#for example Howard would be bored to tears by Wade UNLESS he realizes how many cool gadgets Wade can make/offer
drawnfamiliarfaces · 27 days
I love this AU so much but I do have to ask, where is Howard? How does he feel about Randy hanging out and going on missions with other heroes?
... ok but this is a bit of a complicated answer, considering...
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In Present (Comic) Time, Howard is currently, uh indisposed? 😰
But lol, yeah I get what you mean, so let's just answer in general: Howard is Randy's best friend and he will be by his side as soon as current Randy 'problem' gets resolved. But Howard is also not as into the hero stuff as much as Randy, and that's what I like about him.
Howard would not be eager to go on missions like Randy, and while yes it will probably be a cause for some jealousy that Randy's gonna hang out with other heroes - you have to keep in mind that in HoM AU they are both a bit older, so the jealousy will be much more managable. Because at the end of the day, they are still best friends, no matter how many new cool friends either of them meet.
Not to mention, who is to say that Howard won't hang out with them as well?? xD (I just never drew it, because uuuuh plot reasons) Also not to mention the other characters that are in the same best friends/support role for other heroes! He will totally call them losers, but will still eagerly join their super secret chat group so he can share/learn some funny dirt about their respective hero friends. xD
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