#for me it is marina at 13
pinkhibiscustea · 2 months
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my monthly all at once load of doodles <333 thank you ace attorney and dungeon meshi for keeping me sane
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luc3ks · 7 months
forever going to hate the "pearl and marina are 8‘s adoptive moms“ cuz canon wise 8 is AT MOST 2 years younger than marina. chat she is now a grown ass woman those are her FRIENDS not moms
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stillillsaint · 2 days
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me core 🩰🚬🦢🎬🌕
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lunalulamoon · 1 year
listening to Electra Heart album on repeat.. just like I did 10 years ago
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drvscarlett · 29 days
About You Pt 13
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
About You Series
A/N: I am so sorry for the long hiatus because my laptop died and I have to get it fixed. About You will be in consistent updates starting next week every Wednesday and Thursday. I am actually planning to extend the chapters of About You up to Chap 18 because I messed up the pacing. I hope you enjoy this and let me know your thoughts
Taglist: @spideybv28@randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @honethatty12 @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama @ririyulife @skywalker1dream @vicurious28 @khaylin27 @0710khj @its-elias-world @vizzzashley @allisonwoods @taytaylala12 @miarabanana @ceciii-b @lindsayjoy444 @mploopssek @snakelore @toldyouitwasamelodrama @lordpercevalcharles
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2013, Marina Bay Street Circuit
Sebastian was on an all-time high, he was winning on and off tracks. The championship was within his reach with each race he wins and his personal life is flourishing. He had felt the championship euphoria before but being in that podium and seeing Y/N proudly looking at him from below is something else.
Despite the energy burst, he opted to stay out of the Singapore night life and return to his hotel room. He didn't feel like mingling in sweaty clubs or the taste of intoxicating drinks tonight. Besides, he has a dinner at a skyline restaurant with a very beautiful girl so he has to change quickly.
Whistling down a happy tune as he texts a message to Y/N. There was nothing in this world that could ever ruin his happiness and that was a word spoken to soon.
When he turns the corner, there was someone that Sebastian didn't want to see.
"Oh Sebastian, thank God. I have to speak to you and its really important-"
"Hanna? What are you doing here?"
Sebastian's voice was mixed with confusion and anger. The past few meetings with Hanna was not a good memory for Sebastian and he could only feel as if trouble follows whenever he meets her.
"Are you stalking me?"the driver asked
The woman in front of him went red in embarrassment. She could understand why Sebastian would think that way but she was in a desperate attempt to talk to him.
"I know this looks bad but I had a friend here who told me where you would be staying and I needed to talk to you. I wouldn't have done this if it wasn't important"Hanna rambled.
"Didn't I make myself clear last time that Hanna I do not return any feelings for you and I'm really sorry if you thought a relationship could blossom between us because its never going to happen"Sebastian stated.
It would be a lie if Sebastian didn't notice how Hanna winced by the directness of his voice but he has to keep his boundaries. He doesn't want anything more to jeopardize what he is working on with Y/N. He will not be a man that will be unfaithful to her.
"But Sebastian, you have to listen. This is something big and this is something that I can't do alone"Hanna was begging.
"I'm sorry Hanna but whatever that is, I'm sorry but I couldn't be of any help"Sebastian ended the conversation.
He passed her by and shut the door in front of her. It was painful for Sebastian to hear the cries of his once childhood friend at the other side of the door but she has to learn that Sebastian cannot return her feelings back.
"You're not even listening to me Seb. You didn't even give me a chance to tell you about us"Hanna thought silently cradling the bump on her stomach.
2013, Suzuka Circuit
It was Y/N's dream to go to Universals Studio Japan to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. She mentioned this a couple of times but due to the distance between the circuit and Osaka, she always missed the opportunity.
"I still can't believe that you are taking me to Harry Potter"Y/N squealed, excitement was evident on her face.
"We still have a long way to go, they told me its a 2 hour drive" Sebastian noted "You can still grab some sleep"
"I should be the one telling you that, you just finished driving for the weekend and now you are driving at an ungodly hour of 7 in the morning"Y/N voices her concern "Don't you ever get tired of driving?"
"For you? Never"
Sebastian's hand found its way to Y/N's and he placed a gentle kiss. His eyes were still focused on driving and the road but he could see in the mirror the red tint on her cheeks.
For some it would be tiring to go on long drives. Sebastian thinks otherwise, he feels like he is the luckiest man alive to be able to go for long drives when she is at the passenger side.
"Do you have a list of which part of the Harry Potter world are we going first?" Sebastian wondered.
"Well maybe we could go and get some of those butterbeers and then we can explore the whole park. I wanted to try that rollercoaster that looks like Hagrid's bike and then the castle. I also want to buy some candies for Mick"Y/N listed down.
She looked up from her phone and she felt like she was being selfish not asking Sebastian about what he wanted to do. She wanted to do a face palm.
"That is if its alright with you? Maybe you want to go somewhere specific in Universals?"Y/N offered.
"Oh no, its alright. I'm good wherever you are happy. This is your day and I want you to enjoy the whole Harry Potter experience"Sebastian insisted.
Y/N thought he couldn't love Sebastian even more but she just did. She knew how Sebastian was not that big of a fan of Harry Potter, he didn't even know the names of the golden trio in the beginning. He just started to get into it because she was rambling all the time about it.
"Speaking of the Harry Potter experience, you can check the backseat because I believe there is a surprise for you there"Sebastian chuckles.
At the backseat, Y/N found two boxes. One has her name on it with a big black bow ribbon while the other had a scribbled vettel on it. She picked it up confused to what is Sebastian plotting now.
"Since when did you get all fancy?"
"I asked my Mom about it"Sebastian admits "Go and open it"
Once the bows were untied and the lid was lifted, there was a rustle of wrapping paper. Y/N couldn't believe her eyes upon seeing the emblem on the cloth.
"You got me robes?"Y/N can cry "And you got my house right!"
Sebastian will admit that he researched a couple of days ago about how to make this experience really special. Some said that the school robes was a good outfit to make the person feel like they are attending Hogwarts. He made some few calls here and there then tada he acquired some of the Hogwarts robes just like what was seen in the movies.
"So did you get a Slytherin robe?"Y/N asked, she often teased Sebastian that he could be F1's Draco Malfoy.
"Well I think I had to surrender, my Pottermore results said that I was a Slytherin"
"You took a Pottermore quiz and you didn't tell me right away?"
2013, Buddh International Circuit
The Taj Mahal looks exquisite with the sun setting at the back of it. Everyone was on their phones or their cameras to capture the moment but Y/N prefers sitting at one of the benches and preserving it in her head. There was something really peaceful to just live in the moment but she doesn't blame if people wanted something physical to commemorate this moment.
Maybe Y/N wanted to savor this moment of peace because by tomorrow she will be back in the paddock with all the different noises. She knows that there will be a lot of questions in the next few days following Mark's decision of leaving Formula 1.
She did not blame Mark, she understands that he has been doing this for quite some time now and he was bound to be burned out. She has also been thinking about retiring from this job but that would be happening in a few more years. The thought of retiring scares her because her life basically revolved around Formula 1. There was this idea that maybe if she doesn't have a job here then maybe she will lose everything that she have right now.
A heavy sigh escapes her mouth as she zoned out once more with the view.
"Mind if I join you?"
Y/N looked up and she saw the familiar grin of Sebastian Vettel. She gave a nod and gestured at the empty space at the bench.
"How did you know I was here?"Y/N asked.
"I didn't. We are doing some team video and then I spotted you here then I went ahead to say hello"Sebastian grins.
From behind Sebastian, she sees a filming crew at a distance. They seem to be distracted with Mark and the reserve driver Sebastien Buemi. Y/N acknowledges it with a smile then she proceeded to looking at the scenic view in front of her.
"You know when they told me about the Taj Mahal, I got reminded of us"Sebastian opened up "The two met when they were young and its love at first sight then they got married"
The thought of the very first time that Y/N saw Sebastian and the first time they talked to each other, crossed her mind. It seems like it was just yesterday but its been a really really long while now.
"And I don't believe in coincidences, I think some things are meant to happen"Sebastian stated "When I saw you here, I was given the sign of the universe and maybe a sign from Taj Mahal that its really you that I would like to spend the rest of my days with"
Y/N felt overwhelmed by the direct confession. This was usually how Sebastian is, he was very vocal about his feelings but the implication in his tone is different. Y/N felt like they are moving a bit too fast but maybe she doesn't mind at all.
A small box was placed in her hand.
"This was my Mother's. I carried it around with me since we started to tell each other how we feel. I am not asking you to marry me but I just wanted you to have it because someday I'm planning to marry you."Sebastian concludes.
"Seb, I can't.. This is too much" she was speechless.
"There is no other woman that I see myself ending up with" Sebastian insist "Its yours just like how my heart is also yours"
The silver band with a pearl in the middle stares at her. She ponders about it even after Sebastian left her side. This was technically not a marriage proposal but rather a promise ring.
She prayed for a sign in the weekends whether she deserves to place it on her finger or not.
Needless to say, it was a very eventful weekend for Sebastian. He crossed the finish line with a World Championship. Even after winning all these years, he was still amazed by the winning feeling.
The crowd chants his name as he shows his praises to his winning car. He managed to find his way to the podium with the congratulations littering everywhere he go and every face was a blur.
However, he had to do a double take as he saw Y/N on the barrier. She was wearing a proud grin and pointing at something in her finger. Sebastian didn't have to be a genius to recognize the familiar ring on her finger.
It was a memorable weekend.
 2013, Yas Marina Circuit
It was rare that Y/N gets to hang out with girls. Being surrounded by a lot of male bravado and testosterones can be a little too much which is why when there is an opportunity for her to meet another girl friend then she will make time.
Post qualifying sessions was a good opportunity as Jenson chooses to rest while the Red Bull boys are stuck in strategy meetings. Therefore, this was Y/N's window time to accommodate Hanna's request for dinner.
She couldn't wait to tell Hanna about the recent happenings with Sebastian or the latest gossip in the paddock. She was pretty sure that she might shock Hanna with the development of her love life. However Y/N was the one with a jaw drop when Hanna waddled in with a pregnant bump.
"Oh my God Hanna! Why didn't you tell me your pregnant?"Y/N was shocked "Are you okay or are you tired? Did you need to sit down?"
Hanna gives a weak smile, "just a little water"
"Of course,here. Sit sit."Y/N fuzzed "If I had known you were pregnant then I would have made reservations closer to your hotel"
"Y/N you're already treating me dinner"Hanna said
"I should be because I think I have been late in congratulating your little one"Y/N replied.
Hanna held her bump protectively. She was suddenly reminded the reason why she asked to meet Y/N. She was doing this to help her little one because she cannot afford that her child will grow up miserable.
"How far along are you?"Y/N wondered.
"About six… six months"there was an unease in Hanna's tone.
Hanna knows what she did and she knows what she is about to do. It plagues her mind how she could wipe the smile Y/N has right now with the bombshell of news that she has. Hanna blanks out as Y/N ramble about how she is so happy for her and the guilty feeling sinks even further.
"Y/N I have to talk to you"Hanna cuts her off.
It was better to rip the Band-Aid early than prolonging the agony.
"Oh we can talk later,lets get you some food first"Y/N dismissed. "I don't want you or your little one getting hungry."
The way that Y/N cares so much about Hanna makes the pregnant woman even more uneasy. Hanna noted how Y/N was so caring in asking her preference and she wonders if she would still be like that if she finally learns the truth.
Dinner went on smoothly with their chitchats of how life has been and how they are dealing with the changes. As time goes on, Hanna felt the gnawing guilt eating her even more which is why the minute the tables were cleared and the desserts were out, it was now time.
"I really need to talk to you about this Y/N"Hanna gestured at the bump.
There was a glee in Y/N's eyes, maybe she was thinking that Hanna is making her a godparent. Hanna tried her best to avoid her eyes because she cannot handle when her eyes starts crying.
"Now what do you want to talk about?"Y/N questioned.
"Im pregnant Y/N"it was now or never for Hanna.
If she could just change how things were then she wouldn't have been so stupid. She wouldn't have been in this situation right now and she wouldn't lose such a great friend like Y/N. However, this was a consequence of her selfish actions and now she will pay for it.
"I am well aware of that Hanna"Y/N grinned "and congratulations by the way. You should totally let me help you find some cute baby stuffs and-"
"The father is Seb"
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mattslolita · 6 months
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"𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏' 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊'𝒎 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏' 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒏𝒂𝒄𝒌,
💌 hi angels, i'm kiwi ! i'm eighteen, bisexual, and i'm a black writer.
💌 i'm a certified chris girl, drew starkey's wife, i also write on wattpad sometimes ( link at the bottom! ), and i love music with my entire being. i'm a west coast girly from cali, but i wanna go to different countries so bad.
my best friends 💌 : @luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @guccifrog @thenickgirl @bernardsbendystraws !
music 💌 : michael jackson, sza, dominic fike, latto ( if u can't tell ), the neighborhood, billie eilish, nessa barrett, lana del rey, mitski, bikini kill, halsey, marina, megan thee stallion, city girls, rihanna, migos, eminem, doja cat, fleetwood mac, taylor swift & more !
movies 💌 : the fault in our stars, scream franchise, the perks of being a wallflower, love simon, friday the 13th, carrie, halloween, the craft, it 2017, jeepers creepers, 13 going on 30, fast & furious, freddy vs. jason, mean girls, harry potter franchise, the maze runner & more !
tv shows 💌 : cobra kai, outer banks, heartbreak high, sex education, stranger things, never have i ever, on my block, ginny & georgia, heartstopper, the vampire diaries, & more !
celebs / influencers 💌 : sturniolo triplets, vereena sayed, deb smikle, quenlin blackwell, benoftheweek, johnnie guilbert, jake webber, vinnie hacker, drew starkey, why don't we, chase keith, ariana greenblatt, fannita, xochitl gomez, larray, renee rapp, sam & colby, beabadobee, nailea devora, & more !
racism, rude behavior, kink shaming ( unless its shit or piss ), unfriendly remarks or comments. & IF YOU DO GOT SHIT TO SAY HOP OFF ANON & SAY IT WITH YO CHEST !
will 💌 : fluff, angst, smut !
won't 💌 : piss kinks, shit kinks, incest, eating somebody ass, anal cause it freaks me out ( if you like it, you do you, but i'm not gon write it ! ), threesomes UNLESS you're requesting where they strictly interact with the reader ( y/n ).
always remember you're so loved & important, & you matter my loves. i hope we can be friends & you enjoy my shit !💌
masterlist 💌!
taglist 💌!
fav fics 💌!
wattpad 💌!
face reveal 💌 !
my socials 💌 !
emoji anon list 💌 !
c.ai 💌 !
mattslolita on ig 💌 !
40-𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒉 𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌."
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blank-house · 2 months
Did you always want to make VM style dating/life sims?
speaking for myself, yes! lol. i've played rpgs since i was a kid, so the visual novel "format" was already pretty familiar to me since the genre is like that by design! for me, a game's only as good as what it wants to say. what did the people who wrote this want me to take away? what did they want me to feel? is it a classic story?
or is it something more? whether i like it or not is a different conversation! but, i'd endure just about anything if i think something is worth my time. i still will! lmao. i forced myself through hades despite being HORRIFICALLY bad at live combat and it was worth it!
i got into true visual novels around the time i was 12? maybe 13? they naturally lend themself to the things i prioritize in my enjoyment.
haha, my first otomes were pacthesis flash games. i found out YEARS later that the developer is around my age. just a bit older than me! but was making these full-fledged games at near the same time that i'd stumbled upon them. and that led me to the realization that i likewise could make games if it was something i wanted to put my heart in.
i think visual novels get downplayed a lot in the mainstream as categorically boring since there's no active "gameplay," but i've come away from some indie passion projects made by people like you and me that have changed the way i think about things just because those developers had something in them that they wanted to share even if it was just for the one and only title they'd ever make.
marina said, "yeah, i guess."
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tubborucho · 10 months
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Tommy and Tubbo – Pages: How to melt your essence with someone’s soul
taglist: @pastelvangelion @smallz-o @salineroses @dynamicworms @cindersnows @deadfishisyeq @snyland @missstrawberry @frubbotoxicyuri @haloberry @thecardboardbutterfly @avianchorus @qtubbo @an-egghead @codaattheend @mikaikaika
dm me if you want in or out of taglist
1. “time collapses. love takes your hand and leads you from the world” layla starr
Page 1
2. “Imitations of Drowning” Anne Sexton
3. @.insomniac-arrest
4. https://twitter.com/sainticide/status/1476212797369319424?s=21&t=iGrZnWG5aLGizZ_iGCZR4A
5. “Twenty-One Ways of Leaving” Koleka Putuma
6. https://pin.it/4Iy5VQI
7. @.dvoyd
8. http://hollowworld.co.uk/threads/halvar-vignette-s.55468/post-829118
9. “If There’s A Way Out I’ll Take It” Lora Mathis
10. “Selected Letters of Martha Gellhorn; in a letter to Hortense Flexner and Wyncie King” Martha Gellhorn
Page 2
11. https://pin.it/1QpJ0iz
12. https://pin.it/6WwyKF6
13. “Wayward son” Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch
14. https://pin.it/5Mgyjhs
15. @.galactic-mystics-writes
16. @.dazzlingtiredeyes
17. “The Next Time We Talk on Facebook” Clementine von Radics
18. N/A
19. Fall Out Boys – Young Volcanoes
Page 3
20. https://pin.it/3Nxa6eV
21. “Jesus Texts” Pádraig Ó Tuama
22. @.codaattheend
23. https://pin.it/3YFQf7P
24. by Edward Lee
25. “The Five Stages of Grief” Linda Pastan
26. “A song for a lover of a long time ago” Bon Iver
27. “Icarus || Percy Jackson” SarcasticSunshine
28. https://pin.it/59O2ivf
Page 4
29. “Selected Letters of Martha Gellhorn” Martha Gellhorn
30. @.aretherestarsinhell
31. “One Last Poem for Richard“ Sandra Cisneros
32. “Poem of the End” Marina Tsvetaeva
33. https://pin.it/7mGA0UT
34. https://pin.it/1TKqm7d
35. “Norwegian Woods” Haruki Murakami
36. by Friedrich Nietzsche
37. “For Your Own Good” Leah Horlick
Page 5
38. “When Rome Falls” Yves Olade
39. https://pin.it/5CnTcJ9
40. “Whatever You Need” Marley C.
41. @.eridan-ampora
42. “Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell” Cierra
43. https://pin.it/e9k4bKp
44. “Sunstone” Octavio Paz tr. by Elliot Weinberger
45. by Kiersten White
46. https://pin.it/1i7tkZg
47. https://pin.it/4S39jLe
48. @.jovialtorchlight
All the other little pictures are free stickers from PicsArt
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - June 13, 2023
1. U.S. judge blocks Florida ban on care for trans minors in narrow ruling, says ‘gender identity is real’
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A federal judge temporarily blocked portions of a new Florida law that bans transgender minors from receiving puberty blockers, ruling Tuesday that the state has no rational basis for denying patients treatment.
Transgender medical treatment for minors is increasingly under attack in many states and has been subject to restrictions or outright bans. But it has been available in the United States for more than a decade and is endorsed by major medical associations.
2. Eagle Who Thought Rock Was an Egg Finally Gets to Be a Dad
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A week after their introduction the cage where the little eaglet was put, was removed so the two could interact more closely. When they were given food, a whole fish for Murphy and bite-sized pieces for his young charge, rather than each eating their separate dish, Murphy took his portion and ripped it up to feed to the baby.
3. Little penguins to reclaim Tasmanian car park as city-based population thrives
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Not far from the centre of Tasmania's fourth largest city, a colony of the world's smallest penguins has been thriving, and their habitat is about to expand into an existing car park.
The bright lights and loud noises of Burnie have not been a deterrent for hundreds of penguins who set up home on the foreshore in the north-west Tasmanian city.
4. Latest population survey yields good news for endangered vaquita porpoise
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The resilient little vaquita marina appears determined to survive the illegal fishing that has brought it dangerously close to extinction, according to the latest population survey. Despite an estimated annual decline of 45% in 2018, the endangered porpoise appears to be holding steady over the last five years, according to a report published Wednesday by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
5. 'Extinct' butterfly species reappears in UK
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The species, previously described as extinct in Britain for nearly 100 years, has suddenly appeared in countryside on the edge of London. Small numbers of black-veined whites have been spotted flying in fields and hedgerows in south-east London. First listed as a British species during the reign of King Charles II, they officially became extinct in Britain in 1925.
This month they have mysteriously appeared among their favourite habitat: hawthorn and blackthorn trees on the edge of London, where I and other naturalists watched them flitting between hedgerows.
6. Colombian is a hero in Peru: he rescued 25 puppies that were about to die in a fire
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During a structural fire that occurred in a residential area of ​​Lima in Peru, a young Colombian became a hero. The Colombian, identified as Sebastián Arias, climbed onto the roof where the puppies were and threw them towards the community, that was waiting for them with sheets and mattresses. "I love them, dogs fascinate me," said the young man.
7. World-first trial for pediatric brain cancer
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Researchers in Australia are conducting a world-first clinical trial for children diagnosed with ependymoma, a rare and devastating brain cancer. The trial aims to test a new drug called Deflexifol, which combines chemotherapy drugs 5-FU and leucovorin, offering potentially less toxic and more effective treatment compared to current options.
Ependymoma is the third most common brain tumor in children, and current treatments often lead to relapses, with a high fatality rate for those affected. The trial, led by researcher David Ziegler at the Kids Cancer Centre, has received support from the Kids with Cancer Foundation and the Cancer Institute NSW. The goal is to find a cure for every child diagnosed with ependymoma.
That's it for this week :)
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dr-spectre · 19 days
Ranting about Splatoon stories and the future of them.
(Long post ahead.)
I am PRAYING to the gods that the next hero mode for Splatoon is a lot more story/character focused rather than just doing "oh no!! (insert thing here) has gone missing! Those NASTY UGLY Octarians are up to something!! Oh no! (insert character here) has been kidnapped! GASP! Oh no! A character we know has been b-b-b-b-b-bRaiNwAsHEDDD!!!!! woahhhhh!!! We gotta save them!!"
And that's all you get for the story.
Can we just drop that for the next game? Please?
The issue with Splatoon story modes is that the interesting lore and character building is hidden away or it's hard to find. AND SOME OF ISN'T TRANSLATED THAT WELL! OR EVEN TRANSLATED AT ALL!!! Octo Expansion's art book is forever stuck in Japanese and had to be fan translated!!
The fact that in order to better enjoy Splatoon 2's mid hero mode, you need to read through a prequel web series, look at a relationship chart and read through optional sunken scrolls that are in HARD TO FIND IN THE LEVELS, pisses me off to no end.
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Because of the differences between the Japanese and NOA and EU English versions, and the optional lore, it has created some of the most bullshit and annoying misconceptions about the characters featured in that story mode. And if you know me and my blog then you know EXACTLY what misconceptions I'm talking about.
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I think that the only story modes to do something interesting and character focused are Octo Expansion and Side Order and even then the memcakes, chat logs and dev diaries are fully optional and it's up to you if you wanna view them or not. Sure they are easier to see than the sunken scrolls so it's more likely you'll actually read them but... It's still just optional story content at the end of the day.
If you want to learn more about Marina and her journey before Side Order, you have to 100% complete the lockers which is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to do before you face the final boss for the first time, making Marina's speech at the end of the DLC WAYYYY less satisfying than it could have been.
Agent 8 and Captain 3 are the most popular agents for a reason, they have actual CHARACTER to them. They have stuff to chew on that you can see ON SCREEN!! Without any outside material. (for the most part...)
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Eight has this whole thing with their memory loss and their thoughts and feelings on stuff in the world are explored further with the optional memcakes, they ALSO develop a strong family like bond with Off the Hook by the end of Side Order, it's really sweet honestly. A character who starts off alone and has memory loss, to then finding a group of people who cares about them, tugs at the heart strings a little. It's not the most INSANE character growth ever, but, it's still nice that there is something there, you know?
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Captain 3 has gone through the most on screen pain and challenges out of any character in the series.
They start off as this kid with a smile on their face who gets dragged into fighting against the Octarians, ending up having to battle their leader DJ Octavio who has a giant ass mech at the age of 13. Years later they have to save Eight and Captain Cuttlefish from dying by slamming themselves into a blender, causing permanent scars on their tentacles and knocking themselves unconscious. Which resulted in their body getting hijacked and they were most likely completely unaware of that even happening as they wake up confused and dazed by the end of Octo Expansion.
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After going through all of these experiences, they end up becoming so shy and so battle hardened that they need Callie and Marie to help them speak to others.
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It's kinda sad to me that this once young kid who had lots of energy and a smile on their face, transformed into a shy and trauma ridden young adult. (I might be looking far too deep into it but i really don't care.)
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Neo Agent 3 could have been the change i was looking for as they have this background of being a scavenger and an interesting relationship with Smallfry, an Inkling befriending a Salmonid is so interesting to me and there could have been some more interesting lore to come out of the Salmonids... But they didn't do that...
Splatoon 3 ROTM was somewhat disappointing in the character department as all of the optional lore was focused on Alterna and Splatsville, which is great for those who love that kind of shit and trust me, i love it too, however there was barely ANYTHING for Captain 3 and the Squid Sisters. Aside from some cute photos and a sunken scroll entry talking about Captain 3 becoming the new leader of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. There was some stuff for Deep Cut too but it was just single entries about their families and that's all.
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I think that it's time for Splatoon hero modes to drop the same old format of a self insert protagonist meeting a mentor character and the protagonist trying to save something or someone, and that's all you get for story without looking at optional and hard to find content. We need to stop this tired old format that has been run into the ground. Do more story modes like Octo Expansion and Side Order but actually have character growth and development in the forefront instead of shoving it on the side somewhere, PLEASE!!!
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Because of this wack ass format, the payoff to the Callie vs. Marie Splatfest was ultimately muffled and completely ruined. Because all the set up and important details were hidden away, it fucking DAMAGED Callie's character and created vile and icky misconceptions about her and especially the Octarians in the community for over 7 fucking years!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A character that i love was treated like shit by everyone for so many years man... It ruined my enjoyment of this franchise for a long time I'm not even kidding dude. I would get chest pain and feel so sad when anyone mentioned Hypno Callie in any capacity. Until i had to dig around for information and stop believing in the common and untrue narrative, then that pain almost went away.
Like... Callie did go through an arc that had agency in it, loneliness, the pressures of fame, etc., but do the loudest people in the community and outside of it know about that? Do youtubers, casual fans, reviewers know that? Most of the time? NOPE! AND IT'S NOT EVEN THEIR FAULT!!! ugh......
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I do hope when Deep Cut get their inevitable second appearance in a story mode, we actually get to see character growth and lore as the main focus rather than VITAL AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION being cast away on the side.
And don't tell me "oh but Splatoon is a series made for families and kids! They hide that stuff because they don't want to expose kids to serious and more nuanced stuff they may not understand!"
I can name you several dozen children's media that actually has good writing in it if you want, just ask and i can name you so many bro. Stop treating kids like they have zero brains ffs. Good kids media also targets adults you know? Kids can enjoy the comedy, colourful characters and action while adults can enjoy the nuanced and interesting character writing. Splatoon can do that, why do you think people are so passionate about the timeline huh?
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Anyways, I'm done ranting and rambling about Splatoon stories, i am going to remain optimistic for the future of this series and the stories that will come out of it. Being negative sucks and i would rather gush about something rather than rant. I'm hopeful that the next story mode is gonna be something really good...
Or they will make Frye evil via... uh... "evil Wii remote wrist strap" or some shit and claim she's brainwashed and I'll have to go through the same old song and dance AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! /j
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m4sonn · 5 months
∘₊✧───The Gang as Songs ───✧₊∘
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(Thx to my collaborator/writer/friend who helps me out w/these!! :3 @peachyponyboyy (sorry guys we went a little overboard with this one 😣😣😣🔥🔥🔥))
₊❏❜ ⋮Ponyboy ⌒
-Cooler than me by ethan fields
-wasted summers by juju<3
-Loverboy by A-Wall
-ancient dreams in a modern land by Marina
-Teen idol by Marina and the diamonds
-Heaven knows i’m miserable now by the smiths
-top of my school by katherine lynn
-oh no! By marina and the diamonds
-letter to my 13 year old self by Laufey
-usseewa by ado
-francis forever by mitski
-up and down by Judy sign
-smoke two joints by sublime
-nothings new by reo Romeo
-i love you so by the walters
-army dreamers by kate bush
-all apologies by nirvana
-trees by mccafferty
-sweet hibiscus tea by penelope scott
₊❏❜ ⋮Sodapop ⌒
-A pearl by Mitski
-Puppy Princess by Hot Freaks
-I wanna be your boyfriend by Hot Freaks
-Buddy Holly by Weezer
-Hug Me! From Despicable me OST
-sex sells by lovejoy
-one day by lovejoy
-infrunami by steve lacy
-the perfect pair by beabadoobee
-pretty boy by the neighborhood
₊❏❜ ⋮Darry ⌒
-survivor by Dolly Parton
-Washing machine heart by mitski
-Christmas kids by Roar
-superman by eminem
-something about you by eyedress
-from the start by laufey
-sweater weather by the neighborhood
-electric love by BORNS
-sex, drugs, etc. by beach weather
-this side of paradise by coyote theory
-always forever by cults
-something about you by eyedress
-say yes to heaven by Lana del ray
-out of my league by fitz and the tantrums
-riptide by vance joy
-dark red by steve lacy
₊❏❜ ⋮Dally ⌒
-Faster n harder by 6arelyhuman
-hands up 6arelyhuman
-Romantic Homicide by d4vd
-cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant
-gilded lily by cults
-line without a hook by ricky montgomery
-diet mountain dew by lana del ray
-summertime sadness by lana del ray
-francis forever by mitski
-i want you by mitski
-daddy issues by the neighborhood
-freaking out the neighborhood by mac demarco
-back to the old house by the smiths
-pretty girls make graves by the smiths.
-crack baby by mitski
-silver lining by the neighborhood
-K. By cigarettes after sex
-Apocalypse by cigarettes after sex
-ykwim by yot club
-i wait for you by alex G
-born to die by lana del ray
-tongue twister Cash Cash
-pretty little psycho
-XOXO kisses hugs by 6arelyhuman
-ruler of everything by tally hall
-4:00AM by taeko onuki
₊❏❜ ⋮Johnny ⌒
-Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood
-Boys don’t cry by The Cure
-Back to the old house by the smiths
-My time by Bo En
-I Don’t smoke Mitski
-Bag of Bones
-Lemon boy by cavetown
-Boys will be bugs by Cavetown
-Freezerburn by t!lt
-No surprises by radiohead
-Nothings new Rio Romeo
-homage by mild high club
-Heaven and back by chase atlantic
-harness your hopes by pavement
-problems by mother mother
₊❏❜ ⋮Two-Bit ⌒
-the mickey mouse clubhouse theme song
-i love you like an alcoholic by the taxpayers
-should i stay or should i go by the clash
-teenagers by my chemical romance
-she's so nice by pink guy
-you get me so high by the neighborhood
-boys a liar pt. II
-sweet dreams by left boy
-two birds by regina spektor
-buddy holly by weezer
-say it ain’t so by weezer
-smells like teen spirit by nirvana
₊❏❜ ⋮Steve ⌒
-scotty doesn’t know by lustra
-teenage dirtbag by wheatus
-shut up and drive by rihanna
-everybody talks by neon trees
-hey stephen by taylor swift
-you belong with me by taylor swift
-backyard boy by claire rozinkrans
-life is a highway by rascal flatts
-brooklyn baby by lana del ray
-cruisin for a bruisin from teen beach movie
-cotton eye joe >:DDDDD
-your the only one i want from grease
-what i got by sublime
-head over heels by tears for fears
-love like you from steven universe
All of them:
-Army dreamers by Kate bush
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hawkingbishop · 29 days
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Tethered - an Imodna (Critical Role) fanmix
Imogen: (hugging Laudna) I love you so much.
Laudna: I love you more than anything.
Imogen: You're my tether, Laudna. Sometimes I feel like I'm about to float away, but as long as you're there...
Laudna: You quite literally pulled me from darkness and death. That tether... goes beyond this realm and this life. You've got this.
Imogen: We've got this.
// 1. DDRMR - Vegeta’s Hell’s Bells Theme // 2. Halsey - Bells in Santa Fe // 3. Rasputina - Bad Moon Rising // 4. Anya Marina - Tethered to the Dark // 5. Twin Tribes - Shadows // 6. She Wants Revenge - A Hundred Kisses // 7. Alice Phoebe Lou - Witches // 8. Julia Sheer - Give Your Heart a Break // 9. Amaris - Undead // 10. Lebanon Hanover - Kiss Me Until My Lips Fall Off // 11. Starbenders - BITCHES BE WITCHES // 12. MARINA - Immortal // 13. Wolf Girl - Dream Partner // 14. Dead Man’s Bones - My Body’s a Zombie For You // 15. Yuna - Lullabies (Adventure Club Remix) // 16. Mareux - The Perfect Girl // 17. Adna - Beautiful Hell // 18. Lana Del Rey - Born To Die (Woodkid & The Shoes Remix) // 19. Nightcomber - Witchcraft (Ft. Jenny Owen Youngs) // 20. vivi rincon- if we lived on the moon //
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desomniis · 4 months
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to ask for your hand (I just pray that its mine) | Chapter 4 excerpt
After clinching his third career win at the Vegas GP, Carlos wakes up to a wedding band on his finger and his teammate, Charles, wearing the exact match.
WIP | 4/5 | 28,797 words | Accidental Drunk Marriage in Vegas AU | Fluff | Angst | Drama
Down below, the circuit was a bright outline against the night. Another season, another gruelling race in Singapore.
The skyline was an architectural marvel. It was stunning during the day, but at night? it looked like a rare jewel sparkling against the black velvet night. To witness such magnificence on top of the Marina Bay Sands—dipped in the infinity pool, no less—with no one else around was a indeed privilege.
In his mind, he traced the track, imagining his car passing through Anderson bridge, making the tight left at 13 to the Esplanade Drive. Then the apex at 14, then 15, 16—a splash from the other end of the pool startled him. Charles?
Carlos was pretty sure it was Charles, the rookie this season. They never really ‘talked’ before. Their conversations always happened in passing, going along the lines off, ‘How are you? Good? How’s your car? Not good on the tires.’ He knew little about him—only that he was from Monaco and that he was set to replace Kimi at Ferrari next year. A rookie replacing a world champion. Unheard of. This kid must be a huge deal.
“It’s a beautiful city, no?” Carlos ventured. He winced inside, remembering Papá's advice about small talk and F1 drivers.
Charles jolted, his hand flying to his chest, accidentally splashing water to his own face. “Oh my god, you scared me.”
Carlos chuckled. “You’re quite jumpy, eh?” he teased, settling on the ledge next to him.
“A little,” Charles admitted with a sheepish smile. “What are you doing here? It’s a bit late, no?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“I didn’t get much sleep on the flight here.”
“Tell me about it. 20 hour flights are no joke.”
“True,” Charles said. “Any tips for tomorrow? I’ve never raced here before. My first time. So, I’m a little nervous.”
A smirk crept up Carlos lips. “Have you passed out in a race before?”
“Uh, no? I don’t think so.”
“Well, here, try not to. It’s almost guaranteed.”
”What? That’s impossible.”
“Also, you might drive blind on some corners.”
“Don’t even get me started about the rain. Singapore is a totally different race if it rains.”
Worry flitted through Charles' eyes, swallowing a lump on his throat. “Oh yeah?” he said, trying to hide his discomfort.
Carlos held onto his laughter. He nodded seriously, “yeah. Seven DNF’s last year.”
Charles visibly got more anxious, the horrors of last year’s race flashing in his eyes. “Ah, putain,” he muttered under his breath.
Carlos’ laughter eventually bubbled forth.
“What? Why are you laughing?” Charles questioned, his brows knitting together.
“I was kidding. It’s not that bad, I promise.”
“I—Oh… you were trying to scare me.” Charles smiled, shaking his head in disbelief. “Making fun of the rookie, I see.”
“Don’t worry,” Carlos wiped the tears from his eyes. “Vettel and Fernando did it to me in my rookie year too. Except they waited a day before telling me it’s not that bad. I remember not sleeping that night.”
Charles laughed, and Carlos was struck. There was something about his laugh that resonated deep in Carlos’ chest, like the melody of his childhood summers spent racing bicycles down sun-dappled streets, the wind tousling his hair as he pedalled faster. It was the echo of his first karting victory, the taste of victory sweet on his tongue as he stood atop the podium, trophy held high, amid deafening cheers and applause. It was Miguel’s call, on his last day, asking him to meet at the lake so that he could steal another kiss from Carlos. There was something in Charles’ laugh that made Carlos yearn to hear it more.
“Well, I guess I’ll consider myself lucky that it was not Vettel or Fernando then,” Charles said.
“Yeah. Lucky. Just sleep well and drink lots of water before the race and you’ll do fine. I’ve seen you drive. You’re good. I trust that you can make it.”
Charles's eyebrows lifted, his head tilting slightly to the left like a puppy hearing something strange. “Really?” he asked, “you think I’m good?”
Carlos can count in one hand the amount of times he complimented another driver. It wasn't that he didn't recognise talent in others—if he was being honest, there were plenty of drivers far better than him. But he rarely voiced such acknowledgements. It’s like offering your enemy an edge.
So when he did compliment Charles, it surprised him, almost catching him off guard. There was no logical explanation for it.
Perhaps it was because Charles was young and it was his first year in F1. He could vividly recall his own struggles as a rookie. Maybe, in his own way, it was him trying to help his younger self.
Or perhaps it was how easily Charles just opened up to Carlos. Paired with his dimples, the sheepish smile, and those earnest blue eyes pleading for advice. Carlos felt an instinctual urge to protect Charles.
Or perhaps, it was something else entirely.
“You don’t?” Carlos dodged the question.
"I do. It's just that... It's rare to hear it from another driver. Everyone else says I'm good, you know? 'You're so talented, Charles. So fast. You are destined to be in F1,'" he recounted. "But they say it from the outside looking in. They don’t really get it. But when another driver say it, it means a lot more. Because they understand. You understand."
Carlos nodded slowly, the weight of Charles' words settling on him. He knew that feeling all too well. The constant need to prove his own worth, that he deserved to compete with the best of the world, that it wasn’t all because of a privileged upbringing.
“Of course,” he said idly. “So, how does this feel? All of it—the hype, the pressure, the Ferrari seat next year?”
A hesitant smile touched Charles' lips, fleeting as the Monegasque breeze. “When I drove for practice for them last year, I felt like I was going to explode in the car. I felt buzzing in my ears and my hand couldn’t stop shaking. I thought I would crash. I’m quite happy that I didn’t.
“But what’s interesting was how it all felt strange to me. All my life I’ve dreamed of driving and winning in that red car. Not only me, my father and my godfather too. I carry all their dreams with me. Now that I have the chance to do that… it’s…” Charles trailed off, searching for the right words.
“Overwhelming," Carlos offered, a hint of longing creeping into his voice. "Being in that red car… it’s something else."
The last sentence hung heavy in the air, the weight of his secret, of his father's expectation, sat heavy in his gut.
Charles chuckled, a soft, nervous sound. "Yeah. It's like everyone expects me to be a champion overnight. But then there's the pressure from myself too, you know? Like I have to live up to all these expectations, not just mine but everyone else's too." He ran a hand through his hair, anxiety swimming in his eyes.
Carlos leaned back on the ledge of the pool, studying Charles. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that surprised him. This young prodigy, who seemed to have it all figured out, was wrestling with self-doubt just like everyone else.
"Hey," Carlos said gently, "You'll be alright. You're here for a reason. You have the talent, the drive... you'll get there eventually.”
A flicker of gratitude sparked in Charles' eyes. "Thanks, Carlos. I appreciate that. Coming from you, it means a lot."
The compliment hung in the air for a moment, a silent understanding passing between them. Carlos couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something about Charles disarmed him.
"Are you hungry?" Carlos finally asked, surprising even himself with the question. "Do you want to have dinner with me?"
Charles’ eyes sparkled and his lips curved up, making Carlos’ chest feel warm, like it was about to blow open. Whether it was a good or bad sign, it didn’t matter because there was only one thing he was sure of:
He wanted to see Charles smile again.
Read the whole chapter here. Ask me questions!
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englishstrawbie · 3 months
For Marina, prompts: 13, 15, 24, 36, 39, 46, 53, 62, 80, 99 <- any please and thank you :)
I've come back to this ask so many times, wondering how to fill some of these - and then the idea came into my head last night and this turned into something I really enjoyed writing. This one incorporates:
46 - “I made breakfast, but I didn’t know what you liked so I made enough to probably feed a small tribe.” (with a small tweak) 62 - “I hope you’ll never forget how much I adore you.” 99 - “You don’t know half of the things you do to me.”
I hope you like it! 😊
Carina wakes just after eight o’clock, the room starting to brighten as the sun fights its way through the pale curtains. The bed is warm, the sheets soft, and she buries her head into the pillow, soaking up the familiar scent of perfume left behind on the cotton. She groans as she stretches her limbs, slowly opening her eyes as they adjust to the light.
The other side of the bed is empty.
It wasn’t a dream, was it? She came home, she spent the night in their bed, in her wife’s arms. After months of sleeping in a cold, impersonal hotel room, she was back to the familiarity of her own apartment, with the promise of a better future.
But the other side of the bed is empty.
Carina lifts her head, wondering if she will hear the buzzing of the treadmill or Maya’s quiet grunts as she challenges the number of push-ups she can do.
She doesn’t.
She hears the stereo playing some of her favourite Italian music, the whistle of the kettle as it boils, the clattering of pans – and Maya berating herself for being too noisy.
A small smile creeps across Carina’s face and she pushes the covers off, swinging her legs out of the bed. She grabs a nearby hoodie – one of Maya’s SFD sweaters – and pulls it over her messy hair as she walks out into the apartment. She hangs back, not making her presence known as she watches Maya scoop a pancake out of the pan and put it onto an already high pile, a satisfied nod of her head when she switches off the stove.
Behind her, the dining table is full of food – pastries and waffles, bowls of strawberries and blueberries, bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms.
“Oh hey, you’re awake,” Maya says when she sees Carina nearby. She looks back at the table, her expression turning bashful. “I, uh, I made breakfast, but I didn’t know what you’d like, so I made enough to probably feed a small tribe.”
Carina chuckles. “I can see that.”
“I just wanted to do something special to celebrate you coming home.”
“I think we celebrated pretty good last night, bambina,” Carina says with a smirk.
She steps into the kitchen, immediately wrapping her arms around Maya and drawing her in for a morning kiss. She can taste the sweetness of the strawberries on her lips and hopes that Maya doesn’t mind her morning breath.
“Mmm,” she murmurs happily.
“Did you sleep okay?” Maya asks.
“Very well,” Carina says. “I missed our bed.” Her gaze dips to Maya’s lips, running her finger over them and smiling as Maya gently kisses it. “I missed you.”
Maya lets out a small sigh. “I missed you too.”
Carina pulls her in for another kiss, deeper this time, her hands creeping their way underneath her tank top in search of warm skin. She feels Maya moan against her lips as she pushes her up against the small island, almost getting carried away until her stomach growls angrily.
Maya breaks the kiss as she laughs.
“Your stomach is so loud when you’re hungry!”
Carina rolls her eyes, grumbling to herself as Maya extracts herself from her arms.
“Please,” Carina says as she turns and leans against the island.
She can’t keep her eyes off Maya, her tank top riding up as she reaches into the cupboard for Carina’s moka pot and exposing her toned abs. It is almost enough to distract her from Maya’s important task.
“Shit!” Maya says, breaking the spell that Carina is under.
“What’s wrong?”
“I forgot to buy more of your favourite coffee.”
Carina can see Maya mentally kick herself. “It’s okay,” she says casually.
It’s not like they ever stock bad coffee – Carina had banned instant coffee the moment she moved in. She wanders over to the cupboard and grabs a bag of Columbian coffee grounds that Gabriela had sent her several months ago.
“Use these,” Carina says. “And remember to…”
“I know,” Maya cuts her off, with a roll of her eyes.
The smell of rich coffee wafts across the kitchen as Maya fills the funnel with the coarse grounds. She has learned to put the stove on a low heat, forcing herself to be patient as the coffee spills over into the top chamber slowly. She pours Carina a cup and holds it out with a look of nervous trepidation.
Carina bites back a smile as she accepts it, taking a small sip. The taste takes her by surprise.
“Oh,” she says, taking another sip, just to make sure. “Oh mio dio… Maya, this is the best you’ve ever made!”
Maya shrugs nonchalantly. “Yeah well, I’ve been practising.”
The image of Maya spending hours trying to perfect an espresso, for her, for the day she came home, tugs at Carina’s heart.
“I’m glad I finally got it right,” is all Maya says. She spins around toward the stove. “Damn, I forgot to make French toast!”
Carina can see her avoiding the thought of the months they spent apart and all the sadness and longing they both felt. She places the cup down on the island and moves towards Maya, grabbing her hands and wrapping them around Maya’s body, cocooning her with their arms.
“I don’t care that you forgot about the French toast,” Carina says, pressing her lips just behind Maya’s left ear. “Or that you forgot to buy more of my favourite coffee. I only care that you remember how much I love you. And I hope you’ll never forget how much I adore you.”
She feels Maya let out a shaky breath and Carina buries her face into her neck, leaving a flurry of kisses on her skin, until she hits the back of Maya’s ear again. She can sense the smile that spreads across Maya’s face. She untangles their arms and spins Maya around in her arms.
 “So,” she says slowly. “I need to swing by the hotel later to pick up my stuff. And then I thought we could have lunch down by the water and stop by the market?”
“Like, a date?”
Carina nods. “I don’t want them to end just because I moved home.” She blushes at her own sentimentality. “They’ve become my favourite part of the week.”
Maya’s smile widens. “Me too.”
It is Maya who initiates the kiss this time, a brief brush of her lips against Carina’s.
“And since I made breakfast, you can make dinner.”
Carina chuckles. “Deal,” she says with a resolute nod. “I’ll cook you something so good, it will make your taste buds explode. It’ll be the best thing you’ve ever tasted.”
Maya’s eyebrows quirk. “You sure about that?”
Carina’s laugh grows louder and she leaves the question unanswered, hearing Maya grumble under her breath as her hand swipes her ass playfully.
“You don’t know half the things you do to me, you know.”
“Oh, I know,” Carina says cheekily as she heads towards the table that is laden with breakfast foods – ready to start the first day of the rest of their lives.
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cadencewishes · 2 months
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Cadence Wishes is a singer and songwriter from Argentina. She has been writing songs since she was 13 years old. Now, at 19, she has released four songs "Make Me Forget", "Crazy Little Girl", "Happiness Is A Sad Song" and "Mariposa". Cadence is not part of any record label, so all the songs she puts out, she writes them and produces them by herself. Some of her inspirations are Selena Gomez, Cady Groves, Taylor Swift, MARINA, Fall Out Boy, Poppy and Avril Lavigne. She describes herself as "someone stuck in the early 2010s", which is reflected in her music style: acoustic pop-rock, emo and honest lyrics. ♡ YouTube Spotify Instagram TikTok
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drjemmanugent · 14 days
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NEW FIC ALERT: i'll see your true colors
author: drjemmanugent (april) platform: ao3 posted on: 13 september 2024 fandom: bridgerton pairing: penelope/colin (polin) rating: E status: completed chapters: 3/3 summary: “Why did you not tell me?”   Penelope’s heart tenses in quick defense but she promptly realizes his tone isn’t accusatory or pointed, but rather even toned. It’s a vague question, one she wasn’t expecting out of his mouth tonight, but one she had expected to receive again for some time, at least since the night before their wedding.  – or, the one which, in the aftermath of the Season’s events, Colin and Penelope have a long overdue conversation about their past.
" Even though her cousin’s husband is a gentleman stepping up in his brother’s stead, Penelope knew Marina’s true heart was too traipsed on after the loss of her true love and Whistledown’s —Penelope’s— denouncement unto the Ton to find love again so soon. Penelope had often hoped there would ever be room in her relationship with Sir Philip for the love Marina deserved, admittedly in a selfishly feeble attempt to assuage her own part in Marina’s outcome.    Such admittance is what drove Penelope, when she revealed herself as Whistledown in her letters to the Queen and Lady Bridgerton, to also send a letter to Marina explaining everything she could, expecting Whistledown’s imminent demise. She had to explain her part in the mess, at least for some sense of resolution, should everything fall to ruin.     Penelope hasn’t received her reply, and by this point, she isn’t sure she ever will. Not that she blames her cousin; Penelope had caused her unpardonable harm, no matter how well intentioned she wished the outcome to have been, for her andfor Colin.     She had planned to tell Colin of her letter, but after the flurry of events at the end of the season, she realizes now she never in fact did. Once again, her intentions did not come to fruition as they should. Now that she’s recalled her letter to her cousin, she decides to bare out her actions.    “So, you have been in communication recently?” Penelope asks, glancing down at her fingers, trying to piece his words together.    “No, I have not written to the Crane residence since….” Colin reviewed the postmark on one of Sir Philip’s notes, “late last summer, before my trip.”   “I have.” Penelope says quietly.   
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