#for the first time since i got sick and bro it is MESSING WITH MEEEE
biohazrd · 2 years
0 notes
Lanas day continued
We reached Yunas room and Gray was not in there.
“Where the fuck is Gray?” Joni announced
"I don’t know haven’t seen the fucker”
“Thank you Aiden!” I had assumed she would leave with that but she walked over and made herself a refreshment and found herself a place on the couch to sit.
I wondered if her and Gray had sex. I am pretty sure they don’t even though Grays smugness he seems to try to get people to think they do. She's with Noah anyhow I am pretty sure. Do they have sex? I have heard Jonis not the sexual type. Unsure if that's from her childhood or what. It spooks me out knowing so many people's intimate life stories. Yet Harry seems to get some sick pleasure of making sure everyone knows everyone else's past tragedies. I remember when they had to put me in the “worst life” contest I was disturbed them arguing about if getting raped or parents dying is worse. How can you even compare it? Spooky. Anyhow the room was popping from just a glance I noticed Aiden was here seemingly blazed outta his mind. Yuna by his side in a similar boat and camping with the pipe. Didn’t see Marcus but noticed his coat so he probably was here earlier, maybe he’ll come back. Natsu and Adam sat on the couch thumb wrestling loudly and Rikku sat in corner coloring in a colouring book.
Yuna definitely made her room welcoming and cozy for a large amount of people. She had two couches, 3 chairs, along with her bed for places to sit. Her table had on it numerous apparatus for smoking weed, plus a giant jar of weed next to it, a hookah, a cigar box filled with cigarettes and even another box filled with heroin paraphernalia for her other friends. She herself didn’t use, but she liked keeping it around for her friends. Our sin savior really was a saint.
She smiled warmly at me and busied herself asking if I needed anything and pulling out a chair for me.
“No I am good, thanks Yuna.”  I smiled. Yes, these were my people. Needed to reset after what I just went thru with Jenn. Should I mention to Aiden he probably was going to come home to an angry girlfriend? Nah best he finds out for himself and I leave myself out of it.
Aiden began busying himself making up a hit for him and Joni who yelled at him to make her one. I looked away. Even though I had seen people shooting up on multiple occasions it still made me feel a little weird watching it. I heard Joni swearing about missing her vein.
“Aidennn find a vein for meeee” She whined.
“What are you gonna do for me?’
“Please I’lll get Noah to suck your dick”
Aiden scoffed at this but proceeded to hook her up. He was incredible at finding veins I once saw him find one between his toes to use.
“Shit this stuff isn’t as good as Grays, where the fuck is he?” Joni said this while nodding. The junk could be 1% actual dope and 99% chocobo shit and she still would shoot it up.
“Well go find fucking Gray then.” Aiden made himself comfy leaning against Yuna for support. I wonder how Jenn would feel seeing this. Maybe that's why she doesn’t come around. I wanted to bring up the jealousy thing but was waiting for Marcus. Also probably better to do it with Aiden not in the room.
“THUMB WRESTLER CHAMPION OF THE WORLD FUCK YEA BITCHES.” Natsu got up and made a lap around the room. Accidentally kicking Rikkus shoe on his way around
“YOU STUPID FUCK WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!!” Rikku got up and pushed Natsu who proceeded to fall over the table and knock many things over in the process. Yuna gently moved Aiden to a pillow then rushed to help him up and began cleaning up the mess. I got up to help her out and almost jumped out of my clothes, noticing christian in the corner. Was he here the whole time and I missed him? He’s so strange sometimes when I am in the dark in my room I swear to god he’s breathing in the corner.
Chrisitan smiled his creepy smile and spoke to me “Hm just sensing my presence?”
I thought he had to touch people to read their minds. I hope I am right on that.
“Yea sorry didn't see ya before”
He smiled knowingly at me and lurked back in his corner. I swear to god the corner go darker when he moved back in it.
“Nobody notices your ugly ass mug” Aiden flashed his raised lip smirk at Christian then stared at me. “Wait what the fuck are you doing in here get the fuck out I don’t need your dumb fuck self around right now.”
“When shall I return?’
“3:14 A.M now fuck off”
Christian lurked out of the room giving me strange smile on the way out. The guy gave me goosebumps.
Aiden seemed to notice I walked in now “Where have you been? You look weird”
Fuck is my uneasieness showing? Play it cool Lana. “umm I was-”
“We were hanging with Jenn ! Why don’t you bring her around more Aiden? She’s soooo much fun!” Joni giggled and lurked around looking for fresh booze.
Aiden stared at her not seeming to know if she was joking or not. For being as sarcastic as he is, he seems to have difficulty picking it up himself.
“Why were you with Jenn?” Oh shit his paranoia seemed to be coming out.
I quickly spoke before Joni could fuck it up “I was looking for some mascara and I assumined she had some. We just hung out a bit.”
“She kicked us out, she just freaked out, out of nowhere.” Joni either forgot about the cigarette dropping or didn’t feel that was relevant to Jenn freaking out.
“Oh no is she alright?” Yuna looked at us with real concern. I wonder if she knows Jenn’s feelings towards her. Not that it would change her concern. She still worries over Axel. The flaming fuck of a person who not even sure why they still keep him around.
“Oh yeah she's fine, she just got upset over her pants.”
Aiden seemed to cool off after this, I assume she freaked out over her clothes a lot so he didn’t need to venture into why she freaked out. Their relationship has always been a curiosity to me. How the hell did those two end up? It would be like if I got with Thomas, or worse Harry.
Marcus meandered in with Buddy and retook his chair with his jacket. Before this though he walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I grew so giddy inside. Marcus rarely showed physical affection to me in public. Butterflies swam around in my stomach.
I wanted to be with Marcus so bad, pathetically so. We kinda were in ways like we had sex regularly enough. I knew he cared about me too but dating just wasn’t his style. At least to me since I knew he had a girlfriend named Lisa for quite some time. He had various reasons why we weren’t boyfriend/girlfriend. Generally being about his camp and it not being a suitable place to date. But its like we are gonna at this camp literally forever and we didn;t age or die so couldn’t even escape it in that way. We had in past had some people as they put it “actually die” but we always had to go on a mission then to do something weird like get a stone or a potion or something and then they were brought back. So yea previous point confirmed, couldn’t actually die. I also suspected he liked to keep himself available for any other girl he wanted to have sex with. That I would be okay with, I can do an open relationship I like sex as much as the next guy. It just sucks and so confusing. Some days he’s all loving and super into me. Then other days its like he’s meeting me for the first time. For today thought it seems like the former, which perks my day up.
“Bro Marcus guess whose the thumb wrestler champion?”
“Wild guess, you? Perhaps?”
“Yea bro its me, wanna challenge the pro?”
“Mmmm perhaps after I have trained up. Wouldn’t want to give you such an inadequate fight.”
“Aight brah! I gonna remember this and then “ Natsu blew on both thumbs then proceeded to double thumbs up “Its on!!!”
“Take on the thumb it get you numb. Fight with all your might but Natsu’s know shiatsu and them thumbs leave ya a bum” Adam rapped
“BROOOOO that was fuckin tight !! Gimme 5!” Natsu and Adam did a minute long handshake that they musta had to have rehearsed at least 100 times.
“Aww my dear Lana where have you been I was looking for you.”
“I was hanging with Jenn.” oh right I was hanging with Jenn! I have to tell him the findings.
Still gotta wait for Aiden to leave though, damn. I decided to try to speed that up. “Idk maybe you should check on Jenn she did seem pretty upset.”
He scowled at me and I was terrified he was gonna flip out.
“Dude I go check on her, she likes me” Natsu stated this with so much conviction for a second I believed him
“You stay the fuck away from her.” I think if Aiden wasn’t so high he woulda been a lot more scary at this point.
“Nah bro you sit tight me and Adam got this come on bro.” They got up rather quickly and huddled out of the room. Aiden at this sighed grabbed his gear and followed them out.
“Damn white people be actin crazy all day” Buddy began rolling himself a blunt and shakin his head muttering about white folks. We didn’t really notice skin colour in Spira, it was just race of Al Bhed but here they seem to hate black people. I feel bad for Buddy in both worlds he’s looked down on. I guess apartly after Yuna saved the world, Al Bheds gotta get a lot more involved in shit. I missed that though, didn’t get to benefit from the perks of sin being gone.
Joni rolled herself outta the bed and muttered about finding Gray and also departed the room.
Marcus turned himself towards me “So you were with Jenn? No wonder I couldn’t find you I would not have assumed you two would be together.”
“Well I went in there to kinda see what Jenn was all about.”
“Wait Lana shut up I am calling Jesse, I know he’ll wanna hear about this.” Rikku took out her phone and loudly yelled into it “JESSE GET THE FUCK IN YUNAS ROOM WE TALKING SHIT ON JENN.”
“I wouldn’t say we talking shit on Je--”
“Lana shut up you know its gossip and you know theres only shit to talk about with her. She suckssss so bad.”
Jesse entered surprisingly fast. “YO YO bitches whats the 404?”
“Whats 404.” Rikku asked while pulling her skirt up some before pushing Jesse on a chair and planting her ass right on his dick. Smiling mischievously while doing so and winking at him.
“Ya know hot gos, ins and outs, whats the fad”
“hee hee your so funny.” She then proceeded to intensely make out with him
“So Lana relay your information to us” Marcus smiled and patted the chair next to his
I moved into it and he pulled it closer to his to place his hand on my thigh. Fuck I loved it
“Okay well me and Joni were in there, well first Gray but he left and Joni was in there looking for Gray but well anyhow Yuna got brought up and she seems like shes like jealous of Yuna.”
Rikku peeled her face off Jesses at this “OMG no way thats so funny and like she probably totally is cause shes such a cunt and Yunies the bestest!”
Buddy laughed slapping his knee while doing so “Man dat girl don’t got no sense to her.”
“I feel Jenn probably sees some threat in our dear Yuna here, yet if she would really grasp who Yuna is, she would realize that everything is in order.” Marcus proclaimed. His hand was rubbing back and forth up my thigh.
Yuna looked quite flustered at all this and grabbed the blunt from Buddy to take a surprising large hit for her frame. Exhaling with ease and no coughing. Impressive.
Sighing she sat in the bed “I don’t understand why she would be jealous of me, shes so beautiful and wonderful and a fantastic artist I just don’t see it.”
“Yunie shes jealous your gonna fuck Aiden !”
Yuna blushed and looked down “Oh I didn’t realize she felt that way.”
“Damn she should be jealous if that boy had any brains he should get with you, your a steal girlie.” Buddy pinched her shoulders a little and Yuna laid her head on his.
“Oh Buddy your the best friend a girl could have!”
“Seriously though Jenns a-” Jesse looked both ways dramatically for effect then hollered “A BIIITTCHHHH”
Rikku laughed her bimbo laugh she used specifically when flirting with dudes “Shes more like a class A cunt with a pretty face, I hate her.”
Rikkus bitcheness was impressively callous.
“I wouldn’t call her that, I would say she is more ,perhaps, confused. A confused girl in a hard world she hasn’t fully come to grasp.”
Passing outside the door I noticed Gray and Marcus called out to him
“Oh there you are Gray, please come join us. Lana’s observations have led us to discuss, why Jenn has a special hatred for our dear Yuna here.”
Gray looked in on us. He looked like he had seen a ghost. He looked like shit
----then to your story----
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