#fools paradise vn
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yuriyaoijesus · 11 months ago
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he eats fruit shaped decorative soap…. Such a loser I love him…. And his duck…..
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thread-theocracy · 2 years ago
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Black Widow @deadvnstudios 🕸️
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deadvnstudios · 1 year ago
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FOOL'S PARADISE, a satirical horror visual novel with romantic elements, is now out! Before playing, remember that some topics featured in the game are triggering to some. Please check the warnings on the game’s main page and within the game’s menu.
Download Links
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2817050/FOOLS_PARADISE/ Itch.io: https://deadline-co.itch.io/fools-paradise
Other Links
Discord: https://discord.gg/dcWWznnhTt
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arsenicapplecore · 12 days ago
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@deadvnstudios I love Mary. Thank you for creating her. (Also if I had known about the applications omg i would have applied AHHH) Very very cool game. CAN I STILL APPLY PLSSSS
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deadvnstudios · 9 months ago
FOOL’S PARADISE is participating in this year’s bundle! Please check out all of the cool included developers 🎉!
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We're proud 🌈 to present the 4th Queer Games Bundle, with 500 games, TTRPGs, comics, and more from LGBTQ+ creators around the world.
For the price of one AAA game, you can directly support queer artists today. Buy it here for $60 (or $10+):
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brainrotclown · 18 days ago
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posting my different vn mcs designs again + valentines art,, fools paradise my beloved 🤍
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lookatthedawn · 7 years ago
Settling In
Twelve days after I arrived in Hanoi my friend and mentor comes by the office to say goodbye. She's heading back to the U.S., where she will spend a few months.  She's happy that I have found a place to live and am settled at my work.  I feel comfortable in Hanoi, I know how to get to places I want to go, I know how to get the things I need, but all the same, I'm sorry to see her go.  She has a calm and reassuring presence that I will miss.  We take a few pictures together and promise to keep in touch.  I'm sure I'll never be able to tell her how much I admire her and how grateful I am for her guidance and support.  
That's the thing when you travel; you meet and interact with so many people, and one gives you just the information you need, another points you in the right direction, and sometimes you don't even have the time to thank them properly. This, to me, makes traveling a humbling experience, for you are very aware that while you're on your own, you are also dependent on the people and the interactions you have.  
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I leave the office little past five and walk to the market on Hue Street of which Thao has told me about.  I'm expecting something like an American supermarket, and plan to pick up a few fruits and toiletries.  I haven't seen a supermarket in Hanoi and am looking forward to a productive shopping experience.  I'm also hoping that goods will be clearly priced, so that I don't need to ask or haggle.  Haggling is a very common practice in Vietnam, and being used to fixed prices, I find it annoying and a waste of time.  As my mentor has explained to me, there isn't a fixed pronoun for self in the Vietnamese language.  It is fluid, as it depends on the speaker's relationship to whom he is addressing.  The same happens when dealing with street vendors.  You buy something for 200,000 VN Dongs one day, but that doesn't mean that you can buy the same thing for the same price the next day.  Sometimes you leave a transaction feeling like you made a good deal, other times you feel like a fool who paid too much for what you wanted.   I arrive at the market about half an hour before closing time and realize that the place is very different from what I had imagined.  Forget about the American Stop & Shop. This is a large barn-like place, with three floors, in which many merchants gather to sell their products.  Shoes and clothes are the first things I see.  I hear "Ma'am" from every direction, as sellers call my attention to their offers.  I climb the stairs to the second and third floor where the shops follow the pattern as other shops in Hanoi; they are located side by side and sell the same things.  This here is a textile paradise. Silk, cotton, wool, polyester, you name it, in varied colors and patterns.  
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I go back to the first floor, to where the vegetables and fruits are.  I haggle with a seller over the price of watermelon.  I end up buying it, besides grapes and a mango, but I think I overpaid for them.  I don't think I like the market much.  I walk to the cafe Tous Les Jours, which Thao has shown me, to buy bread, and end up buying the toiletries I need from a small store where two nice teenage girls make an effort to speak English with me.  I love the young people here.  So respectful and so helpful! Slowly my days shape into a routine; I wake up around seven-thirty, take a shower and leave for work around eight-thirty.  In the U.S. I usually leave home with an apple, but while in Hanoi, I substituted that for a guava, which is green and as big as an apple. Exactly at 11:45 a.m. my supervisor invites us for lunch at the cafeteria.  We walk a number of flights of stairs before arriving at the top floor of the building.  We joke that we have to work an appetite.  Knowing that I'm vegan, the cooks strive to offer me plenty of vegetables and especially tofu.  I don't have the words in Vietnamese to tell them how much I appreciate their consideration.  
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I leave work at five, and I'm usually the last one to do so.  When I realize that my supervisor waits for me to leave so that he can leave, I decide to come to work at 8:30 and leave at 4:30 p.m., like everyone else.  After work, I run any necessary errands, mostly to buy bread or fruits.  Sometimes I take a walk, explore a new part of town or go to Lenin Park or back to the loved Old Quarter and Ho Hoan Kiem.  Sometimes I meditate in the park, or go home and take a nap since this is early morning in the West and nobody wants to talk to me at this time.  I write and read in the evenings, and when I'm finally ready to sleep, I engage in long and important conversations with one of my children, my sister or my best friend in Brazil -- it's around noon there -- and I end up going to sleep around 2 or 3 a.m.  Four to five hours of sleep is not enough and my greatest challenge at work is keeping myself awake.  The work is rather interesting and gratifying. I feel like I'm in the right place, doing the best thing for my education/career at this point, so I have developed a few techniques to stay awake, from listening to music to having tea or a sweet snack at the critical moments, but I'm aware that the best thing would be just to sleep earlier. Thao, my host, asks me one day when is my nap time at work?  Nap time?  Yes, she says, and adds that at her job nap time goes from 11:30 to 2 p.m.  A light goes on in my mind as I realize that when my boss turns off a few lights and disappears behind his desk, that's what he is doing, like everyone else in the office, who magically disappears after lunch.  Not knowing of their habits, I kept working, sometimes alone, in the dim light, while wondering where everyone had gone.  Thao explains to me that in Vietnam that's a common practice.  So I decide that while in Vietnam I must do like the Vietnamese do.  The next day, when one o'clock strikes and my supervisor dims the lights, I put my laptop to sleep, push it aside, and lay my head on the desk.  I can't fall asleep but just rest my eyes for a while.  But I keep at it, and soon enough I am falling asleep and even dreaming on my desk.  Unfortunately, our nap time is only half an hour, but still, it refreshes me and keeps me going until the end of the workday.   
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After two weeks in Hanoi, I know my way around and feel comfortable in both my work and housing arrangement.  I've learned where to buy what I need and how to cross the street.  As for the language, all I know is how to say 'good morning' and 'thank you', but the Vietnamese are both friendly and understanding.  Somehow we communicate.  I'm thankful to them for their hospitality and I feel just fine in my role as writer/editor.  I could live here!
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deadvnstudios · 16 days ago
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FOOL’S PARADISE 2.0 Demo is now out! Experience the commune again with a rework that reflects the quality of our current efforts!
ITCH.IO: https://deadline-co.itch.io/fools-paradise STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2817050/FOOLS_PARADISE
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deadvnstudios · 10 months ago
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Happy Maid Day from the FOOL'S PARADISE Team! 🧹👩‍🍳💼
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deadvnstudios · 23 days ago
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[ 🎂 2025 ]
Happy Birthday Charlie 🐕
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deadvnstudios · 4 months ago
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Sorry for our absence! It seems we're cooking something evil right now… In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this sweet treat by @xiaeom!
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deadvnstudios · 1 year ago
oh no! i got into a argument with the romanceables and they said something so stupid that upset me! how do they apologize? :3
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"H-hey. Can you just... come to my room tonight? I… I have something I want to show you."
Upon entering Tempest's room later that evening, you're immediately struck by its uncharacteristic cleanliness and the candles meticulously arranged along his shelves. They cast a warm glow over Tempest, seated on his bed with legs crossed, cradling a guitar in his lap. He proceeds to serenade you with a song, personally composed for you, by him. The performance is brief, encompassing only a single verse, and as the final note fades, Tempest asks you to forgive him.
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"Oopsy-daisy, baby's breath. Iris-pectfully apologize. Please forget-me-not… and uhm… Look. Bad puns aside, what I'm trying to say is… I'm sorry for upsetting you."
The morning after your fight, you find Vein lingering outside your room, a vibrant bouquet of your favorite flowers in her hands. Before you can react, the flowers are crumpled against your chest in a crushing embrace as Vein pulls you into a whirlwind hug. The world blurs as she spins you round and round, leaving you with only two choices:
a) vomit from dizziness or
b) accept her sincerest apology
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"Fine, I messed up. Happy? Now pick your apology – but you only get one, got it?"
Insisting that you would be unable to sleep until she apologized, Mary storms into your room in the dead of night, jarring you from sleep. Taking advantage of your grogginess, she pins you to your bed and fans out the thin, crumpled slices of paper clutched in her hand. She orders you to select one. On each slip of paper, a different IOU is written:
IOU a full day of doing whatever the hell you want to do
IOU a movie night where we watch all of your favorite trash movies
IOU a letter detailing all of your least annoying traits
IOU a homemade dinner of your choosing (...but cooked by Noel, he owes me)
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"Darling dearest, how much longer will you leave me to linger in the hall? My night will be frigid, unbearably bothersome as I shiver on my lonesome without you by my side….could you find it in your heart to forgive a fool? At least one foolishly in love?”
You sigh as Mona continues to dramatically plead at your bedroom door, talons tapping incessantly against the wood as her anxieties begin to emerge. As you finally open the door, she rushes in and nearly tackles you to the ground. Trapped within her hold she noisily smooches over the entirety of your face, cradling you like you’re something precious. Irreplaceable. You two will have a serious talk in the morning, but you’ll spend the rest of the night tangled together, cuddling under the sheets as she whispers into your ear every reason she fell for you to begin with.
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“Beloved, the affliction of affection ails me; my world becoming insipid and dull in your absence. In having wounded you, I have wounded myself. I will eagerly bleed my heart dry in repentance if it can’t beat beside yours. I would give you all of myself to see you smile at me once more. Please, return to me tomorrow. I miss you.”
The note Sorin slipped under your door is littered with a stray tear mark here and there. Your heart aches as the the crooked letters, scribbled on hurriedly, bleed across the page from the dampness. When you go to find him the next morning, Sorin eagerly intertwines their fingers with yours, kissing your knuckles as they beg for your pardon and your company. The two of you plan to take a nap in the sunlit garden, but you have to silence Sorin with a kiss as he prattles on, praising your character.
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”Wait…I…please. Hear me out.”
Noel heaves against the doorframe, one arm holding open the door you’d planned to shove close. Though his ears burn in shame, he requests that you join him that evening for dinner. In his room. Alone. When you arrive you’re taken aback by the makeshift candlelit dinner set up on a picnic blanket on the floor. Noel sheepishly lights a candle, letting you know that he’s prepared your favorite. He doesn’t want to talk while the two of you are hangry.
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deadvnstudios · 1 year ago
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The demo will be available for PC, Mac, and Linux on Itch.io and Steam!
We will post an announcement when it is released!
For instant updates and discussions, join our Discord!
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deadvnstudios · 1 year ago
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deadvnstudios · 7 months ago
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deadvnstudios · 8 months ago
SOURCE: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
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