#for saying this is distasteful hypocrisy with no point
jiangwanyinscatmom · 10 days
Let my loser incel man be a loser incel man in peace like he wants without you insisting he's something he's not. He doesn't like that kind praise even from his own nephew. He's an asshole with no life or will to socialize because he doesn't want to fix his own bad personality and thinks he's hot shit when he obviously isn't.
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crime-soncloud · 3 months
Alright so Canto 3... Where do I begin (spoilers obvs)
Alright firstly, RIP Effie and Saude, I genuinely was kinda heartbroken over them both. Effies fate was grisly and really helped the themes and backstory of this canto (that's gonna be touched on more at the end). Meanwhile Saude was such a tragic and very noble death, one that neatly parallelled Sinclair. Wasn't at all expecting them to die, I fully thought they would be some light hearted rivals, but NOPE they're not returning.
In terms of the gameplay... Yall I wasn't even prepared, I ate shit on a lot of these encounters, the dungeon was a disaster at points, the first time I've lost an encounter so far, and I had to Grind. Ended up actually improving a decent bit, and finally started blocking and evading. As I said before, Kromer was a struggle, I lost like 5 times because of when she staggered you using the nails and did a bajillion damage.
In terms of the outer layer of the story, without the big moments, I liked how Don quixote consistently fucks up the plans and causes big fights. Also loved Siegfried coming in, wrecking the teams shit, don quixote fangirling, and then leaving. Honestly I would probably be don quixote, I would suck as a team member. Understand why Vergillus was such a dick, still feel really bad for Don, girlie felt broken by that. Really curious what happened before with them. Rewatching it really makes me want to hug Don, Vergillus is abelist for this (/j /silly). Also Don quixote beating up Sinclair after he goes too far was surprising but interesting as hell. Probably important to backstory
Gregor constantly acting and creating stories in these situations is amazing, and Mersault being previously employed by N corp is interesting 👀 there's something that's gonna be unpacked.
Alright then... Time to go through the main arc, that of Sinclair, and the themes. Firstly, while I am an atheist, I have had a fair amount of dealings with religion and religious people (mostly alright apart from a few). However I think the theme of religious extremism, religious hypocrisy, and guilt/responsibility are extremely well done. As I said, Saude in this canto neatly contrasts Sinclair, as while Sinclair betrayed his family out of hatred/distaste of the mechanical parts (another really nuanced and interesting theme with a lot of depth), and never came clean, leading to him feeling deep guilt over his actions, Saude betrayed the team to try to save herself and Effie, and ultimately was able to redeem herself when she found out Effie died, by holding off N corp. Speaking of Effie, to me the fact he was essentially made into a "heretic" by N corp, to me indicates the idea that they are hypocritical, calling others heretics for trying to improve their lives using the enhancements (there's also an argument for the church's persecution of queer people here, but that might not be intentional, just an interesting thought), but forcing them onto people breaking in so they have an excuse to punish and torture them inhumanely because "they're not human" (can you see the queer subtext I'm seeing?). Finally Dante is amazing this canto, in how they also grow, and manages to support Sinclair, and starts to wonder who are they? What did they do? Are they a good person? And this becomes a catalyst for them to be better, more responsible, and to support Sinclair, the things that Dante says in the final part of the story is genuinely amazing
And as for the backstory... I want to hug Sinclair. His dislike of his family for what they did, feeling as though they are colder, due to their prosthetics. And then Kromer and Demian are interesting, Kromer appearing kind and caring but having a clear air of malice, hatred, and cruelty. The way she acts is chilling, and that cg of her standing over Sinclair is Evil.
Meanwhile I have no fucking clue about Demian, he seems kinda cool but has something going on under the surface, we'll probably have to fight him eventually. Extremely curious, his wisdom, sign (that is what we collect in the dungeon), saving of Sinclair, speeches, and the fact that he is the only character so far that isn't a fixer but hears Dante?? Like okay he is important AF. Definitely very interesting.
I was told by @zebrashork that it had to take a break at points in this canto, and it was fucked up a bit, and BOY is it! I'm probably missing a few things though. Also @flextapeyeehaw sorry for tagging you here, but I wanted to say that you didn't say anything about Kromer, when it came to hateable characters, but FUCK KROMER!
Will be tackling the 3.5 chapter/canto, I expect it to be light-hearted. Probably will just rb this with my thoughts on it
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Fandom Woes: Why people are writing AUs and the scam of “being original”
Many objections I have noticed of reimagined AUs(such as RWBY) is how "they don't resemble the property" and should be "their own thing", and the movie Across The Spider-Verse with the whole Spider-Men AUs and the criticism of multiverses in general.
Speaking from personal experience, there's a reason why they don't make their own thing. It's often because literary snobs have set these people up into a conundrum.
If you make a reimagined AU, they go out of their way to lecture "this does not resemble this thing anymore, make it its own thing."
And if you tweak it, the character and world designs, the names, anything to make it its own thing...
The snobs use greedy reductionism/nothing buttery to reduce it down to the inspirations and influences, especially when it came from a place of distaste and disagreement, and call it "derivative" and "butthurt thinly veiled fan fiction." and tell you to use different source material and "learn to be more original."
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The snobs won't let you win.
So if you just keep trying to be “original” and you let these people define what that entails, your just letting others manipulate your creativity and your just dancing around for them like a monkey
You make an reimagined AU, its no longer "recognizable" and you get criticized
You make it its own thing, the inspirations, influences, and motives are pointed out and deemed "derivative" so you also get criticized
You're going to get criticized either way, so you might as well make a choice and stick with it.
And what's more infuriating is these sophists are guilty of hypocrisy
Let me give a personal example with the success of Kamen America, a superheroine I've come to love
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She was created as an active disagreement how Captain Marvel was handled, combined with other elements such as Sailor Moon and various Tokusatsu
Once she gained popularity along with her Kamen Corps, many starting bashing her as a "porno captain marvel rip-off" because the creators dared to actively disagree with how a concept was handled, and I was lectured for my concept being "hostile" to RWBY which was born out my disagreement and distaste how its characters and ideas were handled
Yet these very people would be supporting the Evil Superman concept like Homelander and other characters of The Boys
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and the Anti-Narnian His Dark Materials Trilogy, the former written by a guy who hates superheroes, and the latter a staunch atheist who can't stand CS Lewis and Christianity
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Both who have said things about both subjects that are the textbook definition of "hostile" and yet nobody bats an eye.
Because its not wrong when "the right people" do it towards "the wrong things"
And the excuse they snobs say because these make the concepts objectively "more interesting" backed up with a whole "we-know-better-than-you" attitude which is leading me to hate that word "interesting"
The "Right People" can do whatever they want, but us "Wrong People" gotta follow all these rules and only have what the "Right People" tell us what we can have, how we create, and what we enjoy.
Then they turn around and lecture you about being "entitled" when the only thing your often guilty of being "entitled" to is your opinions and feelings, which last time I checked, people are entitled to.
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artemis-entreri · 9 months
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but can you please post links to your review of Lolth's Warrior? I love your reviews and can't find your Lolth's Warrior one. Thanks!
[[ Greetings!
Not a dumb question at all! ^_^ The reason that you can't find it is because it doesn't exist. XD In fact, I still haven't read the book yet, and I don't know when/if I will. I'm thinking that this is a good thing, as apparently even among the most diehard Drizzt fans there have been some very negative reactions to Lolth's Warrior, more so than ever.
If you follow me, you've probably noticed a significant drop in my activity. I've been greatly enjoying investing my time in other things, which is something I've been wanting to do for a while now but my brain wouldn't stop being hung up over these characters. It's no secret that I've been tired of Salvatore's BS for a long time, but I was too invested in the characters to be able to move on.
I think what finally helped me flip the switch is WotC investing a shitload of money to make Drizzt products, especially with whitewashed Artemis even though it's 2023. With the context of them also giving the excuse that they couldn't pay the other creatives who worked on their setting at market standard rates in the past along with their actions with the OGL earlier in the year, well, suffice to say that while I haven't respected Salvatore for a long time I did respect WotC, however after everything that happened this year, that has changed. I'm not sure how much WotC execs are responsible for the recent mass lay-offs, which in itself is really bad, but the fact that Mike Mearls was finally let go doesn't really help WotC's case for me because it only serves as a reminder of how Mearls wasn't fired earlier for assisting his sex abuser friend (he was instead quietly shuffled to the video games division for a while). When Mearls returned to the D&D division, about half a dozen female D&D staffers quit at the same time. This says to me that WotC cares more about a male sex abuser supporter than they do about all those female members of their staff, and it makes me question whether they care about women and oppressed groups in general. I've really started to question how much hypocrisy is present in their making a huge show of being LGBT+ inclusive; recent D&D products do indeed include a lot of LGBT+ representation, but how much of that is due to Jeremy Crawford having to fight to get it in there each time? How could WotC continue to march in Pride parades with pomp and circumstance while allowing the Mearls incident to have transpired?
When the OGL snafu happened, a friend made the comment that WotC may have had its ups and downs in the past but overall was generally viewed in a positive light by many, but that the OGL fiasco has probably bankrupted them from a "good will" perspective for a while. This is basically where I'm at with the company now. I still care a great deal about Ed Greenwood and the authors who penned the works that led me to fall in love with the world so hard, and while I still play D&D and care about FR, I'm at a point where I feel like WotC has demonstrated a clear lack of regard for their own Drizzt franchise, so much so that they don't even bother to get basic facts about one of its primary characters correct. As such, what's the point in me continuing to care? While I also don't care about how WotC feels about me as an individual fan, I've long been distasteful of how dismissive they are of their most dedicated fans, the ones who have spent hundreds of thousands of unpaid hours curating the (in)consistencies of their universe that they themselves can't be bothered to maintain. I can understand the reasons for WotC actively instructing their creatives to not use the FR Wiki, but it's painfully obvious that those creatives including Salvatore still use it to keep their facts straight because there is no comparable official resource for them internally with the company itself. Furthermore, the stuff that WotC is continuing to do suggest that they have no intention to change that, quite the opposite in fact. It was quite eyebrow-raising when WotC compared their D&D franchise to the Marvel universe, because what makes the Marvel universe so compelling and successful is the very self-consistency that WotC is trying to do away with in D&D. A big part of the reason why Marvel movies are loved is because it's the same characters that recur, and you never know if a character from a different movie will show up in the movie you're currently watching, but it's always a delight when they do. And, of course, it's so epic when all of those storylines across many different movies all come together and culminate in truly astounding ways. Despite the usage of an infinite multiverse in Marvel, there's this big sense of consistency, which is what makes the franchise so impressive and compelling. Marvel's world is everything that D&D's is not, at least in D&D's current iteration. Even though many different stories across a shared world is part of the draw of FR for me, I don't need D&D to be like Marvel, however because WotC made that comparison of the current D&D world to the Marvel world, I can't help but feel like WotC is more talk than action. I'm not at all saying that D&D isn't a quality product, it's just for me the shine of WotC is no longer there.
I think the biggest indicator for me that I was ready to shift my focus was my lukewarm reception of Baldur's Gate 3. It is everything that I hoped for and more for a current generation Forgotten Realms/D&D video game, and yet I was just ok about it. Here is FINALLY something that I spent so many years dreaming about, getting more and more hungry for it following the flops of Sword Coast Legends and the Dark Alliance reboot, but when it finally happened, I was just ok about it. It's a fantastic game and 110% deserving of its awards and its huge fan acclamation, and yet I was just ok about it. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the game, but I can't see myself playing it again.
I'm still happy to help and support the people in this fandom, be it by answering lore questions, suggesting novels to read, pointing the way to resources, or with more serious matters. I don't know how much new content I'll make though, I've got a bunch of WIPs in terms of art and writing, as well as miscellaneous drafts containing information about the world, but I don't know if I'll ever feel like finishing them/polishing them up to post. It's very freeing to no longer feel compelled to read each new Drizzt book because the drop in quality with each new installment has really been immense, and I'm a lot happier not spending those hours consuming really badly-written media. I do feel bad for no longer providing for those who want to know what's happening in the newer books but don't feel like reading them and who want to know a non-sycophantic summary of them, but hey, maybe someone will step up and fill in the summaries for the books. I'm not really sure why none of the diehard Drizzt/Salvatore super fans have undertaken the task since Hero. Wikis are editable by anyone, but the Wiki staff do try to make sure that everything is objective and factual.
If you're trying to find my old stuff, I'm sorry that my tags are kind of all over the place, I never got around to organizing them better. 😅 I *think* I've reblogged all of my LoD art to my otp-jartemis sideblog, but now that I look at it I see that's probably not the case. If you like my art though and want to continue seeing it even if it's not in this fandom, it'll be on my non-fandom specific blog: sno4wy.tumblr.com
This isn't goodbye, as I'll still be here now and then, I just won't be as invested, which is honestly a really great feeling. :> ]]
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ingen1um · 1 month
please stop block evading and helping to spread untrue and exaggerated things about that person, but i know what theyre talking about in that screen shot as someone who has the read the receipts. i believe theyre talking about marx and his conduct on his sonic blogs. he wrote silver the hedgehog and eclipse the darkling. both characters are 14 years old in canon. he had a side blog where he engaged in nsfw with those characters, but also engaged in suggestive content and shipping for them on their regular blogs. he deleted all the blogs associated with those characters very shortly prior to spreading lies. but there are is still evidence if you know the urls and you know where to look. the pedophile thing is about marx being friends with people who were called out for supporting and enabling loke. if you look up lokes callout you'll probably find what youre looking for. they didnt want to make it public because its an issue considered resolved and the receipts are private cause they are not trying to be petty in saying those things they are just confused about the claims being made about them and the apparent hypocrisy in calling them problematic and dniing them and so on for being former friends with someone like eris but not being bothered by someone who was former friends with loke and the distaste marx suddenly had about age up ships (to the point he made posts on the dash and had "joked" about weaponising his affiliates against someone who shipped an age up ship) when he was fine with them and engaged in age ups, age up ships and nsfw on his sonic blogs. thats what theyre talking about on the doc and what i think their post was about. there is a lot of unfair hypocrisy toward them. i can reach out to them and tell them to talk to you but i think they just want to be left alone. this is a dumb harassment campaign against them and they didn't do anything wrong. marx stabbed them in the back for having a boundary and spread lies about them across discord and tumblr dms. marx has not been truthful about many things, hes not some innocent victim and imo the receipts show he did all the stuff he did to hurt them and damage their reputation over a petty argument and probably revenge because they dropped a muse that was linked with his and they were walking away from him. you can keep this ask private or you can post it if you want. either way. ill tell them to reach out to you but they might not want to.
Hello, sweet anon! Thank you for this anonymous message, I appreciate the time and effort you took to write this, sweet little anon. Now, let us deep dive and uncover what you have written! Firstly:  there is NO PROOF attached to your message nor any of these callouts you have so graciously mentioned alas, I do not know who these people you mention are and thus cannot fully present my thoughts or opinions regarding the drama from the Sonic Fandom.
I digress, shall we continue?
please stop block evading and helping to spread untrue and exaggerated things about that person, but i know what theyre talking about in that shot as someone who has the read the receipts.
I am not block evading. I have made no new blogs to spread untrue and exaggerated lies or notions regarding this person. He has blocked me across all my blogs, as I previously stated in my previous message to you. In regards, I have barely been active on any blog and have kept my distance as I have other commitments outside tumblr RPC and tumblr drama ( prime examples: i am a university student and i spent my time over the weekend assisting the family with moving home. ) I was never block evading, I was simply kept in the loop by others just as this individual. A question: is it wrong of us to stay informed about what this person is saying? If so, shouldn’t that same thought be shared when people are sharing with him the exact same sentiment? (this is taken from his callout before it was privatised and was supplied to me by a mutual).
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Someone else is watching people, I cannot vouch for who. Someone is relaying conversations and the dash to Ire, or Ire is watching our blogs (i do have proof he was potentially on one of my blogs the other day)
i believe theyre talking about marx and his conduct on his sonic blogs. he wrote silver the hedgehog and eclipse the darkling. both characters are 14 years old in canon.  [...]  but there are is still evidence if you know the urls and you know where to look.
I do not know Marx or Ire (seeing as we are namedropping people) personally, nor am I well enough to consider either a friend. I never interacted with either before this drama, as I only read and analysed all evidence provided and came to my conclusion before discussing any of the issues or allegations with any member involved (Marx or Ire. or the affiliates on either side) thus I cannot know if what you are informing me to be truthful without proof. Evidence is needed, I do not know these URLs or callouts you mention, thus I encourage you to publicly present these to the community so we all can be informed and protected.
I have never been in the Sonic fandom, nor are various members of the community I have been in discussion with recently. This is where I can confirm to be highly confused, as this is a new issue brought up by Ire once again, and without proof. Why is he bringing new writers into this drama without providing sufficient evidence to back up these claims? I am encouraging anyone who has evidence to give the documents to the public so we can actively protect and curate the dash accordingly.
like eris but not being bothered by someone who was former friends with loke and the distaste marx suddenly had about age up ships (to the point he made posts on the dash and had "joked" about weaponising his affiliates against someone who shipped an age up ship) when he was fine with them and engaged in age ups, age up ships and nsfw on his sonic blogs.
I would love to see proof of this. Again, I never spoke or engaged with Marx or Ire before this drama ensued. So please, to clear any of my confusion, share the links. Regarding the document that was made, it did not once mention the Sonic fandom aged up ships or NSFW regarding underage muses, I cannot see or clarify where you received this information unless it was from a private document.
there is a lot of unfair hypocrisy toward them. i can reach out to them and tell them to talk to you but i think they just want to be left alone.
If Ire wishes to be left alone, then I will encourage that. But I also encourage that he takes a break from the RPC rather than returning and still speaking negatively about this ongoing drama. It has been a month and people are still messaging me about this issue. The 100+ callout that was originally crafted had reached various circles of mine outside the bnha community, to the point that others who knew nothing of the drama had concluded the document was recycling issues over and over again, finding the “callout” ridiculous. Despite Ire claiming it to not be a callout, . That was when I noticed the document was closed to request only.
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this is a dumb harassment campaign against them and they didn't do anything wrong. marx stabbed them in the back for having a boundary and spread lies about them across discord and tumblr dms. 
I ask you this: what about the harassment of various members on the dash? I have seen hate anons towards many people. People have shared or informed others of the horrible anons they have received, yet I have seen or heard nothing regarding Ire. But I have seen Ire take and twist the narrative about discussions, private and public, where he presents people’s discord handles publicly. I have witnessed Ire rewrite his callout multiple times and been told that he has continuously spoken about the issue despite wanting to drop and move on constantly. Does that read as someone who wishes to move on?
While I do say that this is an issue that should have been kept private; Ire made it public. He brought it to the dash hence why Marx made their post and that is when people began comparing both sides and their evidence. Thus making their conclusions which people are entitled to as humans and members of the community.
Now it’s my turn. Ire talks about p*dophillia and how he is against it yet is engaging with an individual ( we’ll refer to them as A ) who has this in their pinned post:
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I will not drop their URL on the dash. But this I found to be interesting and highly hypocritical, wouldn’t you? I would like an explanation regarding this and if Ire still engages with this person at all. This is what I have been told and yet to see proof regarding this situation. 
The vague you had messaged me anonymously about was about Ire posting about p*dophillia and how he knows that a member of our community engages with such a thing. As a decent person, I would like him to PUBLICALLY POST PROOF AND THE NAME so we can curate and protect our spaces. We are entitled to that. That is the issue and reason I have properly spoken up about this drama. I had only added him to my DNI as i did not like how he continuously spoke on the dash about it, sometimes post after post, and that is what lumped me into the "handful of affiliates" group of his dni. Which is fine, I truly cannot care
All in all: if Ire wishes to be left alone then so be it. I will not engage with this behaviour and will applaud Ire for wishing for privacy. But Ire is still posting and vague posting people I am mutual with, if they truly want to be left alone they can be left alone as long as the same treatment is given to us in return.
summary: ire made a post about a p*dophile on the dash, which is a serious accusation, only to delete it afterwards. This is a serious serious accusation and to publicly declare will result in a reaction as we will worry and wish to protect this space from predators. [ original post ]
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clarabowmp3 · 2 months
C'mon anon, you know if it were either Travis or Taylor calling Joe tacky and distasteful in a public changing room, mind you - people, his fans, her haters, would freak and call Taylor everything under the sun. Is Joe allowed to say whatever about Tayvis, I guess. It's a free country after all but it's the hypocrisy for me. Like what has Travis ever done to Joe exactly? I doubt Travis even knows who he is. Also why should Joe care how Travis decides to go about his relationship with Taylor or vice versa. It's literally not his problem. Joe was in the wrong.
Okay, I get what you’re saying. There’s definitely a group of people hell-bent on hating Taylor even for irrational reasons, and you’re right that if the roles were reversed those people would come after her. But,
1. I think there would still be a decent number of swifties defending taylor/travis for the comments and attacking others condemning them. She’s spun this narrative in Miss Americana of misogyny fuelling most if not all the criticism of her, which was true at times esp in the 2010s. But recently there’s been other, more rational reasons to criticise her, which these diehard swifties still keep chalking it up to misogyny. My point being, there is (and might always be) a taylor swift defence squad, which joe does not have
2. What do you mean by hypocrisy? If we’re talking about the roles being reversed, I’d think taylor/travis also have the right to free speech etc, but I might not totally dismiss the conspiracy theory that she intentionally leaked her comment, cuz of her history of being a little petty (eg katy Perry and the dancers, her shady variant drops) and has always been very careful and meticulous about her image, PR etc that I would find it hard to believe she/any of her staff would let smth as damning as that happening. There would probably be some hypocrites who would be fine with Joe’s comments and not Taylor’s (is that what u meant by hypocrisy?) which I think is illogical, and are usually the type of people too cemented in their bias to listen to reason
3. You’re right that Travis has done nothing to Joe, but Joe has also done nothing to Travis! Joe was just talking abt Travis, we don’t know what Travis says about Joe, assuming he talks about him at all. Again, I think the circumstances indicate that he never meant for anyone including travis or taylor to hear what he said, and he’s still allowed to have personal thoughts and opinions. It’s unfortunate he was overheard but that wasn’t his fault. It’s not like he was intentionally trying to insert himself in the drama or throw shade at travis, and there’s nothing wrong with him still wanting to talk abt it with a friend or smth.
idk why a lot of anons keep repeating this sentiment, but from whichever angle I look at it I just cannot see how Joe is in the wrong.
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anamericangirl · 2 years
You're a huge hypocrite, which is exactly the point of the post. You do realize how idiotic you sound by going "omg how are you upset about a cartoon fictional character being black? It's a cartoon!!!!" and then immediately proceed to get upset about cartoon fictional characters being white, don't you?
Literally WHO the fuck is upset a cartoon being white? We are the ones saying it’s not a big deal if a mermaid is black or not. because it’s a literal FISH.
You say you don’t care about race but you made multiple paragraphs calling us hypocrites for what? How are we hypocrites? What role does Ariel’s race play in the original cartoon? Is her being white relevant at all? Yeah I didn’t think so. So how the hell are we hypocrites? There’s nothing wrong with POC wanting representation. We are literally the minority. And there’s nothing wrong with white characters, we only get upset when white actors take roles SPECIFICALLY made for poc because of the LACK of representation we already have. Most of the times those roles tie into specific cultures of POC.
A mermaid is not specifically made for any race, that’s why we are saying we don’t care if they would’ve made her any fucking race.
You people need to get your head out of your ass, you’re not smart about hiding your clear distaste and racism. You’re the only one here acting dense like you don’t know why poc would care about race when it’s clear why we care. This is a diverse country, that’s why we care. Crying about how you “don’t care about race” is literally the most tone deaf shit I’ve ever heard.
I'm not saying anyone was upset about Ariel being white. This isn't specifically about The Little Mermaid.
I'll try to break this down one more time but I don't know if I can do it any plainer than I've already done.
What I'm referencing in these posts about The Little Mermaid is the whole narrative surrounding "representation" that you brought up. You're hypocrites because no one gives a fuck about race except for the people, like you, who care about representation and then if anyone else even engages in the discussion or points out double standards you'll immediately jump down our throats saying shit like "omg why do you care so much about race? Are you a racist???" When the only reason anyone is even talking about race in the first place is because you brought it up. And that's a big problem. You'll can say all the shit you want about race but if anyone responds in disagreement they're racists who are making a big deal about race.
This isn't really about The Little Mermaid. Her race isn't important to the story and her skin color doesn't fucking matter. I don't even really care about "racially accurate" casting in anything as long as the plot of the story doesn't rely on it. If Disney had made her black originally no one would even be talking about this. But the thing is they didn't. Ariel is a very prominent Disney figure that's been around for a long time and people have grown up with her looking a certain way so if you announce you're making The Little Mermaid again, which is pretty much supposed to be live action shot for shot remake of the cartoon classic, people might get excited to see Ariel and it might throw them off a bit when the Ariel they see is not the one they grew up with. Now anyone who doesn't like it is being called a racist and people don't like being called racists when they aren't.
But if you don't see the hypocrisy and the double standards in your side of the debate then it just seems like willful ignorance to me. You're a hypocrite because you throw fits when you think a role that should go to a poc goes to a white person and then celebrate when roles that, if being historically accurate is important, should go to white people go to poc (like Hamilton, for example).
But here's what my point really is with all this so tl;dr representation doesn't matter. Not in this area. Like I can't think of a bigger non-issue. People who need their race to be "represented" in movies and tv are pretty pathetic. Movies should be made to watch and enjoy and I can't imagine how you enjoy anything being as hyper focused on race as you are. What does being a numerical minority matter? Why does the number of people with certain skin colors matter? The diversity quotas that came from everyone crying about representation is a big part of what ruined the entertainment industry. It's not like there weren't poc in the movies before the representation narrative starting taking over everything. Demanding representation is how you get token characters or shitty live remakes that no one likes of timeless classics. There are now more movies than ever before where a black character serves no purpose other than to be The Black Character™ and it's obvious when that's the case and it sucks.
This isn't about the mermaid. This is about the politics and the reason Disney changed the race.
So yeah, you're a hypocrite for going after people who talk about not liking that instead of creating original stories and casting black actors Disney is just doing lazy remakes and race swapping classic characters when the whole reason it's even happening in the first place is because you made a big deal about "representation."
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finely-tuned-line · 2 years
Log 222
FTL: I can now hesitantly deem my attempts at taming FTLR-3 to be at least partially successful. It has stopped going for the food provided, though the reaction is not immediate and its distaste for doing so is clear. But it does await my command to go for it, and it is learning that if it waits, it gets more. This just goes to show how shockingly intelligent and aware it is. Fascinating.
FTL: The reason I say 'hesitantly' is due to the fact that I remain unsure as to whether its training would hold up outside of its current situation and location in its containment chamber. Of course, this is untestable and the only thing I can do is to continue reinforcing the behaviours.
FTL: Truth to be told, I am quite shocked at the level of success I have attained thus far. As previously stated many, many times, I hold no true knowledge of how to tame creatures. And while it may seem conceited and brazen of me to continue on with this plan despite my highly limited expertise on the subject, not even asking for aid from someone who know more than I, it is not so. This is not a matter of ego, this is a matter of danger. A matter of time. I have no time to beg an unknown Iterator for help. It is a problem that I caused, therefore I must fix it. If I fail, then that is solely my fault. Others will not get involved in this.
FTL: Perhaps I am but a hypocrite. I acknowledge the fact, though I sour at the thought, as would anyone else. My hypocrisy may be an established fact, but that is also irrelevant. I have no time to dwell on the wonderings of where I draw the line between myself and others. No time to dwell on why others are excused but I am not. Suppose I never wish to dwell on it. Why would I?
FTL: ...I do not like the urgency, I do not like having no time. It is not something I am used to, but it is necessitated by the situation. Every cycle gets more and more dangerous, I am sure that FTLR-3 is scheming in some fashion. It is not within the nature of any Rot to be confined, especially an intelligent one. It is merely putting up with me for now. Call me paranoid, but I believe this is possible.
FTL: Which does lead to the question of 'does that not render the training of FTLR-3 useless?'. Perhaps. Perhaps not. It is unknown. Perhaps I am merely over-exaggerating. Perhaps I am not. I can only hope that I am. But even if it isn't actively planning against me, it will escape one day eventually, as per my point above. Any Rot would refuse to be confined - intelligent or not.
FTL: So taming is... progressing, in some fashion. Hopefully positive. I do need to figure out some way to transport FTLR-3 itself to Songs of the Negative Sunlight, if xi does agree to this plan. I was going to maybe ask LIFEGIVER for a transporter creature - as it still stands true that purposed organisms are not my forte - but I forgot to do that. Instead I shall repurpose one of the organisms that the Ancients utilised to transport materials for my experiments to me. I do believe that at least one of them remains. And they are perfect for the job. Secure, capable of flight, and capable of carrying heavy objects. Truth to be told, I am in luck that I have access to such an organism.
FTL: As for the container to hold it, I plan to reuse one of the containers that held the aforementioned deliveries of supplies. I suppose that the Ancients' debris is finally useful for something. I will, of course, reinforce it in some manner, but that will hopefully be unnecessary as FTLR-3 will not try to escape. One can never be too cautious though.
FTL: As for the delivery of the message for Songs of the Negative Sunlight, I have enlisted the help of the Locator, one of LIFEGIVER's purposed organisms. It is delivering the pearl with the message on it to xim, and for the sake of archival purposes and other such things, I will put the most important part here:
My current situation is that I have created a Rot that appears to be intelligent and aware, which results in it being part of the Great Cycle. Unsurprisingly, this is extremely dangerous. I have no doubts as to the fact that FTLR-3 would be able to easily survive outside of an Iterator structure. Both due to its adaptability, various feeding methods, and ability to move easily due to its cyan lizard façade. I'm sure you're wondering about why I am even contacting you about this in the first place. Before I explain, I do need to clarify my assumptions of your situation - based off of your last few messages, knowledge of your general person, and a few leaps of logic. I have concluded that you messed with the purified Void fluid that powers you, whether to research it or out of boredom. Perhaps a combination of the two. The transportation pipes then burst somehow, flooding your structure and the purified Void fluid thereafter regained its corrosive properties. The now-once-again-corrosive Void fluid is now slowly eating and corroding away at you, leaving you to suffer. My condolences for your current situation. As well as my apologies my using you to save myself, and for how bluntly I put all this. I did warn you though. The plan I have created to get rid of FTLR-3 consists of FTLR-3 getting dumped into the Void that floods you, and hope that its Ascension capabilities were regained alongside its corrosive properties. If it does not get Ascended, well the situation does not change much. Just as it would have here, it would find a way out eventually. Same results. Not the greatest plan, but it was the only one I could come up with. What I need from you is consent. Consent for me to enact this plan. I will find an alternative if necessary. Use whatever strength you have to overwrite at least some portion of this data pearl. The Locator will deliver it back to me, and if some of the pearl is overwritten, I will take that as an affirmative to carry on with the plan. If no pearl is returned, I will take that as denial. And if an unaltered data pearl is returned, well, I will then assume that you are completely non-functional.
FTL: That is the majority of the contents of the data pearl. The remainders consist of formalities and pointless apologies.
FTL: As much as I am cautious to give into the allure of hope, it does seem that everything is falling into place. This plan may actually work.
FTL: This is all almost over.
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secretariatess · 1 year
Porn actress who became a mom was saying how she hated how people could still view those videos of her, but she works for Playboy and wouldn’t change anything about her past.
And of course, the comments are loaded with people, from what I could tell mainly men, talking about how she’s a modern woman not taking responsibility, how awkward it’s going to be for her son to find her when he becomes a teenager, mocking some of her wording that suggested she wasn’t a fan of everything that happened, and claiming they know she enjoyed it because they had seen some of her scenes and she looked really happy.
And I just . .. . If you have no shame watching that, if you have no shame or horror in claiming her son will find her videos while he’s still underage, how can you mock the woman for not really admitting to shame for making those videos?
I’m not saying this in defense of porn.  I don’t know anything else about her story, so I can’t make any judgment call on where she stands on the issue.  All I can say about that is that it is a damaging career in more ways than one, and shouldn’t be a point of pride.  If she’s still willingly involved, that’s a hard no from me.
But how can you justify shamelessly watching those videos while claiming the women should be ashamed for being in them?  Or should she just be ashamed because she became a mother?  Could she, in their eyes, have been proud of it as long as she remained single and childless?
It’s not that I’m trying to let her off the hook of her own choices.  I know there’s exploitation, but again, I don’t know what her story is.  I don’t know if she’s someone who willingly got into it, and is actually proud of it, or trying to haggle a line where she’s trying to express distaste but unable to get out of her situation; but in either scenario, she’s going to carry the weight of what she’s done.
For those consuming her product, and shaming her for her conflicting statements, what’s their excuse?  Are they trying to shame her back into it?  Or shame her out of it completely?  In the case of the latter, if you want her out of it completely, why are you still demanding the product?
I don’t have a fully realized thesis or statement, or even argument, but it just felt like there was a note of hypocrisy somewhere in here.
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wolint · 1 year
Amos 5:21
Do as I say and not as I do! Hypocrisy is when we claim to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. It is when one pretends to be what they’re not while trying to convince others that it’s so, or pretending to believe something that they do not, especially to get their way.
There’s a usual response to hypocrites: “Practise what you preach” Yes please do.
Hypocrisy is a Greek word that means “actor”—literally, “one who wears a mask”—in other words, someone who pretends to be what he is not.
Society has so embraced hypocrisy so well that nobody bats an eyelid when it’s expressed and exhibited it seems to be the new norm of society now, including within the church and the body of Christ.
Although, according to God and the bible, hypocrisy is a sin. And there are two forms of hypocrisy is exhibited: professing belief in something and then acting contrary to that belief, and looking down on others when we are flawed.
We can deduce from our text that God hates hypocrisy so much that He rejects Israel’s worship, offering and feast.
God despises the absence of justice and righteousness in our conduct toward one another.
Isaiah 29:13 went further to tell us that God is not impressed with lip service, honouring God with our lips. The Lord is not impressed with our proper outward worship, it offends Him if our worship and service are not motivated by faith.
Jesus reiterates this in Matthew 15:8–9). And goes even further to say in Matthew 16:6,12 "Watch out!". "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees." [12] Then at last they understood that he wasn't speaking about the yeast in bread but about the deceptive teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Do we, can we and have we recognised the Pharisees and Sadducees of our present age?
The religious leaders of Jesus’ days were very famous, like a lot of hypocritic leaders today but if Jesus didn’t, we shouldn’t hold back from denouncing their hypocrisy. He went so far as to call these hypocrites “sons of Hell.” Hypocrisy is not a minor sin. It is rooted in pride, it encourages other sins, it blinds us to God’s truth, it slanders God’s character, and it actively leads others away from God. Hypocrites either inspire hypocrisy in others or give others a distaste for Christianity and God. We should be on the watch against even the hint of hypocrisy in our lives.
We need God’s Spirit and wisdom with true sincerity to deal with, manage and overcome hypocrisy according to James 3:17.
Our walk of faith according to 1 John 2:3-4 involves a personal relationship that changes our behaviour because confession without a change of behaviour is a spiritual charade. It is hypocrisy to confess our sins and then continue them. It’s easy to ask God for forgiveness with no real repentance.
What and all we do as believers should be consistent with what we believe and who we are in Christ. Actors play a role and not real life, so we must strive for holiness as seen in 1 Peter 1:16 and hate what is evil while clinging to what is good according to Romans 12:9.
As Matthew 25:44-45 says, claiming to love God while hating a brother or sister in Christ is hypocrisy. How can we love Christ while hating someone he died for? How can we sing of his forgiveness while holding a grudge against others? How can we claim to offer him everything while refusing to help his children in need? That is hypocrisy!
PRAYER: Lord, help me live the life of righteousness that will point others to you and glorify you while practising what I preach in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Women of light international prayer ministries
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subskz · 2 years
safe - b.c
note: this is a reupload from my old blog
content: sub chan, dom reader, fingering (m receiving), pegging, oral fixation, finger sucking, strap-sucking, praise, cum eating, soft smut, female reader
word count: 4.9k
“He’s acting like a baby again.” Changbin scrunched up his nose in distaste.
He eyed Chan judgmentally as the older boy shook his fists in that cute, excited way of his, chewing happily away after you’d let him try a bite of your dessert. Minho snorted from across the table at the hypocrisy of Changbin’s comment, and the look he gave him was so pointed that you couldn’t help but laugh a bit yourself.
“It’s only cute when I do it,” Changbin grumbled defensively.
Instead of responding to the remarks, Chan let out a content hum, leaning over your shoulder with the hopes of you granting him another taste. Feeling amused, you slid your plate towards him and offered the rest of the cake.
His eyes practically gleamed as he gazed down at it, but rather than immediately digging in like you’d expected, he paused.
You gave him a curious look, and before he could say anything, Minho spoke up. “Probably wants you to feed him, too.”
Chan simply grinned at that, not bothering to deny it. Though Minho had been mostly joking, you realized with a start that he was right—that was exactly what Chan wanted.
Chan’s face morphed into a pout in an attempt to appeal to you, and you rolled your eyes fondly, digging your fork into the cake and bringing it up to his lips.
“Thank youuu,” he sang, opening wide as he took it into his mouth. You resisted the urge to reach out and pinch his full cheeks, knowing it would only earn more disgusted complaints from the other two.
Chan kept the fork between his lips even as you tried to pull it away, making you falter just a bit. He smiled playfully around the silverware, and another giggle bubbled in his throat before he opened his mouth again and let you take it back. Of all the cute things he’d done that day, this one stood out to you the most.
You and the others had gotten used to this side of Chan’s personality long ago. The fact that he was so comfortable around all of you was what allowed his endearing little habits to slip out, sometimes even to the point where he acted like the youngest of the bunch rather than the oldest. He somehow managed to be their mature, reliable leader while simultaneously being—for lack of a better term—a complete baby. Your baby.
But even with that in mind, there seemed to be more to it today, almost as if Chan was purposely trying to act as cute as he possibly could.
Nearly everything he’d said was accompanied with tiny, enthusiastic claps or a random burst of giggles, and you’d noticed him kicking his feet beneath the table and rocking from side to side on more than one occasion. On top of that, he’d been even touchier than usual—clinging to your arm, burying his face in your shoulder when he laughed, and giving you little nudges for no reason other than to get your attention.
Just as you were about to dismiss Chan’s behavior as him simply being in an extra good mood, the feeling of his knee pressing against yours yet again snapped you out of your thoughts. You met his pleading gaze, understanding right away that he was asking for you to keep feeding him. With a small smile, you accepted your fate and scooped up another piece of the cake for him. A dollop of frosting smeared at the corner of his mouth, and when you reached out to swipe it clean, his smile matched yours.
Chan’s antics continued as the four of you finished up your desserts at the cafe, and they only grew more noticeable when you began the walk home. He shuffled alongside you, ignoring Minho and Changbin almost entirely as they bickered away. You tried your best to keep up with the conversation—or, argument, rather—unfolding between the two, but it became hard to stay focused with the way Chan kept brushing his hand against yours and drifting so close to you that your shoulders bumped.
A satisfied grin made its way onto his face when you finally took the hint and laced your fingers with his. Without warning, he leaned heavily against you, resting his head on your shoulder and nearly making you stumble. Your grunt of surprise caused Minho to side eye the two of you, and you braced yourself for another teasing comment. But even as his lips curved into a faint smirk, he said nothing.
You couldn’t help but grow a bit self-conscious as the people passing you on the street witnessed Chan’s affections, and you felt your face heat up just a bit under their stares. Despite that, however, you didn’t have the heart to tell him to stop. He stayed that way for the remainder of the walk until you reached the front of your apartment building. You admittedly felt a tinge of relief when you did, and you made quick work of saying your goodbyes to Changbin and Minho.
As you parted ways with the two boys, you noticed them share a knowing, borderline amused look that made you certain they had caught on to Chan’s excessive clinginess.
Chan, on the other hand, seemed blissfully unaware. He hummed quietly to himself as the two of you took the elevator up to your floor and headed down the hall towards your apartment. Even as you walked through the door and slipped off your shoes, he didn’t let go of you, and you finally gave his hand a light squeeze to catch his attention.
“Channie,” you began, letting your voice soften the way you’d been wanting it to all afternoon. The sound of it instantly took effect, and his gaze snapped up to meet yours.
You unlaced your fingers from Chan’s, reaching up to run them through his curls instead. “How are you feeling?” you asked gently.
His whole body relaxed, and he gave you a lazy grin, just short of dreamy. “Dunno,” he giggled, dimples flashing. “Really good, I think.”
“Yeah?” you smiled back.
“Mhm.” He rested his cheek against your palm as you cupped it. “Safe.”
The word alone made a fierce warmth spread through your chest, and you leaned forward to press a kiss to his nose, suddenly overcome with the urge to return all the affection he’d shown you that afternoon. When you met Chan’s eyes again as you pulled back, you noticed a far-off look in them. It was one that you’d come to know all too well, one you scolded yourself for not realizing sooner.
“Is there something you need?” you tested, brushing your thumb over his skin.
There was a pause, and Chan averted his gaze, his giddy demeanor suddenly replaced with a familiar shyness. The tips of his ears grew red before he even had the chance to say anything. You were no stranger to the reaction, but even as you sensed where his thoughts must be drifting, you studied his expression without a word, waiting patiently for him to speak his mind.
“Do you think…” he hesitated, ducking his head. “I mean, d’you remember what we talked about the other day?”
His voice was meek, barely audible with the way he spoke to the ground, but your heart still skipped a beat. You knew that he was being vague on purpose to avoid flustering himself, and for his sake, you did the same.
“Mm...I remember. What about it?”
Chan reached up to fiddle with his piercing, a blush beginning to creep up on his cheeks as well. “Well...I’ve been—” he interrupted himself with a nervous chuckle. “I’ve kinda been preparing for it.”
Your eyes widened at that, and though he couldn’t see your look of surprise, Chan somehow grew more embarrassed regardless. He let out a tiny, frustrated wail, giving his head a shake as if to clear his thoughts before continuing. “So...I was thinking—if you wanna—maybe we could try?”
His voice turned up in pitch as he finally managed to stutter out the question. You took a few seconds to process what he’d said, feeling his skin grow hotter under your touch as each one passed. 
When you and Chan had first discussed the idea, you were admittedly unsure of what his reaction might be. It wasn’t so much that you were worried about him saying no—you doubted that he would given how willing he was to try anything that might please you. That being said, Chan’s selfless nature meant that more often than not, he felt guilty being on the receiving end of pleasure. It had taken endless reassurance on your part to let him know that not only did you enjoy taking care of him, but that it was something he deserved as well.
Even then, you were sure that feeling would still nag away at him.
When Chan began shifting anxiously from side to side, you realized he may have mistaken your silence for disapproval, and you used your hold on his face to tilt his head up. He hesitantly complied, lifting his sheepish stare, but still refusing to look you in the eye.
“You feel ready, baby boy?” you murmured.
His skin flushed even deeper over the term of endearment, and you didn’t miss the way he bit his lip before giving a slow nod.
“Ready,” he echoed. “Need you.”
Moments later, you had guided Chan to the other room and settled comfortably on your shared bed. Despite still being fully clothed, he looked more vulnerable than ever below you, his eyes wide as moons as he gazed up at you.
The sound of his nervous breathing filled the room, and your hand found its way to his face once more.
You trailed your fingers delicately along his skin, traveling down his cheeks and brushing over his plush lips. He parted them the instant you did, and your spine tingled when he took two of your fingers into his mouth. Engulfing them with his plushness, smiling around them just barely, the same way he’d done with your fork back at the cafe.
“Poor Channie’s wanted this all day, hm?” you cooed as he began sucking intently. Chan made a shy noise of agreement, and your guilt from earlier only grew as it fully sank in how oblivious you’d been to all the signs he’d given you throughout the afternoon. His tongue slid along your fingers, and the warm, wet sensation making you hum appreciatively. “Pretty baby always needs something in his mouth.”
Chan squeaked at that, and you knew it took everything in him to keep from turning away and burying his head in the sheets. He very well might have, if he wasn’t so fixated on the feeling of your fingers resting on his tongue. You indulged him for a bit longer, relishing in the heat of his mouth and the softness of his lips before tentatively pulling out. A low whine formed in the back of his throat as you did, but you shushed him sweetly, running your index finger over his lips to spread his own saliva on them.
“Shh...It’s okay, baby,” you soothed. “Gotta use these to open you up for me, yeah?”
Chan swallowed hard, a shiver running through his body at the thought of what was to come. He gave a shaky nod, and you dragged your hands down from his chest to his stomach, making his back arch slightly under your feather-light touch. He tensed up as your fingers slipped below the hem of his sweater. Just as you were preparing to tug it off, he reached out urgently to paw at you.
“Everything okay?” you checked.
“Can I...keep it on?” he asked quietly.
The question puzzled you, and you tilted your head as if to ask him why. Chan shrank into his hoodie, his next words coming out as a mumble. “Makes me feel safe.”
You tried to ignore the way his confession made your heart swell, and you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “You’re so cute,” you murmured. “Whatever you want, Channie.”
He tried to protest, but any response quickly transformed into a sweet sigh as you glided your fingers further down along his thighs. He pushed his hips up just barely when you ghosted over his crotch, silently begging for you to touch him.
You palmed Chan through his jeans a few times, feeling up the bulge that had begun to form from your faint touches alone. His breath hitched as you applied more pressure, and with a smile, your fingers found the buttons of his pants to undo them. He lifted his lower half fully to allow you to pull down the garment along with his boxer briefs. You tugged them down his legs until they were freed, licking your lips when his pale thighs and half-hard length came into view.
Chan’s breathing sped up as he lay exposed to you, and he struggled not to squirm when you began tracing over his milky skin with the pads of your fingers.
You used your free hand to lean over and grab the bottle of lube that you’d retrieved earlier, opening the cap with a light pop. He watched with big, curious eyes as you squeezed the liquid onto your fingers and spread it along them.
Once they were thoroughly coated, you moved down to tease at his entrance. Chan stiffened again as you did, and you rested your other palm on his thigh, encouraging him to relax. “This is nothing new, baby boy,” you reminded him. “You know what to do, right?”
He nodded hastily, and with his confirmation, you swirled your middle finger around his rim a few more times before carefully pushing it inside. A light gasp escaped him as you eased in, his walls reflexively tightening around you. You paused as soon as you were fully inside to give him a moment to adjust, but it didn’t take long for the boy to start shifting around, anxious for you to get started.
Smiling to yourself, you slowly began to pump in and out of him. Tiny grunts spilled out of Chan almost immediately, and they grew louder with each thrust of your finger. Your smile only widened as you thought back to what he’d admitted to you earlier. The idea of Chan being so eager that he’d taken it upon himself to start preparing on his own was as endearing as it was arousing, and you couldn’t resist the urge to mess with him for it.
“Channie’s been playing with himself in secret, hm?” you drawled, a hint of mischief creeping into your voice. “Were you really that desperate to have me inside you?”
Your gentle teasing earned a long, flustered whine, and his hands flew up to cover his burning face. “Just—ah—wanted to be ready for you.”
It was instantly followed by a broken moan as you curled your finger inside him. “Such a sweet boy. Always so good for me,” you praised, repeating the action. “You want another?”
Despite his embarrassment, Chan managed to stutter a breathless “yes” from behind his palms. You continued pumping for a few more moments before stopping to add your index finger, carefully sliding it in alongside the other. He let out a muffled groan as you did, instinctively spreading his legs wider.
You gave his thigh an affectionate pat, noticing the way the muscles clenched and unclenched rhythmically. “You’re taking me so well, angel.” You pushed the digits in deeper to emphasize your words, making Chan hiccup lightly. “Gonna get you nice and full just like you’ve been aching for.”
Chan’s hands finally fell from over his eyes, dropping down to grip at the sheets as you began spreading your fingers in a scissor-like motion. With his face revealed to you again, you took a moment to admire his soft, pink cheeks and clouded gaze. His teeth dug into his plump lower lip as you angled your wrist differently, rubbing against his walls in a way that practically made him keen.
You curled both fingers again, and his whole body jerked as you brushed over his prostate. His cock, now fully hard and leaking, twitched against his stomach, and the sight of it combined with the sinful noises he let out made you eager to take things a step further. You spread your fingers inside him a few more times before slipping in your ring finger as well, earning a sharp gasp from the boy. Three was more than he was typically used to, and you made sure to pump extra slow when you felt how tightly he was wrapped around you.
Chan shivered lightly as you added more lube, using the substance to push in further with little resistance. A long, drawn-out moan escaped him, his hold on the sheets growing stronger the more you spread him out. His sweet whimpers mixed with the squelching sound of your movements, and they grew less and less controlled as your pumping continued.
By the time you were finished with Chan, his length was glistening with precum and aching to be touched. It jumped as you carefully pulled your fingers out of him, and he made a pitiful noise as the pleasure that had been steadily building up in him was suddenly lost.
His protest didn’t last long, however, as he soon realized what was to come next. Chan licked his lips in anticipation, sitting up on his elbows and watching with wide eyes as you reached for your strap-on on the nightstand and fastened it around your waist. You took the bottle of lube in your hold once more, only to pause when Chan called out your name softly. You gave him a curious look, raising an eyebrow when you saw that his cheeks were redder than ever.
“Are you okay?”
Chan gave a short nod, shifting around in the sheets until he was fully sitting up. “Mhm…” he began slowly. He lifted a hand to tug at his earlobe in a nervous habit, and you hesitated, worried that he was having second thoughts.
“I just...w-was just wondering if…” he trailed off, dragging his fingers along his cheek to brush them over his lips. The action was subtle, but you caught on to what he was trying to tell you instantly. With a light giggle, you set down the bottle and moved closer to Chan, placing your hand delicately over his and moving it to the side. His eyes gleamed as you brought the toy up to his face, and before you could even order him to, he took it into his mouth.
You nearly cooed as his plush, heart-shaped lips wrapped around the plastic. He inched forward little by little, sliding along the strap until his mouth was comfortably full. A tiny hum of satisfaction escaped him, and he began to suck eagerly. Chan’s hands found their way up to your waist, clinging to your clothes to steady himself as he glided his tongue along the toy. He glanced up at you shyly, scanning your expression for signs of approval with a painfully earnest gaze. You beamed down at him, your own hands finding their way to his hair.
“So pretty,” you marveled, tangling your fingers in his curls. “Your lips were made for this huh, Channie?”
Chan could only whimper in response, unable to object to the compliment like you knew he wanted to. Instead, his eyes fluttered shut, both to focus on the feeling of the strap in his mouth and to avoid growing flustered under your stare.
You used your hold on Chan’s hair to guide him, bobbing his head gently along the toy. Short, muffled moans built up in the back of his throat, and the sound of them mixed with the squelching of his mouth made your core clench.
You murmured fondly as he took in more of the toy, sliding all the way forward until his nose brushed against your stomach. He stayed that way as long as he could, and he swallowed around it in a way that was nothing short of sinful before pulling back with a gasp. You ran your fingers lovingly through his hair as he caught his breath, admiring the trails of saliva that connected his lips to the plastic.
“Good boy,” you purred. “You’re perfect like this, working that pretty little mouth of yours so well for me.”
The encouragement made Chan’s eyes shine, and once his panting died down, he immediately stuck his tongue out again, swirling it around the tip of the strap as if it were the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted. You watched him for a few moments more, letting him suck to his heart’s content before finally pulling back.
He didn’t register your intentions at first, and he reflexively moved closer in an attempt to take it back into his mouth, only for you to nudge him away.
“Lie down for me, angel.”
Your order seemed to snap Chan out of his haze. A look of understanding crossed his face, and he licked his swollen lips one last time before obeying, wistful over the empty feeling, but not daring to complain. He settled back on the mattress, keeping his nervous gaze on you as you squeezed a large amount of lube into your palm. You spread the substance along your strap, and a small, amused smile made its way onto your face when you saw how intently he was watching you mix it with his coating of saliva.
“Are you ready, Channie?” you checked, giving the toy one last stroke before settling between his legs.
He spread them wider, and you didn’t miss the way his length twitched as the tip of the toy pressed against his entrance. “Yes,” he whispered. “Please, take me.”
At that, you pushed your hips forward and carefully began to slide into him. Chan sucked in a deep breath, holding it in as you filled him up ever so slowly. It was released as a loud, shaky moan when you bottomed out inside him at last, and you rested your hands on his pale thighs, rubbing small, soothing circles into his skin.
“Is this good?” you murmured.
Chan nodded quickly, his heart racing as the unfamiliar feeling settled in. “M-mhm.”
The choppy reply was all he could offer, and you continued massaging his thighs in an effort to get him to relax. He tried his best to loosen up, his breathing beginning to even out as he adjusted to the toy inside him.
“You can m-move, I think.” he breathed. 
You studied him for any signs of hesitation, just in case he was still uncomfortable, but were relieved to find none. Keeping the pads of your fingers pressed into his flesh, you tentatively pulled out. Chan hissed lightly as you did, and it was quickly followed by a groan when you began to ease back in. Amidst all the sounds slipping out of him, you giggled softly, repeating the movement sooner than you probably should have just to draw out more of his cute reactions. 
It didn’t take long for the pleasure to kick in, causing Chan to wriggle around beneath you. “Hah...it’s g-good,” he whimpered, hands pawing at the sheets.
You took his words as a sign to keep going, and you soon found a gentle rhythm, thrusting in and out at a steady pace. His noises instantly picked up in volume, the sweet cries echoing throughout the room with little restraint.
“So beautiful,” you hummed, your eyes traveling from Chan’s flushed face to his outstretched arms. His hands peeked out from under the sleeves of his hoodie just enough for you to see the veins protruding in them, and though you felt a bit wistful being unable to see the full view, he was so cute that you didn’t mind. “My baby’s so beautiful.”
“Mmph…‘m n-not,” Chan finally managed to mewl, turning his head in a half-hearted attempt to hide it in the pillow.
You frowned at that, pausing your movements without warning. “That’s no good, Channie,” you scolded. “I’m gonna stop if you keep talking like that.”
He whined feebly in response, both out of embarrassment and protest at the sudden loss. You remained unmoving inside him, and he couldn’t help but squirm around, desperate to feel your strap sliding in and out of him again.
“N-no...‘m sorry,” he stuttered. “Please, please don’t stop.”
You softened. “Look at me.”
There was a pause, and Chan braced himself before following your order, tentatively meeting your eyes. You felt a tinge of pity when you saw how far-gone he looked already, and you used your free hand to cup his cheek.
“Pretty,” you said firmly, giving him a squeeze. “Beautiful.”
He swallowed hard, nodding as best he could. “Th-thank you.”
It was obvious that he was using all his willpower to avoid denying your compliments, and part of you was tempted to make him say it himself just to further drive in your point. You eyed him for a moment longer, then decided against it, unable to resist the desperation in his doe eyes.
“Good boy.”
Chan pushed his hips forward in a wordless plea, and you wasted no time before getting back to work. He arched his back off the mattress as you began rocking your hips once more, sparks of pleasure shooting all throughout his body. You returned to your earlier pace, tightening your hold on his thighs and eliciting a sinful moan from the boy. His mind grew foggier with each thrust, the pleasure quickly overtaking his senses once more.
“How is it, baby?” you purred, noticing a trail of drool beginning to spill from the corner of his mouth. “Is it like you dreamed of?”
His reply came out as an incoherent groan, and you gave a particularly deep thrust, angling it just right so you could catch his attention. “I need words, Channie.”
The change earned a sharp gasp from Chan, and he desperately tried to gather his thoughts so he could give you a proper answer. “Channie feels good,” he mewled out. “So—ngh—good!”
His hands released the sheets as he cried out, and he crossed his arms over his chest to clutch his shoulders, embarrassed by his own words. You ran your palms soothingly over his skin, delighted by his response. “Yeah?” you cooed. “Let’s make Channie feel even better, then.”
Chan’s eyes squeezed shut, his moans becoming choppier as he began to pucker and unpucker his lips, suckling mindlessly at the air. The sight of him nearly made you melt, and you brought your hand up to his soft lips to prod at them. He took your fingers between them instinctively, reaching up to grab hold of your wrist to keep your hand close.
You used your thumb to swipe up the drool that had trickled out of his mouth, pushing it back in with care. “Pretty baby.” Your eyes traveled down to his dick, surprised to find just how badly it was leaking. An endless amount of precum had dribbled out of its tip, seeping through the fabric and leaving a wet stain on his hoodie. “My pretty, messy baby.”
Chan whimpered around your fingers, too blissed out to object to your praise. You altered your thrusts once more, angling them so that you brushed against his sweet spot each time you pushed in. A string of muffled moans spilled out of him, and you knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
You took his dripping length into your free hand and began to pump, matching your strokes with the movements of your hips. The way Chan keened so shamelessly made goosebumps rise on your neck, and he clung tighter to you as he bucked up into your fist.
“Gonna cum soon?” you asked sweetly, emphasizing the question by rolling your palm around the head of his cock. Chan could only whine as his entire body jerked, the overwhelming pleasure robbing him of coherent speech. “Go on,” you encouraged. “Cum for me like a good boy.”
With one last roll of your hips, Chan was sent over the edge. He let out a choked sob, unable to stop himself from biting down on your fingers as his orgasm washed over him. You barely registered the light pain, too focused on how beautifully wrecked he looked beneath you.
He emptied into your hand, seeing stars as the waves of pleasure passed through him. You continued to pump him through his high, only stopping when the last few spurts of his seed had spilled out and he was left trembling beneath you.
Chan’s mouth fell open, freeing your fingers from his puffy lips as he tried to catch his breath. You admired the way his chest rose and fell rapidly before your eyes traveled up to his face. His curls were damp and messy, and the soft, peaceful expression on his face sent a surge of protectiveness through you.
When his eyes finally fluttered open again, Chan was met with your affectionate stare, making his bashfulness return on full blast. Despite that, he didn’t hesitate to part his lips again when you showed him your hand, sticky with his cum. With a shy giggle, he stuck out his tongue to lap it up, refusing to look you in the eyes as he did.
“You just can’t get enough of this, hm?” you murmured, mesmerized by how hooked he was on your fingers.
Chan scrunched up his nose slightly at the taste of himself, but he made sure not to miss a single drop until your hand was thoroughly cleaned. Once he was satisfied, he flopped his head back against the pillow, looking blissfully exhausted.
Carefully, you pulled out of the boy, and his heightened sensitivity made him squeak embarrassingly loud. You cupped his reddened cheek, running your thumb along it in the same gentle motion that you had before. “How are you feeling, Channie?”
Chan released a sigh, shrinking into his hoodie with a dreamy grin. “Safe.”
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Happy Early Birthday! Could I ask for something platonic with Tony and Rhodey? I wish MIT Bros would get a lot more love! Perhaps Rhodey has some sort of problem and Tony is giving support?
Ooh I love this prompt a lot :) I did lots of research into military ranks and promotions to make the canon timeline work for this fic, but it was fun
Rhodey is already halfway across the living room to where Tony is sitting on the couch, desperately saying, “Tones, I need your help,” before their apartment door has even shut behind him.
Tony, conditioned by a lifetime of living with Howard, automatically says, “No,” only to wince when his brain finally catches up with him. “Sorry.” He’s been trying to be better about his responses to help requests.
Rhodey smiles warmly at him for a moment, aware of how much work Tony’s put in to unlearning the habits growing up in the Stark household taught him. Then he goes right back to whatever’s got him so spun up and repeats, “Your help. I need it.”
“Yoda, we are,” Tony shoots back at him.
Rhodey shoves him into the couch cushions.
Once Tony’s managed to extract himself from their ridiculously plushy couch, he asks, “So what’s up?”
“Alright, so I know you don’t like hearing about my ROTC stuff—”
Not entirely true. Tony doesn’t like hearing about anything that means Rhodey’s going to be fighting overseas where he could possibly die, but he hasn’t told him that.
“But after Senator Mouthbreather—”
“What a dick,” Tony chimes in, knowing that Rhodey has a particular distaste for this guy and his faux-liberal politics. Tony doesn’t like him either, but that’s mostly cause he doesn’t like any guy who makes his wife cry at every party they attend. He gets enough of that at home.
“Yeah, what a dick,” Rhodey agrees. “You know, I heard he pays his aides jack squat? Asswipe sits there and talks about a fair and equal wage for all and then he turns around and—"
“You’re getting off topic there, honeybear,” Tony cuts in amusedly. Not that he minds listening to Rhodey rant about the various politicians he hates—Reagan currently tops the list—but something tells him that Rhodey isn’t actually upset over Senator Mouthbreather’s hypocrisy.
“Right, after what he said about ROTC just picking jobs for cadets instead of giving them a choice, which isn’t true! Anyway, the brass decided to bring in some speakers to talk about what they do for the Air Force, you know, in case any of us wanted to change our careers.” He snorts. “Like that’ll happen at MIT, of all places.”
“And this has to do with me… how?”
“Cause last night, they had the most amazing test pilot.”
Tony starts to grin. He thinks he sees where this is going. “Yeah? What was her name?”
Rhodey glares at him for a long time before reluctantly admitting, “Lieutenant Carol Danvers.”
“So what’s the problem?”
Rhodey thunks his head against the back of the couch. “We’re supposed to be throwing her a mixer so we can get a chance to talk to her, but I overheard her on the phone earlier.”
“Rhodey, you dog! Are you stalking the probably-lovely Lieutenant Carol Danvers?”
“No,” Rhodey tries to insist, but Tony’s on to him now. And after all that talk about how Tony shouldn’t join that physics class last semester just so he could have an excuse to talk to Rumiko Fujikawa too! “We just happened to pass each other on the green. She was on the phone with someone, and she said she was gonna skip out and go to a bar or something.”
“My kind of woman,” Tony says approvingly.
“No,” Rhodey says flatly. “You’re underage.”
“You’re not much better,” Tony points out. “Lieutenant, that puts her—what—four, five years older than you?”
“I’m not going to ask her her age,” Rhodey says primly. “And that’s not why I want to talk to her anyway.”
“That’s because you’re boring.”
Rhodey ignores him. “Look, I just want an introduction. That’s it. That’s all I need from you, Tony, please. It’s not even about being attracted to her. I mean, I am, but I know she’s way out of my league. I just want to get the chance to talk to her about this project that she’s working on. You know I think it’s cool as hell that the military’s letting women be test pilots, even if they won’t let them fly in combat yet.”
“Which is bullshit,” Tony says, a refrain that’s just as old as Rhodey’s complaints about Senator Mouthbreather. “What, they won’t let them die by way of an explosion from an enemy missile, but they’ve got no problem letting them die by way of an explosion from an experimental engine? Sure, that makes sense.”
Rhodey snickers. “Please,” he says again. “You know I want to be a pilot, and what the lieutenant was talking about with the planes she was flying, it sounded like my kind of job.”
“So, what? You’re gonna become a test pilot now?”
“No, but it sounded a lot like the kind of stuff that SI is putting out, the kind of stuff that I want to fly eventually, and I thought it might be good to get a firsthand account of what flying those planes is like.”
“And what about my finals? I’m supposed to be studying tonight.”
“Like you don’t already know all the material,” Rhodey says, waving a dismissive hand. “I can make it up to you later. I’ll quiz you, sound good?”
“Fine, but you’ll also ask Mama Rhodes to make that blackberry pie for my graduation,” Tony counters.
Wow, Rhodey must really like this test pilot. Normally, it takes hours of negotiating to get him to agree to asking his mom to make Tony’s favorite pies whenever they drive to Philadelphia for the holidays.
He sighs and says goodbye to his studying for the night. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do.”
Seeing what he can do mostly just involves putting in a phone call to his Aunt Peggy. He refuses, just on principle, to talk to his dad, even though Howard is more likely to have the right contacts in the Air Force to put him in touch with Danvers, so Aunt Peggy it is. She still heads up SHIELD, though she’s been thinking about retiring sometime in the next few years; she should still have a few contacts or at least know who he should talk to instead.
Fortunately, though, when he calls her, she knows exactly who he’s talking about, and after she spends thirty minutes making sure that Tony isn’t trying to track her down so either he or Rhodey can ask her out (he thinks Rhodey might have wanted to if he were a little older, but his honeybear keeps insisting that it’s all a professional interest), is more than willing to put together a dinner for the three of them—“You will not meet her at a bar, darling,” she says sternly. Lieutenant Danvers, it turns out, is working on a joint project between the Air Force and SHIELD called Pegasus. Tony wonders what she could possibly be working on that requires a collaboration like that, but he knows better than to ask, and ever since Aunt Peggy found him using her pass to hack into the files on Captain America back when he was twelve, SHIELD has kept all of their files as paper copies, so there’ll be no more hacking for him. Looks like whatever SHIELD and the Air Force are up to will remain a mystery.
“But if she says no, you’ll accept that, Tony,” Aunt Peggy insists. “No more trying to track her down. We women don’t like it when men don’t take no for an answer.”
And, huh, Tony hadn’t even thought about it like that. “Agreed,” he says immediately. He doesn’t want to be creepy. “And—” He glances over at Rhodey, who’s been listening in. Rhodey picks up on what he’s thinking and nods. “Tell her it’s not a date or anything. We really just want to learn more about the jets.”
She calls back about an hour later with the news that Danvers has agreed to meet them for dinner. He relays the good news to Rhodey, who immediately freaks out about it like it was a date as though Tony won’t even be there. Tony finds it pretty funny, all things considering, since it isn’t, for one thing, and Rhodey is definitely too young for Danvers, but he keeps his mouth shut. This is one of those Good Bro times, and he’s a Good Bro, which means supporting his best friend through his hero worship and very impossible crush.
They wind up running a little late to dinner since Tony is always late to everything, including, as his mother and Jarvis frequently remind him, his own birth. Rhodey bitches to him the entire way there, complaining that it’ll be Tony’s fault if Danvers is gone by the time they get there. Tony keeps his mouth shut, knowing after three years of living together that when Rhodey gets in this mood, it’s pointless to try to point out the facts, which are that Tony is a Stark and no ambitious pilot would ever walk out on a dinner with a Stark (he also sets aside the fact that this is almost certainly a habit that Rhodey picked up from him, who can also be… slightly irrational when he’s worried about something).
Lieutenant Danvers, however, is still waiting for them outside the little bar and grill that Aunt Peggy had made reservations at. She’s out of uniform in a white t-shirt and jeans, blonde princess curls falling around her shoulders, and Tony can easily see why Rhodey would find her attractive. She looks just a little too much like what Tony’s baby cousin, Sharon, will grow up to look like though for him to share Rhodey’s attraction.
“Lieutenant Danvers, hi!” he says, getting out of the car. Polite, he reminds himself. Not abrasive. Rhodey might actually kill him this time if Tony fucks up his chances again. “I’m Tony.”
“Call me Carol,” she replies, shaking his hand.
Tony waits for Rhodey to introduce himself, but Rhodey seems to be starstruck by her. He rolls his eyes and jerks his thumb at him. “This is—”
“Cadet Rhodes,” Carol says smoothly. “I remember you from yesterday. Nice to meet you both.”
“Rhodey wanted the chance to talk to you some more about the joint collaboration you’re working on—I wouldn’t mind hearing more about it too since all I could find about Project Pegasus was a shitty piece of code that said ‘Stay out, Tony.’ It’s like they don’t trust me or something.”
Carol laughs. “Well, sorry to say, I don’t know much about the project itself, and even if I did, there’s only so much I can tell you before it all becomes classified. I just fly the planes. If you want to know about Pegasus, you’ll have to talk to the research head, Dr. Lawson.”
Tony gapes at her. “You mean Dr. Wendy Lawson?” he squeaks.
“Sounds like you’re familiar.”
“She’s amazing,” Tony breathes reverently. They’d met at a gala a few years ago, and Tony had definitely walked away starstruck. The work she’s doing on interstellar travel is absolutely incredible. Tony would kill people for the chance to work with her.
By the time they’re seated, Rhodey has fortunately found his voice again, saluted Carol (and promptly been reminded that they’re both out of uniform, and she doesn’t stand for that kind of fuss anyway), and struck up a conversation with her about the jets she flies as part of Project Pegasus. Stark Industries doesn’t do a lot with planes, other than arming them, and Tony had been too busy with studying for his exam tomorrow to read up on them. But that’s okay because tonight isn’t about him anyway (it had taken Rhodey a good year to get that hammered through his head), so he contents himself with knowing that Rhodey’s made a friend and tries to make eyes at the guy standing by the bar.
He's gorgeous, all dark hair and grey eyes and a frankly stunning prosthetic that Tony very badly wants to get his hands on, but he’s also more interested in staring at a family eating dinner halfway across the restaurant. Tony doesn’t know what’s so interesting about them, other than that one of them is the president of MIT, but maybe there’s some sort of torrid affair going on between Gorgeous Eyes and the president’s wife—or even the president himself, Tony isn’t judgy.
Eventually, he gives up trying to catch Hottie McDreamy’s attention and tunes back in to Carol and Rhodey’s conversation, just in time for Rhodey to bring up Dum-E. Tony lights up. The bot really is an idiot, but he’s Tony’s idiot and Tony loves him.
He pulls a picture out of his wallet to show Carol, who goes wide-eyed. Apparently, she hadn’t believed they were serious about Dum-E, which is fine. Most people don’t believe that something like Dum-E is possible now and not twenty years down the line.
“Wow,” she remarks as Tony’s settling the bill. “All I’ve got is my boss’s cat. Goose doesn’t like anyone else on the base.”
“Cat?” Rhodey guesses, drawing a laugh from her.
“How did you know?” she teases. “Yeah, little orange thing. Eats just about everything. One time, the remote went missing, and I swear that Goose ate it, I just can’t prove it.”
Rhodey laughs harder than the joke deserved, but Carol seems fondly amused by it, so Tony counts it as a win for his buddy.
As they’re stepping outside, Carol remarks, “You know, this was nice. When Director Carter told me she’d lined up a dinner for me, I thought it was going to be all business.” She shudders as she heads over to a sleek motorcycle that Tony would love to take a ride on. “But you two are alright. You remind me of me and my best friend.”
Rhodey gives Tony one of those looks that he can read so well after three years of living in each other’s pockets. He steps further back, turning away to squint up at the night sky. He can hear Carol and Rhodey murmuring to each other by the bike, but they’re not loud enough for him to make out any words.
After a few minutes, he hears the roar of the motorcycle. When he turns back around, Carol is long gone, and Rhodey is touching a hand to his cheek, a stunned expression on his face.
“Went that well then, huh?” Tony asks cheerfully, slinging an arm around Rhodey’s shoulders. That’s his honeybear!
“She kissed me,” Rhodey says softly, rubbing his cheek. “Said I was a little young for her, but cute, and told me to look her up once I’ve made first lieutenant.”
Tony’s heart leaps in his chest. “That’s awesome!” he says enthusiastically. “Five years, right?”
“Yeah,” Rhodey says, a grin spreading across his face. “She’s pretty amazing.”
“You’re pretty amazing,” Tony says. “No forgetting it. She’s lucky to have you.”
“Thanks, Tones,” Rhodey says, shoving Tony away companionably and then darting back to the car before Tony can do more than stumble. Shouting, Tony gives chase, laughing as he follows his brother.
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elias-rights · 2 years
Honestly, a lot of reactions to Elias from TMA remind me of reactions to Sangwoo from Squid Game. They honestly think it's more likely that someone is "inherently evil" than yet another victim of a harmful system who decided that the only way to survive was to make sure other people were hurt in their place. For all that people like to applaud these series as "revolutionary anti-capitalist media" (lol), they sure don't have a strong understanding of systemic issues. Or even what 'systemic issues' actually means. The crabs are smothering the other goddamn crabs because they want to get out of the goddamn bucket as much as the next crab, not because god likes to make evil crabs every now and then.
-Ace J*nelias Anon (sorry I've been realizing that keeps showing up in the ship tag lol)
I haven't watched Squid Game, but that makes sense. Although pretending TMA can only work as an allegory of capitalism is not only patently untrue as of the first four seasons (as per the Q+As, and, though the final season leans very hard into the parallelism, it doesn't work with the finale[1]) but also incredibly reductive, if we analyse the podcast through that lens Jonah Magnus cannot be a billionaire but rather a white-collar class traitor. After all, one of the core characteristics of the 1% in the real world is that they couple meritocratic rhetoric with a complete refusal to acknowledge that people are subject to external circumstances thrust upon them by the system (whether that is generational wealth or systemic poverty). In sharp contrast to these expectations, however, Jonah isn't entitled.
Not once does he imply he has earned his position; he simply seized it. Nor does he appear blind to others' circumstances ("your own rotten luck", etc.). He is the polar opposite of the self-congratulatory meritocratic hypocrisy we hear from the wealthy in real life.
But let's put aside his words for a moment and examine his role within the system. We know he didn't have any unique advantages when it came to being claimed by the Fears (as opposed to perhaps the Lukases); in fact, the whole point of his turning to the Eye was that he was just as vulnerable as anybody else. He is not the vieux riche. If we insist on an allegory, we might say he betrayed the interests of his social class to achieve upward mobility. This is a far cry from the "capitalism personified" narrative his detractors insist on reading.
[1] Of course, going back to this point, the metaphor falls apart the moment his death fixes the world. And here I thought "Like Ants" had been clever foreshadowing that no individual murder can hope to dismantle an impersonal system. Furthermore, the idea of presenting the passing on of the Fears as something other than unforgivably selfish and vile becomes even more distasteful under the premise that it symbolises systemic oppression. Others have already drawn a parallel to colonialism here.
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the-nysh · 3 years
Been seeing takes expressing confusion over Garou's 'calm/tolerant/cooperative' behavior towards the heroes (like Mb) so far, amounting to basically: "he refused to team up with Platinum, yet he's ok aligning with Metal Bat? No way, the Garou 'I know' should intensely hate heroes! And would beat them all up instantly! This is ooc and makes no sense!"
And to me it's like...are you sure? Are you really quite sure? The same Garou who actually reacts like a giddy dorky fanboy when he meets the strongest S Class heroes (and conversely with pure disgust meeting real monsters)? With wistful smiles of one day earning his place in the Hero Guide? (So much irony.)
It's not heroism he hates, because Garou already has a set image in mind how heroes should perform their roles. For example, he ideally expects them to be generally kind & just, acting in 'fair' justice, to selflessly serve the weak and do their jobs well. (You see it when he often points his finger telling them how their roles should act.) But it's when he sees them acting poorly un-heroic: in self-serving, ego-stroking means for example, with false justice towards abusing their own position & power (like Tacchans) - now THAT is what he hates, when they're performing as 'heroes' in name only. (When he says 'you've thrown away your kindness; the hypocrisy makes me sick.') Ohhhh, then he'll certainly have something distasteful to say about that!
Unfortunately, most heroes he's interacted with (ones he's goaded/challenged to fight into seeing what they've got) have only affirmed to him his worst perceptions & disappointments in their 'bad' behavior - except in rare cases (surprising him), like Saitama running past him to attend to an injured Genos, and Metal Bat reacting to selflessly shield the helicopter alongside him - aka they're doing their jobs (performing their roles) as they should, then Garou has no need to attack them, interject, or critique their behavior (except yeah he did scold Mb at first for getting distracted off task.) He leaves them alone because he sees them actually being 'good,' with little else for him to object at the moment. The only thing he'd then expect of them is to keep up, especially when he's already been the one committed to keeping up this far, driven by his strongest feelings - determined solely on his own priority mission, which is right now focused on ensuring Tareo's safety. (So 'keep up' or stand back, as he'll just ironically do their jobs for them. Plus more irony: no lone hero, not even Saitama or Blast, can do or 'fix' everything alone.)
But in contrast, if heroes (& monsters alike) still insist on fighting him - like Flash, for example jumping the gun, acting on prejudice, or their own self-interest etc, then of course Garou won't back down. (He'd gladly fight those who would still oppose him, or always defends himself accordingly, even if it's only him alone vs 'god' and the entire mob.)
Because him setting that example - being that symbol there to 'scare' everyone into behaving well (playing nice & 'fair') is the crux of it, to the point he (wrongly, naively, stubbornly) believes he has no other choice but to take the (self)destructive monster role this far to incite what he wants - goodness & unity in others. (Repeatedly convincing and resigning himself of his 'evil' role & mistaken identity to do that, believing that he cannot cause change otherwise or ever be accepted as a hero in turn. No self-awareness and poor self-assurance/confidence here, thinking he has to become someone he's not.)
You even see his intent in the webcomic when he literally stands there, goading everyone into attacking him (demanding they rise to meet his challenge) to test their true heroic grit & spirits. (And if they fail? Of course he reacts in bitter disappointment.) The only thing is that he just hasn't realized that what he's after - the 'good' behavior of a selfless heroic heart - actually already exists within himself, and that is pure dramatic irony at ONE's finest.
So with that, and Garou yet to fully accept or reject himself on the line, we'll see how far he chooses to behave and consistently react as 'Garou' (or not?) next.
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celticcrossanon · 3 years
BRF Reading - 26th of September 2021
This is speculation only
Cards drawn 26th of September 2021
Question: What will be the consequences of this pseudo-royal NYC 'Tour' (to the Harkles)?
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Interpretation: It will be a burden to them and link them to Prince Andrew in some way.
Card One: The Ten of Wands. This is a card of feeling burdened, of losing creative energy, of having your dreams turn to dust around you. The card shows Jason sitting in a burning shelter made out of planks from his ship, the Argo. The results of his adventures, the golden fleece, lies discarded on the ground.
Here Jason stands for the Harkles. They have built a pseudo-royal tour based on what they have used for attention since they left the BRF - PR contacts and money (shelter from the beams from the Argo). This tour is burning down around them. It is not going the way they expected and it will become a burden to them in the future. The prize they have gained since leaving the BRF, their narrative of having to leave the toxic BRF/being victims of the BRF, has been undermined and discarded by this royal cos-play (the golden fleece).
You can not say you were forced to leave a toxic BRF for your mental health, do everything you can to build a new life separate from the BRF where you are 'thriving', and then do a pseudo-royal tour that screams "Look at us! We are royals!". The hypocrisy is obvious to everyone except the Harkles. They have destroyed their narrative for a pseudo-royal tour that is turning out the opposite of what they expected. As the card shows, their dream of being celebrity royals is burning to the ground around them right now, leaving them with nothing but ashes.
Card Two: The Page of Wands. In this reading, the Page of Wands is coming across as a PR message. I drew two clarifiers and they were the Six of Cups, the card of childhood, and the Knight of Wands, my card for Harry when he is being an idiot - that is, when he is indulging in hasty actions without thinking them through. So the PR message indicated by the Page of Wands involves Harry, a child of the BRF, sending a message to the BRF.
What the message is can be seen through the figure on the card - a boy riding the golden sheep who will later become the golden fleece, waving a torch. The boy is Harry, the golden sheep is what Harry sees as the success of this 'tour', and the torch is the PR he is using to send his message to the BRF, saying "Look at me on the way to success without you! I don't need you! I can royal all by myself!". So even thought the tour is turning into a disaster for them and will become a burden for them, Harry is flaunting it to the BRF as a huge success - he can royal better than them (and without obeying their stuffy rules). The BRF, of course, is quite capable of sending a message back via PR, but I don't think Harry has thought of that.
Card Three: The World. The World is a card about the end of a cycle, of looking back at what you have done to get where you are, tying up any lose ends, and then celebrating your achievement before moving on. This pseudo-royal 'tour' can certainly be seen as a celebration of the Harkles' delusions, vut that is not the main energy I am getting from this card.
The energy of this card is of ending. It is over. Something has finished and can not be resurrected. I think that this end of a cycle refers to the Harkles's victim narrative, with the toxic BRF, as their 'tour' has seriously damaged the credibility of that narrative and exposed them as attention seekers. The ending could also be of the pseudo-royal tour itself - that they got this one and no more, as it would not surprise me if the word came down through diplomatic channels that these events with the Harkles are not to be allowed in the future.
The World is the major arcana card for Saturn, and Saturn is the planet that shows Karma, your past actions coming back to you. It is the planet of hard work - if you work hard and follow the rules, Saturn will reward you at some point in the future. It is the planet of time, as Saturn is all about the future consequences of present actions, and it is the planet of authority and authority figures, like the parent who makes you do your homework instead of playing. The Harkles have not worked hard, they have disobeyed the rules set down for Megxit and the rules of common decency, and they have flouted the authority of their parents/grandparents, disowning Thomas Markle and publicly mocking the BRF and hence HMTQ. Having the planet Saturn, the planet of consequences for your actions, appear in a spread about consequences under those circumstances - well, it is not the best card to have, to say the least.
As a consequence of this 'tour', I expect at lot of things to end for the Harkles, both expected and unexpected.
Card Four: The Knight of Cups. This is a water sign card, particularly a Pisces, and in this reading it is coming across as Prince Andrew, a sun-sign Pisces. Coming after The World card, this tells me that the ending of a cycle and Saturn consequences shown by that card will involve Prince Andrew in some way. The Harkles may be exposed as being linked to him and his activities as a consequence of this pseudo-royal 'tour'.
I drew a clarifier for this card, and it was the Nine of Pentacles. Pentacles is the money suit, so that indicates a link to Prince Andrew and his activities involving money, i.e. his shady business deals (this came up in my spread yesterday as well).
The Nine of Pentacles is also the card of being happy, rich and Single, the Knight of Cups can be a very romantic attitude to things or about romance in general, Prince Andrew is divorced, and taking all these things together this could be hinting at Harry being single as a consequence of this tour (again, this came up in my reading yesterday - divorce energy).
Card Five: The Five of Swords. This is a card of not being able to win for losing. It can be a card of conflict and disagreements. Whatever you do, you will not be happy with the result. In my deck, it carries a message of having to do your duty, however distasteful. The card shows the god Apollo appearing to Orestes, who is in exile, and telling him that his duty is to kill his mother, an act that will damn him in the eyes of the gods, but not doing it will damn him as well.
The Five of Swords can mean legal troubles, as an extension of its meaning of conflicts and disagreements. Coming after the Knight of Cups representing Prince Andrew, it could indicate that the Harkles will be involved in Prince Andrews legal troubles in some way (how, I don't know).
In its meaning as doing your duty, however distasteful, this card is a general message both to the Harkles (which they have ignored up until now, so I don't think they will listen to it) and to the next card, with which it is strongly linked.
I drew a clarifier for this card and it was the Seven of Pentacles. This is usually my card of dodgy sex acts, and as such reaffirms the link between the Harkles and Prince Andrew's legal matters. The Seven of pentacles can also show a case of divided allegiance, not knowing where to invest your time and talents. The divided allegiance energy is coming through strongly with respect to the Harkles. I don't know if one of them is going to decide to turn back to HMTQ, thus splitting the pair, especially after the divorce hints in the proceeding card (don't trust them Your Majesty!), or if the divided allegiance refers to their involvement in Prince Andrew's court case and they will work for their own interests in this matter, or if it is something else. I only know that that is the meaning that is coming through this card with respect to the consequences of this tour - a divided allegiance, and that ties in with the 'doing your duty' and 'not winning for losing' aspects of the Five of Swords card.
Card Six: The King of Cups. This is a water sign person, particularly a Scorpio, and it is coming across as Prince Charles. It is also coming across as strongly linked to the Five of Swords card in the sense of doing your duty, however unpleasant. Something about this pseudo-royal 'tour' is going to result in Prince Charles being forced to do his duty, a duty that he regards as unpleasant and that will not benefit him personally. The energy is very much that Prince Charles is forced into this and does not do t willingly, but rather because he has no other choice.
Underlying Energy One: The Chariot. The Chariot is the card of cancer, and this card is coming across as Prince William, who is a sun sign Cancer. Whatever the consequences of this tour are for the Harkles, Prince William will be behind them and pushing to make sure they are enacted. He will be like the Chariot card - going around or overcoming all obstacles and driving straight ahead until he achieves this.
Underlying Energy Two: The Hierophant. This is the card for institutions, and here it comes across as the BRF. The card is linked to the one before it, the Chariot. Consequences will come either from the BRF or from how the Harkles have mocked the BRF by this tour, or both areas. With the consequences from the BRF, they will be pushed through by Prince William, with the support of the BRF.
Underlying Energy Three: The King of Wands. This is a fire sign person, particularly a Leo. This is usually my card for Meghan, and her energy is here, but there is also the energy of a member of the BRF - Princess Beatrice, also a sun sign Leo. Princess Beatrice will be involved with whatever the BRF is doing, and she will support it.
Meghan's energy is a surprise, but it is definitely here. The 'tour' is going to have consequences for her and Harry, and she will be the one behind some of the consequences that fall on Prince Harry. I just drew two clarifiers for this card - The Two of Cups, the card of relationships, especially romantic ones, and deciding whether to pursue the relationship or not, and the Hermit, which is the card for Virgo, the sun sign of Prince harry, and is also the card for being alone/single. The Hermit card shows Kronus, the god also known as Saturn, who is our modern figure of Father Tim,e carrying the scythe associated with death/the grim reaper. The consequences from Meghan will affect the relationship between her and Prince Harry and may , in time, lead to Harry becoming single, i.e. lead to divorce/the death of their relationship.
Conclusion: This pseudo-royal tour will become a burden to the Harkles and expose the hypocrisy of their 'toxic BRF' victim narrative. It is being used by Harry to send a message to the BRF, and that message as well as the tour itself will lead to the ending of things for the Harkles, both expected and unexpected, as part of the consequences of their actions coming home to them. Prince Andrew will be involved in some way; they may be linked to him via shady money matters, or via his legal troubles, or both. Prince Charles will be forced to perform an unpleasant duty that is related to this 'tour' by the Harkles. Prince William will push through whatever actions come from the BRF, and these actions will be involve the support of Princess Beatrice. There will also be consequences for the Harkle relationship, with Meghan taking action against Harry, and there are indications of a divorce in the future.
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yeshens · 2 years
@aicidos​ ,  cowboy bebop starters   ───
❝ you’re lucky you got away with only this scratch on your arm. ❞ dorothea patching up ferdinand hello?
it bewilders him,  sometimes,  the depth of care she can have for him despite her clear distaste towards what he must represent to her.   that is,  ferdinand has never denied being a noble   —   has even flaunted it,  at times.   (  …at frequent times,  if he were to be honest with himself.  )   neither does he see any point to being humble.   he is simply…  candid,  for better and for worse.
for the longest time,  being a noble had been solely a point of pride for him,  not only as something he was by birth,  but also as a pinnacle of impossibility he was always working towards,  even if the distance never grew any shorter.   he takes pride in the fact that he strives for it regardless.
but as he spends time with her,  he can’t help but reconcile what she sees in him with what must be in him,  but what he had been blinded to for the better part of his life.   he begins to see in himself all that comes with being nobility :  no longer only its better parts ;  he sees the entitlement,  the hypocrisy,  the pride and its falls.
then,  he begins working on it.   ferdinand tells himself it isn’t for her,  not entirely.   a noble should always strive to do and be better   —   he would not say it if he did not live by it,  he would not live by it if he did not believe in it.
but even while he ponders how he can improve,  there is still a puzzle he has to solve.   he suspects the solution to both may be one and the same.   after much contemplation on the matter,  ferdinand reaches his conclusion :  perhaps,  he has a solution to offer up to her.
a week’s worth of working the fields has granted him the bag of flour he requires, and he has just completed the task set to him in exchange for some sugar.   he had just set down the merchant’s goods when commotion begins to brew at a neighboring stall.
by the time he’d stepped in to resolve the dispute   —   a petty thing between two merchants that had escalated rapidly into a heated argument   —   swords had been drawn on both ends,  and even with all ferdinand’s skill he could not disarm them without injury to either party.   naturally,  he’d chosen to take the injury onto himself,  instead.
after that is a blur,  his sacrifice setting motion to a flurry of activity.   mostly,  the shock brings the merchants to their senses.   from there,  they figure things out in words and without much further interference from ferdinand ;  who is aware that the lack of intervention on his part is rather uncharacteristic of him.   the merchants seem to be expecting something from him as well,  perhaps for him to demand either recompense or retribution for his injury.   ferdinand offers them none of it,  simply ensuring their swords are sheathed to avoid further injury before he walks off in the direction of the monastery,  stopping by the first merchant’s stall to inform them that he would pick up the sugar another day.
the winds of speculation follow him on his way out.
the returning journey sees ferdinand losing himself in heavy contemplation.   self assured as he usually is,  he realizes that what he needs is reassurance.   hers,  specifically.   he needs to know that he isn’t doing this in vain,  even if he can’t tell her yet what it is he is up to.   he has always been perceptive enough when it comes to her.   rather fortunately,  this time he even has an excuse for a visit.
certainly,  his decision to head to her is by no means entirely a conscious decision :  he doesn’t notice that he’s heading for her until he is at her door,  but at that point,  it’s easy to rationalize why he’d gone to find her instead of going to the infirmary.   (  after all, isn’t he working on letting go of his pride?  for her to see him vulnerable,  surely that is a step in the right direction?   )
dorothea burns cold and hot all at once,  and ferdinand feels like a moth,  helplessly drawn to her flame.
he isn’t surprised when she lets him in.   he is when she offers to patch the wound up herself instead of passing the duty off to someone else,  or even force him to the infirmary.   but as much as the depth of her care for him surprises him,  he knows this much :  it is a testament to what she is, and not what he is to her.
as it is,  he holds still all the same,  watching as she unrolls the strip of bandage and wraps it around his wounded arm.
dorothea doesn’t take long.   in what feels like mere moments since she began dressing the wound,  she’s already snipping away the excess cloth.
“   lucky…   ”   he echoes,  sounding a great distance away,   “   perhaps i am.   ”
it isn’t quite the reassurance he needs,  but it’s close enough.   like a switch flipped in his mind,  ferdinand snaps back to attention,  holding his newly bandaged arm up against the light as his gaze draws closer in to examine it.   if not her assurance,  he thinks he’s found what he needs.
“   however,   ”   ferdinand soldiers on,   “   i feel i am far more fortunate to have the privilege of your aid.   would you meet me in the dining hall,  say,  the evening after tomorrow?   i believe i have found an answer to that riddle of yours,  and should it go well,  it would perhaps also serve as a token of my gratitude.   ”
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