#for daring to think theyd have even a halfway thought out plot for anything
fuzzydreamin · 4 months
Y'know, when they cut that guys head off in the show I really thought he would be ending up as a robobrain or something. I thought the McGuffin was him; his brain. That he had knowledge from his time working with the Enclave that he wanted to turn over to help regular wastelanders. I thought the thing he injected in himself was to help keep his brain alive if the rest of his body got destroyed by something in the wastes.
Instead he was just... a purse. A purse to carry a pre-war bit of technology/McGuffin that could have been gotten from anywhere else, because there's no real info on how he/the Enclave actually got that... They just... had it. And no info on why he would defect and want to hand it to Moldaver, or how he even knows her in the first place... (Sure, she was pre-war and Vault-tec bought out the technology... that doesn't actually explain anything and just raises more questions.)
Anyway... this is just leading into how the entire plot of this show and everything around Moldaver (IE, the entire show again) does not make one lick of sense. It all just... happens without cause. People just know each other. People just have shit. No explanations or backgrounds. No why or how. Just. Things happen.
Man, is my disappointment in this show immeasurable.
Not even touching on the guy's name. Don't need to. You all know.
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