#for now im good with her factory hair still
doll-princesse · 1 year
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Elana is wearing the blue dress rn. She’s rocking it, soooo cute with my favorite braided pigtails.
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growling · 2 months
gushing over magical girls episode 1 vine boom
i read like only a part of the blurb (i like to not know what the hell is going on at any given time) so yeah apparently theres just some girl that likes magical girls and gets excited over having been informed of having Cool Powers but it turns out she transforms into a villain instead. is that gonna be that dark blue hair specimen ive been seeing in google image gallery orrr
ah yeah she is lol
ok lesbian
ong it's kyubey's evil homunculus shadow self
i don't think tits move like that but i appreciate the effort
im love her- Heyeyeeyeyeyy inTRO DAMN WHAT'S GOINH ON LET'S SLOW DOWN MMABYE
i lvove gay people
go queen give us nothing
i trust the shadow kyubey with my heart it would never betray me
leave my girl alone cancel the torment
and they even gave her a crop........ chrsiist almighty
NOT THE TENTACL- Pull yourself together Ashley accept the reality of the situation . Let go babe turn on the "be prepared for every fucking thing" switch and activate your evil mode I know this isn't your heart . Ok I'm good now reborn anew we shall continue on,
most insane yet typical 10 minutes of my life god bless
yeah sure that sounds reasonable .
dark hair girl whose name i forgot getting her sadist awakening we love to see it. shoutout to sadists gotta be one of my favourite genders (waves at u yomi)
somethig wrong wit her
i still cannot decide whether i am or aren't the target audience for this. nevertheless what a fascinating sight to behold
my girl utena living the dream rn
shoutout to hiiragi utena one of my favourite freaks
oh cool. we actually got anime transformation logic. still funny though
yay venalita or velinata or velita or whatever ur name was give me like 5 more episodes before i officially stop forgetting
damn what kinda fetish are they gonna utilize at the factory this time
got my answer. ah yes that sounds perfectly reasonable. how did i not think of this
this too is yuri. broadening the definition of gay sex
these 20 minutes have changed me as a person. which isnt hard to do as i can barely be considered a person anyway in this state
poggers 👍
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kipowolfton · 6 months
I'm thinking abt my vase of flowers and my ADHD ass switched to depressing memories I just uncovered with my mother wtf man why do I think so fast 😭😭😭😭😭
might delete later 🥺👉👈
also trigger warning
like seriously I'm fucked up
So basically, I have this vase in my room. It's always been there. A pearly white vase with flower shaped mounds (I think it'd be called?) all over it. inside this vase is a variety of flowers
a bouquet I caught at a wedding when I was 9
a flower pen from my best friend
the flower shaped pendulum from the cuckoo clock that was on my wall that I had an unexplainable and irrational fear of
a glowstick dandelion from a Wednesday night at church.
now onto the mom part
the bouquet. It was fine. My mother decided one day that it was not. She grabbed it out of the vase and tried to leave my room with it, I asked her what she was doing and she fell something along the lines of trimming it to make it fit better
it fit perfectly. It was fucking fine. i told her no, she still tried to leave, I grabbed her arm, she tried to pull away, I told her not to cut the flowers, she hit my hand off of her and stormed off. She came back with scissors and cut about 2 inches off the bottom of the fake stems.
I was pissed. Fuming. angry. The flowers were intact,yes, but. why did she still cut the handle? Why did she do that? I told her no.I wanted them the way they were, it was fine! There was nothing wrong with them! She didn't listen to me. She never does. and so I did what my autistic ass body tells me to do when experiencing anger
I sat there, and I sobbed. I cried. I bawled. I wasn't a little kid, I just couldn't take it. she put on a worried look and tried to console me. I told her to get the hell out. She said that it was better and that no damage had been done, the flowers were alright, and that I was overreacting and that she didn't know why I was so upset. I told her to go away.
and, now, thinking of it reminds me a lot of my life now. Except I'm the flowers in the vase in my bedroom. How I'm never good enough,and I still need trimming. Even if the flowers were factory made and perfectly designed, they weren't good enough, even in a place where they shouldn't matter to her. like how I'm woken up each day with anger. I can't wake up on a Saturday and ask to go back to sleep without being yelled at, how every morning she wakes me up yelling at me and patronizing my smell and breath despite the fact I haven't had the time to put my god damned glasses on. how I'm an unhealthy eater and need to eat healthier foods and less sugars and shit, and how I need to exercise more and how im getting chubby when i am very underweight and barely eat at all. She tells me things about my body. Like my ass is to big and that my chest is developing like hers were. She tells me I have her body. She tells me I looked like she did when she was in high school. How I have her legs, how I have her arms,hands,feet, etc. i remember when I was little and my hair was in curly blonde ringlets, she'd put our hair together and tell me how alike we were. Tell me how beautiful I was and how beautiful she used to be.
she dyes her hair blonde.she curls it too.
also would probably be a good time to tell you I'm fucking adopted. she is my biological grandmother.
my biological mother couldn't deal with her shit and chooses being homeless on the other side of the country, (she's also wheelchair bound) instead of even saying hello to me once, or coming to stay, only because she can't stand that woman's shit.
I see why.
and it's all perfectly, beautifully, and painfully displayed with the trimming of the fake pink roses
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molthethratrenerd · 6 months
my gender
This is gonna be a long rant abt my gender so you do have to read it. I just need to say it.
Ok so ive been question my gender/sexuality for like 3-4 years now and i this was kinda it
Oh i'm a bi girl -> im pan girl -> lesbian -> pan she/they still a girl but queerer
Then like i was more worried about trying to figure out my sexuality right cause like i wanted to be kissed before my 16th (that didn't happen) 
Then like maybe mid 2022 i started thinking about gender and i knew 2 trans people but i was kinda like no that can't be me flashforward to march 2023 i got in to will wood and i was like ‘no way i'm in anyway trans but if i could be him i would’ and i like said to myself that i just thought he was attractive?? Then the same thing happened with the character jesse st james from glee which was even weird because there was no way i would want to date him, so thats when she/they pronouns came in i put it in my bio. Then kids from my class found out and made fun of it so i changed em back to she/her. 
Then since like september last year it feels like minimum weekly i’d either not be able to stop thinking abt gender or take way too many ‘what's my gender quizzes’ 
And like i feel its alway been in the day of my head, but its becoming more prevalent since then ive been like could i be non binary, genderfluid pintrest boards. At the beginning of the year i cut my hair again, which felt so good,.
So now somedays im having thoughts like ‘oh my fucking god why cant i drink something and be a guy’ ‘please for fucks sake’ though im nor sure id like to be a man im not 100% sure im a girl (im moving further from that). But like if there was like a magical thing i could drink do idk that would turn every inch into like robert smith between 1983-2004 id do it so quickly omg. 
And like it kinda hurts that i'm not idk (and ive never felt this for any girl celebrities)
And i kinda think they are also there those thoughts but some days theyre less i thinks thats just cus im distracting myself though i dont know i could be fluid. 
But i dont want to be any guy like the men in my family most of them are big i cant think of a better word then buffheads more so my dad but i could just not want to be like them i dont have a good relationship 
I dont think i HATE being a girl- i don't love it i like some parts but i dont think its things exclusive to girls say cause gender norms n stuff. 
I dont know if i have dysphoria because that fluctuates but im vision impaired so if i dont try and look at my body i forget some of it exists i really dont like my boobs or how clothes sit on my body think i like okay with having a cups (that i could easly hide if i wanted to  i dont but that cause also be cause by the pain they cause me.
My waist i like but only because that's the part of my body thats skinnest like my body was less shapely but that skinny id be elated.
But especially o the days i think abt it more but also all the time i do wish for more masc features eg adams apple more angular face bigger hands etc etc.Voices of weird one because my voice is in mezzo soprano range my speaking voice however in chest voice is kinda low  but I was self-conscious about it growing up because it made me stand out in different even though really it wasn't I think I just thought people were staring at me for no reason.  I think I only like my voice when I'm singing when I'm acting because I can imagine myself playing characters who aren't me but idk but if it was lower like high baritone or tenor id be like so fucking happy.
And like i Kind of want to try dressing differently but I can't because a I don't want my family to know certain pieces of clothing would be mens Not that they have a problem with it I'm assuming they could though but they probably just want to talk about it and I would not but also like  I remember one time I was at the shop called Factorie  and I wanted to get the Black Parade t-shirt but it was a mens shirt  and my god the amount of anxiety I had and the amount of people that I felt were staring at me I almost had a panic attack. 
And like I feel like if I ever did do anything about gender irl  I'd run away from everyone I know and cut of connections again not because I feel like they'd be bad about it but just I've built this thing around myself so long and I don't think I could even my queer friends like i dont know  my parents I'd feel like I'd be letting them down, and like 
But also so much for my childhood makes sense
Like when I was about 8 I got eczema for the first time and my first thought was ‘oh im turning into a boy… shit what am I gonna tell my parents’  which I don't even know why my brain made that jump but i hated my boobs sometimes more then others Once they got past a certain size,  when I had a pixie cut and a couple people in the street would mistake me for a boy felt exposed ‘like shh don't tell’ 
But I was also such a girly todder/ child  from like ages four Tube8 I would pride myself on being the girlest girl never wearing pants  because I kind of think it was trying to win that competition but I don't know         
I don't think anybody read this whole thing but if you did help me out or don't I don't care but I just needed to vent this 
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kosmicdream · 2 years
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NEW DOLLS to report............ Gore-ganizer Draculaura - for a while i was not planning on getting her cuz of the price and how simple the doll was.. but.. i also just loved her face details so much that i caved in. and now her face details are probably my favorite of the g3 dracs so far! so i am glad i got her. I also use the organizer thing to store my 40000 unused MH accessories. so thats nice. it took a long time to get here tho for some reason..?? Ghouls Rule Frankie - so.. this dolls kinda old! (2012 wow!) but i got them new in box from a seller on ebay. i was not planning on getting this one but the person selling gave me a discount so i just... kind of impulse grabbed it.. i always wanted more old MH dolls that are “new” in box and i really liked the face details on this one, so i am glad to get them! the only other old MH doll i have “new in box” was my neigthan rot. so im happy to have two of them now. unfortunately, frankie has mega glue hair but i suppose thats to be expected.. i kinda doubt i’ll do anything tho cuz the hair is already like, styled in a certain way so it sorta doesnt matter. lol also: man i love the designs and color schemes of the older MH dolls but i always feel like im gonna snap their little arms..!! i have to say i like how the new G3 mh dolls feel to pose and such much more. they just feel a lot sturdier!  Shadow High S2: Dia Mante - i love that she has short hair but god damn. the glue. i washed mine once because it just was so nasty to touch and now theres like, some random tinsel hairs poking out so she looks crazy but its fine. i also dont really like the shade of purple used for her base but i love the outfit. i kind of hated seeing the new shadow high series 2 because they just.. dont look like shadow high dolls tome (but what do i know ig) i just wanted more monochrome grey/black/white dolls. i thought they looked so good that way! i feel like theres a lot of repetitive purples in this series too. either way, i have warmed up to the new line up but i just ended up having to not think of them as shadow high dolls for me to like them more LOL Shadow High S2: Zooey Electra - This one was my clear fav of the group and the one i wanted the most so im happy to have her! i love the alien look and her brown eyes are pretty cute too. i wish she had 2 outfits tho ngl.. i miss that feature LOL.. mine also has a slight factory defect (or im suspecting) cuz her ear holes are kinda higher than normal and the earrings fall out super easily. one of her arms can hyper extend/bend backwards and the other one really struggles to bend. theres also like a tiny mark on her leg. either way, i still love the doll. i think cuz its so simple in design the flaws stick out a bit more lol Shadow High S2: Reina “Glitch” Crowne - Yeah! i liked her a lot. she reminded me of the 2 pack twins so she at least felt like one of the “more colorful” SH dolls that still felt like. part of SH. i like how her undersuit looks when you take off her dress thing. mine also doesnt have too much product in her hair but i havent washed it yet. even tho i feel like shes really simple, i really like the face makeup. Besides that, i still think i like S1 of shadow high way more and felt way more excited to get more of the dolls.. but these are still pretty nice and i like that they’re cheaper lol. thats it for now
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
ok hi so i don’t know if you’re accepting the nightmare factory eddie requests still, but i thought id throw an oddly specific request out there: haunted stair landing w creepy ghost eddie
allow me to elaborate—at my old house i had night terrors and horrible insomnia and literally would wake up screaming some nights (i had ptsd at the time). but whenever i woke up in the middle of the night id go downstairs to get some water or even just stretch my legs. and my house was really old, and my stairs were set up where it’s on an angle, if that makes sense? so instead of the stair case going like straight up and down it looked like this:
s |___ _______
s |___ L |
|_______| s
|_______| s
|_______| s
the s= stairs, the first set being sideways and the L = the landing and then is followed by the second set of stairs in another direction. and like i just wanna make sure you have a visual bcs sometimes ppl know what i mean when i say stair landing and sometimes they don’t. so my stairs at my house were set up like this but they were tucked away so that even during the day they were still covered in shadow and they were this pale white/grey carpeting. was kinda creepy.
ok so now you have a visual allow me to continue:
so a lot of times on the nights that i would get up to get a glass of water or go to the bathroom (i had to walk past the stair landing to get to the bathroom), im pretty sure i would see a little ghostie girlie hanging out there. she had dark almost black hair (it was straight) and was always in some sort of white but dirty nightgown and i would just see her curled into a ball on the corner of the landing of the stairs. and i never once got bad vibes from her. like id walk right by her and kinda be like ‘rough night? me too. hope your night gets better’ or like ‘how are you doing? haven’t seen you in a while’ or ‘i love your whole tortured female suppressing her desire for revenge against her family vibe. girlboss of you’ and ofc she never responded or moved much but i kinda knew that she appreciated it? like just being talked to, ig? but id love to see your spin on something similar?
maybe eddie had a bad day at the nightmare factory or something and reader just sees him there on the landing of their stairs and is half asleep so they think they’re dreaming still or hallucinating (ik i did at first, still kinda wonder if that was the case) and they’re just like ‘you good?’ and he’s like ‘??? i am a ghost on your stairs why are you asking me if im good but also please don’t stop talking’.
Hi darling
that sounds so eerie and wonderful for this story all at once, I think it's perfect! I love hearing about the types of dreams you all are having, or have had, and then having the chance to make the scary parts just Eddie trying to get your attention.
Maybe this is one of those times when Eddie is not actively trying to get reader's attention, he's just chilling because he's bummed, and we initiate conversation with him.
Another friend mentioned a Liminal Space dream where Eddie is a bit of a No Country for Old Men character, and all of these great ideas are feeding my Twilight Zone brain.
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skoulsons · 2 years
you know what time it is. my scrambled thoughts. took me an hour and a half to finish the ep 🥴
people have said this ep is really good and intense so I’m excited
where are we
we going back to two days before it broke out it looks like cause the 24th
Oooh police? What did she do
I think every ep is gonna start with a flashback so that’s cool
or is she like a doctor or something and knows something about the fungus?
she looks distressed?
Ibu ratna okay. Prof of mycology so they need her to inspect the cordyceps or something
I remember seeing a pic of her floating around
my episode froze why
cant survive in humans suree
oh dear is this person gonna be a clicker already or something
oh no okay it’s just her corpse
EUGH I hate surgery stuff and cutting like that
is she gonna wake up I fear
This is so gross please
OH MY FORHDKF that’s horrifying
bro I feel sick wth
FLOUR AND GRAIN FACTORY people were right
so she bit three people and they were all taken into observation
oh fourteen that’s a lot
listening carefully
“There is no vaccine” you’re damn right thank you joel
BOMB alright cool
it’s gonna be hiroshima all over again
was that too much im sorry
no she wants to be with her family before they all die :(
oh the music. gustavo I love you
I cant skip this intro it’s too good man
and the little Joel and Ellie <3
alright back to reality
look at her sleeping. she’s so tiny
they really put butterflies everywhere in this show
her bed hair 😭
did they just shove her in a room or something and tell her to go to sleep
I feel like I just experienced whiplash
oh cause she’s infected
sir that’s the second time you’ve aimed a gun at her in the last two days
im only 11 minutes in at this rate I’ll never get through this episode
“Don’t worry about that” “well I’m gonna” 😭
“there’s not gonna be anything bad in here” “just you” “oh funny” STOPPP I cant wait to get moments like these where they’re smiling
Joel :((
holy crap. “You need to stop talking about this kid like she’s got some kind of life in front of her”
“Guess not you guys” 😭
joel being scared of Tess going over to Ellie bc he doesn’t want her to get hurt :( the end of this ep is gonna suck real bad
“You must’ve heard that he wants to shoot you” :(
“She told me not to tell anybody and now I’m telling the first people that i-“ this is so Ellie. it’s about the vaccine isn’t it
Joel knowing exactly what she was saying 😭
Tess having to be their mediator
I GET IT!? damn no
her making the clicks 😭
I can’t believe I get to see my little comfort character in live action whisper an “okay” and throw his hands outwards. I love you joel miller
the chirping birds :)
I hope there’s a little instinctive moment where Joel protects her this ep. IM YEARNING FOR IT (I got it :D)
man those buildings look gnarly
I love how Joel just keeps walking while Tess indulges her questions. he’s so annoyed 😭
they’re such a little family 🫶🏻
oh I’m dumb I had captions this whole time and never put them on
Joel’s just causally eavesdropping cause he won’t talk to her directly but is also still curious
Riley :/
you got some balls on you sister 💀
I know I said this last week but Joel really has the “too tired for this shit” plastered on his face all the time and it’s delightful
the scenery is phenomenal
ooh mention of spores
they’ve really got the whole “Ellie bombarding them with questions and inquiring about every little thing” down
OOH CLICKER CLICK. that was loud too
and a frog too 😭
“Have you heard of books?” 💀 he’s SO done with her
NO SMART ASS. his little jump to show her it’s not deep 😭
this whole set is so good
YOU TRY CLIMBING TEN FLOORS WITH OUR KNEES. they’re so old this is so cute
he won’t even grab her shoulder to shove her aside. mans grabbed a fist full of her hoodie and backpack 😭
“I’m gonna need a few minutes” boy I hope this joelellie convo goes well
“The circus” he’s so tired
he’s downplaying her knowledge so much I love this
“no more questions about me” :(
this direction is beautiful. neil I take back anything bad I’ve said about you
was that a hint of him smiling. was it. or is my brainrot convincing me of things. WAS IT. she said it’s a really shitty one and it cuts to him I SWEAR THE LOOK ON HIS FACE AND HIS EYES I SWEAR
“sometimes” :( he looks like he’s thinking abt sarah
their height difference bro I can’t wait til they hug
im trying to cut these into small sections so… next section I guess?
wow. that’s a lot of bodies
all the infected noises wow
wow that’s incredibly scary
ooh the fungus being like a hive mind sort of thing? Interesting
ooh he was testing it
“did Marlene pack you one of these or just sandwiches?” 😭
“I HAVE A SPARE HAND” “CONGRATULATIONS” they’re so funny. if y’all could see the grin on my face
this is so spooky
that guy is messed up
“from this point forward, we are silent” yes sir whatever you say sir <3
this building is really falling apart
Joel turning back to look a them :’)
these first two eps have a lot of trailer shots which is good
the bodies look so gnarly
why did Joel look so soft opening that door. he just looks so 🤏🏻
oh look, a rare untouched room. not for long
him helping Ellie up :’’’)
wow that’s a gorgeous shot of their lights lighting up the dust from the debris
oh my gosh dude
joel has a tear in his eye telling her to be quiet. I might just 🕳👩‍🦯
it’s right there EUGH
they look so good dude
he sees Ellie he’s going over to get her
his backpack almost hit her in the face 😭
this is a serious scene but I can’t help but look at Ellie holding the flashlight on the clicker while joel fires and immediately being reminded of all the times my dad has had to fix something and I have to hold the flashlight over his shoulder while he yells at me to hold it better
oh she was bit a second time I THOUGHT SHE WAS
“If it was gonna happen to ONE of us” mmmm not quite true
“For once, maybe we could actually win” :/she’s acting like this bc she’s bit and she doesn’t get to win
he looks sm softer looking at her :(
that ladder is so unstable
last ten mins
man she’s in such a rush to get there :/ Joel’s suspicious
EUGH was that crushing his head? sheesh
that bloods looking pretty fresh
oh here we go
oh that’s disgusting okay
Here we goooo
“That’s not my home” why does it look like that broke Joel.
on her neck still wow.
she’s shaking already :(
joel baby you gotta go
SAVE WHO YOU CAN SAVE *immediately grabs Ellie*
Tess :(
I hate that
joel :((
Tess went out like a hero tho what a champ
12/10 episode!! So freaking good
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
The Real Story
Cw: DC cannon violence, mentions of sexism. cassandra is a teen and she gets a gun at some point but its just a quick scene. Lmk if I missed anything
Summary: I rewrite birds of prey to fit my s/I. This is an idea that my friend tex gave me.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
♡lovely taglist: @sugar-and-pearls @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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Now, we've all heard my story in my own movie (yay!) But im a little bummed out that the writers skipped a big person in my story
i mean seriously! She was right there with me, how didnt they realize there was someone they forgot?!
anyway. After I blew up that chemical factory, I got the wonderfull news that my friend Rick Flag was alive! So I did what anyone would do and took a taxi to his house
it was more colorful than I remember, now the garden had flowers and a few fruit trees
the mailbox had sunflowers painted all over it, and on the side it read "Flag & Sunblaze". Weird...
_i knocked on the door and Rick opened it. I was overjoyed!_
--Rick!-- Harley exclaimed hugging her friend tight, still under the effects of the alcohol.
--Harley! Good to see you-- Rick replied with a smile, pulling away from the hug a little-- come in, there's Someone I'd like you to meet
She steps inside and looks around-- I remember this place being a little emptier than it is now...-- her eyes scan over a particular mural.
Now. I wasnt expecting the sheer size of the painting! It covered the whole wall! I could tell one of the people in it was Rick...but the other...?
--Harley, This is jerico-- Rick said snapping her out of her trance-- my girlfriend
Harley Turned around to face her friend and his companion.
girlfriend?! Since when does he have a girlfriend? I knew things with Dr.Moone didnt work out but WOW!
and she was Real beautiful, mind you. She had Brown hair that was loose, very short, reaching maybe three inches under her earlobe, bobcut and longer towards the front. Big green eyes, and thin lips curled into a smile
--,Oh my! Pleasure to meet you! Im Harleen!-- she shakes the other woman's hand-- oh youre beautiful!
Her cheeks get Pink and Rick has to squash the tiniest bit of jealousy, Rolling his eyes.-- why,thank you!. Nice to meet you Harleen!
--oh, but you can call me Harley! How did you two meet? How are you alive! Oh theres so much to catch up to! -- she exclaimed.
--Rick, dear why dont you update Harley, ill go make some tea
--Alright, Darlin'-- he hugs his partner's waist and kisses her briefly, her hands on his chest.
Both look at eachother for a moment with half lidded lovesick eyes, to then part.
Rick followed jerico with his eyes, smiling fondly.
--I can already tell you two are such a healthy couple! Now tell me everything!-- Harley exclaimed taking his Friends hand and manhandling Him to the couch.
_Ricky told me everythin'! How Jerico nursed Him back to health, how they fell in love and moved in here. Such a love story!_
_i told him I blew up the chemical factory, and in true Rick Flag fashion,he was...concerned to be the least_
--Harley...-- Rick said sternly-- you realize what you just done?
--Nope!-- Harley exclaimed-- I mean yes, I let everyone know that I broke up with Mr.J
--Exactly! Youre in danger! People could come up after you!-- he added.
--Ah ill be fine Ricky!-- Harley dismissed.
--I dont think you Will...-- suddenly he grips his chest and winces.
--are you okay?!-- jeri exclaimed examining Him.
--'m alright, sweetpea. Just a ghost pain...-- he explained, putting a hand on her cheek, caressing it Gently.
_I wish I had a relationshipp like theirs. There was something so pure about the way that Rick held jerico's cheek, and the way she looked at him with worry in her eyes. As if he was her whole world_
--Go to the doctor tomorrow-- she pleaded.
--I Will, dont worry-- he reassured, to then turn to Harley-- I dont think its a good idea you stay by yourself..., jerico go with her
--I- what?! Im not gonna leave you alone!-- she said loudly-- what if something happends? What if you need help and im not here?
--I survived worse
--That doesnt help
Rick chuckled, holding her cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs-- Darlin' Harley is a good friend of mine and I cant Keep her safe...so please Keep her safe for me
--If anything...and I mean anything happends...
--Ill call you, dont worry-- he kissed her again, gently.
Harley could only stare at the situation infront of her, she wanted to coo but that would ruin the moment.
She watched jerico kiss back and say-- ill go pack some things up
--Well I'm more than okay with her coming along!-- the other woman said-- we'll have a girls night and you can tell me all the details that your Man might have skipped
Rick looked at jerico like "dont tell her anything..." and jerico looked at him like "im gonna tell her EVERYTHING"
--im startin' to think this was a bad idea-- he teased.
--Suck it up, flag-- jeri replied going upstairs to pack some things.
Once she leaves, harleen smiles and adds-- you got yourself a big catch
--dunno how I did it-- Rick admitted-- I love her
--She looks like she loves you too-- she said.
Soon after jerico was all ready. She said goodbye to her boyfriend with a long kiss and a hug-- eat your breakfast, take it easy, go to the doctor, thats an order, Colonel
--yes ma'am-- Rick replied.
and so she drove me back home in her cool sports motorcycle
we chatted for a little while, before I pass out on the couch, I let her take the bed because im a good host!
next morning I went to get a Cheese Sandwich from sal! And you know what happens, people chase me and I run for my life!
after rescuing that kid Cassandra and robbing a grocery store we returned home!
--Ah cassandra! Mean Jerico shes the girlfriend of a good friend of mine!
--Nice to meet you, Cassandra, uhm why is this kid here?-- Jerico asked
--,She Ate that diamond I told you about, now we are here and we brought food!
--You stole it-- jeri clarified.
--buy, stole, same thing!--The other woman exclaimed.
_we ate some cereal while we watched cartoons, Jerico kept lookin' at her phone so I had to ask_
--Did Ricky go to the doctor?, you Keep checking his messages?
--Yeah he did...just a ghost pain but I worry...he overdos it and im worried-- she explained, retuning to her home screen, the background is a photo of Rick and her on the coltomaltes beach with the golden hour at full Bloom.
--Nice picture-- Harley complimented-- where'd ya take it?
--Coltomatese, before we left...-- she replied fondly.
--You two look happy
--We are
Harleen pats her Friends back-- relax! I bet Rick is having a jolly ol time. Hes probably eating breakfast and watching those awful military movies he likes so much!
Jerico laughed-- he probably is!
after doc had betrayed us I was decided to turn over Cassandra to Sion. Jerico was not on board which led to a mini argument. Our first friend argument! This is exciting!
--Doc is right..bussiness is bussiness-- Harley said decidedly.
--Wait! Youre not gonna turn her over right?! Harley Sion Will kill her...-- jerico said taking her shoulder.
--I lost everything! My house! My hyena is lost somewhere in this city! -- the other woman yelled with tears in her eyes-- you have a home and a boyfriend! You dont know what its like to loose everything!
Jeri sighed inwardly-- that doesnt justify handing her over!
--I dont care! Dont get in my way jerico!, dont wanna hurtcha...
Jerico looked at Harley, face serious and her stance getting low-- Harley...I warn you
Suddenly, jeri's phone rings, she sighs and looks at the contact. Rick-- dont move!-- she warns and picks up the phone-- darling?
--hey babe, I was wonderin' if you would come over for dinner? Bring Harley along?-- Rick asked Gently, easing her adrenaline, slowly melting at her boyfriend's voice.
--We are a bit of a shitstorm...Everyone is looking for her and the kid I told you about when you were at the hospital...-- she Turned around and Harley started to run with cassandra.
--Jerico! Help!-- the kid shouted.
--Motherf- babe I gotta go...Harley Will give the kid to sion and-
--Its alright baby, you go. Ill be waitin' for you-- he reassured.
--love you too!-- jeri said before ending the call and running after Harley.
Meanwhile, Rick sighed as he looked at the half made dinner and the small black Velvet box on the kitchen counter. -- goddamnit, Harley!
Jerico chased after harleen and the kid on her motorcycle, sunny had given her the location.
Amusement mile, Booby trap.
She had teamed up with Renee, and both entered the hideout And charged towards Harley.
now not gonna lie, jerico knew how to fight. She kicked my ass, guess Ricky teached her how to tango
and yeah she might have lost it when I threw the cop outta the Window...
--Harley what the fuck?!-- Jerico yelled.
--You want some of this ?-- Harley asked.
--Youre crazy
--But you love it!
Jerico looked torn between the kid and rene, but ultimately, knowing back up was on the way, she went after rene,jumping from the Window and catching the other woman mid air, floating as she flies-- you okay?
--Yes-- renee said-- thanks
She settled her on the ceiling of a nearby building-- no worries...
Honestly its good Jerico is the sensible one here, when all us where reunited after killin' that bastard Sas, things were a bit of a mess
--Alright everyone. Calm down...-- jerico said, putting her hands infront of her, signaling to everyone to put down their weapons.
--And who the fuck are you?-- Dinah asked turning to a woman with a crossbow.
--Go get the kid-- Renee ordered.
--yeah, ill go get the kid -- dinah agreed going to unite Cassandra.
now cass had picked up a gun and things were getting Real
--No I dont think so...-- jericó said, and sunny came in flying, snatching the gun away from cassandra.
and guess what! Sionis decided to bring a whole army! And so off we went to kick ass and save the kid
honestly I dont know what Ricky has been teaching Jerico but Man can she kick some serious ass!
i swear If Ricky doesnt Marry this chick...
i of course had to record her ass kicking, Rick Will love this!
--Youll touch the kid over my dead body!-- jerico yelled, hitting a bad guy with her bo staff, first in the stomach,to then hook the end of the staff behind the guys knee and making him fall.
As the final blow, she hits the side of his head, knocking Him out.
--If Rick saw ya now he would be all hot'n' bothered!-- Harley yelled from behind her.
--Ha! He would! -- she agreed-- suns alive! you fuckers couldnt get uglier masks?!
i see what Rick saw in her, shes Smart, witty, funny,beautiful...
her eyes filled with anger and a heart full of courage, she took down guy after guy swiftly
--yeah youre all big tough scary men going after us sionis YOU SEXIST ASSHOLE!--She yelled hitting a bad guy Straight in his privates to then hit his forehead with the staff, knocking him out.
with jerico close behind me we chase after the car that has Cass, her hair swaying with the extent of her power
--Rick is waiting for me with dinner, he said to invite you over...id hate to leave him stood up-- jerico said.
--If we survive this ill go! Ricks Food is very good!--Harley exclaimed-- sorry for all of this...
--lets handle this first and then you can apologize
--Yes ma'am!
when we had finally rescued the kid, sionis was laying on the docks, backing away as a very angry jerico conjured something. The ball of light in her right pam. twirled as she moved her hands, her power arched around her like electricity in a Tesla Coil and the surface of the sun with wide arches around her neck and shoulders
--youre a disgusting, sexist, gross criminal...youre the worst of the worst...and as such you only deserve the worst--jerico growled-- this is a little something an ex of mine taught me...
and then she started to chant somethin'
--Suns alive, burning in the dark
Open the deepest pits
Let the beast feast.
May his soul burn in eternal Agony
With pain and suffering
He inflicted upon the living
Open the pits
Beast, feast upon this wretched being-- she crouches and puts the orb against sionis chest, who writhes and screams in pain as he slowly becomes charred charcoal.
Once he was dead and gone, she stands up, cleaning her hands, before kicking the charcoal head in-- thanks for teaching me that one, John
Harley noticed jeri play with some sort of ring thats dangling from a chain around her neck-- is the kid alright?
--she is-- Harley confirmed-- where did you learn that
--Oh a lovely ex of mine!, John Constantine, what a softie-- she reminisced-- lets get outta here..
and we went toget tacos afterwards! The kid finally got the diamond out of her and after making fun of her for a bit we resumed to what we were doing!
--Dont wanna say anything but I think Rick wants to propose to me!-- Jerico exclaimed.
--No way! Thats great-- dinah said-- about time he put a ring on it, youre one badass woman
--Very pretty too-- huntress added.
--I second that!-- Harley agreed.
and just when we were about to leave, jerico stops me, I look at her and she gives me one of her sunshine filled smiles
--Harls,wait-- jeri said gently-- you did things right by the kid, and me, we're good
--Thats good, Ill go change...I know we have that dinner with Ricky and I wanna look presentable..-- Harley sounded...sad and upset.
Jeri cups her cheek and smiles-- hey now, theres a reason he invited you
--You should be with Rick-- Harley whined, taking the hand on her cheek.
--Maybe I want you too, ever thought of that?
--Why would you?
--Because youre unhinged, and chaotic, funny, you made an effort to change...why wouldnt I be with you?
Harley smiled and leaned closer-- youre sure he wont mind?
--Ah as if he didnt saw this one coming
Jerico kisses Harley, hugging her neck, and Harley hugs her waist.
They press their foreheads toghether and smile.
--See you at dinner
--See you at dinner
Ya had to see Rick's face when the whole team of girls showed up, he was prepared of course and made dinner for all of us! But his face was priceless
he was dressed nice, for once. And his jaw dropped when he saw Jerico
a beautiful flowy yellow dress fell right above her ankles, her sun earrings and her short hair swaying in the night breeze, lips glossy and shiny. Honestly I dont get how he didnt pop the question right then and there
we all sat to eat and catched Rick up with everything that happend, he was flabbergasted and kept looking at jerico like "you allowed this to happen?!"
--Ah look at your girl kicking ass-- Harley said showing him the video she took of jerico kicking ass in the booby trap house.
Something in Rick had changed, a switch flipped.
He cleared his throat, looking at the empty plates of food eaten.
--Well, I guess that does it-- he stands up and kneels infront of jerico.
The people present gasp, jeri looks in awe and out of her depth.
--Jerico, darlin' since I met you I felt this connection to you, and after movin' in and spendin' more time with you I realized...youre the woman I wanna spend my whole life with
Youre my lucky star and my sun in the darkness... I love you
And I promise ill be with you when you need me, always. Just like when you were for me .
Jerico. Will you Marry me?
Jerico nodded, covering her mouth with her right hand as Rick slipped the beautiful ring on her ring finger.
He hugged her, holding her by the biceps And pressing their bodies together, he kept muttering "I love you, I love you so much" and in reply he would get a "I love you too. I love you so much too"
The other women clap and cheer, and after jerico and Rick share a quick but passionate kiss, music invades the house.
Jeri danced with Harley laughing and smiling, Rick sits back looking at his partner.
--Shes one hell of a woman-- Dinah said.
--She is-- Rick agreed.
--You better treat her right
-- I try to do that every single Day of my life
--go dance with her Man!-- as Dinah says this he pushes him towards her and her voice powers give him an extra boost.
Harley lets go and he stumbles on jerico, who holds him with worry on her face before he smiles reassuringly and dances with her.
The other women leave to the front garden and peak through one of the Windows.
--I love you-- Rick mutters with pure adoration in his voice, pulling her to his chest after twirling her.
--I love you too-- jeri replied pressing her forehead against his.
They both danced alone for a little while before everyone came back in.
Thar same night, whime Rick was sleeping, Harley and Jerico sit in the roof, as the later explains what and who she is.
--So you were born from one of those?-- harleen asked.
--And you travel through dimentions?
--Cool-- she concluded-- hey ive been meanin' to ask you, whose rings that?
--Thats Jhons, my previous partner,he was a sorcerer but everyone dies in the end, I carry a piece of his soul with me here-- jerico taps the ring.
--Flag knows?
--Hes fine with it, are you?
--Im fine. I think thats a very cute thing to do for your ex hubby. Was he handsome?
--Was he nice?
--To me? Yes. To the rest? Nope
Harley chuckles and hugs her, giving her a soft gentle kiss, the other woman kissed back and caressed her girlfriend's cheek.
and thats the actual story. We're living happily ever after, and yes. Im still commiting crime much to Rick's dismay and jeri's amusement
0 notes
These are all phrases I wrote down in my notes app well watching rtc
"I wanted a man that would drive me to drink!"-noel Gruber
"And when I rage I rap about money and auto tune"-mischa bachinski
"Saw 5 has powerful lesson about fundamental corruption of financially driven medical insurance providers saw 5 says it is morally sick to make dollar of dying man ,for reals, and you get to see dude forced to cut off his arm with Rusty axe, has everything"- Mischa bachinski
"Mad wicked awesome"- Mischa bachinski
"Mine will only have profanity in chorus"-mischa bachinski
"Now you've got sweet little Ricky Potts saying porno is magical"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"I'm still thinking about the time those two boys kissed"- constance blackwood
"What just because I'm all gangster don't automatically make me homophobe it's not good to be homophobe ever since Macklemore dropped same Love that shit was emotionally devastating yo"-mischa bachinski
"Ukrainian men have two emotion rrrage! and passion"-mischa bachinski
"Grab yo dicks if you in the 306 bruh!"-mischa bachinski
"And this is why you both sucked at math !"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"Yoo I can't get any wifi up in this bitch"-mischa bachinski
"I even pretended to believe in your imaginary fiance"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"She is not my imaginary fiance she is my real fiance on my telephone "-mischa bachinski
"Your cousin was in grade 4 he had to get his stomach pumped"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"We're not the least bit concerned she's gonna try bringing back her headless doll!,but I love her"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"Ooh sweet Jesus Christ on a bike"-noel Gruber
"Well played Satan, well played"-noel Gruber
"I wanted to wake up in an alleyway in my own vomit missing teeth!"-noel Gruber
"And a novelist who never wrote a novel "-noel Gruber
"Not in my Bible baby, bonsior!"-noel Gruber
"There's a difference between affection and smut"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"Want to take all the pain from your soul and in the passion factory of my heart transform it into functional Joy"-mischa bachinski
"Love conquers all"-noel Gruber
"And we'll she talks and talks Virgil chews and chews"-karnak
"And that is why not everyone should have a library card !"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"We listen to you now space Jesus"-mischa bachinski
"Do you want to brush my dollys hair"-jane doe
"You just punched me! In the freaking boob!"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"Teen sex KILLS"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"im not mad at you, im just frequently disappointed"-ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
"GOD DAMMIT! Can you keep it in your pants for once you horrible succubus"-noel gruber
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: borderline nsfw like I thought real hard about it, weapons, talks of murder, slight spoilers for resident evil 8
Author’s Note: just impulsively wrote this and am posting it promptly after writing so it has not been edited. Besties im down bad about this sarcastic basterd (also if anyone wants a nsfw part 2...i am willing to provide) (or any other requests for him and Alcina, my favorite bi panic people rn)
Summary: You run into Ethan in Castle Dimitrescu on your way back to the factory.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director
(not my gif)
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Ethan Winters genuinely just wanted his daughter back. He was so sick and tired of going through this village in an attempt to save her, running into every possible inconvenience he could find and knowing that he would probably lose fingers fighting them.
Castle Dimitrescu was vast and regal. He might have liked it if he wasn’t running for his and his daughters' lives from the four vampires that lived there.
He was crouched down, holding a gun up as he walked very quietly and carefully throughout the house so as to not alert any of the Dimitrescu daughters. He opened one of the unlocked doors carefully and immediately stopped moving at the sight of someone.
You wore no cloak, to signify that you were a daughter and you were much shorter than the lady of the house. You grabbed one of the lipsticks that Alicna had plenty of and leaned over the vanity to see how it looked on you.
Ethan stood up and held the gun up to your head. You raised an eyebrow, looking at him from the mirror reflection.
“Who are you?” he asked, voice rough. Rougher than his face looked. You put on the lipstick and then rubbed your lips together.
“Do you think this is my color?” He shoved the gun further into your head and you scoffed. “Fine fine. Not one for makeup eh?” You put your hands up and turned around. He let you sit down on the vanity but not without his gun still pointing at your skull. You seemed unphased which would have been weird if Ethan wasn’t incredibly desensitized to everything ever.
“Who are you? Are you one of the vampires? One of the other family members? Who are you?!” You put your hands slowly down on your lap. He let you, but you were testing his patience.
“Not quite.” You gestured to him. “I’m human. Like you. Well not like you, I’m completely human, no mutations or anything done.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he hissed. You waved him off.
“If you hurt me, you will have Karl on your head and I imagine it won’t be pretty. It’s the only way I can get from Castle to Castle unharmed,” you told him.
“You know, fun hat, frizzy hair, has that big hammer thing. Karl.”
“Heisenberg?” You nodded.
“Yes Ethan, I thought you were smarter than this.” Ethan shook his head quickly and then regained focus, his hand holding the gun shaking a bit.
“Where’s Rose?” You shrugged.
“Fuck if I know Ethan Winters. I’m just the person who lives in a factory and becomes a nuisance for each and every Lord.” He jabbed the gun at your head and you didn’t even flinch.
“You’re lying.”
“Truthfully, I am not. If I knew where Rose was I would at least give you a hint, just to make it interesting.”
“What is Heisenberg to you?” he asked. You smiled a bit, crossing your legs.
“I’m Heisenberg's...girlfriend for lack of a better word. Whatever Mia was to you.” His mind flashed back to Mia. He had barely been able to mourn her. He shook the thought out of his head.
“You know how to get out of here and get Rose yes?”
“I know how to get out of here. How to get Rose, I have no idea. We’ve been over this.”
“But Heisenberg knows and if I can bring you to him, he can tell me.” You shook your head gently.
“Ethan sweetie...I could call for Alcina or the girls at any time and they would be in here in seconds to tear you to pieces.”
“Not before I could pull this trigger.”
“Again, if you so much as scratch me, you’ll never breath non metal infused air again.” Ethan shook his head gently and took a deep breath. He grabbed the gun at you again. He was silent and then he lowered it.
“I’ll just be going then,” he muttered, defeated. You nodded pleasantly and stood up from sitting on the vanity. You put the lipstick back on it. You walked forward and put your hand on Ethan’s shoulder. He looked you in the eyes.
“Good luck Ethan Winters.” You started to leave but turned to him. “I do suggest that in order to save your daughter you don’t kill Alicna’s in the process.”
“Any bits of advice then?” You put your hand on the doorknob and turned it, opening it just a tad.
“Grab the masks for the main room. Do you have a map?” He handed it to you, a tattered old piece of paper. You grabbed the lipstick again and marked some places. “Avoid hurting them as much as you can.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“I don’t like Mother Miranda. I don’t trust Mother Miranda. She is the one who has your daughter I’m sure or she must know where she is. But the Dimitrescus and Karl...even Donna for that matter, are people I like and trust.”
You stepped back outside the room.
“If I hear you’ve killed any of the daughters, I’ll tell them what I know of you. If you think the Dimitrescus are scary, just wait until you meet Donna.”
You shut the door in his face. Ethan shivered.
You walked up the stairs to the second floor. You knocked on the door of Alcinas room and she swang it open. She took a sigh of relief.
“Thank God. I thought you were Ethan Winters.”
“You think Ethan would knock before coming in?” She scoffed. You held her the lipstick you were wearing.
“Where did you find that?”
“Downstairs where I ran into Ethan,” you said honestly. Her eyes went wide and her lips pursed in annoyance.
“Did you see the girls?”
“No but I’m sure one of them ran into him as he left the room. He was only there a couple of minutes ago, it shouldn't be that hard to find him.” She walked past you without saying goodbye. You huffed. “You’re welcome!”
You made it back to the factory in just a couple of minutes. You had gotten so used to the walk that you were on autopilot the whole time before you were back to your room. Karl was already there, clearly taking a quick break before returning to his never ending work day.
“Where did you go?!” he asked, walking up to you from the bathroom. He put his hand on your arm and you grabbed his glasses which were hanging from his shirt. He had shed the jacket and hat, clearly about to shower.
“Relax, I was just at Alcinas castle,” you told him gently. He let out an annoyed exaggerated sigh that you knew all too well.
“How is my sister?” he asked. You took the lipstick out of your pocket. Alcina hadn’t actually taken it in her fit of rage to go and get Ethan. Now you had something extra for your own personal vanity back at the factory.
“Shy of one more lipstick.” You walked past him into the bathroom. He followed you as you placed it carefully on your vanity. You admired it for a second with a smile on your face. You wrapped an arm around yourself and turned back to him. You hoisted yourself onto the bathroom counter. “I ran into Ethan Winters.”
His face, which had been admiring your new addition to the vanity which was full of stolen things and things he had acquired for you, turned sour. Karl put his hand on your arm and raised it, checking your side and arm for injuries.
“I told you not to leave the room until he was caught,” he grumbled. He was trying to act like he hadn’t been worried about you from the second he realized you were gone. He was trying to ignore the fact that he himself almost stomped to each of the Lord’s castles to make sure you were alright. He didn’t want you to run into Ethan Winters, that was his worst nightmare. Ethan didn’t have any regard for you. Ethan just wanted Rose. “Are you hurt?” You shook your head.
“No. He asked me if I knew where Rose was and held a gun to my head but in the end we parted ways peacefully.”
“You could have brought him back here,” he muttered.
“I told Alcina where he was. I figured she could take care of him. You already had your shot.” He rolled his eyes and his grip on your arm tightened.
“You could have been seriously hurt. The Lord’s won’t hurt you but Mother Miranda might, Ethan might have.” You brought your free hand up to his cheek and leaned forward so your lips were just barely brushing over his.
“I can take care of myself.” He pressed a harsh kiss against your lips and made a low groaning noise. He let go of your arm to grab your leg and part them so that he could stand between your thighs. He dipped his head to kiss you and you pressed your body against him, feeling every inch of his breathing.
There was a harsh rasp at the door and he pulled away. You grabbed his neck and shook his head, kissing his jaw and peppering kisses down his neck.
“Come on, Mother Miranda doesn’t need you that bad,” you whispered. You pressed a long kiss to his jaw again and he had to physically tear himself away, however much it pained him.
“She might,” he grumbled. You held him until he moved too far away for you to. You groaned and put your head against the wall beside the mirror.
“Maybe I should go and find Ethan Winters again to finish the job. I mean he may only have eight fingers but he’s stayed alive this long and-” He grabbed your arm that was waving around as you spoke and looked you dead in the eyes.
“I will finish the job. You just sit tight kitten.” You kissed his knuckles and then let him go.
“Better be quick Karl. I get very restless very easily.”
He put on his hat and coat (the opposite of either of you wanted in the moment) and slammed the door in frustration against Mother Miranda behind him.
You took a deep breath and hoped he wouldn’t be gone too long.
NSFW Part 2
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Protective Mamas and cuddle time (Kellex x Little!Reader)
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Request: More kellex x little reader? Maybe reader gets badly injured and kellex takes care of her?
Author’s Note: IDK how i feel about this one honestly. Im going to apologize because I don’t think it’s really on par with the others, but i hope you guys enjoy it. It me up with questions and asks because they're super motivating. 
You took a deep breath, wiping the sweat away from your forehead, your eyes glued to the opposite of the field where Kelley and Abby had just stripped Jessie Fleming of the ball. 
Canada was always a particularly difficult and physical opponent and today was no exception. Your kit was stained green from the number of times you had already hit the ground and it wasn’t even halftime yet. 
Kelley looked up at you, and you nodded in response, beginning to casually move upfield and away from your defender. You watched for a second, waiting for the signal, and once you saw it, you took off upfield. 
Your defender was too far behind, and completely confused by your sudden change in direction. You glanced over your shoulder just as Kelley crossed a beautiful ball right towards you. 
It seemed to float over you. You probably could have waited 3 seconds for it to land right at your feet, but you wanted to prove a point. You wanted to show off a little. You rushed forward and leaped for it.
You were very confused and entirely unsure of how you had gotten yourself into this position. You blinked up at the sky groaning. The light hurt your eyes. It was mean for the sun to interrupt your nap. That was why your mommies always made sure to close the blinds. They never made you wake up to bright lights.
 You tried to move your arm to cover your eyes, only to have it stopped by a warm hand. 
“Hey babe, you need to stay still alright?” Alex said, her face appearing upside down in your line of sight. 
Her face seemed to sway above you and the headache kicked in. It felt like you were falling, even though you were pretty sure you were laying on the ground. 
It was terrifying. 
“Wha appended?” You tried to ask. Your eyebrows furrowed at how slurred it sounded and how difficult it was for you to get them out. 
Alex brought her hand to your cheek, lightly running her finger along your lips. She could tell you were slipping. “Shh babydoll,” 
You tried in vain to lean into her touch, to wiggle just a little to be closer to her. Just the little movement caused pain to flare up in your hand and all the way down your side. Kelley also appeared above you, gently pushing your shoulders to keep you on the ground. 
“Mama, it hurt,” You whined, tears coming to your eyes as you again tried to sit up and squirm away from the medic who was now kneeling on your other side. 
“I know, but you gotta let Lena help you,” Kelley said, carefully pinning the arm next to her on the ground so you didn’t try to bat the medic’s hand away like you had last time. You whined loudly. 
She shared a look with Alex. The team didn’t like to share who exactly amongst them was little with the world. It helped them to protect you and maintain some form of privacy. With you dropping, there was a good chance it could have the rest of the littles on the team dropping too (a disastrous situation that they would very much like to avoid). 
Your girlfriends also didn’t like that you were in enough pain to send you crashing down into little space either. You were a tough cookie, so it had to be pretty bad. 
“Hey Y/n can you tell me where it hurts?” The green-eyed medic asked softly, using the voice she would use if her own little one was hurt. 
You squinted. Your ability to verbalize your thoughts was slowly dwindling as you sank deeper into little space. 
Alex ran her thumbs over your cheek again, trying to help you stay grounded enough to answer. “Come on babydoll, you gotta tell her so she can help you,” Kelley added, rubbing your arm. 
“My head an my tummy,” You mumbled. 
Lena nodded at you, very carefully lifting up your shirt to take a peek at the bruised skin. She shook her head at your girlfriends and motioned to Vlatko that you were definitely gonna need to be subbed off the field. “Ok kiddo, we’re gonna get you off the field and get you all fixed up alright?” 
“Mama come?” you asked as they loaded you onto the stretcher, still very out of it. 
“Mama and mommy have to stay here, but Aunt Becky is gonna go to the back with you while we get you checked out,” Kelley said, kissing your forehead, and brushing a strand of hair out of your face. 
It wasn’t even halftime yet and the team only had 3 subs to use. All three of you couldn’t leave the field, no matter how much Alex and Kelley wanted to go with you. 
“Otay,” You said, your voice very far away. 
“We’ll come to check on you right after we finish,” Alex added as they moved you off the field. 
Both women watched you go, shaking their heads to try and get themselves back into game mode instead of worried mama mode. Big you wouldn’t be happy if they lost because you had to get taken off the field. 
“Alright darling, let’s get you all comfy,” Kelley said, opening the hotel room door and holding it so Alex could carry you inside. 
The game had ended with two more goals (one by Alex and another by Christen) both of which happened to go right past the defender whose sloppy playing had gotten you taken off the field. And the ride back to the hotel had been quiet and uneventful. Frankly, the hardest part was getting you cleaned up and changed out of your practice kit and into something a little more comfortable for the bus.
You had tried to be cooperative (a testament to how much pain you were in) but between the nausea from your concussion and your bruised ribs you weren’t that much help. Though the skin-on-skin contact in the shower had soothed you a little. 
“Baba?” You asked sleepily into your mommy’s shoulder, lisping around the pacifier in your mouth. 
“Yeah babydoll, we’ll get you a bottle,” Alex hummed, kissing the crown of your head and sitting on the edge of the bed. 
It was rare that you were this little. You usually hovered around 3 and a half or 4, and typically preferred sippy cups to bottles. They didn’t mind you were younger today, it made you more cuddly. 
“Alright kiddo, Batman or Nasa?” Kelley asked softly, swatting in front of you and Alex, holding up both sets of footy pajamas. Little you hated to sleep in sweats. 
You peeked out from your mommy’s shoulder, squinting at your choices. The NASA one was cool, it had a little hood that looked like a space helmet, but the Batman one had a cape. 
“Batman,” You mumbled after a few seconds, going back into your favorite hiding spot. Your girlfriends shared an indulgent smile. 
Alex gently rubbed your back, before bringing a hand up to carefully remove you from her neck. “Batman it is, let’s get you changed,” 
You tensed but allowed her to coax you back out. You let out a low whine as Alex helped you turn around in her lap. That whine got more insistent when Kelley encouraged you to lift up your hips so she could bet your sweats off. The small movement caused your ribs to ache and burn. You wiggled away from the pain, only making it worse.
“Easy baby,” Alex said into your ear, a hand moving to rub little circles on your belly to help calm you. They both waited for you to stop squirming before they very quickly finished helping you change. “there we go,” Alex hummed as Kelley finished pulling up the zipper and passed you your favorite stuffed dinosaur. 
“You cuddle with mommy and I’ll get you your bottle,” Kelley said, lightly throwing your cape over your face and earning a little giggle (followed by a whine when it hurt your ribs to laugh as a glare from Alex).
“Uddle wit mommy,” you nodded, letting Alex maneuver you back to get under the covers and into a more comfortable cuddling position. 
Alex smiled softly at you, helping you to tuck yourself back into her taller form and get Roary situated next to you before pulling up one of your favorite movies on the television- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 
Kelley rolled her eyes at the opening chords of the movie. The three of you had watched it so much that she could probably (and would probably because you liked it) quote the whole thing word for word. She pulled the bottle of milk from the microwave, shaking it and testing it on her wrist to make sure it wasn’t too hot. 
“There you go darling,” Kelley said, hanging you the bottle and climbing into the bed next to you. You shifted a little, making sure that both you and Roary were comfortable (and that he wasn’t blocking your view). 
“Tank you,” You murmured, proud that mommy didn’t have to nudge you to remember your manners. 
“You’re welcome,” Kelley smiled, kissing your forehead. You wiggled again, and Alex rolled her eyes. Trying to keep you still for the next however many weeks was going to be a nightmare. 
“Shh, baby just relax. We’ll take care of you,” Alex said, helping you shift and bring her hand to the back of your neck. She rubbed little circles onto the skin and very gently combed her fingers through your baby hairs. 
It only took her a few minutes to have your head dropping further into Kelley’s shoulder and your eyes slipping shut. 
“Wove mama and mommy,” You said already half asleep, lisping around your pacifier. 
“We love you too baby,” They said together. They loved you more than anything and they were going to make sure you didn’t rush your recovery. 
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kimnjss · 4 years
teach me | myg
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⤑ series: be my baby
⤑ pairing: rapper!yoongi x mom!reader
⤑ genre: fluff 
⤑ rating: PG13.
⤑ word count: 5.6K
⤑ warnings: there aren’t any, oop.
⤑ A/N: hello im here, lmao. this was supposed to be on time, but i slept for way longer than i planned... nd then i got lazy, so yeah. i hope you enjoy it, tho!! x
APRIL 26TH, 2020 | 11:18
The elevator doors close as she steps out, long dark hair tied nicely at the top of her head, the curled ends tickling the back of her satin top. The same short woman that had entered your house freely arms full of boxes of clothing Yoongi had bought for Hyunki. Her smile lights up her whole face, perfectly straight white teeth gleaming it almost pulls attention from the endearing dimple at the corner of her lips.
Waving widely when she spots you, lazily dressed in a pair of jeans that just so happened to be clean, a sweatshirt that you were sure belonged to Jungkook or Taehyung at one point. A complete contrast to her well put together attire, she probably had all the time in the world to match her shirt with her form-fitting skirts.
She's bending at the waist after acknowledging you with a sweet smile, now eye level with Hyunki who has not stopped scowling since you were unbuckling his car seat. It was safe to say, he wasn't in the best of moods.
With having to say goodbye to Joon last night and the fact he wanted pancakes for breakfast and you tried your hardest to make it the way 'Kookie-Hyung' did but failed. The fit he threw over that slowly dwindled into the silent treatment (something he was becoming very fond of). He didn't speak a word to you until you were taking him out of the car.
And that was only to tell you that he could walk on his own.
Now, though, with this strange woman in front of him; he's shifting closer to you. Tiny fist clutching at the fabric of your jeans. “Hi! You must be Hyunki?” She says brightly, reaching out for a handshake – like actually offering her hand out to a three-year-old. You hold back the urge to roll your eyes.
Hyunki eyes her palm for a moment, pondering what she expects him to do with it – no bout. Before he's dragging his eyes up to her face, realizing just how close she is to him. He takes a step back.
“We don't have to stand this close,” You detect the attitude in his voice and normally you'd be reminding him of his manners. Especially with people older than him. But the kid had a point, there was no reason for her to be in his face like that. 
Clearing her throat, slight embarrassment flashes through her eyes she stands. Straightening her shirt on her body. “I'm Jiso, by the way. Yn, right?” She tries, offering her hand out to you.
And you take it, pushing a smile onto your lips as you nod your head. “Where's Yoongi?” Lifting a bit on your tiptoes you peek over her shoulder as if he'd appear if you looked hard enough.
“Oh! He's on his way down. I just wanted to come say hi,” Her eyes shift back down to Hyunki, to find he's become fascinated with one of the toys he managed to smuggle out of the house. “They look so much alike,” Jiso seems in awe by her own words, by the fact a son could actually look like his father.
This time you're actually rolling your eyes, out of habit. It's subtle and automatic and if she notices it she doesn't say anything. The moment grows stale, awkward. She's shifting on her feet, looking between you and Hyunki with that smile on her face and you're considering scooping him up and going to wait for Yoongi in the car.
As if he had sensed your distress, Yoongi is stepping off the elevator with a hustle. The corners of his lips lifting until he's full-blown grinning as his eyes shift from you to Hyunki who has cracked his first smile since this morning.
“What's up, buddy?” Without a moment of hesitation, Yoongi is crouching down and lifting Hyunki off of the ground. He's curling into his side instantly, head falling on his shoulder as his eyes flutter closed. “Did he not sleep well last night?” His words directed to you, while Jiso stands on the sidelines – listening.
“He's in a bad mood. Joon left last night and he had a hard morning.” You don't miss the way his head lifts at the mention of Namjoon, on high alert now. Fully tapped into the conversation.
Quickly, you go over the 'need knows' for the day. The schedule Hyunki's on and certain things that calm him down. Signs that he's anxious or upset. Ways to avoid a meltdown. Yoongi nods along, taking the information you're giving him all while bouncing Hyunki on his side.
Jiso watching with hearts in her eyes the entire time. You're positive the girl hasn't blinked since Yoongi was stepping off the elevator. “Daddy's gonna get you something yummy for lunch, how does that sound?” Yoongi speaks softly to the little boy in his arms, who only nods – not pulling his attention from his toy.
“Call me if you need anything, okay?” He turns his head only for a moment to grant you a nod. “Don't worry too much, okay?” There's teasing in his tone and it's obvious he's noticed your reluctance.
Not that you had any problem leaving Hyunki with him, of course not – Yoongi was his dad and you wanted them to spend as much time together as they possibly could. You just knew how Hyunki was when he was grumpy, not wanting things to get out of hand where Yoongi was overwhelmed.
Yoongi overwhelmed was much like Hyunki grumpy. A mess.
Poking a gentle finger at his shoulder to let him know you mean business, “Call me.” You repeat. Turning your attention to Hyunki, your hand gently grasping his cheeks to pucker his lips. There's smile in his eyes despite the way he tries to fight it, still mad at you.
Standing this close, Yoongi can't help but admire you. The gentle slope of your nose, long lashes that dust over the tops of your cheeks. Cheeks bones that seem much more defined than he remembered. Jaw much more angled. Grown-up.
“I love you. I love you. And I love you.” A baby kiss sealing each confession that has your son grinning at the end of it. “You're gonna listen to daddy today, right? Who's the boss?”
Reluctant to say it, he rolls his big eyes before huffing out, “Mister Yoobi.” Had rehearsed it all of yesterday when you were first telling him that he'd be spending all day today with Yoongi.
“Good boy. Stay with daddy. And I'll come get you later?” He's nodding his head with a small smile, cheek finding Yoongi's shoulder as you lean down to press a kiss to his soft cheek. A tiny wave bye, before you're turning to leave – only to be stopped by the grasp on your elbow.
Yoongi gently dragging you back and he's got that look on his face. One that you're all too familiar with, could point it out in a lineup. The glint in his eye, the smirk on his lips. “Does daddy get a kiss too?” Voice gruff, words mumbled only for you.
Despite the rapid heating up of your cheeks, your eyes roll. “No,” Easily wiggling from his grasp before you're turning your attention back to Hyunki. “Goodbye. I love you.” You repeat with a grin, pressing a kiss to his forehead before stepping back.
He watches you until you're ducking into your car, rolling the window down to wave obnoxiously before driving off.
“Mommy should give Daddy kisses too, don't you think, Hyunki?” Yoongi's asking while handing over his son's backpack to Jiso, who had patiently been waiting for the couple moment to be over.
With a shrug of his shoulder, Hyunki continues fooling around with the toy in his hand. “She probably ran out.” The deadpan tone of his voice, a less mature version of the voice Yoongi uses when he's not interested in something. Like to the T.
“She can give me kisses and you kisses, Hyunki. They're different kisses, so she should have enough.” Now joined by his two bodyguards, Yoongi heads toward the back doors with his son in his arms.
Hyunki lets out a huff, pausing for a moment to eye the men that are now following him and his dad. He recognizes them as the ones who brought his gifts, so he's turning his attention back to Yoongi. “Mommy can give me kisses, duh. And Joonie too. So not enough.”
A stutter in his steps and a sideways glance to his son. Surprise written on his features, not expecting the familiar matter-of-fact tone to come out of such a small little human. Yoongi can't fight the laugh that falls from his lips, eyes rolling at his son's words.
“What do you want to eat?”
Hyunki is perking up instantly, eyes going wide. “Cheesecake!” He shouts with a raise of his little arms. With a laugh, Yoongi is nodding and securing him into his brand new car seat before sliding in the back beside him.
A bodyguard blocking Hyunki from the window and the other sat in the front seat. Leaning back against his seat, with his arms crossed over his chest, Yoongi gets comfortable as his driver pulls out of the parking space.
“Cheesecake Factory.” He directs, the smile on his face growing as Hyunki happily claps his hands.
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APRIL 26TH, 2020 | 13:02
That kid could eat. Yoongi is deciding with a smirk on his face as Hyunki finishes his second slice of cheesecake. Of course, that wasn't the only thing he ate. Much to Hyunki's annoyance, he was told to order some real food before dessert. 
He softened at the sight of the chicken tenders being placed in front of him, a large helping a fries set beside it. Digging in with a loud 'Thank you!' and the biggest of smiles on his face.
They're able to fall into easy conversation, Hyunki going on about what happened at the zoo, and how he never knew penguins were that huge. Laughing loudly when he talked about the way Taetae tried to talk to a tiger and how Kookie-Hyung got scared by a bear.
Yoongi listened the entire time, simply enjoying the sight of his son so excited to share. The stories continue throughout the car ride home, short stretches of silence falling among them before Hyunki is perking up.
“Did you know giraffes talk with their butts? Their mouths don't work or something.” He says as Yoongi straps him in his seat, reaching his hand to ruffle his hair before getting in beside him.
It's a moment before they start driving a quick exchange between Yoongi in the driver. Which lasted too long for Hyunki who is still waiting for an answer to his question. His small hand reaches out to gently tug on his sleeve to pull his attention.
“Dad, you have to listen because you don't know.” Yoongi's eyes are going wide at the name. But Hyunki is going on without missing a beat. Repeating his fun fact as normal. Then spewing ten more in the same breath.
Yet, Yoongi can't bring himself to focus. To take in the new information that he probably won't end up using anyway. The only thing he can hear is his son calling him 'Daddy' for the first time, making all of this so real. Min Hyunki. His little boy. His son. Trying to get his attention, wanting his attention while he speaks.
Warmth spreads throughout Yoongi's body as a smile breaks onto his features. Dad. He liked the sound of that. Who he was, who wanted to be. He was 'Dad' now.
“Are you even listening, Mister Yoobi?” Hyunki speaks as the car is being parked and he's realizing none of his fun facts have gotten a reaction. Back to 'Mister Yoobi' so fast, it must've been a fluke. Fantastic.
With a huff, Yoongi is shaking his head. “Sorry, buddy. My head was somewhere else. Tell me one more time.” Hyunki doesn't hesitate to restart his story, allowing Yoongi to pull him from his car seat, carrying him on his side as they enter the building.
This time, Yoongi is tuned into what his son is saying. Fascinated by how much he knows about animals, and wildlife, and just life and general. A lot more than an average three year old would know he's sure.
“Is that your favorite animal?” He asks as Hyunki finishes saying how Koala's sniff their leaves to know which is the tastiest. He nods with a wide smile, cheek resting comfortably on his shoulder. “I love them, they sleep so long too.”
Yoongi carries his son the entire way to his studio, setting him down once they've reached the door. Jimin had texted just twenty minutes before about how he, Jin, and Hobi had just arrived. Behind the door, ready to meet Hyunki.
Carefully advised by you, Yoongi takes to preparing him for what awaits on the other side of the door. In hopes to prevent any disastrous incident. The steps you laid out for him, echoing in his mind as he speaks – not wanting to mess anything up.
“Are you having fun with Daddy so far?” He asks, genuinely curious but also serving as a reminder for Hyunki. He nods quickly, smiling wide up at him. “I had two slices of cheesecake!” He grins as if Yoongi hadn't been there to watch the kid inhale them.
“You did. Daddy has some friends that want to meet you. Only three of them,” He holds up his hand to show three fingers. “Daddy likes them a lot. Do you think you want to say 'Hi'?”
Hyunki's nose is scrunching at the mention of new people. A concept he's not all too fond of. He liked the people that he knew and didn't understand why his Mommy and now his Daddy was always adding someone new.
Saying 'Hi' won't hurt, though, right? He didn't want to be rude because he knew that Mommy wouldn't like that. She always said it was good to greet people when they want to meet you. So, just saying hi is fine.
Slowly, he's nodding his head. Causing a smile to spread over Yoongi's lips. “Great. If you don't like them, you tell me. I'll kick them out.” There's laughter in his voice, but Hyunki takes his joke seriously. Mister Yoobi was on his side if these new friends were too scary for him.
Quickly typing in the code to open the door with one hand, Yoongi holds onto his son's hand with the other. The light beeps green before the door is pushing open, revealing his studio.
The size of a one bedroom apartment, complete with instruments, monitors, soundboards, a recording booth tucked in the corner. A shower across from that which held a few of his clothes for the nights he spent in here. Fridge fully stocked with drinks and snacks for those nights as well, neatly placed by the large L-shaped couch pushed against the wall.
A lot of his time was spent in this room, so he wanted to make it as homey as possible. His friend's appreciated that too.
Hobi sat upright on the couch, scrolling through his phone with one hand while he toyed with Jin's hair with the other. Head rested on his thigh as he chatted with Jimin across the room who was playing a computer game, only half-listening to the words coming from his elder's mouth.
The sound of the door slamming shut is catching Jimin's attention before anyone, his head turning toward the sound. “Is that him?” He rushes, eyes wide as he scrambles to his feet.
Hyunki is quick to shuffle behind Yoongi's leg, hands grasping his pant leg just as he had done with his mother earlier. Jimin puts a slow to his steps noticing the kid's actions, pushing an easy smile on his face.
“He's a bit shy,” Yoongi explains, bending to pick his son off of the floor. Holding him to his side. “Look, buddy, see. These are my friends. That's Park Jimin, Jin, and Hobi.” Pointing as he introduces them.
The small boy stares at Jimin from his comfortable position in his dad's arms. Studying the man that stands before him, from his pink hair to his black boots. Then all of a sudden, he's pushing his hand out, smiling big. “I'm Hyunki!”
Jimin laughs, stepping forward to take the small hand into his. He shakes it, watching the way Hyunki's smile grows until it's a spitting image of his dad's gummy smile. “Absolute insanity.” He says with a shake of his head, dropping the little boy's hand before lifting his to ruffle his hair.
“You look exactly like your daddy.”
Hyunki's head is whipping to the side, studying the features of his father's face for a moment before he's turning his attention back to Jimin. “Thank you.” He says with a nod of his head, wiggling as a signal to be let down.
Yoongi does just that, setting him on his feet as he walks further into the room. “How's hanging out with him without Yn?” Speaking in a bit of a whisper, Jimin steps closer to Yoongi to deliver his words.
“It's actually been alright, we went to eat and-,” Yoongi fills his friend in on his time with his son while Hyunki takes deliberate steps across the room. Stopping in front of the couch where Hobi and Jin sit.
Hands propped on his hips, he stares the two of them down. Jin is staring right back with a squint, determined to win this unspoken staring contest while Hobi watches on amused.
“What's up, baby Yoongi?” Hobi is breaking the silent exchange after a few moments pass. Hyunki's eyes shifting from Jin up to Hobi. “Shit, he looks exactly like you. Fucking insane.” Words delivered to Yoongi with wide eyes.
Lowering himself at his computer desk, Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Don't curse in front of the kid. Yn will chop my shit.” Never a blatant discussion had between the two of you, but he figured it was safe to assume that you didn't want your kid with a trucker's mouth.
“You're bad at this,” Jin speaks with a laugh, sitting up from his seat as he offers Hyunki a high-five. He's quickly slapping his hand onto his, a large smile breaking onto his features.
Hyunki is back to exploring the room in an instant, slowly becoming comfortable with his surroundings. His daddy's friends were a lot different than the too big smiling people that he sometimes met when he was out with his Mommy.
They always got too close, voice raising too high when they talked to him. Daddy's friends were different. Calmer. Hyunki liked that. Able to relax like he is when he's with Taetae or Kookie-Hyung, and even Joonie now.
His eyes are widening at the side of the familiar instrument in the corner of his room. Tiny feet carrying him as he rushes to it. “Mister Yoobi, you didn't say you had a pinado!?” He's grinning as he looks back to where Yoongi is sitting.
“Yeah. You want to look at it?” Yoongi is standing long before Hyunki is nodding his head. Making his way out to him and easily lifting him onto the piano bench while scooting beside him.
As soon as he's lifting the cover, Hyunki's fingers are reaching for the keys. His back is straightening and as soon as his fingers begin to move a melodic rhythm fills the studio. It isn't super complex, just a few notes repeating over and over but Yoongi is in awe at the sight of his son effortlessly playing the piano right before his eyes.
“Where did you learn to do that?” Yoongi is asking just as Hyunki finishes his first melody and starting a new one.
With his eyes focused on his fingers, he shrugs a shoulder. “Taetae showed me. But it's easy.” Of course, it'd be easy, do you know who your dad is? The response is fresh on Yoongi's tongue, but he doesn't say anything.
To enthralled at the pure talent of his son. Three years old, able to make a tune. Fingers barely able to reach the flat keys, but he manages with slight effort. He can recognize the song as a nursery rhyme but altered with an original twist. Genius.
“Here, let daddy show you something.” Yoongi is reaching for his son with easy, lifting him from his part of the bench and setting him onto his lap. He brings his own hands to the keys, playing the beginning notes of one of his songs. The last song on his latest album.
Hyunki's eyes are wide as he watches the movement of his dad's finger. An actual song, he can tell. “Did Taetae teach you too?” He's asking, twisting his body so he can get a good look at his face.
A soft laugh lights his features as he shakes his head. “Nope. Daddy taught himself.” The littlest of gasps is leaving Hyunki's lips as he turns to face the keys again. Hands lifting to cover his father's before he's tilting his head back to look at him.
“Teach me too, then.” 
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APRIL 26TH, 2020 | 19:23
As the hours ticked on, Hyunki became more and more comfortable with Yoongi and his friends. He went from playing the piano (halfway learning one of Yoongi's songs) to watching videos on Jimin's phone.
As someone who doesn't usually let anyone touch their phone, Jimin was oddly quick to offer up the device when Hyunki he was complaining that he was bored. Cueing up video after video, with the sole purpose of making the young boy laugh.
From there he was moving on to show off his toy to Hoseok, pulling it apart and quickly putting it back together while he oohed and awed at the display. The two of them were quickly falling into a game of imagine, Hobi making sound effects as they went along.
And before long he was settling beside Jin on the couch, leaning on him as the adults discussed where they'd go for dinner. It had only been one minute since Hyunki whined about being hungry, the snacks that were given to him not cutting it anymore.
“What about you, Mister Hyun? What do you want to eat?” Hyunki perks up at the new attention, finger tapping against his chin as he thinks about the options that he could possibly have.
He doesn't think for long, seeming to have what he wanted picked out before he was even brought into the conversation. “Pizza!” He shouts with a clap of his hands, eyes lifting to find Yoongi who seems to be contemplating the suggestion. “Pizza, Mister Yoobi?” A slight pout taking over his features, brows turned in.
Jimin finds a pizza place pretty quickly on his phone and it's not long before the five of them are filing out of the business and into the cars.
Hours have passed since then. While they were out, Yoongi was struck with a certain bit of inspiration. All the new feelings of spending time with his kid, hanging out with his friends, things finally seeming a bit more clear with you... he's giddy to get back to the studio to work.
“Can Park take me out for ice cream?” Hyunki is asking with the sweetest of smiles, Jimin a few steps behind him flashing a matching convincing grin. Yoongi is nodding his head instantly, laughing at the loud 'Yay!' that leaves both of their lips before they're turning to leave the room – Jin and Hoseok trailing behind them.
Yoongi's sat at his desk when you arrive, your sharp knock pulling him from his musical world. He's pulling the door open a few moments later, his lips lifting into the smile once he's seeing you.
Dressed differently from this morning. Instead of the comfy clothes you had dropped Hyunki off in, you're wearing a dress. One that hugs your body nicely, but still casual enough to be worn with sneakers. And that's not it, you've put on makeup. The whole ordeal, from lashes to lipstick.
And he's seriously fighting the urge to kiss you. Fuck, how long it's been since he's kissed you.
Leaning forward, you poke your head into the booth, searching its emptiness just like you had done in the first room. Turning, your brows furrow as you look up at your ex. “Where's Hyunki?”
“The guys took him out for ice cream.”
You're nodding at his words, lowering yourself onto the couch across from him. The same couch for some reason kept up in the time that passed but still old. It was the only thing you recognized about the studio. His higher status in the company granting him with all these new perks, it seemed.
“You didn't want to go?” Yoongi's settling into the seat across from you at his desk. “I wanted to wait for you.” There's obvious sweetness in his tone and you can't deny the easy effect he has on you.
Even when he's saying something as simple as that. Something so plain. Of course, he'd wait for you, he knew you were on your way. So duh, he'd want to wait for you. That didn't stop the flutter in your heart, though.
“What did you guys do today?” This was weird. Filling the silence with small talk. Footing not quite right between the two of you, still figuring things out between each other. You wanted to focus to be on Hyunki and Hyunki alone, but that didn't take away from the fact of how badly he wanted to touch you.
And not even in the sexual sense. Well, yes in the sexual sense – but that wasn't it. He missed being able to hold your hand, play with your face, wrap his arms around your waist. He just missed you. Even now when you were sitting right in front of him. He still missed you.
But like you said, for Hyunki's sake. “A lot. Took him for lunch and dinner. Hung out around here. I taught him how to play a song on the piano.” The smile that takes over your features sets a stutter in Yoongi's heart.
But he ignores it.
“He's getting real good at that.” Of all the times you found him practicing with Taehyung. Adamant to get every last key correct, annoyed each time he'd mess up, starting over from the top every single time. Just like his dad.
You'd be a fool to say you didn't wish things turned out differently. That you had never left and the two of you could've raised Hyunki together. It was crazy how similar the two of them were and they didn't even know each other.
Imagine if they had. How special that would be.
“You want to hear something I've been working on?” He speaks to fill the silence and you're instantly perking up – nodding your head. One of your favorite things was to hear his unfinished work, he'd always ask you for your opinion and it made you feel that much more connected to him when he was taking your advice.
It's natural, how fast you stand as he's scooting back from the computer desk. Don't even think as you're lowering yourself into his lap before he has the chance to get up for you to sit. Something he had entirely planned on doing.
As soon as your bum is settled on his thigh, you're realizing your mistake. Eyes going wide, but you don't move. You're committed at this point so you're acting as if your heart didn't just enter a hundred-yard sprint and leaning back against his chest.
“Show me.”
Yoongi's hesitant at first. Not sure if he should move or move you, but at the same time not wanting to do anything about it. He finds comfort in having you this close. The smell of your sweet shampoo tickling his nostrils. You haven't changed it. You didn't seem to have a problem with this, so why should he? Right?
Why should he? So he's lifting his arm to wrap around your waist with swiftness, pulling your body tighter against his as he reaches for the headphones that lay on his desk. He's securing them on your head with one hand, not willing to unwrap his arm from around you to use both.
“It's only half-finished, but be honest.”
There aren't any words. But you can already tell it's much different from the type of music he's usually putting out. Brighter. Instead of the heavy notes he usually uses, this one sounds more fun? 
Something that could potentially be sung along to. Was he planning on singing? The beat shifts and you assume that's where the chorus would be. More bass is added to the sound. Was he going to dance too?
This was so different, but you liked it. Like a lot. Excited to see what he'd do with this since the poppy tune was so unlike him. The beat slows toward the end and even though he isn't listening, he's perking up when it's fading out.
Watching you expectantly, almost nervously as he waits for your input. He too noticed the different approach he had when creating this beat. Determined to try something new, detached from the last two albums he released. Something to stand on his own, that would make fans go: Oh, he can do that too?
“It's really good.” You say first to ease his worries. “Like scary good, you know? It's not what you expect when you turn on Agust D... but I don't know? I like it.” The corners of his lips lift at your praise, you could literally see the nervousness melting away.
It's only gone for a moment before worry is striking his brow again. Teeth tugging at his lower lip gently. “You're not just saying that, right? You think people will like it?” You can't help the smile that breaks onto your features at his words, hand instantly reaching forward to grasp his chin.
Like you've done a million times before. Something you'd began to do to Hyunki too when he was feeling some type of way. Yoongi's lips pucker from the push of your hand, eyes widening as you lean in – almost certain that you're going to kiss him. But you don't, well not exactly. Your lips are finding his forehead, landing two short kisses to his skin.
“You're so serious.” You mumble, not thinking much of it.
If this were three years ago, it wouldn't be a big deal. Sort of your catch phrase when he was stressing himself out about things he didn't have to worry about. Things that were out of his control. It's only after you're seeing the way he's looking at you do you realize it's not three years ago.
Ready to throw caution to the wind, not a care in the world. Just you. In his arms, putting his lips on him. He didn't care where. After so long without your touch, he'd settle for anything at this point.
Obviously too comfortable in this space, on his lap, things started to feel familiar and you acted out of turn. Inappropriate. You were the one that asked not to pursue anything, so what were you doing?
An apology fresh on your tongue, as you pull your body from his grasp. Ready to assure him that you were caught up and that that... that was just a slight relapse. The words don't leave your lips, though – because the door is bursting open and loud laughter is instantly filling the room.
“Mommy! You came back for me!” Hyunki is yelling over the ruckus, climbing out of Jin's grasp and bolting in your direction.
A forced laugh leaves your lips, the awkward tension taking a while longer to dissipate, you lower yourself to scoop Hyunki off of the floor. “Of course, I'd come back for you, baby. Did you have fun with daddy, today?”
“I had two slices of cheesecake and ice cream!” The amount of sweets not something you'd usually root for, but you hold back on chastises either of them. Still stunned from how you acted, how you almost acted.
“That's good, baby. I'm so happy for you. Why don't you give daddy hugs, we gotta go get ready for bed.” Hyunki's nodding at your words, climbing from your arms to Yoongi's outstretched ones.
He sets his cheek on his chest, small arms wrapping around him as he squeezes. Yoongi's slow at lifting his arms, holding his kid close once he finally does. “I'll see you tomorrow, okay, buddy?”
Hyunki nods with a smile, turning his attention to the boys that have sprawled around the room. “You guys can come see me tomorrow too!” He shouts and much to your surprise, Jimin is the first to agree.
Taking his time to say goodbye to everyone and you wait patiently until he's saying he's ready to go. He's leading you out of the room as if he owns the place. As if he's been there a million times and you're the one that needs the guide.
Yoongi watches as you go, a measly smile offered in his direction before you're turning the corner. Despite not being able to see you anymore, he didn't look away. Still trying to wrap his head around what just happened.
You had kissed him. On the forehead, yeah. Seemed like a high-five in comparison to all you've done before. But it was something. Something after nothing in years. And now he was determined. More ready than before to fix things with you.
More than ready to be a family.
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— when the love of his life suddenly vanishes, he drives himself mad looking for her. seemingly erased from the world, he’s forced to pick up the pieces of his life and move on… fast forward three years and someone who looks a lot like the woman he lost is being spotted, holding a kid with an oddly familiar gummy smile…
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A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. to be added to the taglist, send me an ask !! feedback is highly !! appreciated, it’s the motivation i need to keep the fic going nd fun for you guys!!<33
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yinses · 4 years
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fractured kingdoms
| he made you a princess … it was only right for him to play the white knight |
gojo satoru rating: 18+
a/n: this will be a slow pet project for me. i’ve outlined what i want to accomplish so we’ll see if i can manage to meet my own goals. thank you for all the interest! 
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the ability to be lured out with food was dangerous- for her. 
likely for humans too, for those who may have fallen for her charms. but aside from milking them dry she didn’t seem to have any ill intents. rather didn’t know what to do with them or why she should bother. 
gojo didn’t know if she stayed around this area for a reason or if he just got lucky. he’d played around with possible back stories for her origin. 
he would have assumed the factory had been the place of her death given that’s where he’d initially found her. but the fact that she was able as stray as far as she did after their meeting meant that she could have come from a lot further.
whether or not she was the accumulation of her own thoughts was a contender too. she didn’t need to be the same girl who died per say. with as many souls lost in this area alone, she could have been the combination of plenty- yet her personality was strong enough to bubble to the top. 
she was an anomaly. but that was also why she was still alive and not exorcised without a second thought. 
swinging the bag of treats, the crinkle of plastic replaced what would have been small tut for her attention. he wondered if that would have brought him more ire or favor. 
fortunately the smell wafting from the still warm desserts did the work for him. that faint scent drifted past his nose again, something still annoying indescribable, came from above again. 
“these are for you, princess,” he responded to her unasked question. 
“wow, you actually came back.”
shaking the bag again, gojo made a noise of appreciation when she responded eagerly, watching quietly as she dropped down and snatched up the bag without so much of a thank you. maybe only some princesses actually showed gratitude to their subjects. 
the building had been cleared of bodies but not properly cleaned. there were still distinctive dark pools still staining the floor that would undoubtedly linger. she seemed to have no problem plopping down near one as she opened the first container. 
“oh! i love strawberries.”
there is was again. a small inking of what should be a preference, bred from past memories. he doubted he would get a straight answer if he probed. whether from her own attitude or lack of understanding- it was too early to tell. 
instead he took a different route. 
“this is a pretty dirty castle.”
there was a splotch of pink jam at the corner of her mouth. his hand twitched but nothing followed up. 
“it’s not like i live here,” she scoffed. 
his brow rose,” oh, but this is where i found you again.”
it was a false representation but the way her cheeks warmed at the attention carried her image as a human girl. he couldn’t feel the heat but there was a hint of shyness pinching at her cheeks.
unable to resist, he delved deeper.
“so then you were waiting for me all this time.”
that was no surprise. he didn’t expect for her to follow him home like a lost kitten after he bought her nice things. actually he’d hoped she’d come back here until he could return. 
it took him three days, but it was more than enough time for the lower grades to purify the area. the reports read that all lingering spirits had been taken care of with little issue. 
it was safe to assume that the curse before him was far from a small issue. so either she was capable enough to conceal her presence through a purge or she had drifted off somewhere else and returned. both were very intriguing concepts.  
“i thought you had come back earlier but they were just annoying pests.”
ah the plot thickens. so she had been here. 
sliding his freed hands into his pockets, gojo tilted his head to the side. “you mean my comrades. yes, they needed to clean up the mess your friends made.” before she could retort with they weren’t my friends, he added. “how did you feel when they showed up?”
she made a face,” i don’t know. fine, i guess.” she tore at the dough and fed herself smaller pieces. “annoyed maybe? it made my head hurt a little and there was this heaviness in my chest.”
she almost sounded concerned, so blissfully unaware that she had been resisting a reverse technique so effortlessly. the clean up had taken at least a day and a half. gojo doubted she could have escaped the barrier placed without alerting someone so she must have just endured. 
funnily enough, he imagined that she would have been crankier. 
when presented with an untouched raspberry filled daifuku, he almost smiled. actually he did one better, dramatically clinching a hand to his chest as he lowered to one knee. 
the greatest shaman alive bowing to a curse. 
“i wasn’t expecting you to share. how sweet.”
she scowls and looks like she might take it back but he doesn’t give her the opportunity. he was going to stop by again on the way home but this would help sate the craving. gojo offered a thank you in return. 
“they were suppose to kill me, right? did you send them?”
what an observant creature. and the way she made her voice so small as if disturbed by the idea of being removed to safe humanity. she wasn’t immune to what she could have done, what those in her likeness had conducted in her stead. 
gojo swiped the pad of his thumb against his tongue, savoring the lingering tangy sweetness. “yes. though not specifically you.” 
he did put out the official request to ijichi, even if he hadn’t filled out the actual order. they would have certainly tried to end her and likely called him back after she showed any signs of intelligence.
“but you did good, kitten.” why was he praising her for evading his colleagues? maybe he was a little proud of her for surviving his test. “that means you're about as strong as i predicted. maybe even stronger.”
curious eyes shot him a glare at the admittance, but she still partook of his peace offering- now that it had informally coined as such. 
“why does it matter if im strong enough? i don’t want to fight anyone.”
but she would. eventually have to fight, if solely for the reason to survive. 
maybe it was considered treason, or something along those lines. but gojo was willing to cross into that territory and give her a fighting chance against the odds. 
her hair was soft, he noted. more surprisingly she allows him to caress the top of her head with his palm. gojo had expected it to be as grimy as her environment. 
there was no reason to extend this curses life any longer; even if she did put up a reasonable struggle he could succeed. yet here she sat, not necessarily open but trusting. 
gojo’s face was a mask as her smaller hands toyed with one of the empty wrappers. she cast a questioning glance towards him,” will you help me?”
and who was he, her self proclaimed white knight, to deny such a request. 
“of course, princess.” 
it would be my honor.
“call me satoru.”
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mouseratz · 2 years
Gotham season 4x15-17
-martin :(
-"uncle penguin sent me to get you" IM GONNA CRY IM GONNA CRYYY
-thats not how you say memaw.
- "DUDE, I thought you stopped being a cop?"
- "save it. cuz you're probably gonna be a douchebag to me later anyways." "Missed you too."
- he's still got a bloody nose sniffling LMAO
- you've got that stupid fucking hat again.
- "it's a fantastic plan."
- he's in the sewers....just like comics
- "but you're not Ed anymore."
- "oh, god, no."
- hey there Barbara.
- lmfao....victor
- Jesus Christ. riddler
- kinda down with it though. Sooo fun. Best scene everrr
- "I'm not even gonna ask."
- where? what the.....
- covered in frost. so angry
- Jim got shot. SAD. well, there are other mediocre white men
- twice....
- "can't catch a break today. let's go get a milkshake.'
- penguin came for him. they're back here, again.
- "you gave up your revenge for me?" gay.
- "....but I trust you, Ed."
- "I have a strong desire to never, ever see this pier again." "I agree."
- glad lee is having her girlboss moments.
- ra's?
- ew. Tetch.
- just remembered when me and my cousin used to yell LETS BLOW THIS POPSICLE STAND.....everytime we left somewhere as an inside joke but I no longer know what it referenced
- actually tetch is funny now that he's just annoying and likes to rhyme
- Selina and Bruce are fun too.
- whaaat is the Barbara and ra's plot.
- okey dokey.
- Bruce's plot is sooo funny. I love his lying.
- he's soooo rude.
- "that toilet paper jingle I love so much."
- Jerome is preddy awesome still
- his family really did suck LMAO
- "got it. Lost it. Write it down.'
- he is so good. Soooo funny.
- this episode is so good.
- "alright. See ya crazy kids later!'
- the sisters of the league....hashtag feminism
- "I can do this crazy thing, cuz if it goes sideways, Jim Gordons gonna save me." Bullock do you have something to share with the class.
- They're all so cute together in their little outfits. Boys night!
-what are these guys up to now....
-jim knew it was the clock....but there were too many.
- penguin is SLAYING
- his hair is soooo good.
- "ooh. Pun worthy. Excellent."
- Im an artist.
- Jerome and the old lady....
- "oh, don't get up. I won't waste too much of your time."
- "Jimbo! oh, buddy, oh pal, it's great to see ya!"
- she is sooo dramatic.
- bitches love wheels.
- whoever that is, she was READY
- I looove Oswald's coat an amazing amount.
- I do want to remind Oswald, you know, you did cut off his hand. You weren't exactly the best boss, we can agree, yeah?
- the heart hands. LMAO
- he....has a twin? ok
- "she thinks stapling a barracuda to someone's face isn't damn good entertainment."
- trust! that's my guess
- ugh. a promise. close.
- Jerome really can solve the labyrinth. Huh.
- he didn't actually do those things?
- them all running by.....
- I love you. that's the words. but it's a trap.
- she reciprocated? that's a hell of a surprise. Lee I'm gonna be honest your taste in men has not been shown to be fantastic.
- the cgi wasn't great.
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strawberrysoup · 4 years
Pocketful of Posies || Chapter 2
You’d been hiding for years and years now; from your  family, from society, from alphas and packs. Suppressants were dangerous but effective and necessary for an omega who refused to be owned—but no suppressants were strong enough to fool the nose of a super soldier, who together with his pack would stop at nothing to bind you to them forever.
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pairings: dark!Avengers x reader word length: 5k chapters: 2/? warnings: A/B/O dynamics, power imbalances, noncon and dubcon sexual situations, loss of autonomy, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat — this is a dark!fic, read at your own risk. Open the read more and CTRL + F, search “content warnings” to skip to detailed trigger warnings at the bottom of the chapter.
hey read this: im desperately hoping this lives up to the standards the first chapter apparently set my dudes, fingers crossed i don’t lose any of you with this one 🤞🤞 also before we get started i just wanna let yall know i am very firmly set in my decisions for the designations and i do not apologize lmao 🤙 
You had been manhandled often enough in your life but fuck this time in particular. Even if you’d managed to pass as a beta for more than a decade, you weren’t strong and couldn’t stand your ground in the face of an alpha three times your size. Steve had sucked his fingers clean and easily hefted you up into his arms, following Bruce back into the cabin and down into the basement—you hadn’t been allowed to clean the basement, it was one of the off-limits areas that were noted in your many instructions. If a door is locked, leave it alone. No cleaning is necessary in the basement, garage, or third floor. Wash the linens with a scent free detergent. Make sure the refrigerator is properly scrubbed out.
He’d left you on a metal countertop with instructions to be good for Bruce. You weren’t sure what that entailed but as soon as the blond left the room, your mind started to race. There was no way you could get away from Steve, Sam you could potentially outrun, but Bruce? Being left alone with the beta was the best thing they could’ve done for you. You could get away from Bruce.
“Have you been to see a doctor recently?” His voice was gentle, intended to be soothing as he came to stand in front of you. "Any check-ups, clinic visits?”
You knew there was blood drying on your cracked lips, cutting a jarring path down your throat. The taste was still in your mouth, you’d gouged your tongue and it was still actively bleeding. With that in mind you made direct eye contact with the beta before letting the mouthful spill over your bottom lip and drip down your front, hoping the gore would help emphasize your opinions on the situation.
“Sweetheart, I know you’re upset—”
“Bruce, why is she bleeding?” It was like getting punched in the face by alpha pheromones the moment the door to the room opened again and a much younger alpha stepped through with a practically panicked expression.
Before you or Bruce could respond you’d been swept up in the alpha’s arms. He was a few years younger than you, early twenties probably and being manhandled by a fetus was particularly bothersome. His scent kept you still for a few seconds before you started squirming, making a beta-like snarl while he corralled your limbs.
“Here Pete, can you sit with her over here? We need a blood draw and full work up, her natural hormones have probably been devastated by the chemicals in the suppressants she was taking,” Bruce gestured for the alpha to carry you to a metal table, likely meant to be used for some sort of experiments if the rest of the room was anything to judge by. "All of her reproductive organs could’ve been affected, I’ll need to do a pelvic exam. We’ll run an STD panel and—”
“No! I don’t consent!” Your voice came out as a growl, the best one you could manage. "This is false imprisonment! Let go of me you fucking knothead! This is illegal!”
The alpha started to purr immediately and you found yourself rendered boneless under the onslaught. It was startling—you’d forgotten how it felt, how calm and safe it made you feel. Alpha purrs were meant to soothe and comfort, the tones perfectly adjusted to the omega ear. They also caused a completely involuntary reaction in omegas, the same as all other alpha sounds. You had no choice but to feel relaxed, the white noise of a purr jumbling your thoughts.
Bruce smiled down at you, hand running over the top of your head where it rested against the alpha’s chest. "It’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid. I won’t let anything happen to you, I just want to make sure you’re healthy.”
“Isn’t that better baby?” The alpha sat back on the table and pulled you to sit between his legs, tucked close to his chest. “And unless you have a guardian alpha, it’s not illegal. We’re doing our civic duty, taking care of an omega in unsafe conditions.”
The worst part was that you couldn’t fight it; you couldn’t find your way out of the calm static the purr filled your brain with. Even when Bruce started taking multiple vials of blood from your left arm, when he opened your mouth to check the damage to your tongue, when they started undressing you, you couldn’t fight. It was a hazy sort of half thought, that you wanted them to stop. It must’ve been apparent in your eyes, that you were trying to work your way out of the purr’s effects.
“Shhhh, sweetheart, you’re alright,” Bruce murmured quietly as his hands pressed the glands in your neck, fingers brushing gently against the scent gland in particular. "No swelling in your thyroid or mating nodes, that’s good. Suppressants can really cause problems in your hormone glands; the blood tests will tell us for sure but it looks like you might’ve dodged the worst of it if nothing’s enflamed. How long have you been on suppressants?”
Answering was the last thing on your mind, your eyes slowly roving over the room instead. It was some sort of lab set up, tons of machines and parts of machines, technology you couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Bruce had been taking things from one particular cabinet that seemed to hold medical supplies, the rest of the place resembling a robotics factory or some kind of high-tech research and development lab. The doors had swished open automatically when Steve brought you in and when the new alpha came through. Who had automatic doors in a vacation home?
“Should I stop?” The alpha questioned the doctor, chest continuing to rumble. “I might be making her too calm I guess.”
“No, just keep doing what you’re doing Peter,” Bruce sighed slightly. "There’s too much coherence in her eyes as it is, I don’t know if the purr affects her as much as it should. I’m worried that if you weren’t enhanced it wouldn’t work at all. Look at me sweetie, can you focus on face?”
His hands cupped your cheeks, tilting your head carefully while watching your eyes. You couldn’t find the energy to focus on his face; you couldn’t imagine the purr affecting you more than it already was and dreaded the idea that it could be worse. What did enhanced mean? Like the superheroes you’d been hearing about? You didn’t keep up on current events, unless they were Omega's Rights related.
“I’m sure it’s a result of the beta chemicals dampening her omega instincts,” Peter shifted you slightly as Bruce exchanged his gloves for a new pair. "Once her body starts producing hormones on its own again she should revert back to common responses to alpha stimuli.”
“You’re probably right, we’ll know for sure once I get the blood results,” Bruce gestured for Peter to sit up more, bringing your limp body with him. “I’m going to do a breast exam and a pelvic exam and we’re done. There are some other tests I want to run but I don’t have the equipment on hand so they’ll have to wait until Tony manages to get here. Peter, can you help move her arms?”
You felt like you almost managed to swim through the purr, rage fueling you as hands manipulated your breasts. The exam itself was clinical, professional even—or it would’ve been if he hadn’t been cooing at you the whole time, how good you were being, how sweet you were, how pretty your breasts were. Peter had hummed in agreement along with the doctor, his nose trailing up and down your neck. Your hands clenched into fists and you could feel Peter’s grip on your wrists shift with the movement.
“Calm down, baby,” the alpha’s voice cooed gently against the side of your head, lips pressing into your hair as Bruce shifted away and went for the medical cabinet again. "This is important. Suppressants could’ve caused tons of problems, cancerous growths in sexual organs or secondary sex characteristics is very common.”
Death would be a reprieve. The same thought that crossed your mind any time you considered the potential effects of suppressants. A reprieve from the hiding, the exhaustion, living out of your car or a tent, eating garbage because it was all you could afford—from the constant threat of having your autonomy ripped from your hands.
You relaxed your fists until you felt his grip loosen again, even if only slightly. Your only chance would be to rely on surprise and your speed, there was no other way you’d be able to get away. Forcing your body to relax was a trial though, adrenaline was starting to course through you the more you became used to the effects of the purr. Your scent was still massively dampened by the suppressants, Peter likely wouldn’t be able to smell the shift from fear to anticipation. You bit down on the sluggishly bleeding wound on your tongue, reigniting both the pain and blood flow.
“Alright, last part, we’re almost done and then we’ll get you comfortable, okay?” Bruce was wearing new gloves again, a bottle in hand as he walked back over. "Have you had a pelvic exam before?”
You waited until he was close enough and performed what seemed to be your go to act of defiance: spitting blood directly in his face. He reared back with a short curse, Peter immediately releasing your wrists—his goal was likely to readjust you in his lap, to gain a better hold, but you were fast, faster than an alpha (always faster than alphas, it was all you had). You’d slipped from his lap and darted for the automatic doors before either of them could respond. Running through the woods naked was the lesser evil.
Steel bands. You should’ve noticed, the doors opened too soon for them to be reacting to your presence, you were so focused on getting through. But the moment you did, it felt like steel bands wrapped around your torso, pinning your arms.
The alpha’s scent was like Steve’s—the moment your brain registered it the world went hazy. You were floating, body going limp for a precious few seconds that the alpha used to sweep you into his arms and stalk further into the room. Your senses came back just in time for you to be deposited back into Peter’s lap on the table, a massive blond alpha coming into view for the first time. Your gaze was immediately stuck on his, the heterochromatic eyes nearly hypnotizing. Fighting the daze he put you in was overwhelming, especially when a wide smile split his lips and his cheeks dimpled. One massive hand reached out, almost engulfing the entire lower half of your face.
“Hello little love.” Were alphas always as insanely massive as this one and Steve, or had you just stumbled across literally your worst nightmare? “They told me you’re a flighty thing, I suppose I arrived just in time, hm? Are you going to spit blood in my face as well? It seems to be your calling card.”
The look on your face must’ve betrayed the fact that you were really, really considering it. You had a mouthful of blood and nowhere to put it but his face, honestly. Instead you used the fact that Peter was mostly propping you up to lean over the edge of the table and proceeded to open your mouth, spilling blood down onto the alpha’s shoes nice white shoes.
“I wouldn’t challenge her,” Bruce’s voice drew your attention to where he was using a towel to wipe blood off his glasses, a wry smile and affection clear on his face. "She’s putting a lot of effort into being belligerent.”
The blond alpha rumbled with a grin, thumb brushing across your cheekbone. "It’s been a stressful day for her, there’s nothing she can do that will cause any persisting damage anyway. Let her have her little rebellions.”
You wanted to be furious—what kind of asshole looked a person dead in the eyes and called their attempts to escape false imprisonment little rebellions?—but Peter seemed to have realized where your train of thought had gone because he started purring immediately. Your spine went boneless, laying you flat against his chest.
“Can you lean up against the wall with her?” Bruce directed the younger alpha to shift until both of your legs were dangling over the edge, Peter’s back to the wall the table sat against. “You’re going to need to hold her in place, even while you purr. Alright sweetie, let’s get this out of the way. Thor, will you hold her leg please?”
The sound you made was an accident. Desperation and humiliation were crawling up your spine with astounding speed, even with Peter’s purr going like a motorboat and the sound  was making it too hard to think through your instincts. Omega cries were a deliberate counterpart to the noises alphas made; whines and cries and hisses, perfectly pitched to make an alpha’s hindbrain stand at attention. The sound you made was a sharp, chirping whine—distress, distress, distress, help me, help me help m—
“Oh little love,” Thor’s voice had dropped several registers and he gently shuffled Bruce to the side so he could stand in front of you, slipping as close to the table as possible and tugging your legs to rest on either side of his hips and gently running his hands over your skin. “Let’s get you taken care of, you need rest.”
The pheromones he was putting out were meant to calm but you immediately opened your mouth, using the overwhelming scent of your own blood to drown them out. The alpha sighed and stepped aside again, taking your leg with him and spreading your thigh to rest over Peter’s leg with your foot planted on the table. A whine rose in your throat again but you locked it down, instead biting down on your tongue yet again. It was as grounding as it was painful, the tang of it souring your stomach.
It was your last coherent thought, that you were starting to feel nauseous from all of the blood you'd swallowed. Thor began to purr just after that and the sound was entirely devastating, bone deep and you went completely limp, your head falling to the side against Peter’s chest and your shoulders dropping. This is what acid felt like, you were pretty sure.
Your eyes lazily followed Bruce’s path as the doctor took his place between your legs again, lifting the other into a matching position. Some part of you was fully aware of how gut wrenching this was; completely naked and spread wide in front of two alphas and a beta, a situation you’d rather kill yourself than be in, but your brain couldn’t follow any emotional tethers while Thor purred. The doctor was speaking, you could feel his hands manipulating your vulva, but you couldn’t understand anything coming out of his mouth.
Peter’s hand came to your chin and tilted your head back until you could see him, smiling down at you. His mouth moved, your eyes almost able to track the movement of his lips enough to read them but your brain gave up halfway through. The two alphas were chuckling over something but you were distracted by the discomfort of something being inserted into your vagina. A sharp yip escaped your lips, your body still completely boneless as your eyes rolled down.
“It’s a speculum, sweetie, I’m sorry it’s uncomfortable,” it sounded like Bruce was talking underwater and you could almost feel his breath on your thigh, your mind irritatingly unable to think beyond the question 'who just keeps a fucking speculum lying around?' "Just a few more seconds while I get a pap smear.”
More discomfort came before the instrument was removed, another yip leading Peter to purr along side Thor. The rest of the exam was a blur, slippery fingers and pressure and foreign sensations. You could barely think, let alone realize that Bruce was finishing up the manual exam, when your eyes noticed movement behind them. You couldn’t really make out anything, nothing would focus, but you assumed it was Steve and Sam.
There were more voices but you couldn’t hear anything for an indeterminate amount of time. It wasn’t until Thor stopped purring again that you were able to start regaining your senses, as much as the continuous rumbling in Peter’s chest would allow. The difference between the sounds the two alphas produced was marked by your sudden ability to focus your eyes, to concentrate on voices, in the way your muscular control was slowly returning.
You were almost glad the young alpha was still purring—it meant that the spike of terror that tried to shoot through you was somewhat dulled, enough that it wouldn’t show in your scent. Sam and Steve had indeed come in, accompanied by a young woman with long auburn hair and porcelain skin, a beta from the scent. As soon as she made eye contact with you she smiled vibrantly, slipping forward and sneaking between your still spread thighs.
“You’re so beautiful,” she murmured, long fingers stroking absently against your neck as she leaned in, forcing your back tighter against Peter’s chest. "Will you let me see your trauma my love?”
Some sort of red miasma filled your vision, a fog you quickly realized was coming from her hands—and realization slammed into you like a freight train. You seen that before, in passing. And then the recognition made you nauseous—Thor. You didn’t keep up with current events, but certain names you couldn’t miss. Thor, Tony Stark, Captain America. Your eyes flashed to the blond man standing towards the back of the room; Captain America, Steve Rogers.
Desperation shot through your body like you’d been tazed. Your foot shot out of Thor’s hold, the alpha hadn’t been putting any actual effort into holding you still since you’d been so dazed, and connected with the woman’s chest to send her reeling. Before anyone else could respond, your throat rasped for several seconds before a warbling shriek escaped. The four alphas in the vicinity reacted like they’d been shot; Thor and Steve both stumbled back, and Sam’s knees practically gave out, sending him careening into the wall. Behind you, Peter, far too close to the source, immediately went limp.
There were several distress calls an omega could make. Most of the time, they were whines or chirps, noises meant to draw attention from packmates. They were small, careful sounds—nothing loud enough to attract attention from a foreign alpha or delta. Omegas were quarry to be stolen, after all, which was precisely why they had one, singular method of defending themselves against their biggest biological threat and that was a shriek.
When in close proximity, the sound was loud enough and tuned just so to daze an alpha’s hindbrain. The evolutionary explanation was that a loud shriek meant that an omega being confronted by an aggressive alpha could both temporarily stun their attacker and summon assistance—alphas or deltas, far enough away that the negative effects were nullified but within proximity to hear that an omega was in danger. The assumption being, of course, that an omega who shrieked was in danger from a stranger, not a packmate.
It only worked for a very short time though, any alpha or delta in the area would immediately converge on the omega’s location and deal with the problem—it was the reason you hadn’t used it outside. There was no reason for the effects to last when it summoned immediate assistance, though, and that meant you needed to move. You slid off the table, bare feet slapping tile as you just barely managed to dodge Bruce’s grasp. The woman, the witch from the news, was on the floor clutching her sternum.
The stairs were a blur, so was the foyer and the driveway. You hesitated at your car for all of ten seconds before running for the forest; your keys were in the pocket of your jeans, back down in the basement. Abandoning all of your possessions hurt somewhere deep in your heart but there wasn’t any time for sentiment. You had to get away, quickly.
Luckily the woods had become your home a long time ago. You moved between the trees silently, feet so heavily calloused from constantly going barefoot that you didn’t even notice the twigs and sharp stones digging into your flesh. Your brain shot into overtime. You needed to steal clothes, then cash. You’d lived with nothing for years, you could do it again for however long you needed to. The only thing you really needed was suppressants; everything else was a luxury.
You assumed they were behind you, you’d been running for a good three minutes. The straight path meant they could follow you easier but the goal had to be the maximum distance possible rather than the most strategic pattern. Your only advantage was being fast and you had no choice but to rely on it, especially since your hindbrain was wailing with every step you took. The suppressants were the only reason you could do it at all, the trade off for quieting those damn instincts being a tolerable mildness of character that did not appreciate the constant, incessant shriek of your baser self while you were trying to focus. 
All you had to do was keep quiet until you could find one of the creeks running through the forest—so close to Lake Superior there was water everywhere. You would run through the creek in several different places, to mask your scent and make it difficult to follow. It wouldn’t be hard to find a hunting blind or shack, a hole in the ground was better than going back there. The moment your eyes caught on running water you dove into it, covering yourself with mud before jumping back up to continue running.  
Captain America was super fast and you’d bet the rest of them were similar if not the same and you needed more distance. Somewhere in the back of your mind, prey behavior was setting in. Natural selection had driven your existence, you were the result of thousands of years of evolution, and the life you’d lived meant you were far more adapted to being hunted than most omegas. You were vulnerable but not helpless and as you coated yourself in more mud from a different part of the creek, chemosensory instincts started rattling through you.  
They were coming. Your scent was inhibited by the suppressant’s and that made it harder for them to follow you but they were doing their best. Combined with the water and the mud, your scent was very difficult to pin down, even for a super soldier. You contemplated climbing a tree to hide, but the insane memory of how keen the noses of the pack following you were spurred you on. You kept running, covering yourself in mud two more times, before finding a tree with a massive tangle of roots at the bottom. Fighting whatever creature had made a home down there was worth it—it went deep, was heavily covered by underbrush and detritus from the trees, but most importantly it was surrounded by wild bergamot in full bloom.  
It smelled lovely, spicy and floral with a citrusy overtone. You crawled through the dirt, wiggling between the roots and carefully avoiding crushing any plants or branches that could give you away. Whatever lived in there was out, likely foraging, and you took the creature’s absence to your advantage and pressed as far back into the hole as possible.  
You weren’t tired, despite the long, exhausting day and the fucking trauma. Another small grace that adaption had provided was that once an omega began producing adrenaline, sleep became unnecessary—it was actually considered a very unenviable omega trait in the general population, but you’d found it’s uses worth the unpleasant side effects. Your heart would continue to race for the next several hours, your pupils wouldn’t return to normal for potentially days and your blood sugar had sky rocketed and that was going to be a nightmare for how ever long it lasted. 
The waiting was going to hurt—there was nothing to pass the time and you had to actively focus on not being terrified or your omega scent could seep through, oh, what was it now? Five coats of mud from the creek, a significant amount of bergamot, and fifteen years of whatever the fuck suppressants did to your scent over time.
It wasn’t ten minutes later that you heard them. Stealth wasn’t their objective, that was clear from the amount of noise they made. You could hear Steve and Peter calling your name, although you didn’t know how they knew it. Thor was speaking, his tone low but certainly not quiet. They weren’t even moving that fast, walking almost leisurely.
“She’ll need to bathe and eat. Clint and Natasha are finishing up in New York. Steve, have you heard from Tony or Bucky? Carol?”  
“Tony’s wrapping up, should be flying over pretty soon. Carol and Bucky were on their way up but I gave them a list of things to grab while they’re going through the bigger cities. Shouldn’t be too much longer for them either though.” 
Steve and Thor were different than Sam or Peter. You couldn’t pin down exactly what had set your teeth on edge, but the scent the two blond alphas gave off was different. Their pheromones were worse, more infectious. Eye contact with Steve had made your hindbrain beg to go to him, regardless of the rationality you could usually manage thanks to the suppressants. You could remember the feel of Thor’s hand on like it was seared into your skin instead, you wanted him to never not be touching you ever again—
If you could’ve slapped yourself without making noise you would’ve. The stupid omega in your brain, that dumb, easy cunt was going to get you killed. You sealed your lips, clenched your teeth and tucked your hands under your bent knees. Night was starting to fall to your benefit, the shadows were getting darker. You were so far back they would have to crouch down and crawl half way in to see you.
If you could keep your wits until they passed you could double back, trying to find your keys would be a wash but you could grab clothes from the back of your ancient Tahoe. You weren’t sure how long you’d been in the basement, but you didn’t think it was long enough for them to have gone through your things.
“Could she have gotten this far?” You held your breath as Sam stopped far too close to your hiding place for comfort.
“Omegas are fast and she seemed faster than most,” Bruce answered. “We’ll know for sure once her blood work comes back, but from her physiology I’d say she presents as a classical omega. She’s probably the first in her family in a long, long time. To have a scream that loud in this day and age? The omega gene must’ve been skipped so long that there was no chance for it to adapt to modern omega qualities.”
“There’ve been some studies suggesting that the classical omega attributes are making a come back in the general population,” Peter’s voice came from much farther away. "They haven’t been peer reviewed enough yet and they haven’t been replicated en masse because they don’t have enough subjects, alphas aren’t exactly thrilled to have their omegas studied, but—”
“The lack of data aside, I assume there’s a correlation between the alphas willing to allow their omegas to participate and the behavior of the omega in question. Do you think—”
“Focus, Bruce,” Steve’s voice was light with affection. "The point is that yes, she could’ve gotten this far or farther. The way she keeps running into the creek is messing up the footprints and—”
Their voices faded as they continued the same linear path you’d been running earlier. The fact that they didn’t even sound a little concerned that you could get away was both insulting and unnerving. You didn’t need alphas having that kind of confidence regarding your behavior—and why weren’t they moving any faster? The paranoia was immediate and overwhelming, what did they know about that you didn’t? Something they assumed would hinder you farther along in the woods? Something they were planning for when they found you? When.
You forced yourself to count slowly to six hundred, waiting what you hoped was a full ten minutes before silently crawling out of your hide. Their scents were everywhere, you could smell where Sam had been standing almost directly over the opening in the roots. They were still too close for comfort and you turned, running back through the forest. Your feet were starting to feel sore, usually you’d at least watch where you stepped but there just wasn’t time—you had to get away before they could enact their plans.
The clearing the cabin sat in was coming up and you forced yourself to slow as you approached the tree line, keeping a careful eye out for the beta woman. You couldn’t remember what her call sign was, something to do with witches, and you definitely didn’t want her using that red magic stuff on your head.
The extra seconds of waiting paid off, watching her pace the porch for a few moments before her phone rang. She answered, walking inside and closing the doors behind her. You didn’t wait an extra second, darting across the clearing to where you car was sitting in the driveway with the trunk popped. They must’ve started going through your things but stopped part of the way through.
You could see one of your go bags though, squished between your rolled up sleeping bag and tent. The straps of the bag squeaked with how hard you yanked it out, hesitating slightly—instinct told you to leave the sleeping bag, but you’d grown used to the luxury of it and leaving the stupid thing behind made you decidedly sad. You tossed the straps of the go bag over your shoulder and turned away, knowing it would slow you down and—
There was an Iron Man suit standing directly behind you, gauntlets rested on the hips and the head cocked to the side. You froze, as if staying still could prevent it from noticing you. Fuck, you hoped there wasn’t a man in there. A stupid thought, you considered as you stared silently, trying to decide if there was any way out. Hope was a joke at this point but you didn’t have anything else.
“Hi princess,” it was a distinctly human voice, if filtered. "Hope I didn’t miss too much of the fun.”
  content warning: nonconsensual medical procedures, general noncon touching/assault.
edited 7/9/21 - still on hiatus
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forsakenoathkeeper · 4 years
I Am Alive (chapter 8/?)
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Please support me on AO3 & thanks for reading ♥
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"Looks like we're gonna have to bring the plastic detective," Gavin said sourly, removing his phone from his ear.
Connor had been looking through hours and hours of security camera footage all morning. Somehow, he still managed to hear Gavin insult him from across the room.
Seeing as he didn't need to sleep, Connor was one of the first detectives to arrive in the morning, almost every morning. Detective Reed rarely failed to come in shortly after him. Judging by the dark lines in the skin beneath his eyes and redness in his sclera, Connor assumed he suffered from insomnia.
"Just sittin' there, doin' nothing?" Gavin asked, suddenly standing by Connor's desk. He crossed his arms, looking down at the android with contempt.
Connor had been staring at a blank computer screen, finding it much faster and easier to just use his internal interface than the computer. He also operated at much faster speeds than desktops.
He was aware of how comical it appeared, sitting there and looking at nothing; but, most were aware of his internal processes and didn't bother him about the strangeness of his behavior.
Connor had found footage of Robert pulling himself out of the harbor, the time stamp suggesting it was a few hours after their encounter. He had not managed to catch any more footage of him since. He also was on the lookout for the assailants that had attacked androids at the protests yesterday. Unsurprisingly, they were also laying low.
It was a massive city and there was a lot of ground to cover.
"I am going through security camera footage," Connor answered plainly, looking up at Gavin from his seat.
"Ahuh," Gavin replied, clearly not giving a damn. "Got a crime scene with a dead android. Heading over now. Don't fucking keep me waiting."
Connor didn't bother asking for any info, knowing full well he wouldn't get any. As Gavin walked away, Connor checked the case logs in the police database. Luckily, it was already there. The first responding officers had documented it fairly well.
Twenty-one minutes ago, officers responded to a 911 call that an armed assailant had broken into a small manufacturing plant on the north side of the city. The facility created specialized computer chips. They were most commonly used for android motherboards; however, they were also used in some security monitoring systems.
At a quick glance, Connor could see all the victims were androids. They were employees for the morning shift. When he searched the company's records, he could see they had hired the androids as proper employees a few months ago.
One android was dead and three others had been injured. There was one human involved, another employee and a witness, unharmed.
An important report was missing. Despite the fact that three androids had been attacked, no emergency medical services had been called to the scene. Unfortunately, it wasn't entirely surprising. There weren't clear medical services for androids. Not yet.
The clinic you worked at was outsourced from one of the big contributors to Cyberlife's stocks. It was, essentially, the company's way of carefully moving their funds from Cyberlife production to healthcare for androids. Eventually, it was going to start paying for itself, and it served as a great way to protect their public image.
The police needed medical services to document the case, sure; but, Connor was also bothered by the injustice here. Fowler wasn't in yet to approve of his idea. So, the android decided to make the call himself.
Connor was already gone by the time you woke up.
Funny enough, he still managed to wake you up.
You hummed groggily into the phone, not bothering to check who it was before answering.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think you would still be asleep," Connor's voice said politely on the other end.
You yawned into the phone. "Hm? Oh, Connor... You beat my alarm by, like, five minutes. Don't worry about it," you replied hoarsely, rolling onto your other side.
"There's been an incident," Connor began, suddenly sounding quite serious. His tone was enough to wake you up.
"Some androids were injured; but, no paramedics were called for... obvious reasons." Connor didn't sound mad, bless his heart. But, you could sense some frustration. "Would you mind accompanying me on this? I must warn you, it will lead to involvement in this case: paperwork, and likely testimonies."
"Yeah, of course, Connor," you said into the phone, rolling back over to swing your legs over the edge of the bed. "Text me the address?"
"Will do. I haven't arrived yet. I'll meet you there. I'm sorry, there's no food. I haven't had the time to go to the store for-..."
Connor trailed off when he heard you laughing quietly in the background.
"I'm sorry. I was just imagining you at the grocery store," you chuckled. While you didn't mean to laugh, it was hard not to. The image you conjured in your mind was Connor looking very out of place in a grocery store. He probably would only bring home raw vegetables and bottled water.
"I know what dietary needs humans have," Connor replied, almost defensive.
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of," you laughed softly. "Don't worry about it. I can just pick something up along the way."
"I hadn't considered, before I asked, if this unexpected time off would be approved by your employer?" Connor asked.
"Oh, they'll have a field day with this one. No IMS called to an assault. I should be asking you if YOU are gonna get in trouble."
"We need medical reports for the case; so, it isn't entirely in my own self-interest," Connor answered in his usual, calm tone. He sounded robotic at times; but, you had grown to recognize that as his own nature. He was a dedicated detective after all. In your privacy, he wore his heart on his sleeve. But, right now, he was on the force. It was all business.
"Alright. Meet ya' there-" You stole a glance at your messages and noticed the address. "Geez, north side of town? Oh - that's a factory, isn't it?"
"AlphaBio," Connor answered simply.
Naturally, you recognized that name, having a small stash of their chips at the clinic.
"You don't think it's related to the protests?" you asked. It was less of a question and more of a suggestion.
"It is... likely," Connor replied, sounding a little hesitant to answer you.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised... I'm'a let you go so I can get changed."
"I will see you soon - oh - and, good morning," Connor said warmly. You could practically hear the smile on his face.
You giggled, "good morning, Connor. See you soon," before hanging up.
Connor had failed to mention it was the crime scene for a homicide. Although, he was, specifically, a homicide detective; so, it really shouldn't have surprised you.
The first responders had separated the three damaged androids from the body and sanctioned off that part of the crime scene to everyone but the detectives.
You had been there for almost an hour and had yet to see Connor.
Two of the androids were AP700 models. They were almost exact twins, except one had blue eyes and the other had brown eyes. The third android was a BL100 model. She had her factory issued hair swapped with something short, boyish, and ebony black.
All of them had suffered defensive wounds. The detectives made it very clear you weren't to be given any insight to their testimonies. It was understandable. They wanted to verify that your findings matched their statements without preconceived notions.
Luckily, most of their wounds were superficial. The worse injury of the batch was one of the AP700's had severe nerve damage on his inner, right elbow, cutting off movement to his forearm and fingers. It was an easy fix, and he seemed grateful.
The BL100 was hesitant to let you touch her, not that you were the least bit offended or surprised. You knew what she was designed for, and she knew that you knew. It was only after she saw you handle the other two androids with respect that she felt comfortable enough to let you help her.
As you treated their damages, you documented them with a tablet one of the officers had given you. It was a little difficult, considering their documentation was designed for humans. Somehow, you managed to make it work.
You had been there for a little over two hours before you finally saw Connor. He had actually caught you off guard. You were seated at a small, fold out desk, tapping away on the DPD tablet when you saw someone suddenly approach in the corner of your eye. They set a water bottle at the edge of the desk.
Your eyes shifted to his torso first. Oh. He was wearing his nice coat today, and a matching, black tie.
"Thank you," you uttered, a small smile forming on your lips. You didn't maneuver too far from the tablet, going over your work carefully to make sure everything was properly notated. Considering it was documentation for human wounds, you had to put extra care into it.
"Hey, Robocop!" Detective Reed called out suddenly, before the android could say anything to you.
Connor knew he was talking about him, and wanted to ignore him; but, they were at a crime scene and this was important. He couldn't ignore him right now.
He shifted his eyes from you and over to the other detective. You froze up at the word 'Robocop', somehow doubting it was intended to be a word of endearment.
When Gavin saw that Connor was looking, he continued. "This computer is having issues. I figured it was your cousin or something. So, you should be able to fix it, yeah?"
All at once, blood rushed to your face and rage started to rise in you like smoke in a chimney.
Everyone in the room heard Gavin's remark: Hank, on the other side of the room, going over the case details with the first responding officers, another detective who had been dusting for prints along every entryway, a total of four police officers, and the CSI operator sitting at the desk next to Gavin.
If Connor was annoyed, he was doing a damn good job of hiding it.
The android approached the detective. "Androids are far more complicated than desktop computers," he said calmly, keeping his eyes focused on Gavin. He wasn't just calm: he was polite. "I won't be of much help, I'm afraid."
The person seated in front of the computer, a member of their computer division, looked uncomfortable enough to commit seppuku right then and there.
"Do the hand thing," Gavin suggested, lifting his hand for a moment and waving it like he was talking to a child. "You know - probe it."
"I can only probe androids," Connor answered, plainly, as if unbothered by the ridiculousness of it all.
"It's fine. I can recover the data-" the crime scene investigator tried to mediate. It was clear that Gavin wasn't listening to him.
"Ohhh - right - right," Gavin replied, drawing out his words in mock understanding. "Poor girlfriend," he added on with a chuckle.
Did he just suggest-...?
Something in you snapped. You carefully set down the tablet, pushed your chair back, and marched over to the detective.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" you called out to the detective, not caring if everyone in this god-damned room was watching.
The smug bastard turned around, eyeing you. You stepped right up to him, fearless, fire in your eyes. You could tell Connor was looking at you; but, most of your vision was being taken in by this asshole, leaving you unable to make out Connor's expression.
"Ugh - shit," Hank muttered to himself. He approached, deciding to intervene before things got ugly.
"A real cop," Gavin sneered at you. "-and you are here as a formality. Don't push your luck."
"Connor is a real cop," you practically snarled at the guy. "He deserves just as much respect as anyone else."
"That's enough," Hank said lowly, directed at both you and the detective.
The lieutenant looked around, eyes briefly scanning everyone in the room. "This isn't a high school locker room. Get back to work," he hollered. He was loud and commanding. His words didn't fall on deaf ears.
Except, you and Detective Reed were still locked in a death glare.
You wanted to punch him. You hadn't felt the desire to do that since college, when you had to share crowded hallways with smug assholes who thought they owned the world.
Somehow, you had a feeling, the detective could sense that.
"Unless you wanna get arrested for assaulting a police officer, honey, I suggest you back down," he threatened, craning his neck a little to get closer to you.
The android felt his internal temperature rise at the word 'honey'. He didn't care if Gavin called him 'plastic detective', 'robocop', or whatever else came to mind. But, that, directed at you, specifically, bothered him.
Connor could see how tense you were, staring Gavin down with the kind of burning rage he had seen in you once before, directed at himself when he attempted to prevent you from salvaging supplies from a truck in the middle of a firefighter.
He wasn't sure if you would actually hit Detective Reed; but, he couldn't take that chance. There was a high probability that Detective Reed would go through with his threat. You didn't have a criminal record, and Connor didn't want you to end up with one, especially because of him.
The android moved in and slid his arm around your waist. He pulled you into him and away from Gavin, turning his back to the detective. With his legs moving, you had no choice but to shuffle your own feet to keep up with him, practically being dragged away. You flailed awkwardly, but Connor kept you up.
"Don't," Connor requested. You glared at the detective over Connor's shoulder.
Gavin seemed pleased with that. "I would listen to your vibrator, sweetheart," he called out to you smugly, starting to step away. "Might do ya' some good!"
"You don't fucking know when to quit," Hank snarled, his hand roughly falling onto Gavin's shoulder, giving him a push away from you.
"Take your own advice, fuckhead!" you almost shouted over Connor's shoulder. "Maybe if you got laid every once in a while, you wouldn't be such a piece of s-"
"Please don't," Connor interrupted you, stepping in the way so that he took up most of your field of view.
"Connor, don't you fucking-" you hissed at him.
"He's not worth it," Connor warned, eyes narrowing slightly at you. Well, that was new. He actually looked a little angry with you.
"Like fuck he isn't. That bastard deserves to be punched in his stupid bitch-ass fa-"
"I don't want you to get in trouble," he insisted, shaking you a little.
You clenched your jaw, glaring at the android's stupid, handsome face. That bastard disrespected him. You had no doubt that it wasn't the first time, and it sure as hell wouldn't be the last.
"I like when you get angry," Connor commented with a small grin. He didn't say it, but you couldn't hear it being followed with, 'cute'. He seemed enamored in that moment, and he was, captivated by how passionate you were in his defense, even if it didn't exactly make sense to him.
"...maybe I should punch you instead," you grumbled, trying not to be completely smitten with him.
Connor removed his arm from your waist and stepped back a little, giving you space. You let go of his shoulders and fixed your scrub top, which had been bunched up a little after he grabbed you.
"Well-" you stammered, feeling a little flustered. You couldn't help it. You liked it when he was like this. Connor wanted to be protective, but he also wanted to give you freedom, and it clashed so beautifully in him.
"Y-yeah, well, he fucking had it coming and - and you should'a just let me-..." You sighed heavily. Of course he shouldn't have just let you do whatever.
But, still-
-you were frustrated.
"-you're in the doghouse, mister," you proclaimed quietly, sounding barely serious at all, and poked a finger into Connor's shoulder.
The android stared at you, perplexed.
The dog... house?
As you stepped away and returned to the desk, Connor searched the internet for the meaning of that. From his findings: it seemed to be a word primarily used between couples and meant that someone was in trouble for angering the other, and held the connotation that the one in said 'doghouse' would not be bedding with the one they had angered.
Connor fixed his tie in place of his pride.
He couldn't say he didn't understand why you would be upset with him. What he had done to you was degrading, wasn't it? He had manhandled you, in front of everyone.
He despised Detective Reed, if he was being perfectly honest. It was something he had struggled with; but, it was inevitable that he would meet people whom he simply could never get along with.
He could make sense of being disliked for being an android; he had heard many, many reasons ranging from past traumas to selfish insecurities. But, Detective Reed sought out ways to degrade him whenever the moment convenienced him.
It didn't exactly help that Connor had left him passed out in the evidence room some odd months ago. That likely left a huge dent in his ego. Of course, Connor didn't bring it up because he didn't care.
Connor had yet to hear the detective actually call him by his name. If he was being perfectly honest, 'robocop' was somehow the most flattering of the bunch.
Detective Reed seemed to enjoy relating him to every piece of computer equipment in the office. Connor knew this was to remind him that he wasn't human: he was a machine, a computer wrapped in plastic.
-and, he enjoyed emasculating Connor.
The android didn't care of the extent of Detective Reed's knowledge of his genitalia or whether or not he was capable of pleasing you sexually; but, you cared?
Maybe, while he was in the 'doghouse', he could try to make sense of it.
"It's almost midnight. What the hell are you still doing here, Connor?" Hank barked at him.
Connor looked up at his desk, uttering, "I could ask you the same thing, detective..."
Hank was holding his coffee mug in one hand, a folder in the other. He laughed, mumbling, "smartass", as he sat back down at his desk.
The android sighed out your name, "-said I'm in the 'doghouse'. I assumed that meant she wanted space."
Hank let out a bellowing laugh that almost startled the android. He nearly split his coffee, too. After Hank calmed his laughter and looked at him again, and caught that childish frown on Connor's face, he started laughing again.
"Trust me, son-" Hank coughed, still trying to calm his laughter. "She doesn't want space. She wants you to go home and apologize."
Connor looked at Hank like he was analyzing. He hadn't looked at Hank like that in a long time.
"I see..." he uttered, sounding quite embarrassed.
"It's about the thing Gavin said, huh?" Hank added on. "You not having a huge ego is good for you and all, but - of course she was gonna defend you because well - you know."
Hank waved his hand at Connor, not explicitly wanting to say what he was thinking.
"But," Hank continued, "you did the right thing: stopping her before she did something stupid. She knows that, which is why ya' need'ta go home and apologize anyway. Women are... like that."
Hank paused and took a sip of his coffee, hissing in response to how hot it was; however, that didn't stop him from immediately going in for another drink.
The android pondered over the lieutenant's words quickly.
"Thanks, Hank," Connor said, hastily removing himself from his desk. It was the first time he left the office without tucking his chair back in.
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