#for how they meet Isaac in Phagophobia 2.0
Some proof I'm still writing Apophenia 2.0 despite scrambling to study for exams and write final papers:
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“What did you do with my stuff?” he asked. “My car? My bags?”
“I took the liberty of relocating them here. I’d be happy to return your clothes, of course. I’m sure you’d like to have a shower and change.”
So, little to no hope of the enforcers finding those then. “You’d be happy to. You’d like to apologize. You fucking kidnapped me.”
“I did.”
“You’re holding me prisoner against my will.”
“I’m afraid so.”
“You’re going to drink me like a bottle of cheap wine and toss me in the gutter when I’m empty.”
“Eventually…yes. Although, it doesn’t have to be that way. It all depends on you.” The bloodborn scooped up a morsel of beef and blew softly on it. “Here, we’ll start easy and slow. What’s your name?”
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