#foley objects
lilypads17 · 2 years
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i built that entire lab for this shot
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k00288674 · 11 months
Foley sound art workshop 27/10/23
We had an introduction to Foley sound art today with lecturer @ysweeneylsad, to make up for the cancelled workshop Monday, which I appreciate she organised.
I found it fascinating, to learn how certain props, such as the many ones pictured below, can create specific sounds.
For example, I learnt from Yvonne how a hot water bottle, made from rubber, can be used to create a noise similar to car tyres screeching from road friction.
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She showed us how to use the app Rode Reporter, to record sounds and gave us advice on how best to record a noise - in quiet rooms, with few people.
We didn't unfortunately have time to try to recreate the sounds from a movie scene, but we did watch a video of foley artists working for Warner Bros doing so. This gave me a feel for how they create.
I found it a very interesting way of making art. I think the element of being able to use your imagination and experiment with different objects and your own voice, to create sounds is a fun way to create.
I am hoping to develop an idea to incorporate this workshop into my project.
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tothemaxie · 4 months
Peach PRC releasing You're So Lucky You're Gorgeous as a personal gift to me so that I could tell you all that that is how Kevin Ford feels about Josh Foley's dumb blonde ass
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raventao · 1 year
DCxDP idea
What if ...
Reveal gone wrong, Danny and Dani are discovered by Jack and Maddie who react badly, to say the least. They expirament on them for a weekend (Jazz was gone and they wanted to be done before she got home. Obviously they wouldn't want to upset their daughter with confronting her with the knowledge that Danny was dead, had veen for a wbile now, and that Phantom had killed him and was wearing his body like a meat puppet.) Before they literally sell them off to the GIW. Vlad and Team Phantom don't find out about this until it's too late and aren't able to break them out. They try anyway, of course, but Vlad isn't even able to get on the premises due to a ghost shield, and Team Phantom is just liminal enough to ping the alarm despite being human enough to get past the shield. They all get captured as well. No one knew where they were, and the GIW denies Mayor Master's claims that the kids were being held by them.
Out of options, Vlad makes a call. He's going to fix this properly his way. It takes a week of back and forth and several bribes all over the east coast, but Vlad has finally found what he's looking for. It takes considerably less effort to set up a meeting with Deathstroke than it took to seek him out, but now that he has his attention, he places two folders in front of him. "I have two jobs for you. One is more time sensitive than the other, but both do need to be taken care of immediately should you accept." He states seriously. Inside one folder are two pictures and a small dossier on both Drs Fenton. Inside the other is everything he and Technus had been able to dig up on the GIW, the facility they were keeping the kids in, and the Anti-Ecto acts as background for why the government thought they could commit the atrocities Vlad knew they were deep inside the compound. There is also a small list in the back of the folder: Daniel Fenton, Jasmine Fenton, Samantha Manson, Tucker Foley, Danielle Masters, and Valerie Gray.
"I want the Doctors Fenton dead. I don't care how. Preferably slowly and painfully, but I am aware that could take time away from the other job." Vlad says, tapping the second folder. "This is a government facility, one that has stolen my daughter, my godchildren, and their friends. I want it, the ground it stands on, and all of the agents inside it razed to bedrock. Not even ash or bones left." He seeths.
"Rescue missions seem more like a professional hero's scene." Slade muses flatly. "Have you considered the Juatice League?"
"Heros won't kill these bastards, and prison is too good for them. My daughter, Danielle, is likely already dead by their hands. She was already only tentitvly stable before the Fenton's expiramented on her, and I doubt the GIW have been treating her any better. I will be damned to the burning lake of fire before I let Daniel and Jasmine meet the same fate. I will pay whatever I must to ensure my children be returned to me alive. Their friends too, I suppose. I would never hear the end of it if I left them. Daniel might even try to go back in for them, even at the risk of his own life. Just name your price, money is no object." Vlad argues back.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Foley artists are both insane and so fucking cool imo
Like every time I see an interview with a Foley artist they always have an absolutely bonkers story of how they achieved a certain sound but their job is just so fucking cool
Movies would be nothing without them and they turn everyday objects into whatever you need
Foley work is such an incredible artform that deserves so much more recognition
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
When Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry filled the void left by the assassination of the country’s president in 2021, he did so over the protest of wide segments of the population but with the full-throated support of the Biden administration.
Now, almost three years later, Henry’s grip on power is hanging by a thread, and Washington is confronted by even worse choices as it scrambles to prevent the country’s descent into anarchy.
“They messed it up deeply,” James Foley, a retired career diplomat and former U.S. ambassador to Haiti, said in an interview about the Biden administration’s support for Henry. “They rode this horse to their doom. It’s the fruit of the choices we made.”[...]
Stubborn U.S. support for Henry is largely to blame for the deteriorating situation, said Monique Clesca, a Haitian writer and member of the Montana Group, a coalition of civil, business and political leaders that came together in the wake of Jovenel Moïse ‘s murder to promote a “Haitian-led solution” to the protracted crisis.
The group’s main objective is to replace Henry with an oversight committee made up of nonpolitical technocrats to restore order and pave the way for elections. But so far, Henry, who has repeatedly promised to hold elections, has shown no willingness to yield power.
While in Guyana last week for a meeting of Caribbean leaders, he delayed what would be Haiti’s first vote in a decade yet again, until mid-2025.
“He’s been a magician in terms of his incompetence and inaction,” said Clesca. “And despite it all, the U.S. has stayed with him. They’ve been his biggest enabler.”
By any measure, Haiti’s perennially tenuous governance has gotten far worse since Henry has been in office.[...]
But even as Haiti has plunged deeper into chaos, the U.S. has stood firmly by Henry.
“He is taking difficult steps,” Brian Nichols, assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, said in October 2022, as Haitians poured into the streets to protest the end of fuel subsidies. “Those are actions that we have wanted to see in Haiti for quite some time.”
When demonstrations resumed last month demanding Henry’s resignation, the top U.S. diplomat in Haiti again rushed to his defense.
“Ariel Henry will leave after the elections,” U.S. chargé d’affaires Eric Stromayer told a local radio station.[...]
The Biden administration has defended its approach to Haiti. White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre, without specifically endorsing Henry, said the U.S. long term goal of stabilizing the country so Haitians can hold elections hasn’t changed.
But in what may be a telling slip that speaks to the neglect Haiti has suffered in Washington of late, Jean-Pierre confused the Haitian president, the country’s top elected official, with the prime minister, who is picked by the president and subject to parliamentary approval.
“It’s the Haitian people — they need to have an opportunity to democratically elect their prime minister,” Jean-Pierre, whose parents fled Haiti, said Wednesday. “That’s what we’re encouraging,” [...] “But we’ve been having these conversations for some time.”
Nichols said he and Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Henry on Thursday and urged him to broaden his political coalition. He said the U.S. would work to speed up the deployment of a multinational security mission to combat the gangs led by Haiti under the auspices of the United Nations but that other countries needed to step up their support in the way the world is working together to address humanitarian needs in Ukraine and Gaza [sic].[...]
The U.S. bears much of the blame for the country’s ills. After French colonizers were violently banished in 1791, the U.S. worked to isolate the country diplomatically and strangle it economically. American leaders feared a newly independent and free Haiti would inspire slave revolts back home. The U.S. did not even officially recognize Haiti until 1862, during the Civil War that abolished American slavery.
Meanwhile, U.S. troops have been an on-and-off presence on the island, dating from the era of “gunboat diplomacy” in the early 20th century when President Woodrow Wilson sent an expeditionary force that would occupy the country for two decades to collect unpaid debts to foreign powers.
The last intervention took place in 2004, when the administration of George W. Bush diverted resources from the war on terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq to calm the streets following a coup that removed President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.[...]
Foley said the situation is deteriorating so fast that the Biden administration may have no choice [but to send US troops to Haiti]. He’s pushing for a limited troop presence, like the one that in 2004 handed off to U.N. peacekeepers after only six months. Unlike the U.N. peacekeeping mission, which was hastily organized, Kenya has been working for months on a multinational force to combat the gangs.
“I completely understand the deep reluctance in Washington to have U.S. forces on the ground,” Foley said. “But it may prove impossible to prevent a criminal takeover of the state unless a small U.S. security contingent is sent on a temporary basis to create the conditions for international forces to take over.”
But whether yet another U.S. intervention helps stabilize a desperate Haiti, or just adds more fuel to the raging fire, remains an open question. And given the recent American track record, many are doubtful.
“The U.S. for too long has been too present, too meddling,” said Clesca. “It’s time for them to step back.”
7 Mar 24
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
It’s not the big, glaring, obvious lies that get you. The New York Times is the world’s most destructive propaganda outlet not because it publishes giant ham-fisted whoppers, but because it appears trustworthy. Its reporting looks authoritative. Children are taught in school that it’s what credible news media looks like. This lets the well-crafted propaganda slide into people’s minds, undetected and without resistance.
The western media are so ridiculously deceitful and propagandistic that the fact that popular comedy shows and famous comedians aren’t making fun of them constantly proves those shows and comedians are themselves part of the propaganda network.
Most mainstream western reporting on Chinese military activity essentially amounts to “OMG you guys China isn’t just passively sitting there while we militarily encircle it and prepare to attack it!”
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That’s what all the banging on about China’s “military build-up” is doing too; acting like it’s alarming and sinister that China isn’t just passively allowing itself to be surrounded with war machinery amid glaringly obvious western preparations for war without doing anything to defend itself.
China’s still spending vastly less on its military than the United States, both overall and as a percentage of GDP. Yet we’re meant to act like China is the obvious aggressor nation, even as it’s being rapidly surrounded by US war machinery and increasingly militarized US allies.
One thing I’ve learned from interactions with Robert F Kennedy Jr supporters is that many of them sincerely don’t understand why his position of “unconditional support” for Israel is such a deal breaker for many anti-imperialists. They think it’s all about Palestinian rights, but it’s a lot more than that.
Unconditional support for Israel doesn’t just mean supporting apartheid abuses and frequent bombings of Gaza, it means supporting the regular bombing of Syria, the annexation of the Golan Heights, and Israel’s insane warmongering against Iran. Israel is always in a state of war.
“Unconditional support” for Israel means imperialist foreign policy throughout the middle east. This isn’t just conjecture — we already see it in RFK Jr’s other middle east foreign policy like his staunch opposition to the Iran deal.
It’s a nonsensical, self-contradictory position to claim you want to dismantle the empire out one side of your mouth and pledge “unconditional support” for a nation that’s never not at war out the other. If you’re saying both, there’s one you’re not being truthful about.
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There’s not enough rage at the US empire for provoking and perpetuating the war in Ukraine. Objections you see to this proxy war are mostly just griping about how much it costs or whether it’s sound strategy or whatever, but how about the fact that human lives are being spent like pennies for the advancement US global hegemony?
Think about how much it hurts to have one death in your family. Think about how much it rocks an entire community to lose even one life to violence. Mountains of human bodies are being piled up in violent deaths, all to secure US geostrategic interests in Eurasia. It’s pure horror.
The empire had multiple opportunities to end this before it started. It had an opportunity to end it in April 2022. It had an opportunity to end it this past November. But it kept shoving it through to advance US interests, and young lives kept being sacrificed to the war god.
Meanwhile US officials openly gloat all the time about how much this war is serving US interests, while anonymously whining to the press that the counteroffensive is failing because Ukrainians are too cowardly to charge through Russian minefields under heavy artillery fire. This should draw white hot rage from everybody.
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Basically the US empire’s strategy is to use Ukrainian bodies like a giant sponge to soak up as many expensive Russian military explosives as possible.
For western war propagandists Syria was like a dress rehearsal for the war in Ukraine. The lies are being peddled mostly by the same people, using mostly the same methods, funneled up into the same mainstream media platforms. The only real difference is that the empire is on the side of the official government in Ukraine, so it can simply use its officials and its media platforms as on the ground sourcing instead of setting up a bunch of weird little propaganda constructs like the White Helmets etc. Syria marked a new era of imperial narrative management.
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nerdraging4point0 · 4 months
Blood of Eden // Part Twelve // Noah Sebastian Urban Fantasy AU Fic
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Tropes and Tags: MM, MF, MFM, MFM, instalove, too much sex, tattooed men, polyverse, shapeshifters.
CW: 18+ only minors DNI. Urban Fantasy romance, Smut. Angst. Fluff (ish), Story includes D/S themes, mentions of blood and gore, mentions of drug use and distribution, mentions of prostitution, unprotected sex, male receiving oral sex, female receiving oral sex, cuckolding, P/A sex, P/V sex.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Active taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @tearfallpixie @beaker1636 @circle-with-me @synthetic-wasp-570 @itsjustemily @thesazzb @vinyardmauro @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @dominuslunae @mountains-to-move @sundamariis @caitcoreeeee @crimson-calligraphyx @letmeadoreyoux @starsomens @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @iknownothingpeople @lilrubles @shilohrosechicken @missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @thatchickwiththecamera @mysticdoodlez @chels3a-smile @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @deathblacksmoke @roley-poley-foley @ravieisunhinged @dethronetheveil @to-be-written @somewhere-diamond @somebodyels3 @sacredthefran @th0ughts-pr4yers @skulliecadaver-blog @hayleylatour @littlefoxkota @anameunmusical @talialovesmiw @sacredthefran @jilliemiw86 @darkmxgician
Rosa moved around her new kitchen, having become familiar with every cupboard and drawer. She gathered a plate and fork for herself as she carefully unloaded the various take-out containers she had picked up on her way home. Jolly had been called away on very short notice, summoned to an urgent meeting upstate that would take him several hours away from home, Noah had gone with him.
Noah had pleaded with Rosa to accompany them, voicing his uneasiness at the prospect of leaving her alone for several days. But Maria and Oli vehemently objected, insisting that the compound was teeming with security personnel who would undoubtedly subject Rosa to rigorous screening the moment she set foot inside. They argued that the apartment, where Rosa could remain with Maria, Oli, and Nick close by, was the safest place for her right now. Noah understood their concerns, but his desire to keep Rosa by his side was palpable. As she opened the boxes of food placing the portions on her plate, the familiar flavors and textures of the meal did little to distract her, for her mind was thoroughly occupied by the request Maria had made earlier that day. Rosa replayed the conversation in her head, recalling Maria's earnest tone and the way her eyes had pleaded for understanding. It was not an easy decision, and Rosa knew it would require careful consideration.
The months of healing had afforded her the time and opportunity to truly immerse herself in uncovering the mysteries of Celestial magic. Though it felt strange to refer to her previous life as a "human" one, the reality was that for so many years, that had been the only existence she had known. Now, with her newfound abilities and the vastly different world she inhabited, the distinction between her past and present selves seemed more pronounced than ever before.
The archives that Jolly had granted her access to, however, proved to be frustratingly sparse when it came to information about Celestial magic. Much to Rosa's dismay, all records pertaining to this esoteric branch of the arcane arts had been systematically deleted, leaving gaping holes in the historical accounts. The only details that remained centered around a brutal uprising - a cataclysmic battle that had pitted Celestials against a powerful mage, with hapless human armies conscripted to fight alongside the mage's forces. The casualties from this conflict had been staggering, with historical accounts chalking up the massive loss of life to a devastating plague. But Rosa knew there had to be more to the story than the official narrative allowed.
Much of what she uncovered had long been dismissed as mere myth or fantasy, but upon closer inspection, these accounts described very real and remarkable abilities. Some were relatively minor, such as heightened senses or the capacity for extrasensory perception. Yet others were far more extraordinary, hinting at the potential for interdimensional travel and communication. This idea of beings and realms existing beyond the confines of our own reality captivated her, and she became increasingly convinced that it held the key to understanding their unusual circumstances. The notion of forging telepathic connections with entities from parallel dimensions seemed to offer the best explanation for the strange phenomena they had been experiencing.
Her archival research prompted so much more knowledge about the hunters, helping her piece more of her scattered jigsaw puzzle together. The creatures known as the "hunters" had been created long ago by the enigmatic Celestials, powerful beings who imbued them with extraordinary abilities to serve as protectors and companions. But when the Celestials disappeared, a new chapter unfolded - the hunter DNA was carefully extracted and preserved, its secrets held within lab files for the purpose of future cloning and reproduction.
This revelation shook the very foundation of Noah's identity. He was not simply himself, but rather the latest in a long lineage of cloned hunters, each lifetime a new incarnation yet sharing an unbroken genetic thread.
On one hand, it spoke to the remarkable resilience and adaptability of the hunter species, their essence persisting even as individual forms changed. Yet the thought of Noah - the Noah she knew and cared for - potentially being replaced by a clone, a facsimile bearing his likeness but lacking the same irreplaceable essence, was a heartbreaking prospect.
Rosa picked at her food, her feet tucked under her while she sat on their couch, watching the sunset over the city. Hunters were sterile, so their DNA being stored and reused was the only way to ensure they continued on, otherwise they would have become extinct years ago-without Celestials they had no way to make the creatures immortal. Rosa let out a heavy sigh, fully understanding the request Maria was making of her.
Noah’s voice in her mind, had a soothing calmness wash over her despite his physical absence. His words had a way of enveloping her, like a warm embrace, even from miles away. She spun around the apartment, her eyes darting from corner to corner, desperately searching for any signs of his presence - a forgotten item, a lingering scent, anything that could make her feel closer to him in that moment. But the apartment remained hauntingly empty, a stark contrast to the connection they shared.
Please don’t stress.
Hard not too, I've got a lot on my mind.
I can tell. The words were laced with sarcasm and she couldn’t help but snicker.
How’s Jolly? I miss him. I miss you both.
He is…fair. He doesn’t like being away from you any more than I do.
I can tell. Using his own words against him, she smiled, the warmth returning to her cheeks. She could feel him, his energy and essence, just as vividly as he could feel her. It was as if an invisible thread bound them together, allowing the exchange of unspoken words and unwritten expressions. Even when he was physically distant, she could feel the warmth of his smile radiating through the void, a soothing reminder that she was not alone.
With a weary sigh, she set about tidying up the aftermath of her solitary dinner, gathering the dirty dishes and depositing them unceremoniously into the sink. Turning on the faucet, she let the warm water cascade over the porcelain, swirling away the remnants of her meal as she methodically rinsed each plate and utensil before loading them into the dishwasher. Feeling the tension of the day begin to ebb, she made her way to the bathroom, shedding her clothes as she went and stepping into the steamy shower. The rhythmic pattern of the water against her skin was soothing, washing away the grime and stress, and she emerged refreshed, wrapping herself in a soft towel.
Settled into the sheets she turned out the lights, cuddling close to the shirts she had on the sheets next to her. Lifting the fabric to her nose, she breathed deeply, savoring the lingering scents of Noah and Jolly, offering a fleeting sense of solace as she finally sank into the welcoming embrace of her mattress, the empty expanse of the bed a painful reminder of their absence.
The next morning she was up early, dressing in a sleek business casual suit Jolly had bought her a few weeks ago, pairing it with a classy set of heels before heading out the door to meet Maria. As Rosa descended the stairs and made her way to the parking garage, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous anticipation.
When Rosa reached the garage, she spotted Maria's beige SUV, its engine idling softly. The dark-haired woman greeted Rosa cheerfully as she climbed into the plush, cream-colored leather interior. The vehicle had a warm, inviting aroma - a blend of spices and freshly brewed coffee. Maria reached into the center console and retrieved an iced beverage, handing it to Rosa. "Jolly told me what you like, so I took the liberty of grabbing this for you before we head to the lab," she said with a smile.
The pair pulled out of the parking garage and into the busy morning traffic. Maria made several turns and stops before Rosa could see the lab in the distance, the very lab she had tried breaking into months ago-the night that shaped everything that was unraveling before her. "Maria, I don't even know if I can do this," she admitted solemnly.
Maria gripped her steering wheel with two hands, leaning back in her seat as she sighed. “I understand, I realize you may not be able to help with the magic, it’s still new and I can’t expect you to learn something so complex so fast. But, at least take a look at what I’m doing, I have to be doing something wrong. You were able to construct a serum that could nullify magical abilities from just everyday human items.”
“That’s far from trying to improve in vitro fertilization of two magical beings.” Rosa argued.
“But if you could do that with human items imagine what you could do with a full lab at your disposal.” Rosa took another sip of her coffee letting the creamy liquid run down her throat.
She’s not wrong, you know.
Rosa couldn't help but roll her eyes in exasperation as Noah once again barged into the conversation, inserting his two cents without being invited. As she rolled her eyes, a telltale smile tugged at the corners of her lips, a reaction she quickly tried to conceal by turning her head slightly to the side. She knew it was futile to try and hide her amusement, as Noah was always hyper-aware of her reactions, no matter how subtle.
She suddenly wished she could have the same bond with Jolly, it would have been nice to have his input, sure, she would often go through Noah as a third party. But having him directly linked would have been more beneficial.
He agrees. Noah once again interjected her train of thought. His words specifically, are: Whatever makes you comfortable sunshine. Rosa once again smiled as she and Maria pulled up to park in the lab garage.
“Remember,” Maria warned “You are my guest, try not to make small talk with anyone, and don’t go anywhere without me. If the magistrate catches you we don’t know what they will do.”
“Do you trust anyone here?”
“Only one person.”
As they entered the lab the air was thick with the sterile, clinical scent of disinfectants and chemicals, an atmosphere that seemed to smother the senses. Rosa instinctively kept close to Maria's side, her eyes darting around as they ascended to the top floor of the sprawling laboratory complex. All around them, the space bustled with activity - scientists in crisp white coats hurried through the halls, clipboards in hand, their faces a mask of concentration as they moved with purpose between the various laboratories and testing facilities. Machines beeped and whirred, their digital displays flashing with readouts and data. The sheer scale of the operation was almost overwhelming, a hive of scientific discovery and innovation that felt simultaneously fascinating and unsettling. Rosa could hardly keep up with all the stimuli assaulting her senses, yet she knew she had to remain vigilant, to absorb every detail of this strange new environment as she followed Maria's lead deeper into the heart of the lab.
Maria cautiously made her way through the winding hallways, her steps slowing as she approached the door to one of the offices. Pausing for a moment, she peered inside, her gaze immediately drawn to the petite figure seated at the desk. This girl was no more than a few years younger than Maria, her short, pixie-style haircut framing a delicate, focused face. Maria watched, transfixed, as the girl's eyes remained intently fixed on the microscope in front of her, her brow furrowed in concentration.
Maria's voice trembled with unease as she gripped her handbag, her knuckles turning white with the intensity of her grasp. "Hey," she said hesitantly, her gaze darting around the lab, "Where's Mark?" The question hung in the air, a palpable tension settling over the room.
The other girl, her tone clipped and her attention seemingly focused on the microscope before her barely looked up as she replied, "Called in sick. What do you need?" Her disinterested manner only served to further unsettle Maria, who could feel her own fingers shaking slightly.
Swallowing hard, Maria forced her words to flow smoothly off her lips. "We had a project we were working on, and I wanted to run some ideas by him." Despite her best efforts, Rosa could see the telltale signs of Maria's distress – the slight quiver in her voice, the barely perceptible trembling of her fingers.
The girl finally looked up from her work, tilting her head as she regarded Maria and Rosa with a calculating gaze. "What's the file?" she asked, her tone revealing a hint of curiosity. "I can take a look."
Maria's response was immediate and decisive. "It wasn't a lab project, it was a personal outside-of-work project. But thanks. I'll check back tomorrow." Without further explanation, Maria gripped Rosa's wrist, pulling her back down the hallway with such force that Rosa found herself spinning around, struggling to keep up with Maria's hurried pace.
Maria's grip on Rosa's wrist was growing tighter by the second, the skin turning an angry, flushed red as Rosa struggled in vain to free herself from the vice-like hold. Despite her desperate attempts to wiggle out of Maria's grasp, the older woman only responded by clamping down harder, her fingers digging painfully into Rosa's delicate flesh as she forcefully dragged her into the nearby office. Rosa's heart raced with a mixture of fear and confusion as Maria hastily ushered her inside and slammed the door shut behind them, effectively cutting them off from the prying eyes and ears of their coworkers.
Practically shoving Rosa into one of the chairs, Maria tossed her bag onto the desk and immediately began frantically dialing a number on her phone. The shrill ringing that pierced the tense silence of the room made Rosa's stomach churn with dread, an uneasy feeling creeping up the back of her neck as she realized this was no ordinary work-related call. When the line finally connected, Maria's voice took on a desperate, almost pleading tone as she muttered a single phrase - "Pick up, pick up, pick up" - under her breath.
The gruff, whispered response from the other end sent an icy chill down Rosa's spine, and she instantly recognized the voice as belonging to Jolly, though the usually jovial man sounded uncharacteristically on edge. "Maria?" he hissed, the strain in his voice palpable. Rosa could feel the hair on the back of her neck standing on end, her intuition screaming that something was very, very wrong. And when Maria uttered the cryptic words "Mark called in sick," Rosa knew they were in the midst of a crisis.
“Whose in his place?” Jolly responded in his own voice, starting to show signs of concern. Rosa's heart raced as she listened to the exchange between Maria and Jolly, her mind swirling with questions and concerns. The appearance of this mysterious "girl" in the lab, who didn't seem to belong there, had clearly unsettled them. Rosa could feel Noah's growing anxiety radiating through their connection, his claws digging into the ground as his breathing grew labored.
“Some girl, she’s too put together for the lab, I've never seen her before. She was looking into the microscope with no slide.” Maria leaned back in her chair, bringing one of her manicured nails between her teeth.
“The magistrate?” Jolly’s question didn’t seem like he was guessing more like an analytical remark.
“I have no idea.”
Rosa felt Noah growl, she could sense his claws digging into the ground wherever he was. His breathing labored.
Noah? Rosa reached out, her fear making her feel on edge and missing the protective hunter by her side. The conversation between Maria and Jolly wasn’t secret, but Rosa felt they were keeping something from her.
Master has been worried that the magistrate is onto them. Not specifically for you, but it’s possible. He’s been suspicious and what we are hearing is only confirming those suspicions.
Rosa could sense the strain in Maria's own voice as she agreed to call Oli, unable to leave the lab herself lest it draw unwanted attention. Rosa gripped the edges of her seat, her own anxiety mounting as she tried to piece together the full extent of the danger they now faced. Whatever was happening, it was clear that the stakes had been raised, and their precarious position was now even more tenuous than before.
“Rosa,” Jolly’s voice broke through her thoughts and she leaned over the desk as if to hear him better, “Nick will take good care of you while Noah and I make it home. We are desperately trying to excuse ourselves now, it shouldn't be longer than eight hours and we will be home.”
“Okay.” her own voice shaking.
“Don’t worry, sunshine. We’ll keep you safe.”
As soon as Maria disconnected the call with Jolly, she immediately turned her attention to contacting Oli. It took a few attempts to reach the hunter, who had just been roused from a deep slumber. Though groggy and disoriented at first, Oli was quick to snap into action once Maria expressed her urgent concerns. While they waited for Oli, Maria handed her a book, instructing her to feign interest in the story's contents. The elaborate ruse - whenever Maria's unsuspecting coworkers entered the room, she would casually introduce Rosa as a visiting cousin who was simply staying with her temporarily at the office as Oli caught up on his much-needed rest. The clever deception worked flawlessly.
It was an agonizing wait, those forty minutes that felt like an eternity. Maria sat there, fidgeting anxiously while Rosa kept glancing at the clock every few seconds. When the pair finally arrived, Oli's entrance was as dramatic as ever, the man sweeping in with an intense, almost predatory energy that Rosa recognized all too well. She'd seen that look in his eyes before, that laser-like focus and determination that made him seem more animal than human in that moment. It was the same fierce intensity she'd witnessed the night she first met him, when he was zeroed in on his target like a hunter closing in for the kill.
Oli immediately enveloped Maria in a tight embrace, as was their custom, but there was an unmistakable edge to his movements, a restless, almost agitated quality that put Maria on edge. Maria whispered something low in his ear, his own words hissing and whispering back to her. Nick appeared more subdued, his usually carefree demeanor replaced by a somber, almost grim expression as he entered the room in his neatly pressed black dress shirt and slacks, his long hair pulled back hastily into an unkempt bun.
With a gentle kiss on her cheek, he turned to face me, his arms extended in a silent request for a similar embrace. Rosa stood from her seat, a mix of trepidation and understanding passing through her as she allowed him to pull her tense weight into his arms. The hug was tight, almost desperate in its intensity, betraying the gravity of the situation.
“Listen carefully, you’ll go back to Jolly’s with Nick. Pack a bag in case we need you to run. Stay in Nick’s sights at all times.” Rosa nodded with Oli’s instructions, putting a fake smile on her face as she turned to Maria, pulling her into a hug like they were closer than sisters.
“They will be home soon. Everything will be okay.”
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likeawolfatthemoon · 8 months
books read in 2024 📚
💖 > ��� > ✅ > 👎
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett ✅
The Guest List by Lucy Foley 👎
Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt 💖
Pageboy by Elliot Page 👍
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab 💖
Don't You Dare by C.E. Ricci 👎
Sure, I'll Join Your Cult by Maria Bamford ✅
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson (1/3) 👍
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy 💖
Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar ✅
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang 👍
The Lemon by S.E. Boyd ✅
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears ✅
Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister 👍
Kill Joy by Holly Jackson (.5/3) ✅
The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner 💖
Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann ✅
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 💖
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson (2/3) 👍
The Grace Year by Kim Liggett 👍
The Girls by Emma Cline 👍
Dyscalculia by Camonghne Felix 👍
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn 💖
As Good as Dead by Holly Jackson (3/3) 👍
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins ✅
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig ✅
The Diviners by Libba Bray (1/4) 👍
I'll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara 💖
The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer ✅
Educated by Tara Westover 👍
The Butcher and the Wren by Alaina Urquhart 👍
The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins 👍
The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones 👍
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell 💖
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striderl · 10 months
You know, I've been meaning to ask. Foley is considered a psychopathic killer in the base...but mimics kill in similar fashions to eat or protect whom they hold dear. Would it be possible for mimics and Foley to be tolerant of one another? Since I doubt they would be unbothered with their methods and eye collection.
Foley is titled psychopath only because he kills Skibidis in the most gruesome way possible (collecting their eyes included), with no remorse or empathy, but he is not necessarily harming anyone else. He has a private creed: not to cause physical harm to any hardware agents and protect them at any cost, even when they hate you for your actions. To be fair, he developed psychopathic behavior because of the environment he used to live in, and the fact that the Skibidis murdered his best friend “Chief”. His sole objective of killing is only revenge, but when someone is threatening people he truly cares about (everyone in the Film Industry that is), he will do anything to protect them, including murdering. You could say that Foley and the mimics share some similarities in their actions.
As for Foley’s opinion towards the mimics, he would be glad to make friends with one but he never gets the opportunity to do so. As long as the mimics don’t cause harm to his team and the others, he is on good terms with them.
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magentagalaxies · 8 months
making my own post bc i have thoughts and i don't want to keep having to go back and forth with tags and replies on someone else's post:
anyway original post i started this conversation on: @charlotterenaissance
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my tag essay:
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@liliana-von-k's reply:
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(all this context is bc i have even more thoughts so i thought i should make my own post)
anyway to respond to that i 100% agree!! it also reminds me of something from my very first conversation with bruce (when we did a zoom interview before we knew each other) which idk if i've posted this aspect of before: i forget what my exact question was but i essentially brought up this kind of paradigm the KITH's female characters are often discussed in and how it's kind of strange comparing it to the actual representation of female characters in the show. like, sure dave "passes" the most as a conventionally-attractive female character, but also i'd honestly say any of the kids in the hall can pass as female, not even just from a genderqueer perspective but from a not all women are "conventionally attractive" perspective. like i know cis women who have a jawline like bruce's or a nose like scott's or any other feature that isn't seen as "feminine" from (often white-eurocentric) beauty standards and many of them are gorgeous.
and the fact that KITH's female characters are often discussed through a lens of "who plays the best woman" (meaning the one who "passes" according to beauty standards) is as frustrating as it is fascinating bc i really do think it points to the way the media tries to comprehend this gender nonconformity and shove it into a box they can understand. because the kids in the hall have already destroyed the most obvious box their female characters could be put in - yes, they are male comedians, but even though the most often way society rationalizes men dressing femininely is as a comedic act (whether as a man purposefully trying to elicit comedy via feminine actions and dress or via a man who genuinely enjoys feminine expression being made an object of ridicule via comedy), the kids in the hall break this framework (this "binary", if you will) by being comedians who are in control of the audience's laughter, but playing their femininity as genuine. you don't laugh with them at their femininity because they do not laugh at femininity, but you also can't make their femininity the subject of ridicule because their position as comedians means they are at once in on the joke and steering the joke in another direction. this technique is more subtextual (and likely subconscious) in the portrayal of female characters, but it's a tactic scott knowingly (and expertly) employs when playing buddy cole
so since the "men in dresses equals comedy" box is eliminated, cishet society feels the need to create another box for them to rationalize this gender nonconformity in, by attributing it to a spectacle other than humor. so they decide to instead view these gender transgressions through the lens of beauty and sexual attractiveness. this also helps rationalize any confusing attraction a cishet person has to one of the kids in the hall dressed as a woman - they pass too well, or at least whichever one you're attracted to (most often dave) does. making a spectacle of the kids in the hall playing women eliminates any confusion or implications that maybe gender and sexuality isn't as rigid as we think, by othering these performers as a special case and convincing yourself that there is no real woman who looks like dave foley in drag, and if there was she would be cis.
it's a slightly better box to be in than having the femininity be the target of ridicule, but it still misses the point that the femininity explored in kids in the hall is not meant to be othered. it leaves out so many of the show's most iconic female characters - fran is not glamorous, but she is a realistic woman. chicken lady is more chicken than lady, but she is still a well-written female character - and reduces others to their attractiveness when the sketch itself is not about that at all. and when i brought this up to bruce he sounded as though he had been waiting for someone to make this analysis, because even though the guys joke about it themselves it is at times uncomfortable to be in an interview that focuses so much on how the interviewer finds dave in drag sexy, or picking apart which physical aspect of the guys passes best. i think i remember bruce saying something to the effect of "no one's asking which one of us is the most hot playing a business man, but that's just as different of a person from us as playing a woman"
and it's interesting to think about this in the context of how the media in general treats people who identify as women in this framework of focusing on physical attractiveness all the time. in recent years, this behavior is more widely known to be sexist af so the overtness has declined (tho is it absolutely still present to some degree), but since the kids in the hall are all male it's fair game to make these sorts of comments about their female characters to their face, because it's spectacle and separate from them. even the exact same people who would call out a comment being made about a cis female comedian are often oblivious of how it could potentially apply to these male comedians, or have other bizarre lines within their ability to rationalize this gender nonconformity for themselves.
take the "wedding dresses" sketch that was censored from the amazon revival for example (this sketch was showcased at sketchfest's "scenes they wouldn't let us do" and has appeared in kith live shows since 2015). this sketch was censored because even though amazon would let the guys play women (and even then it was often an uphill battle), they would not let the wedding dresses sketch air because it featured men wearing wedding dresses in a comedic setting. the rule of thumb seemingly is: men wearing dresses is always comedic (and therefore transphobic), unless he (typically dave foley) passes too well, in which case trans people have nothing to do with the conversation. but the fact that they were men dressed femininely was never the point of the joke, it was the idea of a wedding dress, a significant garment symbolizing an event meant to be only worn for one day, being these guys' everyday wear and all the conflicts and community that came from that. it was an ode to the outsiders, a celebration of those who live and present unconventionally. and the fact that it's never about gender is in itself the most upliftingly genderqueer thing of all.
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sumiink · 9 months
Sumi's Fic Recs
I've been saving a list of fan fiction I like for years now and thought I should share it!
Fandoms include Danny Phantom, DPxDC, Batman, DCMK, BNHA, and Miraculous Ladybug, Legend of Zelda (Linked Universe), Mob Psycho 100, and Genshin Impact. Links, summaries, and comments under the cut.
Danny Phantom
Phantom of Truth by Haiju
NOTE: An edited/updated version of the sequel (Shadow of a Doubt) is also on AO3, but not finished. The finished, unedited version can be found on FF.net here.
Summary: Locked away in a secret government lab with Phantom as her sole object of study, nothing stands between Maddie and the truth... except, perhaps, herself.
Review: You can’t talk about Danny Phantom fanfic without bringing up Phantom of Truth. This one defines the vivisection genre. It’s written in Maddie’s perspective and you can see her character in every little detail of the writing.
Treading Water by TheFullCatastrophe
Summary: "This is the story of why we had to start calling Danny Fenton, Danny FINton. Get it, Danny? 'Cause you have FINS? Oh, I kill me." - a summary by Tucker Foley.
Review: Mermaid AU! Another classic fandom fic, this one with great worldbuilding and some dark, realistic vibes that make the ghosts (well, mermaids) really feel dangerous.
Modern Day Ghost Girl by MemoryWriter
Summary: Wendy Manson, 14-year old freshman in Casper High. Recently she's been able to sense ghosts, and on the day Wendy's paranormal curiosity gets the best of her, her project partner and ex-best friend Shane happens to follow her. When she meets a mysterious ghost in the abandoned apartment, what of her identity will she be discovering?
Review: One of the first fics I ever read, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Outside Looking In by Ellen_Brand
Summary: Casper High's new psychiatrist has some interesting interviews ahead of him.
Review: A great outside perspective into Danny. Also I just like Cade!
Phantom’s Sketchbook by AkoyaMizuno
Summary: Mr. Lancer finds himself in an unparalleled situation, he has access to something which can give him incredible insight into the personal workings of Amity Park's local ghost teen hero, Danny Phantom.
Review: Another fandom classic! A must read for the student/teacher relationship between Mr. Lancer and Danny.
You Should Be Dead by SapphireDragon11
Summary: Dash and Kwan are horrified to discover they've accidentally killed their classmate, but perhaps even more so when he shows up at school the next day. With his secret on the line, Danny soon discovers Dash and Kwan are the least of his worries.
Review: An epic story of Danny going up against incredible odds! One of my absolute favorites!
But I Want to Be Let In, Not Out by TheWritingOwl
NOTE: Actually a series of one-shots!
Summary: Growing up with the Fentons, Danny resigned himself to the fact that he would never see Damian again. However, when he gets summoned to Gotham after becoming the Ghost King, he finds himself reuniting with his long lost twin.
Review: Some nice demon twins au with batfam elements- all the stuff I like in a DPxDC fic.
close enough to be whole again by hailsatanacab
Summary: “If you ever find yourself in danger, go to Bruce Wayne. He will help you.”     His mother had loved him, in her own way. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have helped him escape. If she hadn’t, she would have dragged him back to the League of Assassins, to Grandfather. If she hadn’t, he’d be dead.     She loved him, but she loved the League more.     Jack and Maddie Fenton loved him too, they did, but they loved their work more.     They loved their work more.     --     After his parents react poorly to his reveal, Danny escapes to the only person he thinks can help him - Bruce Wayne. He doesn't know what to expect when he gets there, but it has to be better than where he is, surely? He certainly doesn't expect to be reunited with his long lost twin brother Damian. It's funny how things work out that way.     Danny is 16 years old, not Phantom Planet compliant
Review: More angsty demon twins AU with secret identity shenanigans, what’s no to love?
Recognized by AgentIanLegend
Summary: When they heard the fateful words "Recognized: Robin - B01," nothing could have prepared them for the web of secrets which would unravel as Daniel Fenton and Richard Grayson search for answers.
Review: An epic story will all kinds of twists and turns. Very will written with great pacing and tight storytelling!
hand in unloveable hand (a chokehold) by britishparty
Summary: Tim Drake is eleven years old when he’s grabbed off the streets of Bristol while he’s on his way home. It will be okay, he tells himself: they’ll call his parents, and they’ll pay the ransom, and he’ll get to go home.
There are pictures of Batman and Robin on the camera he was carrying. A lot of pictures.
They don’t call his parents. They call Black Mask.
- or: the one where Black Mask kidnaps Tim and tries to groom him into a ruthless heir, and Tim tries to figure out how to destroy him from the inside out.
Review: Tim is great in this. This one is full of scheming and mind games and all that good stuff.
From When He Sprang by WereDog15
Summary: January 2012. For the last four years, Jason Todd has been living on the streets of Gotham, doing whatever he can in order to survive on his own. But one night, as he emerges from his dwelling in Gotham’s underground tunnels, he encounters the legendary dynamic duo of Batman and Robin.A little bit of help can go a long way, but Jason's world is ripped apart as he is unintentionally put in the path of one of the deadliest secret societies that the world has ever known.Discover the story of the event that changed their lives forever, and put Jason on the path to becoming the second Robin.
Review: THIS FIC. It’s creative, it’s dark, it’s gory - this one makes me feel like I’m back in middle school reading The Hunger Games for the first time. This fic does not pull any punches.
Liminal Spaces by Calamityjim
NOTE: A multi-part series with some extra one-shots too
Summary: Bruce's habit of collecting strays is not limited by dimension. Or When Young Justice Batman comes across an angsty, seemingly abandoned by his Batman Tim Drake, he decides to step up to the plate and parent the crap out of him.
Review: Oh this one is a long, epic story with all kinds of twists and turns. And lots and lots of emotional batfam moments.
A Gentlekid Thief by Blazonix
Summary: Tim didn't mean to become the notorious thief Red X; it just sort of happened. Just like how he somehow wound up being Batman’s greatest nemesis - his therapist. He would like to remind whatever higher forces are out there that he is still only 12.
Review: Funny and clever!
From the Shadows by Wolfsbanesparks
NOTE: Shazam crossover
Summary: All Billy Batson wanted was to survive a particularly rough week living on the streets of Fawcett City. The last thing he was looking for was a new family. All Bruce Wayne wanted was to learn a bit more about his upbeat teammate under the guise of official Wayne Enterprises business. But he could never turn his back on a child in need. Especially one as surrounded by mystery as Billy. OR   Billy gets adopted by the Batfamily while trying to deal with a strong magical enemy.
Review: I’m always a fan of gen fic that also has an overarching story and great villain!
Shutterbye by katiesparks
Summary: The more I research it, the more I know it has to be true. Dick Grayson is Robin. And that means Bruce Wayne is Batman. All the pieces fit. I move my Dick and Bruce Wayne things into the Batman and Robin box and buy an extra lock for it.
Review: One-shot written from a young Tim’s perspective. The writing style really brings his character to life.
Surveillance by smilebackwards
NOTE: A multi part series
Summary: Tim knows antagonizing Lex Luthor wasn’t exactly his safest move but the point is really driven home by the bullet to the shoulder. Or: The AU where Jason never died and Tim is a civilian who contributes to crime fighting by taking surveillance photos and leaving them on the desktop of the Batcomputer.
Review: Gotta love some ‘stalker Tim gets involved in hero stuff without actually wearing a cape’ stuff.
Detective Conan & Magic Kaito
(Don’t) Believe What You Know by discordiansamba
NOTE: This fic is actually a rewrite, buuuuuut I saved the older, longer version if you want to read that one instead. Available here (I just copy and pasted it, so formatting may be a little weird)
Summary: For as long as he's known him, Hattori Heiji has always seemed to gotten mixed up in cases with a sort of... supernatural touch. Honestly, Conan's never thought much of it- it's not as if the things that go bump in the night are actually real, and they've got countless cases behind them to prove just that.But after getting mixed up in a strange case in Osaka and learning a disturbing secret from Heiji's past, its left Conan wondering if there's more his friend isn't telling him. So he does what any good detective would- investigate.He's just... not sure he was ready for the answers.
Review: I am a huge of discordiansamba’s writing! It very descriptive and the stories tend to have a lot of interesting moving parts. This fic in particular is great for its worldbuilding and the magical, dangerous adventures Heiji gets involved in. And Heiji trying to hide stuff from Conan always makes for some good tension.
Blood and Snow by discordiansamba
Summary: Heiji Hattori has never believed in the supernatural. Things like vampires have always been a bunch of nonsense to him. But the supernatural is about to prove itself very real.
Review: If you like the last one, you’ll like this one too – another supernatural adventure focusing on Heiji!
Unprofessional Opinion by Ellen_Brand
Summary: A series of psychologicalpersonality profiles of our boys... with guest shrink Cade Maboroshi!
Review: I just like Cade! And an outsider’s perspective is always fun, especially in this writing style.
The Case of the Magic Bullet Murder by MirrorandImage
NOTE: Technically a sequel, but I didn’t read the first one and wasn’t lost. There’s also a third fic that’s good too!
Summary: As always Conan stumbles across another body; and this time the prime suspect is this high school kid named Kuroba Kaito. Sequel to The Case of the Hidden Epidemic.
Review: We get to see Conan interact with Kaito, and that always makes for fun secret identity shenanigans. And we even get to see Kaito get involved in solving a case!
Insanity, Apparently by Taliya
NOTE: A series of one shots
Summary: Takagi Wataru would like to register a complaint to whichever deity thought it would be hilarious to toss him into odd situations with Kaitou KID. Repeatedly. Because this was far beyond his pay grade.
Review: A fun story with a mix of characters you don’t see very often.
Be a Better Me by Lisa_Telramor
Summary: Kaito thought that the Robot Incident ended with the destruction of his copycat robot. He couldn't have guessed how wrong that assumption was when he is injured months later.
Review: Wonderfully angsty and doesn’t shy away from the horror of Kaito’s new reality.
Guide you home by Tobina
NOTE: Uses Guide & Sentinel tropes, which I’d never heard of before but I guess it used to be popular in fanfic in the 90’s? Basically Sentinels have superpowers and Guides help them control it. The two tend to be lifelong partners, but it can be romantic or familial or platonic.
Summary: As a Level 5s Sentinel and skillful detective, Kudou Shinichi helps the Tokyo Police Department whenever they get stuck with a case, his Guide Ran at his side to ground him when needed. After a KID heist, it becomes clear that Guides are dissapearing and Shinichi and his western counterpart Hattori Heiji are knee-deep into the case, especially because this one hits far too close to home for comfort. When then even phantom thief Kaitou KID gets involved, things are bound to get... interesting.
Review: A GREAT story that does a good job with worldbuilding and characters’ relationships. While it focuses on Conan, my favorite part of this fic is the arc the Kaito goes through and the way this story takes a look at his motivations and moral compass.
It's Raining Men, Hallelujah by Asuka Kureru
Summary: Conan already has some kind of corpse magnet power, but when Heiji is in his orbit the corpses actively come to them. From above. Witness.
Review: A fandom classic! Short and hilarious.
Inconceivable by joisbishmyoga
Summary: In the face of a DNA analysis Kaito can't deny, he begins uncovering the rest of his family's secrets. Too bad he's not the only one looking.
Review: An epic story that has a takedown of the Black Org AND twin AU, what’s not to love?
Secrets in Indigo by Sinnatious
Summary: A throwaway comment about Kaitou KID’s eye colour sets Kaito on an uncomfortable path of discovery.
Review: I can’t give too many spoilers! An overall great story with great writing as Kaito discovers secrets and also tries to keep them hidden.
The Young Royals of Deduction by joisbishmyoga
NOTE: One shot
Summary: The Exclusive Interview with Four Children Taking the Investigative World by Storm
Review: Short but fun!
My Hero Academia
The Thin Gray Line by A_ToastToTheOutcasts
Summary: The beauty of the era of quirks wasn't the amazing abilities; it was that nobody sane would even entertain the thought that Kuroko, the most wanted vigilante in all of Japan, was Quirkless.
Review: A vigilante AU with a badass Deku (or, in this case, Kuroko) who puts the whole Hero Commisison to shame. The rivalry between Deku and Bakugou is so intense in this fic, I love it.
Yesterday Upon the Stair by PitViperOfDoom
Notes: When you’re done with this, there’s also a fun related one-shot by another author called U.A. Unsolved by kabukichou (ameliafromafairytale)
Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always been written off as weird. As if it's not bad enough to be the quirkless weakling, he has to be the weird quirkless weakling on top of it. But truthfully, the "weird" part is the only part that's accurate. He's determined not to be a weakling, and in spite of what it says on paper, he's not actually quirkless. Even before meeting All-Might and taking on the power of One For All, Izuku isn't quirkless. Not that anyone would believe it if he told them.
Review: An epic story full of secrets and ghosts!
Hero Class Civil Warfare by RogueDruid (Icarius51)
Summary: Heroes lead by Bakugo. Villains lead by Midoriya. Seven days prep time. Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
Review: Badass Deku going all out and scaring his classmates. This one uses nearly every character from class 1-A and 1-B and manages to make everyone have an impact on the story!
Tales of the Jade Mantis by Chess_Blackfyre
NOTE: A multi-part series
Summary: The adventures of Inko Midoriya, Number One Vigilante in all of Japan, and her complicated relationship with the Number One Hero, All Might. However, it's not all about kicking butt and taking names, watch as the telekinetic in the leather jacket struggles with things like brutal mentors, working in customer service, and trying to be a good single parent.
Review: The only fic I’ve found with Inko as a vigilante! Quite the journey, this one goes over her career as a vigilante and what comes after when Izuku suddenly has a quirk. I love the weird adventures Inko gets up to and the interesting people she meets. One of my all time favorites!
Monochrome Skies by QuantumPoint
Summary: Midoriya Izuku died four years ago. Midoriya Izuku dead in a housefire when his mother didn’t notice him come home early. Midoriya Izuku dead because heroes failed to hear the screams of a scared child. Midoriya Izuku dead alone and scared.His mother mourned him but went on with her life. The heroes swore to be better, but still made the same mistakes. And for four years, everyone believed he was until Aizawa caught sight of a well-known vigilante and decided to investigate. Everyone believed it until Yagi bumped into a kind child on the street and tried to give him hope.
Review: I can’t say much because spoilers, but if you’re an artist, read this.
brilliant lights will cease to burn (by my hands i’ll reignite them) by novalotypo
NOTE: It’s a Card Captor Sakura crossover, but honestly I’ve never seen that and as far as I can tell this doesn’t have much to so with that show. It’s BNHA characters and world with some Card Captor magic elements.
Summary: Midoriya Izuku is quirkless. This, he knows very well.This is also what he knows:Weekends and vacations are reserved for walking neighborhood dogs. The elderly are the most powerful people on Earth. Local gods are picky eaters. Trust is a feeble, feeble thing. Magic cards are incredibly difficult to seal, especially when the world thinks you're a vigilante. Heroes are not magicians, but magicians can be heroes.Becoming a cardcaptor wasn't on Izuku's bucket list, but he'll be damned if he doesn't make the best out of it.
Review: Deku doesn’t have a quirk, so he gets sucked up into some magical card captor responsibilities and goes all out, as he does. This one has an analytical Deku, otherworldly magic, creepy villains, and some tension between a vigilante Deku and hero society as a whole. One of my absolute favorites!
Quirk: Knife! by brightredwings
Summary: Izuku Midoriya is unlucky, to say the least and life hasn't exactly been kind. Things weren't so bad in the beginning, but once he was diagnosed quirkless, well, it all went to shit. Everyone grew to hate him, even his best friend and own father.Was it really that impossible to become a hero without a quirk? It doesn't really matter because to Izuku, the term hero is flexible. He'll be his own hero because he's learnt from his own experience, people are selfish and the only one he can rely on is himself.Left alone to fend for himself in the world, Izuku goes out to change things on his own terms, despite his methods being slightly illegal. Keyword, slightly. It's only illegal if he gets caught, right?
Review: A long story with great arcs for a lot of League of Villains character, and a beautiful ending. Some pretty intense angst with happy endings for everyone.
Roses are red and they taste like shit by Unbreakable_Red_Riot
Summary: Katsuki was really fucking sick of the smell of flowers.
Review: Ah, yes, KiriBaku with hanhaki disease. Mostly from Bakugou’s point of view, so you get to see all his frustration and a ton of drama. Also looks into some other characters like Midoriya and Todoroki, which is a nice touch.
The Beauty of a Beast by starofgems
Summary: Once upon a time a lonely beast lived in a manor deep in the forest. He dreamed of the day his true love appeared to break his curse... When a beauty finally appears in his life, it is not quite as he imagined. For who could have thought a beauty would be more of a beast. Or The beauty and the beast AU nobody asked for but here it is.
Review: A very sweet love story. (KiriBaku)
The Deaf Hero: Deku by BeyondTheClouds777
Summary: His whole life, Izuku was told that he couldn’t do it. That he should give up while he still had the chance. That someone like him—Deaf, Quirkless—could never become a hero.But Izuku wasn’t going to give up. Not now and not ever. (OR, the one where nearly everything's the same, but Izuku is Deaf.)
Review: Right what it says on the tin. Deku’s added deafness creates more tension between Deku and Bakugou, his classmates, and even other heroes. Things get angsty but Deku always stays determined, which I love.
Miraculous Ladybug
Where Have All The Heroes Gone and Where Are All The Gods? by Anthemyst
NOTE: This is actually part 5 of a series, but I just started with this one and didn’t feel lost. Just know that in this story, Gabirel isn’t Hawkmoth. Most of this was written before Season 1 ended, I think.
Summary: On their fourteenth birthday, the Agreste triplets' world is turned upside down. Their government has been overthrown, their city taken, and superheroes all over Europe have suddenly and mysteriously vanished-including, to their shock, their parents. They'll need to work together, and become the heroes Paris needs, if they're going to save both their parents and their country.
Review: A next-gen fic that got me into ML fanfic in general! It’s got a fun dystopian vibe and the Agreste kids are all fleshed out very nicely. One of my absolute favorites!
Not A Bit by CaptainOzone
Summary: "Sometimes, being a brother is even better than being a superhero," says author Marc Brown. Félix Agreste has been both, and he can't have said it better himself. (AKA The Brothers AU I wanted to read but had to write myself when I realized this AU has a depressing lack of fic to its name)
Review: I’m always a fan of fic that has Marinette and Adrien AND Felix and Bridgette.
Legend of Zelda (Linked Universe)
Looking for Group by Tashilover
Summary: People want to be a Hero so badly, they're willing to bribe, lie, cheat, and beg. Twilight knows there's a Hero amongst the people in this college town. It's just a matter of finding them.
Review: The modern setting keeps things fresh, yet this story is still full of legends, danger, and a fight of good vs evil!
Mob Psycho 100
tomorrow isn’t always another day by suitablyskippy
NOTE: One shot
Summary: It’s like Reigen’s been waiting for the question. He stops dead on the pavement, grips Mob by the shoulders, and stares down into his eyes with an expression as haunted as though every ghost the pair of them has ever exorcised has taken up residence behind it. “Mob,” he says. “Mob,” he says again. “Tell me, Mob. Look at me and tell me. Tell me truthfully. Do I look cursed to you?”Mob looks at him, and tells him truthfully. “No.”“Well, you didn’t look very long,” says Reigen. “Let’s just stand here for a moment, like so, and you can have another look, a nice long look, and really think about it...” (There's nothing strange about being called back to exorcise the same haunted photocopier six days in a row. It must just be a very haunted photocopier.)
Genshin Impact
Traveler’s search for Scaramouche by Scuriel
NOTE: A choose your own adventure story!
Summary: Ei wants Traveler to search for Scaramouche and get back her gnosis. They have many decisions to make along the way.
Review: Don’t see something like this very often! There are actually a lot of different outcomes.
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aceofsages · 1 year
Prompt: Jealous Wednesday
written for @hotmesslovesickcrackhead : I'm sure this wasn't what you had in mind when you gave me this prompt, lol, but this is where my mind went
find on ao3
cw: angst, ambiguous ending, fantasizing of torture, references to cannibalism
Something festers inside Wednesday—a gaping chasm of roiling emotions that Wednesday, for all means and purposes, should like, but doesn’t. Something green that makes her breath fast, her hands twitch, and it seems to happen every time she sees Enid with Ajax. A rage overcomes her, a boiling wrath, and Wednesday often fears that if she had less control than she does, she would behead all of Ajax’s snakes and feed them to him.
But doing so would mean losing Enid worse than she ever had her.
“Someone’s jealous,” says Barclay as she takes her seat next to Wednesday on the quad fountain.
Wednesday takes her eyes off of where Enid sits on that insipid boy’s lap, giggling with Yoko and Divina, to glare at her. The siren just smirks infuriatingly, lazily weaving water between her fingers.
“Just saying, I know that look. Hell, I used to wear it when you spent time with Xavier.”
Wednesday doesn’t do something as mundane as roll her eyes, but it’s a near thing. “That was your own insecurity, Barclay. There was nothing going on between Xavier and I.”
“Maybe,” she says, shrugging. “But there is something going on between Ajax and Enid.”
Wednesday’s hands clench without her consent and Barclay raises a brow. “Oh, you’ve got it bad.”
“Shut up Barclay.”
The thing is, Barclay still had a right to be jealous, however irrational. But Wednesday doesn’t, because there was never anything between her and Enid, there will never be anything, because Enid deserves everything Wednesday can’t give her. She deserves colorful dates and soft kisses, hand holding and public displays of affection. She deserves to be cherished, but with Wednesday she will only have cuts disguised as caresses.
None of this reasoning soothes what she now knows is jealousy.
It gets worse. It gets to a point where Wednesday can’t be trusted to stay in the same room as Enid when she’s with Ajax, can’t be trusted not to gaze at her and wish to break Ajax’s arms and put hers around her instead, can’t be trusted to even open her mouth without spewing something that would undoubtedly be vicious and cutting and absolutely nothing that Enid deserves. The feeling makes Wednesday breathless, makes her worse than she thought she could be and the worse part is she knows she needs to mitigate it before it gets out of her control.
(Addamses love only once, and they love fierce, unyielding. A person can break themselves against its tide, and drown the object of their affections too, and Wednesday will kill herself before she lets that happen to Enid.)
“What is this? I knew you and Bianca were getting close, but not changing your room close!”
“We’re not.”
“Then why?!” Enid steps towards her, crossing the line that Wednesday’s viscerally aware remains no more.
There is no rational why, Wednesday thinks, only you who I can’t have. Only you who I can’t hurt just because I’m jealous.
She’s aware of how much her recent behavior has been hurting Enid—thinks that a clean break is what they need from each other before Wednesday snaps and strips the hide from Ajax’s snakes and proceeds to skin him while electrocuting him. She’d leave Nevermore altogether, but that would mean admitting to her parents, to her Mother, that she has fallen for the same foley every Addams before her has.
“It’s temporary,” she says instead, steadfastly not looking at the only color in her life. “Only until my manuscript is done.”
“What? Is the noise still bothering you? I’ve been putting on my headphones and trying not to giggle when I text!”
That’s the problem.
Look what I’m doing to you, my love, in my green-eyed rage, she doesn’t say. I'm smothering you.
“It’s only temporary, Enid,” she says again, as if doing that would make it reality. She hopes it will, but she knows this curse—has seen mightier Addamses than her fall prey to it. Richie Addams had been the worst of them all. A depraved Addams that fell prey to the curse in the 1800s, he had brutalized his love’s husband with his own bare hands in front of her; done the same to his love, twisted her into something beyond recognition and then eaten her—rumor has it while she was still alive and coherent, that he’d kept her alive to watch him eat her. He had killed himself shortly after.
(It features all too often in her dreams.)
She will not unleash her brutality upon Enid, would turn the knife against herself before she would.
“Oh come on! Just tell me what’s wrong, Wednesday. I thought we were past this!”
Wednesday doesn’t reply; folds the last of her clothes into her trunk and snaps it shut. She goes to move it from her bed but Enid snags her wrist and makes her face her. Wednesday can’t help it—it’s instinct to flick the knife out and press it to her assailant’s wrist. Blood wells up and Enid winces.
(isn’t this a metaphor—isn’t this a forewarning?
enid touches wednesday and gets hurt, seconds after wednesday vows to turn her knife against her own self before it touches enid’s skin.
there’s a lesson here, a horror story in the making.
there’s a lesson here, a love story in the making.)
“Sorry! I shouldn’t have touched you.”
The warmth of Enid’s palm still lingers on Wednesday’s wrist even after she removes it, a handprint printed on Wednesday’s bones. Wednesday stares at Enid’s wrist, at the blood that stains it, at the cut she put there and wonders what it would be like to put her lips to it, to taste her beloved’s essence on her tongue, to deepen the cut till she reaches bone and can leave her own mark on her.
(she has to leave, she has to leave, she has to leave—
it’s getting worse, it’s already gotten worse and it hurts.)
“I have to go,” she says and leaves without a backward glance. If Enid calls after her, Wednesday pretends not to hear.
(Wednesday’s name goes down in history.
Enid’s is written next to her.)
(was it a horror story, they ask.
perhaps, others say. perhaps it was a love story gone wrong; a twisted romeo and juliet, an orpheus and eurydice.
idiots, it was always supposed to be both.)
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vegetable-man · 2 years
Wayne’s Radio
Product of winter break. Gotta get this one out of my brain before I rot. Same universe as my other mechanic eddie fics (which is why it’s tagged as so); it’s mentioned once. Beginning of the explicit romantic relationship between these two idiots. Lub y’all.
Eddie munson x reader 
(although everyone is welcome to reading, fem pronouns are used)
TW: mentions of abuse of young Eddie (physical + drug) QUICK mention. other than that- just love babyyyyy
Wayne’s radio
Wayne has this air about him. The hard exterior of a working man, and the heart of a sweet southern boy taking refuge in a small trailer in Indiana.
And although technically Eddie was his brother’s boy, Wayne thought of him as his own and nothing less. As soon as little Eddie, head shaved and face bruised- track marks running up and down his arms, showed up at his doorstep with an officer gripping his arm, Wayne knew he would do anything to see his boy happy.
Anything to keep his boy happy, but Wayne had some stipulations.
Whenever Wayne wanted control of the stereo in the trailer, he got it.
Technically, it wasn’t often that he booted Eddie off the radio, but often enough that Eddie got a taste of some sweet slow heart. Slow guitars, Blaze Foley, Woodie Guthrie, Joni Mitchell, Jim Croce. Eddie loved the chaos and resistance of metal, more than any other music, but he knew what made him think of home. I mean, he would never forget Wayne’s face when he painted ‘this machine kills dragons’ on his guitar like some knightly medieval Guthrie.
Wayne loved his boy, and never knew his heart could swell so large.
So when the slow plucks and strums would settle Wayne after a long shift at the plant, Eddie would settle also. Eventually, however, Eddie could only think of one thing.
Or rather, person.
It wasn’t a slow falling.
Eddie has been in love with the same girl for the last ten years for god’s sake. Somehow, every year, Eddie found a new layer to his love.
He found the first layer when he would pretend to be a wizard on the playground and you’d play along as his fairy companion, finding cool rocks and sticks to deem magic objects. He found the second layer when you begged him to come to your 10th birthday party and then spent the entire day with him away from the other guests, even his uncle who was also in attendance, to find salamanders under rocks behind your house. When it came time for you to blow out your candles, Eddie found himself wishing that he would never lose this.
Each layer didn’t surprise him. Even when you both started to hit puberty and he would come home to the trailer flushed and embarrassed that he began to think, obsessively- he wouldn’t admit, that you were far more than pretty.
Wayne, of course, had seen this and quickly gave him ‘the talk’ as Eddie’s face got so red he thought he would explode. He whined and denied, so Wayne pretended Eddie’s flushed face was sunburnt on hot lakeside days with you and your family.
Secretly, Wayne and your dad would cackle over beers at Eddie’s fumbling scrawny body, eyes squeezed shut and shy, trying avoid even the slightest brush of your shoulders.
Eventually, however, as his body caught up with yours, Eddie got taller, he got more muscular, he grew his hair out, adopted leather and rings, and a newfound confidence that made you swoon and blush like he had when you both were younger.
It didn’t bother Eddie. He already knew he loved you. And it didn’t help that he thought it was unbearably endearing.
Teasing, sweet as hell, but teasing Eddie then had ammo and more excuses to poke and grab your sides as you hid your face and squirmed away from him.
If he wasn’t going to really be with you yet, he’d make it clear to others that you both were off limits through giggles and flying hands.
As you got older, and admittedly melancholier, it became frustrating how unclear your relationship with Eddie was.
You knew Eddie loved you, but it wouldn’t kill him to just be with you, would it?
Late high school was hell.
All your friends were losing their virginities, going on dates, and here you were hung up on Eddie. And although you and him were inseparable, it brought tears to your eyes to see girls flirt with him, fawn over him at his gigs, ask him to fix their cars, and him smile back and wave at them like the sweet boy he was. Though he was the town freak, there was an allure to him that teenage girls just couldn’t resist.
What if you were one of those girls?
Just someone to smile at, maybe not as important to him as you thought.
Those were the thoughts floating around in your head a few days before graduation, laying in your bed staring up at the ceiling a few hours before a Sunday lunch with Eddie and Wayne.
The sound of soft metal through the glass of your windows guided you out of your trance and, reluctantly, into a world where you had to spend the day with Eddie.
The drive to Eddie’s wasn’t so bad. As soon as you heard the music from his van, you dragged yourself out of bed and into the passenger side of his precious car. You were greeted with a soft hi, a blinding smile, and a hug from the other side of the center console. And while for the rest of the drive he turned his music down to a reasonable level, the heat of his hand continuously pinching your elbow created a dichotomy of soothing and aching.
Eddie was nothing if not gentle and sweet with you.
Considering the circumstances, it was hard to appreciate.
Pulling up to the trailer, Eddie put the car in park, shut the car off, and rapidly got out. You squinted your eyes as he jogged to the passenger side of the car to open the door with a flourish and a mumbled “my love”.
Every week Eddie had lunch with you and Wayne. His little ‘Sunday dinner’, at about 1 pm, he liked to call it. It was one of the things he looked forward to at the end of the week. The people he loved the most sitting down to eat together both warmed his heart and made his hair stand on its ends. No matter what shit Mrs. O’ Donnell pulled in class, or who tried to push and pull at him in the hallways, his little Sunday dinner healed all.
Above all, he appreciated his post-dinner traditions the most.
But that could wait for later.
As he opened the door for you, he could tell you were feeling a bit quiet. Perhaps not abnormal, he decided, maybe tired, but he knew to lay on the love.
With bellies full, of both Wayne’s famous garlic chicken casserole and promises to plan a big outing for both your graduations, you and Eddie retired to the couch to watch a movie and Wayne got ready for a fishing trip with his buddies.
The ambiance of soft acoustics floated through the trailer as Eddie picked a movie for you both to watch. It normally didn’t matter what he put on, as you’d fall asleep on his shoulder, hands gripping his waist and large brown eyes peering down at you with a grin.
As Eddie settled on the couch with you, he placed you on your side beside him and pressed your head into his shoulder as you looked onward towards the television.
As you lazily watched the beginning of some horror movie Eddie was probably siked to show you, you heard the soft piano of Joni Mitchell through the radio from the kitchen.
With a shuffle upwards towards Eddie’s face, you pressed your hand on his chest in order to get his attention and sit up.
Eddie felt slightly startled as he sat up and scanned you for discomfort. Maybe you wanted to switch positions? Maybe your arm was numb? Did you just have to pee?
His train of thought was interrupted by your small voice asking him something.
With a hot face and a small huff, you said softer “this song reminds me of you.” and quickly looked away towards the TV showing some gory opening scene.
Eddie strained to hear the radio in the kitchen. But when he did, his body flushed and his heart soared. Above the clashes and screams coming from the movie, he could make out the lyrics of ‘My Old Man’.
With a flourish and rather rapid movement of his body into a standing position, Eddie leaned down to pull you with him.
He wanted to dance.
“Eddie no” you huffed, rigid, uncomfortable, and unready to partake in his fit of spontaneity.
“Sweetheart” he paused to look at you “give this old man a dance huh?”
And so somehow ending up in the kitchen, you and Eddie gently swayed to the soft tunes of Wayne’s favorite radio station.
Breaking the peace between the both of you, you raised your head out of the center of Eddie’s chest and said “I love you.”
Eddie always felt like his heart stopped when you said it and yet he returned an “I love you too, bug” with a tug back to his chest.
He was confused when he was met with resistance, looking back down at you.
“no, Eddie” you looked into his eyes, “I love you” and continued to switch between his left and right eyes. Noticing the slight differences in color between them but not noticing the immense shift in Eddie’s face.
Eddie took his hands off your waist to slither between your arms and to the apples of your cheeks.
With tears lining his eyes, he slowly kissed you.
Pulling apart felt like life or death to him, but as he parted from you and scanned your face, he realized that even if he did die, he was in heaven at least.
He felt a full body shiver overtake him as you leaned back in for another kiss.
With the heat of your cheeks and the lidded look of love in your eyes, Eddie knew that he was set for life.
In a hush of whispers to and from an old receiver:
“That son of a bitch finally got her huh”
“I know… you don’t know how long I been tryin to put em together”
“YOU? Wayne, give me a fuckin break, this was a team effort”
“Well at least we ain’t gotta meet nobody’s families”
A booming laugher filled the back room of Wayne’s trailer with the small click of a telephone as Wayne’s heavy footsteps crossed the threshold of the kitchen to get to the front door.
“Goodbye…” he looked between the two of you “both of you.”
“Okay….?” Eddie drawled out.
“Tell my dad I said hi” you smiled at him from under Eddie’s arm.
“Oh I will.” he chuckled, and promptly walked out of the trailer as if he couldn’t wait.
“Was Wayne acting weird to you?”
“I don’t know, maybe… KISS ME TO REVEAL THE ANSWER!” Eddie boomed like one of those fortune teller machines.
“I hate you so much” you laughed and paused to look into his eyes.
Eddie leaned in to place small clicking pecks all over your face.
He’d have to thank Wayne and his radio tomorrow.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 11 months
Ectoberweek 2023 day 26- Students start to go missing. At the same time, the Guys in White go quiet. TW- kidnappings mentioned summary- Amity Parkers have always been strange, especially after the portal. But everything was fine. At least until kids started to go missing.
ao3 masterlist
Amity had always been strange, and after the portal the young people especially so.
It had started small, some people’s eyes would glow, others would have fangs or pointed ears. But then some had started to develop some low level powers.
The Hanaby twins developed telepathy, but just between themselves. The Rosin girl became able to eat anything without detriment to her body. Her parents discord this when they found their three year old daughter eating gravel in their driveway. There was a kid who glowed. One who had an extra pair of arms, while another grew small horns. And after Pariah Dark where they were all sucked temporarily into the Zone, more powers began to develop in the youth. A boy woke up floating above his bed. A baby was born with an extra pair of arms. Thankfully it was a home birth, and the midwife was an Amity resident. Paulina developed immunity to fire, Dash super strength, Kwan small force fields, Star invisibility, and Mikey basic clairvoyance. 
There were a few who were notably more powerful. The Manson girl was said to be able to control plants, and the Foley boy had a form of technomancy. 
But the Fentons… The Fenton girl was said to have enhanced empathy and the ability to manipulate emotions along with the power of suggestion. And the Fenton boy had the basic ghost abilities along with a sonic scream. No one had ever heard it, but there were rumors that he had helped Phantom defeat Pariah Dark.
But because of all the ecto-contamination the GIW had been prevalent in Amity. Thankfully, the Fenton adults had finally changed their minds about ghosts when it was their own kids who were now counted as permanently ecto-contaminated. And since the Amity Parkers and their own powers now, and those who didn’t were more than willing to help fight to protect their kids, they were able to drive the GIW out. 
The GIW had only been quiet for about a month, before the first kid went missing.
EVeryone had been worried of course, but they hoped that the kid had just gone with friends or was exploring the woods. The child had impenetrable skin, so he should be okay for a while. But when one day turned into two that quickly became a week. The whole town was searching. But there was no trace of the boy. Those with x-ray vision didn’t see him in the woods, and those with psychometry (the ability to discern things by touching an object) couldn’t find anything either.  
And then the second child went missing. The town went to the individuals with clairvoyance, but they admitted that they had seen nothing and that their abilities felt blocked. This led to further investigation where it was discovered that most individuals with abilities felt weaker. 
There was obviously something wrong. But no one could find any answers. The town was in an uproar. Some families tried to leave, only to find that each time they approached the border they’d forget what they were doing and turn around and go back home.
And kids kept disappearing.
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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Wrestling World presents Wrestling Maniacs: JUNE 1999
Alongside Terry Funk, Mick Foley, and maybe Sandman, Sabu is a hardcore wrestling legend. He has always been ECW’s most well-rounded performer, willing and able to make not only himself but any opponent look good.
By Chris Faust
[If you want to see hardcore wrestling, then Sabu is your man!]
EXTREME Championship Wrestling (ECW) has a variety of reputations. Some describe it as a slaughterhouse, a kind of Ultimate Fighting organization minus the sportsmanship.  Others are quick to note the technical, high-flying aspect to many ECW wrestlers’ styles. Unquestionably, ECW is violent, bloody, and bruising. But the acrobatic, high-impact, death-defying talents throughout the promotion are just as prevalent. One longtime ECW star has always performed with both of these objectives in mind. That man is Sabu, one of the most influential, mysterious, and entertaining wrestlers ever to compete in any federation.
Covered with scars from barbed wire death matches (his specialty during his early days), standing a modest 6-foot tall, and never weighing in over 225 pounds, Sabu looks like a man who has taken more punishment than he has handed out. He never speaks on camera, but communicates to the fans with his trademark index finger pointed into the air. He wrestles all the time and has a reputation for overbooking himself–some say for the money, but less cynical fans realize that very few men have surrendered themselves to the sport like Sabu.
Sabu’s wrestling style is better seen than described. He walks the line between fearlessness and complete psychosis. He is equally known for his vast arsenal of moonsaults, flips, and other top-rope maneuvers as he is for his various barbed wire, table, and chair stunts. He inflicts pain mercilessly, yet gracefully. At his ECW debut in 1993, he pinned Taz (then known as Tasmaniac) twice in one night, setting off a feud that still resurfaces periodically. His threshold for withstanding pain goes to an even greater extreme. Legend has it that once during a match against Chris Benoit, Sabu actually had his neck broken, yet still managed to finish the match.
[Sabu is one of the most downright brutal competitors ever to perform…and yes, those scars are real!]
The story behind Sabu’s rise in the American wrestling scene sounds like the stuff of legend as well. He was born in Bombay, India, the nephew of The Sheik. In 1984, after giving his nephew some training in mat technique, The Sheik announced that Sabu would compete against a mystery opponent in order to prove himself. The opponent was later revealed as The Sheik himself, but Sabu managed to pass his test one way or another. 
Sabu’s professional debut  came in 1985 when he defeated the Canadian Road Warrior. He then spent several years traveling the American independent circuit, making a name for himself as one of the most feared men in wrestling. He worked himself as much as possible, often wrestling six days a week, occasionally as much as three times in one day! In 1992 Uncle Sheik again helped further Sabu’s career, helping him make the jump to Japan’s FMW promotion. Sabu earned his first gold teamed with Horace Boulder (the same who now wrestles in WCW), when the two won the tag belts from Atsushi Onita and Tarzan Goto. At this point, Sabu’s growing reputation earned him a contract offer from the WWF, which he declined in favor of his interests in the Japanese scene, which included winning the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight title.
Strangely enough, less than a year later, in October of 1993, Sabu made his ECW debut. Within less than a month, he had defeated Shane Douglas to become ECW World Champion. Weeks later, Sabu staked his belt against Terry Funk’s ECW Television title, defeating Funk and claiming both belts. Ironically, Sabu lost the World title to none other than Funk in December. Sabu held the TV title a bit longer, losing it to the Tasmaniac in March of 1994.
Taz and Sabu actually managed to reconcile their differences amiably, and formed a tag team. They won the belts in early 1995 from The Public Enemy, losing them a few weeks later to Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko. THe feud between the two reignited, culminating in a much-anticipated match between the two reignited, culminating in a much-anticipated match between the two at the first-ever ECW pay-per-view, “Barely Legal,” in early 1997. Sabu’s nose was broken early in the match, but this didn’t prevent the two from putting on the most grueling, strenuous match of the card. Taz, at that time managed by Bill Alfonso, won the match by choking Sabu unconscious. After the match, Taz extended a hand to a revived Sabu, but Alfonso ruined the moment by selling Taz out and instead offering his services to Sabu.
“Under new management, as the saying goes, Sabu once again claimed the ECW World title, again defeating Terry Funk. This time, in August of 1997, it was in a barbed wire match in Philadelphia, one of the most legendary matches in ECW history, so bloody and gruesome (even by ECW standards) that it has never aired on TV.The match ended with Sabu wrapping himself in barbed wire and using himself as a lethal weapon. He and Funk were so entangled in barbed wire that after the match they had to literally be pulled apart. Less than a week later, Sabu defended the belt in a three-way dance (against Shane Douglas and Terry Funk) at the second-ever ECW pay-per-view, “Hardcore Heaven.” The Sandman interfered, and Sabu was the first to be eliminated, with Douglas going on to pin Funk and win the title.
[Sabu is known for his vast arsenal of moonsaults, flips and other top-rope maneuvers!
Manager Bill Alfonso helped Sabu capture the ECW World title!]
More recently, Sabu has paired with Rob Van Dam to form one of the greatest tag teams ECW’s ranks have known. They defeated Chris Candido and Lance Storm for the tag team titles during the timer of 1998, before the ever-present tag threat of Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley won them in November at a Cleveland event. Since the loss, the two have regained the tag titles, and Sabu has set his sights on a third reign as ECW World Champion. His title shot was scheduled for January at ECW’s “Guilty as Charged” pay-per-view, a shot he earned by pinning current champion Shane Douglas in a non-title-six-man tag match at “November to Remember.” The two faced each other in Pittsburgh recently, where a bloodied Douglas retained his title when the match was declared a draw.
Some love him, some hate him, but no fan will deny Sabu’s influence on wrestling today. When he first hit the U.S. scene in the mid-’80s, promoters were more interested in cartoonish, buffoonish wrestlers like Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. A wrestler like Sabu was too real, too violent, and too dangerous for mainstream audiences. So he remained in the ugly underground scene before breaking into ECW.
[Sabu walks the line between fearlessness and psychosis…and proves it with every brutal ring outing!]
Unlike many wrestlers who simply imitate their own heroes’ maneuvers, Sabu originated many of the complex moonsaults and flips in his repertoire. He brought chairs, tables, and barbed wire into ECW, and he was the first to use the chair as a springboard (like Al Snow) instead of a weapon (which is not to say he doesn’t use it as a weapon too–I saw him give One Man Gang a top rope legdrop on the face while holding a chair under the leg in question!)
Many of ECW’s top stars have recently left the promotion in favor of the big two (Bigelow, Candido, Whipwreck, Sandman), with more rumored to be on their way out (Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer). Nevertheless, some tough competition remains for Sabu in ECW, in the form of Douglas and Masato Tanaka. Tanaka’s pain threshold approaches (if not equals) Sabu’s, as evidenced by the battle on the chairs with Balls Mahoney. Come to think of it, a tag team of Sabu and Tanaka could be unstoppable (in ECW or the WWF), should Van Dam decide to leave ECW.
[Unlike many wrestlers who simply imitate their hero’s maneuvers, Sabu originated many of the moonsaults and flips in his repertoire!]
Much like Kanyon, Jericho, and even Austin, Sabu is among the performers who always put on a good match, regardless of the occasion or opponent. By the time you read this, Sabu could very well have given Douglas a lesson in violence at “Guilty as Charged,” and won the ECW Championship for a third time. He deserves it, and if he doesn't win it, he should consider going after the WWF’s Intercontinental title. Alongside Funk, Mick Foley, and mauve Sandman, Sabu is a hardcore wrestling legend. He has always been ECW’s most well-rounded performer, willing and able to make not only himself but any opponent look good. All fans should point to the sky when they hear “Huka Blues” and Alfonso’s whistle going off, out of respect. Who knows which of the Sabu legends are true, whether Benoit really broke his neck, whether Alfonso really superglued him back together after the barbed wire match with Funk, but one thing is for sure, the fact that these legends even exist makes Sabu one of the most intriguing, mesmerizing, and downright brutal competitors ever to perform. And yes, those scars are real.
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