#fop angela
tubbiegordito · 28 days
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Au where instead of cosmo and wanda they are the anti wanda and anti cosmo XD plus hazel is lezah ksdjfbd and everything else is normal
I'm bad at designing clothes or looking for colors, don't judge me x'0!!
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nalooksthrough · 2 months
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The Well Girls
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lonely-fried-art · 2 months
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silly show consumes my brain again more at ten
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vanderbilt-draws · 1 month
crocker cant even call innocent retirees fairies anymore. because of woke
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(continuing my trend of hazels parents thinking cosmo is trans sjfjfjfk im having fun with this)
(also yea ik this prob wouldnt make sense in canon but. just imagine some shenanigans to set this up ok thx)
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months
Aaaand if anyone’s curious, here’s the reference to Poof/Peri earlier in the episode
Hazel also says the color periwinkle earlier in the episode, but it’s in reference to hats so I don’t think it’s meant to be a reference/foreshadowing, but idk
(Also until the show looks me in the eye and says otherwise, I’m choosing to believe that Angela and Marcus now think Cosmo is a stealth trans man. Diversity Win! Your new neighbor is the world’s first trans absentee father and he and his also-absentee-mother wife are also very bad at compartmentalizing time)
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inamindfarfaraway · 27 days
I don't know what's funnier: paranormal scientist Marcus Wells completely missing every sign that Cosmo and Wanda are magical beings; or psychologist Angela Wells not missing a single sign that they have extremely complicated personal lives and relationships.
After every conversation with them, Marcus walks away oblivious. “That was nice. What delightfully quirky people. Now, time to investigate the supernatural!”
Meanwhile, Angela goes to stare at her increasingly convoluted corkboard covered in green and pink string that connects notes including:
Marriage used to be rockier, retirement helped a lot
Coworkers in childcare for decades - added stress? Attachment issues with kids on the job?
Cosmo's mother emotionally abusive? Definitely toxic
Wanda's father Mafia boss???
Peri - son, 23, loved and praised but no/low contact for years until recently, all adapting to his young adulthood
Cosmo probably neurodivergent - ADHD? Undiagnosed? Wanda maybe also
Cosmo trans? Cosmo was pregnant? Both trans and Peri their bio kid?
Odd comments/jokes about human bodies, very flexible, but low stamina walking - invisible disabilities? Dysphoria?
Immigrants? History of travel? Both avoid specific details about past/first homes
WHO IS TIMMY? Ward? Job kid? Foster/adoptive son? Peri's big brother? No contact? Dead?! Important but lost, uncomfortable topic!
Both highly sensitive about fish
Hazel and her godparents are so afraid that Marcus will discover fairies, but the real threat is Angela roping her neighbours into an unofficial therapy session.
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viibo · 25 days
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Dale when lemons or lemonade catch him by surprise
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subjected to exposure therapy
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lovelywayniac · 27 days
I know I have Fairy refs I should be doing but MLP Au has my mind 😭
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Hazel’s a Alpaca/Half Pony, Dev’s a unicorn, Jasmine’s a Shetland Pony (horse) and Winn’s a Mule (Half Pony/Half Donkey)
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Marcus is an Alpaca, Angela and Antony are Alpaca/Half Pony. (These two have cutie marks but just haven’t got to them)
I have so much for this Au 🥺
Also Alpaca’s spit when picking mates, so…
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Idiots 💗🥺💗
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warning-heckboop · 24 days
As much as I'd love for Dale to have some grand, magical defeat relating to Protect H, I also really would love if one day he's just arrested out of the blue, and while the fairies are looking at each other wondering who finally used magic to get him taken away, the camera just pans to Angela Wells shaking hands with the CPS agent she called after Dev slept over one time and told her that he, a ten year old child, is usually left alone in his dad's giant towering mansion with insufficient guardrails almost every day and night.
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mintybloomz · 7 days
Does Hazel still go to school while this is going on (referring to the fairy bound au) or does she take a few days off at first or something?
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She takes a couple days off! Luckily, her mom takes her daughter's mental health very seriously.
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She attends Spellementary on her days off of human school, including every Saturday! She doesn't go on Sundays because my girl needs a break.
Fairy Bound AU: [Start] - [Previous] - [Next]
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eashgirl · 21 days
"What do you see in him?"
"He makes me laugh"
The way this can apply to both Cosmo/Wanda and Angela/Marcus
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Look at Wanda and Angela's expressions they're head over heels for the goofy dork
I've seen people compare the fountain scene of Dev and Hazel to Anthony and his crush (and no problem with that I love Devzel)but these two ships also have some parallels that I wanted to share.
Bonus both girls have an ex boyfriend that thinks they look attractive in a mirror and tried to get back together with their ex at one point
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talekinesis · 20 days
Hear me out
Dale Dimmadome gets therapy
His therapist ends up being Angela Wells (Hazel's mom)
This idea has been in my head for a few days now, someone please interact or add to this, it's just so perfect in my opinion
"Hey, my dad finally got therapy!"
"I know, my mom's his therapist-"
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Jumping on the Mr and Mrs Wells think coswan are t4t train:
If they ever happen to hear Hazel refer to them as fairies they’d sit down with her and have one long ass chat about love and respect.
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skxawngonearth · 9 months
Frontiers Memes without context
(cut for Spoiler protection)
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PS. I don't know how to meme
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ilikemicrowaves · 11 days
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Hazel of the Mudwings and Sandwings (Hazel Wells)
Hazel is a 5 year old mud/sand hybrid living in Sanctuary with her parents. She carries a bag of rocks with her and has a small rock bracelet on her left wrist. She attends an all tribe school.
+ size comparison and her parents
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I'm not too sure about Marcus's and Angela's designs, which is why they're not colored in case I change them.
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months
I know it's already been said by multiple people but Dev needs a therapist and maybe some anger management.
Ding ding ding Dear Anon, and it gets truer every time someone says it
Listen. This kid kinda sucks, he’s hard to be around, but it’s because he’s a kid in a crappy situation with crappy luck and zero life skills to manage it. Like the sleepover episode — of course people went to Hazel’s sleepover over his, he tried to steamroll over her sleepover in the first place and he’s already well known for being a jerk. BUT when no one actually shows up to his sleepover, he doesn’t have the capability to think “oh, this is a consequence of my actions, I need to adjust my behavior going forward” because no one’s ever taught him to think that way. Instead, let’s be real, this is just going to become a painful core memory that’ll only keep hurting decades later if he doesn’t get help to compartmentalize it
He’s been raised to believe care is conditional and transactional — him hoarding the pudding until someone does him a favor, him giving out merchandise on his dad’s behalf to make his dad happy, him assuming that one argument would completely shatter his friendship with Hazel, etc
He needs someone to help him work through his trauma, someone to help him learn how to manage his emotions in a healthy manner so he doesn’t blow up or automatically assume the worst when faced with negative situations, someone to set boundaries with him and teach him how to set and understand his own boundaries. Shoot, he needs someone to just love him and care for him unconditionally and for him to know this
Otherwise, he’s just going to be another Dale.
I remember being a kid and seeing the episode where Dale is introduced and reunited with his dad, and I remember for the longest time expecting Dale to also show up when Doug did, only to be disappointed when he didn’t. Dale from the original series needed someone to help him through his trauma, and clearly, Doug never did that. Instead, it seems he just neglected Dale from there and left Dale to stew, to turn his trauma into unhealthy coping mechanisms, needing exploit like he was exploited and needing more and more money at the cost of everything else. I know kid me would be devastated if they saw this and I know adult me will be devastated if Dev ends up following in his father’s bootsteps instead of being helped out of this cycle
Dev’s needs only highlight how unfair the godparent system can be for both him and fairies. He’s a spoiled rich kid, he doesn’t need wish fulfillment, he needs guidance, and the thing is, Peri is trying to give guidance. He’s trying to set boundaries and give advice, but he’s also too inexperienced at this (and being steamrolled by his own parents) to do it properly. Dev should’ve been matched with a godparent who has experience with angry and hurt children instead of being given to the vulnerable new guy who hasn’t been trained for this
And I’m pretty sure Peri and Dev being separated at this point will only serve as a bounce off point for more trauma for both of them — we still don’t know how the whole Timmy thing affected Peri, but we do know he values being a godparent, and losing his first godkid (especially one as hurt and fragile as Dev) would be crushing. And when Dev got Peri, it was basically the universe telling him “this is an adult that is here just for you, who will not be pulled away by technology or greed and who will not intentionally hurt you. He cares about your happiness above all else. A third of his official title is ‘Parent’ and he is yours” — simply replacing Peri would only diminish this statement, and losing this entirely, even if his memory is wiped after, would probably only scar him
Get 👏 Dev 👏 A 👏 Support 👏 Team 👏 ASAP
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