.
She pulled your panties aside and slides two fingers in your pussy. You moan as you feel them inside of you, the cold rings making you more sensitive.
"Fuck, S-se-mi~" You moaned as you felt her fingers moving inside of you, hitting that sweet spot.
While fingering you, Se-mi grabbed her bag, taking a 8 inch black strap out of it.
Your eyes widened at the sight of it, how was that going to fit?
"You look scared, I'll be gentle, at first..." She says while putting the strap on.
You moaned, almost screamed when you felt it inside of you, stretching you out.
"Oh, Se-mi!~"
You moaned as she pounded into you
"You look so pretty when you're made a mess..." Said Se-mi while she pounded into you harder
"Oh, yes, yes~" You moaned as Se-mi fucked you dumb
"You're taking me so well, keep doing it..."
You moan feeling closer to your release.
"I wish I had a cock and I could feel how tight you are..." Said Se-mi with a smirk on her face.
"I-I'm close~" You gasped as you felt closer to the edge
"That's great, good girl..."
"S-se-mi!~" You screamed her name as you came.
Se-mi keep pounding, making your orgasm last longer as you moaned and gasped desperately.
When she finally pulls out, you, with shaky legs, adjust yourself a bit on the counter while Se-mi takes off her strap, putting it in front of you.
"Lick it clean" She says codly
You, completely fucked dumb, obediently lick the strap
"Such a good slut..."
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Se-mi cleaned you up and helped you get dressed, something you didn't expect her to do but she felt really caring at that moment. She helped you to get out and even brought you home. You smiled as you layed on your bed, you forgot everything about the competition, your mind was only thinking about Se-mi right now. Were you developing feelings for a member of the rival band? Your band mates would be so disappointed... Well, fuck them, it's your life. Does she feel the same? If she doesn't, why would she fuck me and take care of me like she did? Your mind was flooded with questions.
You got a message
"Tomorrow, you could say that you've been fucked with a winner" It was Se-mi
You totally forgot about the competition, you couldn't sleep all night thinking about Se-mi and the competition...
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Part 2? (This is my first time writing theseee😭💗)
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thehoneybeestings · 11 hours ago
Arcane Actor Au's - Actor!Sevika x Actor! Reader
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Word Count: 2k
Content/Warnings: sfw, arcane au in which they're all actors starring in the show, softttt sevika, loser!sevika if you squint, actress!reader, reader is fem/referred to with fem terms and pronouns
A/N: i am sure i'm not the only one who likes to imagine that every character in arcane is simply an actor, and they were simply acting; not actually experiencing the tragedy they cannot seem to catch a damn break from... so, without further ado, here is this first installment of this series!
as per the poll i posted, sevika will be first, and vi is up next!
Love, Bee ୨ৎ
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Nina Singh as Sevika
୨ৎ You’re an up-and-coming actress, with Arcane being your debut television series
୨ৎ The audition process was no easy feat; after its first two seasons’ massive success, it was clear that Arcane’s casting directors were looking for the best of the best, and you were up against some intense competition
୨ৎ Some of which were were a-listers, so naturally, you had your moments of doubt, assuming that there was no way you were beating any of them out
୨ৎ You persevered anyhow, due mostly to the genuine love you had found for the character you were auditioning for: Evette, a prodigy mechanical engineer from Zaun who lands herself an internship with Hextech Labs. 
୨ৎ Her story consists of the tragic loss of her parents at the hands of enforcers, unyielding ambition driven by the desire to honor her late parents, and of course, one of the yummiest sapphic slow burns on television to date
୨ৎ You’re sure this slow burn is the main reason why so many actresses scrambled to land this role, and you couldn’t really blame them
୨ৎ Nina Singh was irrevocably and undeniably one the hottest people in existence, playing Sevika, one of the hottest characters in existence
୨ৎ This made for some very awkward chemistry tests between Nina and a few potential Evettes; actresses focusing so much on trying to seduce Sevika that at times, Nina felt like she was shooting the intro to some shitty porno
୨ৎ Then came you: one of the finalists for the role of Evette, unbeknownst to you 
୨ৎ You’re a nervous wreck in front of Nina- she’s an a-lister herself- and even still, your ability to embody Evette and bring the depths and nuances of her relationship with Sevika to life leaves the room taken aback
୨ৎ You’ll never forget the day of your chemistry test; you’re exchanging the final lines of the short scene you’re given to perform with Nina, heart pounding in  your chest
୨ৎ “Not getting any younger,” Nina gruffs in character, nodding towards your tedious work tightening the loose bolt on her arm, “and I’d rather not spend more time with a Piltie than I have to.”
୨ৎ Nina’s got a prosthetic arm in real life, so there’s actually a little bolt she lets you toy with for the scene
୨ৎ “If you want to leave with your arm short-circuting, be my guest,” you sigh, “but I don’t do sloppy work.” Your eyes flit up to hers for a moment- just until she catches you staring- before you continue tinkering with her arm. “And for the record,” you say, finally leaning back to admire your handiwork, “I’m not from Piltover.”
୨ৎ Nina’s brows furrow in confusion for a split second before she conceals her interest with Sevika’s typical scowl. “You didn’t tell me that.”
୨ৎ You smirk, looking up at her through your eyelashes. “You didn’t ask.” 
୨ৎ “Jesus,” the director calls out, “You two… I mean, the chemistry is palpable. Exactly what I'd envisioned. What do you think, Nina?”
୨ৎ You feel shy under her knowing smirk
୨ৎ “I think we’ve got our Evette.”
୨ৎ “Yeah?” The director responds with a smile, “What do you think, Y/n? How would you like to join us for season three of Arcane?”
୨ৎ Frankly, you almost shit yourself in front of the entire room
୨ৎ Thankfully, you’re able to keep it together and accept the role like a normal person; and now, here you are, three years later, and Arcane fans are obsessed with you
୨ৎ Even more than they’re obsessed with you, they’re obsessed with you and Nina 
୨ৎ Your character is a catalyst for the well-deserved, long overdue exploration of Sevika’s character and her vulnerabilities, and you and Nina are so invested in your characters that the bond you develop while filming inevitably goes beyond screen
୨ৎ At first, you’re wildly intimidated by her; she’s a renowned actress who’d been in the industry for a while, most known for roles similar to Sevika: guarded, icy, domineering
୨ৎ You’re quite tickled (and pleasantly surprised) to learn that Nina is the exact opposite
୨ৎ As soon as cut is called, she’s breaking into a smile, cracking a joke, or praising you for your performance
୨ৎ After particularly heavy or intense scenes, though, her expression tends to remain serious, and her focus isn’t on anyone but you until she knows you're all good
୨ৎ There’s one scene in particular- one where Sevika’s ripping into Evette- that Nina still feels bad about
୨ৎ It’s the first scene she thinks of when a journalist asks which scene from season three was the hardest to film
୨ৎ “I hate having to yell at her,” she says. “I can’t stand it; and you saw her bring on the tears- man, it broke my freakin’ heart!” 
୨ৎ You reach over to rub circles in between her shoulder blades, playfully rolling your eyes
୨ৎ “Poor baby,” you say, sticking your bottom lip out in a mocking pout
୨ৎ “So I take it Sevika’s disposition is much different than Nina’s?” The journalist inquires
୨ৎ “Oh, 100%,” you nod, “Apart from the RBF, Nina is a softie. I’ve never seen her angry.”
୨ৎ “I’m not a softie,” she mutters, resting her chin in her hand, “and what is RBF?”
୨ৎ “Resting Bitch Face,” you say in tandem with the journalist
୨ৎ She lets out a loud laugh, doubling over in her seat
୨ৎ It’s after this interview that fans begin to pick up on some… not-so-platonic energy between you and Nina
୨ৎ Nina is very sweet, yes, but she’s also very shy
୨ৎ But it seems that whenever she’s around you, she’s much more comfortable, coming out of her shell more than ever
୨ৎ Thus prompts the compilations 
୨ৎ “Nina Singh and Y/n Y/l/n being in love for 12 minutes and 54 seconds”
୨ৎ “Every time Nina manages to make the conversation about Y/n compilation”
୨ৎ “Take a shot every time Y/n makes Nina blush challenge: extreme”
୨ৎ But there are three moments in particular that fans can’t get enough of:
୨ৎ 1. The forever immortalized moment where you made Nina blush during a red carpet event
୨ৎ It wasn’t abnormal for the two of you to be paired for most press appearances, considering that your characters were a package deal in season 3, so you’re not surprised when you’re being photographed on the red carpet at the season premier and the photographers want a shot of you two together
୨ৎ “Let’s get some of the two of you, yeah?” the line of photographers begin to call out
୨ৎ Your hand reaches out for Nina- who’s a few feet away, getting her own photos taken- and she quickly slots next to you, arm wrapping around to hold your waist
୨ৎ Her fingers comb through her hair; once, twice, a third time
୨ৎ “My hair won’t stay out of my damn face,” she grumbles
୨ৎ Suddenly, you’re turning to her, reaching up to tuck the stray tendril of raven hair behind her ear and brushing back any other stray pieces
୨ৎ “Better?” You ask, turning back to the cameras like nothing had happened
୨ৎ You don’t notice that she’s acting like a total loser now; all fidgety and shy and awkward
୨ৎ In fact, she gets so bashful that her hand comes up to hide her face
୨ৎ And, of course, who wouldn’t photograph a moment so adorable?
୨ৎ She’s forever haunted by the circulation of her photographed schoolgirl crush freak out
୨ৎ 2. The one and only time she’s ever gone Sevika on someone in real life; and it was to defend you 
୨ৎ You’re sitting on your very first panel at a popular convention, as star-struck by the sea of fans in front of you as they are by the actors and actresses in front of them
୨ৎ This was the most pressure you’d felt during the press tour yet; being interviewed in real time in front of the show’s biggest supporters, answering questions from the show’s biggest supporters
୨ৎ Luckily, the crowd had been great so far
୨ৎ (You’re also sat in between Nina, who always eases your nerves, and Ekko’s actor, who you definitely shouldn’t have been seated next to because all you two do is cut up smh)
୨ৎ Until, a perturbed fan has a question for Nina
୨ৎ “I heard that Natalia Richmond was in the running for the role of Evette; I’m a big fan of both of your work, and I was honestly a little bummed to hear that she wouldn’t be starring alongside you. Not that Y/n didn’t do a good job, but do you wonder what Evette’s character could have looked like if someone else had gotten to take a stab at the character?”
୨ৎ The room falls silent
୨ৎ Your ears burn with embarrassment, and on instinct, you look over to Nina, whose jaw is set
୨ৎ She lowers her mic, turning her head to you with a scoff
୨ৎ “Are you fucking kidding me?”
୨ৎ The crowd lets out an awkward laugh; her mic had picked up her grievance 
୨ৎ Not that she gave a fuck
୨ৎ “Well,” she exhales, bringing the mic back up to her mouth, “truthfully, I don’t think Y/n did a good job. I think she did an incredible job.”
୨ৎ Your breath hitches in your throat
୨ৎ Her voice is stern, assertive; and for the first time since you’ve known her, Nina Singh is pissed
୨ৎ “I wouldn’t have been able to deliver the performance I wanted to this season without her. Sevika’s character arc would not have been executed as well as it was if i’d worked alongside anyone but the woman to my right; so no, I do not wonder what Evette’s character would have looked like if she weren’t played by Y/n, and I haven’t wondered since the day we had our chemistry test.”
୨ৎ With that, she sets the mic down, leaning back and crossing her arms in front of her with a scowl still on her face
୨ৎ The crowd gives her an applause- thankfully, the majority of Arcane’s fans adored you and could not have pictured the Arcane universe without you- and you lean over, giving Nina a “Thank you” and a squeeze on her arm
୨ৎ “Don’t mention it,” she shrugs; and at the sight of the warm smile on your face, she’s a giant teddy bear again
୨ৎ 3. The time you and Nina casually dropped that you’re basically U-Haul Lesbians
୨ৎ You two are setting up for an interview, and the camera is already rolling as your makeup artists powder your faces and your mics are adjusted
୨ৎ The footage starts in the middle of an idle conversation with the journalist
୨ৎ “So you hadn’t heard of RBF until then?” she asks
୨ৎ “I must be getting old,” she shrugs. She gives the makeup artist a soft “Thanks” as they walk away before she continues. “I hadn’t heard that phrase a day in my life; although I had heard that I’m a little unapproachable.”
୨ৎ You chuckle to yourself, thinking of the first time you met Nina; she does tend to sport a furrowed brow, but as soon as she speaks, she’s as kind as can be
୨ৎ “I didn’t think you liked me when we first met,” you muse 
୨ৎ “Oh, well you were right that time. I don’t like you.” 
୨ৎ You all burst out into a fit of laughter 
୨ৎ Anyone who knew of Nina knew of her affection for you
୨ৎ “Right, that’s why we're roomates; because you hate me so much,” you chuckle.
୨ৎ “Exactly- ‘s why we took in a stray cat, too, because who does that with someone they like?"
୨ৎ The journalist is now looking at both of you, gobsmacked
୨ৎ “You mean to tell me you two are living together and took in a stray cat together?”
୨ৎ Cluelessly, you both look to each other, then back to the journalist
୨ৎ “Yeah,” you smile, nodding innocently
୨ৎ “So you two are basically married…” 
୨ৎ Nina snorts, and you giggle, and you both agree
୨ৎ And that night, when you’re both back at home, Nina finally asks:
୨ৎ “Well, since we’re basically married, are you gonna let me take you out to dinner?”
୨ৎ Bonus: 
୨ৎ Yes, there was a sex scene
୨ৎ No, the two of you did not hear the director say cut
୨ৎ Tweets below… enjoy.
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End ୨ৎ
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magicalwitchbread · 2 days ago
Not part of the usual content, I just want to raise awareness about the disgusting thing happening in Greece the past two years.
On Febuary 28th 2023, a crash between two trains happened at Tempi. It was a head-on collision because they had been going on the same rail in opposite directions for 12 whole minutes. Set a timer for 12 minutes and just sit there not knowing you are headed to your death.
57 people lost their life. Most of them college students. Among them were a pregnant woman and her husband heading back to their hometown of Thessaloniki to announce their pregnancy to their parents. They never got there. The last message her mother sent her was "Πάρε με όταν φτάσεις" (Call me when you get home). They will never see each other again.
The only surviving passenger of the first wagon is still in a comma today. Adonis Georgiadis, the minister of labor of the current government, dared suggest that he has been wasting government resources while in the hospital.
The thing is that most of the victims came from the explosion that followed the crash and not the actual collison. But still, two years later, all experts agree that the materials the train had documented carrying were not nearly enough to create an explosion of this magnitude.
Before enough evidence was collected and any type of punishment or responsibility was assigned, the government poured concrete all over the crime scene under the guise of trying to get the county's railroad system back up and running.
This action has hindered the courts attempts to collect evidence to solve the case. But the site was not the only piece of evidence conveniently altered or destroyed. Still, today, the court assigned this case is looking for videos of this God forsaken train that passed through various train stations with fully working security systems, and somehow, none of them have any recordings of it. The only video surfaced just this week, two years later. Voice records from the phones of the victims screaming and crying for help were put into cds, and they were destroyed. They were found in the court's trash can with staplers through them, making them unreadable and thus useless. Even though the county's emergency line was called various times from the site, all the recordings of the calls, that they are obligated to record, but one are somehow nowhere to be found. The specific judge assigned the case lost their child after uncovering a significant piece of evidence that was never released to the public. The parents of the victims have reported attempts to bribe them in order to either drop their charges or delete social media posts and official statements regarding the case.
Apart from the corrupt government destroying evidence because they are trying to cover something up, their statements to the media have been nothing sort of disgusting and dismissive. Specifically, the prime minister of the country, Kiriakos Mitsotakis, said multiple times on multiple news segments that he does not know more about the case than the public and that that's how he believes it should be, in an attempt to avoid questions regarding assigning responsibilities and the accusations that the government is trying to cover something up. The minister of labor disgustingly stated that the lawyer representing the victim's families, a political opponent of theirs, is obsessed with this "accident" being labeled as a crime because if it is, her compensation would skyrocket. What Adonis Georgiadis failed to mention is that she is doing it for free.
Their supporters with any kind of power try to suppress the people protesting as well. This week, attendees at a basketball game chanted about the tragedy, blaming the government. "Γ*μω τον Μιτσοτάκη, γ*μω την πολιτεία, δεν ήτανε ατύχημα ήταν δολοφονία" (F*ck Mitsotakis, f*ck the government, it wasn't an accident it was murder). The players clearly stated that they were not bothered and infact agreed. The referees, on the other hand, stopped the game and refused to continue unless the protesters were evacuated, effectively silencing them.
These sad excuses of human beings are still governing Greece and not serving justice two years later. That's why the Greek people have organized marches on Febuary 28th in every single major city to demand justice. Most schools are being siezed by students for the day. Most working people are going on strike. Most businesses will be closed for the day. All these are happening as the minimal form of respect paid to the victims and to join the marches.
We know they are going to downplay the number of people that join in the marches as they have done in the past. We know that the police will attempt to break it up. We know it is going to be a long way to justice, but we are all willing to fight for it. United under the phrases that have hunted us these past two years. "Δεν έχω οξυγόνο" (I don't have any oxygen). "Πάρε με όταν φτάσεις" (Call me when you get home). "Δεν ήταν ατύχημα ήταν δολοφονία" (It wasn't an accident it was murder).
If you are in Greece, try to join the protests and stay safe. Wear a jacket with hood to protect your skin from any chemicals. Have surgical masks, ideally K-95, and Malox at hand to stay safe from the tear gases. Don't go to the protests alone, and make sure to help people in need if you can. Look out for hostile police officers and, if possible, for kids or teenagers that join because there will be many.
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toniko · 3 days ago
brief words about impersonalization and Kim Soleum (spoilers up to 161
Kim Soleum rides such a hypocritical line between believing this is all a fictional world and the realness of this world. I really don’t blame him actually, the combination of toxic work culture and the base setting of him being transported into the world is like really numbing.
I mean the field exploration team uses masks that depict them as animals and as good of an item it is for exploration, that is one of the elements that dehumanizes them. It’s one thing for the groups to be split into the alphabet but it’s a whole different thing when you identify every employee by their group. You literally can not differentiate the employees in the logs (I mean look at that interview with Baek Saheon, this may be a bit of a bad example because I can see why anonymity would be kept here. Ah but it seems to be like that with every document? Mystery person here, mystery group here, finishing team). It’s awfully impersonal and while an interpretation of it just being useful code names is valid, in a profession with a high death rate, I doubt that’s the only reason. Oh yeah, highly expendable employees. But we can’t say we’re killing people, dare say individuals with their own entire lives and histories, so company employees sound a lot better. Everyone perpetuates it, it’s easy, team members die quickly and often, deal with it. Except not really right? Being human is to inherently care for your fellow human.
But hiring employees with looser personalities does help in that aspect. Capitalism win for the Daydream co. I guess. I have a small comment about how the Supernatural Management Bureau (now what is it called in the fan-translation? I’ll replace it someone let me know, I’m picking off namu wiki rn). It does purposely hire righteous but orderly folks but it seems both Agent Bronze & Choi are affected by past member deaths.
It feels like Kim Soleum keeps trying to draw a line and it doesn’t work. He says that he will have left before [big catastrophic event] but unconsciously forms attachments super quickly. I think his time away from the griptok and wiki is really making him accept the reality of these characters. Agent Choi’s survival gives Soleum a little brain blast acceptance that character’s fates really can change. Of course, didn’t it take a shockingly long time for that? I think it’s implication that he was still using the same excuse of them all being from a fictional world to shield his mentality. Gotta do what you gotta do Soleum.
He does all in his power to keep as many people alive (because he’s an empath 🙂‍↕️, we know) but the hangman game was obviously super personal.
btw I think Soleum has a bias in how he treats “named” characters as well. This is just my personal opinion, but the relationship with Lee Jaheon felt purposely professional up until recently (say 130s or so I think, I’m just rambling out), since Soleum inner monologue tended to emphasize the elements he remembered. The reader would notice that Lee Jaheon really does care a lot but you might have to dig through a couple of lizard and defeating darkness through force comments. It feels this stereotype he has of the named characters stick a lot longer! It makes sense, in the kind of format the original records were in, they were in fact character stereotypes to fill the semi-anthology esque story structure (would it be appropriate just to say SCP foundation?). Again, this divorce from the griptok is what I think a big contributor of his reality check is.
There’s also this uh, Baek Saheon in the room that I haven’t talked about. Probably the meanest thing Soleum does in this novel is bullying this guy lol. But that’s because Kim Soleum’s interpretation of him is so overblown and far in time compared to the current guy we know. At this point, I’d pin down Baek Saheon as a character that would maybe let someone die but wouldn’t kill them himself (yet). But that’s it, Kim Soleum having read so far into his story, operates with the assumption that he’s a comically evil bad guy. But this guy, all he does with his hypnosis pen is hide away like a mouse? Sorry for being a much more horrible person, I would’ve tried stealing his items but he was doing something so pointless even Braun didn’t think to let Soleum know (now is that a whole nother thing? Braun being more suspicious leading up to his darkness arc? Yeah.)
Braun being an all powerful ghost story entity btw without Kim Soleum having to mask his identity almost completely was like the total kryptonite of Soleum’s “I care too much about everyone’s lives but I can’t do that because they are all fictional but also alive”. Soleum isn’t against making relationships but he often calls Braun his only friend. Isn’t that a bit out of touch Soleum, I think there’s a couple of people who would find a friend in you.
J3, for example, who was looking for him after he went missing! Actually, color me a conspiracist but I think it’s much less a self esteem issue but a reaction of realizing the people he’s (trying to) push away actually like and care about him. I mean he’s trying to get out of this fictional world. He doesn’t want the people of this world to care about him, so he’s shocked at the revelation that they do. So I don’t think it’s out of a dislike of himself but in many ways, he’s forced to act unlike himself because of this world. Well anyway that’s just my opinion anyway…
some final personal (personal) thoughts down here…
Kim Soleum’s monologue drives me nuts. I know! That’s the whole novel! But it’s something like Baek Deoksu’s style, where I sit there and shake my head going “Young man, I know you’re playing tricks with me”. I mean seriously, it’s not a bad thing. Just don’t make me work hard every chapter hooo, I’m a lazy kind of guy yk read for fun and leisure. ghost story ooo so scary…
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mandy-asimp · 2 days ago
When She Calls
Lilia Calderu x Life!reader (she/her)
Warnings: language, deaths, sprinkles of angst, fluff, smut (but that's for waaay down the build up), whole lotta friendship, I'm like 87% sure that's it
Summary: when Life is asked to make a promise, she doesn't seem to be able to say no.But that promise was going to be served out so much longer than what she could see.
Chapter 2
Story masterlist
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chapter 3
It was tense. The air. The people. Everything. 
Life had stayed on her own as she examined the room. Delicate fingertips running over everything and feeling the nitty bitty textures. She stood by the record player and kneeled to be eye level with the wood. Although her thoughts on what to do were clouded by the feeling of prying eyes. Even as her head snapped directly to stare at the booth. Agahta and Rio were speaking while looking directly at her. She only returned a harsher glare before standing up and continuing. 
“She won't expose either of us for the truth. She has too much to lose just like us. Like that Lilia character. Over four hundred years by her side as a cat. She’ll be too busy trying to fix what little time she has left with her to even focus on what we’re doing.” Rio reassured, already knowing how this goes. “She knew Nicky.”
The name caused Agatha to whip her focus to the words that were spoken so quietly she almost missed it all. “What…?” Her blue crystals glittered in the light, but as soon as the grief filled her eyes, it was all gone. “What if The Roads like Switzerland?”
Life turned her head once more back to the two, seeing how they got closer. She knew that it was either going to lead into a nasty makeout or something nasty. So she turned away, going back to examining everything. Stealing guilty glances to the oldest witch. However, she kept her distance.
Even when Rio’s voice came over the speakers. “Kill everyone around you. You get your power, I get my bodies.” The ‘coven’ moved together at her words, crowding in the center and watching through the glass.
“Hey that's my coven you're talkin’ about!” Agatha feigned her concern, although she hardly fooled anyone. 
The room erupted into complaints, but instantly drowned out by the screeching of the record. Dragging the attention to the record player as Teen fell back from it. Shouts to make the horrid noise end layered over each other. It wasn’t till Agatha took matters into her own hands after the boy's many failed attempts. She picked up the machine and slammed it into the ground, pieces flying over as she stomped with her heeled boot. Gasping a few times as she finally backed away. 
“We’ve been cursed.” Lilia stated. Her big brown eyes jumped all over, even to Life. There they stayed trapped in the storm clouds. How they rolled in and darkened the entire room. Only to be pulled back by the ticking of the metronome. Tick. Tick. Tick. 
Life and Death stood at the foot of the boy. A glass shard had cut him deeper and he had lost blood. Lots of it. The ‘coven’ stood around and did what they could. But it was when Agatha looked to them, begging with her eyes to Rio to not take him and pleading with Life to be fair. So neither did anything, they let the witches do their work. Observing the moment where they were actually looking like a coven. 
Even as they all sat around the fire as Teen rested. Well…Life hadn't joined them yet. She was from afar analyzing Agatha and her dynamic with the boy. She knew that the witch had figured him out just slightly, but she needed one more thing to be sure. Although, the funny thing about being life itself is always knowing who someone is without a second look. She knew who the boy was, and he wasn’t Agatha’s. But that wasn’t her knowledge to share. For all she knew, they didn’t know she knew of Nicky. She disappeared a century before Agatha was even born.
The woman was asked something that set her off clearly as she abruptly got up to leave. Giving Life her chance to go speak to the boy. “She’s always shot that topic down. He’s not one she likes to bring up…especially with Rio here now.”
“And I take it you know what happened to him?” Teen had sat up a little more, wrapping his arms around his knees as he grew curious to know so much more.
“I knew him. He was such a sweetie. Cutest little boy made from scratch I had ever been given the graces of curating. But…his time wasn’t meant to happen. They broke so many rules together.” She started her explanation, mimicking his pose right across from her. “I know who you are as well. I’ve known your path since your mother first knew.”
His brows furrowed as his eyes grew full of hope. “You…you know my name?”
“Of course I do. I’ll tell you a little secret, a token to show I mean no harm to you here. I’ve been hiding as Lilia’s familiar for years, all because I didn’t want to be Life anymore. It’s so demanding…having to see everyone into the world, to know when they’ll meet my counterpart.” She spoke so carefully, like if she was too loud everyone on The Road would hear her. 
The boy softly smiled, “so you’re the embodiment of life who hid as a cat?” A brief nod. “So…do you know then if-”
“Yes. I do know. I am not allowed to clear it for you though. That is a question of your life path that you’ll discover on your own…but like Agatha had said, you don't need to know someone's name to know who they really are. You’re a strong survivor too, I know you’ll figure it out.” She was so delicate with him. After all, she watched him escape. 
Life had gone out for a little bit. Lilia had left the front door cracked to ventilate out the air and get a cool breeze inside. And something within her told her to go out and observe the new lives that were coming in. It had been a while since she had done it and it was nice to see some of the positive lives that would be used wisely and greatly. 
Yet, there was a heavy pull towards Eastview that day. She followed it as well, finding the car smashed against a tree. A family, the Kaplan’s. Her heart ached at the sight of the lifeless boy in the back. His life managed to alter from what she knew. He was going to do wondrous things in his future, but alas…life is a funny thing. Never predictable to the fullest, even for herself.
The air around grew cold, a feeling she knew meant Death was on her way to collect the body. Life wished she could do something, anything to help him but it was against the laws of her nature. And unlike Rio, she had yet to bend them for anyone…but who would know it was her? 
The red anomaly in the distance began shrinking, and she suddenly wasn't watching. Instead she was acting and luring the soul of the voice that had just whispered a goodnight. “This way.” She would hum into the air, letting it travel all the way to the other. “Survive.”
The lifeless boy in the back of the crashed car suddenly gasped. “Tommy!” His eyes were everywhere, trying to find his missing brother. All he found was an unfamiliar woman pleading for him to be ok, and a soft glowing warmth behind her. 
Life stared with comfort, trying to ease his rushing heart. Only to give him a curt nod before disappearing.
“You…you were the one to lead me..” He had pieced the face together to the voice. He had played it to bring the shock, a guardian angel even. “I heard you. What about Tommy? Did you lead him out too? Do you know where he is?” The questions seemed to flood over the damn. 
Life sighed, “even if I do know where he is, you’d still have to find him. You’re on a set path, keep pursuing it.” And with that she had stood and left him to his own thoughts. Giving him just a brief moment before he would have to return to the group. 
Returning, the group had just finished sharing stories. Rio was getting ready to follow after Agatha as she walked away to catch her own breath. Lilia had grabbed at her wrist, a subtle hue of knowing as she stared up to the green witch. “Don’t think for a second I forgot what you said in that booth.” She had such a harsh undercut to her smooth words. 
Rio scoffed, letting her eyes widen as she hissed down to the other. Only Life was right in her way when she stepped again. Grey eyes burning into her and speaking without a single word. They held a silent conversation until the brunette groaned and rolled her eyes. Stepping around her and continuing to chase after Agatha.
Life didn’t bat an eye as she took a silent seat near the fire, keeping her distance still as the feeling of uncertainty followed her. “Ok, and what about you? How do you play into all this?” Jen’s voice cut straight through it all. Bringing the natural being into reality. “How do you know those two?”
“I’ve known Rio for as long as I can remember. We’ve been tied together for so long honestly. But I had made a commitment once, and she didn’t like the fact that I was going to uphold it. I eventually disappeared from her and anything to do with what our jobs were. I met Agatha when she was on her own. I didn’t help with what she had asked me that day, even when Rio asked…they were going to break more than what I wanted to be a part of. So, I kept myself hidden. Then suddenly I was brought here.” Life had kept the story short. There was so much to actually dissect that there was clearly not enough time now.. “I promise I’m no harm here. I never was.” She was sincere in her words. 
“How do we know we can trust you though? If you're telling us you knew those two, they’re full of tricks and lies. What makes you any different? After all, you’ve been lying for centuries.” Lilia was harsh. Her narrowing glare, her sharp words, they cut like a perfectly sharpened knife. “What if you’re just here to also collect bodies, just like Rio?”
“She has no purpose for bodies…” Teen had finally joined the group, taking a seat right next to Life. “She’s here to help us.”
“And what is her name?” Jen crossed her arms and quirked a brow. Everyone was suddenly expecting an answer.
It dawned on Life she never chose another name. She never needed another name the way Rio did. She was just known as Life, but it felt heavy suddenly. Like it wasn’t the proper choice to have everyone refer to her as such. “I don’t know…”
Chapter 4.
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maraschinomerry · 2 days ago
Bottom of the Rainbow
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Pairings: George Karim x gn!reader
Summary: after George gets mad at you for keeping a secret, you finally share your unusual hobby with him - searching for the ends of rainbows
Content: sunshine x grump, fluff, mentions of reader's dad (positive), first kiss
A/N: I'm back after nearly a year!! Another sunshine x grump fic, except George isn't really a grump so much as just himself 😅 inspired by but not a continuation of You Are My Sunshine. Thank you as always to my Georges for the support, especially Lisa for beta reading 🫶
Word count: 5.2k
Taglist: @neewtmas @marinalor @ettadear @honey-with-tea @mischiefmanaged71 (to be added or removed, just let me know!)
It was, as most people would describe it, a thoroughly miserable day, and you couldn't be more excited.
As far as the eye could see (which currently wasn’t far at all), London was draped in thick grey clouds, from which poured heavy lances of rain that lashed against the windows of 35 Portland Row like they were trying to break in. The house was quiet save for the dull drumming from the other side of the glass. Lucy was upstairs recording a cassette for Norrie, Lockwood was training in the basement, and George was… somewhere, so you had the living room to yourself. It was rather peaceful really, sitting in your armchair by the window, watching the movements of the sky.
The floorboard by the door creaked as George entered with a huff. So much for peaceful.
“If you're waiting for a client, you're wasting your time,” the curly-haired boy pointed out as he flopped onto the sofa. “We're not expecting anyone and very few people are daft enough to turn out in this weather on the off-chance we'll take their case.”
“Oh no,” you replied cheerily, “just waiting for the rain to die down.”
“Not a fan?” If only he knew. But that was just it, he didn't really know you at all. You'd been part of the same agency, living under the same roof, for 3 months now, and the two of you were still almost as distant as the day you started. Sure, you knew now how each other worked, the way you handled cases, but when it came down to your personal lives you'd found out very quickly how different you were from one another. He was so quick-witted and sardonic, while you didn't have a sarcastic bone in your body. Lucy and Lockwood were able to go toe-to-toe with him, but it was clear he was holding back because they were friends. You'd seen George talk to Kipps once. He was brutal. At least the others had some softness to them, which made you feel a little less like the odd one out.
“Hello?” George's voice brought you back into the room, and you realised you'd been staring out the window again.
“Sorry,” you mumbled. What was it he'd asked? Oh, not a fan of the rain. “I don't mind the rain, actually.”
“Well you live in the right country then.” He'd already picked up his book, and it seemed like he wasn't all that interested in your opinions on the weather or in continuing the conversation at all, so you allowed the room to lull back into the ambient quiet of the pattering outside.
George was quite engrossed in his book, but occasionally he would glance up and find you still watching the rain. What was the big deal, anyway? It wasn’t like it hadn't rained most weeks since you'd arrived, yet every time you gazed out the window like you’d moved to London from a desert. Still, at least you were peaceful with it, creating a companionable quiet for him to read or do research without having to engage in idle chatter. For all your chipper nature and relentless enthusiasm, you were surprisingly reserved. He respected that.
Suddenly, the quiet was broken by an excitable squeak from by the window. George lowered his book in time to see you leap to your feet, face glowing with a smile and the radiance of the sunlight which was finally breaking through the parting clouds.
“Back soon!” you called as you bolted from the room, and within seconds the slam of the front door rang out. Bewildered, George pushed himself up from the sofa and ventured into the hallway. There was an empty space on the shoe rack where your boots normally sat, and the coat rack showed the distinct absence of your yellow raincoat. He opened the front door with a frown, just in time to see a flash of yellow disappear round the corner. The bright pockets of blue that had appeared in the sky caused him to squint, so much so that he almost missed the colours brushed across one of the lower clouds. A rainbow, dipping behind a nearby house.
You returned about 10 minutes later, looking slightly out of breath and considerably less excited than you had when you left. George was back in his place on the sofa, and this time he barely even lowered his book as he addressed you passing the doorway. “What was that all about?”
“Oh,” you replied falteringly, “it was nothing really.�� How odd, George thought.
The second time it happened, all four of the group were there. You'd been out for breakfast to celebrate a case well done, and the cafe had provided welcome respite from the rain. Soon enough you all headed for home, when the telltale streak of colour appeared against the vanishing clouds. George was only slightly less surprised this time by the delighted squeal from your end of the line, which was immediately followed by you breaking away in a jog.
“Don't wait for me, I'll see you at home!” you called over your shoulder as you picked up speed.
Lucy frowned. “Should we follow them?”
George was tempted. As much as it didn't really make much difference to him what you did with your free time, he had to admit he was curious where you kept running off to. Still, he shrugged and carried on in the direction of Portland Row and the other two eventually followed.
The coat hooks in the hallway were empty when the trio arrived home, distinctly lacking in yellow. You said you'd meet back here, but with how quickly you were moving they'd assumed you meant you'd get there first. By the time it reached half an hour since you'd gone off, an odd air had descended over the group, tinged with concern.
“Do we know where y/n was running off to?” Lockwood asked, breaking the silence. George had the beginnings of a suspicion, but he couldn't be sure, so he stayed quiet.
Lucy, meanwhile, was less calm. She stood by your chair in the window, peering out every time someone walked by. “Are we sure they're okay? Shouldn't we be going out and looking?”
“Lucy, it's barely gone 10,” George finally piped up. “It won't be dark for hours, they're not exactly in any danger.”
“You've seen the enemies we've made in the past,” she retorted. “You really want to take that risk?”
A bolt of worry shot through George; he tried his best to hide it but was less successful at hiding the way he almost leapt out of his armchair at the sound of a key in the front door.
You sighed as you kicked off your boots. All that for nothing. You'd even gone to all the effort of running with your kit bag, which wasn't exactly light, and it still hadn't been worth it. Sure, lots of the other times had ended up like this, but somehow it stung even more today. At least it seemed like everyone was off doing their own thing so you could sneak up to your room and have some time to yourself.
The living room door swung open, and you caught a glimpse of dark curls.
So much for that plan.
“Where have you been?” George asked sharply.
You groaned quietly, hoisting your bag up and heading for the stairs. “Not now George, please.”
The thud of a second pair of feet on the stairs made your heart drop even further. “No, no, hang on! You can't just run off like that. Do you not trust us or something?”
“Well that's what it feels like! We were-” he stopped for a fraction of a second, “Lucy and Lockwood were worried about you. Not even a hint of where you'd gone, what you were doing, how long you'd be…”
You'd reached your room by now, throwing your kit bag onto your bed and sinking down beside it. George lingered in the doorway, but he didn't let up.
“I was just… doing something.”
“Oh,” George scoffed. “So what was so important and secretive that you couldn't just tell us? Were you seeing someone?”
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. You tried to blink them away without him noticing. The last thing you wanted right now was to talk to anyone, let alone be interrogated or lectured by someone so cynical that they'd never understand your motivations. “No-”
“Then what?!”
“I was trying to find the bottom of the rainbow!” The words burst out of you in almost a yell, making the quiet that followed twice as loud. Your gaze was fixed firmly on the floor, and yet you were painfully aware of the look of confusion and judgement on George's face. Maybe if you kept staring at that one spot for long enough, he'd finally leave you alone. “That's why I didn't tell you,” you mumbled. “Because I was afraid you'd look at me like that.”
George stood, frozen, just beyond the threshold of your room. He knew he could be harsh sometimes, but his friends didn't usually mind and anyone who did was met with an even stronger retort. He was the way he was, and that had never been an issue.
Until now.
He wasn't sure which part he felt worse about - the fact you thought he was looking at you in some kind of way, or the fact that you were expecting it. The two of you weren't the closest, but you were friends, weren't you? At the very least, you were a team. You were supposed to have each other's backs.
“Sorry,” he started after what felt like an age. “I just… I don't get it.”
“It's nothing,” you sniffed. Hang on, were you crying? Because of him?
George hesitated a moment, weighing up the impact of crossing both a physical and emotional barrier, before stepping into your room. He glanced around, taking in your space properly for the first time. The pile of books on your desk, the faded music posters on the walls, the photos taped around the mirror. And you, seeming smaller than usual, curled into yourself on the bed, still not looking at him. His voice was soft when he spoke, surprising you both. “We wouldn't be here if it was nothing. Help me understand why it matters to you.”
When you still didn't speak, he thought perhaps he'd crossed a line. Perhaps you were finding the nerve to tell him to get out. He didn't normally do things like this, he had no idea what to expect. He was so busy considering whether to leave that he almost didn't hear you.
“It was my dad's idea.”
George turned his attention from the door and found your gaze on him at last. The slight tears on your lashes, the way you chewed anxiously at your lip, the absolute vulnerability of the moment stirred something in him. He swallowed the feeling. He knew your family were still around to some extent, you mentioned them from time to time, but it hit him that you never talked about them in depth, just a passing comment now and again. You never told him anything proper about them. Or maybe it was just that he'd never asked. “Is that him in the photos?” He gestured to the mirror. You nodded, then gave an extra nod towards the mirror in an unspoken invitation.
The pictures, a mixture of Polaroids and film prints, spanned well over a decade. An adorable short-haired toddler, a beaming child with their front teeth missing, a pre-teen who had clearly shot up out of nowhere, all the way up to you in your first agency training uniform. A couple of the shots were of you and your former teammates, but many of the rest featured an older man. The ones that didn't, George suspected, had been taken by him.
You watched George warily, waiting for whatever comment he was going to make next. The comment never came, and you realised that he was actually paying attention to what he was looking at. You quietly stood, your feet sinking into the rug around your bed, and joined him by the mirror.
“That was our first rainbow,” you murmured, pointing to a faded photo. The boy beside you jumped a little, having been too engrossed to notice your approach. He followed your finger to a photo of you, about 3 or 4 years old, grinning next to the boundary of a lush green field. Just beyond the fence, almost lost to the wear of time, was a thick streak across the sky touching down into the grass. The red and blue had sustained the worst fading, but it was still unmistakable. “We came across it by chance, and my dad told me it was special finding the end of a rainbow. He bought me a whole bar of chocolate on the way home, bigger than the ones mum usually let me have.” You pointed out a couple more photos of rainbows the two of you had found and the outcomes - a special dessert one time, a new pair of boots the next. “Even after I started training and found some on my own, something good would always happen. This one was just before I got my first grade.” It was on the far side of the mirror, so you had to lean to point it out. As you began to pull back, you suddenly realised how close you were standing. His face was nearer yours than it had ever been before, and you breathed in bergamot and cinnamon. George wasn't looking where your finger was either; he was looking at you, not the strange way he had before but a new, equally strange way. You felt your cheeks grow warm, and you quickly went and sat back on the bed, this time leaving a space.
“So that's it? You're going after them for the tradition, and to try and make something good happen?” George asked, his attention now fully on you.
You kicked your feet a little, scuffing them along the rug. “Sort of. It's nice getting the extra boost of luck, but recently…”
George came closer, and when you made no protest he perched in the empty space on your bed. He gave you a small, awkward yet encouraging smile. “Your dad?”
You pulled a face, your nose scrunching. George wanted to make a joke about it making you look like a bunny, fighting the urge to call it cute, but now wasn't the time. He let you speak instead. “I told him I'd write and send a photo when I caught my first London rainbow, but that was months ago. I've spoken to him since of course, but only by phone. The longer I leave it, the more I feel like I can't write without having found one. It doesn't feel the same.” There were tears in the corners of your eyes again.
“You'll find one sooner or later,” George said reassuringly. “It's England after all, you've seen how often it rains.”
You laughed, the tension leaving your shoulders as you wiped your eyes on the cuff of your sleeve. “Thanks, George. And thank you for, you know, understanding.”
“Just promise you won't run off on your own any more, okay? Take one of us with you.”
“I promise. I suppose it's safer that way.”
“Well there is that,” he smirked, “and you'll need someone to take your photo.”
It had been just over a week, and you were amazed by how much things had changed. You'd never been uncomfortable around George, you'd just accepted that the two of you were too dissimilar to be close, but now you found yourself wondering how you had ever thought that. You found yourself seeking out his company more often, even if you were both sitting in silence doing your own hobbies - last week, his presence had frustrated you, now you almost craved it. It seemed like he sought you out more too. On that first evening, he'd brought you an album full of pictures of his own family to reciprocate you sharing yours. If he was cooking and you were passing through to or from the basement, he'd either start a conversation that forced you to stay for a few more minutes or he'd ask for you to pass him one ingredient after the other until the meal became a joint effort.
One day, you found yourself accompanying George to the Archives to help with research. It hadn't been a successful day by any standard - someone had borrowed the book George really needed, and the article you were after had been badly damaged by an overeager junior Tendy's agent. The worst part was that you were both absolutely drenched from the downpour you'd arrived in. Thank goodness you both had coats, or it would have been an utterly horrible day, but they hadn't protected you from getting soaked from the waist down. Your boots had only just stopped squelching. The two of you called it a day after an hour of fruitless searching for other potentially useful materials, and you turned up your hood as you headed for the door in preparation. The soft grey of the clearing clouds that met you was a welcome relief, and you immediately started scanning the skies as you walked away.
You gasped in excitement at the vibrancy of the rainbow in the near distance. It was the clearest you'd seen in all your time in London. “George!” you called, already starting to head towards it. He hadn't spotted it, hadn't moved. Each second was too precious for you to wait. Without thinking, you grabbed his hand and ran towards the corner. He stumbled a bit at first and his grip tightened around yours, taken by surprise, but he quickly fell into a matching pace. Together you hurtled through the city, narrowly avoiding collisions with pedestrians and lampposts alike. You'd almost lost hope when at last you turned a corner and stopped dead in your tracks. George nearly ran into your back. The colours were fainter than they had been, but they were still clear as day where they fell just the other side of a large puddle. You let out a squeak, and if you didn't know better you'd swear the hand in yours squeezed its encouragement. What was for sure, though, was the way the hand pulled you back as you began to move forward. You frowned.
“Give me your camera,” George prompted.
“Oh, right.” With a hint of reluctance, you let go of his hand and pulled a slim disposable camera from your coat pocket. Once again, George stopped you. He directed you to behind the puddle, with the rainbow landing in front, before cautiously stepping into the road and lining up his shot.
“On three, jump. One, two, three!”
You jumped into the puddle with a joyful giggle, the droplets that flew up around you illuminated by the flash of the camera. George took another still photo in case the first one didn't turn out well before handing the camera back. Through the little window on the back, you could see the number 1. You raised the viewfinder to your eye.
“Whoa, what are you doing?”
“Well, I'm not getting this developed and wasting a perfectly good shot, but I don't want to wait until I find another rainbow to finish it off. Smile!”
George rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, but he was smiling in spite of himself, and you were smiling too as you pressed the shutter.
You weren't quite sure where you'd ended up, so you followed George who seemed to know a route home. It wasn't until you got to more familiar surroundings that you realised you'd been too giddy to notice exactly which way you were going.
“Isn't the house that way?” you pointed back over your shoulder.
George shrugged. “It is, but we're not going home yet. Lockwood and Lucy won't be expecting us back so soon, so we're going to Arif's for doughnuts.”
You blushed. You hadn't expected anything from George when you dragged him along, you were quite happy to wait for the usual moment of good fortune, but it was unexpectedly thoughtful that he'd paid attention to your tradition and considered this. While you were dragging your heels, clearly not wanting to push the boundaries of generosity, he bought you a rich chocolate doughnut with a salted caramel filling (the kind you'd secretly eyed up before but found too decadent to buy yourself) and a strawberries and cream one for himself. Stepping back out into the sunshine, you sat together on a small bench across the road to eat. The wood was a little damp from the rain, but without hesitation George laid his coat down and sat on one half. You were about to remark about him catching a cold as you squeezed yourself onto the other half, but the warmth radiating into your side caused the words to die in your throat. You nestled in a bit closer; if George noticed, he didn't say anything about it. You unwrapped your sweet prize and held it up, beaming when George touched his to it in a silent toast.
“That was… kind of fun, actually,” he said almost like he was surprised at having enjoyed himself.
“It was!” you grinned. “It was nice having someone to share it with again. And thanks for the doughnut.”
George thought for a minute. “So what's next, you write to your dad and then what? Look for the next one?”
“Exactly. I find it quite encouraging in a way, knowing that whatever happens, however bad things might get, there are always going to be more rainbows. It's got me this far.”
“Well I hope there's a bit of a break before the next one. I'm a researcher, I'm not used to all this running around.”
You blinked. Was he implying he wanted to join you again? And why did you hope that was what he meant?
Lockwood was draped across the sofa when you got home. He peered over the top of his magazine as you closed the front door.
“That took a while. Was it a productive session?”
You worried at your lip. You still hadn't told Lockwood or Lucy about your unusual hobby, and in the moment you felt a bit silly to have been running round and having fun when you hadn't done the work you set out to do. You glanced nervously at George.
“Sort of,” the other boy replied, giving you a reassuring look before turning to Lockwood. “Although I want you to know that if I ever get my hands on the agent who spilled coffee over that newspaper article I was telling you about, I will not be held responsible for my actions.”
“Y/n, I think you need to accompany George more often, we can’t afford to be blacklisted from any other establishments,” Lockwood winked at you.
“In that case,” George faked a scowl, “perhaps they ought to accompany me while I make us lunch so I don't set your kitchen on fire.”
You nodded, before glancing pointedly at Lockwood. It was time to come clean. “I'll be with you in a sec.” Thankfully, the curly-haired boy got the message, and left you to explain in your own time.
Everyone had been very supportive, much to your relief. Lucy had gone rainbow-hunting with you a few times over the following months, Lockwood a couple more, and on one occasion you'd ended up taking the whole team with you on the way back from an errand. It was fun getting to spend time and share your passion with them all, and now you had a whole new array of pictures being developed that you couldn't wait to add to your mirror, but you had to admit that your favourite were the times when it was you and George. You'd been out searching together again just before you collected your first photos, and it wasn't until you reread the letter to your dad before sending and noticed you'd dedicated an entire paragraph to talking about your coworker that you finally admitted to yourself why that was the case. Something good did always happen still, regardless of who you were with, but with him it felt different. He always put in that little bit extra. And gradually, you felt different. Before long you were analysing almost every interaction the two of you had - every late night conversation in one of your rooms, every time his hand grazed yours or he made the effort to give physical contact when you needed reassurance on a case (he didn't do that with anyone else, but that didn't mean it meant anything, right?). You tried not to read too much into it all, telling yourself that even if things had changed it was only because he felt obliged to keep an eye on you so you wouldn't run off again.
You'd now been with the agency just over 6 months, marking 3 months since you'd first run off and started this whole chain of events. Last night had been a particularly rough case, so you were letting off steam in the basement training area. The powerful beat of your music drowned out your grunts of frustration as you swung your rapier through the jets of air, and you yelped when suddenly you spun round to find not a white cloud but George. Clearly you hadn't heard him coming down the stairs. Time seemed to slow as you stumbled backwards, terrified of hurting him or worse, that you'd already done so. One of your feet caught on the other, and you felt the blade fall from your hand as you grasped for something, anything, to stop you from falling. A hand, warm and steady, wrapped around your waist. You gaped up at George in surprise. He seemed just as shocked, though whether that was because of his action or because in the heat of the moment his fingers had caught under your top and gripped the skin above your waistband, you couldn't say. Another blast made you jump, bringing you back to reality, and you frantically hid your blushes as the boy flicked off the training equipment and mouthed something, his words inaudible. You launched yourself to the stereo and paused your music. The silence was deafening.
“I take it you couldn't hear anything, then?”
You frowned, wondering what you were supposed to have heard. Had he been calling you? Then, out of the quiet, a sound emerged. A persistent pattering on the window. Rain.
“You need to come outside right now.” He offered you his hand. Blushing again, you took it, and he led you up the stairs and through to the hallway. You'd been so caught up in the moment that you hadn't realised he was wearing his coat until he took yours from the hook and helped you into it. Hoods up, you both stepped out onto the street. You glanced around. This had to be about a rainbow. But where was it? George gently placed a hand on your shoulder, moving you until you could follow his eyeline.
You gasped.
There in the distance, glorious against the grey clouds, was the most vibrant rainbow you'd ever seen. Above it, much paler but still noticeable, was a fragment of inverted colours. A double rainbow. Frozen in awe, you almost forgot the urgency of the situation, until George took your hand again and started running. Together you wove through the streets, occasionally calling directions or words of encouragement as you drew closer. The colours remained ever vibrant, a beacon of joy across the sky. You found yourselves in a small park, where the main arc of the rainbow touched down into the grass beside a wooden gazebo. Both of you were panting, but you no longer needed words to communicate; George simply held out his hand, and you passed him your camera. He couldn't help but smile behind it as you twirled through the rain with a laugh, feet sinking into the sodden ground, and gave the biggest grin he'd known you to have, even in the photos he'd seen. Then he came closer, turning the camera round and pulling you into his side as he snapped a photo of the two of you. Soon the adrenaline wore off and you were faced with the fact that you'd just run all the way here and it was still raining, so you climbed into the gazebo and slumped down onto a bench. George sat beside you, leaning his head back against a pillar.
“Can you believe that's the first time I've ever seen a double rainbow?” you sighed. The feelings were overwhelming. You'd barely believed you would ever have this experience, of course you'd always thought you'd share it with your dad but somehow being here with George felt like everything it needed to be.
“Seriously? That definitely deserves a celebration.”
You giggled, leaning playfully towards him.
“Does that mean doughnuts on the way home again?”
Something in his demeanour shifted and you worried you'd pushed things too far. His smile was smaller, wavering, and his hand went from almost brushing yours to playing with the hem of his coat.
“Sorry, you don't have to-” you began.
“No, it's… I meant something bigger, since this is such an important moment for you, like, um, like dinner?”
Why was he so nervous about that? It was a great suggestion! You loved nothing more than the times you spent cooking together and it was sweet that he'd realised how much it meant. “Sure,” you reassured him, “what shall we cook?”
He swallowed thickly, voice coming out low and cautious. “Actually, I meant could I buy you dinner?”
Maybe it was the clouds starting to clear. Maybe it was later than you thought and the ghost lamps were starting to come on. Maybe it was just your own obliviousness finally crumbling. Whatever it was, you looked at George in a whole new light, at the way he was watching you carefully and expectantly.
“George Casper Karim, are you asking me on a date?”
He hesitated. “That depends on whether you're saying yes.”
You moved closer and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “Does that answer your question?”
George began to lean in, but then he stopped. You started to worry again that you'd done something wrong, until he took your hand and led you from the gazebo. It was just drizzling now, the droplets coating his dark curls in a fine mist and splashing onto your own hair as you stepped outside. The rainbow was still there, fading as the rain died away, and as you were drawn towards its colours George spun you into it, catching you by the waist and bringing his lips to yours. Your mind was filled with fireworks, interlaced with that cosy cinnamon scent which had grown so familiar. He felt and tasted as warm as the sun which was starting to re-emerge, and as his hand came up and settled on your chin, thumb stroking across your cheek, you decided that the photo he'd just taken of the two of you would be going in pride of place on your mirror.
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didyoulookforme · 3 hours ago
1 with post Matty PLSSSS
Allllll my love,
Belle <3
overwhelmed, but happy crying during sex
from the prompt list here
so, about a year after you officially became a couple, you finally ask if he wants to move in with you :') i mean, he might as well be the third member of the household (counting sweet pup kevin) since he already has a ton of his clothes there and even his own spot in your closet and dresser, lol. obviously, matty is overjoyed and totally emotional when you ask because what do you mean the woman of his literal (wet) dreams is letting him share your space?!
anyway, he says yes and that night he can’t stop beaming when he gets back home, endlessly telling hann about how ecstatic he is, how perfect you are, and how he’d do anything for you. he nearly forgets that now poor adam is going to be without a roommate, but adam is happy for him and, tbh, it might not be the worst thing to avoid waking up to matty roaming around in his boxers every morning.
a couple of weeks later, it's moving day and matty wakes up super early, freaking out about what if it doesn't work out, or if you get sick of him, or if he ends up annoying you. he calls you around 6:30 am to check for the one millionth time if you're sure. you're genuinely endeared by him (it's rare to see him lose his shit) so you just smile while comforting him and assure him that you'll want this as long as he does.
the boys and bff mandy have all offered to help out, but matty is the first one to show up at your place to drop off a few things before the bigger move. when you open the door, he's greeted with a big hug and dozens of kisses that instantly melt his heart because you're so excited the day is finally here. he's honestly overwhelmed by all the emotions swirling inside him. and it's not helped when you lead him to what used to be your office and studio, which is now completely empty. he's obviously confused and he tries so hard to lose it as you explain that you moved your stuff to a smaller room so he could have a space to truly call his own. he nearly drops the box he's carrying, scoops you up, and whispers a flurry of "i love you so fucking much, darling," "are you sure?" and "you don't have to do this."
with everyone helping, it doesn't take long for them to get everything to your place, meaning you're done in just a few hours and have the rest of the day to get matty settled in. you've definitely noticed that matty is quieter than usual, and he reassures you that he's okay. that he's just always thought of this day when you would actually live together, and now that it's here, it feels like a dream.
you spend much of the day organizing what turns out to be matty's new music space, quietly working while records play in the background. once you decide you're done, you suggest showering together because, you know, a move is sweaty, lol, and you do, spending a lot of time holding each other and making out. when you finish, it's sweet and domestic, getting dressed side by side. a routine you've done plenty of times before, but now it's different because it can happen every day if you want it. matty can't help but smirk as you immediately rummage through his clothes to find one of his favourite shirts for you to wear. just seeing you in his shirt and panties, so damn comfortable with him, is the definition of perfection.
you order dinner and share some wine while cuddling on the couch with sweet kev, occasionally stealing glances at each other like you can’t believe this is really happening. and again, when you do something super domestic such as washing the dishes together, it tugs at matty's heartstrings and he's now beyond overjoyed, feeling almost scared at how fucking happy and at home he feels.
when you finally end up in bed, it doesn't take long for you two to start making out again, but it's different than most times. it's very slow and gentle compared to your usual eagerness to devour each other from the first second. he's on top of you, arms on either side of your head while your fingers are tangled in each other's. you're secretly over the moon as you fucking love it when he's very careful with you so you're savouring every single second of his gentle kisses on your lips, every now and then biting and pulling at his bottom lip to make him laugh (and moan). matty's head is spinning at how good it feels to grind himself against you, really enjoying every single time your hips meet. he's so lost in the intimacy that he barely registers when you ask if you can have sex, and who is he to deny you? with one last peck on your nose, he gets up to undress and you're about to do the same, but he reaches over to stop you. "please keep on the shirt." so you drop your arms and only take off your underwear, very enamoured at the fact that he loves it when you wear his clothes.
matty ends up under the bedding and on top of you again, letting you jerk him off a bit before you guide him inside you. he's so fucking gentle that you feel every single inch of him fill you up, and when he bottoms out, he just stays there for a moment while kissing you again, because honestly, he doesn't know how long he'll last once he starts moving his hips. but he eventually does, going so slowly as he nestles his face in the crook of your neck, both of you holding each other so tight as he moves inside you. he keeps moaning against your ear, making the prettiest sounds, but you immediately notice when his voice starts to quiver so you quietly ask him to stop. you cup his face so you can look at him, and a knot forms in your throat when you see his glassy eyes and the tears rolling down his cheeks.
your mind starts to race a thousand miles per second, and you guess the worry in your eyes is obvious because he reassures you right away that he's okay. more than okay, in fact. he's just overwhelmed because he's now here in your home. "our home," you correct him, which makes him cry a bit more, and his voice gets shakier as he mentions that he's so fucking happy but doesn't want to mess things up with you ever again because this is all he's ever wanted. you feel some of his tears fall on your face and it reminds you there's only been one other time you've seen matty cry, and it makes you feel so many things at how open he's being with you as you know emotions are not easy for him.
you have to focus so hard not to cry yourself, but you somehow manage. instead, you wipe away the tears from his cheeks, replacing them with small kisses while telling him you love him over and over again. "you know that, right?" he slowly nods, shutting his eyes tight as he tries his best not to cry on you again. you feel his breath start to slow and his shoulders relax before he kisses you, telling you he loves you too. more than anything.
after a few more minutes of kissing, you can't help but giggle at how distraught he is as he apologizes for crying while he's still inside you. "kinda romantic and sexy," you tease, and he rolls his eyes so hard at that before mumbling "if you say so" against your lips. he makes sure to ask if he can start moving again, and you eagerly respond by grabbing his ass and guiding him back into you. it's still all so sweet and tender, yet it feels so fucking good because of how deep he is inside you. he also asks if he can cum inside you, but only does so after you've finished, too, always wanting to make sure his girl is taken care of.
it ends up with both of you being super sweaty and in need of another shower, where you finally ask if he can fuck you hard, which he obviously does, and now you're the one crying. not from sadness or nerves, but because of how good he's railing you against the bathroom tile <3
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sapphiresaphics · 17 hours ago
Dude… when a Jewish person tells you you’re being antisemitic… you do not get to try and mansplain to them how they should fucking feel, and a lot of your “opinions” on what Hamas is and what’s going on are SKEWED.
You do not get to bemoan “Zio rhetoric” and then turn around and tell me that “actually there’s many different ways this can be interpreted.”
And I am not a Zionist as you define it. I’m a Jewish American who believes Jews deserve to live in their homeland free of outside terrorists trying to kill them. I want there to be peace between Palestine and Israel, but that can’t happen as long as Hamas (the terrorist organization) exists. I hate Netanyahu because hes in league with Trump and he’s made everything worse.
Oh and for the fucking record, Palestine ISN’T occupied. Israel gave them freedom back in the early 2000’s. And you know what they did the SECOND they had independence? They saddled up with Hamas and have been firing rockets and attacking the country. Hamas’s own charter states that their intention is to wipe out all Jews from existence. And they COINCIDENTALLY changed their charter to say “Zionists” instead of “Jews” in 2017.
Are you even aware that Palestinian Israeli exist? Are you aware of Hamas’s use of children as suicide bombers? Are you aware of the extent of what Hamas did on October 7th during a fucking PEACEFUL MUSIC CONCERT? Do not fucking tell me “Hamas has legitimate concerns” when they enacted the most devastating genocide against the Jewish population since the fucking holocaust. I lost friends and family members to that attack, and I will not sit here and have you lecture me that I don’t have a right to call Hamas terrorists.
Apologize now. Apologize for using “zio” and promise you won’t use that term again.
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Getting REALLY disgusted by people calling anyone who tries to explain Caitlyn’s actions as being a “Zionist.”
If you have to refer to anyone who disagrees with you as a “Zionist” or a “zio” then you don’t understand what those words mean and are being grossly antisemitic for absolutely no reason.
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abysskeeper · 1 year ago
Me: It is fun the community has decided to just use the -Weave ending for any Gale ships, and make up their own for their Tavs
Me: Hypothetically, I could give him and Nox one. With her being a wizard too it'd probably be easy...
Me: ...
Me: WeaveWeave
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goldenstorm0 · 2 months ago
thinking about loid. wondering what would happen if someone confronted him about his parenting, especially if its direct and someone who would care less if he took it well. trying desperately to remind myself that I'm trying to make something haha funny and not angst. lowkey failing at this endeavor haha I love my boy I really want him to be called the fuck out but really don't think this dialogue would fit the story I'm currently writing but I need it I want it I want loid to confront the fact that hey maybe he likes having a family anyway just having a normal one over here lol
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nobodybetterlookatme · 5 months ago
Update 2: the germaphobia didn't win bc he sneezed so hard he cried kinda and I can't not hug the people I like when there's tears so that's where we're at now lmao I'm literally so fucked but at least I'm not doing anything the next week 😭 checked him over since caution has been thrown to the wind, dude for sure has the flu but I'm hoping I can dodge it bc I got vaccinated so fingers crossed there. Ran out of tissues, so he's resorted to napkins and his jacket which isn't nearly as hot irl as it is in fic, but this is what it's come to 😔 also he's gone through three more masks and I'm lowkey scared he's gonna run out of those too 😭😭
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arolesbianism · 3 months ago
I wish So Bad that I could confidently recommend lob corp and library of ruina to people because they're both genuinely rly good games and I also need ppl I know to understand the insanity that is project moon but like godddd they are a fucking Investment. Both in time and in brainpower. I generally think ppl exaggerate how hard lob corp is but it's certainly not easy and when it does get hard it gets HARD. Also it literally requires at least one day 1 reset (basically a new game+) to fully beat the game and at this point I've done at least 10. And for lor I'm not nearly as far in and I'm just scratching the surface of the real game but it's a beast of its own. Also 100+ hours and also hard as hell. Like this game does not fuck around with its difficulty spikes it will make you use your brain and it will give you a damn headache in the process. It's also one of my favorite card combat games I've ever played with mechanics that just so beautifully complement each other to create a dynamic and interesting battle system that gives it a completely different vibe and feeling than any other deck builder games I've played to the point where it almost feels wrong to me to categorize them together. But also I am not even slightly joking abt the headache thing every time I play this damn game I close it with a horrible headache and have to take a multi day break. I think everyone should experience this with me <3
#rat rambles#for the record I have not played limbus company nor do I plan to but the cast is rly good and I know a lot of ppl vouch for it#let it be known if I ever do get around to reading limbus stuff I will become obsessed with outis shes so me bait#youre telling me shes a middle aged woman a war criminal and a bootlicker? sign me the fuck up#I <3 crusty dusty women who suck ass#also ofc don is also the beloved but thats a given#the real question would be which of the other limbus women would comsume my life#because theyre all contenders for characters that could make me go insane. for better or for worse.#also reason number 500 that everyone I know should play these games is that its sooooo fun to make project moon ocs#ofc I and I imagine most ppl mostly make nugget ocs (aka your employees and combat units in the first two games)#but like its just fun to make ocs in this world in general#the worldbuilding of this game is like 90% built on 'would that be fucked up or what?' and I adore it for that#theyll just be like yeah theres a whole faction that follows these things called prescripts which can range from super simple stuff to#literally impossible stuff and if you aren't able to follow them you will be killed and theres a guy whos job it is to hand them out and he#has to routinely inform people to their face that they have to destroy their lives or die and it eventually breaks him#and you go ok cool Im still not over the teleporting trains that dont actually instantly teleport but instead travel through pocket#dimensions over the course of thousands of years during which the passengers can be injured and mangled and feel pain but not die and it's#not uncommon for whole societies to be formed in them but once they arrive to their destination the state of all the passengers is#perfectly reverted back to their state uppon entering leading to them being none the wiser of anything that had previously happened to them#and they go yeah haha we liked love town too anyways wanna watch this robot have another mental breakdown#and you go fuck yeah and get your ass handed to you
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sungam-supo · 2 months ago
I am not beating the attracted to American accents allegations today.
There was a new cashier in one of the shops I often go to. American. Not uncommon as there have been a few moving into the area recently (students/work visa). Pretty chatty, but in a super chill way. Like in a way that my anxiety-riddled ass could keep up with (some brits talk too fast). We talk a bit about random stuff while she rings me up.
"That'll be *insert total here*. Okay, babe?" MFW my brain almost melts at "babe". Almost drop my change too like a fucking idiot. I know it was just friendly banter and nothing more, but god damn. Just kill me now.
Why am I like this?
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poisoned-pearls · 1 year ago
Hi does the florid family do cuddle piles yes or yes /lh
riddle is an unwilling victim in them. He could be chilling and the coordinated ATTACK by the three of them. If they’re visiting treyjade (who have access to a beach- think the ponyo house) he gets absolutely TACKLED in the water. Riddle became very good at holding his breath after this
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