#for not including even basic safety features or age gates
lizardsfromspace · 11 months
Everyone's sad about Omegle, the site whose elegiac closing statement heralds the death of the old, weird internet! *one day later* We regret to inform you Omegle shut down to avoid prosecution for child abuse
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aurotoshi · 1 year
Beyond Basics: Exploring the Future of Hydraulic Dock Levelers
In the ever-advancing landscape of logistics, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. Hydraulic Dock Levelers, once a revolutionary solution, have now become a staple in modern loading docks. 
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But what lies beyond the basics? What does the future hold for these indispensable devices? In this article, we will delve into the cutting-edge innovations and advancements that are shaping the future of Hydraulic Dock Levelers.
I. Smart Integration: The Age of Automation
The future of Hydraulic Dock Levelers lies in seamless integration with smart technologies. Automation, artificial intelligence, and IoT (Internet of Things) are reshaping the industrial landscape. For more, visit our homepage: Aurotoshi and also check out our one of the best equipment: Rolling shutter
Hydraulic Dock Levelers, equipped with sensors and smart controls, will autonomously adjust to the incoming vehicles. This not only ensures precise alignment but also optimizes energy usage, making operations not just efficient but environmentally friendly.
II. Predictive Maintenance: Preventing Downtime
Predictive maintenance is revolutionizing industries, and Hydraulic Dock Levelers are no exception. Advanced sensors will monitor the device in real-time, detecting even the slightest anomalies. 
By analyzing this data, maintenance needs can be predicted accurately. This proactive approach prevents unexpected breakdowns, minimizes downtime, and maximizes operational efficiency. Here is our other useful equipment for industrial Automation: AFC gates
III. Enhanced Safety Features: Preserving Human Capital
Safety remains paramount in the logistics sector. Future Hydraulic Dock Levelers will feature enhanced safety mechanisms, including AI-driven obstacle detection and predictive analytics to foresee potential hazards. 
These features will not only protect workers but also prevent damage to goods and vehicles, reducing operational risks significantly.
IV. Green Technology: Eco-Friendly Operations
Sustainability is no longer a trend but a global imperative. Future Hydraulic Dock Levelers will incorporate eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient components. 
Additionally, they will harness renewable energy sources, further reducing the carbon footprint of loading dock operations. Businesses adopting these green technologies will not only contribute to a healthier planet but also enhance their corporate image.
V. Augmented Reality (AR) Support: Precision Redefined
Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing training and maintenance procedures. Future Hydraulic Dock Levelers will come with AR support, providing real-time guidance for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Also visit to our new equipment blog: High Speed Doors
This technology ensures that even complex tasks are performed with precision, reducing human error and improving overall efficiency.
VI. Conclusion: Shaping a Smarter Tomorrow
In conclusion, the future of Hydraulic Dock Levelers is undeniably exciting. Smart integration, predictive maintenance, enhanced safety features, green technology, and AR support are propelling these devices into a new era of efficiency and precision. 
As businesses embrace these innovations, they are not just investing in equipment; they are investing in the future of their operations. 
By staying ahead of the technological curve, businesses can create loading docks that are not only high-performing but also sustainable and safe – a vital combination for success in the ever-evolving logistics industry.
1. How does automation improve the efficiency of Hydraulic Dock Levelers?
Automation allows Hydraulic Dock Levelers to autonomously adjust to incoming vehicles, ensuring precise alignment and optimizing energy usage, thereby enhancing overall operational efficiency.
2. What are the benefits of predictive maintenance for Hydraulic Dock Levelers?
Predictive maintenance uses real-time data to predict maintenance needs accurately, preventing unexpected breakdowns, minimizing downtime, and maximizing operational efficiency.
3. How does augmented reality support enhance the precision of Hydraulic Dock Levelers?
AR support provides real-time guidance for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, ensuring that complex tasks are performed with precision, reducing human error and improving overall efficiency.
4. How do enhanced safety features in future Hydraulic Dock Levelers protect workers and goods?
Enhanced safety features, including AI-driven obstacle detection and predictive analytics, protect workers by foreseeing potential hazards and preventing damage to goods and vehicles, reducing operational risks significantly.
5. How does green technology contribute to the sustainability of loading dock operations?
Green technology in Hydraulic Dock Levelers incorporates eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient components, and renewable energy sources, reducing the carbon footprint of loading dock operations and promoting environmental sustainability.
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petri808 · 5 years
Precious Occasions
my story for @furubabigbang​  a Kyoru Family fic. with art by @theredwateringcan  LINK TO ART
Summary: Just a few years ago, Kyo and Tohru would never have imagined the way their lives had ended up. They found each other, saved one another, and now they were happily married.  Kyo could have gone on forever in this bliss, content with the gift of life that Tohru had given him, but now...  She was pregnant with their first child!  This should be a time in their lives filled with all of the special moments and wondrous occasions that accompany it, but all he could feel was the churning knots of anxiety.
Follow along with Kyo and Tohru through all the ‘Firsts’ of parenting.  This story will feature four seasons, from pregnancy to Hajime’s first day of Kindergarten.  *note some of the storyline does not follow either Fruits Basket or FB Another, in this one Arisa and Kureno have a son.  8k words
He stares wide-eyed at the imposing wall before him wondering why, just why was he even standing in this aisle?  Except for the cool AC during this August heatwave, being in a bookstore was not where he wanted to be.  Maybe he should have taken the store clerks offer of assistance, or ‘maybe I should just google it like everyone else does in this day and age!’  But Tohru wanted a real book of what to expect when you’re expecting.  Kyo couldn’t remember if that was the title or just the type of book she wanted.  He groans and clenches his fist, ‘there’s just too many to choose from!’  Oh, wait, his eyes land on a spine.  ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting.  Tch, figures.’  
Last month they’d registered the pregnancy as soon as they found out.  The local city hall had provided them the first set of information they needed with the Maternal and Child Health Handbook.  It only covered the basics, check-ups, etc, but was necessary in order to get a birth certificate later.  The book he walked out of the store with had been recommended by Arisa.  She and Kureno already had one son, so aside from Hatori who also has a daughter, they gave the new mother any information that might come in handy.  Luckily for Tohru, the morning sickness that had plagued her best friend hasn’t reared its head.
It was too early to tell how things would progress, Tohru being in her third month and barely showing yet.  Japan was still coming down from the summer heat wave this September, but the small room air conditioner Kyo installed kept her comfortable.  She was so nervous and excited about being a mother, hence the book he’d found for her among other things, but he knows she will be an amazing one.  Him on the other hand, as the normally less excitable one was turning into a bit of a worrier.  Tohru is on the klutzy side, there’s no way around it, so he focused mainly on her safety and that included no more working as soon as she had started to show.  Maybe a bit of overkill, but the dojo was doing well financially and since they could afford it, she would stay home for now.  Winter was on its way in a couple of months and the last thing he needed was for her to slip and fall somewhere on ice.
It was amazing how much her belly grew in the short span of months.  By November, the bump had been barely noticeable, but now it was the first thing that caught Kyo’s attention- cute and round- like the little spark of life he knew was inside.  He couldn’t help but slather her with affection every time he looked at her.    
“How’s my beautiful wife feeling?” Kyo cradles Tohru in his arms and runs his hand over her growing belly. “Ready to head to the train?  The taxi is here.”  
“Yes,” she smiles, “just need my coat.”
“I’ll get it.”  He moves around and kneels before her, placing a soft kiss on her stomach, before moving away to grab their coats and gloves.    
The commuter train was partially empty during this time of the day, which was well and good.  Bumping along in a packed train would be uncomfortable with Tohru’s growing belly.  They were nervous and excited for the 5-month check-up, because today they would find out the baby’s sex.  Not that they cared either way, boy or girl, this child was going to be loved regardless.  All of the misfortunes of their own childhoods made up for in this bundle of joy.
As the train comes to a stop, Tohru pulls her coat tighter around her and adjusts her gloves, Kyo doing the same, double checking his wife’s for good measure.  The snows had yet to come, but for November, the air was already growing chilly and sure enough when the doors open, a bluster of icy winds slam up against them.  Kyo wraps his arm around her shoulders, guiding her out and past the awaiting travelers, to lend his additional body heat.  Tohru lets her hands rest against her belly and allows her husband to lead the way.  It was maybe a two-block walk from the station to their obstetrician’s clinic.  
After a brief wait, the couple is led into an examination room, where Tohru is prepped for the simple ultrasound procedure.  Kyo waits patiently on a seat next to her, holding her hand.  He squeezes gently and kisses the back of it.  “Are you ready for this?” he smiles at his wife.
“Mmhmm,” she beams back.  “Are you?”
“No,” he chuckles, “but I’ll be fine.”
Ten-minutes later, the doctor begins the scan as the couple eagerly watches the monitor.  The doctor points and explains images as she goes along, taking measurements, and other needed information for the chart.  The fetus was an average size for the 22nd week, growing normally, with no signs of any distress.  They coo over the little digits of its fingers and button nose, or how the arms and legs look so strong already.  Finally, the moment arrives as the doctor zeroes in.  “It’s a boy,” the woman announces.  “Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sohma, you have a healthy baby boy coming along just perfectly.”
Tohru looks over to her husband at the news, quickly flushed with pride at their creation.  Kyo was struggling to contain his elation, but she knew better.  She squeezes his hand to gain his attention.  “Kyo, it’s okay, you can let it out,” Tohru smiles, knowing he was on the verge of tears.  It reminded her of the day she’d learned of his true self, when he’d broken down in her arms.  All those emotions of happiness overwhelming him, when he’d realized it was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, just as this was again.  They were bringing a new life into this world, and one that symbolized the very love they felt for one another.  
“Thank you,” was all Kyo could manage as the tears broke free and he hugged his wife.  She was doing it again.  This beautiful soul always managed to take his breath away.            
For as hot as August had been, December’s chill was becoming unrelenting and it wasn’t even the coldest month of the year.  “Are you warm enough?” Kyo wraps his arms around Tohru as she stirs a pot on the stove, letting his hands rest over the ever-expanding curve of her stomach.  “The weather is getting really chilly.”    
“Mmhmm, yes,” she smiles, “the heater is holding up, though I heard the snow by the end of this month will be growing heavier.”  
“It might be best not to attend the Sohma’s Christmas Eve dinner if it’s too heavy.”
“Aww!  But I was looking forward to seeing everyone,” Tohru pouts.  
“I know,” he kisses her cheek, “we’ll decide when it’s closer to that date.”
He chuckles at her whine.  “Why don’t you go rest and warm up under the kotetsu?”  Taking the spoon from her hand, “I’ll bring the dinner out.”
“Are you sure?  Aren’t you tired from training all day?”
“Nah,” he flexes his biceps with a grin, then shoos her away.
As he plates the dishes and piles them onto a serving tray, Kyo hears the television turn on and the sounds of a variety show spilling out.  Tohru rarely watched tv, but those shows were her favorite because they made her laugh.  Christmas music, so it’s begun he chuckles.  The holiday was still three weeks away but everywhere you turned companies were in full swing taking advantage of the Western tradition.  
“Would you like hot tea with dinner?”  He asks as he places the first set of dishes onto the table.  
“That would be wonderful,” she beams back.  “Is the heater sufficient for you, I could turn it up.”
“It’s perfect.  I’ll be right back with the drinks.”
Before sliding the door to the kitchen closed, he looks back at his wife and sees her swaying gently to the music.  It brings a smile to his face to see her so relaxed and content, but as his eyes glance over to the shifting snows outside the window, he sends out a silent prayer that the weather closer to Christmas clears.  His family had a big surprise instore for her and he really didn’t want to dash her hopes of attending the Christmas Eve party.  Akito had offered for them to move into one of the houses in the compound, but they’d declined for the time being.  He rather enjoyed the freedom of being outside on their own, and besides, this was much closer to his dojo.  Maybe one day, but not now.  
“Lookie, lookie Kyo!”  Tohru waves her husband over to the window.  The morning of Christmas Eve was gearing up to be a gorgeous break in the weather.  She presses her palms and face against the cool glass taking in the beautiful scene on their front garden.  The sculpted trees that were covered in melting frost sparkled brightly against the sun’s rays, and the white snow-covered ground gave up pockets of dormant zoysia grass below.  The blue sky above only held pockets of fluffy white clouds to let them know it was weather to last for a while.  
It was like a child excited to get their first puppy, the way she was practically bouncing with energy.  “Looks like we’re going to the party,” he chuckles.  Guess his prayer worked.
That afternoon, they pile luggage and bags with gifts into a taxi and head over to the Sohma compound. Gates that were once kept shut were now open, bringing a dramatic change to the very energy the place gave off.  It used to be such a cold and uninviting world that made Kyo’s hair stand on end, but now he could tolerate it.  First through the outer compound, the car makes its way towards the inner sanctum where Akito and Shigure lived, and where the banquet hall, turned general party room was located.  Kyo checks his watch to see it was just past 5pm; perfect timing.
Dutiful servants meet them at the door and help them with their bags.  Because it was an evening party, rooms were already prepared for attending guests who lived outside of the compound to stay overnight.  In their case, they had plans to stay through the New Year festivities so Tohru wouldn’t have to travel if the weather turned sour.  Luggage is taken to their room, while another servant leads them to the banquet hall.
“Oh, my goodness!” Tohru jumps back in shock, but having anticipated her reaction, Kyo had been waiting to keep her from stumbling.  
The room was filled with the entire family and their closest friends standing in a group holding balloons and spinning party favors, noise makers and other celebratory devices.  It may have been a holiday party, with the room decorated with lights and a tree, but mixed in were baby shower themed décor.  A large, “It’s a Boy!” banner hung on a wall above a table that held a diaper cake and gifts.  
“W-What is this?”  Tohru stammers.  She had no idea what a baby shower even was.  
“It’s the latest trend,” Kyo whispers in her ear.
“Come now, sweet Tohru,” Ayame struts closer with his head held high, “progress is advancing, and this Western tradition is growing here in Japan, which means we must take part in it!”
“He means any opportunity for a party,” Yuki chimes in, causing others to chuckle.
“Oh hush,” Ayame’s wife Mine bounces over and sticks an over-embellished, sparkling blue tiara on top of Tohru’s head.  “Nothing wrong with having as many celebrations as possible.”
“Yes,” Ayame brushes up against his brother, “and when will I have the opportunity to lavish my own niece or nephew with gifts?”
Yuki flushes, but keeps his mouth shut and simply slinks away.  Yes, he and Machi had been talking about it, but they didn’t need to know that yet.  
Once the initial shock was wearing down, others rush up for their opportunity to congratulate the couple properly.  The women surround Tohru and usher her over to the gift table, cooing over her belly, and chattering away at how lucky she was.  Dinner was yet an hour away, so the room stayed abuzz over the impending pregnancy.  Kyo watching from the side as he talks with the other males and leaving his wife in the hands of the women.  She was glowing not just from the pregnancy hormones, but pure happiness at being with her friends again.
Typical gifts include items for the baby, clothes, toys, even a beautiful carrying sling, but others were meant to help the parents cope with the stresses once the baby was born.  Tohru almost breaks down in tears at some of the gift certificates for housecleaning services and free grocery deliveries because it reminded her that with all the happy parts, there is struggle too.  Her friend Arisa hugs her.  “You’ll be fine, if I could do it, you can do it too.”
Tohru couldn’t help starting to feel a few pangs of despair.  Tonight, was supposed to be a festive night, not a sad one.  Even surrounded by people that loved her and accepted her as family, she still wished her mom and dad were still alive to see her child.  She grows quiet while keeping a faux smile on her face, half listening to the conversations around her, picking at the dinner that had been served, family buffet style. Why now of all the times for this emotion to surface, was it the hormones?  People told her that sometimes pregnant women’s emotions go crazy because of the hormones, happy one minute, sad the next.  Maybe the holiday season wasn’t helping either.  
“You okay?” Kyo leans over and whispers, “are you getting tired?”
“I’ll be okay,” Tohru smiles at her husband, “just… zoned out for...”  
Kyo watches as his wife stops mid-sentence and her hand quickly moves over her stomach.  Concerned, “what?  Is something wrong?!”
“He kicked!” Tohru gasps.  She grabs his hand and covers where she is feeling the movements.  “I felt a couple of kicks!”
“Wow!” Kyos eyes light up as he feels the light movements too.  
“Is this the first time?” Machi asks.
“Mmhmm,” Tohru smiles.    
Those closest to the couple lean over hoping to see something, a few of the women begging to touch her stomach too.  What amazing timing, Tohru reasoned in her head.  Had the infant known his mom was feeling sad and decided to act in the only way he could to pull her from that mood?  Such a sweet idea triggers a big blush and beaming crinkle to her eye, this child really was a gift from the gods.
The rest of the evening went well, her mood brightened once more.  After dinner, everyone exchanged gifts and opened them while conversations continued.  By 10pm, a few started to leave, by 11 the last guests were saying their final goodbye’s.
In their guest room, Kyo snuggles Tohru to him.  “Did you enjoy seeing everyone?”
“Yes,” she murmurs, eyes closing with sleep.
“I’m glad.  We’ll be here for a week, so you should spend as much time with everyone as possible.”  He kisses her cheek, “goodnight Tohru.”
“I can’t… wait.  Goodnight Kyo…”
By February, the snows in their area were starting to melt away.  Spring was coming, and with it a reprieve from winter’s grip.  Up until January, things had been easy during the pregnancy, but that changed as Tohru’s belly grew.  It was all a part of the process their doctor had advised.  Her body was preparing for the birth and with that, came discomfort.  Her joints ached, the skin of her stomach was tight, muscle pain and fatigue, even shortness of breath.  Not to mention she was constantly hungry and needing to pee.  
The Braxton-Hicks contractions had started as well, a clear sign, the time would soon be arriving.  She had known all about the false contractions through reading about it, but its appearance brought a new wave of anxiety.  Kyo made sure to get her bag packed and ready at a moment’s notice, despite there being another month to go.  
There were other amusing developments as well which to Tohru’s annoyance, Kyo couldn’t help but take advantage of.  
Tohru was developing a waddle when she walked.  
“I’m sorry,” he chuckles as his wife pouts and stomps her foot.  “It’s just adorable the way you walk!”  
She didn’t care that this was just another part of the whole ordeal, or that her hips were shifting to accommodate the birth canal.  She felt like one of those fat little penguins they saw at the zoo.  
“But,” Kyo chuckles and hugs his wife and kisses her forehead, “a cute penguin nonetheless.”  
Tohru stays stiff in his arms, mumbling, “It’s still not funny.”
“Of course, it’s not funny,” he kisses her again, “adorable.  My little penguin wife.”
“Oof!” she hits his chest a few times.  “So, mean!”
That only sends Kyo further into hysterics.  “Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” He kisses her hand.  “Come on, it’s time for bed.”
“But, I’m hungry again.”
“Why am I not surprised.  What would you like to eat, I’ll bring it to the room while you get ready for bed?”
“Hmm, something warm, maybe miso soup.”
“I think we have the instant type.  I’ll go make you some.  Anything else?”
“Some koko?”
Kyo’s nose scrunches, “you want pickled vegetable now?”
Tohru shrugs, “I just feel like something salty.”
“Okay.  You go get ready for bed and I’ll bring them in a few minutes.”
“Thank you Kyo.”  
“Anything for you,” he kisses her and heads to the kitchen.
Not the weirdest craving he’s heard of women having.  Miso soup and pickled vegetables was no different than a traditional breakfast.  If he remembered correctly, Kureno mentioned Arisa asking for things like pickled ume plums and sardines or ice cream and dill pickles.  What was with the polar opposite type requests?  Kyo chuckles to himself as he prepares the soup.  Sweet and salty mixtures.  He’s also heard some gain cravings for ice or even dirt which is a symptom of lacking a mineral like iron in their body.  Thank goodness Tohru wasn’t craving dirt, he chuckles inwardly, that would be too strange.
He finishes the dishes and takes it to their room where he finds Tohru fast asleep.  Kyo shakes his head, ‘figures she’d fall asleep.’  But he wasn’t upset and instead packs the items away in the fridge for the morning.  
As he lays down beside her, Kyo takes a moment to appreciate all that she was going through.  Men had the easy part of this deal, women are the ones that are putting in all the blood, sweat, and tears to bring a baby into this world, and for that, Kyo had no problem doing everything he could to make things as comfortable for Tohru as possible.  If she wanted something to eat in the middle of the night, he would get it for her.  If she was sore and needed a good massage, he would happily turn into a masseuse.  He was lucky in that his wife was healthy and so easy to care for.  
He brushes away her bangs and notices a slight dampness on her brow.  It seems that her temperature was a little elevated.  After doing a simple check by placing the back of his hand over her forehead, Kyo realizes it’s not a fever.  More likely, she’s just warmer than normal.  ‘Well things aren’t normal at the moment,’ so it was completely understandable.  Other than the elevated body temperature she seems fine.  
‘We’re almost there.’  Kyo gently slips in under the covers, so as to not wake his wife, closes his eyes, and dreams of the new possibilities.
It was the first time in months that they were finally able to walk outside in comfort.  Scatterings of snow still litter the ground, but the concrete sidewalks held no ice that Tohru might slip on.  That eased Kyo’s mind when she’d asked to go walking just around the neighborhood.  Being cooped up in the house for so long was boring, and it was hard to resist a pretty sunny day.
Kyo held her hand as they walked along the pathway, passing houses, and occasionally waving to neighbors.  Tohru was radiant in her ninth month of pregnancy.  She almost glowed against the sunlight if that was even possible.  It was moments like this one that made him pause and thank the stars that she came into his life.  
They were almost home when Tohru pulls Kyo to a sudden stop.  
“What’s the matter?”
He follows her gaze as she looks down to see liquid trailing along her legs.  
“I think my water just broke, but, there’s no pain,” she looks back up at her husband, “isn’t there supposed to be pain?”
“How should I know!  C-Can you still walk?”
“I think so.”
“Okay, let’s get to the house, grab your bag, and get to the hospital.” He’s already on the phone dialing a taxi service as they walk.  “They’ll be here in a few minutes.”  Kyo sits Tohru down on a bench in front of the house, while he runs in to grab her travel bag.
On the way to the hospital, he text’s Arisa and Saki to let them know Tohru had gone into labor because he knew they were the two people she’d want to be around for her.  He also texts Kazuma and asks him to let the rest of the family know.  
“How are you doing,” Kyo holds her hand through the car ride.
“I’m…. I’m okay, just scared.”
“I’ll be with you through the whole thing, I promise.  And your friends are on their way to the hospital too.”
“Thank you Kyo…”  Tohru suddenly hunches over holding to her stomach, “K-Kyo I think…” and her face contorting, “the contractions j-just started.”
He can clearly see his wife grimacing through the pain.  Panic sets in and all the lessons they’d learned from Lamaze class fly right out the window.  What was the pattern of breathing again?!  Deep breaths?  “J-Just…. I-I think, okay focus on me Tohru,” he pulls her chin up a little, “inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, and focus on something other than the pain.  Me, focus on me for now and squeeze my hand if the pain is too much.”  
She does her best to let Kyo guide her, just like the Lamaze instructor taught them to do.  It wasn’t always easy to focus against the pain.  It was like getting hit by a freight train.  One moment nothing, and the next second, strong pains that came in waves.  They could visibly see her stomach tightening and relaxing after a few tense minutes.  As soon as they arrive at the hospital, the orderlies bring a wheelchair and admit her to the obstetrics ward.  The nurses hook her up to baby and contraction monitors, fluids, and ask if she’d like anything for the pain.  
“Yes,” she squeals through another bout of waves.  Since the onset of the contractions, the pain had only grown stronger and deeper.  Her whole body hurt, her lower back was killing her, and the pressure in her pelvis was completely uncomfortable.
Their doctor arrives just as the nurses prepare and administer an epidural.  The doctor checks Tohru’s situation and informs them she is only dilated to 5 centimeters, or that she’s half-way there.  The monitors show the baby’s heartbeat as strong.
“It may be a few more hours, Mrs. Sohma.  We’ll be checking you periodically to see if you’ve dilated further.  In the meantime, the epidural should make things a little more comfortable for you pain-wise.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Tohru ekes out a grimaced smile.  She could feel the pain medication starting to take effect.  
“Thank you, doctor,” Kyo add in, “is there anything else I can do to make my wife comfortable?”
“If she’s still feeling a lot of muscle ache and pressure after about 20 minutes, and is able to roll onto her side, sometimes massaging her lower back can help with the pressure she’s feeling in the area.  Just be careful to work around the epidural tube.  She may get thirsty, so you can give her ice chips to help with that.”    
The rest of the night was a bit of a blur.  It took another 4 hours for Tohru to dilate to the full 10 centimeters, before they could start the second delivery stage.  To pass the time, Arisa, Saki, and Kyo did their best to comfort and keep Tohru’s mind off the pain.  While the epidural was taking most of the contraction edge off, Arisa knew that once the delivery stage began, they would remove the epidural to allow the body greater feeling to help in moving the baby through the birth canal.    
It was agonizing for Kyo to watch his wife suffer.  She looked so tired, so exhausted with the whole thing and ready to get the baby out of her.  He held her hand as the doctors and nurses guided them through the delivery, telling her when to breathe, when to push.  And she did.  Regardless of how much it hurt, Tohru fought and pushed through it all.  Kyo was positively proud of her.
And when they heard the first mewling cries from their son, Tohru and Kyo broke down in tears.  Sweat beads still clung over her skin, yet through her exhaustion, she never looked more beautiful to him.  Kyo takes a cool, wet towel a nurse hands him and wipes his wife down.  “You did wonderful,” he kisses her softly.  
“Do we get to see him?” she asks curiously, and dreamily.
Kyo looks over to where the nurses were cleaning up their son, then back to his wife, ��soon.”
“Yay…” her eyes crinkle.  She was extremely tired but fought to stay awake.  
They move her to a fresh bed and after a few minutes, a nurse comes over with their son bundled up in a blanket.  With Kyo’s help, Tohru shifts over and turns on her side.  Then the nurse places Hajime in Tohru’s arms.  
“Hello Hajime,” she beams at the little baby who slept peacefully, placing a little kiss on his forehead.  The baby mewls, shifts, but settles again into sleep.  
Little Hajime was beautiful.  Kyo couldn’t help but marvel at their creation.  A tiny tuft of orange hair peeked out from beneath a beanie.  His little digits were curled in a fist and every so often the babe would move his lips.  Kyo smiles as Tohru also doses off with the child nestled tightly in the crook of her arm.  He crawls onto the bed, turning on his side to face his wife and child, then pulls the blankets up around them.  It had been a long journey, but this part was now over.  Let her sleep tonight, for the morning their new life will begin.
It’s been a month since Tohru and Kyo’s son was born and all the preparation they had done to get ready paid off.  Their family and friends were also a true blessing, along with those gift certificates from the baby shower.  While Kyo was at work, Tohru became the primary caregiver.  Others like Arisa stopped by often to lend a hand as well as experience for the first-time mother since she knew just how difficult it could be.  They were lucky that Hajime wasn’t a colicky child and his eating and sleeping patterns fell into a routine fairly quickly.  But that still meant feedings every 2-3 hours round the clock, and after a while, the lack of sleep was taxing on Tohru.  Again, family stepped in, dropping by during the daytime to give her a chance to catch up on sleep.
The air was crisp and warm on the July afternoon, sun shining but not yet reaching the stifling hot temperature late August will bring.  A light breeze kept the midday heat to a minimum, creating just a perfect day for a little picnic at the park.  It was within walking distance, so Tohru bundles little Hajime in a sling wrapped to her body along with a small diaper bag.  Kyo holds his wife’s hand while carrying a blanket and the food in the other arm as they make the short walk.  
Once they arrive, the park held a scattering of other families just like them.  Children playing while parents watch from the sides.  The Sohma family finds a shady spot under one of the big maples that dot the landscape and spread out their blanket.  This was the first time the young family had taken Hajime outside of the house, except for doctor’s visits.  Tohru passes their son to Kyo who holds him steady in his lap, as she sets out their bento containers and drinks.  
Hajime was doing well holding himself up with help, and so Kyo uses his thigh’s as additional bumper supports while giving the child a bit of freedom to test his developing muscles.  “Did you bring a toy for him?” Kyo asks his wife.  She nods and pulls one out of her bag, handing it to the child who grasps onto the ringed toy.  
She giggles, “he really likes that one.”
“I don’t know why,” Kyo grumps.  It was just an orange tabby-shaped plush doll attached to a ring that can be hooked to a stroller.  Shigure had said it reminded him of Kyo’s ‘old days’ and couldn’t resist buying it for their son.  But aside from the teething ear part, the toy didn’t do anything else.  He helps the infant bring it closer to his mouth, and Hajime promptly starts gumming on the toy’s rubber ear.  Kyo can’t help but laugh but assumes this was just the onset of the child’s teething phase.      
Tohru smiles and shrugs, “it keeps him busy.”  
Which was a good thing.  As they eat their lunch, the child focuses on his toy all content to turn the fluffy fabric into a soggy mess from his drool.  Hajime wasn’t showing any pain or discomfort yet, but according to what she’s read, the beginning stages could just be a strange and new feeling that bothers the child.  For the breast-feeding mother, it was exciting and scary to know his teeth would be rearing its head soon enough.            
“That was a great lunch as usual Tohru,” Kyo pats his belly and smiles.  He moves Hajime from his lap and places the infant on his back onto the blanket, then lies on his side next to him.  Tohru stretches her legs, leaning back by supporting herself with her arms counter to Kyo like a yin and yang, to create a channel between them for Hajime. Their son may not be able to crawl yet, but he could hold his head up and was starting to turn over on his own.  It was safer this way just in case he decides to pick now to move.  
Kyo props his head up with his hand, while his eyes half close.  Tohru promptly chides him about falling asleep.  “I can’t help it,” he chuckles, “I’m so full I want to take a nap.”
Seeing his father laugh, Hajime tries to lift or turn his head to look at his father.  But not satisfied with the angle, the child makes almost a grunting sound of annoyance.  This makes Kyo and Tohru chuckle more.  They watch as Hajime fusses, then rolls onto his side to face his father.  A look of satisfaction washes over the infant as he stares at Kyo.  
“See,” Tohru giggles, “Hajime is telling you not to sleep either.”
“Okay, okay,” Kyo sits back up.  He picks Hajime up, holding him under the arms and letting him put weight on his legs without bearing the full burden.  “You, little man are wide awake, so if daddy wants to nap, that means making you want a nap, huh?”  Hajime laughs and blows a small bubble of drool at him which sets Tohru giggling again.  “Oh, yeah,” Kyo teases and bounces the child up and down a couple of times gently, making Hajime giggle even more.
The back and forth between father and son continues for several more minutes while Tohru just chuckles and watches, even snapping a picture or two with her cell phone camera.  It was one of the best parts of motherhood to watch the two loves of her life enjoying themselves like today, playing and having fun.  It made all the stress and worries, the pain and discomfort worth going through again.  Someday, when they’re ready for another…                    
By the ninth month mark, Tohru and Kyo had managed to find a routine that worked for them.  They were also a lot more comfortable caring for their son now, with those first month jitters a thing of the past.  He was a strong little baby, but not much of a babbler.  Hajime was rolling over and half crawling by the 8th month ahead of the typical milestone charts.  Tohru loved teasing Kyo about it, saying their son was going to be strong like him.  Of course, Kyo would say he wasn’t that strong, but Tohru would politely disagree.  Their doctor also assured them that just because he wasn’t making a lot of ‘talking’ sounds, in intellectual milestone tests he scored as average, explaining that some children are just quieter than others.  That helped to allay Tohru’s worries.  
“Besides,” her friend Arisa teased during a visit, “just wait until he’s walking, you’ll have your hands too full to worry about whether he’s a chatter box!”  
Time had slipped past and the weather was growing warmer by the day as winter’s grasp eases into Spring. Tohru dabs the sweat from her brow.  With all the activity going on, the dojo had heated up.  Most of the room was already set up for the party, thanks to a handful of Kyo’s students helping the mother out.  She was delighted that Kazuma had graciously allowed them to use the spare rec area to host Hajime’s first birthday party.  Tables and zabuton cushions were placed for guests to sit and eat on.  Tables for the food and gifts, along with a small receiving area set up, and all that needed finishing was the decorations.  Kyo and Kazuma had left to pick up the catered food and drinks while she worked on the final touches.  It would be mostly adult family or close friends in attendance, maybe a handful of children, so Tohru decided games wouldn’t be necessary.  
Once, the décor is complete, she opens a sliding door that leads out to a small Zen garden area to allow the room to cool down.  It was time to take a break.  Tohru sits down, letting her legs hang off the raised walkway that surrounds the room, and closes her eyes for a moment, taking in the sweet smell of nearby cherry blossoms wafting by.  She loved seasons, every one of the four having their own melody and rhythm to them.  Spring was all about renewal and rebirth after Winter’s fading light.  Summer a time of remembering to enjoy life and Fall a reflection of change.  But those blossoms.  The sweet, sweet scent of the cherry blossoms relaxes her like no other flower.  
“We’re back!”
Tohru hears Kyo calling out to her.  And just like those blossoms’ short life span, so was her break time.  She chuckles and stands up, stretching her back.  “Coming!” she calls in through the open doorway.  
Kyo and Kazuma bring the boxes filled with catering trays and places them on the serving table, setting out each pan into the warmers.  Once that’s done, Kyo kisses Tohru on the cheek.  He smiles, “when is Arisa bringing Hajime?”
“Should be soon.  They’ll be here before the other guests start arriving.”
“Good,” Kazuma chimes in with a chuckle, “been waiting all day to play with my grandbaby.”
“Hey, no hoarding him all day,” Kyo teases the man.  “I think you’re getting too soft in your old age.”
“Old age?!” Kazuma cackles and throws a jab at Kyo, “this old man can still kick your butt!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Kyo grumps with a smile still plastered on his face, while Tohru laughs.  He really didn’t mind, just wanted to tease.  Hajime loved the man.  The child’s eyes lit up whenever grandpa Kazuma was around and that always brought a smile to Kyo’s face.  He remembered being the same way once he’d warmed up to the older mentor.  As far as Kyo was concerned, Kazuma was his father, and the grandfather to his son.  
Arisa arrives 20 minutes later with Hajime and her own son in tow, and sure enough, Kazuma sweeps the boy up before Kyo or Tohru can get to him.  In fact, the only reason they knew their son had arrived, came from the sounds of loud giggles.  They see Kazuma throwing the boy gently in the air and catching him to elicit all the laughter.  Alright fine, Kyo teases the man from across the room, he was on babysitting duty for the rest of the party.  Of course, Kazuma’s response was to grin and walk away with Hajime.
Guests began to arrive shortly after, and soon Kyo and Tohru were busy greeting everyone.  Tohru sees Yuki and Machi walk in and immediately squeals.  It was the one person she was excited to see today.
“Machi!” Tohru rushes over to say hi.  “How are you?!”  The woman was 7 months pregnant with her and Yuki’s child, and since the last time they saw her was two months ago at the baby shower, she was excited to see how far along Machi was progressing.  She could only imagine after going through this herself how uncomfortable things can become in the third trimester.
Machi Sohma smiles at seeing her friend.  “Hi Tohru,” she rests her hands on her stomach, “oh, doing as well as any,” she laughs.  
Tohru laughs too and helps the woman to a table while Yuki follows and Kyo stays behind at the door greeting other guests that have arrived.  Tohru sits next to Machi.  “Have you guys picked out any names yet?” She asks Machi and Yuki.
“Mutsuki,” Machi answers, “for ‘harmonious’.”
“Ehh!”  Tohru squeals, “that’s a cute name!”
“Where’s Hajime?” Yuki looks around the room.  “Is he here?”
“Yes,” Tohru laughs, “Kazuma is somewhere around here with Hajime.”
For the rest of the day, the former zodiacs spend the time catching up and musing over the latest edition to their growing numbers.  They eat and sing and laugh the time away.  Some of the guys even start a betting pool on which of the zodiacs would be next to have kids.  Hatori had been the first, then Kureno, Kyo, now Yuki.  Based on age they decide it had to be between Shigure and Haru.  The women focus more on Machi, asking the woman how things are going and if there was anything they could help with.  It was a wonderful sight to see everyone coming together to help each other out as a family.        
By the end of the party, Tohru and Kyo were exhausted.  With the help of some students, they clean up the dojo then head home for the night, while Kazuma babysits a little longer to give the couple a break.  
“That was fun,” Tohru snuggles to her husband with a yawn slipping through.  “But I’m so tired.”
He chuckles and kisses her forehead, “then go to sleep silly.”
“Hajime is already one…” her eyes slipping closed, “time passes by so quickly….”
In just the one year they’d experienced so many firsts, from an infant that couldn’t move to a child now walking and talking.  Kyo remembered the first time his son sat up on his own or crawled.  His first steps, or the first times he said mum or da.  You could have knocked him over with a feather with how excitedly surprised he had been.  Hajime already looked like a miniature version of Kyo, but it was too early to tell what kind of personality he would develop.  
“Yes, it does,” he sighs, shifting closer and closing his eyes too.  ‘It really does…’  There were so many more first to come as well, from school to eventually other relationships.  All he could wish for was that his son would always be happy and healthy no matter the path he chooses.
Tohru questions the kindergarten administrator.  “But Hajime is only 2 and half, are you sure it’ll be okay for him to go to the kindergarten class?  He’ll be younger than the other students.”  This administrator woman herself was a distant Sohma relative and had come to their home by request of Akito now that Hajime had reached a certain age.  The school is a private kindergarten that has been used by the Sohma family for many years.  
The older woman adjusts her sitting position using the kotetsu table to balance as she shifts her legs.  It was uncomfortable at her older age of 60 to sit for long on her knees and shins in the traditional style.  “He won’t be an official student until he turns three, but for the Sohma’s we always make an exception.  By coming for a few hours, a day, he’ll be able to integrate into the class more smoothly once he does become a student.  I wouldn’t say Sohma’s are given special treatment, but because of their generosity over the years, we make exceptions to get them prepared sooner than the average child for school life.”
Tohru turns to Kyo to ask what his opinion is.  He’d been quiet through the whole meeting so far, and that was unusual.  She sees a look of apprehension, with his brown slightly furrowed and his arms crossed.  “Kyo?”
But the man was lost in his own thoughts.  He remembered this school alright, even the woman sitting in front of them, though a 20 years younger version, and while he couldn’t say the teachers were bad, the memories of that time were not the greatest.  As the cat zodiac, any of the Sohma students there would shun him, which in turn meant other students hoping to gain their favor would follow suit.  His years were lonely ones.  Of course, that didn’t mean it would be the same for Hajime, in fact he knew logically it wouldn’t be, but that didn’t stop the memories from creeping up.
Tohru taps her husband’s shoulder this time, “Kyo?  What do you think?  I think it would be good for Hajime to be around other children.”  The mother-side of her wasn’t thrilled with seeing her son growing up and starting school, but at the same time she was excited.  For the next 6 months, Hajime would only be going from 8 in the morning until 11, and the school welcomed parents to volunteer.  
“It’s fine…  it is a good school…. I’m sure Hajime will do well there.”
The pause in Kyo’s words causes Tohru to stare deeper at her husband.  She knows if she asks if anything is wrong, he won’t speak up with the lady there, so she’ll ask later.  Then it dawns on her, Kyo may have attend the school.  She knew that his experiences as a child were still a sore spot in his heart, could that be what was troubling him?  Tohru places a hand on her husband’s arm and smiles when he turns to her, “Hajime will be fine.”  
Kyo places his hand over hers, sighing but smiling back, “I know.”  He couldn’t let his fears project onto his son.  He’s come a long way since the curse had been broken thanks to Tohru and he never wanted his children to ever have to feel what he had gone through.  When the boy is older, they’ll tell him about the Sohma history, but not anytime soon.  Right now, he just wanted Hajime to worry about being a kid.  
“And to think in another year Mutsuki will be able to join him at the school.”
That makes Kyo chuckle, to think the sons of once two sworn enemies could be friends.  The children are still very young, but Hajime and Mutsuki got along since Mutsuki had been born and he hoped it stayed that way.  Rin Sohma was still in the first trimester, but they recently learned that she and Haru were expecting twins.  Everyone was doing well and really starting to settle down into family lives.  He truly hoped their past would stay a distant memory as they all move forward.  
The female Principal smiles at the couple, “When you bring Hajime, we’ll get him fitted for the uniforms and introduce him to his class.”
On Monday morning, as Tohru readies Hajime to go to the school, the anxieties creep up from nowhere that, it really was happening, her son was going to school.  The days of spending her life revolved around this first-born son will soon become just a memory.  Hajime had meant so much to Kyo and her.  He was the product of their love, a second chance for the both of them to provide a child with a better life than either of them had ever had.  To lavish him with all the love they could give.  
Tears gather in her eyes, and she wipes them away before grabbing his outfit from the dresser.  Don’t be sad, she chants to herself, it’s all a part of growing up.  Was her mother sad when she’d gone to her first day of school?  Tohru couldn’t remember something so long ago, but she was sure that her mom had been.  Kyoko Honda worked many long hours, especially after her father Katsuya passed away and there were many days when she’d only see her late at night coming home from work.  They never had much, but that woman always gave her as much love and affection as she could.
Memories of all the hugs and laughter bring a smile back to Tohru’s face.  ‘I hope I’m making you proud mom.’  She was sure her mom was smiling down on her.  How could she not be a good mom to her son, she’d had a great teacher.  
With Hajime ready and bundled in his jacket, Kyo takes the child’s hand and Tohru the boy’s other hand as they set out from the home.  Kyo took the day off because he didn’t want to miss this big moment.  It was his son’s first day of school, and he wanted to make sure his son would be okay.  Hajime knew where they were going.  Frankly, the child seemed excited to be going once they’d mentioned other children.  He was a smart, curious child, so the idea of learning new things intrigued him.  
The weather was mild for the early Fall season, growing chilly, but the snows were still another month away.  It was a beautiful time of the year and one that Tohru delighted in seeing with the color changing leaves.  Because it was early enough, most of the leaves had not fallen and were still on the trees.  Fiery reds and oranges, dark browns, and bright yellows in a kaleidoscope of color.
It was a short walk from their home to the school, just a handful of blocks away.  Cutting through a park would shorten the time, so they chose the scenic route.  It was early, so the park didn’t have many people around, except for other commuters like them.  As they walk along a path through on their way to the school, they swing the giggling child between them.  They’d prepared him as best they could explaining what school was, and that this was the first-time mommy or daddy, or a family member wouldn’t be around for a few hours.  At first Hajime was confused, but once they got him to focus on playing with the other kids, it perked him right up.
“Are you excited Hajime?” Kyo asks his son.
“Yeah!” he giggles.  “Meet kids today!”  
Tohru chuckles, “Yes, meet lots of kids today.  Remember, mommy will pick you up after school, so listen to the teachers, and play nicely with the other kids.”
“Mutsu there?” the child questions.
“No, honey, Mutsuki is still too young, but next year he will be at the same school with you.”
“Yay!”  Hajime pulls down on their hands again, signaling his for them to swing him more.  
Kyo laughs, and he and Tohru oblige.  Based on how happy the child seemed, he was starting to think that this new arrangement would be tougher on them than it was for Hajime.  He glances over to his wife, who returns it with a knowing look.  They’ll get through this just fine, and of course, they could always have another…
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Children, and Click: JOJO BIT BY HIS FINDER'S DOG WHILE HE WAITED FOR HIS HARN ESS TO BE PUT ON FOR A WALK, A GENTLE, SOFT, SHY, SOCIAL BO Y WONDERS IF HE WILL EVER FIND HIS FOREVER FAMILY. ID 70231, 4 YRS . , 53 LBS., NEUTERED AND DREAMING OF SAFETY & LO VE, BROOKL YN ACC TO BE KILLED – 8/13/2019 Both dogs were so excited about their walks. And JOJO, who was found lost in the streets and was newly taken in by his finder, was so happy he finally found a home where he would be loved, and where walks with his owner and his owner’s other dog would be a regular feature of his day to day life. Wiggling and tap dancing in happiness, he could hardly contain his enthusiasm as his owner tried to put harnesses on both dogs as they jostled about. But his brother either got possessive of his dad or he just became anxious about the newcomer and too excited to the point he escalated, but the end result was that he bit poor Jojo, and Jojo in his pain and confusion, retaliated and gave him a nip in return. And folks, this is what happens when dogs are not put in a “down” and “place” in their own part of the room till their parent harnesses up one and THEN the other. Baby talk, high pitched, "wanna go for a walk everyone?" results in a situation of jostling dogs NEVER ends well. All of us with multiple dogs can attest to it, and most of us have at one time or another, accidentally let our guards down. So this is not Jojo’s fault, and just when he thought his future was looking so rosy, he is now on a list to die, a blameless victim who was not even the aggressor in that scenario. It’s heartbreaking to look into his sweet, frightened, confused face, curled up in a fetal position in his small kennel, devastated and alone. He got a Blue rating on his medical, and did good on his assessment too – shy but also soft and social. Message our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance fostering or adopting this poor kid so he can finally find a forever family to love him. He must go to a home with no kids under the age of 13 due to his shyness. Jojo, ID# 70231, 4 Yrs. old, 53.4 lbs., Neutered Male Brooklyn ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Gray / White I came to the shelter as an Agency, 7/24/2019 Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Rescue Only Medical Behavior Rating: 2. BLUE AT RISK MEMO: Jojo has history of biting another dog and has shown fearful behaviors in the care center. Jojo would be best suited for placement with a new hope partner that can provide the necessary behavior modification. Medically, Jojo seems healthy. OWNER SURRENDER NOTES – BASIC INFORMATION: JOJO is an approximately 4 year old mixed breed dog who was surrendered to the shelter as a stray. Jojo’s finder stated that Jojo seems fearful of men. Jojo got into a fight with the other dog in the home when the owner was putting harnesses on them for walks. The bites resulted in punctures. The owner stated that the other dog, not Jojo, was the first to bite. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARY – DATE OF ASSESSMENT: 8/1/2019 Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Moderately social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Body soft Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Tolerates contact Handling comments: Body soft initially, becomes a bit tense when legs are touched, looks away, stands still Arousal Jog: Follows (loose) Arousal comments: None Knock: Approaches (exuberant) Knock Comments: Runs and jumps up Toy: No response Toy comments: None ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Jojo's energy level so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS: Jojo calmly comes to the front of his kennel when you approach. He can be leashed easily and walks fine on leash. While outside, he mostly keeps to self and shows little to no interest in any treats or toys the handler offers. When another dog enters the yard, he becomes anxious and focuses on the dog, whining, barking, and jumping up on the gate to get to them. He resists leaving the yard on his own but will quickly follow another dog out of the yard. Jojo has been observed to lunge towards and hard bark at other dogs leaving the room when they pass his kennel. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments: No children: The previous owners report that Jojo is fearful of men. At the care center, Jojo is not completely comfortable with all handling. For these reasons, we recommend an adult-only home. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to the noted concerns from the previous home, in addition to his bite history, We recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression, Anxiety, On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration, Bite history (dog) Potential challenges comments:: Bite history: Jojo got into a fight with the other dog in the home when the owner was putting harnesses on them for their walks. The bites resulted in punctures. The other dog was the first to bite. Please see handout on Bite History. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: The previous owners report that Jojo is fearful of men. However, we have no more specific information regarding this. If this behavior is seen in the home, please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Anxiety: Jojo has displayed signs of anxiety at the care center. While with handlers, he paces in the room, whining and panting. We don't know if this behavior is shelter-specific or not. Please see handout on Anxiety if this behavior is seen in the home. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: At the care center, Jojo barks at and pulls towards other dogs while on leash. Please see handout on On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration. MEDICAL NOTES 7/25/2019 Hx: Got into fight with housemate this evening. Full intake not performed but a quick exam was done in order to expedite treatment. S: Alert, walks well on leash O: BAR -Dried blood on head, shoulders and front legs -Puncture wound visible on cranial aspect of left shoulder A: Bite wound, overall condition is stable P: 1. Carprofen 100 mg PO SID x5 days 2. Clavamox 375 mg PO BID x10 days 3. Full intake tomorrow 1088 7/25/2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 4 yr Microchip noted on Intake?yes History :brought in by police, got into fight with other dog in home 70246 Subjective:DOH hold Observed Behavior -fearful but allowed handling, takes treats readily Evidence of Cruelty seen -none Evidence of Trauma seen -yes bite wounds on pinna, and right antebrachium Objective BARH mm pink P = WNL R = WNL BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes mucoid discharge OU, ears dried blood in canals and on flaps, wounds on tips, no nasal or ocular discharge noted dried saliva and blood covers entire head and neck Oral Exam: clean adult dentition PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: neutered MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, dried saliva on front limbs, superficial wounds on right medial antebrachium CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: not performed Assessment bite wounds, superficial Prognosis:excellent Plan: washed face and feet with warm water continue with current treatment of carprofen and Clavamox DOH hold SURGERY: already neutered 7/30/2019 SO Recheck bite wounds. skin -- skin has small crusting along wounds. no discharge. no erythema A bite wounds -- healing well P continue to monitor in shelter 8/6/2019 Hx: Bite wounds to shoulder and ear tips - treated for 10 days S: Alert and responsive in kennel O: No wounds noted - no bleeding, swelling or erythema A: Bite wounds healed P: No further tx needed 1088 *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** JOJO IS RESCUE ONLY. You must fill out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt him. He cannot be reserved online at the ACC ARL, nor can he be direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE HURRY AND MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE! HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment.
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Jurassic Park
I just saw Jurassic Park again. I don't mean whichever version of Jurassic World is out with Chris Pratt this week, I mean the original one, which is so old that I believe it used actual footage of dinosaurs because it was filmed in the late Triassic. The one that was released in, Gods help me, 1993, and is now being rereleased in certain places. If it's your burg, I'd recommend checking it out; I went for $12 and thought it was worth it. This was a sort of experiment on my part; I've seen the film about 400 times, and reread the book more than a few times (most recently in 2010); I went based on the recommendation/idea in the von Hoffman Bros. Big Damn Book of Sheer Manliness (yes, that's a thing), that said, of Apocalypse Now, "If you get the chance, see on the big screen, with theater-quality sound, it's a real slap in the brain-pan." Now, I've gotten my brainpan slapped more than anyone should in recent years (almost literally), so I thought I'd do it wth an old familiar favorite (but remastered), and, even though I liked it, there are a few things that you notice when you're trapped in an adult's body. First off, from a cellular biology perspective (and I've known about this one for years, so it's not a revelation), they jump from "reassembling ancient DNA" to "dinosaurs are back." We know from Dolly that it'd require an ooctye (egg) to kick off the cloning process. Crichton glossed over this in the book, too, but as an adult with a background in the field (sort of), it's incredibly - almost invitingly - lazy that this would go from book to screen (actually, it's not so surprising when you know that Michael Crichton is also the credited screen writer, and he's historically good at overlooking and committing to film his errors), when, to paraphrase "Thank You for Smoking," it's an immediate and easy fix, "Thank God we invented the [whatever] device." Ellie and Alan's relationship is amazingly dysfunctional. It's one thing not to want children, and it's one thing to have incompatible long-term goals. It's another thing entirely to verbally crap on your girlfriends' aspirations at every single point. It's unsettling and a little creepy; Alan Grant will go on, at length about the evils of children even when there are no children in sight and the conversation/dialog only casually touches upon it, but I don't think you make it past the fifth date with that attitude. To be fair, the filmmakers' manage to create the world's most unbearably annoying child characters ever (and, 20 years later, it is beyond weird to know that Tim, cast as Eugene Slede, will on day say, with utmost conviction, "I hope the Japanese don't surrender. I hope we get to kill every single one of them."). Alan also gets minus Chekov points for having a giant, shiny bottle opener on his belt in every single scene (go ahead and watch the movie again) without ever using it, even though he brings his weird velociraptor claw with him to dinosaur island, and keeps it with him after learning dinosaurs are back. Speaking of enormous shiny things that are visually distracting, let's talk Jeff Goldblum (the character is Ian Grant, but I'm sure it's all Jeff). I know that we've been conditioned by years of exposure to the Internet to hold the Great Shirtless One above fault (and the entire theater erupted into applause at the start of that scene), but he is beyond creepy toward Ellie throughout the film; touchy, quick-moving, and behaving in a way I wouldn't endorse for anyone not contemplating a nomination for Supreme Court. Depite every single adult male in this film being kind of rapey or astonishingly indifferent about Ellie (that would be Alan). the film technically passes the Bechdel test. Stick with me on this one. The Bechdel Test was originally put forth by Alison Bechdel as a test of feminism in a film (or a test of not-outright sexism, as the case might be). The test - and it's fairly simple - is that a film feature two or more female characters, discussing something other than a man, in at least one scene. Back to the feature at hand, you'll remember that all the dinosaurs in the film, according to Wu, are female. Even though they later learn that the dinosaurs, thanks to frog DNA, can swap genders (actually, that's more common in chordates than you'd think). There are three adult velociraptors in the film; let's assume for the argument that two of the three identify as female. Now, go back and watch that kitchen scene where the two raptors hunt the kids in the kitchen and are clearly communicating with each other. Admittedly, one of those two kids is Tim, but he's so annoying throughout  the film that I'd really rather not categorize him as "human," much less traditionally male. Speaking of the dinosaurs hunting the kids, every single character exerts themselves far more than necessary to achieve their ends. The paleontologists get on a helicopter with a man they literally met twenty minutes before (as the Too Long, Didn't Watch guys point out, this never, ever ends well in reality) because he offers to pay them; the lawyer (Gennaro) wears a tie and button-up shirt with shorts (as someone who has lived in the tropics, it's a very, very basic intelligence test to see how you dress when you actually have time to pack and plan ahead, and, even then, putting on pants to leave the apartment will have you cursing those vile missionaries who converted everyone to linen shackles); and Newman (technically Nedry, but, again, the degree to which every actor commits to their well-known characters throughout this film is impressive) works way too hard to steal way too little. First of all, there's a reason over 99,9% of initially-promising biomedical discoveries lead to a final drug or therapy; it's enormously costly to develop and safety-test a product at each point. Even the coolest, old-timey drug companies rarely discovered drugs for themselves, they patented or investigated promising prior research. Going from "Maybe that mosquito trapped in amber has DNA in it" to "brachiosaurus" would be cost-prohibitive. Especially when you consider that this was 1993; Bill Gates would've been able to buy and sell the island ten times over just a few years later. Michael Crichton predicted that this would restrict biotech companies to entertainment-related investments (he got that hilariously wrong, as I can testify to on a personal and professional level). He also predicted that exploitative employer/employee relationships would intensify (he got that one right) in the book, by making Nedry a programmer who had underbid his peers to get Hammond's contract, which was unfairly added to and amended until the character was almost driven out of business. The book also makes it clear that, despit Hammond's claims, the park cuts every financial corner it can, including hiring only the lowest-bidding contractors or least-qualified people (in the film, the vet doesn't even look at the triceratops' mouth until Ellie does, which is something even horse owners know is important). So, they wind up with Newman. Who, instead of simply embezzling the money (I refuse to believe my Step-Mom's nonsensical claim that Newman would be able to get access to the high-tech, uber-secret Embryo Storage Lair, but not have access to the payroll programming or pension fund data), creates the world's most convoluted scheme to steal Hammond's embryos and sell them to a competitor. This film also predicted the rise of vegans. I base that on Lex's line regarding the dinosaurs eating the goat ("I happen to be a vegetarian.")(as someone from the future watching that and hearing the line, "I'm a vegan;" it's kind of chilling). I also realized something weird and kind of dispiriting wih this viewing. I'm not really sure I'd want to travel and go out of my way to go to dinosaur island, because dinosaurs aren't quite as interesting at age 95 as they were when I was young. Don't get me wrong, I still love dinosaurs far more than the average man-child, but I've learned a few things since then. So, I've kept abreast of intelligence-measuring tools developed by modern science (I know, that's a shocker). We all know of the body mass: brain mass ratio; but we've since developed the encephalization quotient (EQ) which, I believe (and I might be wrong) is a comparison of the body mass: brain ratio for a specific animal with the expected ratio of a critter with similar mass. And, when we use that as the predictor, animal rankings look more like what we'd expect, intuitively - Humans, dolphins, chimpanzees, gorillas, and parrots are the top-five scorers. Using that tool, the smartest of dinosaurs were about as intelligent as the dumbest modern birds. I love chickens, but even the most ardent fowl-owner would admit that chickens are not exactly weighted down by brains. That might not seem like an epiphany, but I now own a goldendoodle who is possibly more clever than me (on my bad days). He's a great dog, but that ability to outthink and outorganize me makes him far more troublesome than all the dogs we owned before (and we had 10 huskies at one point). Same thing with dinosaurs, every creature you see has 70 million years' of evolution on them. The critters around today are better-suited to this planet and more interesting (speaking from a biology background)  than the vast majority of dinosaurs. If given the choice between a lifetime pass at the San Diego Wild Animal Park and one or two trips to dinosaur island, I know that we're not going to have elephants for much longer, which makes one clearly more appealing. Which, come to it, may have been the entire point of "Jurassic Park."
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Best Door Repair Installation Service and Cost in Albuquerque NM |Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling
 More information is at: http://handymanalbuquerque.org/door-repair-installation-service-near-me/
 Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: Are you looking for the Best Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM ? Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling, We aim to sell you exactly what you need and no more. We can custom make the exact door you need to meet the specs of your building’s look and code. We get the job done right the first time, everytime.Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Door Repair Installation Service around Albuquerque NM. We serve Albuquerque NM and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Commercial Interior And Exterior Door Installation Company
Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: The door is the first thing your guests see when they enter your property. This can be the deciding factor if they choose to do business with your or get a feel for you in your own home. Doors offer protection and security from the elements of danger and the outside world. Beyond that, they lend a sense of style and decor that can’t be matched by any other component.
 Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling offers around the clock emergency services for all door repairs and will come to your location anytime you need us. Our friendly associates are here to answer all your door related questions and concerns. We aim to sell you exactly what you need and no more. We can custom make the exact door you need to meet the specs of your building’s look and code. We get the job done right the first time, every time.
 Door Installation
Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: We install new doors from a variety of materials. We can custom build you a door or you can select from our vast inventory of premade doors that we can adjust to your liking. If you want glass inserts or any other addition we can help.
Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling provides the highest quality service for door installations. We make custom doors to fit any size and look for your home or office. We operate throughout Albuquerque NM. Call us any time of day for emergency services or send us your inquiries and we will jump right on it!
Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling brings your entryway to a new level of style with our wide selection of door panels and trims. We sell and install:
Check out our variety of stylish doors that fit any budget
Make your entry door can contribute to indoor comfort levels
Total Security
We can beef up the security features to your requirements
Test out your door virtually before purchase
 Professional Door Installation
Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling  is here to make your life easier. Our services of providingAlbuquerque NM with the most efficient working doors and amazing styles will make any space more attractive. We are always staying on top of the latest technology in safety. Our goal is to make the most appealing entrance ways for your home or business. This way people entering will be amazed with you before they even step foot in your door.
Let our expert technicians explain the various types of commercial doors, including hinged doors, sliding doors, wardrobe doors, bi-folds and room dividers that we offer and how each can best fit your interest.
Some of the recent advancements in door technology are the space age glasses. You have probably seen examples in this such as Pyrex or automotive windshields. However, we are able to make much larger panels that are well-suited for sliding glass doors. When an object strikes the glass door, the glass does shatter. Instead, invisible fibers bind the fragments and retain the fracture as one piece. If for some reason, any small shards fall off, they are not jagged edges that can puncture the human skin. On a micro scoping level they are cube shaped and bounce right off.
Our door installations are a complete service. We can fit you with locks and handles or replace the new door with your old ones. Also, we can remove any existing doors you previously have. We match the trim and hinges to your specifications and re-seal insulation for maximum comfort.
We are Albuquerque NM door installation experts. We work in Albuquerque NM repairing commercial doors, glass doors, fire doors, as well as door closers and even more…
 Gate Installation
Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling does more than just doors. Anything that is considered in the overall umbrella of an entry point is covered by our specialties. When you want a perfectly installed gate for your driveway or parking garage, come to us. Look for iron rod fences and automatic opening gates for your home or office.
 Commercial Storefront Security Rolling Gate
Make your business the safest place to store your inventory and keep unwanted visitors out with high-security rolling gates.
Additional doors included our door installation company comprise:
 ●      Glass doors
●      French doors
●      Interior doors
●      Office Doors
●      Wooden Front Doors
●      Sliding glass doors
●      Storefront Doors
●      Front Doors
●      Entry Doors
●      Closet Doors
When requesting our door installation solutions, we shall provide you with free of cost estimates before even starting out on the job. These cost free bids give you a detailed look up at the expenses related to the job so as to make a well-informed buying choice. When you’ve signaled that you would wish to proceed with the task, we ensure to offer you the rapid installation that might have your door mounted in no time. At High gate doors, we recognize just how worthy the time is; which is why we aim to get our services done in a timely fashion.
Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: Getting a brand-new door set up on the house may give you & your house with several important benefits. It is going to raise the house’s entrance charm, making it more appealing to guests & community people. Possibly interior doors will enhance the overall worth of your house, enabling you to sell off your house at a better price in the future. If perhaps the door you choose for the residential house in Manhattan is an entry or exterior door, this too has the added benefit of enhancing basic safety for the residential house. It is essential to understand that doors would become weak eventually. The lumber may become softer to the stage where your door no longer supplies the protection that it should. By acquiring the new door, you may get a reassurance that your residential house & every person inside is safe.
●      Commercial Doors
●      Door Installation
●      Door Repair
●      Door Parts
●      Commercial Glass Storefront Doors
●      Corrosion Resistant Doors
●      Aluminum Door Repair
●      Commercial Door Repairs
●      Commercial Entry Door Repair
●      Door Closers
●      Panic Doors
Glass Door Repair
●      Storefront glass door and hardware offered
●      Supply and installation of glass doors
●      Commercial glass door parts sold and installed
●      Emergency glass repair
●      Concealed door closers available
Aluminum Doors With Glass
●      Aluminum doors and frames available
●      Surface-mounted door closers sold and installed
●      Entrance aluminum doors serviced
●      Supply and installation of aluminum door
Wood Door Service
●      Supply and installation of wood doors
●      Alignments for wood doors
●      Commercial wood door sold and installed
●      Wood door with glass inserts
●      Related door parts
Fireproof Door Repair
●      Supply and installation of various fireproof doors
●      Fireproof door parts
The Average Cost of Basic Door Installation
Interior: $149 - $348  
1-2 Doors: $199 each
3-5 Doors: $178 each
6+ Doors: $155 each
Exterior: $219 - $657  
Single door: $219 - $535
double door: $347 - $657
patio: $210 - $654  
single door: $220 - $602
double door: $220 - $654
Interior door installation generally costs less than exterior door installation. Estimates will fluctuate depending on the style of door you choose. Homeowners can save money installing multiple doors during the same renovation project, as you typically pay less for the installation of each additional door.
Average Cost of Basic Door Installation by Style
Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: Some doors are more difficult to install than others and can prompt higher labor costs. These averages do not include the cost of door itself:
Screen Doors
$85 each
Screen doors feature a mesh screen that lets natural light into your home and encourages ventilation. These accommodate hinged, in-swing entry doors.
Exterior storm door
Storm Doors
$127 each
Designed for climates with higher rates of precipitation, storm doors are installed in front of the entry door to shield your home from the elements. Ornate iron security door over a red front door
Security Doors
$160 each
Safeguard your home with a security door that provides additional protection with sturdy features like iron bars.
Entry Doors
$280 each
These sturdy doors offer entry into your home, featuring keyed entry locks and various customizable features.
sliding glass patio doors
Patio Doors
$460 each
Often referred to as sliding glass doors, patio doors are two glass panels that slide open to allow access to the patio.
Bi-pass doors
$140 each
Also known as “bypass doors,” these doors slide open side-to-side and are a common choice for closet doors.
Bifold doors covering a pantry
Bi-fold doors
$140 each
Bi-fold doors feature two panels with a middle hinge and they fold into each other when opened. These are mainly used for closet doors.
interior white slab door
Traditional slab doors
$172 each
Traditional slab doors feature a single panel of material attached to the door frame with hinges on one side.
Swinging French doors
$246 each
Swinging French doors are a set of two doors that swing open inward or outward.
black barn doors inside a home
Barn Doors
$160 each
Barn doors slide open on either side along a track at the top of the frame.
a white pocket door sliding into its frame, leading into a laundry room
Pocket Doors
$172 each
Pocket doors slide into a pocket opening in the wall. They are a popular choice for bathrooms and other small rooms with tight spaces.
 Average Cost of Door Parts & Hardware
Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: Consider door parts and hardware when budgeting for the cost of your door installation. There is a large price range for these components. Here are the common door parts and hardware pieces you may need:
●      Knobs/Handles: $10 to $300 each
●      Hinges: $2 to $20 each
●      Door Jamb: $100 and up
●      Door Slab: $100 and up
●      Threshold: $50 each
●      Deadbolt: $15 to $300 depending on manufacturer and model
●      Glass: Varies
●      Door Insulation: $5 to $25
 Average Cost of Door Installation by Material
Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: Installation costs do not differ by material.
Fiberglass: Fiberglass doors are a great alternative to traditional wooden doors. They are easy to maintain and offer superb durability, insulation and versatility in appearance and style.
Steel: A popular choice for exterior doors, steel provides superior security and weather-resistance. Without proper care, these doors may rust over time.
Wood: This classic choice is ideal for interior and exterior doors. Wood doors offer excellent durability and customization, but they require regular maintenance to continue looking their best over time.
Composite: Strikingly modern and versatile, composite doors offer many advantages as exterior doors, including thermal efficiency, durability and personalization of design and hardware. This material requires very little maintenance.
Door Repair Cost
How do you know when your garage door needs to be replaced rather than just repaired? Some things that can be fixed (Cost is for part and labor):
Garage Door Repair Cost Repair Type  Average Cost
●      Pulleys                                   $102 – $150
●      Springs: Torsion                  $95 – $165
●      Springs: Extension              $50 – $95
●      Panel replacement             $646 – $1,078
●      Garage door opener         $50 – $461
What types of garage doors do you install for houses?
Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodelingprovides installation and servicing for custom wood, aluminum, steel, and designer garage doors.
 What services do you provide for commercial garage doors?
We install, maintain and sell overhead garage doors, dock levelers, automatic gates and accessories for warehouses, storefronts, and property management buildings.
 Do you provide service and maintenance for garage doors you install?
Yes, we provide servicing for all of our work, as well as maintenance plans for commercial garage doors. We have a fleet of 8 vehicles and a 24/7 emergency service if you need repair or maintenance on your garage door, dock, or gate to keep your business operations running smoothly.
 Do you offer free quotes or consultations?
 Yes, if you have a garage door project and want some input we do provide free quotes to all customers.
 What are your qualifications?
Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling has been operating for over 25 years, and every one of our technicians have CDI certification and are fully insured for both residential and commercial garage door installation and servicing.
 Can you service my older or import garage door?
Yes! Part of our repair services includes old and import garage door repairs.
 Why use a professional garage door installation company?
●      Technicians fully WCB insured and certified by CDI
●      Knowledge of safety requirements and regulations
●      Products are fully warrantied
●      15+ years of expertise
●      Preventative maintenance program
 What is the standard size for a residential garage door?
When dealing with garage doors, always refer to the width first. eg. Width x Height = 16’x7’
Most door styles are available in 8’, 9’, 10’, 12’, 14’, 16’ and 18’ widths with 9’ and 16’ being the most common sizes. Many of doors styles can also be custom built in 1” increments.
 Does my garage door require maintenance?
Yes and how often you will require garage door maintenance all depends on how much the door is being used. We can design a maintenance program specific to your needs. Generally, we do the following to ensure your garage door is working properly:
●      Visual inspection of all the moving parts
●      Ensure tracks, rollers and hinges are clean and lubricated
●      All nuts and bolts are tight and clean
●      Manually run the operator and door through a cycle to make sure it is running quietly and smoothly
●      Check the door balance at various opening heights
 What are the benefits of an insulated garage door?
Door Repair Installation Service near Albuquerque NM: A garage door opening represents a large opening in your home’s thermal barrier. Insulated garage doors help reduce the impact of outside air temperatures, thus reducing the amount of energy required to cool or heat your home. Insulated doors also reduce noise from the exterior of your home.
 Can I paint my garage door?
All steel garage doors can be painted with the color of your choice. Please follow the manufacturer instructions included with your door.
 Can I replace a section of my door or do I need to replace the whole door?
Depending upon the damage involved to the door, it is possible in many cases to replace a section of your garage door. We recommend that you give Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling a call so we can evaluate your situation and provide you with a solution that is the best course of action.
 What is R-value and how does it benefit me?
R-value is a standardized measurement of thermal efficiency. The higher the R-value, the more energy efficient the garage door is.
 Do you carry remote controls?
Yes, we carry most garage door remote control brands. Please call us with your specific request.
 How long does it take to have garage doors installed?
Most residential garage door installs range from about 3-4 hours to a full day, based on the door size and model. In many cases, higher end garage doors take longer than standard garage doors due to various factors including but not limited to: weight, how fragile the door may be, and custom designs. For the most part, a normal install will be fully completed and be operating smoothly within one day.
●      Door Repair Installation Service Near Albuquerque NM
●      House Door Repair
●      Door Repair Service
●      Door Repair
●      Front Door Repair
●      House Door Repair
●      Door Repair Companies
●      Interior Door Repair Albuquerque NM
●      Cost To Fix A Kicked In Door
●      Cost To Replace Front Door And Frame
●      How Much Does It Cost To Install An Interior Door
●      Door Installation Cost
●      Cost To Install Front Door With Sidelights
●      How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Door Frame
●      Garage Door Panel Repair Cost
●      Garage Door Track Repair Cost Albuquerque NM
 Contact us:
Best Albuquerque Handyman & Remodeling
Best commercial residential handyman maintenance renovation professionals in Albuquerque, NM
CALL (505) 859-3902 HANDYMAN 1
CALL (505) 404-7167 HANDYMAN 2
CALL (505) 225-3810 CLEANING
CALL (505) 570-4605 JUNK REMOVAL
CALL (505) 850-3570 MOVING
Located in Albuquerque, NM
18 Cities within 30 miles of Albuquerque, NM
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Albuquerque, NM - Standard ZIP Codes
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0 notes
handymanmcallen · 4 years
Best Door Repair Installation Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Handyman McAllen
 More information is at: http://handymanmcallen.org/door-repair-installation-service-near-me/
 Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX ?Handyman McAllen, We aim to sell you exactly what you need and no more. We can custom make the exact door you need to meet the specs of your building’s look and code. We get the job done right the first time, everytime.Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Door Repair Installation Service around McAllen TX. We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Commercial Interior And Exterior Door Installation Company
Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: The door is the first thing your guests see when they enter your property. This can be the deciding factor if they choose to do business with your or get a feel for you in your own home. Doors offer protection and security from the elements of danger and the outside world. Beyond that, they lend a sense of style and decor that can’t be matched by any other component.
 Handyman McAllen offers around the clock emergency services for all door repairs and will come to your location anytime you need us. Our friendly associates are here to answer all your door related questions and concerns. We aim to sell you exactly what you need and no more. We can custom make the exact door you need to meet the specs of your building’s look and code. We get the job done right the first time, every time.
 Door Installation
Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: We install new doors from a variety of materials. We can custom build you a door or you can select from our vast inventory of premade doors that we can adjust to your liking. If you want glass inserts or any other addition we can help.
Handyman McAllen provides the highest quality service for door installations. We make custom doors to fit any size and look for your home or office. We operate throughout McAllen TX. Call us any time of day for emergency services or send us your inquiries and we will jump right on it!
Handyman McAllen brings your entryway to a new level of style with our wide selection of door panels and trims. We sell and install:
Check out our variety of stylish doors that fit any budget
Make your entry door can contribute to indoor comfort levels
Total Security
We can beef up the security features to your requirements
Test out your door virtually before purchase
 Professional Door Installation
Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: Handyman McAllen  is here to make your life easier. Our services of providingMcAllen TX with the most efficient working doors and amazing styles will make any space more attractive. We are always staying on top of the latest technology in safety. Our goal is to make the most appealing entrance ways for your home or business. This way people entering will be amazed with you before they even step foot in your door.
Let our expert technicians explain the various types of commercial doors, including hinged doors, sliding doors, wardrobe doors, bi-folds and room dividers that we offer and how each can best fit your interest.
Some of the recent advancements in door technology are the space age glasses. You have probably seen examples in this such as Pyrex or automotive windshields. However, we are able to make much larger panels that are well-suited for sliding glass doors. When an object strikes the glass door, the glass does shatter. Instead, invisible fibers bind the fragments and retain the fracture as one piece. If for some reason, any small shards fall off, they are not jagged edges that can puncture the human skin. On a micro scopinglevel they are cube shaped and bounce right off.
Our door installations are a complete service. We can fit you with locks and handles or replace the new door with your old ones. Also, we can remove any existing doors you previously have. We match the trim and hinges to your specifications and re-seal insulation for maximum comfort.
We are McAllen TX door installation experts. We work in McAllen TX repairing commercial doors, glass doors, fire doors, as well as door closers and even more…
 Gate Installation
Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: Handyman McAllen does more than just doors. Anything that is considered in the overall umbrella of an entry point is covered by our specialties. When you want a perfectly installed gate for your driveway or parking garage, come to us. Look for iron rod fences and automatic opening gates for your home or office.
 Commercial Storefront Security Rolling Gate
Make your business the safest place to store your inventory and keep unwanted visitors out with high-security rolling gates.
Additional doors included our door installation company comprise:
 ●      Glass doors
●      French doors
●      Interior doors
●      Office Doors
●      Wooden Front Doors
●      Sliding glass doors
●      Storefront Doors
●      Front Doors
●      Entry Doors
●      Closet Doors
When requesting our door installation solutions, we shall provide you with free of cost estimates before even starting out on the job. These cost free bids give you a detailed look up at the expenses related to the job so as to make a well-informed buying choice. When you’ve signaled that you would wish to proceed with the task, we ensure to offer you the rapid installation that might have your door mounted in no time. At High gate doors, we recognize just how worthy the time is; which is why we aim to get our services done in a timely fashion.
Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: Getting a brand-new door set up on the house may give you & your house with several important benefits. It is going to raise the house’s entrance charm, making it more appealing to guests & community people. Possibly interior doors will enhance the overall worth of your house, enabling you to sell off your house at a better price in the future. If perhaps the door you choose for the residential house in Manhattan is an entry or exterior door, this too has the added benefit of enhancing basic safety for the residential house. It is essential to understand that doors would become weak eventually. The lumber may become softer to the stage where your door no longer supplies the protection that it should. By acquiring the new door, you may get a reassurance that your residential house & every person inside is safe.
●      Commercial Doors
●      Door Installation
●      Door Repair
●      Door Parts
●      Commercial Glass Storefront Doors
●      Corrosion Resistant Doors
●      Aluminum Door Repair
●      Commercial Door Repairs
●      Commercial Entry Door Repair
●      Door Closers
●      Panic Doors
Glass Door Repair
●      Storefront glass door and hardware offered
●      Supply and installation of glass doors
●      Commercial glass door parts sold and installed
●      Emergency glass repair
●      Concealed door closers available
Aluminum Doors With Glass
●      Aluminum doors and frames available
●      Surface-mounted door closers sold and installed
●      Entrance aluminum doors serviced
●      Supply and installation of aluminum door
Wood Door Service
●      Supply and installation of wood doors
●      Alignments for wood doors
●      Commercial wood door sold and installed
●      Wood door with glass inserts
●      Related door parts
Fireproof Door Repair
●      Supply and installation of various fireproof doors
●      Fireproof door parts
The Average Cost of Basic Door Installation
Interior: $149 - $348  
1-2 Doors: $199 each
3-5 Doors: $178 each
6+ Doors: $155 each
Exterior: $219 - $657  
Single door: $219 - $535
double door: $347 - $657
patio: $210 - $654  
single door: $220 - $602
double door: $220 - $654
Interior door installation generally costs less than exterior door installation. Estimates will fluctuate depending on the style of door you choose. Homeowners can save money installing multiple doors during the same renovation project, as you typically pay less for the installation of each additional door.
Average Cost of Basic Door Installation by Style
Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: Some doors are more difficult to install than others and can prompt higher labor costs. These averages do not include the cost of door itself:
Screen Doors
$85 each
Screen doors feature a mesh screen that lets natural light into your home and encourages ventilation. These accommodate hinged, in-swing entry doors.
Exterior storm door
Storm Doors
$127 each
Designed for climates with higher rates of precipitation, storm doors are installed in front of the entry door to shield your home from the elements. Ornate iron security door over a red front door
Security Doors
$160 each
Safeguard your home with a security door that provides additional protection with sturdy features like iron bars.
Entry Doors
$280 each
These sturdy doors offer entry into your home, featuring keyed entry locks and various customizable features.
sliding glass patio doors
Patio Doors
$460 each
Often referred to as sliding glass doors, patio doors are two glass panels that slide open to allow access to the patio.
Bi-pass doors
$140 each
Also known as “bypass doors,” these doors slide open side-to-side and are a common choice for closet doors.
Bifold doors covering a pantry
Bi-fold doors
$140 each
Bi-fold doors feature two panels with a middle hinge and they fold into each other when opened. These are mainly used for closet doors.
interior white slab door
Traditional slab doors
$172 each
Traditional slab doors feature a single panel of material attached to the door frame with hinges on one side.
Swinging French doors
$246 each
Swinging French doors are a set of two doors that swing open inward or outward.
black barn doors inside a home
Barn Doors
$160 each
Barn doors slide open on either side along a track at the top of the frame.
a white pocket door sliding into its frame, leading into a laundry room
Pocket Doors
$172 each
Pocket doors slide into a pocket opening in the wall. They are a popular choice for bathrooms and other small rooms with tight spaces.
 Average Cost of Door Parts & Hardware
Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: Consider door parts and hardware when budgeting for the cost of your door installation. There is a large price range for these components. Here are the common door parts and hardware pieces you may need:
●      Knobs/Handles: $10 to $300 each
●      Hinges: $2 to $20 each
●      Door Jamb: $100 and up
●      Door Slab: $100 and up
●      Threshold: $50 each
●      Deadbolt: $15 to $300 depending on manufacturer and model
●      Glass: Varies
●      Door Insulation: $5 to $25
 Average Cost of Door Installation by Material
Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: Installation costs do not differ by material.
Fiberglass: Fiberglass doors are a great alternative to traditional wooden doors. They are easy to maintain and offer superb durability, insulation and versatility in appearance and style.
Steel: A popular choice for exterior doors, steel provides superior security and weather-resistance. Without proper care, these doors may rust over time.
Wood: This classic choice is ideal for interior and exterior doors. Wood doors offer excellent durability and customization, but they require regular maintenance to continue looking their best over time.
Composite: Strikingly modern and versatile, composite doors offer many advantages as exterior doors, including thermal efficiency, durability and personalization of design and hardware. This material requires very little maintenance.
Door Repair Cost
How do you know when your garage door needs to be replaced rather than just repaired? Some things that can be fixed (Cost is for part and labor):
Garage Door Repair Cost Repair Type  Average Cost
●      Pulleys                                   $102 – $150
●      Springs: Torsion                  $95 – $165
●      Springs: Extension              $50 – $95
●      Panel replacement             $646 – $1,078
●      Garage door opener         $50 – $461
What types of garage doors do you install for houses?
Handyman McAllenprovides installation and servicing for custom wood, aluminum, steel, and designer garage doors.
 What services do you provide for commercial garage doors?
We install, maintain and sell overhead garage doors, dock levelers, automatic gates and accessories for warehouses, storefronts, and property management buildings.
 Do you provide service and maintenance for garage doors you install?
Yes, we provide servicing for all of our work, as well as maintenance plans for commercial garage doors. We have a fleet of 8 vehicles and a 24/7 emergency service if you need repair or maintenance on your garage door, dock, or gate to keep your business operations running smoothly.
 Do you offer free quotes or consultations?
 Yes, if you have a garage door project and want some input we do provide free quotes to all customers.
 What are your qualifications?
Handyman McAllen has been operating for over 25 years, and every one of our technicians have CDI certification and are fully insured for both residential and commercial garage door installation and servicing.
 Can you service my older or import garage door?
Yes! Part of our repair services includes old and import garage door repairs.
 Why use a professional garage door installation company?
●      Technicians fully WCB insured and certified by CDI
●      Knowledge of safety requirements and regulations
●      Products are fully warrantied
●      15+ years of expertise
●      Preventative maintenance program
 What is the standard size for a residential garage door?
When dealing with garage doors, always refer to the width first. eg. Width x Height = 16’x7’
Most door styles are available in 8’, 9’, 10’, 12’, 14’, 16’ and 18’ widths with 9’ and 16’ being the most common sizes. Many of doors styles can also be custom built in 1” increments.
 Does my garage door require maintenance?
Yes and how often you will require garage door maintenance all depends on how much the door is being used. We can design a maintenance program specific to your needs. Generally, we do the following to ensure your garage door is working properly:
●      Visual inspection of all the moving parts
●      Ensure tracks, rollers and hinges are clean and lubricated
●      All nuts and bolts are tight and clean
●      Manually run the operator and door through a cycle to make sure it is running quietly and smoothly
●      Check the door balance at various opening heights
 What are the benefits of an insulated garage door?
Door Repair Installation Service near McAllen TX: A garage door opening represents a large opening in your home’s thermal barrier. Insulated garage doors help reduce the impact of outside air temperatures, thus reducing the amount of energy required to cool or heat your home. Insulated doors also reduce noise from the exterior of your home.
 Can I paint my garage door?
All steel garage doors can be painted with the color of your choice. Please follow the manufacturer instructions included with your door.
 Can I replace a section of my door or do I need to replace the whole door?
Depending upon the damage involved to the door, it is possible in many cases to replace a section of your garage door. We recommend that you give Handyman McAllen a call so we can evaluate your situation and provide you with a solution that is the best course of action.
 What is R-value and how does it benefit me?
R-value is a standardized measurement of thermal efficiency. The higher the R-value, the more energy efficient the garage door is.
 Do you carry remote controls?
Yes, we carry most garage door remote control brands. Please call us with your specific request.
 How long does it take to have garage doors installed?
Most residential garage door installs range from about 3-4 hours to a full day, based on the door size and model. In many cases, higher end garage doors take longer than standard garage doors due to various factors including but not limited to: weight, how fragile the door may be, and custom designs. For the most part, a normal install will be fully completed and be operating smoothly within one day.
●      Door Repair Installation Service Near McAllen TX
●      House Door Repair
●      Door Repair Service
●      Door Repair
●      Front Door Repair
●      House Door Repair
●      Door Repair Companies
●      Interior Door Repair McAllen TX
●      Cost To Fix A Kicked In Door
●      Cost To Replace Front Door And Frame
●      How Much Does It Cost To Install An Interior Door
●      Door Installation Cost
●      Cost To Install Front Door With Sidelights
●      How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Door Frame
●      Garage Door Panel Repair Cost
●      Garage Door Track Repair Cost McAllen TX
0 notes
octranslations · 7 years
Haiiro no Ginka Volume 43
Haiiro no Ginka Volume 43 June 2009
Translation Credits:
KERRANG! RELENTLESS ENERGY DRINK TOUR 2009 - Cammie Toshiya Aibiki no Mori - Risu Shinya Dr. Nemunemu no daigyakushu - Nao Field Manager Takebayashi (a.k.a Chikurin)’s February~March Domestic Road TOUR Documentary Report - Cammie Mu no Koufuku, Sanretsusha to Kubi - Risu Gansonaki Kaoru-ya - Cammie Meisyo de meisyu - Cammie TOUR09 FEAST OF V SENSES KBS Hall, Kyoto - Risu & Nao The real identity of F.O.V.S. is....? - Risu An Extra News and So On - Nao
One day on January 2009 from Narita Airport.  The check-in counter for the airline company has a long line.  The members have gained experience through their tours overseas, but every time they feel a hassle for checking-in.  Following the instructions from the airline staff, members, roadie Fujieda, and (guitar) tech Mr. Kuroo safely complete their check-in.
The travel to the UK this time has 7 members from Japan, and at England’s Heathrow Airport, they were going to meet up with Miss Nora, translator and tour manager assistant, and the total of 8 people were going to be the main small scale tour crew.  At the actual site, they were also going to meet the familiar PA and tour manager Mr. Rick, and Mr. Johnny, the guitar tech that has toured along in the US tour, but basically, they were going to tour as a crew for Mindless Self Indulgence.  Since the US headlining tour in November 2008, the crew and equipments have become compact and each individual’s responsibility became more established.  At the time, they would not depend on other people and were forced to cover each other, but they seem to have gotten used to this situation.
As the boarding time became closer, before heading to the departure gate, they had one last work to do in Japan.  They had to check designs for future release and tour-related materials.  In the UK, unlike the tour bus in the US, there is no internet environment prepared, so checking e-mails would be a difficult task.  Even if one were to use the LAN on the venue, pictures with big memory content would take few hours to send, so the picture check had to be done before their departure.  The check was finished just 20 minutes before boarding time.  Manager Inoue and the Production administrator sent off the members heading to the gate and prayed for their safety of the tour that was about to begin.
From Japan to the UK, the flight time was 12 and half hours, and even if you convert it into distance, it was around 10,000km.  Both countries have a commonality of being an “island country” and besides that, there are various similarities.  For example, in the UK, it is left-hand traffic like Japan.  DIR EN GREY first came to the UK in August 2007.  Their first 2 headlining shows at the Carling Academy in London sold out instantly, and the unpredictable staging, unique sound, and the passionate fans from all over the UK covering up the venue surprised the local music staff where it became the catalyst for the band to be featured in various areas.
After departing Narita, the first obstacle for DIR EN GREY troupe arriving to Heathrow Airport, the entrance to the UK, was immigration examination. When you do a LIVE in the UK, you must apply for a “Work Permit” and get approval.  Recently, there was an alteration to the system where the permit was digitalized, but that turned into a huge problem?.
Like the agent’s instruction, we tried finishing the immigration examination, but everyone was stopped and moved to another room.  Actually, in the past, UK’s Heathrow Airport’s immigration examination had incidents of famous soccer players planned to play locally (in UK) and singers that were going to conduct music activities deported, and it was known to be strict.  Out of the 7 members from Japan, there were members and staff that had no problem with everyday conversation English, but there wasn’t anyone who could perfectly explain their current situation to the immigration examination staff, and while they were putting their hands on their head, a savior appeared.  It was Miss Nora arriving from Malaysia coming in from a different flight.  She explained everything about the system changing for the “Work Permit” and how from 1/13, they are scheduled to do a LIVE in North Ireland, and everyone was able to safely enter the country.  It seems like the main reason was how the immigration examination staff was not completely aware about the digital system.  Without any moment for a sigh of relief, after heading to the airport’s arrival gate, the tour that they were going to travel on for the next 3 weeks from now awaited them.   Everyone secured their space (on the bus) and off we go.  The place to go was Belfast, North Ireland where the venue for the main tour’s first date was located.  Including the ferry move midway, the long drive of 10 hours had begun.  And, from this moment, DIR EN GREY’s first UK tour, “KERRANG!  RELENTLESS ENERGY DRINK TOUR 2009”raised the curtain.
On TOUR DIARY, FREE-WILL ONLINE’s manager message (*1) is currently open to the public, so this time, we would like to include an interview with Miss Nora who has been doing a great job for overseas tour concerning events that took place during the Kerrang! Tour.
Interview – Nora
—Thank you for your hard work during the Kerrang! Tour.  Now, were there any interesting episodes during this tour?
Nora: Yes.  This may not be interesting as a topic of conversation (laugh), but out of all the overseas tour, they (DIR EN GREY) may have gotten stuff thrown at them the most.
—What kind of things for example?
Nora: Beer, water, cups, plastic bottles and T-shirts.  Sometimes underwear and gloss sticks, just various things.
—Was that a negative assessment towards DIR EN GREY?
Nora: No, no, it wasn’t booing.  It’s not really “hate” but a way for the UK to enjoy the LIVE.  And it’s probably because there were many males in the audience.
—I see, now I feel relieved (laugh).
Nora: On the article for ALBUM LIMITED CONTENTS (*2), Die mentioned about getting stuff thrown when he got on stage, and his guitar and hands down to his feet were soaked where he couldn’t play.
—What!  That must have been tragic...  Were there many people that actually knew DIR EN GREY?
Nora: Well, that depended on the venue.  For any venue, when the band before DIR EN GREY ended, you would always hear a DIR EN GREY call.  It would go “DIR EN GREY!”
—Wow!  That must have made the members backstage pumped up.
Nora: And once DIR EN GREY’s stage ended, there would be another DIR EN GREY call (laugh).  This time it means an encore.
—I’m guessing there were people that are not just DIR EN GREY fans watching the band for the first time.  What were their reactions?
Nora: Depending on the city, the reaction differed.  There would be people just going wild or people enjoying the LIVE being together with the rhythm.  Within the audience, some were taken in by the band’s sound and they didn’t have their eyes off the stage as if they received a shock.
—In actuality, depending on the songs, it would only be in Japanese and they don’t do any MC like the Western bands that does one to excite the audience, and for the UK fans, weren’t they distinct comparing to the other bands?
Nora: I think they may actually have that.  I was talking to the local crew, but someone told me, “DIR EN GREY’s songs are not there to go crazy, but they are here to absorb and understand, so I think there are many people that listen to them seriously.”
—But the members would think the people that watch them calmly do not look excited, right?  In the past overseas festivals, when the members watch from the stage, the crowd didn’t look excited.
Nora: Yes, yes, that’s right.  From the stage, it could simply look as if they are not moving.  But when you go near the audience’s space, you could observe how they’re deeply into the stage.
—Even with heavy songs, are there many people that are deeply into them as they watch?
Nora: During “Gaika, Chinmoku Ga Nemuru Koro” and “Reiketsu Nariseba,” there was a mosh pit.  60% of the audience going wild may have not listened to DIR EN GREY’s music before, but this is proof of how they are listening to them without any discrimination.
—This tour became a good opportunity for them to get to know the other bands’ fans.
Nora: After the LIVE, we did a Meet and Greet (*3) at the venue.  During that time, we basically know whether we were able to grasp the new audience from the stage (performance).  There are many males that got to newly know about DIR EN GREY, and the age range is from a very young teen years to elder guys.  They bought the album there and it was honestly a happy moment.  Fans of BRING ME THE HORIZON also came to the Meet and Greet.  Many of them (note: In Japanese, Nora says “????” [kanojyo tachi] that means majority or all of the fans were girls) were wearing the BMTH t-shirts, so they were easy to recognize (laugh).
—When you notice something good, it may increase one’s motivation.
Nora: We were able to meet a fresh audience we have never met before through this tour.
—15 cities or rather it is better to say 14 cities this time.  Out of them, which LIVE left you the most impression?
Nora: I would like to say London...Actually, during RH (rehearsal), the sound felt great, so it was very unfortunate with the actual show.  With other cities, there weren’t any dates where we especially thought, “Today was great!”  But during the show in Glasgow or Birmingham, while DIR EN GREY played, an enormous moshing occurred where the audience up to the back of the venue went wild.  That was the first time I saw such a scene.
—Are you saying that in the latter half (of the tour), there were more people that knew about DIR EN GREY?
Nora: Maybe.  Up to the PA table, everyone was really crazy (laugh).  People watching from the back running around the floor and trying to get in was a fierce spectacle.
—They were on the cover of KERRANG! during the latter half of the tour too!
Nora: That’s right!  I think there was that influence.  When we saw it (magazine) shelved in the town’s bookstores and kiosk shops, everyone was excited (laugh).
—How were the other bands?
Nora: This time, in contrast to all the other tours, there was lesser communication.  But with DIR EN GREY’s LIVE, everyone came near the stage wing to watch them.
—We talked about the crew and staff, but how were their reaction?
Nora: DIR EN GREY was very popular.  The stage’s PA person who loves TOOL told us, “This band will surpass TOOL!”
—Lastly, looking back at this tour how was it?
Nora: I said this before, but it was a happy thing to meet audience that got to know DIR EN GREY for the first time as well as them showing their interest towards the band.  Among the bands they played together, there was difference in age and the music they did and there may not have been any commonality, but they were able to enjoy the tour. But more than anything, it was especially sad how the final show in London had to be cancelled.
1.       Free Will Online Content where you could read the manager’s message.  Here is the OR code.
2.       A limited special content celebrating the release of the 7th album “UROBOROS.”  The log-in password is on the Deluxe limited edition, first-pressed edition, and the regular (only first press) to access the page.
3.       Signing and hand-shakes.
Toshiya Aibiki no Mori
How is everyone? This was also posted in the "UROBOROS" Limited Site. These are scenes from the Kerrang! Tour. I know this is late but here you go!
1.13 Tuesday
Belfast?Queens University Mandela Hall
1.14 Wednesday
Its neighboring town. And the bar that I dropped in.
1.15 Thursday
Day off. Local beer and pasta.
1.16 Friday
O2 Academy Bristol and its vicinity
I discovered "UROBOROS" at a nearby CD shop.
1.17 Saturday
Cardiff University Great Hall?
After a short excursion, I strolled on a large square and discovered an interesting poster at the nearby station.
1.18 Sunday
Southampton?Guildhall and its vicinity
(page 2)
1.20 Tuesday
1.21 Wednesday
Norwich?UEA. The concert venue was inside a school and it was really huge property so walked aimlessly around.
1.22 Thursday
Nottingham?Rock City Main Hall and its vicinity.
1.23 Friday
Manchester Academy and its vicinity. I saw a Japanese restaurant with an intriguing name.
1.24 Saturday
O2 Academy Leeds
1.25 Sunday
Since it was my day off, I walked around aimlessly while shopping
As expected from the city that gave birth the BEATLES, everything had the BEATLES color.
1.26 Monday
O2 Academy Liverpool.
1.27 Tuesday
1.28 Wednesday
O2 Academy Newcastle and its vicinity.
1.29 Thursday
O2 Academy Birmingham.There were autographed posters of artists who previously performed here decorated on the walls until the backstage.
1.30 Friday
O2 Academy Brixton, London.
Well, what do you think? This page was already fixed some time ago so next time I will write content that will give you a better update. Yoroshiku (Thanks)!
Shinya Dr. Nemunemu no daigyakushu
Hello everyone, it's been a long time. As always, Nemunemu has also begun today. This time, I had planned to write a one month diary of the England Tour but there wasn't anything especially interesting. So, on the morning of the last day's performance, I had to find something interesting to write about so I went sightseeing alone.
Nemunemu's Solo Travels -London Edition-
If one is to think of London then the only things that come to my mind are "Professor Layton" and "Robin Mask". Dr.Nemunemu doesn't really know that much about England. Professor Layton is obviously a Nintendo DS Game. It takes place in London and you solve several kinds of riddles in order to continue with the story and this is Dr. Nemunemu's no.1 favorite game. Moreover, at exactly the time that the England Tour started, I also started playing with the 3rd one in the series, "Professor Layton's Final Time Travel". I have been continuously playing this [game] the whole time while moving around(touring). Also, Robin Mask is obviously from the Manga "Kinniku Man", who is an English-born superhuman. That said, Robin Mask has a deadly blow and the technique is called the "Tower Bridge". Therefore, I thought of going to see this "Tower Bridge" so I looked at the subway's railway map. However, I wasn't able to find a station called Tower Bridge. But instead, I discovered a station called the London Bridge. Anyway, while I was thinking that this London Bridge could possibly be the Tower Bridge, I continued to ride the subway all the way there to check. As I came out of the station and proceeded with the information's instructions map, I found it! It's London Bridge!
Compared to my imagination it was pretty bleak. While I was thinking that this wasn't the Tower Bridge I walked along the riverside. And, as the way Dr. Nemunemu pictured it in his head, I saw the bridge.
"Could that also be Tower Bridge!?" I thought and ran closer to it.
This is exactly Tower Bridge.
It's even written on the bridge itself! So, I safely saw the Tower Bridge so I thought I should head back to the venue. But when I saw the railway map, my eyes were stopped by a shocking station name.
...Layton!?...Leyton(in katakana).......... Leyton!!! Lo and behold, there is a station called Leyton. Moreover, all the places around the station are called Leyton-something and several other things.
I felt that I must go there. Anyway it looks pretty far and I didn't have anymore time so I gave up for now and will just go there tomorrow. The next day was just all meetings and as soon as it was over it was already evening. I said that I should go then but according to the information from a person who lives there, places around Leyton seem dangerous at night. So, tomorrow we are going home to Japan so I thought that I should wake up early and go. And it was soon the next day, I didn't sleep that much and didn't wake up so I wasn't able to go to Leyton. With that much sadness on the way home on the airplane, I cleared (finished) "Professor Layton's Final Time Travel" and that is the end of Dr. Nemunemu's travel and game.
So, I think that was concluded pretty well but content-wise it's very short. So, it's been a while that I have introduced my turtles again. From the time of the previous introduction, it was as big as a scrubbing brush.
from newsletter no. 37
Now, they are like this.
Other than being able to notice that they have grown from the previous photo, I have moved. So, the design of the bathroom tiles have changed therefore it's a bit hard to tell if they have grown.
Speaking of moving, I have also introduced from a previous newsletter, the half-eaten(by the dog) sweet potato seedling that I took care of and was left in the most bottom part of the cupboard. When I was about to move, it came out. The one I introduced before was like this.
from newsletter no.25
And now, it became like this.
Lo and behold it transformed into a potato. It is such a mysterious thing.
So, as the page is getting long, it's nearing the end [of this newsletter].
This time's present is Master Painter Nemunemu's Robin Mask and Professor Layton's Special Dream Collaboration Drum Head(Skin).
Field Manager Takebayashi (a.k.a Chikurin)’s February~March Domestic Road TOUR Documentary Report
First day on the tour. There is one dressing room and in the hallway, instrument and equipment cases are placed on this narrow space where one could barely pass through. The dressing room is full of signatures and scribbles by bands and the members seem to be checking a rather different feeling from the scenery and atmosphere, which they cannot usually see.
The stage is smaller than usual so there is limitation on their performance. One of them is how they cannot use an acoustic guitar. “VINUSHKA” and “CONCEIVED SORROW,” their signature pieces for acoustic and core for DIR EN GREY’s stage will be played with electric guitar. For sound-making, members and staff have a hard time. Having a couple of days for RH (rehearsal), they have repeatedly adjusted their guitar and amps. In order to create a satisfying sound, everyone united together and continued countless times without regretting the passing of time. Before the entrance opening, fans fill the surroundings near the venue. I could feel the anticipation and everyone towards this small-scale (venue) tour. The surrounding of the venue was covered by an inexplicable atmosphere.
Having this huge anticipation, the first day of the small-scale tour has begun. The size of the venue has gotten smaller, but the set list and the number of songs are as usual. For DIR EN GREY, location or size does not matter to them to embody the present moment. As time passes by surprisingly quickly, the amount of oxygen in the venue keeps on depleting. As the distance between the members and audience gets closer, the limited space continues to increase its heat.
The show ends. One could feel tiredness from the members’ expressions that never allow half-way measures, but moreover, they seem to be satisfied by something.
“This is going to begin from now.”
20090210 Mito LIGHT HOUSE
A sunny day. If you say Mito’s specialty food, it would be nattou (note: fermented soy beans), so the person in charge of the event brought nattou wrapped in straw as a compliment. For this tour, the accompanying staffs are the total of 7 members, which are guitar tech Mr. Kuroo and Mr. Haruna, PA Mr. Nakajima, toranpo (note: Japanese abbreviated word for transporter) Mr. Matsuoka, bus driver Mr. Matsuda, roadie George, and manager Takebayashi. This time, regarding lighting, we have asked the person in charge of lighting for each venue to do it. We gave sound material, each song’s lighting image and cautions beforehand, but for each live, the different expression of lighting one could experience may become the best part for this small-capacity tour. For today’s venue again the lighting staff conducted scrupulous check during RH (rehearsal). After withdrawing the equipments, the group moved to Utsunomiya in a micro bus. Today’s micro bus is called a coaster where the back seat has small space to put baggage. We put everyone’s luggage and from now on, we will be traveling for approximately one month.
20090211 HEAVEN’S ROCK Utsunomiya V3-2
It has been 3 days since the tour began, but the situation of grabbling still continues. During that time, from Tokyo, Mr. Okada who we owe thanks for every tour and wardrobe (stylist) Mr. Omi visited us. The members welcomed the 2 people and stimulated conversation. They seem to be comparing between Kerrang! Tour held in January and the current tour. “This is definitely better than Kerrang! Tour,” “There’s a hotel,” “We could eat Japanese food”. Japanese tour must be heaven for them. In front of familiar people, the members’ faces also had a relieved expression.
20090212 Utsunomiya~Morioka
Today is a moving date. Snow was extremely apprehended, but it was a beautiful sunny day. The moving distance to Morioka was 430km, 6 long hours of bus travel has begun. Inside the bus, there was a TV monitor where they are able to watch DVD of live footage of that day. For everyone with long travelling hours, this was an important existence.
20090213 Morioka Club Change WAVE
From morning, snow was lightly falling. The temperature was extremely low, and at night, there was going to be heavy rain. In the afternoon, Die and roadie George went to go eat Morioka’s local specialty, reimen (note: ??is a Korean dish that means cold noodles). Today’s venue is on the first level of the basement and all the equipments need to be carried by hand. The breath staffs exhale is white, and continuing this work for more than ten minutes, there was steam rising from the staff.
Show opening. During live, there was a moment where the members’ facial expression looked irritated. The reason was due to the narrow stage and one mic was picking up various sounds that created howling. Because they always wish to make a full effort in order to create the best stage, bitterness remains. But because live is something that constantly evolves and moves continuously, at times, trouble like this one happens.
20090214 Akita Club SWINDLE
Today’s venue was also underground. Actually, there was a hotel above and it was a strange environment. Once we entered, the audience seats were vertically long and the distance between the stage and the front row’s metal fence were only a few cm (centimeters) apart. This was a live environment that would be unimaginable for the usual-sized tour.
Now, the tour goes to places where they usually cannot go, and we wanted fans that usually cannot go to lives even if they want to go to come. The strong wishes by the members actualized this tour.
Tonight, there was a moment that allowed us to feel that. Before encore, Kyo said a word, “People that came to the live for the first time!” As he stirred up the crowd, in the venue, many fists raised up. At that moment, there was an inexplicable sensation running through my body.
20090215 Akita~Nagano
The second longest travelling distance on this tour was this 8 hour drive. Having the Sea of Japan on the right-hand side, we run. We were concerned about the weather again today, but it seemed all right.
20090215 Nagano CLUB JUNK BOX
Kyo and Kaoru’s birthday eve (note: Chikurin is saying one day before their birthdays). Members and staff have planned amongst themselves beforehand and decided to celebrate after RH. After preparation was finished, everyone waited for that time. They seem somewhat restless. Around the time the members entered the venue, snow began to fall. After RH, surrounded by subtle nervousness, Kyo and Kaoru were called to come to the audience seat. With guitar tech Mr. Kuroo’s HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ played, sounds of crackers resounded in the venue.
Opening. Together with the members’ appearance was an overflowing force of cheers arising. Was this a feeling that celebrated Kyo and Kaoru’s birthday? Or was it because this was Toshiya’s local area’s Nagano show? On this day, the overflowing force of the audience exceeded the members’ power.
20090217 Shizuoka Sunash
For this tour, it was the smallest capacity venue with 230 seats. The merchandise booth was set up outside the venue, and the dressing room was like a hallway. This was not a space that would be called a dressing room. Furthermore, since there was no bathroom in the dressing room, after the show began, the members cannot go to the bathroom. However, when the members arrived to the dressing room, they first said the following out loud. “Oh! This is larger than I thought!” There were members that were slowly getting used to the feeling of the small-capacity tour.
20090218 Hamamatsu Madowaku
Sunny day. The dressing room is a cozy parlor (note: the original word was zashiki [??] and the room is floored with tatami mats) area that says “no shoes allowed”. “Speaking of Hamamatsu!” So, the day before, we asked the person in charge of the event to prepare broiled eel lunch box (to be delivered) to today’s dressing room. For members and staff that are beginning to accumulate fatigue, this is the best source for stamina. Around the time RH was over, we found hair/make-up artist Mr. Yamaguchi at the dressing room. The members could not hide their surprise with the unexpected guest. But, there seems to be a sense of relief. After the main part of the show ended, Kaoru who was on top of the monitor stirring up the crowd lost his balance and collapsed back into the bass amp behind him. The bass amp splendidly fell and the beer on top of it splashed onto Kaoru. In the dressing room after the live, the topic of conversation amongst the members and staff was about Kaoru’s tumble. “I was so surprised! You were soaked with beer.” This capacity of space makes it difficult to express their actual force. Even when the members understand this, they still try to exert their all. There were various troubles, but it was fortunate how nothing serious happened to the members or the equipments. Today’s show also finished safely.
20090219 Hamamatsu~Kanazawa
We’re getting used to the long moving hours, but today is also a long drive. On the way, we stopped by a SA (service area) at Hamanako and decided to have lunch. However, since it was lunch time, the ordered meals are not arriving quickly. There were many things to see at the SA, but they will have to wait until next time. On the way, we stopped by a SA again. When we got off the bus, fresh snow covered the area. Since it was snow in a long while so excitement grew, and there would actually be a people enjoying the touch (of snow) with their hands. Among them, we could see some throwing snowballs at each other. This was a moment that could not easily be experienced in Tokyo.
20090220 Kanazawa AZ
Around lunch, Die, PA Mr. Nakajima, and George went to a famous Soba restaurant near the hotel. The recommended food was Oroshi Soba”. There was oroshi daikon (note: grated radish) heaped on the plate and this was extremely hot. It made us wake up. Today is Mr. Kuroo’s birthday eve and he has been always helping us including the overseas tour. After RH, in the dressing room, everyone from members to staff celebrated the occasion. Live. The stage had many lighting features including moving strobe lights that were fully used.
Today was actually the turning point of the tour. After the show, when they were about to head out to eat dinner, but by the time they got out from the restaurant, there was heavy snowing outside. Meanwhile, Kaoru and Mr. Nakajima headed to an Ochazuke (note: bowl of rice and tea) restaurant, which is open late at night. The horizontal plate carried to them had more than 10 types of condiments arranged, and the bowl had a small amount of rice inside. You can personally think up of different variations of condiments and eat it whatever way you like. This broke the notion of ochazuke. Strangely, you can eat so many of them.
20090221 Kanazawa~Gifu
Today is a moving date. Due to everyone’s strong requests, we stopped by a family restaurant. This tour has bentou (note: lunch box) as their main food and being able to get warm food for the first time in a while was a relaxing moment.
20090222 Gifu Club ROOTS
Today’s venue was far from the train station and it seems to be inconvenient for transportation. Entering the venue, we do the overall check. The audience seat area on the stage left side has a strange wide path, which will be the merchandise space. The members entered the venue and Die prepared to record a comment for the local radio, but due to the stage’s echo sound, he had to stop. On very short notice, the bus pulled up alongside the outside area of the venue, and the recording took place inside the bus. Actually, today is toranpo Mr. Matsuoka’s birthday. The same time rehearsal ended, everyone celebrated his birthday. Since the tour began, this would be the 4th Happy Birthday. As the venue opened, looking around, one would notice how there are more guys than usual. During live, when Kyo would say, “Guys-!!” and stirred up the crowd, deep screams returned from the audience seat.
20090223 Shiga U-STONE
Today’s venue has the largest capacity for this tour. Occupancy is 450 people. Today was Shinya’s birthday eve. After RH, Die was on guitar and I did vocals to celebrate his birthday. This was the 5th “Happy Birthday!” on this tour. Before opening, as I looked down from the 3rd floor of the venue, it was packed with fans waiting eagerly for the show to begin. In the dressing room, I wonder if fatigue is accumulating for them. There wasn’t too much talking going on amongst the members.
A little after opening, there was some worry about the audience seats swaying side to side a lot, but it was able to withstand. Because the ventilation in the venue was too good, the smoke that heightened the lighting effect would blow away quickly, which was a shame. However, the lighting and rendition were able to surpass that and it was very good. This was a very good live. Tomorrow is the first OFF date for this tour. I would like both the members and staff to take a good rest.
20090223 Kyoto OFF
Today is an OFF date where there will be no live or travelling. Actually, since Shiga, Nara and Kyoto are close location-wise, and these 4 days will have the hotel in Kyoto as base and travel to venues. For the group that is constantly busy with hotel moving, staying for a few days in a row rests the body and mind. I wander around the city of Kyoto alone. I’m enjoying my time alone for the first time in a long while. In this tour, there is a lot of time together in the venue and inside the bus. Each person must be spending their time doing what they like to do. I wonder how they are spending their time off.
20090225 Nara Neverland
I found a crowd of people surrounding the equipment truck. It seems that just when the truck was about to park, the truck’s tire got stuck on the road’s side ditch. The side ditch had an iron sheet covered over it, but its intensity could not withstand the heaviness of a 2 ton truck. We tried various things but the tire would not get out so easily, and we decided to call for rescue. Problem solved. Speaking of the venue, the low ceiling stands out since the drum set’s cymbals would hit the ceiling if they were on their usual height. We could not place Kyo’s stand either, so we had to immediately have a substitute prepared. The venue barely had any space between the stage and audience seat, and during performance, the audience were at a distance where they could touch the members with their hands. But in actuality, when the members went up front, there were some people that touched them, but there weren’t any audience who disrupted the performance or touch the members’ instruments. I was glad how everyone understood that aspect very well. Feeling something of this sort was likely in this tour.
After the live, Mr. Yasufuku, the event’s sound creator whom we are grateful for, was called to the dressing room by the members. Actually, today was his birthday and the members secretly prepared a present for him. Even Mr. Yasufuku who was usually calm could not hide his joy due to such a surprise.
20090226 KYOTO MUSE
Today, there was going to be footage recording and the entire venue was busy. There was meticulous planning, and in the venue, cameras were being set up here and there. There were unimaginable numbers of camera and staff for this venue capacity. Even with stage, there were 10 cameras set up. Camera adjustments were also being done carefully during RH. After RH, within the audience seat area, Toshiya’s comment for “Best Hit LIVE” was getting recorded. Live begins. The audience’s momentum this day was incredibly intense once again. Kyo constantly shouts, “Kyoto~!” To that, the audience shouts back. I wonder if the audience’s power doubled because this was Kyo’s hometown... The audience’s momentum did not stop until the end. From moment to moment, numerous cameras constantly chased around to capture the viewpoint from the audience’s side and liveliness... I wonder what kind of shape this heated live footage will be delivered to everyone... Thinking about that, I look forward from now.
20090227 Kobe VARIT
Unfortunately, it’s cloudy. At times, cold rain is drizzling. Comparing to all the venues from before, today’s venue is more of a “modern snazzy space” rather than a “live house”. The venue with a wide feeling was constructed by having a split of first and second floor. Today, after the show was over, the members got onto the car without any time to relax. Depending on the venue’s features, such moves were not rare. And 3 consecutive shows have ended. Members and staff have fatigue accumulating.
20090301 Tokushima Jitterbug
The venue is on the 3rd floor but there weren’t any carry-in elevator and only had elevator where if people got on, it would be packed. Even just carrying in the equipments into the venue, we had to go back and forth into the elevator. On stage left in Die’s position, there was an ill-defined iron pillar. Once Die went into the venue, his first words were: “What the hell! This pillar!” and he grinned wryly.
Apart from the pillar, the low ceiling also had edges sticking out in various places. Even when you are exchanging bass and guitar, you needed to be extra careful or else the instruments would hit the ceiling. After the show was over, the group finished with clearance, traveled from Tokushima to Yonago. The distance was 300km. On the way, it began to snow in the mountain area. The entire road was white and we could not see the white line or anything, and driver Mr. Matsuda carefully took the wheel. Late evening, we finally arrived to the hotel safely. No matter what kind of bad circumstances arising, Mr. Matsuda manages to bring everyone safely. He is a very heartening member.
20090202 Yonago BELIER
Rain was over but it is pretty cold outside. The dressing room had a large potbelly stove. The carry-in condition was very good where the carry-in entrance was behind the stage. This is to be expected on the 16th show for the small-capacity tour. The staff’s operation went smoothly and the set was built up very quickly. On the same floor, there was a rehearsal studio and numerous bands were practicing. After RH, we found a large Styrofoam box in the dressing room. Mr. Takahashi, the promoter who we owe obligations just grins, approaches and tells us, “Just open it!” Once we opened it, we were surprised! Inside, there were 2 live crabs lying flat on their backs. As we listened, the live house’s owner was good friends with the owner of the bar restaurant on the 2nd floor, and he decided to get this compliment for today. After the show, the boiled crabs were prepared in the dressing room. Everyone ate the crabs silently. I wonder why we become silent during these moments. After finishing clearance, we head straight to Kumamoto. In this tour, this would be the longest traveling distance of around 630km. It’s an 8 hour long drive. Instead of travelling during night time, tomorrow is a complete off-date. We arrive to the hotel around 6 in the morning. No one can hide their fatigued expression.
20090303 Kumamoto OFF
A day to rest our body.
20090304 Kumamoto BATTLE-STAGE
Only 2 more shows on this tour. Today’s venue was inside a large shopping area and the location was at a busy area. Live space was on the 5th floor of the building and the dressing room was on the floor below and we were going to use the big meeting room, but the dressing room’s space boasted the largest size for this tour. After clearance, the group was going to move to Ooita, but, “Since we came to Kumamoto...” Due to a strong request, we went to a Kumamoto ramen restaurant called “Tenpou”. Since I heard of this being Kumamoto ramen, I was imagining a pork bone broth, but when I actually ate it, I could taste a slight seafood-like salt. The appearance (of the soup) was somewhat clear and the noodles had body and it had a sticky texture. It was very delicious. After filling up our stomach, the group travelled 3 hours to Ooita.
20090305 Oita T.O.P.S
Today is the last tour for the small-capacity tour. The 2nd floor on the venue was constructed to have a blow-by and the ceiling was just high. Something more surprising was the number of lightings attached on the back wall. Including the lights on the ceiling, would there probably be 200 of them? There were enormous numbers of them. And on this tour, the final Happy Birthday was PA Mr. Nakajima. The birthday celebration after RH has become an annual event. Furthermore, since it was the final date, on stage, the small-capacity tour members and staffs of 12 people took a commemorative photo. It’s already ending... We were filled with indescribable loneliness.
Even after the show was over, unending applause stirred up even more loneliness, and the entire tour had ended.
20090306 Oita~ Oita Airport
On the way to Oita Airport, due to heavy fog, it seems highways are shut down constantly. At morning, we had a phone call from promoter BEA Mr. Nakamura, and there was shocking news of the highway being closed down. Were we going to make it to the airplane?! I immediately contacted the members and staffs, and hastened our leave so that we would make it on time without using the highway. Luckily, just before our leave, the closure was removed and we were able to use the highway and headed straight to the airport. “There aren’t any fogs at all!” We were traveling on the bus triumphantly... but suddenly, fog covered us. We were unable to see the car right in front of us. Fog regulation justified. Arriving to the airport, here, we had to part with Mr. Matsuda who has driven the bus for us for the past one month. Lastly, Mr. Matsuda told us the total traveling distance from HEAVEN’S ROCK Saitama Shintoshin to Oita Airport. The total traveling distance was 4,804km. This was indeed a domestic tour that shook the chain of islands (note: Japan).
Guitar Tech •Mr. Kuroo
February, the one month tour felt long. Actually, in Japan, this tour was the first time where I did not go home after departing for the same band’s tour. The tour itself wasn’t too exhausting and it didn’t have 7 consecutive shows like overseas. Thinking in terms of the stage and actual work on the day, what I was doing was the same as usual, so there weren’t anything different. If I were to say one thing, the bus was small so the travel felt longer. In terms of lives differing in capacity, conversely, I was interested in any difference of way the audience saw and felt to the usual ones.
PA •Mr. Nakajima
February was just the worst for the heat (inside the venue). The venue would be so packed and this continued every time, and it felt like we were doing lives and got sweaty in every venue. The entire venue was oxygen-deprived, and after the live, exhaustion was bigger than the usual tour. The venue’s PA space was of course narrow, and sometimes if I sat down, there were some places where moving was difficult. Speaking of memory, the last show on this tour in Ooita was my birthday, and the members and staff took a commemorative photo. I actually proposed this idea but I think this became a good opportunity for everyone.
Guitar Tech •Mr. Haruna
The tour itself was as usual, but since the stage was small, I was also in charge of bass for switching and instrument changes. This was the same like the overseas tour. One impressionable happening was at one venue, when we were about to carry in the equipments, the iron plate on the rut broke and the truck ran off. Otherwise, as a person who likes to walk, I enjoyed being able to have time to wander around new places I have never gone before. Oh, but the conditions for carry-in was bad, there were only a few part-time workers, and now that I think back, it was busy all day. The amount of sweat during live was just enormous (laugh). Even after the tour, I liked both large and small venues. But for the audience, I think smaller ones are more fun for them since the distance between the members would be closer.
Toranpo• Mr. Matsuoka
In February, I guess what I was doing was the same as the usual tour. But, that tour was really tough for a person with pollen allergy.
Bus Driver • Mr. Matsuda
The long hour travel overnight was really tough. Especially when we were about to travel for Tokushima~Yonago, it began to snow heavily all of the sudden, and at that time, the highway had downhill slopes continuing so I was nervous. My best memory was when my birthday was on 3/7th, and during the after-show party, they got me a surprise cake for celebration. During the last travel to Ooita Airport, inside the bus, in the bus name that has the organization name listed, I got it signed by the (band) members and staffs. I would like to treasure this and cherish it. This was the first time to be involved with music-related job, so I was able to have a rare experience.
Roadie • George
This was definitely fun. Personally, I like smaller live houses. I may be lacking a few words, but when a band that tours around venue sizes like Zepp Tokyo, being able to do lives at smaller venues really have a meaning. On the Internet or any medium, they are accepted as a high-level band right? Those people doing lives at places where people are at distance to be able to touch them is like, I thought they had humility. Because they were like that, they were able to do this type of tour, and I think there was a lot of meaning in doing this.
Tomorrow is the Tour's final day Gradually my voice is becoming easily destroyed Today I wasn't completely able to sing to my satisfaction but with all of my power, I vented everything Moreover I felt that at least I was able to get something through (express it) I was able to feel something from you guys again today. I am somewhat content
I haven't changed from the past but, I am happy because the feelings, that you vented upon me, that were all mixed together have become united, and it feels a bit more alive compared to before, by just only a bit (laughs)
Personally there were too many things during the Tour this time...
It was the most difficult [tour] up until now, and it was the most number of times I went to a hospital (laughs)
But there's still tomorrow, and there's still Europe so I have to weather this out with my spirit
This may be completely not connected to what I was talking about but, I absolutely don't tell lies in the newsletter and during Lives
Because its nonsense to lie in a place where I feel certain/absolute
Anyway, also on the Tour's final day tomorrow....I will...
You know, right?
Good night
Gansonaki Kaoru-ya
The long domestic tour has ended, but is everyone doing well?
We had a tour schedule packed for 3 months so everyone’s body is worn-out, but if everyone who came to see us felt something and went back home, I think it was worth doing it.
This was probably a tour that I would remember the most and I think I will never forget it since this tour was concentrated with everything.
People that came to see us, thank you!  We’ll go there again!
There were many requests for the BMG for the opening that began from February, but there were some that switched around, so I’m going to post up the last one.
Basically, I have it played on shuffle so I don’t know what song is playing where.
By now, I think we’ll be touring Europe, but since the domestic tour was very fulfilling, I hope I could continue on with this feeling.
And I’m also thinking to begin making songs, so if there’s something good, I’ll let you know!
This was short, but (I’ll talk to you) soon!
“...And their Eulogies Sang Me To Sleep.”  The Agonist
“Forkboy (Lard)” Black Light Burns
“Flush” Brian “Head” Welsch
“Carnivorous Swarm” Cannibal Corpse
“Embryo Burning” DEAD END
“Crowd of Creation” Deadlock
“Beyond the Scorpion Gate” Destroy Destroy Destroy
“Dimension Zero” Dimension Zero
“I Scream” Down
“Collision” Faith No More
“Deeds of Days Long Gone” Ignominious Incarceration
“Hurt” Johnny Cash
“Never Say Never” KMFDM
“Spellbound” Lacuna Coil
“Fake Messiah” Lamb of God
“Thieves” Ministry
“Glistening” Orange 9mm
“Selling Jesus” Skunk Anansie
“Electric Head Pt. 1 (Satan In High Heels Mix)” White Zombie
Meisyo de meisyu
Q. On stage, looking at your effectors, guitar, Mesa Boogie’s guitar cabinet, everything is in “red” and “snake print,” but doesn’t your eyes hurt (from looking at them)?
Die: My eyes doesn’t hurt but when I play the guitar with the red fret board during live, because of the stage lighting, when it’s red, the color assimilates with the guitar and for a moment the guitar disappears from my sight (laugh).  I also don’t have any position mark on the fret too. During that time, I have to play by my instinct!!
Q. I would want to ask you this, but how many centimeters is your guitar strap that you use during LIVE from the upper part of the lock pin to the lower part?  And I also want to know if the red strap you actually use is an original?  By the way, I (note: in Japanese it’s ?[boku], so this questioner is a guy) have Die-san’s model (by Edward) guitar with ESP’s red snake print strap, and I have it extended to the max while I play.
Die: 157cm.  This is the borderline length to be able to play the current songs.  The main strap I’m using right now is an original one prepared by ESP’s Asakura-san, and there hasn’t been any talk about putting it into the market.   Actually, the length of the strap greatly affects your play and around the middle period of the tour, I had frequent “mis”-pickings and I was thinking how the sound during picking harmonics was bad, but the strap was stretched and there was a subtle misalignment when the angle of the string where the pick hit.  So I moved up the belt’s hole and tried minimizing (approximately 1cm) it, but my body which was accustomed to all the lives I’ve done so far didn’t handle this well, so it was troublesome.  To be more specific, the T-shirt and jacket that you wear at the time, will subtly change things, so it’s really a world on an mm(millimeter) measurement.
Q. Since last year’s BAJRA shows, there seems to be a fast playing (?) between you and Kaoru-san during 2:05~ in “REPETITION OF HATRED.”  Do you think that during rehearsal instead of playing it on the spot?  Ever since I saw it, I’ve been copying it that way.  Is the chorus part for “?-saku-,” “MR. NEWSMAN” and other songs an adlib (improvisation)?  This may sound too maniacal...
Die: You’re catching on to a good point!  We’ve never spoken to each other about them, and we don’t come up with it during rehearsal either.
This was born as we continued our lives and this may evolve again.
Concerning other songs, I don’t have anything prepared beforehand for the arrangements I play live, and I also never had anything begin intentionally.  This is definitely a natural flow from continuing to do lives.  If I formulate a phrase before the live and play it perfectly during the actual show, there wouldn’t be any heart-racing feel.  There is a thrill when I play during the tense moment live, and through the atmosphere and my feeling’s elation, I enjoy myself about what kind of phrase will be born from there.
Q. The intro’s clean part on “RED SOIL” is awesome!  Personally, I have an image of someone being all bloody coming to a church to make a confession, but I would like you to tell us how you play this part.  And what kind of image do you have while you play this?
Die: Being all bloody and going to a church to make a confession huh~I must say I didn’t have this image (laugh).  I think the clean part is where I played a 12-string acoustic guitar on the CD, but this phrase didn’t exist even after we’ve gone into the recording phase for “UROBOROS,” and there was this phrase I played nonchalantly during a free time from recording, and I thought, “what would happen if I put this onto this part for this song?” And as I tried playing this, it fit wonderfully and I decided to use it (laugh).
From all the phrases that were there before this one, I felt like I would hear a voice like “You came in after us, but for someone like that, you’re being treated like the main thing.”
For this occasion, I guess I will explain the beginning intro phrase.
All strings half-step down +Drop D tuning
(D#, A#, F#, C#, G#, C#)
CD TIME: 0:00~
M should have the hand’s pinkie finger’s side lightly touching the string near the bridge, and pick while you mute.
1.       Your index finger should be on the 4th string 9th fret, your ring finger should hold the 3rd string 11th fret.
2.       Here, the release sound of the 1st string will come out so make sure your pinkie finger doesn’t touch the 1st string.
3.       From here, with this holding, you just need to slide your position in a parallel manner, but the 1st string and 3rd string will constantly have a release sound, so you need to try to have your index finger and pinkie finger from touching each of their strings.
4.       Here, the fret will suddenly have 4 moves, so you need to prevent the sound from cutting off, and be careful not to rush or slow down the rhythm.  Regarding the -Arp-. Arpeggio playing, it’s on the FC (fan-club) only website as an online video, so please check it out.
Notice: “Meisyo de Meisyu” is seeking questions about guitar for Die.  For the people’s questions that are used, we would like to give an original item.   Please have the questions sent to “aknot.”
April 5, 2009 (Sun) KBS Hall, Kyoto
When I first came into contact with DIR EN GREY’s wildest album “UROBOROS” on December 29, 2008 at the Osaka-Jo Hall, I was also deeply moved at the same time by its extremeness and deepness, and I thought that I would never understand that one night. Exactly 4 months from that day. They’ve successfully completed performances in England and the domestic live house circuit up until now. I wonder about, how will their interpretation of “UROBOROS”. How will it be personified tonight? How will the audience respond? Since they, like “a knot” have been eagerly waiting for this day. When you imagine that spontaneously your sense of anxiety would heighten.
Today’s venue, “KBS Hall” is near the Kyoto KBS TV Station and is near the Kyoto-gyoen which is famous for its expansive gardens and also spans 1200 meters from North to South and 800 meters from East to West. Since it is a multi-purpose venue and is used for various events, the staff entered the venue from 8 in the morning and went about setting up the LIVE venue. Starting from the stage, lights, sounds and video, setting up these things was a battle with physical strength. When I visited the venue at 3 in the afternoon, the staff had already finished the preparations and final adjustments for the sound check and was about to go on a break. I greeted them, and talked about tonight’s preparations, exchanged information about things to pay attention to while on stage while also exchanging pleasantries with them. Probably because of the foothold that was firmly established by the team of professionals, the members can earnestly go into battle onstage.
At the same time the members entered the venue. The four people other than Kyo went towards the stage as scheduled and did the sound check. When I tried visiting the dressing room where Kyo was in, from his expression I felt that he didn’t feel too great compared to his normal self. I greeted him and this became more pronounced as we chatted. Kyo who never spoke much seemed as if he were carrying an unseen burden on his shoulders. Since the appearance of “UROBOROS”, DIR EN GREY has successfully completed lives both overseas and locally. During that time Kyo experienced issues with this throat but on stage he would continue to scream, “it has no connection to that” and continued on singing. I wonder about what drives him to push himself that far…
Around 1 hour and 30 minutes before the start of the show, there was a relaxed air in the dressing room. While each of the members themselves were killing the time, Kyo himself tried resting his painful throat even for a bit, and gave his full attention to it. During that time, I heard Die’s deep sigh coming from another dressing room. He should be used to the continuous tour lifestyle that he’s continue for almost 10 years but since he can’t retain his peace of mind at the hotel, which was supposed to be a place to rest your body. Even though his body was tired, his active brain would still pick up even the tiniest sound. That’s why there are a lot of nights where getting sound sleep was difficult.
“20 minutes before the start of the show!”
Along with the voices that echoed in the dressing room, the members also increased their concentration. At that time Kyo who finally stood up kept on vocalizing in the room. It’s hard to say that he’s in an excellent condition but his defiant demeanor was no from his usual self. They formed a circle on the stage wings, their 5 voices echoing into the backstage hallway also renewing the staff’s morale.
Inside the venue, a cheer resounded from the audience when the BGM stopped, the hall went dark, and “SA BIR” echoed towards the audience area. As the members entered onstage, that voice became even louder and the hall shook.
The moment when the 5 people stood on stage and the intro started, exclamations came from the hall. It was no wonder because they began with “INCONVENIENT IDEAL”, a song that was placed in the album to finish it. Always surprising us onstage, destroying people’s preconceived notions. This was also an exquisite taste of the live that DIR EN GREY has prepared. As the beautiful guitar melodies’ sounds kept on piling on top of one another, the hall was covered in the band sound and in an instant you naturally enter DIR EN GREY’s world-view that was formed in the hall.
When DIR EN GREY’s song is played at a live its shape changes like a living thing. Created music that was interpreted from different angles reaches ears that have grown accustomed to the final sound. The 5 people on stage and the audience who filled the hall by “living” they also breathe in life to the song. On the center of the stage, with overflowing energy coming from fingertips holding his whole body in thrall, only fear of that unrestrained expression hung on Kyo’s form. A once-in-a-lifetime moment, a song you can never hear again, one after another was created.
“VINUSHKA” the longest epic in “UROBOROS”, their world-view took more shape and was more visualized through the projected image behind these 5. And this moment’s “music”, the sound by these 5 individuals that you can only experience once in the world, is born.
“Koko ga shinjitsu da” / This is the truth
The audience raised their fists back in response to Kyo’s words. The audience became one.
There are a lot of times that you feel that the 5 people on stage are not only the leading characters at a DIR EN GREY live. When the audience’s passion, voices, movement and everything that is radiated from these 5 people bring about a chemical reaction, a sense of unity is born in the venue, and a work of art, that can only be obtained by the people who were there at the “LIVE” is complete.
When “RED SOIL” was played, the voltage in the venue became higher and it progressed to “STUCK MAN”. When this song, which has the most unique sound and tempo in the album, was resounded, it became an important spice to DIR EN GREY’s element, and the band’s diversity was steadily embodied. “LIE BURIED WITH A VENGEANCE”. While the heavy tune continued, the sound that Kaoru, Die, Toshiya, Shinya created even became heavier than before, it was like being stabbed in the gut.
The intro of “Doukoku to sarinu” started and as it approached the chant, something unusual occurred on the center of the stage. Kyo stood on his stand ramrod straight, unmoving. “He’s finally reached his limit….” The moment I felt that, and as if the thoughts that came from within Kyo’s body became sound, his voice resounded through the microphone. It may be not accurate to say that it seemed like he was trying to drive away something as he continuously exhaled. Whatever came out from Kyo, it wasn’t a voice that a human would normally use. It was a collective sound that was squeezed out from all of his body. Uncertainty or rather pointlessly, Kyo stood on stage as DIR EN GREY’s vocalist and confronted the members, audience and also myself. There was something unseen that continuously pushed Kyo.
Most humans when they’ve reached their own limit they would most probably stop doing their best. But DIR EN GREY is the complete opposite. Battling with themselves, challenging themselves, not compromising on stage…those were the feelings that suddenly came to mind.
The song wave like a surge came to a complete stop, and the darkness and strange air changed. Deep red illumination bewitchingly lighted up Kyo who was standing ramrod straight on his stand.
“Ore wa dare kara mo nigerarenai” / I can’t run away from anyone
“Ore wa nani kara mo nigerarenai” / I can’t run away from anything
The audience returned to silence, while only the sounds of the oriental bell told of the flow of time, a spotlight hit Kaoru and with the guitar melody of “Toguro” we were transported into another new dimension. When we plunged the climax of this song, a miracle happened. All of a sudden, his throat opened, and the complete Kyo’s voice resounded in the hall. At that time already 47 minutes have passed since the start of the LIVE. ---But, God isn’t all that merciful.
When next came “GLASS SKIN”, known for the beauty of its melody, the scene changed and the through the simplicity of the performance, each and every member’s stance and expression stood out. These 4 people who silently play maybe creating different sounds or movements but there exists an unseen connection, DIR EN GREY gives birth to sound and each one of them is needed in order to give it shape, even without words this was perfectly shown.
The stage went dark and the venue was again shrouded in darkness, and a silence that made us even hesitate to breath descended upon us. On the center of the stage in the midst of the lights was a figure that isn’t what it should be making metallic sounds that echoed through the microphone. After a few seconds, Kyo, who appeared again in front of us, started to talk in order to break that silence.
"Konna koe wo aishite kure” / Love this voice
“Konna koe demo aishite kure” / Love even this voice
While the stage was bathe in green and blue lights, “HYDRA 666” created another new space. With vocals that continuously echoed roars, guitars that started to guide dueling melodies, bass whose sound that further added to the deepness, and drums that was established as the central axis of the whole sound, the stage performance was depicted as a mysterious world. While that vigor upset the hall, “AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS” started and the audience changed. In front of the agitated audience’s line of vision were 5 individuals, serious even amidst the violence. It was the kind of vigor that would expand in front of your eyes every time you blinked. At that moment, Kyo, who was standing on his stand with his legs wide open, spontaneously reached his hand into his mouth and greatly tore out the inside of his mouth three, four times. In a moment his face was stained red. It didn’t matter that it was a quick incident; my eyes were caught as if time went in slow motion. Even if you were in the back of the hall, you can obviously see with you eyes that it felt like a moment when Kyo overcame something.
The whole air in the venue changed.
It may be difficult to say it in words but, the audience’s thoughts became clearer towards the stage, all of the people who existed here felt “alive” with their skin. Even when it plunged into “BUGABOO”, there was no stopping that vigor. During “Reiketsu ni Nariseba”, lights that were placed on the right and left side of the stage, transformed the whole hall with white light. Toward the middle of the song, Kyo, with both hands raised upward while on his stand, was lit from behind, and as his silhouette emerged, as if it were sucked towards the stage, the consciousness of all of the people in the hall came forward. As both the 5 people on stage and the audience both wanted, it climbed towards higher place.
“Yakitsukete Koi!” / Burn this [in your memory]!
Kyo stirred up the hall. And “Gaika, chinmoku ni nemuru koro” assaulted the inflamed audience, and further drove them towards the climax.  The excitement increased like blood that was being regurgitated. As we approached towards the last part, through the temperature in the venue continuously rising, not only were your eyes and ears but also all 5 senses of a human being were stimulated and controlled.
Again, the 5 people have finished a great performance, when the stage upfront cleared everything inside the venue returned to reality. "Unsurprisingly, what in the world did just happen...", to capture that[feeling] seemed ordinary and a mysterious atmosphere loomed over.
After a big roar for encore, the 5 people's figures visibly returned. At the end, Kyo went to the center and slowly took the mic.
“Kyou kita omaera wa rakki ya. / "You people are lucky you came.
Kyou wa, ore ni totte saikou ya. / Today, for me, was the best.
Shikkari me ni yakitsukete kaette kure!” / Go home with your eyes completely burnt!"
The venue that was once filled with scream was once again on fire.
“Kyoto,kakatte koi!” / Kyoto, come on!
"OBSCURE","GRIEF","REPETITION OF HATRED".  As one would say that these numbers were hard and heavy, they were played and inside[the venue] became one. Also, the one that was again added in the line up for a year now, "Rasetsukoku", the ocean began to swell. All in all, the spectacle unfolded that is impossible for the camera to cover. Once again, DIR EN GREY has given life to a masterpiece, it is art. The last was "CLEVER SLEAZOID", the audience singing in chorus pushed the members to their limits and welcomed a very moving end[of the live].
At that moment no one moved, arms and instruments were held high. Right before the sound stopped, the Kyo who normally went away from the stage, took the mic to his mouth, this day again proved that it is one of DIR EN GREY's masterpiece that made its mark in history.
“Arigatou” / Thank You
Kyo who came off the stage went over the limits of his throat. It was to a point that he was unable to speak to anyone, Kyo retreated into himself, it looked like that he was facing something alone. A pace ahead of the other members, he returned to Tokyo and immediately went to a specialist in a hospital. The result of the test was "edema of the larynx" and "chorditis". The doctor who gave him the results of the test said that it required 5-7 days of rest. And the result derived after thinking it through thinking was that Sendai and Sapporo are to be postponed.
Thinking so much of the eagerly awaiting fans, it was a very hard decision.
2009.04.05 KBS Hall
SE SA BIR M01. INCONVENIENT IDEAL M02. VINUSHKA M03. RED SOIL M04. STUCK MAN M05. LIE BURIED WITH A VENGEANCE M06. Doukoku to sarinu M07. DOZING GREEN M08. Ware, yami tote... M09. Toguro M10. GLASS SKIN M11. HYDRA -666- M12. AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS M13. BUGABOO M14. Reiketsu ni nariseba M15. Gaika, chinmoku nemuru koro EN01. OBSCURE EN02. GRIEF EN03. REPETITION OF HATRED EN04. Rasetsukoku EN05. CLEVER SLEAZOID
TOUR09 FEAST OF V SENSES To be continued
March 9, 2009 Rokumeikan LIVE
The real identity of F.O.V.S. is....?
On March 9, 2009, there was a band who did a live in a long established livehouse in Meguro, Tokyo called "Rokumeikan". That band was called, "F.O.V.S". What were they trying to hide, their real form is a fictional band to cover up DIR EN GREY's SECRET LIVE. A lot of people may have already noticed this but the band's name were the initials of "FEAST OF V SENSES".
On the day itself even though there was no formal announcement, the venue was overflowing with people who were sensitive or lucky to have gotten that information from somewhere. For the members who experienced LIVES where they felt the closeness of both the members and fans during the Circuit Tour last February and March, at the Rokumeikan which you can say is a scale that they've mastered, the audience maintained an extreme level of heat and excitement as they rushed towards the end. What finished the LIVE was that rare song. When the intro started, jubilant voices like screams filled the venue, at the same time as Kyo's shouts, in front of your eyes was a storm of headbanging! It didn't matter if the venue was packed there were times when "a knot" who were in the last row could see the the full stage and the members for the first time.
For the record, the T-shirts that the members wore during encore were commemorative shirts from the stage director, Fujiki-san's company, BOATMAN.
2009.03.09 Rokumeikan (F.O.V.S) SE. SA BIR M01. VINUSHKA M02. RED SOIL M03. AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS M04. STUCK MAN M05. GRIEF M06. ?????? (doukoku to sarinu) M07. THE FINAL M08. ?? (toguro) M09. GLASS SKIN M10. CONCEIVED SORROW M11. HYDRA -666- M12. OBSCURE M13. BUGABOO M14. ??????? (reiketsu ni nariseba) M15. DOZING GREEN EN01. ????????? (gaika, chinmoku ga nemuru koro) EN02. REPETITION OF HATRED EN03. C EN04. ?-saku- EN05. ?-ZAN-
An Extra News and So On
[aknot] Limited Web Shopping Site, Finally Opens!
The most important privilege of [a knot] membership is the Original Item Shopping ...Finally! The Web Shopping Site "[aknot]only online shop" is born. Until now there are 4 released DVDs that are limited to members. As you all know, it was especially made for those members in "aknot". What started with those 4 pieces, there will be more limited items that are in store. What kind of items??...Until the details are announced all we can do is wait. The online shop can be easily accessed through the PC and Mobile [a knot] only site. You can choose the method of payment from Credit Card, by convenience store or by bank transfer. From now on, the [a knot] only on-line shop will now be convenient and remarkably change. Please look at it and confirm.
Die's Powerful Enemy Emerges!?
Upon visiting the dressing rooms during the tour, a very blank looking Die can be found. When he was asked if he was feeling unwell, "I wasn't able to sleep very well" said Die whose shoulders drooped. In overseas tours, transportation was solely on the tour bus but other than the stage and dressing rooms, they would spend most of their day in there[bus]. Not only during the trips, even in their own bunks(the beds with individual spaces)was included as one of the places which held silent battles for the members. Nightfall, when all the band members and crew were silently asleep, Die's enemy came like a ninja---the "Nightmare".
Actually, it had attacked several times during the Northern America Tour, the story that time was frankly told by die himself in the "ALBUM LIMITED CONTENTS"'s DOCUMENT. People who are interested check immediately! Recently, during February in the beginning of the "FEAST OF V SENSES" tour, there are sleepless days. In addition, will there be more new nightmare stories by Die!?
The Untold DJ-Killer's Radio Guest Appearance
April 9th Late night 1:00am. Entering a certain Chiba-based radio studio, you can find Toshiya and Writer Mr. Yuuichi Masuda! Actually, it was because Toshiya is a guest for his long-term "Older Brother" J-san who works as  bay fm's [MOZAIKU NIGHT ~NO.1 MUSIC FACTORY~J's EDITION~Rock Line~] DJ. There may be people who wondered, "Why Mr. Yuiichi Masuda too?!" but actually, Mr. Masuda alone is a regular guest in J's radio.
I think there are people who have already heard the actual broadcast and watch the video in BARKS but, the program was about the time J-san and Toshiya met, the recent year's overseas lives, the February 4th release of DVD [A KNOT OF] . From beginning to end it continued with a peaceful mood. Occasionally, there was a lot of "I will explain" and Mr. Masuda will comment about watching Dir en grey locally and overseas. In the last half, the upcoming Dir en grey schedule was read and Toshiya was following J-san himself [physically too](Laugh) It is definitely fascinating for anyone to hear J-san deliver it[the show] to the Dir en grey fans (listeners).
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Walking Dead vs. Real-Life Survivalists: How to Prep for The Zombie Apocalypse
According to a 2019 YouGov poll, 14% of Americans have a zombie apocalypse plan of some sort. Even the CDC provides zombie apocalypse advice, including having one gallon of water per person per day, stocking up on food, and choosing a rallying point for family members should everyone get separated in the mad rush for safety. That concept of preparedness has infiltrated popular culture like a walker in an unguarded camp thanks to The Walking Dead and other pieces of zombie media. Being ready for whatever life throws your way is no longer just for paranoid, reclusive mountain men. 
The survivors on The Walking Dead are from all walks of life, across a wide spectrum of ages, races, nationalities, and ability levels. As such, all could have benefitted from a bit of advice from experienced experts in the field of survival. So, Den of Geek reached out to a pair of preppers and asked them some questions about just how the various groups on The Walking Dead have fared in their quest to navigate the end of the world. 
A man based near Martensville, Saskatchewan who chooses to be known only as “Canadian Prepper” of the Canadian Prepper YouTube channel and Canadian Preparedness, sums it up succinctly. “I don’t think there’s one prepper who doesn’t know about The Walking Dead.” 
That’s an advantage preppers in our world have over their fictional counterparts. We know what zombies are, and we have ample opportunity to prepare for them. In the world of The Walking Dead, no one knew what a zombie was until they showed up, which took pretty much everyone in that world by surprise.
However, to Scott Hunt of Practical Preppers, those of us in the non-zombie world have good reason to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, whether it’s earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, civil unrest, or one of the many more mundane emergencies encountered in the modern world. 
Getting Prepared
“As Benjamin Franklin once said, ‘by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail,’” Hunt says.
Hunt holds a Masters of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and takes surviving more seriously than your average person with a stocked cellar. Hunt and his family were featured on Season 1 of National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers. He later became a consultant for the show. Now he is a sustainable living design engineer specializing in off-grid water and energy systems. His popular YouTube channel, Engineer775, allows him to, in his words, “help others prepare for the worst type of events and make them as sustainable as possible.”
Hunt’s focus is on solar power and water access solutions, but given his experience with prepping and homestead farming, he has a lot to say about just what mistakes the survivors on The Walking Dead have been making throughout the show’s run. 
The mistakes start, logically, at the very beginning of the show. 
“I think there were a lot of mistakes initially made during the outbreak. For one, hardly anyone living in the city had any sort of ‘preps’, and those living in rural areas only seemed to have basic things like a few canned goods, maybe a well, and a few arms to protect themselves with,” Hunt says. “I think having a simple bug-out bag would have saved a lot of people. If you are like many of those living in Atlanta in season 1, I would advise you to have a ‘bug-out plan’ and ‘bug-out bags’ for you and your family. It does seem like a scary thing to imagine, but we advise people to think ahead, always.” 
The Walker Threat
For Canadian Prepper, part of thinking ahead is being ready for problems before they happen. Detecting threats before they can detect you is the best form of operational security in the zombie apocalypse. 
“Having a 24/7 lookout is the most important thing, being very vigilant with that and not wavering at all. If there is somebody who’s spying on you, they’re going to wait for one opportunity where you’re not paying attention.” 
Even if the threat is more walker-based, having a lookout is still of crucial importance. 
“You’re talking about a bunch of reanimated corpses who could come at any time. There’s no time that they’re going to prefer to attack. It’s just going to be whenever,” Canadian Prepper says.
Canadian Prepper emphasizes the concept of preemptive security, in addition to the active lookout. 
“Almost every single time it seems like the zombies surprise people. It’s like, do you guys realize you can just get some string and some tin cans? As the survivors evolve, you’d think that they would develop better perimeter alarm systems whereby they would be notified if there was a potential threat on the horizon.”
Read more
The Walking Dead Season 10: “Extra” Episodes Will Explore New Mysteries Set Up in “A Certain Doom”
By John Saavedra and 1 other
What The Walking Dead Daryl and Carol Spinoff Will Be About
By John Saavedra and 1 other
As important as the lack of forethought, for Hunt, is a lack of bodies on the line. If you want to move into a fortified town, you have to have the security needed to keep the town safe. This isn’t an individual camp problem, but like the lack of tripwires and lookouts, a series-long issue. 
“The communities the main groups choose to settle in have all had issues with visibility, security, and manpower. It seems like every compound they encountered, there were never enough people to keep it safe from marauders or walkers,” Hunt says. “If you are taking over an abandoned compound, you must make sure you can secure it.”
The People Problem
Those big walled compounds, like Alexandria and Hilltop, have a lot of natural advantages, but they have one huge problem: they’re big targets. However, Canadian Prepper feels that having a big target, if properly defended, isn’t necessarily a negative in terms of a group’s survival chances. 
“You could take the Oceanside approach where you hide out in the woods, but your development is going to be arrested to a certain level. People are still going to be able to find you. A couple years into that universe, people are going to get a good nose for things. It’s not going to be a bunch of city slickers walking around. It’s going to be a bunch of seasoned survivors who are going to be able to smell out a community. You’re not going to be able to hide that.” 
Hunt adds: “You do not have a lot of choices when you are looking at the complete fall of humanity. A gated community has an advantage over the walkers and human threats. It is the more realistic and safer choice when your options are limited.” 
However, certain characters held onto their hope a little too firmly for Hunt’s taste. 
“I would tell Hershel to not lock up the walkers in his barn! I know he did this out of a hope that a cure would be found, but in his hopefulness, he ended up endangering the whole compound and forcing everyone to leave the safety and security of the farm. We believe if they were able to stay at the farm, a lot of loss would have been avoided. It is best in an apocalyptic scenario to lay low and stay where it is safe as long as possible.”
The loss of the farm meant a lot of disadvantages for Rick and company. The group lost a secure, isolated place with arable farmland, a supply of water, fences and wires, and good concealment from those that might prey on their weakness. That loss of food production, and the food storage when the farm went up in flames, brings Hunt back to the most important resource in the post-apocalypse, food. Specifically, the lack of it. 
“One of the least realistic things was the lack of starvation mentioned throughout the show,” Hunt says. “This might be an extremely unpopular opinion, but the fact that Rick held Negan as a prisoner, instead of using him as food, is unrealistic when you are looking at a worst-case scenario. Obviously, it is unethical to starve the actors, but I feel like it was very unrealistic to not show the struggle of just feeding the characters every day and the lack of supplies they would have encountered since they had no food storage or a sustainable way to grow food for very long. Not to mention, the walkers had completely depleted the wildlife in the area, so that was another issue for our characters. Short answer: we don’t totally blame the compound of cannibals.”
The true threat to any community in this world isn’t really the walkers, but people like the cannibals of Terminus. Humankind, according to Hunt, would quickly be the most dangerous opponent for Rick and his team to square off against once they learn the ways of handling walkers. “The show did a great job of transitioning into the man versus man struggle; the show steers away from walkers being the main threat to other humans being more of a concern. This is very realistic in any apocalyptic scenario.” 
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
For Canadian Prepper, the best defense for preserving the future of humanity from lawlessness and brutality is to look backwards. “I would go for an approach which is tried and true throughout history: making a castle. All castles have lines of sight. They’re not pressed up against forests for a reason. They’re surrounded by plains so that you can see threats coming from a great distance. The threats are going to come, but at least in that position you’re going to be able to fortify and defend. You don’t want to give a threat cover, and that’s exactly what you would do if you were smack-dab in the middle of a forest. Yes, you are concealed, but at the same time, a forest fire could take out your whole community.”
However, the human threat, according to the Practical Preppers team, wouldn’t be nearly as charismatic in reality. 
“It is easy to throw metaphorical stones at the characters from the comfort of our living room couches, but we still think this is something worth noting. We were surprised that no one had challenged characters like The Governor before he gained too much power and became extremely dangerous.” 
That shift from strongman leadership to democracy is a positive one for the survival of humanity, according to Canadian Prepper. 
“I noticed that in the earlier phases of collapse, it’s a very dictatorial society. It’s the Ricktatorship, where one guy is kind of the main leader. Like The Governor or the gangs, there was always this centralized leadership, but as time goes on, groups become more democratic, and you see that happen across various communities. Negan was kind of the last authoritarian ruler: democracy prevails, that whole liberty wins subtext. You could say there were some political undertones there, because I do think that democratic societies are more evolved.”
Hope For Tomorrow
Perhaps one of the reasons why The Governor was never challenged was because, quite frankly, he was one of the better politicians left after the fall of humanity. Like Rick at the prison, or Deanna Monroe in Alexandria, or King Ezekiel at the Kingdom, The Governor was someone people could rally around because he offered the the most important thing after the apocalypse second only to food: hope. A strong, charismatic, forceful leader is always going to be easier to follow than a government by committee, particularly when hope is in short supply. 
“The most realistic thing The Walking Dead characters did worth praising was that all the survivors mentally were able to see hope in a hopeless situation,” says Hunt. “I feel like some of us would have thrown in the towel the second the CDC blew up. It seems like throughout the show, our stronger main characters always had something to cling to. Rick still had faith in humanity, Gabriel had faith in God, and Carol had faith in Rick and Daryl.” 
Throughout The Walking Dead, the show’s survivors have continued to evolve, from a rag-tag group of argumentative people camping around a recreational vehicle to a full community with agriculture, democracy, and education. People are not only surviving in this universe, but thriving. The days of picking over the ruins of the old world for survival are over; a new world is dawning, and the hard work of the survivors has created it. 
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“The fate of the species is in your hands,” Canadian Prepper concludes. “You’re not just surviving for yourself. The human race is depending on your success.”
The post The Walking Dead vs. Real-Life Survivalists: How to Prep for The Zombie Apocalypse appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3cNSC5Z
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Fencing Contractors Custom Wrought Iron Gate Design Tips
If you have a driveway, chances are it leads to something that’s worth protecting. This means that you could benefit from a fence and a gate to control access.
Driveway gates aren’t exclusively for mansions, estates, and gated communities. They provide protection, privacy, curb appeal, and plenty of other benefits. When you go to hire professional fencing contractors, they will give you a ton of information to help you select the best gate to meet your needs. However, you must do your research as well.
In this guide, you will learn about the designs, different materials, and types of driveway fence gates available in the market. So, read further for detailed information on everything regarding driveway gates and fences especially custom wrought iron gates.
What to consider when choosing and designing custom fences and gates?
Having a professional installation for a driveway gate is the simplest option you can have. However, selecting a gate and considering all the elements attached to custom fencing can be a bit confusing.
When planning your driveway gate or fences purchase, consider these elements.
Fo most fencing contractors the biggest factor to consider when planning a gate installation is functionality. Is the owner installing the gate purely for security purposes, or to enhance curb appeal as well? Some people even install gates and fences to maximize their privacy.
Asking these questions can help choose between a swing gate, a slide gate, one that’s see-through, or one that completely blocks the view of your property.
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For deciding on the material, you must consider;
How you want your gate to look
How much maintenance you feel comfortable with
What gate size is needed in your property
How much weight you want it to have
What color do you want for your fence or gate
You have to keep in mind that the wood is thicker, so it is not suitable for a bigger area. Steel lasts longer but is more costly than aluminum. The fencing contractors you will hire will assist you in making the right choice of materials that suit your preferences and design. We will discuss this issue in detail shortly so you can know about the materials that are being used.
Another thing you have to think about is the perspective of accessibility. You have to decide whether you want your gate to be manual or you want it automatic, which obviously will be electronic.
Depending upon what you want, you may need more than one gate if you are going for a wraparound driveway, or you may want a pedestrian gate for walk-through purpose or perhaps a door that is built within the gate itself. Also, depending upon your priority, you should consider if you want to have hands-free access to open and close/lock the gate.
The biggest concern that leads us to install gates and fences is to ensure security. Electric gates that open and close mechanically are a famous choice for the matter. For example, if you have little kids or pets at home, then consider what kind of safety features you will need on your property at a minimum, to ensure everyone stays safe.
Your fencing contractors will be able to help direct you to code specifications required in your community, many of which include emergency access boxes. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has minimum safe operating standards that you can read to get detailed knowledge.
Additional contract work 
Well, this element depends on the fences and gates you decided to install and where you are going to install.
You may need additional contractors such as electrical, landscaping, masonry, etc. based on these factors. Professionally working fencing contractors generally provide the necessary contacts with contractors that they trust and work with.
What factors custom wrought iron gates include?
When you are selecting the design of the gate, you have to look into these factors.
Custom designs based on a theme 
Read further to get a detailed explanation of design factors;
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Custom designs based on a theme 
Gates are also designed to suit a certain type of architecture, such as gothic, European, contemporary, and traditional western designs.
The layout of the design is often cultural, or you can go for a completely custom gate design. You can also incorporate a family crest or a logo, or any other element of your choice.
Color selection for custom gates
Color customization options are relatively broad. You will note color variations in the form/type of wood used for wooden driveway gates. Wood, iron, and other materials can also be stained or painted. Even with metal driveway gates, it is simple enough to have them powder coated in the color of your choice, such as those made from iron and steel.
Fencing contractors can customize the fences and driveway gates to any shape or style you like. Residential gates are built in a vertical picket frame for most homes. 
You can see some common themes in your neighborhoods like a plain rectangular gate or the flat-top gates, gates that have a gradual yet smooth arch are arch-top gates, and gates whose pickets are extending beyond their top like dots are the arch-top gates with finals.
Materials of driveway gates/custom fences and gates
One of the primary decisions you have to make is what kind of gate you want for your driveway. The material you select has a great impact on design, function, the size of the gate you want to mount, and your maintenance requirements. Common materials used by fencing contractors to make custom driveway gates include:
Custom wrought iron gates and fences are pretty common as they are highly durable and have a certain feel to them that most of the people want for their home exteriors to have. They can be customized in different designs and as well as painted in different colors and last for ages.
Moreover, they are not as expensive as steel and can be made for a wider area which is not possible with wood.
Many driveway gates are made from powder-coated steel, which is selected due to its ease of production and customization. It is also very sturdy and durable, which makes it a good option for long-term use and improving your home defense.
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Sometimes aluminum is a preferred choice among people for driveway gates. Though aluminum is not sturdy and durable as the other metals, its lightweight makes it ideal for larger gates. With a lightweight gate, you don’t have to worry about sagging or misalignment of aluminum gates. It is highly resistant to rust and also reasonable from a price point of view.
If you want more customization and design options, then wood is a great material for gates on the driveway. There is plenty of things you can do with wood to have a style you like. For factors related to design like variations in color to texture depending upon the kind of wood, you get plenty of choices for your driveway gate.
The key disadvantage to remember with wood is that it is heavier. It is also more costly and is susceptible to cracking and deforming.
You may have started seeing the installation of Glass on auto and pedestrian gates in the last couple of years. Glass is an elegant material that offers a transitional appearance and can give a very contemporary look. For a stylish finish, you can sputter gold or silver onto glass material or finish the back of glass pieces in basically any color to achieve a true, one-of-a-kind look.
However, from the security and privacy perspectives, glass gates are not recommended by fencing contractors and generally.
Types of custom wrought iron gates
Start deciding which gate system will fit best for you before you buy a driveway gate, i.e., manual or automatic gate. Generally, the difference is merely a convenience. But to help you get to a more educated decision, here’s what you should know about the design, layout, budget, and materials of manual and automatic gates.
Manual gates
Manual gates are hand-powered. They come with locks for security purposes that are latched and unlatched by a human manually. Manual gates come in lots of models–whether you prefer a simple metal slat fencing or a more trendy gate, manual gates can come in different designs, and can even be personalized to suit your needs.
Manual gates are also cheaper and easier to operate than automated gates. And unlike the automated ones, manual gates don’t rely on power–which means when power is down, you will not have to worry about getting in or out of your house.
Automatic gates
Automatic gates are motor powered. Obviously, comfort is the principal advantage that an automatic gate has over a manual. Automatic gates spare homeowners from unlocking the door whenever they leave or return to their home and also free them from the hassle of getting out of the car. But besides that, automatic gates often reduce the chance of being mugged by criminals who can pick locks from your property.
Types of Automatic gates
Below are the common types of automatic gates you can find:
Swing – Gates that swing open and close.
Sliding – These gates slide from left to right, or from right to left, to open or close the doors.
Bi-Folding – Those are the gates that facilitate folding and unfolding themselves to enable entry.
Vertical Lift – These are those when the entrance gate goes vertically up and down.
Vertical Pivot Lift – These gates open revolving in and out.
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Custom wrought iron gates design tips
You don’t have to settle for a basic gate design because a wrought iron gate offers many options that can make your driveway entrance a reflection of your personality or place. By using colors, custom pillars, posts, statues you can make your home’s architecture, even more beautiful.
Ornamental details
Make your driveway gate stand out with custom themed wrought-iron work. You can go for flowers or leaves or both to add curb appeal in a  simple design –especially on a property with gardens. For a stand-out feel, you can even add some lettering.
Colors and stains
Classic black wrought iron and white composite doors are timeless options. But don’t be afraid to cross the standard and see what power does a color change has.
Custom pillars
Gates need posts, so you can upgrade the standard posts stone pillars to make them look more aesthetically pleasing. Look at designs, rustic shapes, stacked stone, masonry/brick, and more when selecting stone pillars.
Decorative lighting not only elevates the style of your wrought iron gate but also adds to ease of navigation during the night along with safety. The choices are practically endless, but a good rule of thumb is to match the color of the metal features of the gate to the metalwork on the light fixture.
Are you looking for a wrought iron fence installation?
If you are looking for fencing contractors that not only makes custom wrought iron gates but also has experience in the field, then contact A1 Fence. Our professionals will satisfy your safety concerns and make the design of gates and fences that matches your taste or the theme you are going for.
From wrought iron fence installation to wrought iron fence repair, our trained professionals will guide you in detail about every little thing and ensure that you can trust for all your top-quality gating and fencing needs. Our fencing solutions are reliable, affordable, and they are guaranteed to please our customers.
Our services include;
Custom fences and gates
Custom wrought iron gates
Wrought iron fence installation
Wrought iron fence repair
For more information on driveway gates and you can contact us online or give us a call. We are available to answer any questions you may have about our commercial or residential fencing solutions.
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