#for methydcox
thecollectionsof · 3 months
some crystal/jackie wip wtuesday for @aqpippin (happy birthday lovely thank you for falling into methydcox hours with me <3)
Jackie hears the sound of faint footsteps outside and only has a second to stand back up before Ophelia goes tearing over to the door.
“Ophie baby! Who’s my best girl?” Crystal says delightedly as she opens the door using the key that Jackie has given to her (permanently, at this point. If Jan ever tried to stop over unannounced she wouldn’t be able to get in, not when the spare key is in the hands of a colorful, chaotic whirlwind, but it makes sense. Crystal comes over more than anyone else by a long shot.) “Have you been good for your Mama? Of course you have, you’re—”
Jackie’s looking at her, so of course she notices the moment Crystal notices her. “You call her Ophie?” she says without thinking, and then cringes. Not even a hello? No small talk? This is why she’s single.
“Um. Yeah, she likes it, I think.” Ophelia, Ophie, is proving her point, if her wagging tail and excited steps as she dances around Crystal are any indication of things. “I think it’s cute. I can stop calling her that if you don’t like it.” They both know that means I’ll call her Ophie when you aren’t around, not that Crystal knows she’s focused on her enough in their short conversations to know when she’s lying. Or maybe she does, who knows.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
hi nattie my dear 💍💍 how are you?? i hope you’re having the best day today, love <3 this… isn’t a question. sorry about that. anyways: give someone a compliment. it can be about anything—their blog layout, something they said/posted that you liked, their writing, anything. it’s a nice day to be positive, let’s spread some positivity today!! (bonus points if you leave a different person a nice ask!!! and, of course, it can be on anon if that's more comfortable for you <3)
gi my beloved betrothed partner 💍💍💍
ohhh jesus give people compliments?? theres just so many to give and not enough words in the world for it so i'll do 3 since that's the magic number also so sorry that this is late but i had such a hard 
@ceaserslies: Ro Ro the best of bros! although we don't talk as much because schedules are dumb and awful to deal with but you are the coolest dude in the world. you are so so creative and cool with the prompts you sent in and everything you do, also little shout out, you literally drew the tattoo designs for one of my fics for me... THATS AMAZING AND SOSOSOSOSO COOL!! you're fantastic and i wish the best for you!
@methydcox: lynnie your are so so so talented at writing shit that makes me cry i still haven’t emotionally recovered for 4th of July because AHHHHHHHH whywhywhywhywhyw?!?! you're fantastic and amazing and I love love love obsessing over Jankie with u and i will definitely be bothering you more often with thoughts cuz also ur like so so amazing to just like talk to because we could literally go for hours bouncing from topic to topic so seamlessly and like i love that sm and i cannot be a luckier mootual with you <3<3<3
@moonshotsx: of course, the mother, the spirit, the one who started it all, julia. omfg i swear to god finding ur blog has been the single most greatest thing that happened to me and i don’t know where i would be, probably not obsessed and living a life where i sleep but ANYWAYS, but i really do mean it. you are the person that got me into writing and gave me the confidence to post and omfg you’re just amazing and smart and so so so so creative and imaginative with the aus you create and literally i want to give you all the kisses and hugs for vorever HGNNNNHHH
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phrynewrites · 2 years
flowering tea :) teehee
Hello laughing babes!
Flowering tea: What is a movie you can always watch?
I am always down to watch The Heat, The Princess and the Frog, Luca, and This is Spinal Tap. Those are my ultimate, all time favorite movies and I am always in the mood for at least one of them.
(Also those history channel documentaries about American businesses? Like The Men Who Built America? I mean I’m no capitalist and I am a union worker but I do love those documentaries and am always down to watch them)
Ask me yea or drag race questions ☕️
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methydcox · 2 years
Your Total Is...
Grocery Story Crygi AU (One-Shot)
“Did you find everything you were looking for?” She began scanning the candy items Gigi purchased.
“Yeah, I did.” Gigi nodded as she busied herself with her wallet to find her card. “Are you ‘Womens’ Movements’ too?” She questioned and pointed at the textbook by the register. 
“Y-yeah. I am, and so are you.” Crystal nervously answered, “not- not that I know you or anything… I just… uhm… your hair is just easy to recognize, I guess.” Crystal bagged the candy and wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. “Your total is $6.87.” 
Crystal spotted her instantly when she walked into the small grocery store. There were rarely any young people who came into her parents’ store, especially ones that looked like Gigi. She recognized her from her gender studies class. While Crystal sat in the back of the classroom, afraid that her professor may call on her if she sat front and center. The ginger sat in the front row right by the professor’s podium. She raised her hand at least three times during class (not that Crystal had been counting), and she was always correct with her answers. 
Her brown eyes followed Gigi’s movement as she walked towards the candy aisle. She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth. Crystal was the only worker on register, so she was panicking with the idea of her having to check Gigi out. Her worries subsided for a moment when an older woman came to her register. “Did you find everything okay?” She began her usual small banter with the customer (which was a maximum of three sentences). 
Once the woman was finished, Crystal busied herself with her phone, or she tried to. No matter the app she opened, she found her mind harping on the idea that she would be interacting with Gigi in a few moments. “Crys!” Her name was called by her mother. “The truck came, go help your father unload the car.” Crystal’s mom took her spot at the register, and Crystal noticed Gigi walking towards the register as she walked to the back. 
Crystal saw her again on Sunday. She had been nose deep in a book for her gender studies class when the doors opened and there entered Gigi. Once again, she watched as Gigi walked towards the candy aisle. Her heartbeat increased as the thought of facing her crush was inevitable today. She tried to continue reading, but her eyes continued glancing towards the aisle. Crystal had never hated working in the grocery store more than she did now. 
She had been helping her parents in the store since she could walk, but she had started working (and being paid) at the age of sixteen. And she hated it. She loved her family and would do anything for them, but she thought it was unfair that she would have to drop her plans to work when a worker called in. Or when they expected her to work almost every day while staying on top of her school work. Yet, today was the one day she hated the most. All because Gigi was walking towards her register. 
“Did you find everything you were looking for?” She began scanning the candy items Gigi purchased.
“Yeah, I did.” Gigi nodded as she busied herself with her wallet to find her card. “Are you ‘Womens’ Movements’ too?” She questioned and pointed at the textbook by the register. 
“Y-yeah. I am, and so are you.” Crystal nervously answered, “not- not that I know you or anything… I just… uhm… your hair is just easy to recognize, I guess.” Crystal bagged the candy and wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. “Your total is $6.87.” 
Gigi softly chuckled at Crystal’s nervousness. “I’ve never seen you in the class before. I believe I would remember the pretty girl with the electric blue El DeBarge mullet.” She paid for her candy with her debit card and reached for the plastic bag. “See you in class.” 
When Gigi was gone, Crystal released a breath and sat down in the seat she had by her. There was a lot to process. Gigi had called her pretty, and it made Crystal’s stomach twist in the best way possible. Also, who was El DeBarge? 
“You owe me,” Crystal sighed as she walked to the register. Her sister, Daya, had begged her to take her shift at the store. Something about a highschool party that she just had to attend. 
“I’ll take one of yours, I promise!” Daya yelled to her as she ran out of the store. 
Crystal made herself at home, putting one of her bluetooth headphones into one ear and played a mixture of One Direction and the boy’s singles (excluding Liam). The store was usually slow on Friday nights, so she would rather be at work than at home with her nagging mother and father. 
She was about twenty minutes deep into a Harry Styles reddit thread when she heard someone clear their throat in front of her. “So so-oh, hi.” Gigi was in front of her. No one had come in since she had been there, so Crystal assumed she had come before she arrived. 
“Hey,” the ginger unloaded her groceries onto the belt. “You sit in the back, don’t you? Of ‘Womens’ Movements’? I searched for you yesterday, and you sit in the last row.” 
She searched for her? Did that mean something? No, no, it didn’t. “Oh, yeah. I don’t like answering questions.” Crystal shrugged and continued ringing Gigi up, which consisted of only junk food. “Your total is $15.97.” 
“Professor Velour doesn’t bite… what’s your name?” Gigi looked for a name tag, which wasn’t anywhere to ge seen. 
“Crystal. And you’re Gigi.” She internally cursed herself. Now Gigi would think she was a stalker or weird for knowing her name. 
“Nice to meet you, Ms. Crystal.” Gigi paid for her snacks and grabbed her bag. “See you in a few days when I feel the need to stress eat again,” she giggles and leaves the store. 
“Crystal Elizabeth!” She faintly heard her mom’s voice. “Someone from your class is here for you.” She pulled her headphones out of her ear and paused her stocking. 
“Must be Jackie. We’re supposed to be wo-” Crystal began explaining to her mother until she saw the person. “Gigi, I-what are you doing here?” She raised her brows as she stood in front of her. She made sure she wasn’t too close to her, but she could still smell the coconut and raspberry scented shampoo coming from her hair. 
“You weren’t in class today, so I thought you may want my notes.” She handed her three sheets of paper. “We didn’t go over much, but you know how the class is. If you get behind…” Gigi trailed. 
“You noticed?” Her cheeks flushed. She had severe cramps when she woke up for class, so she had decided to use one of her three absences. 
Gigi barely nodded. “I look for you everyday, and… well, you weren’t there today.” She fiddled with her fingers. “My friend is waiting on me, so I have to go, but make sure you look over the notes, okay?” She turned and left before she walked out of the doors. 
Crystal stood there for minutes after Gigi left. She swore that she could feel her heart breaking through her chest. She finally moved and tucked her new notes into her bag. She went to to stocking while thinking of Gigi and her perfect smile. 
Sunday’s were the worst shift for Crystal. They were always busy with people shopping for the upcoming week, Sunday dinner shopping, and hungover shoppers. The rush finally subsided, so Crystal walked to the chip aisle to find herself a snack. She grabbed a bag of chips and opened them, reminding herself to write it down for inventory purposes. She walked back to the register and saw a customer standing there. “Gigi.” She spoke and stepped behind the register, “back for more Twizzlers?” She smiled, a bit more at ease with Gigi’s presence now. Gigi seemed somewhat interested in her as well. 
“Velour’s essay is getting to me.” Gigi sighed, “hey, did you look at the notes?” The younger woman sound hopeful that Crystal had. 
Crystal hadn’t looked at the notes, but she didn’t want Gigi to think she was ungrateful. “Yes, yes, I did! I didn’t tell you, but thank you so much! I appreciate it greatly.” 
“Oh,” Gigi’s hopefulness fell. “You’re welcome. Just glad to help.” She nodded. 
Crystal suddenly felt awkward. Had she said something wrong? She read Gigi her total and the continued the transaction in silence. She watched Gigi leave as her thoughts wondered back to the notes. Why was Gigi so adamant on her reading them? “Going to the restroom,” she told her mom that was nearby and left her spot. She had still had the notes in her bag, so she walked over and flipped through the papers. On the first page, there was a note that read Too awkward to give this to you in person, but I think you’re pretty cute. Text me? If you don’t, I’ll take the hint. -Gigi. Her number was included at the bottom. 
“Oh my gosh!” Crystal practically squealed as she held the paper to her chest. Gigi had practically asked her out, right? “Oh wait.” She put the puzzle pieces together. That was why it got awkward. Gigi thought she purposely hadn’t messaged her. Crystal pulled her phone from her back pocket and typed the number into her phone, double checking to make sure it was correct.
She typed a message, deleted, retyped, and deleted until she came up with a message. 
[Crystal] 3:43PM: hi gigi, it’s crystal. I’m stupid and didn’t see ur number. do u wanna grab froyo tonight when i get off? 
[Gigi] 3:43PM: thought i read you wrong crystal :) what time should i be by?
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i also dream about denali :o
she’s just so…perfect
Ok but it is actually a relief to hear I’m not the only one haha
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missjanjie · 4 years
If you're still doing prompts, 58 + Crystal/Jackie (Methydcox?)
58. You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?
They were backstage before a show on tour, everyone getting ready and talking amongst themselves.
Except for Crystal, who had stationed himself off to the side to do his makeup. His overall presence was different than his usual fun, happy one.
Jackie decided to be the one to say something, tentatively moving to sit beside him. “You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?”
Crystal sighed and set his makeup brush down. “We broke up over FaceTime last night. The writing was on the wall, but… I just feel so empty knowing I’ll be going home to an empty house.”
“Oh, honey,” Jackie hugged him tightly. “I know how you feel, I know how that stings,” he rubbed his back soothingly. “We’re gonna get you through this together, okay? That’s a promise.”
Crystal smiled weakly and nodded. “I’ll hold you to it.”
Over the following days of the tour, Jackie stayed true to his word, spending most of his free time with Crystal, whether they were hashing out their feelings or just spending time together.
But something started to change as well during this time, and suddenly it hit Jackie like a brick. “Oh no,” he whispered.
“What?” Widow looked over at him.
“I have a crush on Crystal.”
Widow looked at him oddly. “Good? I mean, it’s been pretty obvious to the rest of us that he likes you.”
Jackie furrowed his brows. “Has it?” He sighed. “I don’t want to say anything too soon, it’s been what, a week?”
“Okay, I wasn’t gonna tell you this ‘cause of sister code, but Crystal has had a crush on you long before this tour. If you ask me, the whole Gigi stunt was the ultimate red herring, bitch is clever,” Widow explained.
“Huh,” Jackie didn’t really know what else to say. He looked across the aisle, watching Crystal sleep soundly. Maybe he’d say something eventually.
And maybe eventually Crystal would admit that he was pretending to be asleep.
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thecollectionsof · 3 months
Tumblr media
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aqpippin · 2 years
hello!! I’m pip, I’m 25, and I’m from australia!! I’ve been known to churn out a fic from time to time!!
behind the cut is some handy links to specific fics, as well as my tags for writing + recs
(last edited: September 3, 2024 (new fic!!))
crygi: crystal methyd x gigi goode —
-> Close To You (M, 3.1K words)
-> I Think (I’ve Fallen in Love) (E, 5.4K words)
goodecox: gigi goode x jackie cox —
-> Trip of My Life (Every Time You’re Touching Me) (E, 10K words) ✨NEW✨
-> Teach Me (How To Love) (M, 7.7K words)
-> And Now I’m Covered in You (T, 7.2K words)
-> Happenings of Happenstance on Someone Else’s Playground (E, 50.7K words, 10 chaps, complete)
-> I Drive Down Different Roads (But They All Lead Back to You) (E, 13.2K words, 2 chaps, complete)
-> All Gilded and Golden (I’m Your Girl) (E, 7.4K words)
-> Now. Here. Everywhere. (T, 6.6K words)
-> Sleeping With Strangers (E, 8.6K words)
grandekofi: la grande dame x tia kofi —
-> I Didn’t Mean To Do It (But There’s No Escaping Your Love) (E, 8.2K words)
-> Give Me the First Taste (Heaven Cannot Wait Forever) (E, 3.8K words)
jankie: jan sport x jackie cox —
-> You Know That I’m Greedy (For Love) (E, 2.1K words)
-> Show Me Divine Love (E, 3.8K words)
-> Keep on Flourishing (E, 7.5K words)
-> I Leave the Light on for You (T, 3K words)
-> Not a House, But a Home (T, 1.9K words)
-> God is a Woman (E, 3K words)
-> Talk Me Down (T, 2.8K words)
methydcox: crystal methyd x jackie cox —
-> What’s in a Name? (T, 5.3K words)
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
know you take my love wherever you go (goodecox kidfic au)
-> happenings of happenstance (on someone else’s playground) — complete, 10 chapters (smut)
-> and now I’m covered in you
take my hand, save your soul (jankie (smut))
-> god is a woman
-> show me divine love
-> keep on flourishing
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
→ ao3
→ pinterest
→ writing tag (wip wednesdays, six sentence sundays, the occasional prompt, shameless self-reblogs)
→ fic recs (favourite fics written by others)
→ prompts (things that have piqued my interest)
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
for your therapy from fourth of july… sorry? i think? no, i’m not actually
ty ty baby and of course you aren't sorry you bastard🥰🥰
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phrynewrites · 2 years
fuchsia, rose, and hibiscus :)
Thank you for the asks hun! These ones are such fun!
fuchsia— describe your personality in three words!
rose—do you believe in soulmates? why or why not?
I do believe in soulmates and I do believe that we get multiple in this lifetime. I really think that there are people who immediately make sense to us, who feel as though they're speaking right to our souls, whose emotional dialect is the same as yours, and that to me is a soulmate.
hibiscus— what’s your favorite pet name, if any? why?
I love being called honey and darling for sure, but honestly any pet name is my favorite like it just makes me feel loved 🥰️
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methydcox · 2 years
New Order From Crystal
Seamstress Crygi AU (One-Shot)
Thank you @thecollectionsof for the idea
“Hi. Gigi, right? From Goode’s Fashion?” Crystal’s head slightly turned upwards to Gigi. 
“Yeah. Crystal? The Crystal who has asked me to make outrageous things for months?” Gigi nervously chuckled. 
“They couldn’t have been that outrageous if you were able to execute them as well.”
Gigi thought the request was odd, but the person who ordered the item offered more money than she would have charged, so of course she took it. She wasn’t exactly sure how she was going to make a pair of pants that only had one pants leg. Her first thought was to just make a pair of pants and have one side cut short, but when she ran the idea by the buyer, they explained that it wasn’t their vision. “The pants can’t wrap around the entire waist. I only want them on one half. That way my other leg is completely bare. Oh, and make them red.” The buyer happily spoke before ending the call. 
She felt as though she was being pranked, but she hadn’t made her rent for the month. So that’s how she ended up at her sewing machine at eleven p.m., making one fiery red pant leg. 
The back pain after finishing a garment always surprised Gigi. She stood from her chair and stretched before examining the piece. It was stunning, and Gigi couldn’t be more proud. She had to make the waist band as small as it would go in order to achieve the look she wanted, but she had done it. She lint rolled the fabric and neatly folded it for the client to pick up the next morning. 
“What the fuck?” Gigi’s eyebrows furrowed as she checked her commissions. It was from Crystal Methyd, the same person who ordered the one pants leg garment. Gigi hadn’t met her, as she sent her assistant to pick the garment up. She contemplated taking the order, as knitting always took her longer than she liked. Yet, she thought back to the tip that Jackie, Crystal’s assistant, brought her and she immediately confirmed the order. “I don’t even know what the fucking brain looks like.” Gigi sighed and found a photo of the brain to print off. 
“A blue brain hat, seriously?” She had reached out to Crystal for clarification on the color, which she shouldn’t have. Because now Gigi was finding different shades of blue for the brain. She hadn’t crocheted in months and crocheting wasn’t even something she offered on her website. 
She probably clicked over thirty links before she found a pattern to use. It was already midnight, so she knew that she would not be sleeping. Gigi did this on purpose most days. She would start her pieces late into the night, so she could make an excuse as to why she couldn’t sleep that wasn’t her anxiety. 
Gigi’s room started to become brighter with the natural light shining through her blinds. She was still hunched over on her bed, putting the final touches onto the hat. She yawned as she finally finished the hat. “Thank God.” She mumbled and fell back onto her unmade bed. “I swear if this person gets any weirder, I will-” She didn’t finish her sentence, unsure of what she was going to say. Instead, she crawled under her covers and fell asleep as the her city was waking up. 
“What the fuck?” Gigi yelled when she got another order from Crystal. This time it was for a shirt that didn’t have a back or sleeves… so a piece of fabric just for the front. “Why can’t she do this herself?” 
“What the fuck?” She whined again a week later when she got an order from Crystal that requested a dress that had an umbrella as the skirt. 
“What the fuck?” Gigi groaned into her pillow when Crystal ordered a dress made entirely of ball pit balls. 
Crystal didn’t actually need or want any of these clothes. She had originally wanted a pair of one legged pants from Gigi, but she didn’t think they would turn out as well as they did. So when she got them and they were better than her own image she had created in her head, she looked the woman up. She must have been a creative and fashion genius to articulate Crystal’s vision perfectly. 
But she wasn’t. Well, not according to her social media. The information Crystal gathered told her that Gigi Goode was twenty-three who lived in California her entire life. She had just graduated college and was an aspiring fashion designer. Her social media made it seem like she mostly did tailors for people, mixed in with creating her own designs in the mean time, and the occasional special order she received. 
It went downhill when Crystal found Gigi’s personal Instagram. The designer had over two hundred posts dating back to when she was fifteen, and Crystal had looked at every single one of them… more than once. She was stunn-no, she was more than stunning in Crystal’s eyes. She was the person ethereal looking person she had ever seen. With her light brown hair delicately laying over her shoulders, her calm blue eyes, and the small patch of freckles sitting on her cheeks. She was a beauty. 
That led Crystal down the rabbit hole of creating eccentric and obscene clothing ideas to continue interacting with Gigi. The only problem was that Crystal was too nervous to pick up her own garments. She would send her assistant to grab the items along with the gracious tip she always made sure to leave. 
Crystal was screwed. She would have to keep buying pieces from Gigi in order to hopefully one day be brave enough to meet her on her own. She didn’t know if that day would ever come
Gigi wasn’t a big coffee drinker; she enjoyed an iced chai latte more than coffee. However, Crystal just placed an order for a dress that was shaped like a globe with only the water shaded. Granted, she was glad she didn’t ask for each continent a different color, but this would probably be the hardest order Crystal had made. Therefore, she would be ordering the largest and most caffeinated drink. “Can I get the most caffeinated drink you have?” She asked the barista and quickly added, “with macadamia milk and sweet.” Gigi’s hands felt clammy and she could feel her heart rate increase as her anxiety did. Ordering coffee used to be one of the easiest tasks for her, but recently everything was hard to do. 
As she paid for her drink, she heard a barista call out, “one matcha latte for Crystal!” Her head immediately turned when she heard the name. There she was. That had to be her. Gigi turned back to the barista and finished her payment and walked to the pickup area, contemplating what she should do. She tried to keep her focus on random objects on the counter, but her mind kept drifting back to Crystal. She played with her wrist as she slowly turned to look at Crystal. “Oh shit.” Crystal was staring right at her, along with her assistant. “Oh shit, oh fuck, oh sh-” She mumbled as Crystal walked towards her. 
“Hi. Gigi, right? From Goode’s Fashion?” Crystal’s head slightly turned upwards to Gigi. 
“Yeah. Crystal? The Crystal who has asked me to make outrageous things for months?” Gigi nervously chuckled. 
“They couldn’t have been that outrageous if you were able to execute them as well.” 
Gigi’s cheeks turned a bright red at the compliment, “I’m not going to give someone a shitty design. Especially as someone as interesting as you.” Gigi was not sure where her confidence came from. She was never this open or flirty. “Why did you want such crazy designs?” She outright asked. Gigi had been wondering why the requests were so strange from the start. 
Crystal slightly smirked, “how about you let me take you to dinner soon and I’ll tell you?”  “Deal. As long as this globe dress is the last garment you order.”
“Sure thing. I was just buying items to get the courage to talk to you.” Crystal winked and began walking away, “you have my number. Use it.”
A/N: hope you enjoyed! my favorite thing is leaving the fic right before the date (if you couldn't tell).
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methydcox · 2 years
Fourth of July
Crygi (Crystal Centric) AU, Short One Shot
This is very loosely based off the song "Fourth of July" by Sufjan Stevens. As in, I listened to it and I needed a sad story
TW: Death 
Summary/Excerpt: Crystal is grieving the loss of her wife, Gigi.
Crystal’s eyes glanced at the empty spot next to her. Her imprint still prominent in the mattress. It had only been a month, and every day Crystal seemed to miss her more than less. Everyone kept telling her the pain would subside, but the pain of losing Gigi kept growing stronger. Each second without her wife felt like a day, each day felt like a week… She couldn’t see herself being able to live a year without Gigi. 
“My firefly… come back.” She reached for the pillow Gigi always rested her head on. The smell of peaches and coconut reached her nose. A mixture of the shampoo and oil Gigi used in her hair. “Why were you taken from me?” Crystal’s voice caught as her grip on the pillow tightened.
Gigi was her everything. They knew everything about each other. Crystal knew how Gigi was feeling by how she took her coffee. She knew what Gigi wanted for dinner by the emoji combinations she sent. But now, Crystal knew nothing about her. She didn’t know where she was. What she was thinking the night she passed. How far her soul had traveled. Crystal knew so much but so little. 
Watching her slowly pass was agonizing. It broke Crystal every time she helped Gigi eat or bathe, and it may be selfish of Crystal to say, but she wished that Gigi was still there in her bed. Machines and all, because at least then, she would be with her. 
“My star.” Crystal placed the pillow and walked towards the window in her bedroom. If she listened hard enough, she could convince herself she heard fireworks. If she stared long enough, she could see bursts of color in the sky. “We watched them that night…” Crystal turned her head and imagined Gigi leaning against the window. “You looked lovely, Geege.” She reached out to touch Gigi, but she was met with air. No one was there. 
“You loved fireworks, dragonfly. Especially the ones on the fourth. Your eyes would light up with each burst, excitedly tapping my shoulder when you loved the color combination. Your squeal when the finale began always made my heart skip a beat and my stomach twist. I think I spent more time watching you than the fireworks, each time. Especially that night.” Her shirt became wet with tears, “I should’ve known that would be the last night we spent together. Your sudden burst of energy to see the show was a sign, but…” Crystal’s eyes left the night sky full of stars and back to the empty bed. “But you’re gone. You’re dead.” She slid down the wall, pulling her legs into her chest. “You’re fucking dead Gigi! You left me!” 
“Like I was nothing!” Crystal yelled, feeling anger towards her situation. “You could’ve stayed! You could’ve held on longer! The treatment would have worked!” Her fingers ran through her hair, tugging at the roots. “Why Gigi?! Why did y-” Her voice still loud and angry, “I loved you so much- and you just died! You fucking bitch!” Crystal was unable to get anymore words out without choking up. Her arms wrapped around her knees again, and she noisily sobbed into the sleeves of Gigi’s hoodie. “I can’t do this without you. Even if we do all die… and I see you again.” 
“I’m sorry, Crystal.” Gigi squeezed her hand as her breaths became shallow. “But we all die. We’ll meet again.” She smiled as much as she could as she took her last breath. 
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methydcox · 2 years
Omg bestie babe first time!
In the mood of that,
Jankie + “I’ve never done this before.”
my brain went blank, sorry bestie. but here you go :)
“I’ve never done this before.” Jackie bit her lip as she hovered over her girlfriend. 
“Me neither…” Jan stared at Jackie’s lips, desperately wanting to close the gap between them. “But I want to… if you do.” She ran her fingers down Jackie’s arm. 
Jackie hesitated with her answer. She wanted to have sex with Jan, but her brain was filled with thoughts of how she would hurt Jan, or that she wouldn’t be good enough for Jan. “I-i-” What if Jan hated it and never spoke to her again? Or what if Jan had only been using her to have sex and then she’d dump her and it was some cruel joke? Or what if she was no good and would embarrass herself? But she loved Jan, and Jan wanted to. “Y-yeah.” She whispered. 
Jan caught the hesitation and uncertainty of Jackie’s answer. “Jacks, we don’t have to.” She made sure there was no hint of disappointment in her voice, because she wasn’t. “I want us to both be ready for this next step in our relationship.” She slowly sat up as Jackie sat next to her. “Okay? I will wait as long as I have to.” Jan leaned over and kissed Jackie’s cheek.
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thecollectionsof · 2 years
hehe :)
crygi with “did you steal my chocolate bar?”
“Did you steal my chocolate bar?” Gigi is startled out of its single-minded focus on its latest design by the signature whine of a Crystal who’s been denied something, and it can already picture the pout that it knows will be present on her face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” it’s quick to brush off the accusation, but it can’t help the smirk from making its way onto its face. It schools its expression before turning around to look at its girlfriend. 
Unfortunately for Gigi, Crystal’s eyes look to its desk.
“Gigi! I can see the wrapper next to you, you traitor!” Crystal comes to the desk and snatches the wrapper off of the desk before turning to it with a pout—the very same pout it predicted she'd be wearing at the start of the conversation.
“Okay, yeah, I ate it. We can go get another one at the store if you want?” Gigi asks, and Crystal lights up at the suggestion. “I should take a break now, anyways.”
Crystal’s pout disappears, and she holds out a hand for Gigi to take, pulling it out of its chair and towards the door. “Come on, Geege, let’s go!”
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methydcox · 2 years
hii lynn💕 can i ask for jankie + "what you said yesterday, did you really mean it?"
bestie... i don't think this is the fluff you wanted, but i needed a funny kid jankie moment <3
“Hey, Jacks?” Jan questioned as she licked her ice cream cone. Her mom always took them to get ice cream after their piano lesson on Friday. “What you said yesterday, did you mean it?” 
“What? That I think squirrels is a weird word and should only hav-” 
“No!!.” Jan chuckled, almost dropping her cone. “Do I actually put butterflies in your stomach?” 
“Oh yeah!!!” Jackie giggled into her hand, “you do! Like when you grab my hand after recess or when we’re playing fairies and you kiss my cheek! How do you do it?” 
Jan shrugged her shoulders and licked the melted ice cream that fell on her hand. “I asked my mommy, and she said it only happens when you love someone. I don’t remember putting them in your stomach though.”
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methydcox · 2 years
I Like Her
Jankie (Jackie Centric): Inspired by “You Might Not Like Her” by Maddie Zahm 
TW: homophobia (internalized and religious) and eating disorders (only one line or two)
Summary/Excerpt: “I’m me and… I like me. I like women. I like Jan… and that’s okay. I like that about me…”
If you would've told me I'd throw away my purity ring in the middle of an airport
My younger self would laugh, would never believe that
It's against everything that we stood for
She'd hate that I've smoked weed and cussed frequently
And she'd try to convert everyone I call a bestie
You'll throw shots in the dark and blackout at a bar
There'll be good and there will be bad parts
Jackie stared at her hand, the tan line of her purity ring slowly disappearing. She had just recently thrown it away when she returned from visiting her parents. She didn’t believe that it described her anymore, and she no longer wanted to be associated with something that usually had a bad representation. 
The ring symbolized the girl that was pristine and obedient like her parents wanted her to be. The ring was more than just saving herself for marriage, but it meant that she would blindly accept her parents’ faith and beliefs with no questions asked. 
Jackie ran her finger over the tan line and thought about how much her life had changed in the past weeks. Her friends were completely different than what she would ever imagined. They were rambunctious and unapologetically themselves. They were everything that Jackie used to want to be. She wanted to be careless and fuck up. She wanted to get so drunk that she wouldn’t remember what happened the next morning. To get so high that she felt like she wasn’t in her body. Jackie wanted to be the person she used to hate. 
Someday you'll kiss a girl and you'll panic
Some guy'll break your heart and you'll feel manic
Then you'll learn to let people have their opinions
And talk about your traumas and like the body you live in
Someday you'll learn to keep your own secrets
Say you're doing okay and really mean it
You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you
For a while, you might not like her, but I do
She turned over in her bed and stared at the framed photo on her nightstand. She grabbed the gold frame and ran her finger over the glass. Her breathing paused for a moment as she stared at the beautiful brunette that had her arms around her. “Jan,” Jackie whispered to herself. 
Jan had turned Jackie’s life upside down. From the moment they met in class, Jackie knew that she was into Jan. Yet, she wouldn’t allow herself to believe it. She wouldn’t like when her mind wandered to holding Jan’s hand or kissing her. Jackie forced her heart to stop pounding, untied the knots in her stomach, and dried the sweat that formed in her palms. 
But then she couldn’t get Jan off her mind. She thought of her as soon as she woke up, while she was brushing her teeth, eating lunch, everywhere. She couldn’t get Jan off of her mind. Jan had infiltrated her space -both mental and physical-, and Jackie was not happy with how her body reacted to it. 
Jackie never told anyone about her crush on Jan. Even though she was sure it wouldn’t happen, she was afraid her parents would find out and disown her. They never seemed accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, and she knew this because the church consistently talked about how being gay was wrong and that everyone who was gay would not join them in the afterlife. 
Knowing that she wouldn’t be accepted, it was easy for her to denounce the religion. However, she lied to her parents whenever they asked her about it. Although she wanted to stand up for herself and be completely clear about her religious state, she was also worried that her parents wouldn’t understand why she left–they had blindly followed the religion since they had been born. 
Some days feel like whiplash
One eighties, and you'll hate that
You'll label yourself just to take it back
Convinced you're not bi cause you're way too into guys
And the first time you have sex, you'll cry
You'll sometimes skip meals and numb how you feel
And you'll miss the old you, but here's the deal
That good girl you were was really fucking bad at being real
The transitional period she was going through was more confusing than not. Some days she would find herself loving the new person she was, and then the next morning she could barely drag herself out of bed because of who she was. She went through every label, trying to discover which one described how she felt. Jackie took online quizzes and read many articles to find herself. At the beginning of finding herself, she didn’t think she was anything but straight. She had been infatuated with her past boyfriend. Jackie didn’t think she could love a guy so hard and also love women. 
Jackie set the photo back down on her nightstand, turning back over to her back to stare at her ceiling once again. Her eyes filled with tears as she continued to think about how different she was. She no longer had her purity ring. No longer believed in religion. She was at a healthy weight. She was no longer restricting herself to focus on something besides her sexuality. Jackie was close to being happy. She just needed to allow herself to be unapologetically herself. Younger Jackie thought she was being real and authentic, but now that she looked back on it, Jackie was being the version of herself her parents wanted. 
Someday you'll kiss a girl and you'll panic
Some guy'll break your heart and you'll feel manic
Then you'll learn to let people have their opinions
And talk about your traumas and like the body you live in
Someday you'll learn to keep your own secrets
Say you're doing okay and really mean it
You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you
And for a while, you might not like her, but I do
Jan had kissed her. Just an hour before now. She was leaving Jackie’s place with the rest of their friends when she stayed back a moment to kiss Jackie. Jackie moved her fingers to touch her lips, wishing she could feel Jan’s against hers again. Her hands traveled to her shoulders, where Jan placed hers during the intimate moment. When the kiss was over, Jan gently smiled and left the home, leaving the ball in Jackie’s court. It’s what sent Jackie into a spiral. She panicked. It became entirely too real, in that moment, that she liked women.
It was a complete contrast of how she felt when she and her ex-boyfriend had kissed or even when she had sex for the first time. “Did I love him?” Jackie whispered to herself as her tears fell down the sides of her face. She did feel love for him, but when it came to being intimate with him, it didn’t feel how it felt with Jan. Her heart never skipped a beat, her eyes never became glossy when she saw him, and she had never felt the pulse between her legs with him. 
When he broke up with her, she was crushed. She begged him to try and make the long distance work, but he told her that he didn’t think it would be worth it. Her heart had been smashed by a hammer and broken into a million pieces, but now she wondered if it was because she loved him or because she was single and had to figure things out. 
Woah, woah
You might not like her, you might not like her
Woah, woah
You might not like her, you might not like her
“I don’t care,” she mumbled to herself and sat up in her bed. Jackie stood in front of her mirror. “I don’t care what other people think. Who cares what my parents think? Or what their religion thinks?” Jackie wiped her tears away from her cheeks. “I’m me and… I like me. I like women. I like Jan… and that’s okay. I like that about me…” She began telling her reflection, tears flowing down her face. “I like who I’ve become.” She bit her bottom lip as she grabbed her phone from the dresser and texted Jan. Her hands shook as she anxiously typed a message. Jackie sent it before she psyched herself out. 
[Jackie] 12:21am: Hey, Jan. Can I take you out for lunch soon? I have something to tell you.
She knew that it was around ten a.m. where her parents were currently at, so even with her emotional state, she dialed her mother up. 
Someday you'll think you disappoint your parents
But they'll love you not despite, but regardless
Then you'll learn to let people have shitty opinions
And talk about your traumas and like the body you live in
“Mom? Is Dad around? I need to tell you something.” Her chest tightened as she began to explain to her parents. They didn’t take it too well, but they also told her that they still loved her regardless. 
“I still love you, Jacqueline,” her mom spoke. 
Someday you'll learn to keep your own secrets
Say you're doing okay and really mean it
You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you
And for a while, you might not like her, but I do
That’s when Jackie knew. She liked this new version of herself.
A/N: as pride month comes to an end, i needed to write a fic to the song that helped me come out to my best friend :) i saw myself as jackie in this fic, although i have not been as brave as her and told my parents. but this fic and song means so much to me, so i hope you enjoyed! sorry it's not romancey hehe.
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