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spiritualityloves247 · 7 months ago
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mr-self-destructxx · 1 year ago
Ya Boi is selling at a craft fair tomor💯‼️🥳
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toasted-treasure · 1 year ago
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honeymoonag · 5 months ago
NONSENSE ‘nicholas chavez
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| SUMMARY : the one where it happened
| nicholas chavez x f!reader (you are an actress
y/n in ig
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y/n break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored (addicted to this song
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user: sooo hot
user: what does this song mean? 👀
userfan: beautiful beautiful beautiful
billieeilish: i don’t comment on
cooperkoch: my friend is so sweet and cute
netflixus: we have a contract
usefan: loveeeeeee
nicholasalexandrerchavez: we have history with the last photo
user: ??? she not as nice as they says
arianagrande: you are perfect
Netflixus in ig
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netflixus behind the scenes of this beautiful cast
user: i love this cast omg
nicholasalexandrerchavez: best combo
user: i’m dying for the interview
userfan: I LOVE Y/N AAAAAA
cooperkoch: i love these diva
y/n: we are working
user: miss you guys
billieeilish: i wanted to be part
y/n interview for vogue
vogue in ig
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voguemagazine in her last interview, our dear y/n says that she has been spending a lot of time with Nicholas. “an amazing friendship”, says the same.
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user: doesn’t he have a girlfriend?
user: friends, i know very well
user: i love them, i even admit it
user: she doesn’t give me trust
user: they match so much
nicholasalexandrerchavez in ig
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nicholasalexandrerchavez or add or add
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user: with his girlfriend he doesn’t post anything 🤫
⤷ nicholasalexandrerchavez: i know i don’t owe you satisfaction, but i ended my relationship 🙃
userfan: y/n so cute omg
user: leaving?
user: cooper e nicholas= two greek gods
y/n; the best cast
cooperkoch: i’m very beautiful, cry my love
⤷ y/n: you think you are, love you
user: nicholas you are a loss
netflixus: my favorites
user: and he doesn’t it again
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y/n in ig
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y/n sometimes the love of your life works with you! i love you babe💗
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user: LIKE THIS????????? HI??????
nicholasalexandrerchavez: all mine
⤷ y/n: lookin’ at you got me thinkin’ nonsense
user: strange
cooperkoch: i am the number of you
user: pretty girl and pretty boy!!!!!
user: i didn’t expect it but i loved it
netflixus: i follewed this romance
nicholasalexandrerchavez in ig
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nicholasalexandrerchavez thinking of you every moment, my heart is yours. i love you angel❤️
user: if i were y/n i would hide you
userfan: MY BABIES
user: mine
y/n: i want you all the time
cooperkoch: poor y/n
user: these two don’t bother me
user: i have suspicions about this love 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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mangosrar · 1 year ago
Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve.
chris sturniolo x fem reader.
suggestive idk??? idgaf tho 😛
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You and Nick had been bestfriends since pre-k. Attatched at the hip since crayons and numberjacks. 14 years later, youre both now 20 still going strong, with celebrity gossip, and a hot brother.
Obviously nick was a triplet wich meant as well as him, you had 2 more built in best friends Chris and Matt. You had always been closer to Matt than you were Chris, however, you and Chris were close in a different way. It was an unspoken relationship with him. Years of flirting, lingering stares, light touches and hugs that lasted just a little too long for best freinds, however no one dared to ever speak on it, and neither of you ever acted on it. ever.
When the triplets moved to LA you were devestated. You felt like a part of your heart was moving accross the country, however you were so proud of the boys, and cheered them on the whole way. They assured you they would visit all the time, and they would fly you out to la whenever you wanted, at the drop of A hat, which brings you to now.
Matt had picked you up from the airport earlier this morning, it was now closer to midnight and all 4 of you were in the living room watching a movie. You'd caught up with them all and got over the excitment of being reunited, but Chris hadn't really said much. The most hed said was a quick "you look good" ,but that was only for your ears, he had made sure to say it into your hair, almost silently, as he wrapped you up in his arms when you got back to the house.
Apart from that, he hadnt dared come too close in fear he might jump your bones there and then. He was losing it. He made sure to sit on the other end of the couch, putting as much distance between you as he possibly could.
Sure you understood why, buy secretly you wished you would get a moment alone with him so you could make a move. Unbeknown to you, Chris was just as desperate as you were. Something had changed between you both and it hung heavy in the air.
"Im gonna go clean up the kitchen, y/n come help me"
Your pov:
I smiled and quickly scurried off the couch and follewed chris into the kitchen, expecting to find him clearing up the mess we made, but i was pleasently surprised when a hand caught my wrist and pulled me to the side, causing me to yelp.
I was faced with warm blue eyes and a lazy smirk on his face. His body against mine, his hands on my waist, i could feel his breath on my face with the closeness.
All of the confidence i had earlier, talking about me making a move, was long fucking gone when he brushed my hair over my shoulder and moved his face to my neck. He left soft open mouth kisses on my collarbones and slowly moved up to my neck. My insides were screaming.
My breath caught in my throte when he moved his hands lower, hovering above my ass. "chris....matt or nick could see". My breathing quickened and my voice dared to let out a whine.
"Missed you baby". He said completely ignoring my paranoia. I couldnt help but let out an airy moan at the nickname. My hands moved up to his hair, and i tugged softly on it earning a groan from him. Gotcha.
His lips moved up to the spot below my ear that made me week in the knees. He lingered on the spot that made me shudder, biting genty, definetley leaving a mark.
I put one hand on the side of his face, pulling his head up so i could see him. god give me some self conrol. He looked so sexy. I couldnt help but let my eyes gander over his face, his cheeks were pink with need.
"Keep looking at me like that and ill show you just how much I’ve missed you". His voice was raspy and hushed. His eyes boring into mine. Fuck it.
I pulled his face down to mine and closed the space between us. His lips fit perfectly into mine. His hands moved down to the plush of my ass and gripped it, pulling me impossibly closer. I could feel everything on him. Everything.
His tongue fought with mine, running it acroos the roof of my mouth and the kiss became hot and heavy. Chris started walking me backwards, until my back hit the counter. He hoisted me up and pushed my legs apart so he could settle between them. I had one hand on his chest and the other at the nape of his neck.
His were everwhere, one hand going from the inside of my thigh, to under the back of my shirt. One loosly resting on my neck. He was addicting. I was i no rush to silece the whines coming out of my mouth, and Chris was welcoming them, swallowing them up with his lips.
He moved down to my neck again, licking a stripe up my throat. Im losing it. Im losing it. Im losing it.
His precence was suffocating me in the best way. All i could feel was his lips and hands all over me, he was in my head. My brain shouting his name like a mantra.
Chris. Chris. Chris.
Slowly he pulled away. Face still just inches in front of mine. I couldve died a happy woman right there and then. His hair was messy from my wandering hands, his breathing was heavy, his pupils were blown out, his lips were puffy and wet from my own.
"i shouldve done that years ago"
Yes Chris, yes you should have.
i need him like medically bro. MEOW.
@christinarowie332 @freshlovehacker @sturnphilia @soursturniolo @biimpanicking @jcwrites-blog @sssturniolofart @lividnity
also lmk if you wanna be added to my tag list. you can dm me or comment. love y’all 🕺🫶
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danrifics · 5 months ago
15 years is a long time...
I've been lucky enough to be here for about 13 of those years and while I didn't get myself too involved in the phandom until 2019, outside of religiously watching phan proof when i was 16, Dan and Phil have been there on my screens since i was a teenager. Their videos quite literally raised me. I would sit and listen to the radio show every week and my friends and I would post about it on facebook, those post still haunt me to this day and make me feel incredibly old every time memories tell me how long ago it was.
I think today is really fitting for me to write a little personal essay on my journey and my feelings here, so i guess if you're interested then you can click the read more <3
I don't know if i fully have the words to describe properly what Dan and Phil and the Phandom mean to me, but i'll try. (I'm gonna do this in context of the last 5 years because that's when i've been most active and when I think they've impacted my life more than they ever did before.)
In 2019, I'd previously been in the Shadowhunters fandom, but as that show finished in May of that year I'd basically lost any form of fandom I had and I felt lost because fandoms are always a big part of my life and to suddenly feel like I didn't have one was hard so in June 2019 when Dan posted his coming out video everything suddenly clicked into place.
This was a community i'd loved from afar for many years and there was an opening for me to jump in. So I did. That was the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm not exaggerating, finding a place in this fandom changed my life for the better.
For the first time in my life I felt like I had friends online, from the first discord server i joined (TY LY Trashcans/ the phannie pack you'll always be famous) to Kris and Leo and to all the amazing mutuals I made, 2019 was really a cool time for me. Unfortunately a lot of these people have come and gone from my life but I often think back to what an impact they all had on me.
And then to my group now, the Rat Relaxation Chat (RRC!!!) without the hiatus ending I wouldn't be friends with any of you guys. See thats the thing, Dan and Phil didn't just bring themselves back into my life. They did something even better, brought the community back. The hiatus was hard, i've seen many of my mutuals just stop posting one day and never come back, it felt like every week we'd get smaller and smaller but then DAPG came back and so did a bunch of people and we even got some new faces and the community picked itself back up again.
As a result of that the RRC was born. For the first time in my life I was meeting my friends outside of discord, from WAD to TIT, Im literally gone end up having met all my best friends <3 (as well as so many mutuals)
I've loved so much over the last 5 years making gifs and memes and video edits and heartbreaking text posts. I'm so grateful for all the people who have ever follewed me, interacted with me, sent me hate messages, All the people who helped me make it possible for so many people to watch the WAD premiere, The people who help me with DGPdaily and the TIT blog.,The other amazing artists and gif makers and writers and archivists and anyone who has ever called themselves a phannie.
The Phandom is special, it's a community like no other. We really are a family, Dan and Phil really are our dads.
It's funny I stared this with full intentions of saying what Dan and Phil meant to me, but in the end it became all about the community they let us build. This is why I can't come up with enough words to tell them what they mean, because they mean the entire world to me because they created that world.
Dan and Phil are my friends, my best friends. They're my heros, the people I look up to most in the world because they make me feel safe and loved and I feel that love now more than I ever have before. Watching them grow older and gayer, watching the confidence grow over the years, watching them find themselves. Its a feeling like no other.
They deserve everything good in the world and i'm so glad to see them so happy and honest and open.
I don't know what the future holds for us but I know whatever it is is gonna be amazing and I hope I get to do this with you all for many more years to come.
15 years is a long time...
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inknoidd · 8 months ago
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[pt: WiiSportSwordic ]
for when the hit game Wii sports Swordplay is very gender 👌
For @rwuffles 700 follewer event
day: 4 (I think??) A random game category
as you can tell I got Sports and immediately thought of Wii sports bc I was great at all the games (that is a lie I lost every single one)
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superchat · 28 days ago
it surprises me that ppl still follow me despite my blog being my blog and me being me imenot fishing for affirmations or anything they usually make me feel worse anywats its just crazy, the longer ppl stay following the more thankful i amtbut the more anxious i am cuz one day they probs will not follew me nethats fine n all i think ppl should do whah taey need to esp cuz caring abt parasocial relationsihps liks tumblr followers is so lame and means nothing but it still gets to me
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horsewheelie · 2 months ago
i saw you not follew me back
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seafoamshantyy · 2 years ago
*watches faith playthrough once*
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Her name gonna be either is Linsday or Jenny I haven't decided
Go follew mme on tiktok!!!!!
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capyphoenix · 2 months ago
Max never followed Checo!/
Oké, I didn't know that but I am 100% certain Checo follewed RBR AND Max. So Checo must be very mad about Max and the team.
Or he's retired and cleans up his socials from the job he was fired from just like Daniel did. Or like normal people do after leaving a job.
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rarasundari47 · 4 months ago
gak gabut kali #tiktok #aktivitas #follewer #rells
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romanticallyghosting · 7 months ago
199 follewers sickkkkk <333 how are there almost 200 people here
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newbarrk · 7 months ago
Hello 👋
I am Ola, Muhammad's wife.
Muhammed died;😭 he couldn't withstand the illness. He passed away and left this world.
And he left behind three children. 😭
My children and I need your support and assistance.🌷🙏
God bless him, I'm sorry to hear of your loss; my prayers are with you & your family 🙏
I as of current am unable to donate, but if any of my follewers are able, please do!
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eltristanexplicitcontent · 1 year ago
Wolf Pack soldier from Medieval Town Square @HelwegBricks
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wholesalesmmstore · 1 year ago
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