#for the amount of ppl here who hate facebook you sure fit in for their conservative mother minion meme facebook groups
syrips · 1 month
fun fact if you love to encourage others to be cringe be free, but then shame them when they properly censor their stuff, they provide warnings/disclaimers about the stuff they do/say, while you tout yourself as being inclusive,
you are in fact, not be cringe be free
pushing someone away after portraying yourself as a supportive, open, and inclusive person, and then kicking them out of your space when they feel vulnerable/safe enough to express what they have always been, is not only disrespectful, but extremely harmful.
please stop being a hypocrite and do better, or correct the way youre portraying yourself. you are not as welcoming, inviting, and kind as you believe. sorry, but it's just manipulative at worst, and neglectful at best, to advertise yourself as such
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