#for telling a pedophilic transphobe to kill themself *immediately* after they told someone to kill themself and
kayseed · 5 months
i *very sincerely* hope every single transphobic person-who has at this point had a chance to unlearn the hatred by which they are fueled by, whether it be by greed, lust, complacency, conformity, or just pure hatred- kills themselves. and know that i pray that not a single surviving soul will miss them. or remember them. the people who will time and time again make a roundabout attempt to display "Well, THIS person did THIS awful thing! ergo, i will encapsulate all of you to being like this" and tout it, and tell their friends about it. spreading hate. like there is, has, and will always be just *bad* people who do *bad* things. and they will *always* be an outlier. every day i see more hate in the world and it continues to make me feel more and more small. i do what i can to help people, when i can and i dont parade it around because it's something every fucking person should want to do innately. to help and make others happy. and, sure, i can be mean. but it's to people who i know, closely as a joke or for disdain for someone i know and hate. or strangers who are just rude and mean themselves. but *all of this* has lead me to be cynical and just makes it [ this ] much harder to do what i want to do to make people happy, innately. and i have such little time to do it and *incessantly* people are just so fucking awful and i dont want to be that. but when i'm told to kill *my* self (the royal *my*, seldom do i even interact with people who would speak to me this way for my own sanity for these exact reasons) it's a glowing review! because i just so happened to look in the comments on some random youtube video. or twitter thread. completely unrelated, mind you, and twisted to correlate to someone's disdain for *ANY* minority. this started with transphobia as that is what i experience and have experience but it's certainly not all i see. and so it continues to grow and fester that people are hateful. fucking awful terrible people exist and it grows day after day minute after minute that knowing people cannot and will not love people like how i do makes it, again, so much harder for me to want to love others. to see the good in people. that the people making the rules are terrible people with all the money. it's so bleak. so i want to tell someone to kill themselves, in retaliation. in as much of a defiance i can muster, in some twisted roundabout way, telling another human to kill themself to try and keep alive my want and desire to love other people and to see the good in people. and i get banned.
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