#for badboy Gil calling her every petname he can think of
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey what do you think about Lawyer Thena defending the Gangster Gil? I see this more like an enemies to lovers hahahahah🤣
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Yeah, Blondie, I'm listening," Gilgamesh responded lazily, although he knew it would just get him an eyeroll and probably one hell of a lecture. The woman really had a way with words, and the way was boring.
"What did I tell you about calling me that?"
"You don't know," she supplied for him with even more bite than usual, which was already plenty. For a woman who looked as soft as an angel she was really more of a 'hell in high heels' creature. A very special brand of she-demon, Gil thought. "You don't know because you weren't listening!"
"Okay, okay, sorry," he groaned, lowering his feet from the chair across from him and looking at the lawyer just about frothing at the mouth about it. And as fun as he found it to ruffle those platinum feathers of hers, there was a limit to how much he would let her bark at him.
"I'm sorry, here I was under the impression you'd hired me to defend you," Thena scoffed, tossing down the file she'd been waving around at him onto the table. "But if you'd rather I let them convict you, then-"
"Okay, jesus christ, relax," Gilgamesh snorted, reaching for the file she'd slapped down in her huff. "It's been a long day, y'know. Am I really the first to zone out after having you yapping all day?"
She glared at him, and he was sure if he were any normal man, he'd be pissing his pants from it. "No, but if you zone out, then you don't do well on the stand. And if you don't do well, then I lose this case. And I have no intention of letting that happen."
Gilgamesh allowed his own eyeroll at her devotion to his cause. "Wow, so dedicated."
"I'm defending you after you organised a bank robbery," Thena hissed at him, lowering her voice to a whisper (as aggravated and agitated as it was).
"Hey, that's why banks have insurance," he shrugged. "And I have business with the ass hole that owns all those branches."
Thena lowered herself even closer to him, "don't confess even more crimes to me, moron!"
Gil just held his hands up and shrugged. She'd been the one to ask him to be transparent in his dealings with her.
"Unbelievable," she grumbled, leaning up and away from him and rubbing her temples. "Maybe you're right, maybe it is time for a break."
"Trial's not exactly tomorrow, Angel," he chuckled, leaning back in his chair again. "We do have time, y'know."
"A week goes by much faster than you'd think," she countered, easily ignoring every little pet name he'd thrown at her so far. "Anyone who's ever gotten up there and been found guilty, I assure you, wishes they'd spent more time preparing than they did."
"My god, you're wound tight," Gilgamesh laughed, and was indeed rewarded with another glare. "Do you even sleep at all?--or do you just plug yourself in and lean against the wall of your office?"
"Such a comedian," she replied flatly with that icy stare of hers. Shit, was she as sexy as she was annoying. She snapped the file shut. "At least look at these again while I go get us some food."
"Food, I'll go get some," she huffed at him, circling around the desk of the conference room for her coat. "God knows we'll need the coffee."
"Where are you going?"
"Are you really in a position to make demands?" she replied flippantly. She had her coat on and was fanning her hair out again when suddenly he was beside her, grasping her wrist in his hand. She snapped it out of his grasp, shuffling a precious few inches away.
"You're not going out there alone."
"The chivalry act?" she raised a cool brow at him, but Gil was already slipping his coat on as well, meeting her scowl for scowl. "You can't just go waltzing around, you are literally a criminal on trial."
"Hey, I'm out on bail, I can go anywhere a law abiding citizen can go," he argued, tugging at the collar of his coat as he did. "And I'm not letting a lady walk around at the dead of fuckin' night by herself."
"A gentleman crime boss, are you?" she gave him that same infuriating - bordering on cute - smirk.
"I'm a criminal, Sunshine, not a pig, and I'm not letting you go alone, so stop complaining and come on," he growled, rattling the doorknob loudly for extra effect.
"Lucky me," she snarled at him on her way past, her nose in the air and her hair swinging behind her as her heels clacked on the floors.
"Unbelievable," Gil muttered as he followed her out, hurrying his steps so he could keep up with the she-demon and her high heels.
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