#for all the shit i got there it was only 30 bucks vs the 120 for 5 shirts n an overpriced rock like. why would i ever go back to the mall f
bugmin · 2 years
i love my brother to pieces but he is genuinely one of the most infuriatingly stubborn people ever. like just ever. out of everyone he is the most. a fantastic example of this was yesterday when we got gas before heading to the mall and he realized, after our very expensive mall expenditure, that he never actually pumped the gas i paid cash for. we literally spent 5 minutes bickering abt whether or not i could convince the gas station attendant to give us the gas i paid for over an hour ago. "im gonna drag you in there by your fucking hair and ur gonna explain to them that ur a stupid little boy who cant pump gas because theres not a fucking chance in hell i just pissed 20 dollars out of my cooch" "no im not" "yes you are" "no im not" "yes you are" and that continued for a while. he finally gives in, we go back, and i legit tell the gas station attendant that i am Not above begging before making my brother explain what happened. she facetimes her coworker to confirm we were there earlier and guess fuckin what? she gave us the gas. i walked out of there literally jumping for joy like i was over the moon. we get in the car and my brother just goes "we're not gonna talk about how stubborn i was." actually we are . we're gonna discuss it in great detail on tumblr dot com
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