#foggy nelson blurb
farfromstrange · 2 years
Preview for Foreigner's God
This is a snippet taken from chapter fourteen!
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look at him :( sorry <3
“What is this?”
Tony stopped in the doorframe. His eyes widened like a deer in headlights and he stood there, watching as Eliza sat on his office chair, legs crossed and the definition of darkness etched into her features. He looked over at the open bookshelf and the room behind it. 
“Eliza,” he said, “What are you doing here?”
“I needed to know,” she said. 
He looked at the file. “Listen, there is a good explanation for all of this!” The door fell shut. 
She scoffed. “There isn’t.”
“I just need you to listen. This looks bad, but I promise you, it’s not.”
“Liar!” her voice soared off the walls. “You don’t get to do that.” She got up. The file with her name on it was wide open in front of her. The family picture on one side, the house on the other, and then there was her, and even more her. There was so much of her, she felt sick. The faces she should remember, she couldn’t even piece together in her distorted memory. The names sounded foreign, a language she didn’t speak. “What is this?” she asked him again. “Why did you keep this from me?”
Tony was trapped. “Like I said…”
“There’s a good explanation? Do you know how many nights I cried myself to sleep because I had no hope of ever finding out who I was? Who I am? There is nothing you could say that would make what you did any better. I just need to know, did you keep this from me because you were afraid of me, or because you wanted to keep me all to yourself, helpless and alone?”
“I was trying to protect you,” he claimed.
“Protect me? You wanted to protect me?" She glared at him with wide eyes. "By denying me the answers that I was searching for so desperately, I tried to kill myself when I couldn't find anything?" she said. "You know how I felt. You were there! You had this-" she brought her hand down on the file, "and you didn’t tell me? You just… you just put it in there, put a lock on it, and hoped I’d never ask questions again? You are- I can’t believe you! Oh, my fucking God.”
to be continued…
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Just a Trim (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Author’s Note: I have been INSPIRED by Charlies D23 Expo look and thinking about it A LOT. This is just a cute, fluffy little blurb that I hope you enjoy!
Summary: When a haircut goes wrong and Matt needs to be in court in the afternoon, Karen calls in a favor. You come and save the day.
Warnings: Fluff, bad haircut, flirty Matt, some swears. Initially written in mind as fem!Reader, but I think it works as gender neutral, too!
Other Characters: Foggy Nelson, Karen Page
Word Count: 2,015
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Matt loves Foggy so much. They’ve shared so many successes, losses, laughs, and straight up weird experiences. Through thick and thin, they make stuff work, even if not right away. He truly is the brother he never had. 
So it’s only fitting that Matt wants to punch Foggy flat out. 
In a loving, brotherly way, of course. 
“What the hell, Fog?” Matt calls as he folds up his cane and strides through the main reception area of Nelson, Murdock, and Page. 
“Uh, buddy?” he hears Foggy say, getting up from his desk chair and walking out of his office. “I don’t—oh, shit.”
“Yeah!” he huffs. “I thought you said he was a good barber!”
“He is!”
“Then why is my hair like this?”
“He . . . Must have been having an off day?”
“Foggy, I have to go to be in court this afternoon! I’m blind and even I know this doesn’t look good! I can’t go in to court looking like this!” Even before he was blinded, Matt was never one to be hung up on appearances. However, he knows that the rest of the world doesn’t share his viewpoints, and when it comes to being an attorney—especially an attorney in New York City—looks are everything.
“Matt, just takes a deep breath. We can figure something out.”
“Like what? I can’t fix this, I don’t think you can fix this—.”
“Hey, guys!” Karen says as the door swings open. “I just spoke with some of the other residents for the tenement case and—oh, shit.”
Matt lets out a groan of frustration as he rolls his head back in distress. “What am I gonna do, guys?”
“I . . . I’m gonna call in a favor,” Karen says, moving toward the reception area to put down purse and tote bag. She whips out her phone, tapping and scrolling until she finds the number she’s looking for. 
“(Y/N), hey!” she starts. “How are you? I’m good, but I have a bit of a favor to ask. One of my partners at our firm, he got a bad haircut, and he needs to be in court this afternoon for a tenement case. Do you have any—? Oh! Oh, um . . .” Matt can feel how Karen looks over toward him, as if she’s examining his hair for some kind of barber post-mortem. “Yeah, probably.” She sighs in relief. “You rock. We’ll see you soon. Thank you so much, (Y/N).”
Matt and Foggy wait in anticipation as Karen puts down her phone; clearly it’s good news, but they need the details. “They’ll be here in ten.”
“You have a hairdresser that makes house calls?” Foggy asks, a little confused. 
“(Y/N)'s been my friend since before I moved to the city and taking care of my hair since I came here. They're an amazing stylist. If anyone can fix this, it’s them.”
Matt nods in acceptance before moving to his office, trying to focus on some of his work to take his mind off the hair on his head. The short wait is agonizing, but his ears perk up when he hears someone approach the firm. 
“Hey,” you say as Karen opens the door for you. “I got here as fast as I could.”
“Thank you so much,” she says with a big hug. “You are a lifesaver.”
He listens to the pair of you make your way over to his office. He knows you’re going to be fixing his hair, but even still, he feels embarrassed to have you see him like this. 
“Hey, Matt, this is (Y/N),” Karen introduces.
“Hi,” you say kindly. “Sorry we’re meeting like this, but, I can make it better. Would you want me to set up in here, or is there a different spot?”
“Here’s fine,” he says with a small smile. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this. I just feel bad—I could’ve come to you. Doesn’t sound like you were too far.”
“Exactly. I wasn’t too far away. Karen said you needed to be in court this afternoon. All of your things are here; you can work and prep while I fix.”
Matt’s smile grows from something small to something big, and he can hear how your heartbeat increases. He listens as you unload your things, spreading out on a small side table as you get everything ready. 
“Do you want me to stay in this chair or sit on a different one?” he asks.
“If you cold roll over, that’d be great,” you say as you switch out one of the heads on the electric razor. He does as you ask before you turn your attention to him. “Alright,” you whisper to yourself. “Let me see what we have here.”
You gracefully run your fingers through his hair, undoing the styling that was done not even an hour ago to get a better assessment of the state of things. “It feels like they might have used a hair clay . . . Do you know what they might have put in?”
“No, I’m sorry. But hair clay sounds right.”
“Okay.” You walk wound him, analyzing his hair as your fingers card through it. “It doesn’t feel like a lot, so I’ll brush it out and we’ll go from there. For something like this, I’d ideally like to work with no product in your hair, but I’m not bending you over in the little kitchenette sink and using hand soap on you. That’d be cruel, and your hair has been through enough today.”
Matt smiles to himself as he listens to you move back to your bag and grab a different brush. He loves how focused you are. He closes his eyes as you run the brush through his hair over and over, the bristles scratching comfortably against his scalp. He’s sad when it’s over, but enjoys how your fingers card through his locks to reassess the hair. 
“It’s gonna have to be on the shorter side,” you breathe, gently tilting his head to the side with your fingers to get a view from all angles, your fingertips honing in on the sides of his head. “But I promise I’ll make it look good.”
“I trust you,” he hums as you drape an apron around is neck.
You get to work, buzzing, trimming, and combing through his hair, laser focused on the task at hand. With the way your hands handle him, he feels as if he could fall asleep in the chair. He gets so relaxed, he almost doesn’t realize that you’re finishing up your work until you speak to him. 
“How does that feel?” you ask as you put your scissors down on the table. Matt runs his hands through his hair to give it a feel. You were right, it is on the shorter side, but it’s even all around and it feels good—light, neat, and even.
“It feels good,” he says with a smile. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” you hum, taking a few steps back toward him, running your fingers through his hair again and styling it a little. “And you have a bit of a beard going, so it balances your face well. Very handsome.” Matt can hear you smile. “There.” The smile stays on your face as you gently brush cut hair off his neck before you undo the apron around him and start to fold it. “Also, I promise I’m not anti-social. I usually talk when I cut hair, but, this was a special exception. My clients usually don’t get a cut and then go up against bad guy prosecution teams in tenement cases. That kind of pressure requires laser focus.”
Matt chuckles softly as he stands, moving his chair back to his desk. “It was fun to listen to how focused you were. It’s definitely appreciated.”
“I had to make you look good for court, now, didn’t I?” you chuckle. He listens to you pull out a hand-held vacuum and clean up the hair on the floor. 
“You don’t need to do that.”
“I’m not going to leave hair on the floor,” you say as if it’s simple, obvious fact.
“You’ve already done enough for me.”
“Then this is the cherry on top,” you say, starting the little machine up. “I’m nothing if not prepared and thorough.”
Matt laughs as you quickly clean up and pack. He puts his hands into his pockets, sliding out his wallet and opening the fold. 
“Oh, no, you don’t need to,” you say, putting your hand on Matt’s to prevent him from pulling out the cash.
“You took time out of your day and your schedule to fix my hair. You came here to do it. You did your job. You just vacuumed my office. You’re going to get paid,” he kindly insists. 
“I know what kind of work you guys do here. You help so many people. You have good hearts. This is on the house.” You give his hand a little squeeze as slowly start to move from his office. “Good luck in court today. You’re gonna do great.”
He lifts his hand in a small wave and listens as you say goodbye to Foggy and Karen. When the door closes, the two of them eagerly shuffle into his office and look at his hair.
“Wow,” Foggy says. “You look like an attorney.”
“Told you (Y/N) was good,” Karen chuckles. “How does it feel, Matt?”
“Well, it feels shorter than I’d normally go, but they told me that before they started, and I said I was okay with it. It feels good, and it definitely sounds like it looks good.”
“You look like a rich guy,” Foggy chuckles. “A hot, rich guy. You’re gonna kill it in court this afternoon.”
Matt just smiles to himself, his confidence boosted, ego repaired, and his mind replaying how nice it felt when your fingers ran through his hair.
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“Just a minute,” you call from a side closet when the bell on the door chimes. He listens you hop off a stool of some sort before coming out. “Hi, Claire, I—Matt,” you say surprised, but a smile growing on your face nonetheless. “H-How’d court go?”
“Good,” he says with a smile. “All thanks to your skills.”
“Oh.” He can sense how your cheeks flush. “You’re giving me far too much credit. I just gave you a haircut. You’re the one with the law degree.”
“You boosted my confidence. That’s a hell of a lot of work. Thank you for that.”
“Any time.”
He takes a couple steps forward, extending the bouquet in his hand toward you. “For you.”
“These are lovely,” you smile, taking it from his hands, sticking your nose in the fragrant flowers. “I love tulips.”
“Karen helped me with that one,” he admits. “Leaving it a just a thank you didn’t feel like enough after all that you did. I still would’ve wished you would have let me pay you, though.”
“Wasn’t gonna happen. You might be a good lawyer, but I can be stubborn. I hope the flowers weren’t your way to try and butter me up to accept payment or something.”
He laughs. “No. I figured it wouldn’t work. It’s just another way for me to say thank you.”
You take a half step forward. “And?”
Now, it’s his turn to blush. “And . . . maybe to continue that thank you over dinner tonight?”
“Oh.” He senses how your heart skips a beat and more heat rises to your cheeks.
“Only if you want to,” he tacks on. “I didn’t mean to—.”
“Oh, no, trust me, I’d love to go out with you, I—.” You stop and cringe at your eagerness, trying to pivot. “Tonight is my late night. I don’t get off until eight.”
“That’s okay. Does tomorrow work better for you?”
“That’d be great. I’ll be finished up here by six. Does that sound okay?”
Matching smiles pull at your lips. “I’ll swing by here to pick you up.”
Matt takes a half step forward, placing a kiss on your cheek. “Have a nice night, (Y/N).”
“You too, Matt.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger @steampowerednightvaler @themusingsofmany @just-the-hiddles @toozmanykids @dangertoozmanykids101 @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop @itwasthereaminuteago @peter1ismybrother @hellskitchens-whore​​ @dpaccione @catnip987​ @blackhawkfanatic
Matt Murdock Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters  @loves0phelia
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sun-snatcher · 12 days
JUMPING IN IMMEEEEDIATELY because god I cannot help but think of Matt Fucking Murdock deciding that he hasn’t got a good enough grasp of what you look like after workinf with you for a while so asks to feel your face to learn by touch just!!!!!! Tender workplace tension bro
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( beautiful gif, once again, from the incredible @chrlie-cox ! )
𖤓 ─ SUNNY-SIDE UP ! ; a drabble
summ. Nelson, Murdock & Page has a fresh-faced hire. pairing. matt murdock / secretary!f!reader - “Sunny” a/n. Supposed to be a blurb but got a little carried away with this one, so have a drabble instead! Potential series? Who knows.
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MATT MURDOCK doesn’t get embarrassed or sheepish; I mean, he’s Daredevil for Christ’s sake. He spends his night cosplaying as a red-horned vigilante that beats criminals up in the name of justice. And let’s not even begin to discuss the irony of how he’s an unflappable pro-bono lawyer by day.
So you can only imagine Foggy’s surprise when his decade-long friend, who’s never had an issue with women back in their college-days, seemed to fumble apropos of you.
( Fawning, almost. Ducked smiles and nervous laughter and the like. )
You— the cheerful, bright-eyed, tenderfoot secretary hired by Nelson, Murdock & Page— who managed to iron out the administrative wrinkles and logistical kinks of the entire office within the first week of you being hired. 
You, who went out of your way to categorise the boxes of legal documents by case type and date, organised stacked client files and contact lists by alphabetical order, and took the time to digitise every document in the office, because: now you guys don’t have to pull long hours in here. Use technology! Go home! Shoo!
( Foggy tells Matt, half-horrified and half-impressed once upon a time: “She’s like Donna from Suits but… sunnier—”
“Hm,” Matt smiles, completely distracted in favour of listening to you titter with a client through the wall. Sunshine? he tries, No— Sunny. Yeah. The nickname suits you.
“—I once saw her type up four subpoena requests while convincing a client over the phone from dropping our firm by scheduling an appointment with them on the dot. And just the other day she handed me my motion documents before I even got the chance to ask!”
“Right after she fixed the old fax machine, too,” Karen adds in passing, “And that was before the coffee was even done brewing.” )
You’re a ‘shot of espresso’ or a ‘bath of sunlight’ or whatever the poets like to call it.
But, still. You’re Sunny. You’re, a woman. And Matt Murdock can be a womaniser when he needs to be, except— it kinda just… haywires around you, sometimes. 
It usually heads that way whenever you breeze past him, and he catches the bergamot scent of your perfume, the tray of coffee orders in your hands— Even worse when he hears your cadent voice lilt across the room:
Idle chatter with clientele; Hum of some pop-song from the radio underneath your breath; or when you throw your head back in a burst of musical laughter:
Light and radiant and warm and—
“Can I see you?” he blurts.
In the 8pm moonlight filtering through the office blinds, pouring over evidence of a defense case with him, you’re wide-eyed in bewilderment as you blink owlishly at Matt Murdock. 
“I don’t know,” you smile, humorously, “Can you?”
He huffs out a laugh from where he’s feeling the brailled tags of the filing cabinets, slotting in a dossier. ( Another beloved story of Matt’s: learning that you had meticulously braille-labelled each drawer and document title for him the first few weeks you’d joined. Christ, how did the office ever survive without you? )
 “I, I mean your face,” he explains, tilting his head. “I don’t know how you look like, so…”
Not that it matters, he thinks candidly. “May I?”
He raises his palm ever so slightly.
You worry your lip. Matt Murdock is a fine man with finer qualities and the finest face of Hell’s Kitchen— you’re not sure your poor heart can handle having his hands roving over your face, especially when Karen’s almost caught you admiring them far too many times to count. Nevertheless:
“Sure. You’ll be sorely disappointed, though,” you shrug, rising from your seat to stretch as you move towards him. “Not the prettiest mug ‘round here.”
He wrinkles his nose. “Hm. Somehow I highly doubt that.”
Your heart rate is speeding up. Matt’s just glad you’re just as shy about this as he is. 
He twitches his finger and you quietly meet his hand halfway. 
The contact buzzes through him like a bolt. 
Here, he hears you whisper. Guiding. Patient. His fingers skate your cheeks— flushed warm from his settling compliment. 
Then he drifts: your ears and temples, the arch of your brows, the dip of your nose bridge. He thumbs across your lashes and down the divot of your lips, tracing its shape and picturing every curve and detail in his mind’s eye.
It’s intriguing to witness and experience all at once. You’re not sure if a blind man could admire— but there’s a softness to his touch and a lightness in his caress that might be it; nigh reverent.
It’s painfully intimate. 
He brushes a strand away. Rests his palm at your jawline and skirts the juncture of your neck.
You want to lean into his touch. He wants to lean into you.
The proximity is intoxicating.
“You’re beautiful.”
A barely-there murmur; drowned in sincere affection.
He can feel your cheeks dig into a timid smile, and he can’t help but dimple at you too. “Hi, Sunny,” he greets, playfully. “I’m Matt Murdock.”
The laugh that bubbles out of you makes his heart sing. 
You’re reaching for his wrist to steady yourself and ducking into his shoulder as you do, and he hopes to God you can’t hear the thunder of his heart against his ribs. 
“You’re not too shabby yourself, Mr. Murdock,” you titter, catching your lip. “But I’m sure you hear that all the time.”
“Oh, yeah,” he waves, making a dismissive face, “All the time.”
You laugh again. 
And good fucking God—
He wants to get drunk on the sound of it.
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— send in a blurb request !
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writeroutoftime · 6 months
belated valentine’s day blurbs
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please love me - steve harrington/ “after all…I’m just a girl, standing in front of boy, asking him to love her.” - Notting Hill
what I hate about you - tommy shelby/ “but mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” - 10 Things I Hate About You
the greatest thing you'll ever learn - jamie tartt/ “the greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” -Moulin Rouge
crazy things - sir leon/ “people do crazy things - when they’re in love.” - Hercules
don't write me off just yet - john shelby/  “and no, I know, based on my track record, I might not seem like the safest bet. All I’m asking you is don’t write me off just yet.” - Musics & Lyrics
untitled blurb - benedict bridgerton/ “when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” - When Harry Met Sally
choose me - eddie munson/ "choose me. marry me. let me make you happy.” - My Best Friend’s Wedding
just as you are - foggy nelson/ “I like you very much. Just as you are.” – Bridget Jones’s Diary
don't wanna lose you - jamie tartt/ “with everything to win, the only thing I lose is you.” - Anastasia the Musical
lasso the moon - foggy nelson/ “what do you want? you want the moon? ust say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.” - It’s a Wonderful Life
and yet... - jack thompson/ “you like because and you love despite. you like someone because of all of their qualities, and you love someone despite some of their qualities.” - Set it Up 
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chvoswxtch · 5 months
court's cafe ☕️
join me for a 4k followers friends celebration!
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my freaky little darlings. you've gone and done it again. it is absolutely mind blowing to me to have over 4k of you as followers friends. whether you're new here, or you've been around for awhile, I love you and I thank you for hanging out with me. let's get this caffeinated celebration started. ✨
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cafe hours: please place your orders from april 19th to the 30th! the cafe will be open from may 1st to the 31st.
cafe baristas: matt murdock | karen page | foggy nelson | elektra natchios | frank castle | billy russo | dinah madani | jessica jones | luke cage | dean winchester | aaron hotchner | derek morgan | spencer reid | emily prentiss | jennifer jareau | penelope garcia
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☾ espresso- drabble (less than 100 words) based on a lyric, book, tv/movie quote (request over ice to make it spicy)
☾ macchiato- headcannons (request over ice to make it spicy)
☾ americano- blurb (less than 500 words) based on a lyric, book, tv/movie quote (request over ice to make it spicy)
☾ latte- tell me something about you & i’ll ship you with one of the baristas
☾ cold brew- games! (cym, fmk, etc.)
☾ black coffee- tell me your drink order & i’ll give you a song (substitute a barista’s drink order for their song)
☾ iced coffee- ask me about any of my previous work, something i’m currently working on, or anything you wanna know about me
you must be 18+ to request a drink over ice.
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these will all be posted on a separate masterlist to come.
hope to see y'all at the cafe!
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reblog-reblog666 · 11 months
Reblog Masterlist 3
Matt Murdock
Chrysalis - Hurt Comfort, Little Fluff, Trans Matt
Good distractions - Smut
Muted dawn - Angst, Hurt Comfort
Blank space - Angst, Hurt Little/No Comfort, DarkFic
Apartment hunting HC’S - Fluff
Flare up - Fluff, Comfort, Sickfic (Asthma + Cold)
Injury hc’s - Fluff, Hurt Comfort
Ask game - Fluff
Dancing with the devil - Smut
S/O w/chronic fatigue / always napping hcs - Fluff
Distracted - Fluff
Day 10: mutual masturbation - Smut Blurb
Day 11: temperature play - Smut
Day 12: bondage - Smut
Day 13: roleplay - Smut
Day 14: pain kink - Smut
Day 15: mask kink - Smut
Day 16: blood play - Smut
Two round apples - Fluff, Smut
Sub Matt hc’s - Smut
The lakes - Hurt Comfort, Fluff, Hearing Loss Reader
…late night devil (put your hands on me) - Angst, Smut Themes
Wake up - Chapter 1: spend a little Chapter 2: live a little Chapter 3: dead for a moment Chapter 4: back at my place Chapter 5: come smell the roses Chapter 6: make a mistake Chapter 7: set heaven on fire Chapter 8: the sun will rise Chapter 9: I think it’s time Chapter 10: see if it fits
Perhaps love - Fluff
Headcanons - Fluff, Smut
Sub!Matt blurb - Smut
Transfem!Sub!Matt blurb - Smut
Forget - College!Matt, Smut
Angel of small death - Kinda Angst, More So Heavy Topics
Dreaming of a grave prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Moon song - Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Male!Reader
Kinktober day 27 - Smut
Pages toward your future - Little bit of comfort in the beginning, Fluff
Bf Hcs - Fluff, Smut
Just one wish - Fluff, Angst, Hurt Comfort
Pregnant reader hcs- Hurt Comfort
Milk - Smut, Fluffy
Horses and Zebras - (1) (2)
A little teasing never hurt anybody - Fluff
Fight club [Franks version] - Smut
New Year’s Day - Fluff
Just the tip, princess - Fluff, Smut
Taste - Smut
Premature ejaculation ask - Smut, Hcs
Give it to me - Smut
Ginger and lemon (autistic reader series) - (1)
I’ll take care of you - Period Comfort, Smut
Felled by you, held by you - Period Smut
Transubstantiation - Period Smut
A calm night - Fluff, x Foggy
Interrupting Matt’s patrol - Smut Blurb
Roommate Matt - Smut Blurb
Matt’s chest - Fluff Blurb
Tired after patrol - Fluff Blurb
Professor Matt - Kinda Dark Smut Blurb
Showering - Fluff Blurb
“Where did your clothes go?” - Fluff Blurb (Hinted Smut)
Prince Matt - Blurb
Kidnapper Matt - Dark Blurb
Matt + edging - Smut Blurb
Enemies to lovers - Blurb
Stalker Matt - Dark Blurb
Stalker Matt 2 - Dark Smut Blurb
Harmful habits - Comfort (Kinda) Blurb
Cuddling during period - Fluff Blurb
Mafia Matt - Kinda Dark Blurb
Braiding hair - Fluff Blurb
Patching him up - Kinda Angsty Blurb
Second impressions - Fluff Blurb, Implied Smut
Service dog - Fluff Blurb
Frank Castle
Injury hc’s - Fluff, Hurt Comfort
Ask game - Fluff
S/O w/chronic fatigue / always napping hcs - Fluff
Couples therapy - Angst, little bit of Hurt Comfort at the end?
Headcanons - Fluff, Smut
Fight club [Franks version] - Smut
Give it to me - Smut
Foggy Nelson
A calm night - Fluff, x Matt
Michael Kinsella
Injury hc’s - Fluff, Hurt Comfort
Ask game - Fluff
S/O w/chronic fatigue / always napping hcs - Fluff
Luke Skywalker
Dom!Luke hcs - Smut Themes
Short thoughts on Luke w/autistic girlfriend - Fluff
F/O Stuff / People I don’t know 😜
Take your time - Hurt/Comfort, Smut
Neurospicy has never been so cute - Fluff, Hurt Comfort
William Afton
Colder. - Not exactly fluff but close enough, kinda darkfic
Corruption. - Part 2 to Colder, Smut, kinda darkfic
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mari--lace · 1 year
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
🌺 favorite poetic quote from a published work
🍎 favorite angst quote from a wip
🍌favorite funny quote from a wip
🍓 favorite poetic quote from a wip
🥀 I was pretty undecided for this one, but this is the fic I think about for angst, so... yeah. Chapter 15 of my writober collection, it's set during the Blip. Matt doesn't take it well. :)
Later, Nat makes him sit and gives him a plate with some eggs and spinaches. He knows she won’t leave him alone until he eats, so he does. Slowly. She’s got a plate for herself, too, so they eat in silence for a while. “It’s been six months.” Matt turns his head to the floor. He doesn’t want to have this conversation. “What happened today?” Nothing. He met Anna Nelson, so what? It doesn’t matter. It’s not like not meeting her changes the fact that Foggy vanished along with half of the universe. Matt was spared, because of course he was. Anna said she was happy to see him. She shouldn’t have been. Matt isn’t.
🌺 I rarely think of my works as poetic, and I'm not exactly sure what I'm about to quote fits, but I do think "What's in a soul?" might be my most poetic work—in a broad sense. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with this dialogue.
“Who are you?” Her heartbeat quickens; this might be the first time it's done that since he's known her. “I'm the ghost of a sister. I'm the ghost of a friend. I'm the ghost of a killer and a hero.” She pauses. Her heart slows back to its usual steady rhythm. “I'm a shadow who is more comfortable talking and fighting with a vigilante than surrounded by people who say they love her.”
🍎 this was tricky because I don't actually have many wips? And the majority of them aren't angst. I did find an old one I'd forgotten (rip) that I think fits well enough; I received a prompt asking for "an angsty blurb of Matt telling Jen about his past with Elektra that ends on a happy/hopeful note" and started to fill it, then life happened and I never got the chance to work on it again. I'd like to complete it in the future. Anyway, here it is (please note that I don't hate Elektra, I actually quite like her):
“I mean. How is it even possible to be this unlucky with dating? My exes are the worst,” Jen slurs the last word a bit and reaches for her cocktail. Matt takes a swig of his beer. Exes, huh. “Like, one of them was paid to go out for me. To take a sample of my blood. How is this even real, Matt? It shouldn’t be.” She downs the last of her appletini. “If there was a contest for the worst exes, I’d win hands down.” She turns to face him and, guessing from her tone, she smiles. “Maybe that’s why I got to meet you then. Karma or something like that.” “I don’t know,” he says, fidgeting with his glass. “I was my ex’s literal mission, so I think I could compete.” “Mission?” Matt drinks. He’s been looking for the right moment to tell Jen about Elektra for a while, but bringing that out now was probably a stupid move. A night out to vent at the lawyer bar isn’t the best context for a serious conversation. Is it? “Matt?” Jen sounds different now, and oh, he realizes after a moment, she’s hulked out. If he understood her metabolism right, she should be sober in this form. He smiles at her. “Yeah. It’s kind of complicated. I meant to tell you about it, but I’m rethinking the timing a little.” “I’ve had enough alcohol anyway,” Jen says. “Want to go back to my place?” Matt takes one last swig, then nods. “Sure.”
🍌 so what I'm about a quote isn't "from a wip", it's the whole wip. It's a brief exchange that came to my mind a few nights ago and I'm not sure if I'll ever develop it further than that. It's stupid, but I guess I find Italian stereotypes funny, so... Here we go with an outraged Frank Castle:
"What are you doing?" "Pasta." "That's not how you cook pasta, Red."
🍓 the ending of a very recent (like... today-recent) mlb wip came to mind for this 👀 Again, poetic is relative, but yeah. Go Chloé:
One week before, it felt like her world was falling apart. It was, in a way. If something breaks, though, you can put the pieces back together. Chloé did just that: she built herself back up, making space for new pieces beside the old ones. She’s still Chloé Bourgeois. A new adventure is calling to her, and she’s said yes.
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catholicdaredevil · 3 years
Imagine sending Foggy some nudes while he’s working on an important case
bestie the way that i want to gobble him up
this is an a reader wearing an afab-ish set of lingerie there are no specific body parts described or gender but a 'set' specifically which i think is usually considered afab even tho anyone can wear it gender/sex-wise
he was supposed to be home hours ago. when you'd put dinner on the table for two, glasses of wine and all. he was supposed to text you if he was gonna be late. but your phone sat untouched, not a single text or call, on the table next to you where you sat. it took only twenty minutes for you to realize he wasn't coming, that he'd forgotten to tell you too.
he never did this, not really. there'd been maybe three times including this one that he'd forgotten to even tell you he was gonna be late. it only happened when something really serious came up, which is why you let it slide. he was a good boyfriend, a great boyfriend, so it was easy to give him these small allowances.
so you ate dinner, your dinner. drank your glass of wine, and packed his up for him. tucking them into the fridge with a small sticky note saying you loved him and just because he was late didn't mean he had an excuse to not eat something. washing the dishes and setting them in the drying rack to finish out your own night, if he wasn't gonna be home anytime soon you might as well go to sleep early. catch up on rest that you miss more often than not.
lights off, doors locked, you change out of your clothes from the day. there's a moment when you hesitate, decide whether or not you wanna make foggy's night a little harder for ditching you. the decision is easy, it's always fun to fuck with foggy and this is your favorite way to do it.
it's not hard, to get him riled up like this, just a nice matching set. blue is his favorite so blue it is. it's feels nice to get dressed up like this, checking your hair in the mirror while you adjust the straps and lace on your skin. you climb up into your bed, fluffing your white comforter under you and getting posed into what is, while vaguely uncomfortable to stretch your back like this, perfect.
a few snaps of your phone camera later, and you send them off before climbing under the covers, content to fall asleep while foggy suffers at work.
foggy's phone buzzing is the first sound he hears other than his own thoughts in four hours. it jolts him out of his focus, he's been glued to his laptop since 2pm, minutes ticking by slowly while he goes through page after page of bleary boring paperwork. it's probably getting about time to head home, he knows it's date night and he promised he'd be home for dinner.
dinner that was.... two hours ago.
he grabs his phone off the table, unlocking it to shoot you the longest apology text he can write when your message pops up on his screen and he almost fumbles and drops his phone in surprise.
"is everything okay fog?" of course matt's here with him, of course matt's here still, matt doesn't have a loving partner who's been waiting on him to get home. matt doesn't have dinner sitting on a table somewhere getting cold while he works, and most importantly, matt doesn't have lewds on his phone screen in the middle of the office.
"uh-um, yeah of course, um." foggy barely chokes out the word, eyes scanning down then up, down then up, each time getting stuck on different spots. its blue. god damn it, it's blue. blue is his favorite. and if his decision wasn't already made at the sight of the time, it was certainly made now. "i'm late, i gotta go."
"right now?" matt's brow shoots up while foggy piles all of his stuff into his bag haphazardly, his papers are going to be all out of order and crumpled and probably bother him the next day. but that is a problem for next day foggy, today foggy is gonna go home and apologize with his words. and then, if you let him, his hands, and his mouth, and his cock.
"yes, right the fuck now." on instinct he stops walking by matt, leaning down to kiss the top of matt's head. "bye!"
as he's running out the door he hears matt call out through laughter, "is this because of whatever photo they just sent you?"
"right you are again matty, i'm gonna go have sex." foggy replies, slamming the door to nelson and murdock behind him on his way out. already sending off a series of texts to you, hurried apologies and promises for what he'll do when he gets home, what he'll do to you when he gets home.
at home you lie in bed, only moving when you hear the familiar ding of six incoming texts, one right after the other and you smile knowing exactly what they say.
that foggy's on his way.
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ddejavvu · 3 years
Could you do a foggy blurb where reader likes to bite him and Matt and Karen notice and tease him ab it?
join my 2K sleepover!
"I was just thinking that next week we could-" Matt's voice faltered as his fingers brushed against a sizeable dip in the soft skin of Foggy's bicep, his hand resting lightly there as he passed the man at the kitchen table.
Foggy felt Matt's fingers dip down into the soft indents, trying to keep his muscles relaxed so that Matt didn't know how flustered he was at the unexpected contact. He hadn't thought about wearing a long-sleeved shirt to cover any of the teeth marks in his arm, but he was really regretting not having one now.
"Did you get mauled?" Matt's voice was a strange mixture of concerned and amused, his other hand coming up to travel along the trail of marks lining Foggy's arm.
"No," Foggy's voice shook, a gruff timbre seeping in when he cleared his throat, "I just leaned on something weird, 's all."
"Leaned on Y/N?" Foggy watched in trepidation as Matt's head spun at Karen's voice, the soft smirk on her lips perfectly audible in her haughty tone.
"Oh my god," Matt snickered, gripping Foggy's bicep tighter in his hand, "You did get mauled."
"Shut up," Foggy groaned, slapping Matt's hand off of his arm, "I'd bring up something embarrassing about your love life but it doesn't seem like you've got much of one at the moment."
It was true, Matt hadn't clicked with anyone in particular lately, he'd been pouring over cases rather than going out to meet people. Still undeterred by Karen's snickers and the insults slung at him, though, Matt teasingly scoffed, "I'm not sure I'd like to become someone's chew toy anyways. But to each his own."
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someplace-darker · 3 years
“is that my shirt?”
With Foggy bear pretty please?
Foggy fluff to fix the heartbreak i posted earlier
Send prompts and a character from this list!
“Foggy, where’d my nice shirt go?” you call out, digging through the hamper in front of you with abandon.
You can hear him hum through the bathroom door, the sound of the shower muffling it a bit. “I don’t know, didn’t you wear it to the banquet last week?”
You vaguely remember putting on said shirt before leaving for the banquet, but in your defense, the rest of that night is hazy due to the drinks you consumed immediately after the event. Both Foggy and Karen could vouch for how fucked up you had been, seeing as they were the ones who shoved you into a cab outside of Josie’s while Matt stood behind them listening to the sounds of struggle with thinly veiled delight plastered on that smug face of his.
“I think so, but I don’t know where I put it,” grumbling, you toss the clothes you had discarded back into the hamper and turn towards Foggy’s wardrobe. If you weren’t able to find it, you may as well improvise, right? Grinning, you sift through his closet, brushing by his work shirts until your fingers graze a sleek all black button-up, fingers nimbly pulling it off the hanger so you can hold it up to your torso.
“Did you find it?” Foggy talks through the door clearer now, the sound of the water having stopped. You undo the placket and slide your arms in, tugging it on completely “I found something better.” You have it halfway buttoned when Foggy walks out, towel wrapped around his waist with soaked tendrils of hair falling into his face.
He pauses when you turn around, eyebrows raising as his eyes trail from the bottom of the shirt to where you had stopped in the middle, chest exposed to the open air. “Is that my shirt?” Foggy smiles wide and bright, making your heart flutter against your chest. He was just so fucking pretty, and you were reminded of it every day.
“Yeah, it is, I couldn’t find mine so I figured I could borrow one of yours. I promise I won’t get it dirty,” you offer, waiting for his response to finish buttoning it up, even though something (the weight of his stare on your chest) told you he didn’t mind. He moves to stand closer, but you’re quick to put your hand out to stop him from dripping on the shirt “I love you, but please do not get me wet, I don’t wanna have to iron this.”
Foggy grins and dips his head down to press a soft kiss to your lips, the water from his hair smearing on your forehead. His hands find their place on your waist, pinching lightly at the skin just to see you squirm. “You can keep it, it looks good on you,” he speaks, once more pressing his mouth to yours and you can’t stop the way your stomach flips like a lovesick teenager. Foggy had a way of making you feel like you were constantly falling in love over and over, every joke or smile or press of his lips to your palm had you wondering how you ever lived without him.
“You should get ready though, we have to leave in ten minutes,” you murmur against his affection.
Foggy laughs, nipping at your bottom lip “says the one with a shirt and no pants.”
“Oh shit.”
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poemsforparker · 3 years
Foggy: is she okay?
Matt: yeah, she get's like that when listening to Taylor Swift...
Frank *comes into the room*: he literally is Red.
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peterman-spideyparker · 11 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms Tag
I’ve been tagged a lot by so many wonderful people for this, and I’ve finally remembered!!! Thank you to @pastafossa @little-miss-dilf-lover @hailey-murdock @theradioactivespidergwen as always🥰🥰
Matt Murdock
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My current obsession, my sweet little baby. He needs all the hugs and all the love. I’d let him do pretty unspeakable things to me. It also made me put two and two together that he was one of my first loves (Tristan in Stardust).
Loki Laufeyson
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Oh, Loki, you will always hold a very special place in my heart. Mischievous in every possible way. All I want is to braid your hair and kiss your head. A hurt soul that just wants to be loved—and you always will be in my fics and in my writing world.
Steve Rogers
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One of my men out of time that just wants peace, and the first character I really started to write a lot of fics for—some won’t ever be posted, others in my old, long-deleted blog from middle/high school. A strong moral compass that guides him toward after sacrifice in his search for calm, and even with his ending in Endgame, I still don’t feel that he truly got it. Deserves better.
Bucky Barnes
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My other man out of time in search for peace. Emotional scar tissue as thick as his stubborn head. Deserves the world ten times over, and will always be loved in my fics.
Foggy Nelson
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My sweetheart. My golden retriever. My hype man. My guy to always tell it straight. Absolutely precious, and one of my favorite characters to write. I definitely need to write him more and write for him more.
Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley
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Deserve all the kisses. I have so much fun writing for them and exploring their personalities, and I don’t think there’s much I wouldn’t give for one of their hugs and more.
Pietro Maximoff
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The first man I wrote a little fanfic blurb for. Oh, how you opened up a new world for me. I owe you a great debt, and you deserved far better than what Marvel did to you.
Peter Parker
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My first favorite superhero from when I was like four. Don’t make me choose which incarnation of him is my favorite. He’s just a lil guy. Look at him. He’s too pure for this world.
Frank Castle
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I didn’t get it for a while, but now I do. I’m not gonna elaborate on that, so use your imagination on that.
Clark Kent
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I have a thing for the morally gray, but I have just as big of a thing for the himbo/golden retriever men. Clark is the golden retriever energy I deserve. Don’t even get me started about how bad I had it for him when I was like eight watching these reruns.
Tags to keep the fun going: @chvoswxtch @bellaxgiornata @counsellormurdock @babygrlmurdock
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aliypop · 2 years
Campus (Frank Castle x POC  OC)
Wordcount: 811
Warning: None
A/N: Just a small blurb on if Yonah (My oc) had met Frank during her days in Columbia University also it’s based off the song campus
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"We have a problem..." Foggy sighed, books close to his chest, "Let me guess, you caused it?" Yonah asked, turning towards Matt, his copper hair sparkling in the lowly lit New York sun, "I didn't do anything..." his Columbia university sweatshirt clung to his body, "Sure..." Yonah rolled her eyes. Matt could hear the rolling veins as he shook his head,
 "Okay, so I might have started a fight..."
"As he usually does..." Foggy added. 
"Who was the asshole this time, Murdock?" Yonah asked, her reading glasses tucked in her bang of curls. The three had been studying for their final, which was the mock group trial. "Just an asshole who asked for it." he shrugged, "Matt, that could be anyone." Yonah joked. The three had been walking around the campus trying to get to the library, 
But instead, they'd been freezing their butts off in the New York winter. Towards the distance was a tent in front of Yonah's favorite building, the iconic piece of Ghostbusters history. "Hey, Matt, there's the perfect place for you to beat up assholes..." Foggy shook his head, Marine's recruitment tent. The other day, it was the army. 
They'd been frequenting the campus a lot more lately. "Ah yes, Matt Murdock, the next super soldier." Matt chuckled, "Got a nice ring to it." he shook his head, arms interlocked with Foggy's. Yonah chuckled, her back facing the concrete walkway. The two still kept on talking, forgetting Yonah was behind them.
Her books were on the ground bringing her to her knees to pick them up. For a Wayne, she wasn't always graceful in moments like these, 
"Hey, watch it-" 
"I wasn't watching where I was going and-"
"Let me help you with that, sweetheart." unfamiliar hands brushed against each other. Yonah glanced at the stranger, not noticing he'd taken one too, "Oh uh, thanks..." she blushed, her face looking down at the concrete. Either he was handsome, or it was the uniform. She thought to herself, taking another glance, "Frank Castle." he stuck his hand out, offering to help her up, "Yonah Shanel Wayne." she shook his hand,
 "What the hell is Bruce Wayne's daughter. Doing here..." 
"Well, she figured Gotham U had nothing to offer, and Princeton was fun, but she blew through the course, graduated early, and now she... is here." Yonah chuckled, a red tint to Frank's cheeks from the weather (not), 
"So you're smart, huh." 
"I wouldn't say that..." she got bashful, "But. Yes, I am." 
"Cocky too, huh." he laughed. Yonah gasped, "Me, the early Princeton grad cocky no." she giggled. Looking at her textbooks, he could tell she was a law student, probably stressing over finals. "Are you going to recruit me or something, Mr. Castle," she asked as his heartbeat skyrocketed. "Nah, no offense, princess. But you're a little, you know, for the Marines..." 
"I know what..." she batted her eyelashes,
"Dainty," he smirked, her heart sputtering out of control, "I think you're wrong."
"And if I'm right..." he stepped closer, his tall form nearly looming over her, 
"If I prove you wrong, you owe me a tea..." she stepped up towards him, short yet intimidating. He liked her already, 
"If you prove me wrong, you owe me a date..." Frank winked, "Deal," she shook his hand again. Her grasp was soft yet firm, the hands of a dancer or a woman who never really "worked." he couldn't tell. Moving out of the way, he ushered her to the metal bar that was the legendary pull-up challenge, nothing she hadn't done before with her father. Dusting off her hands, she took to the bar with ease, 
"Ready when you are..." pressing the stopwatch, she began to pull herself up, starting slow then speeding up. She had to give Frank the benefit of the doubt. A minute had passed as she dropped down from the bar.
"So how did I do, Officer," she asked, 
"91 pull-ups in a minute..." he was impressed. The only other person to do that was Billy, who'd also been out with some girl he met the night before, 
"How'd you..."
"My fathers a health nut, and my brother was an acrobat, but you owe me a tea. Green tea, a hint of lemon, and-"
"You can tell me when we get to the cafe..." he winked,
"Is that a date?" 
"Only if you want it to be." 
"There you are, Yonah!"
Yonah looked back as she saw Foggy. "We thought we lost you. Is everything okay." The two began to walk towards the library, a small card sticking out of her Shakespearean text book.
When I saw you 
I fell in love, and you smiled.
Because you knew.
Charming he was, a card with his phone number, "See you around a Castle..." she waved at him as he gave her a nod. 
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writeroutoftime · 1 year
belated valentine's day blurbs masterlist
So, I finally wrote and posted all the requested blurbs from my valentine's day challenges. All of these are stand-alone fics, so please enjoy whatever you fancy!
please love me - steve harrington/ “after all…I’m just a girl, standing in front of boy, asking him to love her.” - Notting Hill
what I hate about you - tommy shelby/ “but mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” - 10 Things I Hate About You
the greatest thing you'll ever learn - jamie tartt/ “the greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” -Moulin Rouge
crazy things - sir leon/ “people do crazy things - when they’re in love.” - Hercules
don't write me off just yet - john shelby/  “and no, I know, based on my track record, I might not seem like the safest bet. All I’m asking you is don’t write me off just yet.” - Musics & Lyrics
untitled blurb - benedict bridgerton/ “when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” - When Harry Met Sally
choose me - eddie munson/ "choose me. marry me. let me make you happy.” - My Best Friend’s Wedding
just as you are - foggy nelson/ “I like you very much. Just as you are.” – Bridget Jones’s Diary
don't wanna lose you - jamie tartt/ “with everything to win, the only thing I lose is you.” - Anastasia the Musical
lasso the moon - foggy nelson/ “what do you want? you want the moon? ust say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.” - It’s a Wonderful Life
and yet... - jack thompson/ “you like because and you love despite. you like someone because of all of their qualities, and you love someone despite some of their qualities.” - Set it Up 
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
come have a drink at mine 🥂
join me for a 2k followers friends celebration!
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I am so overwhelmed with love and gratitude right now. I can’t believe that I started this blog last july for funsies, and now I have 2,000 followers friends. thank you so much to anyone that has ever taken the time to read my work, like it, reblog it, provide kind feedback, submitted a request, sent me a message telling me how much you enjoy my writing, or overall just been so sweet and supportive. 
I always wanted to be a writer when I was a kid, and thanks to all of y’all, I feel like a real one everyday. y’all have seriously made my dreams come true, and I truly love and appreciate every single one of you. ❤️
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this celebration will be going from april 24th to the 28th! please include your drink of choice in your submissions. 
here’s who you can find at the bar:
matt murdock | karen page | foggy nelson | frank castle | billy russo | elektra natchios | jessica jones | bucky barnes | natasha romanoff | dean winchester | javier peña | joel miller | din djarin
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you don't need to be 21 to join, but you do need to be 18+ to order on the rocks! here's what's at the bar:
☾ margarita: give me a song lyric, book quote, or a movie/tv quote for a short drabble/blurb with a character of your choice ☾ margarita on the rocks: ^spicy version of above ☾ old fashioned: headcannon/thots with a character of your choice ☾ martini: song that reminds me of you, or a character (pls give me a few details about yourself if it's for you!) ☾ glass of wine: ask me something you wanna know about me ☾ tequila shot: tell me something about yourself & i'll ship you with a character ☾ glass of champagne: ask me about something i’ve written previously or something i’m currently working on ☾ long island iced tea: games! (would you rather, fuck marry kill, cast your mutuals, etc.)
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these will all be posted to a separate masterlist to come. hope to see y'all at the bar!
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pagesfromthevoid · 2 years
False God | m.m. | Epilogue
Matt Murdock x Avenger!reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Fluff. Religious mentions and undertones
Author’s Note: Holy fucking shit. We did it. It’s here. We’ve done it. Thank you all for your love and support and I am just. I am so excited.
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me! | Buy me a coffee?
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“What are the odds you’ll help a friend of mine out?”
The first several months of everyone returning were rough; homes were rented out and sold. Jobs were taken over and lost. Foggy, Karen and Matt had a whole new set of clients, all needing help recovering what was lost five years ago. The offices of Nelson, Murdock and Page were constantly busy. Though Matt did his best to make time to spend with her. She’d taken up her receptionist position full time now, though only because she felt bad that they were so bombarded. Today, they were closing up early though.
Matt looked up from the case he was feeling over, brow raised. “Depends. Who is it?”
She hummed a little in response, looking over the newspaper in her hand. The front page showed Steve shaking Sam’s hand, holding the shield as he passed it down to the hero. Well deserved, truly. Though she was certain Sam would disagree with the sentiment. The bottom of the article had a blurry photo of Bucky, with a short blurb about his upcoming court appearance to determine if he would be pardoned.
“Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes?”
Foggy looked up from his computer, frowning now. “You want us to represent the Winter Soldier?”
“You represented me —“
“You didn’t murder people for seventy years!” Foggy argued, falling back in his chair.
Matt stopped going over his paperwork, cleaning back for a moment as he considered it. “We can meet with him. But it’ll have to wait until next week.”
She beamed, sitting up straight at her desk. “Really? Thank god.”
“You might want to hold onto that gratitude until after tonight,” Matt grinned, looking over at her.
Both she and Foggy rolled their eyes. Karen walked out of her office, grabbing her jacket. “Let’s go, you. We have things to do before tonight.”
She groaned, throwing herself back in her chair dramatically. “I don’t need to do all that, Karen —“
“Yes you do. Now get your coat; we’re gonna be late for your nail appointment.”
She stood up as Natasha sauntered in, jiggling her car keys. “You’re both too slow.”
“Do you ever knock?” Foggy asked, looking at Natasha with a teasing grin.
“Don’t like my surprise visits, Nelson?”
“I don’t mind, but I’m pretty sure my girlfriend hates them.”
“Poor Marci,” Natasha teased, rolling her eyes. “Let’s go, ladies. We got shit to do.”
Grabbing her jacket, she slipped around the desk. As she tried to walk over to Matt to say goodbye, though, Natasha grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door.
“Nuh uh. It’s bad enough luck to see the bride before the wedding. You’re not kissing him before it either.”
“I haven’t technically seen her today —,” Matt tried to argue, but they were out the door already.
“You can always back out —,”
“Nat, no —,”
“I’m just saying. I know places we can hide. As your maid of honor, it’s my job to protect you.”
She rolled her eyes, running her hands down the front of her dress. It was nothing fancy; a tea length white dress with embroidered leaves along the skirt. It was pretty, and simple, and that’s all she needed. She skipped the veil, insisting that it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t see her anyway, though Natasha insisted on a dainty tiara in its place. The boldest part of her ensemble were her shoes —a darker shade of red, resembling a rather familiar suit.
Karen was finishing the last touches of her make up before finally stepping back and smiling proudly. “And we are…done.”
“Just in time, I think that’s May coming to get to get you two,” she pointed out just as May opened the door. Peter trailed behind his aunt with a sheepish grin on his face.
“Alright, you two, get up there and take your places,” May ordered, shooing Karen and Natasha out the door.
“Thanks for letting us use the shelter,” she said, taking Peter’s arm as he held it out to her.
“Matt kept up the rent while we were gone,” May reminded her with a tender smile. “It’s the least I can do, really. We’ll get it reopened soon, but for now, it’s set up just for you.”
May hugged her tight, rattling on about how beautiful she was and how happy she was going to be. Offering marriage advice and all. Peter had to shoo his aunt out as the processional music started up. She swallowed hard, taking a deep breath.
“You ready?” Peter asked, waiting to open the doors.
“As I’ll ever be,” she whispered, smiling as he opened the doors for her.
It was a small ceremony, with only the most important people in both their lives there. Karen and Natasha stood at the altar, where Foggy and Matt stood as well. Peter would join Matt up there soon. Steve, Bucky and Sam sat on her side, with May conveniently between Steve and Bucky. Pepper and Morgan were there as well, with Clint, Thor and Dr. Banner. Jimmy and Scott sat in the back, waving excitedly at her. Even Fury and Hill made an appearance, sitting in the back. Foggy’s family, along with Marci, sat on Matt’s side. The kids were whispering amongst each other, pointing at all the heroes in the room.
With the doors opened, everyone stood and faced her. Matt turned as Foggy leaned in, no doubt trying to describe what she looked like. But he didn’t need to —because Matt’s vision of her appeared before him. His breath hitched as Peter walked her down the aisle, and Matt covered his mouth as she slowly approached him at the altar.
There were no words to describe the feelings Matt had. Nothing could compare to what she looked like, walking to him. Preparing to be his for the rest of their lives. He took off his glasses, wiping his eyes as he felt himself start to tear up. She couldn’t help the smile that spread over her face as she stopped in front of the altar. Peter wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight. When he let go, he stepped beside Foggy, who clapped him on the shoulder gently.
Maggie approached the couple, standing under the arch holding the Bible in her hands. She was smiling at Matt, tears in her own eyes.
“Please, be seated,” Maggie announced, holding the Bible close to her chest. “We have come together today for a wonderful occasion.” Maggie looked between her and Matt, wiping her own eyes. “You’ll need to forgive me; I may cry myself here. Because we are here to see the holy union of my son, and his beautiful fiancée.”
There was a short pause, and after a moment, Maggie spoke up once more. “The question is asked, ‘is there anything more beautiful in life than a boy and a girl clasping clean hands and pure hearts in the path of marriage? Can there be anything more beautiful than young love? And the answer is given.’” She looked down at her Bible, opening it slowly as she leafed through her own written notes. “And yes, there is a more beautiful thing. It is an old man and an old woman finishing their life’s journey together on that path. Their hands are gnarled, but still clasped; their faces are wrinkled but still radiant; their hearts are physically bowed and tired, but still strong with love and devotion for one another. Yes there is a more beautiful thing than young love. Old love.
“You two will find that, even when the road gets hard and people tell you that you cannot be led by blind faith, love will guide you. You both have faced your fair share of heartbreak and pain, but you have found yourselves drawn to each other. And that is a love worth worshipping.”
Maggie motioned to Foggy, who pulled the wedding bands out of his pocket. He had handed one to Matt, and the other to her.
“Do you have vows prepared?” Maggie asked, closing her Bible and clutching it to her chest once more.
She nodded once, handing her bouquet to Natasha, who swapped it out for a piece of paper. “I…I wrote these when we first talked about getting married,” she admitted, unfolding the page. “Matt, I love you. I have loved you since the moment you laid on the floor of my apartment with me, and you saw me for the first time. Even after everything we have gone through…you still do it for me, Matt. And even if things go wrong, or life decides to take another swing at us…I think we might just get away with being happy. As long as I have you.” She folded the page again, taking a deep breath as Natasha took it back.
Matt smiled at her, wiping his eyes again as Maggie motioned for him to begin. “I know that I haven’t made it easy to love me. I have done so much, making it feel like we were crazy for making this work. But we did; however I said something when we first started this and I…I have to take it back.” Matt paused, running a hand across his jaw as he took a breath. “Do you remember how I said I’d die for you?” She nodded once, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to die for you; I want to live for you. And that is more than I ever thought I could want.”
Maggie covered her mouth, trying to keep herself from crying. A deep breath from her and she fanned herself for a moment before she looked between the two. “If there are no objections to this union —though, even if there is, I will choose to ignore you —please, Matthew, present the ring.” Matt took her hand gently, sliding it on her finger as Maggie spoke. “With this ring, do you promise to love her through sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or for worse, so long as you shall live?”
Matt nodded frantically, looking to her. “I do.”
Maggie turned to her next, smiling brightly. “Please, present the ring.” She took Matt’s hand, lifting it with trembling hands as she slipped the ring onto his finger. “With this ring, do you promise to love him through sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or for worse, so long as you shall live?”
“I do. I really do,” she promised, holding Matt’s hand tight in hers.
“Then, by the power vested in me by the state of New York as well as the eyes of God, I now pronounce you man and wife. Please, you may kiss your bride.”
There was no hesitation as Matt pulled her into his arms, kissing her with every ounce of love he had in his body. Everything they had gone through, everything they had dealt with and lost —it had led to this moment. Her arms wrapped around his neck, holding him close as she poured all of herself into the kiss, basking in the warmth that was their forever.
When they pulled away, they grinned at each other like fools, noses brushing against each other. The members of the ceremony stood, throwing applause and cheers at them. Whistling and shouting surrounded them as they stood there, lost in each other for a moment.
“I love you, Mrs. Murdock.”
“And I love you, Mr. Murdock.”
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