#for The Rest of Greece tm as if athens wasnt its own weird exceptional thing
allbeendonebefore · 15 days
Why do Sparta fanboys hate Athens (and sometimes, the rest of Greece, but let's be honest, they aren't smart enough to have such broad knowledge) with such passion? Sure, there are some Athens enjoyers who can be harsh towards Sparta and/or its fans, but they do it to give them a taste of their medicine.
i got this ask while i was outside dying in a heatwave waiting for a drink and i was just going to reply "fascism" or the slightly more wordy "because sparta fanboys are usually fascists or on their way down the pipeline".
but now that I'm home and I've had a chance to recuperate and consult, it turns out my dear friend @en-theos did it much more eloquently for me already, so I will point back to her too :) I don't have much to add onto her answer for this question without further clarification of said question because I'm not you, anon, and I don't necessarily have your same experiences or observations.
Always look at what they are saying about Sparta and how they think that applies to...... literally anything. Where are they getting this information from. Why do they think it is accurate. Are they getting everything they know about Sparta from Frank Miller. etc etc.
Fascism and white supremacists have appropriated both ancient Sparta and ancient Greece generally to promote their ideology and they have been doing that for a long time. And in some cases, this idealism is even institutionalized.
While the Sparta fanboys are more obvious about it, don't assume it doesn't happen for the rest of Greece too even if it's not immediately clear. People who use intellectualism or "logic" as a weapon can be just as anti-intellectualist as the people who are openly so, and are often even more dangerous in these trying times. For every obnoxious fanboy ranting about Thermopylae or the agoge, theres also some guy out there who quietly believes Plato's Republic should actually exist or something.
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