#for context i have a hc that tron was given first aid protocols for users which is why rinz doesn’t wanna move edward when he’s knocked out
riinzler · 1 year
/* not sure how they would meet, but I think one of these might be a good fit for our muses? Leaving these as your choice. (hope that's okay?) —@not-that-dillinger */
2.  STORM :  for both muses to find shelter from a severe storm.
13.  DAZE :  for one muse to wake somewhere and find the other hovering over them.
18.  DISASTER :  for both muses to work together to escape a fire, flood, or other disaster.
32.  TRAIL :  for one muse to notice the other has been following them.
DAZE :  for one muse to wake somewhere and find the other hovering over them.
Rinzler might have miscalculated. Badly.
He had rushed to the arcade aboard his lightjet as soon as he’d seen the Portal flare to life, intent on capturing the User who’d entered before they could slip away. He’d just missed them, and so had to resort to tracking the data left by their footsteps as they traveled deeper and deeper into the depths of the city. He didn’t know where they were heading, and quite frankly, he didn’t care. As long as he was able to intercept them before they reached the desired destination, wherever that might’ve been. He stalked silently after the trail, holding in the broken rumble from his processors as best as he could as he drew near his target. He had deviated from the path the User had left behind a few paces back, instead climbing to an overhead walkway and using the height advantage to finally, finally, set his sights on the User.
In retrospect, his haste to capture them had lead to his downfall, as he’d leaped without a second thought, tackling into the User from above and using the momentum to roughly take them to the ground, rolling end over end before he’d twisted, ending up on top as the User’s head slammed into the floor tiles, the rest of them falling still.
Rinzler sat back on his heels as he lifted the User’s head, checking along the back for any structural damages done, and was relieved to find none. No cracks or spilt voxels, but they still didn’t stir. Most programs would’ve already returned to their feet by then. With grumbled complaints, sure, but they’d have stood regardless. Where Users really built that weak? He leaned towards the User with the intent of simply tossing them in his lightjet and delivering them to the Luminary, but as he reached out to do so a half forgotten protocol in the oldest parts of his code stirred, partly blocked by patches and rewrites, telling him to wait for the User to reboot before transport. He wasn’t sure why he had the compulsion, let alone why he followed it, but he settled down to wait regardless, crouched next to the User with his one of his Discs in hand.
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