#for people who can't handle bright lights or smthn???
uwuinhell · 5 months
Yo so I checked ao3 and apparently there's ZERO 2012 Donnie/reader coffee shop au fics??? Not even one??? Which is honestly a crime imo
SO I decided to do it myself. But I'm not currently proficient enough in writing fics to actually make anything. Maybe I just need to think about it more/harder...
So I'm writing a.. drabble.. headcannon.. thingamajiggy.. idk what they're called, honestly.
2012 TMNT Donatello x Reader Coffee shop au ✨
You work at a café, maybe a small mom and pop place, maybe one of a corporate line.
Maybe the café you work at is in a poorly-maintained area of the city and there's frequent power glitches.
(The café is used to this and is prepped for this scenario with at least one generator for all the appliances. As well as an abundance of candles and flashlights, which don't provide Fantastic lighting but it's enough to make by while they wait for power to come back.)
Donnie comes more often and stays a bit longer during these black outs. Otherwise he has only ever ordered to-go.
Donnie also prefers to come when it's less busy. Which is understandable, you don't like large amounts of people either.
Donnie disguises himself with a large hoodie (+ face mask?) and probably pants too. Or maybe a skirt, that'd be cute, I think.
Maybe he hides his hands with mittens or gloves. He'll play off the lack of fingers, if he's wearing gloves, saying it's because of an accident.
If he doesn't wear gloves or mittens he'll keep his hands in his pockets most of the time.
His skin is "like that because of a skin condition" he'll say. He only has 3 fingers because of a deformity, he'll say.
He either pays with straight cash or with a cash-app card. (Because how is a turtle gonna get money??) (The cash is taken from villains or found on the streets)
You don't question his behavior much, writing it off as him being insecure or shy or something.
After he returns a few more times you guys chat more and he meets you on your break to talk more.
After weeks, maybe months of him coming by to get his caffeine hit, it becomes your guy's normal to chill and chat on your breaks.
He also visits and hangs out before the café opens and after it closes sometimes.
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