#for a few hours of snuggles before the thumb-monkeys leave for the hospital
doomspaniels · 1 year
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Today's earworm is "Metal Heart" (Garbage)
I wish I had a metal heart
I could cross the line
I wish that I was half as good
As you think I am
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years
Hiding. Part 15a (NSFW)
Cowritten with @disastrousintention.
Luckily for Charlie and Duffy, they had no further issues with the baby whilst Duffy was on bed rest in the hospital. Charlie’s routine mostly consisted of the boys, work, visiting Duffy to ensure she was following the doctors' instructions and trying to find them a house. He’d found somewhere special in an ad a few days ago.
Duffy, on the other hand, had made it to the end of a third novel and was beginning to get really bored. The fact that the baby seemed to be doing well and staying put filled her with relief though.
There was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" She called out, thankful of the distraction.
It was Charlie. He smiled brightly and stepped into the room, a bunch of flowers in his hands.
Casting an eye around the room Duffy giggled. "This place is starting to resemble a florist!"
He brought her flowers often, just as a small way to appreciate her. He glanced around the room and smiled shyly, “Sorry.”
"I'm not complaining."
He closed the door and stepped towards the bed, handing the flowers over. “How are you feeling?”
"Tired. I didn't sleep as well last night for some reason."
He bent down and kissed her tenderly, “You should catch some sleep. How’s trouble?” Trouble was his nickname for the baby.
"Its ok, I'll be alright. She's being a little monster, I don't think there's a single one of my internal organs that she hasn't kicked or punched this morning!"
“A little monster, hey?” He placed a kiss against her stomach. “Be nice to your mummy, monkey.”
The baby responded with a strong kick. "See what I mean!" Duffy remarked.
He smiled and rubbed her stomach, “She takes after her mum. Both a monkey and cheeky.” He grinned as he caught her eye.
"Rude!" She giggled sticking her tongue out.
“See? Exactly what I mean.” He perched on the edge of the bed.
"So what exciting world events are passing me by outside?" She asked sarcastically.
“Nothing remotely interesting. I may have found us a house though.” He smiled.
Duffy tried to keep the excitement off her face but failed. "Really?!"
He nodded, smiling brightly at the excitement on her face. “Yes I have.”
"Do you have pictures? I wish I could come see it with you." She remarked wistfully.
“The thing is, I need you come with me. So I'm going to talk to the doctors, convince them to let you out for a few hours. And then I’ll bring you back. After your day release has ended.” He laughed softly.
"You're breaking me out of jail?!"
“Hmm, I can try. What do I get in return?” He asked.
"My eternal gratitude..." She shifted her hand to squeeze his thigh. "...and you never know what else might happen..!" She purred.
“Oh you sexy minx.” He looked down at her hand and bit his lip.
"Just don't tell the doctor... You wouldn't want to get me in any trouble would you?" She giggled seductively.
“Of course not.” He lent forward and whispered in her ear, “I’ve missed you.”
"I've missed you too." She replied, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He began to kiss her neck. “You’re so sexy.”
"You really have missed me haven't you!" She giggled.
“Of course I have. It’s been a while... A long while.” He continued to kiss her neck.
"You're getting distracted Charlie... I want to go outside."
“In a minute.” He mumbled.
As Charlie snuggled closer he discovered that Duffy wasn't the only one keen to move around when he was rewarded with another couple of strong kicks.
He laughed gently. “The baby’s moving again.” Charlie moved his hands up her top, towards her breasts.
"Probably wondering what on earth you're up to." She giggled.
“You make me so hard with that giggle.” He whispered before groping her breasts.
"You are going to get us both in trouble." She gasped as she moved her hand to confirm his assertion.
“Oh God...” He muttered as he felt her hand on his groin. His hands moved further down and into her pyjama bottoms.
All thoughts of being sensible flew from Duffy's mind as she felt Charlie's fingers begin to gently caress her.
“You’re so naughty.”
"You started it!" She pouted playfully.
“Did not.” He licked his lips, “Fancy checking out the shower facilities?” She had an en-suite in the side room.
"I'm only supposed to leave my bed if I have a nurse with me to supervise."
“Is my nursing qualification not good enough?” He smiled.
"I suppose you'll have to do." She shrugged with a grin.
He moved his hands and got off the bed. He held his hand out for her.
She moved to reach out to grab his hands but found herself stuck awkwardly. "Oh for goodness sake!" She muttered. "Don't even think about laughing at me!" She glared.
“You’re stuck?” He laughed before quickly stopping when he saw her glare.
"I said don't laugh!" She complained, her voice laced with frustration.
“Sorry.” He apologised and helped her get out of bed.
"This is all your fault!" She accused.
“Mine? Why mine?”
"One of these days I'll learn to say no to you!" She muttered ignoring his question.
“Your sex drive matches mine sometimes you know.” He replied.
"Just sometimes?" Her eyebrow raised.
“All the time, actually.” He replied.
"Even now when you can no longer get your arms fully around me."
“Of course.” He smiled.
"I always knew you were strange." She giggled.
“You’re extremely sexy when you’re pregnant. Nothing changes.”
"So it seems." Her grin turned devilish. "I thought you promised to help me take a shower for my big trip out?"
“I did. Although I don’t think we’d get much showering done.” He smirked, taking her hand again and leading her into the en-suite.
Closing the door behind them Duffy slide the lock across. "Wouldn't want us to be disturbed." She explained with a grin.
“Of course not.” He switched on the shower. His hands began to roam Duffy’s body.
She reached her hands up to cup his face and pulled him closer for a searing kiss, her previous tiredness forgotten, replaced instead by a newfound confidence.
Her confidence and ability to take control was so sexy! He returned the kiss.
"You need to get undressed if you plan to join me." She remarked between kisses.
He began to undress her, before undressing himself.
Duffy allowed Charlie to walk her backwards towards the shower. She let out a gasping moan as the warm water began to cascade down her naked back.
Charlie moaned as the hot water ran over his body. His lips went to her neck again.
Minutes passed without either realising, so caught up were they both in each other.
“Turn around,” He whispered.
She quirked an eyebrow at him but followed his directions.
He began to kiss down her back and her spine. His hand ran up the back of her thigh and across her bottom before giving it a playful smack.
She lent forward and braced herself with her arms against the tiled wall, allowing them to take some of the strain as her legs weren't used to standing for so long after two weeks spent almost exclusively in bed.
“Do you want to have sex or a mutual masturbation session?” He asked, kissing her neck.
Duffy pondered the question for a few moments, a task that was increasingly difficult as Charlie's hands continued to wander.
“Hard one to answer, huh?” He smirked, “Face me?”
She slowly turned around amused at the cocky grin on his face.
He sucked two fingers and inserted them inside her.
She gasped and grabbed out to hold the shower rail, the much missed sensation instantly turning her legs to jelly.
“Fuck!” He muttered. “How does that feel gorgeous?”
"Don't. Stop." She mumbled, her breathing already becoming quicker. The enforced abstinence and raging hormones surging through her system heightened her arousal.
“I’ve not even started yet.” He laughed gently, his fingers moving in and out. His other hand grabbed her breast.
She reached out and took hold of his cock feeling how hard it was in her wet and slippery hands.
He moaned softly, feeling her hand. “Duffy...”
She gripped him more firmly as she ran her hand up and down his full length, circling her fingers around the tip.
“Baby...” His stomach was swimming. His hand moved faster, moving his other hand to her hip. “You’re so gorgeous!”
Her hand pumped faster as she fought to control her breathing.
“Baby.” He swallowed, his own breathing heavy. He added his thumb to his hand movements, circling her clit.
Their moans grew louder, reverberating off the tiled walls of the bathroom, neither of them caring if they could be heard outside.
It wasn’t long until they reached their climax. Charlie’s come getting everywhere. “Duffy, fuck.”
"Bloody hell!" She sighed. She cast her eyes over the two of them. "Don't even think about suggesting I clean that up!" She warned.
“I think you should.” He smiled.
She winced as she pushed herself up from against the wall.
“You alright?” He frowned.
"Yeh, just over-exerted myself a little. Don't fuss. We should get cleaned up so we can go see the house."
“You’re excited about the house, aren’t you?” He grinned as he began to clean her.
"It'll be nice to finally actually sleep in the same bed as you properly."
“Yeah it will.”
After they had cleaned up they moved back into the room and Duffy took the clothes that Charlie had brought with him for her.
Charlie got dressed himself. Glancing at her now and again as she got dressed.
She sat on the bed as she dressed attempting to ignore how winded she felt and convince herself that it would pass.
He frowned. “Duffy, darling, are you sure you’re ok?” He could read her like a book.
"I'm fine. Can you help me with my shoes?"
He nodded and crouched down to help her with her shoes.
"So where is the house?" She asked, hoping to keep his thoughts occupied on other topics.
“Not far, about twenty minutes from the hospital.” He replied.
"That'll be good when we're both back at work."
He nodded, “Yeah it will be.”
They finished getting ready and Duffy attempted to push herself back up from the bed.
He stood up and offered her his hand, to help her up.
She groaned as she got up. "I'll be pleased when this is all over!"
“What, when trouble is here?”
"Yes because then you can take a turn lugging her around for a change!"
He laughed gently, “Sorry.”
"Its alright for blokes - all the fun and none of the hard work. Bloody typical!" She continued to complain.
“You’re a bloody complainer!” He smiled.
"So would you be if you had to carry a whole other person around inside you all day and night!"
“I probably would be, yes.”
"Are we going then?"
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