#for on guitar for funsies and whatnot
edwinisms · 3 months
yknow if charles didn’t play an instrument during life I feel like he’d have learned something in his 30+ years of being dead. and thank god ghosts probably don’t have real breath so his ska enjoyer ass can’t choose to try and learn trumpet (for the sake of edwin’s sanity)
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
Maybe pls headcanons for LOV discovering that female reader had a beautiful singing voice that they kept in secret out of shyness?🖤
You got it, songbird!
LoV x female reader who has a beautiful singing voice but kept it hidden!
Is he shocked? A little! Does he mind? Nope! Tomura is pleasantly surprised at your newfound (to him) talent.
He loves it, he finds it comforting! Hearing you sing calms him down and helps him relax.
The fact you kept it hidden for so long out of shyness is so cute and innocent to him. For Tomura, bashfulness = cuteness.
He could sit and stare at a wall for hours as long as your voice is ringing pleasantly through his ears, if you’d let him. That might not be completely doable, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to think about it.
He’ll ask you whenever you both happen to have free time to sing to him, even if it’s for just one song or part of one. And may the universe itself help whoever interrupts your singing to him.
If you’re very close to him, he’s not above asking you to sing to him to help him sleep when he struggles. He’ll be a bit embarrassed about it, but if you’re just as flustered he’s actually relieved!
Tomura will also keep an ear out at the hideout to listen for your singing to yourself if you do, almost to the point where he borderline stalks you - accidentally!
He’ll be interested in learning to read musical notes if you know, but teaching him to sing is probably a big no.
Mr. Compress:
He’s going to have a field day!
Mr. will constantly implore you to jump in alongside him in an act, no doubt, whether for the League itself or out on the streets (in disguises) to earn extra money.
He knows you’re shy, but hey! That’s a good way to try to work through it and overpower your shyness, right? “Even if it’s just one act, y/n-san!”
Obviously, he doesn’t mean to use you as a cash monkey for the extra money and use you as a tool!
He just thinks it would just be fun, a great way to bring in extra moolah, scope out the area for possible raids, and a good comrade-bonding experience!
If you happen to sing in front of the others, or just generally sing in front of him, he’s going to hop in and sing with you! The man loves his music and he ain’t about to miss out.
I think he’d play the violin or cello, so just for funsies he’ll often offer to play alongside you, even if it’s just the two of you.
After being introduced to your talent and finding out another member of the League is musically talented, you’ll oftentimes find him traipsing through the hideout just humming away, for no particular reason.
Not quite internally fangirling screaming. Could you be famous? He thinks you should be!
The first time he heard it, he was in awe and he couldn’t get the sound of your voice out of his head for days. Not that he was complaining! It felt like a gift from nature and was much better than hearing his own.
He’s internally wondering why the hell you would keep such a beautiful voice away from the rest of the league, though. But he still gets it. If you’re shy, you’re shy - he’s not going to force you to do anything about it.
He’ll ask you, if you’re comfortable, to hum a soothing song or whatever time you can throw at him while you’re on missions and have a spare moment.
I can see Twice calling you in the middle of the night when he can’t sleep or has nightmares, to sing him a lullaby - any lullaby from anywhere. Although, bonus points if it’s in your native language.
All that said, though, he’s going to be a little nervous asking you to sing for him. He knows you’re shy about it, so he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and rejection might be a little hard for him!
Probably wouldn’t learn to sing alongside you because he’s a smoker, but he might try to learn an instrument from you if you’re willing. Just something he can play in his free time to keep his mind off things.
The more you’ve sung to him, the more you’ll catch him thrumming his fingers against things as if to mimic the notes of the songs he’s heard from you. He doesn’t realize he does it.
This girl loves music, so she’s going to love that you can sing so wonderfully.
I think she can sing herself, but she’s quiet about it, possibly for the same reason. She sings for herself and no one else.
Despite that, she’ll encourage you to sing in front of the others often, almost like she’s showing you off. She’ll like hearing your voice much more than her own, after all.
If you’re close enough, she’ll plop her head in your lap, or rest her cheek against your shoulder - even if you’re standing - and ask you to sing something to her. It doesn’t matter what, she just wants to hear your voice.
Maybe don’t try to sing her to sleep. She gets too giddy and happy upon hearing your voice to be able to fall asleep! She asked you to once and it led to a two-day long spree of not sleeping at all.
Forget about trying to teach her anything musical - she’s not interested! Himiko would much rather just listen to sing or play something than learn and do it herself. She’s a little selfish that way.
If you manage to get her to cozy up to you, after some convincing she might sing with you, but certainly not for you. She’s very stubborn, so if you manage to get that far, say your thanks and try something else, or it’ll piss her off.
Himiko might pick up new songs to send your way to learn, just so that she can your voice in a variety of ways.
Surprised! Not in a bad way, but not in a good way, either. He just hadn’t thought of it before.
But if you offer at any time, he won’t turn you down. Never. The more he hears your voice the more he thinks of it it as a pleasant surprise, not something he’s neutral to, as he was in the beginning.
If you happen to hum or sing under your breath around him, his eyes will be glued to you, and his ears will drown out everything but the vocals coming from you. Does not give a shit if you catch him. He’ll just smirk at you and tell you to continue.
He’s not going to outright ask you to sing to him unless you’re extremely close and he’s having a really bad time. Like, “night terrors and he pulled staples in his sleep and might now be covered in his own blood” level of bad time.
If you so happen to sing to him privately or more often than the others, you can bet he’s going to brag about it to the rest of the League. Dabi’s a bragger.
And like Himiko, he’s going to want to show you off. He’ll try to get you to sing as much as he can in front of the others. For him, it means he prompted you to sing and by the wind you did it.
He’ll give you all sorts of nicknames, probably even some you hate because it’s oftentimes music terminology that he uses wrongly, just to bug you.
He won’t learn anything musical, but he’s not above mimicking playing an instrument just to tease and prod at you. The more you react, the more he’s going to do it, and the more fun he’ll have doing it.
He’s going to be as shy about it as you are, honestly. Your voice is so beautiful and he wants to tell you that, but he feels awkward when he tries and it just doesn’t go his way.
Like Dabi, he’s going to sit and stare at you if you sing or hum around him. If you catch him, he gets a tad flustered and apologizes for staring, because staring is kinda rude, but he has good reason to stare!
He won’t pay attention to the words you sing but rather the high, low, and prolonged or short notes that come out of you. It’s like he’s dissecting how you sing.
Spinner will think about asking you to sing something for him but only rarely will go through with it.
Most of what he asks you to sing has something to do with video games, like Devil Trigger from DMC5 or Honor For All from the first Dishonored game. Or just random soundtrack vocals he enjoys.
He will cry literal tears of joy if you sing while he plays something like Guitar Hero or Beat Saber. That’s as close to playing an instrument as you’re going to get with him.
Spinner will watch you practice a certain song quietly, clearing your throat when your voice doesn’t seem to do what you want it to, and rereading notes that seem to refuse to come out. He think it’s cute how your eyes dance along the page.
If you happen to write your own song and sing him a lyric one way and then again in another, with different notes and whatnot, and ask him what he thinks, he’s going to be so lost. Both sound so good to him - how can you make him pick?!
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