#for dreamer„ the events I want to occur usually need 1500-5000 words to play out
sokokoko · 4 months
I have a book I'm writing (Dreamer). The latest chapter is 5k words and counting (almost done).
I had an idea for the start of a completely unrelated project (if you look at my pinned post you'll see I have a lot of ideas I want to write). Decided to get it down because I really liked it. Wrote 840 words, which is small for me. These words felt like a good stopping point considering the content covered in the chapter.
That's when I decided to write this book, Nemesis, with The Raven & The Dove rules. What does this mean?
Looking at The Raven & The Dove, i clearly did not give a monkey about word count. I've got chapters that are as little as 300 words versus ones as much as 1.6k. Both the chapters work, because they achieve the objectives I wanted them to. The shorter ones don't feel like a waste and the longer ones aren't just some tedious thing dragging on words so I can have words.
So I went and made a chapter 2 of Nemesis, despite chapter 1 being 840 words. I might pull a Dreamer and combine the chapters later, but this feels like an accomplishment right now. I didn't think I'd be writing Nemesis anytime soon, but ideas know how to get you. Now I'm on the second chapter of Nemesis and it's great, even if I end up combining the chapters later.
I'll write it with The Raven & The Dove rules.
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