#for example seiko's painful puberty arc got cut
thatlittledandere · 8 years
I was tagged twice so I’ll smash both sets of questions here and only make one myself (one set, not one question) (also I’m putting a cut under the rules this is gonna be long let’s hope it’ll work on mobile too)
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write eleven new ones. Tag eleven people to answer your questions as well as the person who tagged you.
Let’s take @magiccatprincess‘s questions first :>
1. What’s the food you’d never give up?
oh gosh... I don’t know? Sorry D:
2. What’s your favorite anime opening?
FUCK this how is a poor me supposed to choose... No clue let’s say Dragon Ball GT (English) opening because it holds a lot of sentimental value.
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3. Do you believe in aliens?
I mean I suck at math but it must be pretty bloody unlikely that in the whole wide universe we’re the only living organisms.
4. How about ghosts?
No except when I hear people’s stories firsthand, then I do. Then I’ll go back to not believing in like thirty minutes lmao
5. Which fictional universe would you like to live in?
You don’t understand how much thought I’ve put into this ever since elementary school!! I always try to pick those where normal civilians (not the heroes the stories focus on) are relatively safe. At the moment I could mention Boueibu because it’s very much our world + intergalactic television which the background plebs don’t know about. And there would be a chance to meet my faves, if just off-screen :D
6. Which fictional character would you like to meet and why?
Alright you know what? You know what. Karamatsu. I would fucking meet fucking Karamatsu I don’t give a shit let me test my limits with the blue sequin man.
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Fucking hell
7. Got any fanfic recs?
I have too many and I’ve already screamed about my faves before (hey I’ll add the link again)
I discovered Matsustuck recently and it’s great, it captures the overall atmosphere of BOTH OSOMATSU-SAN AND HOMESTUCK PERFECTLY  and holy shit
8. Ever read a line in fanfic that made you reconsider canon?
Most likely? Can’t think of any examples atm but yeah I’m pretty sure I have at some point.
9. Which super power would you like?
I’ll never give up on my dream of being able to fly miss me with that reasoning of why so many abilities would be ore useful
10. Are you good with kids?
No;;; A few years ago I was an instructor on a few children’s camps and they went pretty well but usually, no. Babies are known to start crying from glancing at my face.
11. Ever ate an insect?
We’ve all been kids so most likely yea
Then to @floweryuu‘s part ^^ 
1. What’s your favourite character
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this dude right here with his ugly-ass sunglasses
2. What’s your favourite video game if you play them
I’m not sure what the official definition of a video game is but Mystic Messenger? If mobile games don’t count then Undertale I guess. I don’t play much ^^;
3. Any Anime reconmendation?
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I was on a massive Lovely Complex mood yesterday so I’ll rec it! It’s my favorite romantic comedy that goes from rivals to friends to unrequited crush to a couple and doesn’t end in the getting together, and it’s an absolute delight the whole time :D plus Seiko the best girl
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4. This may sound weird but what do you think about mashed potatoes on hotdogs?
I’ve never heard of this what the fuck
5. Do you like pringles?
6. What’s your favourite flower?
I love dandelions please don’t be a bitch and tell me they’re weeds I’ve grown up surrounded by adults I know
7. What do you think of Ryuu zaou?
He’s adorable and wonderful and I’d love to befriend him but I have good canon reasons to believe he acts very differently around girls than his male friends and no I don’t want him to play this Charismatic Mr. Worlwide I want the real dorky hothead
8. What do you think about Ryuu in dresses/skirts?
He looks great in them and apparently feels too, he should wear them more often
9. What about him in flowers in his hair?
I’m sensing a pattern here really one of Ryuu’s best qualities is how he embraces everything cute and pretty without shame so of course flowers in his hair is great
10. Favourite moment in anime?
Is this about... any anime in general... or something specific? we all know what that something specific is Not that it really matters Ryuu and Io having a massive fight that was basically all “no I love you more” is the greatest thing to happen in animation history
11. What’s your favourite thing you own can be anything?
Oh FUCK idk my denim backpack?? Do I even own it strictly speaking it’s mom’s and I just took a liking to it a few years ago and have been holding it ever since and it’s not like mom got it in COMPLETELY convenient way either, somebody had left it in a locker room in a school she used to go to and it was there for weeks and nobody seemed to miss it so mom just picked it up
ok my questions then!
Who’s the first fictional crush you remember having?
Name one of your favorite artists, the field of art and whether they’re a professional or not doesn’t count
Can you swim?
How many languages do you speak?
Do you have irl friends you can talk about fandoms with?
Do you enjoy dating sims or character x reader fics?
What kind of music did you like as a kid and do you still like it now?
What do you think was the cringiest hairstyle you’ve ever had?
What was your first social media account?
What’s something you’re always ready to learn more about?
Do you have a song you listen to when you’re feeling bad or need to calm down?
Ok I’ll tag you two back, then @kuudessilma, @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer, @amateurcatalyst, @angry-jewish-magical-girl, @president-frankenstein, @mercysorrows, @kissanpiru, @wildelectrictype and @lightlysaltedpretzle
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