#followed jak and daxter through the portal in jak 2 and then did missions for krew 😭😭😭
untitled-gem · 5 months
i NEED to make a jak and daxter oc
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mcaputoart · 7 years
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You ever had an idea for a pic that just would not leave you alone unless you actually did it? Well thats basically what happened here. Based on a pic I did back in 2012 and an idea I had for a crossover (just for fun).
The story for the most part is three of the chaos emeralds have been scattered to different worlds and its up to Sonic and Mitch (the girl in the pics and yes she has a boys name #idontgiveacrapdealwithit ) to go to those worlds and find the chaos emeralds before its to late.
maybe I’ll redo the pic I did in 2012 and write in a little summary/story about this later but until then enjoy ^^*
I redrew the pic I did back in 2013. I have to say that I can deffinetlly see a diffrence from 4 years ago and I'm very happy with myself (i'll upload a before & after later) doing all 4 of these was very challenging but I'm glad I did them I feel like I've improved myself in away.
and just like the 2013 one I revamped the little story/summery I wrote for this. This was all done for fun and because I can XD (I would also like to point out in advance that I'M NOT THAT GREAT OF A WRITER!!!!). So without further delay... ENJOY MY AMATEUR WRITING EVERYBODY!! XD
                                                                             Sonic Across The Multiverse
                                       Concept by Michelle Caputo
                               Eggmans latest plan/creation is to use the power of the chaos emeralds to help him creat his empire and take over the world. but Sonic once again foils Eggmans evil planes and damages Eggmans machine. However this causes the machine to malfunction making three of the chaos emeralds to just disappear and then explodes leaving four of the emeralds behind. After analyzing the data from the four remaining chaos emeralds, Tails concluded that the three chaos emeralds that disappeared were somehow actually sent to different worlds/universe and if they don't get them back soon the emeralds will cause chaos and even destroy what ever world they're in and even destroy their own world as well (so they properly have about a week to find them before all hell breaks lose.... Absolutely no pressure)  It'll be up to Sonic to get them back but he's going to need help.
That's were my OC Mitchel comes in. A half human half creature who has the ability to travel to different worlds/dimensions/universes ect. Tails creates a portal ring that will open a portal to what ever world has a chaos emerald (which will make the search a little easier and go faster) However it will only work if there's a chaos emerald present and with  Mitchel's powers.
(Basically they need to find an emerald in order to go to the next world that has a chaos emerald and Mitchel is the only one that can power it and because they have four of the emeralds they'll be able to go the first world just fine but after that their on their own.)
Also will be taking three power rings for Sonic just incase of an emergency (hence the backpack and need a place to put the emeralds in). Tails will stay be hide to keep an eye on the remaining chaos emeralds while also be able to contact them if anything new develops. So into the unknown they go in search for the three missing chaos emeralds.
Jak & Daxter:
Mitch and Sonic have been wondering through the wasteland for hours trying to find the chaos emerald (and civilization to get out of the heat) when suddenly a metalhead beast comes out of nowhere and attacks them. Fortionatly in the far, far distant there was a city (Haven city). Sonic runs off to the city to get help while Mitchel stays be hide and fights off/distracts the metal head. While approaching the city a young man and his osttsel notices a blue blur pass them by and heading towards Haven city. Thinking it was a threat they got in their vehicle to go after Sonic. (Though the chase some how turned into a race) Not being able to keep up with Sonic, Jak's car flips over. Sonic then stops to help them from under their vehicle. Sonic then quickly tells them that his friend is in trouble and he came looking for help. Jak agrees to help so he gets in his vehicle and follows Sonic to the location of the metalhead.
Upon arriving they see that Mitch has already taken care of the metal head and was just waiting for Sonic to get back (well.. at lest Mitchel has a ride now). Mitch rides with Jak and Daxter (Sonic running beside the car of course) and they go back to Haven City. There Mitch and Sonic explained to Jak and friends about the situation and how the chaos emerald could destroy their world if they don't find it soon. They find out that the emerald landed in dark Eco which is causing a chain reaction to the worlds weather patterns which will lead to devastating results if it continues.  So they have to find and retrieve the dark Eco powered emerald before that happens. Or worse someone else finds it.
When they find the Emerald they discovered that it was tainted with dark Eco (do to it being in the dark Eco for to long) which not only made it very unstable, but it won't be able to open the portal ring to where the next chaos resulting in Sonic and Mitch being stuck there. But by Jak touching the emerald he was able to absorb the dark Eco from the chaos emerald returning it back to its normal state. Sonic and Mitch got the first of the three missing chaos emeralds and were now able to activate the portal ring to the next location for the 2nd chaos emerald.
Sly Cooper:
                           After wondering in the city of Paris for a while they find out that a crime boss named "Boss" (very creative I know XD;) has gotten his hands on the 2nd chaos emerald and has become very powerful in the crime world. They discovered that the emerald was being kept at a were house for a short time. So not wanting to draw to much attention to themselves they'll have to take a more silent approach and steal it back. The plan was simple Mitch would handle the security stuff while sonic goes in, get the chaos emerald and get out. Quick and easy. Get in, get out no worries.
However it would seem that they weren't the only ones after the emerald, as Sonic was confronted by a thieving raccoon. Their confrontation causes one of them tripping the alarm resulting in putting the place on lock down trapping them both in side the were house. Hearing the alarms going off from the were house Mitch quickly goes to help Sonic get out of there. They were able to get out of the were house but end up running into the boss's men who start shooting at them. They were able to take down a few of them but more kept coming surrounding the three. They were out matched, out gunned and needed to get out of there now.  They end up at a fence and started climbing only for Sly to get shot in his right arm making him unable to escape. Just when it seemed like they were cornered, a van drives through the fence and stops right between them and the men shooting. The door opens and inside the van was a hippo at the wheel and a turtle in a wheelchair telling Sly to get in the van. Sly turns to Sonic and Mitch and tells them to get in the van as well and drove (more like plow) their way out of there and took the two strangers back to their hide out.
There the Cooper gang introduce themselves and Mitch (while healing Sly's gunshot wound) explained to them who they were and how the jewel they were about to steal was a chaos emerald and if they don't get it back soon their world will be destroyed. They agreed to work together to take down this crime boss and get the chaos emerald back. (Which they do with planing, fighting and all that 007/mission impossible/Lupin the 3rd stuff XD)
The crime boss' empire was destroyed, put be hide bars, and they were able to get the chaos emerald back. Now having two of the chaos emeralds they went off to the next world to find the last and finale chaos emerald.
Ratchet & Clank:
                                After arriving they found themselves in the middle of an invasion. There where robots everywhere causing chaos and destruction and a few of them spotted Sonic and Mitch and went after them. The two where able to take them out. Sonic spotted another robot in the distance only it was a little robot being chased by a bigger robot. Without a moments hesitation charges right for them. Smashing the bigger robot and was about to go for the little one when Mitch stops him stating that the little robot he was about to smash didn't seem like it was part of the invasion. The little robot thanked them for saving him and introduced himself (Clank) and explained to them about the invasion and that he and his companion (Ratchet) got separated while fighting the robots and has been trying to find him. They agreed to help Clank find His friend but they soon find out that Ratchet has been captured by evil robotic geniuses (Dr Nefarious) and was kept prisoner on his new space ship ( it was more like a war ship but whatever XD). Now The three have to go sneak on Nefarious's ship and rescue the Ratchet. When they finally reach Ratchet it turns out to be a trap in order to get the two chaos emeralds by Nefarious new accomplice.......Dr Eggman. (DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNNN!!!)
It was then revealed that Dr Eggman was here the whole time (using a portal that he created himself) and had teamed up with Dr Nefarious to take over the universe with the 3rd chaos emerald and was waiting for them to bring the last 2 chaos emeralds. Now that they have the 3 of the missing chaos emeralds they would conquer this universe, go to Mobius to get the remaining 4 chaos emeralds, conquer Mobius and then ALL OF THE MULTIVERSES!!! (maniacal laugh).
Of course while they were busy explaining/gloating about their evil plan Clank was able to break free and freed everyone else to escape from the space ship. But Eggman and Nefarious still had the 3 chaos emeralds so Ratchet, Clank, Sonic and Mitch set out to foil their evil plan and get the 3 chaos emeralds back (EPIC BATTLE!). Mitchel disappears and was nowhere to be found. But the remaining three continue on to fight and then were completely surrounded and captured (again). But then it's reveled that Eggman double crossed Nefarious and has complete control of the ship and the 3 chaos emeralds! (This however was a surprise to NO ONE as the three totally saw this coming. Plus Nefarious was also planing a double cross as well but Eggman beat him to it). Eggman was victorious!'
Just as he was about to finish them off a shadowy figure comes out of nowhere and steals back the 3 chaos emeralds. But who could it be? was revealed to be.....SLY COOPER! (GASP!) Then there was an explosion revealing all of Eggmans robots being destroyed. Who could have cause such destruction and chaos? When the smoke cleared it turned out to be Mitch who was accompanied by...... JAK AND DAXTER! (DOUBLE GASP!!). Then Sonic Clank and Ratchet were freed. But how? How were they able to get on the ship by passing the security codes? Why it was none other then......TAILS! (TRIPLE GASP!!!) and also had with him the OTHER FOUR CHAOS EMERALDS!!! (*head explosion*)
(When Mitch went a-wall before she actually went back to Mobius to get the 4 other chaos emeralds and Tails while also getting Sly, Jak and Daxter on the way back).
And now that all 7 chaos emeralds were percent, Sonic uses them to become Super Sonic, ruins Eggmans plans, destroys the spaceship and saves the day! (YAY!) After saying good bye to their new friends, Sonic asks Mitch if she was coming back with them. She told him no and that she was going to hang around here for awhile (plus she's has to take Sly, Jak and Daxter back to their own worlds) and that she'll see him later.
So with Eggman and the chaos emeralds in hand, Sonic and Tails go through the portal ring back to Mobius where they belong.
                                                     The End.
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Jak 2 Review
So a couple years back, I got the Jak and Daxter HD Collection as a Christmas gift. Though I am very late to the party, I do enjoy this franchise. Heck, it’s one of my top ten favorites. That being said, there’s one elephant in the room that needs to be addressed: Jak 2. While it does improve what Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy did, it also got some major things not going for it. So today, I’ll present to you my opinions of Jak 2.
Our story begins after the true ending of the first game, and Jak & co have discovered a piece of ancient Precursor. Testing it, the gang gets sucked into a portal and travel 500 years into the future. Shortly after, Jak gets captured by Baron Praxis, head of the Krimzon Guard and leader of Haven City. Flash forward another two years, and Daxter frees Jak. However, Jak has been experimented with Dark Eco and unleashes his newfound power but only for a few seconds. Once they broke out, Jak and Daxter find themselves at the hideout of a rebellion led by Torn. Now the duo must work with the rebellion in order to free Haven City from the tyrannical reign of Praxis and the dangers of the Metal Heads. Needless to say, this plot is a lot darker and more mature than the first game, and that’s honestly a good thing. While I didn’t mind the story of the first game, I will admit that it does have its shortcomings. And one things that makes it so is Jak 2′s writing. Not only is it funnier (all thanks to Daxter), it really shows more emotion than the first, and you can get what each character is like or feeling. And I’ve got to mention Baron Praxis. He has a bigger presence in this game than what Gol is to the first, and it makes him feel like a bigger threat. So yeah, the story of Jak 2 is a major step up from the first game.
The presentation for 2003 standards? It’s not that bad. There are three areas of the game: Haven City, the Ruins, and the Forest. Haven City is pretty big, so there’s a lot of ground to cover. There are several areas that are either wrecked or damaged, giving you that feeling of what power Praxis has. Though I can’t help feeling a bit sick when looking at the city. It does use darker colors to make it feel like you’re in a practically dreadful and hopeless city. While it does work, it will get old pretty fast when you learn how much of the game is spent in Haven City. The Ruins are kind of a step up: still dark and dreadful colors, but it’s actually outside of the city, giving it a bit more light. However, the Forest is absolutely incredible. Very vivid and bright colors, charming aesthetic, and everything is so smooth: the grass, the trees, the water, and even rocks look pleasing. Now the music of the game. Jak 2′s soundtrack is now heavily revolved around orchestral instruments, and it’s brilliant. It can go from calm and peaceful songs when you’re just walking around to faster-paced tracks when you’re in conflict or during missions. So the presentation of Jak 2 is another step up from the first game, but how is the gameplay?
The gameplay of Jak 2 is a major overhaul from the first game. Though there are hints of platforming here and there, Jak 2 is a third-person shooter open-world game. Imagine Saints’ Row IV, but on a smaller scale and less ridiculous weapons (we’ll get there later). However, still like the first game, there are missions around Haven City, and you’ll have access to more once you do other missions. Now for a big open-world game, you’ll need some form of transportation, so you’ll be lucky to hear that you can actually take hover cars from the civilians. However, trust me when I say that you’ll be better off with the hoverboard once you get it. Less danger that way. As for combat, Jak still has access to his regular dash punch and spin attack, but the real fun is when you get the Morph Gun. This gun is basically four guns wrapped into one beautiful package. It can transform into a shotgun, an assault rifle, a Gatling gun, and...whatever the Peacemaker is supposed to be. And you can incorporate the gun into your dash and spin attacks, though that’s mainly for the assault rifle mod. Thanks to the experiments by Baron Praxis, Jak now has access to Dark Eco. Once he gains enough Dark Eco, Jak can transform into Dark Jak, a purely melee and savage form of Jak. He can perform faster and stronger melee attacks, shoot a large Dark Eco blast, slam into the ground for a shockwave attack, and can grow three time his size (at least, that’s my estimate). And you can get more powers if you trade in gems from the fallen Metal Heads. However, he’s still vulnerable in that state and can still take damage. Speaking of which, Jak’s health bar is now a maximum of eight in this game, so he can take more hits before he dies. Gameplay of Jak 2? Huge improvement!
Let me say this much: While this game isn’t my favorite of the series, I can appreciate what it did for the future of the series. Firstly, I like the darker tone of the story, and it feels like much of a bigger impact once you beat it (keep that word in mind for later: “once”). Next is the music. While I do appreciate Jak 1′s soundtrack, Jak 2′s is just awesome. It really hypes anyone up for whatever mission, and it makes anyone feel like a bad-ass when playing. Speaking of feeling bad-ass, the combat is more exhilarating and fun than the first. The Morph Gun is an incredible addition, giving you much more range to cover. However, I think I speak for all Jak and Daxter fans when I say that there’s a lot wrong with this game.
Negatives (Warning: The following section is out of pure anger towards this game, and swearing will be present. If you do not wish to read such material, just scroll past it. You have been warned.)
From my experiences with the game, there’s been one glaring problem with it: the difficulty. There’s really no light way of putting it: Jak 2′s difficulty is FUCKING INSANE! It’s basically the difficulty love child of Devil May Cry 3 and Dark Souls, and the godparents are Battletoads and Ghosts ‘n Goblins! “How?” you ask. Let’s start with the A.I. Enemy A.I., though a step up, is too fucking smart for their own good! Ninety-five percent of their shots will hit you (even while you’re moving), and they do so much damage! Your eight health points quickly feels like FOUR! That’s one of the most bullshit things I’ve ever seen! And it’s not like friendly A.I. is better. There’s this one mission where you have to escort three men through the sewers. All the while trying to fight Metal Heads. The problem is, your allies are total pussies! They have guns, but barely shoot them! What the fuck?! And checkpoints. I’ve seen bad checkpoints, but this! This is fucking atrocious! Say you’re halfway through a mission, and you die. You think you’ll just start halfway, but nope. You get sent back to the FUCKING START of the mission! What cunt monger thought that was a good idea!? And that thing I said about hoverboard over hover cars? That’s true because the cars in Jak 2 have the durability of a grape and the loose controls of the ship from Ratchet & Clank 2. Let’s talk about the notoriety real quick. In Jak 2, you’ll get pursued by the KG whenever you do something that doesn’t roll with them. The problem with this is that they’re all over the goddamn city! On foot, in vehicles, turrets, even the fucking water! It’s a bitch of a chore trying to get away from them.
Final Verdict
Despite all the bullshit Jak 2 has, I will admit that it is a good game. Not the best in the series, but still relatively good. But that doesn’t excuse it for the bullshit difficulty! (deep breath) I give Jak 2 a fair 7.5 out of 10.
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