#for the pony champ so i can get the pony champ pro gear that my ponies cant even wear. omfg. nothing matters.
marwari · 1 year
saw a welsh pony type b at the pony champ and thought ach .. nae .. i love them .. so i went to buy one but when i get to south hoof i realized they sort of have the freaky friesian eyes. what now.
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track2hack · 4 years
pros v cons on horses i'm considering :(
option 1 (current top) - CHAMP : 13yo 16.2-3hh chestnut standardbred w/ bling (pacer)
PROS: -already saddle broke for 2 weeks = less work for me, already up and going, get on and go type -been on river hacks and road rides with previous owner who broke him -never trained or broke to harness = no awkward standardbred gait, rides like a good station hack, no retraining to canter -cheap -definitely a standout in the show ring/pony club comps -about same height + build as Mo so potentially can share tack until I find his own saddle
CONS: -paying for colour (only about $500 but still) -only horse I'd have to pay for -unknown personality to me i.e. didn't train him -unbroken until 12yo = potentially mixed bag, less wear n tear on joints but could also not hold up to being ridden -funky about picking his feet up (will get better with work but still something to work thru)
option 2 (next most likely) - UNKNOWN 4yo? 16.3hh+ plain bay standardbred (trotter)
PROS: -recommended by my boss -big, will probably grow even more = end up being 17hh+ if I'm lucky -broke to harness, trialed + potentially raced? = already had gear on, a saddle is just one more weird piece of gear to standardbreds -unbroke to saddle = blank canvas, can choose to break him myself or get help from coworker
CONS: -unbroke to saddle = more work if I wanna do it myself -unknown personality BUT my boss met him and knows the owner who recc'd him -know next to nothing about this horse (will kno more when I see boss tomorrow after he met w trainer tonight) -training the canter = ugh
option 3 (least likely) - COLE 6yo 15.2-3hh bay standardbred w hind sock (pacer)
PROS: -I work this guy and I LOVE HIM -know his personality AND know his dam (Tiff) -so quiet we let the high school students drive him solo but ALSO a real genuine fun guy -would be easy enough to break, he's pretty chill -was a work favourite for everyone
CONS: -MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR con = did his tendon in near hind, vet is coming out tomorrow to see how bad it is = no work/riding for a few months -not show quality = ugly hind leg from old scarring (also the leg he did his tendon) -totally different shape + size from Mo, would have to buy all new gear for him if/when he's rideable (he's round barrel hack size, Mo is shark fin giant size)
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