#for me i knew that i was eventually going to love petra from 1x01
carmen-berzattos · 6 years
It was just a little reminder haha. Damon was just trash but Raf is just disappointing me. I want responsible/sweet Raf back. Loving Petra. She's a fun mess
I mean if it was just a *little* reminder then it’s ok I forgive you lmao. I also think a part of my annoyance with season 2 is how much the writers threw him under the bus to prop up Mike. Which I think is childish and not really how good writing work. Mike should’ve been able to shine without them having to sacrifice so much of Raf. But yes, you’ll get disappointed with Raf a lot this season, so get used to it lol. I didn’t mind, I’m very used to being frustrated with my faves. As for Petra, my dude, your love for her will only continue to skyrocket from this point on. Like your affections for her will just continue to grow till all of a sudden you’re sobbing in a corner about how much you love her. 
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