#fogado for scale
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ro-botany · 2 months ago
How Big are the Fell Twins?
from @elysianstars on this post:
#Sombron will get chomped and he will DESERVE it #I'm curious about how the Fell Twins' dragon forms measure against Sombron #but I think they might be limited by the fact they need to fit onto the screen as playable combat units #personally I headcanon that they're smaller because they're younger. and a dragon's true form never stops growing. just like a lobster
Well if you wanted to know the In-Game Math Answer to how big these dragons really are, you're in luck! Because ripping dragon models from fire emblems and measuring them in various ways has become one of my favourite pastimes.
The short answer is: yes, the twins are quite a lot smaller than papa Sombron!
I guess what they look like is DLC spoilers probably? So I'll stick the screenshots and exact measurements behind a read more.
To briefly explain how Engage's models work - most character models are lightly sculpted off a starting base, and then the game has a big table of scaling values for each character that changes the length and size of various parts of their bodies.
The fell dragon models fall into this pattern as well - all of Sombron, Nel, and Rafal's fell dragon and great fell dragon models are proportionally identical. But while Sombron's scaling values are all left to default, the twins... are 40% size!
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(Fogado for scale.)
And given their identical proportions to their dad, and the math I've done previously about Sombron's size, I can tell you Nel and Rafal's measurements too!
The twins in their base form are approximately...
16.2 m (53 ft) from snout to tail tip
5.4 m (17 ft 8 in) from snout to vent
13.7 m (44 ft 10 in) from wingtip to wingtip, when their wings are fully extended
For the sake of completeness, Big Boy Rafal is 60% of the size of Big Boy Sombron:
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Which means his measurements are approximately:
70.6 m (232 ft) from snout to tail tip
30 m (99 ft) from snout to vent
68.4 m (224 ft) from wingtip to wingtip, excluding his weird wing finger claws
(Of course, in a fight with Grima, all these bozos are still definitely getting chomped.)
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rafent · 8 months ago
kiss meme: a kiss shared while holding your dying lover . specialest little minion.
( does a kiss count if you ate another guy? )
fogado heaves a long sigh, feeling deeply the air leaving his punctured lungs. he is not long for this deathly world, it seems.
the penultimate battle, where two factions clash. it is similar in the violent sword-swingings he and rafal have bore witness to over their time, but it is unique in that it is the 'us-versus-them' that the two had been plotting since the beginning. all of the poison in his knife, the stroking of matted abominations' fur, the wrist-flicks and the singing bowstrings amounted to this very battle,
and here he has failed for the first second third and final time. he knows there is no coming back.
the times he has died he has done it with a smile on his face, knowing that his indispensability meant a swift revival ( if not accompanied with an hour-long lecture about not being annoying and doing his damn job. or somethin ). his back could hit the ground in circus fanfare, arms spread wide to welcome the sweep of unconsciousness, because it was obvious he would be back to see another day.
but today he can see that would not be possible. it was the finality he expected... but his death is not exciting.
no, he does not like this death. not one bit, because he knows it is the end of him as he knows it. fogado is a sore loser and he only wants to win the games he plays. if he loses, he swipes off the board and demands a rematch.
now he cannot do that. he is frustrated by this.
so he turns his head to the only person he knows anymore. not to the one who felled him, nor to his brothers who fall like he does. no, none of those less-than-things matter to him. the ground, the trees, the sky, the air; all fading, all meaningless.
his eyes land on the only one that matters. fogado's arms stretch out, calling out for his master. for rafal.
" ahh... i can't... " he groans, the hole in his lungs stealing his ability to talk. " raffy... rafal, please... take me... "
Rafal to hold Fogado, pronged tail to lover's twisted embrace, clutching him like the raptorial claws of the mantid would its prey. Because what was love if not willingness to die, head eaten and head taken? What was love if not the borders of mortal convention transcended in the most abominable and thrilling way?
In the name of that 'love', due for expiration Fogado was. No longer useful, no longer able, no longer pivotal to the final chapter of nightmares as Rafal fulfilled his utmost dreams. The Fell Heir emerged anew from his weakness, white and pure as an angel on the husks of seven bracelets, all-consuming as the world serpent. With his rise to ascension came the fall of his compunction, those needless upsets like bonds and morals all cast off like withered scales. Necessary never, he would argue falsely of those he'd turned Corrupted. Kept on hand only so long as they were useful, and freely discarded now that they were not. Recycled, now, into another bid for strength.
"Can't?" Can't? Impossibility in the face of godhood? Rafal's very laughter shook the earth, rustled his neonate wings and the foundations of the sunken Somniel as he brought their faces together. Human centered scornfully, affectionately in the eye of the serpent. "Truly on your last legs, dear Fogado. But never mind. This was always to be your fate, not that your failing body would end eventually, but that your strength would be my strength. All of you, all of mine."
Recycled now into another bid for strength, simultaneously granted one last mercy, one first gift. That these wretched and reanimated puppets denied death should meet their final ends it would be by Him, not by anyone else; he who was their god. Love, that god then showered in the singleness of his attention, mind trained nowhere else but on Fogado, even in the battle of divine proportions, against divine army. Mercy, Rafal readied in the cavernous yawn of his mouth, countless knives unveiled to salvage flesh and bone and energy.
—madness, Rafal revealed, in the drunken nature of the beast engorged on power. the heartbeats of his exhilaration unseen. Jaws closed around his mortally wounded Corrupted who begged with arms oustretched, snapped shut like the slam of doors, the scissor snip of threads to his fate. Master to Fogado, and lover too; in his consumption and absorption, in his kiss of death once and final. In the unity of two that would never be undone.
All of you, all of mine.
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losojos-decupido · 3 days ago
🎲 griss or gregory, take your pick
kiss meme; no longer accepting
34: a kiss after a bite
cw for violence/slightly graphic description
there is no nicer place to be than on the side that sheds blood.
he has died and returned and died and returned. one day, fogado is sure that he will die again, but his value simply cannot be overstated. in oceans of the faceless and pink-haired things that just can't stop biting the ankles of their superiors for acknowledgement, he is the proud beast that sits above them all, watching---delighted---at how the lower rungs tear each other apart. he is the crank that turns the wheel; everything only happens because he can make it so. a veritable chimera of fangs and scales and scorpion's tails: that is who fogado is.
all of that to say that, well, fogado is pretty useful, rafal will keep reviving him, and he's free to go around cutting the shit out of people, funsies or otherwise.
the groups of "good" and "evil" make their ways to their respective locations---with divinity, of course, ever-trailing after the steps of the fell---but today fogado has decided to shake things up. he has pulled off from his lord rafal's charge, only for a moment, so that he can catch a certain someone unawares and alone. his sentries are good for two things: dying and telling him where people will be.
night pulls over the sky slowly and fogado is quite ready for it. he takes nothing with him but a knife and his grand smile.
darkness sets,
camps are made,
and, when the time is right, fogado steals one gregory by the arm, plunging the two of them under the twists of unfriendly forests. he barely gives his adversary time to breathe, much less think, as he starts ripping at him on the ground with nothing but his nails---a knife, he decides, is too sophisticated. he has an idea of who this person is thanks to lord rafal's recounting; a knife just doesn't let fear seep in the way other methods do. fogado's nails are sharp enough to do the job he employs them to do: they do not slip through gregory's pale, foliage-dirty skin like butter, no, but perhaps closer to clay that's just a bit too air-dried or wax that has mostly hardened but still has a softness to it.
what a sight this could be! if only there were the light of a campfire, fogado could revel in more than just the feeling of skin tearing beneath his nails and blood warming his fingerpads. he could devour whatever expressions this timid creature could be making right now, regardless of whether he's fighting back or playing dead! what a fine thought it is, but it seems he will just have to settle with what he has.
one of his hands shoves all five fingers firmly into gregory's mouth, palm hooking to grip his chin and hold down his tongue. if he wants to beg for mercy, he'll have to work for it. meanwhile, fogado presses his ear to gregory's chest, smearing his violent efforts all over his cheek, so that he can listen to sounds he hardly ever has access to. a heartbeat taken by surprise, exacerbated by fighting! it's everything one could hope for!
a smile cracks along fogado's face and breaks wider the longer he listens. what he wouldn't give to be holding that thing in his hands, bloody, wet, and fighting for life. he wonders, for a spell, if he could perhaps chew it out; again the knife is too sophisticated for the likes of gregory, but human jaws are not crafted with heartseeking in mind. a shame.
but now that the thought has crossed his mind, fogado's chin quivers and his teeth gnash together. a dog, drooling at the sight of food but is relinquished to only watching it. he can feel gregory's slabber collecting on his hand and beyond, slipping down his chin, and it really can't get much more primal than this. to hell with jaws and humans and the constraints of pretending to be alive. fogado would like to do as he pleases.
removing his bloody cheek from gregory's chest, fogado copes with his restrictions by aiming for something much more accessible---the muscle that connects his neck to his arm. the snap is instant; one second his head rises, the next his teeth are already sunken into flesh. dirty copper taste floods fogado's mouth and he chortles with his mouth full. he wonders what gregory is thinking right now. does he think he'll be eaten? out here in the woods, where nobody even knows what's happening to him? that's always a possibility...
but fogado would like to keep his toy intact---for now, at the very least. after a moment of savoring the way blood and saliva create crimson strings down his jaw, fogado unlatches, cackling, and removes the hand from gregory's mouth. " i'm pretty jealous of you still-living folks, " he sighs, though his disappointment is superficial. " you all still bleed a lot. it really ain't fair.
" lord rafal'll probably be mad that i lied to him. i told him i'd be doin' sentry work, y'know, so he's gonna see me and be all, ' what did you ACTUALLY do? ' " because fogado fully intends to wear gregory's blood like a trophy. " but it's okay, 'cuz he won't get rid of me. i'm his specialest little pookie bear~~ "
thoughts of lord rafal nearly steal him away from himself. " oh, yeah, but i should probably let you go. i don't wanna kill you just yet. " he shifts slightly up and off of gregory before suddenly realizing something. " oops! hey, you want some of this back? you die if you lose a lot of blood, huh? " and he presses his lips to gregory's, marred by sharp smells of blood and disturbed dirt and sweat after a fight for survival. the contact is not serious by any means; fogado can't even keep himself from grinning, and now it's more like gregory is kissing fogado's teeth, horrible fangs held back only by someone greater than himself.
he pulls away to blood on both of their faces. " okay, i think that's all i wanted to do, " he says, stretching like he's finished a workout or something equally insignificant. " you go back n' tell them a bear mauled you or something. or tell 'em it was me! it doesn't matter either way. "
in reality, the time between the start and end of their contact was not long at all. fogado feels as though it were a lifetime. " remember~! lord rafal n' i are a~lways watching. so watch your ste~p! "
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party-pri3st · 16 days ago
"So, in your professional opinion," Yunaka holds out the drink for Pandreo. They're really fancy, all pretty and colourful and way more gussied up than anything Yunaka normally would have ordered for herself. There's an undeniable sweet aftertaste to it that she could do without, but she sips her own without complaint as she waits for Pandreo to take her offering. "On a scale of one to ten, how do you think the party ranks?"
Though maybe it's kind of a moot question, considering who's running it.
Yunaka smiles. "I got to spend some time in Solm, you know, but I never actually went to any parties while I was there."
"Yunaka!" Pandreo beams as he takes the glass so graciously offered to him. The crazy lighting in here make it so Pandreo can't tell if its contents are pink or purple, but he's mesmerized by it nonetheless. "Well, honestly, I think Fogado broke the scale. He only ever plans bangers."
He sips the drink; it's sharp and acidic and - probably not alcoholic, there's kids here, but the energy in the room makes him feel a bit buzzed anyway. "Awh, if you were in Solm under better circumstances, I totally would've brought you to a bash. Think you woulda loved it, and they'd love you, too. When we go home, I'll invite you sometime. Sound good?"
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inferniso · 2 years ago
a kiss where they’re both covered in blood
//au; idunn is on the brink of degeneration. features heavy themes, notably body horror
"I'm... Sorry..."
Sorry for the horrors she made him endure. Sorry for the sacrifices she imposed upon his body--for the blood staining his hands, his arms. Blood that she drew, in her fit of draconic rage. She never meant to send her claws flying for his chest. She merely wanted to protect him from that oncoming threat of bandits... Why she lost control--why now--she'll never be able to understand.
But she doesn't need to. Knowing won't matter. It won't scrape any of the gore off his or her body. It won't return the blood to his gaping wounds. It won't undo the tragic loss of Fogado's limbs--how they were punctured in the attack.
It isn't some kind of magic remedy, spooling back the thread her hands unraveled.
Tears stain Idunn's face, and a look of terror fills her unlike eyes. Holding his hand in hers, she notices something she had neglected to pay attention to: scales mar her human form. She reverted back to her manakete shape so hastily--after being snapped to her senses--that some of the Demon Dragon wasn't sealed properly away. It clings to her like a cocklebur, only its thorns sink deep into her skin. It's on the back of her hand, and it crawls up her arm, and it pulls away at the flesh on her cheek. She wants to wail and scream, and shake and tear and rip the chitin from her body, knowing what it has done to poor Fogado. "I'm sorry..." She is muttering again, in haunting refrain, and more tears follow. They don't stop--Idunn does not allow them to. As long as blood flows from his gashes, so too shall this stream of sorrow pour from her eyes.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...!"
With each repetition, she sinks deeper into despair. Ordinarily, saying something more than once helps cement it into Idunn's mind. Those words, 'I'm sorry', and the weight they carry--she must never forget. Using her powers in reckless abandon has a toll, and the unlucky soul she met at its gate today, was the prince.
But he moves still, twitching in her trembling grasp. She freezes, and he is allowed to glide across her body freely. With all the grace of a figure skater his lips find her face. They press--gently--and they slather a splotch of blood on a spot of clear skin. Her icy visage is dyed a deep shade of red. Does he forgive her, or is he saying goodbye?
Maybe a bit of both?
"Please..." her voice stammers again, already broken into a sobbing mess, "Don't go... I don't want to be alone!!" Not again. Not like before.
Wrapping her arms around his neck and back the dragon pulls her human close. She hugs him against her chest, feeling the beat of his heart slowly recede. It's getting dimmer, and dimmer, and dimmer. A candle without any more wax to burn, a bucket pulled from a well that's been dried up. There is only passion to keep it pulsing, and borrowed time. Idunn leaves him one kiss to return his favor--knowing what they are and what they mean to humanity--then another to express sorrow, another for gratitude, another for sympathy, another for hope, another to plead...
And each time she does, she utters that somber phrase,
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."
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fantasyinvader · 2 years ago
Finished my first run of Engage. Did it on Normal/Classic, because I wanted to see how the new mechanics worked first, since I had an experience getting back into the series going from Echoes to Fates Conquest (kinda missed the explanation of pair ups, so...).
In terms of gameplay, I really enjoyed it. It felt like a natural evolution of Fates, which I've held up as having some of the best gameplay in the franchise. The thing I didn't really care for, though, was how skirmish difficulty scaled. I wanted to bring everyone along, see more supports for them, but I just found characters being left in the dust because their levels would put them in a lot of danger during a skirmish. Maybe I did something wrong, but yeah. I found I did grow attached to the units I was using though, like a good Fire Emblem game should make me, but unlocking supports through battle only works so much, especially with movement differences.
I liked how the Emblems worked. Much better than battalions and weapon arts, though some emblems are better than others. Diamant + Lyn = God Mode, same with Fogado + Sigurd. But that just makes experimenting fun, though the gacha rings were more tacked on. I don't have the DLC, so can't comment on those Emblems.
The story was solid enough, found family > abusive family though I do get how people can be upset on how the story handles the different races of dragons. Got close to characters I used, as stated, but no one really drove me up the wall.
The main hub is probably my second favorite after the My Castle. It doesn't make the game drag like Garreg Mach, and there's a lot of extra activities to farm Bond fragments or support points and the like. It gets more annoying if you return there after skirmishes, but that is just part of what I feel works about Engage. The more you engage with it, the more you'll benefit from it. Skirmishes, donations, meals, excercises, all of that is optional but the story and world still work if you don't do it.
Overall, I was really happy with the game. 8.5/10 from me. Will get the DLC for my next run
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losojos-decupido · 1 month ago
" hey, i'll take a net positive on the ' good influence ' scale if it means i can keep hanging out with mitama. " not that it would stop him if he couldn't.
he hears the distant thundering before the figure making the noise appears: a massive golem draws close, face cold and unexpressive. fogado never likes enemies he can't read---how on earth is one to expect the next move when there's no brain to pick? something like this lives only to fight and cannot conceive of doing anything else. what is it like to live a life like that? fogado isn't sure he can say that he doesn't know.
his eyes harden and he spins around, hands flaring out to shield his comrades ( however futile the gesture actually is ). he's not going to keep letting them get pushed around. he will not allow them to get any more hurt or tired than they already are! " hold up, guys. lemme take this one. "
the golem is close, but fogado knows what to do. he ducks behind a fallen column littered with splintered pews; the rubble is positioned just so that countering an arrow volley would be difficult. that's all he needs. " yo, rock man! don't look now! "
Unit 14 attacks Enemy Unit 6 with Ranged Charge. (2/3) → (1/3) All enemies in Enemy Unit 6 lose 1HP. golem 2/3HP r. arm 2/3HP l. arm 2/3HP eye 2/3HP
just like during those shimmering summer nights, fogado attacks from places unseen to press his advantages, however small. even if he is without a home and without his retainers, even if all he has is a bow and his two feet, he will claw his bastard way out with his friends right behind him.
hope is incurable { epiphany finale
※Unit 14 | Finale
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fireemblems24 · 2 years ago
Engage 12 - 14
Spoilers for FE Engage 12+ below the cut.
I'm betting I get Byleth, Ike, Erikia, Corrin, and whoever else I'm forgetting before getting the old rings back? I wish I still had Marth and Sigurd though. They had SSS Tier inheritance.
I love Kagetsu so far. But I'm a sucker for swordmasters in general. The crit animation they have is so fun. If the weapon triangle wasn't such a huge deal in this game, I'd make an entire army of swordmasters lol.
I like how Ivy actually has intel on the enemy and actually tells us. We need more recruited, reformed "villains" who do this.
Fogado is funny so far. If he and Kagetsu had a support, that would be gold. Because it would be non-stop flirting or competing at who can flirt better. I saw Fogado wins so far, because Katetsu is awkward as hell about it lamo.
So if all the NPCs are dark-skinned, they should've made more Solm retainers dark-skinned too (I know from pre-release that images they aren't). FE is getting better a variety, but still some way to go.
Veyle is being a bitch to Marth for no reason. Leave him alone. Still predicting that Mauvier is recruitable. And Griss is . . . eh . . . something. I love a good unhinged villain though.
One thing I DON'T like about this game is that they give you new units way too fast. Like, I just got Ivy and co and now I have Fogado and co. And they seem like a fun bunch, but like, I only have 7 deploy slots . . .
And then you get into a situation where if you want to try out the new units, you can't in a skirmish, because those are the HARDEST battles in this game because it scales with your characters. Which, in some way, I like, because then they're a good challenge but then you can make story levels easier by outclassing enemies, so then you're not "stuck" on a story and can pick and choose your challenging stuff, but it leaves other units behind. Which is typical FE I guess, but all the extra content seems like it encourages you to use new guys. Idk, there's low level Tempest Trials, but those take a long time and rewards are meh for how long it takes, esp for exp, which is why I don't think they really work for it either.
Ugh, Alcryst keeps getting shit level ups, but his supports and character is so interesting. And I just complained about limited deploy slots. I hope my boy can catch up, because he's, unfortunately, next on the benched list. Everyone else either dodges or tanks likes a pro. He's really my only liability on the battlefield right now.
Seforia is pretty cool. Glad to see more moms in this game. Really, almost everyone had a mom instead of a dad this time.
Oh, God, I'm so happy to get Ike. 😭😭😭😭😭 Radiant Dawn was my first Fire Emblem game, and still probably the one I've replayed the most. OMG this makes me so happy 😭😭😭😭
Timerra and co seem fun, but again, I'm sick of new characters. I still have a few open slots (pending you take 12-14 ish in final chapters), but 1 is reserved for the dancer, because, dancer. It's just a bonus he's gorgeous this time.
Ok, also, you have no idea how happy the bosses of these chapters makes me. It's a shoutout to other twin bandits with goofy names that used to show up n all the past GBA games.
Iyv's reaction to hearing that Hortensia has attacked was hilarious. A+ to the voice actress selling that.
I like how the three heirs on this post-level map are all talking to the locals. It's a nice detail. They're being diplomatic.
Also, another small bonus to this game. The bald eagle actually sounds like a bald eagle. All that majestic yelling you hear in movies is fake. That's a different bird. Eagles sound like squeaky toys, lamo.
Ivy teasing Alcryst in their B support is great lol. She tweaked him big time. She's a much more engaging character than she seemed like she would be initially.
So I just saw Alfred and Ivy's C Support, and this is the 2nd time someone told Alfred he's naïve for trusting people and he's just like "yep!" I love him so much, you don't even know.
Kagetsu is a fucking badass. Dude doesn't even have a special ring and makes mincemeat of enemy units. No way I could've beat the skirmish I just did without him. It was fog of war, everyone was separated, and like 99% of the units were fliers, but I really want to adopt a deer, so . . . Thanks, Kagetsu. He's going to get a pebble when I get back to Somniel. There wasn't even any deer. 😭 Why did I suffer? Got an owl and a rabbit at least though.
Case in point about Kagetsu. Turns out, he was the first enemy in the arena and defeated: Merrin, Ivy, Celine, and Chloe before Alfred finally took that menace down.
Lyn mentioned Eliwood and Hector in her paralogue 😭😭
Just saw Alfred and Alear's A Support. I think they're cute together. He's one of the few people who was casual with her right away, which is what Alear really wants. And the first one who offered friendship too. Still picking him as my S Support.
I still can't get over Hortensia's design.
Kind of glad that Hortensia is angry with Ivy. It makes sense she'd feel hurt and betrayed by Ivy, esp since she just lost her father too. Conflict also makes for a better story so . . .
Oh, wow, another cool moment for Alear. Hortensia is holding the Solm queen captive and threatens to kill her if Alear won't hand over the rings. But Alear refuses. So does Timerra, good on her.
Hortensia's VA is really selling her breakdown. Makes me feel bad and realize she's just a little girl. Then thong lady shows up and ruins it.
Is it bad I'm relieved Goldmary and Rosado aren't around? Because I'm tired of getting 3 new units every round. Even though I want Rosado so badly.
Oh, good grief. Hortensia is under some kind of mind control. How original, Fire Emblem. Betting that other little girl is too.
Ivy and Hortensia got pretty cool story arcs. Pretty sure I get Hortensia and Byleth now. Man, it's cool to get Byleth.
And, hey, another parent gets to live!
Solm gave me more money 😭😭😭😭
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ro-botany · 9 months ago
this may be a tiny bit self serving and i dont know if youve made a post about it already… but if you have chrom’s height, do you know how tall robin is? awakening put them at about the same height model wise but robins been consistently shown as shorter in media after that (fe:h, engage, smash bros, etc.). how much taller is chrom in engage?
I haven't made a post about this already, somehow! I've been so focused on dragon forms I forgot about not-dragon-form Robin. :P
Awakening gave Robin not one but SIX possible heights. All three body variations for each gender gets a different model scaling value, and no two are the same. Which incidentally is why I use Chrom as my ruler for other Awakening models, and not Robin. You can never truly be sure which body type is canon to any given Robin...
The medium male Robin is in fact the same height as Chrom in Awakening; the tall male and female bodies are taller than Chrom; and then the small male and female bodies, as well as the medium female body, are all shorter.
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Kinda makes me wonder if that's the reason they make Robin shorter than Chrom in all their subsequent appearances. Looked at these numbers and went "eh, on average Robin's shorter".
ANYWAY. ENGAGE HEIGHTS. I gotcha covered. Same methods as usual; port into Blender and graft on feet, apply scaling values, measure on the Z-axis, grab the Fogado-Byleth conversion factor, calculate the heights.
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(The sheer visual difference... I haven't bothered to give the characters in the original Measuring File my fancy engage shaders, and boy howdy can you tell.)
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In Engage, Robin is about 5' 6"! Chrom has a bit over half a foot of height on him at 6' 2".
As an interesting side note; the difference between Engage Chrom and Robin's heights is pretty much exactly the height difference between Awakening Chrom and Robin's short male body type. Robin's height in Engage is 89.7% of Chrom's, compared to short male Awakening Robin's 90%.
No matter what the hair style says, short male body type Robin is canon to Engage. I rest my case.
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ro-botany · 10 months ago
How Big Is Grima, Really?
It’s a question as old as Awakening. We all know the fell dragon is fucking gigantic; but no one’s measured them to find out exactly how gigantic they are.
As an enthusiastic dragon biologist, I feel it’s my duty to set the record straight.
Through careful measuring of character models ripped directly from the files of Engage, I determined the Chrom's height in centimeters. Then, using those measurements along with character models ripped from Awakening, I measured the true size of Grima as they appear in the endgame.
According to my measurements, Grima:
Is ~726.8 m (2384 ft) long from snout to tail tip.
Is ~349.7 m (1147 ft) long from snout to vent.
Has an ~815.6 m (2676 ft) wingspan (middle pair of limbs)
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(Look at how small Chrom looks compared to them, good grief)
Want a more in-depth look at how I determined this? My entire process is documented in detail below the cut.
(Also, consider this an invitation: if there's any character from the 3DS fire emblems or engage that you want to know the size of, send me an ask and I might be able to measure them for you.)
Finding a way to measure Grima is difficult due to the simple fact that nothing and nobody in Awakening can reliably be used as a ruler. We’re not given precise sizes for any objects, and no characters have canonical heights.
Luckily for us, Awakening is not the only game which features its own characters! Several members of its cast are featured in Engage as emblems. This is important because the non-emblem characters in Engage – and the Three Houses emblems also kicking around – all have canonical heights! That means that we can use them as rulers to find the height of any character in the game who doesn’t have one. And once we have a height measurement for one of Awakening’s cast members, we can use their original Awakening model as a ruler to measure the model of Grima themself.
So, I decided to use Byleth and Fogado as rulers with which to measure Chrom, who would then go on to be the ruler for measuring Grima with.
I personally ripped all models used in this experiment directly from (...legally obtained...) ROMs of Awakening and Engage. This was done to ensure the relative sizes of models from the same game remained consistent with how they appear in-game. Any rips available for download online may have been edited or scaled any number of ways, you can’t trust em.
I also, in all cases, had to perform some surgery on the models; but I did my utmost to put them back together as precisely as possible.
Finding Chrom’s Height
As I just mentioned, on the Engage side I decided on Chrom as my ruler, and decided to use Byleth and Fogado to measure him.
Engage’s character models are all patterned off a base model – one for female characters and one for male characters. For each character these base models are sculpted slightly, and then scaling factors are applied to various bones in the rigging to give them their unique proportions – these affect the length and thickness of the torso, arms, legs, head, etc.
For all three of my chosen characters, I:
Ripped their head, hair, skin, and clothing models, along with their rigging, from Engage, and imported them into blender.
Applied basic textures to them so they’re easier to see.
Carefully stitched all the component models back together and onto the rigging.
Carefully stitched the legs and feet of the base model back onto the finished character models. This removes any margin of error we would get from including the soles/heels of their shoes in their measurements.
Ripped each character’s scaling factors from Engage’s data files and applied each factor to the appropriate bones on the rigging. I also compared to screenshots from the game to double-check that everything looked correct.
Used blender’s MeasureIt add-on to measure the distance between the highest point on the top of their heads to the lowest point on the bottom of their left heel, in ONLY the Z axis (which is up and down in blender).
The result is this:
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(Ignore their weird eyes, Engage's eye textures are a pain in the ass to replicate and I gave up for now)
Using these measurements, and the canonical heights for Fogado and Byleth, we can come up with conversion factors for translating engage blender units (henceforth called “ebu”) to centimeters.
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Fogado is canonically 5’10”, i.e. 177.8 cm (source). So, according to his measurements, 1 ebu = 102.713 cm.
Byleth (male) is canonically 175 cm tall (source). So, according to his measurements, 1 ebu = 101.25 cm.
You may notice those are slightly different numbers when, if these character heights were truly consistent, you would expect them to be the same!
Well, I’m chalking that up to the heights from 3H being in less precise units, and the developers probably not being quite as gung-ho about consistent character heights as I’m being right now. It would probably be smart to use another non-emblem Engage character with more of a height difference than these two to get another conversion factor and see how three data points compares, but... I’m so tired from putting these three bozos’ models together, y’all. I’m done. This is just what we get.
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Our two conversion factors give us two possible heights for Chrom. Either he’s about 189.48 cm tall, or he’s 186.79 cm tall. I’m going to take the average of those numbers and use that for Chrom’s height.
We have now found Chrom to be 188.14 cm tall, i.e. 6’ 2”.
...He’s tall! He’s taller than I thought he was, honestly.
Measuring Grima
The next step is to take what we know about Chrom, and repeat this process with Chrom and Grima’s models from Awakening.
One frustrating thing about this is that Grima’s in-game model is almost certainly scaled smaller relative to the people than his CG model. And I can’t get the CG models, because those are locked in some vault at IntSys headquarters, and not included in the game files; and there are zero frames in any of the CGs that can be used for this kind of measuring.
But you know what? I spent too long in the Engage ripping mines to give up over CG Grima's differences. In-engine Grima is still ridiculous and I want to know about them.
Awakening’s character models are composed of several parts: A main body (which for humans is class-based, not character-based), in most cases one each of a character-specific head and hair model, and up to two accessory models. Each character also has one scaling value; a multiplier on their model’s overall size. (Tragically you can’t have fun fucking up their proportions like you can Engage characters)
So for each of these two, I:
Ripped all their component models from the game. For Chrom this was the lord class body and his head (which, unlike other characters, also includes his hair). For Grima this was their full-body model and their two accessory models, the upper and lower halves of their mask.
Applied basic textures to them
Carefully stitched their component models together; which effectively was positioning their heads back on their bodies.
For Chrom, I also borrowed a generic head model from another character and aligned it with his regular head; this is so that I could measure his height from the top of his head instead of his hair.
Checked their scaling factors; in this case, I couldn’t find a scaling value for Grima and Chrom had the default value of 1.0, so nothing needed to be done.
Used blender’s MeasureIt add-on to measure them. On Chrom, I measured the z-axis (up-down) distance between the highest vertex on his skull and the lowest vertex on his left heel to get his height. On Grima, three measures were taken; snout-vent (as in snout to the end of their body/base of their tail), snout to tail, and wingspan; each only measured in one relevant axis.
The measurements ended up being this, in what I will henceforth call awakening blender units, or “abu”
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Using our estimated height for Chrom from Engage, we calculate our conversion factor; 1 abu = 12.13 cm.
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And then we can finally convert Grima's measurements to useful units!
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Holy fuck that dragon is large.
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crevassier · 5 months ago
(graphic descripton of injury)
As the arrow struck between scales and pierced through skin and muscle, the creature jolted and let out a pained roar- far too animalistic to be belonging to a human, far too human to be a beast’s.
Lifting itself into its lower legs to try to scratch at its own neck and face to tear the offending arrow off the beast towered over Fogado, each stroke tearing more into flesh before finally the arrow came loose and clattered once it reached the ground. What was left behind was an open gack on the side of its face, right behind the corner of its lip. Blood trickled down the injury and bathed the ground below little by little.
Through bloodied scales and broken leathery skin, the beast looked down at the student. There was no hatred in its seemingly empty red eyes- but there was no pity either. Confusion, impulse, revenge. Revenge. Revenge for having been hurt and the instinct to lash out at a threat in order to save its own life.
For a moment the beast stood eerily quiet, save for the clacking of its teeth as each moved in a near wave-like flow and the deep, slow puffs of air it took in a rhythmic fashion.
A flash of red blinded its eyes as it fell back on four legs, and it screamed.
Roll D3= 3, Minor Crest of Gautier activates! Black Beast (Sylvain) [18/20 HP*] attacks Fogado [10/10 HP] with Fissured Wail [ Roll: 9, 1.5+1+0.5, -3HP ]  Fogado [7/10 HP]
A broken screech enough to rival that of a banshee’s left the creature’s throat, unmistakably filled with pain but undoubtedly let out with the intention to cause harm and deafen whatever crossed its path. Though a beast, it knew that it was too far away to reach its opponents with its claws- instead settling with whatever other weapons it had. A creature that breathed no fire and whose magic seemed to manifest within the limits of its own flesh, instead being granted power from the very blood that bathed its muscles.
This was no fire, but it hurt the same. Self and foe. 
Black Beast (Sylvain) suffers recoil! -3HP Black Beast (Sylvain) [15/20 HP*]
The wretched wail prolonged itself into a clear groan and yelp of pain as it momentarily curved into itself and took a step back, the tip of its tail shivering. Though its power was granted by the blood in its veins, this body wasn’t made to handle any of this outburst. Every movement sent flashes of white and red before its eyes as a searing headache accompanied its every move and roar, and yet it couldn’t do much else about it.
He wanted to be felled, but the animal in this brain wanted to kill and prevail.
Thorns of Ruin activates! Fogado [7/10 HP] is inflicted with -2 Speed for one round.
The mark of Gautier was burned into Fogado’s skin through magic alone, flaring red and seeping into muscle and bone. The black beast watched the entire time, its gaze seemingly hiding no intention other than the animalistic urge to attack, and yet at the same time the pauses it took- the time spent in silence, watching, made it clear that somewhere behind those eyes was a sliver of sapience. 
Whether it was a consciousness attempting to hold back for the sake of compassion or the uncanny intelligence of a predator gauging its prey to plan an effective approach. it was unclear.
the morning star
closed starter for @losojos-decupido | (+1 faith), berserk staff
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ro-botany · 9 months ago
How Big Is Sombron?
I guess this is gonna be a series now where I measure how big various FE dragons are
Anyway, after I measured Grima, I figured the next logical step is to measure the other Fell Dragon and compare. Y'know, since I have all these ripped models lying around.
I took some data from my Grima-measuring post about how tall Fogado and Emblem Byleth are, and used those conversion factors to figure out how big Sombron's two dragon forms are.
According to my measurements, Base-form Sombron:
Is ~40.5 m (133 ft) long from snout to tail tip.
Is ~13.5 m (44 ft) long from snout to vent.
Has a ~34 m (112 ft) wingspan.
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(Obligatory Fogado for scale. No Fogados were harmed in the making of this post.)
And the much bigger Great Fell Dragon Sombron:
Is ~117.7 m (386 ft) from snout to tail tip.
Is ~50 m (164 ft) from snout to vent.
Has a ~114 m (374 ft) wingspan.
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(See? No Fogados harmed! He's fine.)
Base Sombron, tail not included, is about half the size of a blue whale, the largest animal known to have ever existed. GFD Sombron, tail not included, is as long as 1.6 blue whales.
In both forms, he's QUITE LARGE. So large that he's liable to start my spec bio brain whirring again as I try to figure out how something that big is as nimble as he is. The fuck kind of metabolism do dragons have and the fuck do they eat.
But of course, if you saw the numbers in the TL;DR of the Grima post - you already know Sombron ain't got shit on Grima for sheer size in either form. Seriously. Look at these two - I scaled them accurately with each other with the help of Chrom. Grima is a ridiculous creature.
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(Weeeee piggy back ride)
A bit more detail on how I measured this jackass below the cut!
Methods, in Brief
My methods for this were almost identical to the one in the above-linked Grima post. Almost. The difference lies in how we told the MeasureIt add-on to measure the dragon.
Neither of Sombron's dragon models have a default pose that is conducive to length measuring, and the way the models are rigged makes getting them to lay flat basically impossible. His chest and the back of his neck crumple up all weird if you try it.
So instead I just measured him in a bunch of segments. I went from nose to tail tip and put a point down every two-or-so back plates, and summed it all up after. Like carefully laying a measuring tape along his spine.
Here's the measurement renders for base form:
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And for GFD form:
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And here's the relevant spreadsheet tables:
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ro-botany · 9 months ago
Sombron (Human Form) References + Height Estimate
At the request of a mutual, I went and ripped Sombron's human model from the game and took some reference photos! Artists who want to draw Sombron take notes.
(My shaders for Engage characters are nowhere near game-accurate yet, I'm working on it. Reference screenshots of the game for a better idea of how the materials look.)
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His legs are sort of digitigrade? He's got really weird legs.
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All of his armour pieces softly glow pink on the inside, in addition to his wing-hair-things and the lines on his skirt. Also of note: his canine teeth are gray at the base and pink at the tips.
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Obligatory Fogado for scale.
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Using the same numbers and method from my post about Grima's size, I have determined that Sombron is about 7' 6".
Seven and a half feet tall! Dude is a GIANT.
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ro-botany · 9 months ago
So, ok, I have yet to actually play Engage; but the past while I've been using hacking tools to inspect the game's files and ripping out models, mostly out of curiosity, or for art references for friends.
Today I found Sombron's dragon form in the files; and my Engage mutuals tell me I may have discovered something that has gone largely unnoticed! Or at least my Engage mutuals didn't notice it. :P
Sombron has two different models!
The first is this one:
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(with a Fogado for scale)
Which we're pretty sure is his dragon model for most of the time he spends being a dragon. I'm seeing it in lots of screenshots of cutscenes and things, anyway.
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And then THIS is the SECOND one:
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Which is very different looking! Longer neck, longer spikes, completely different wings, and also a pair of arms that weren't there before!
This one we're fairly certain is how he looks after he gets the emblem rings... or something, idk the plot of this game. This one appears to have only showed up in the final battle? It didn't get a ton of screen time, sources say.
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^ This is about the only in-game screenshot of it that I can find on a quick search, actually.
ANYWAY. Look how fucking gigantic Mega Sombron is compared to Regular Sombron. Maybe I should make like I did with Grima and measure how large these two models are...
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(still with a Fogado for scale)
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ro-botany · 9 months ago
i think after these last two posts i just have to always have a Fogado for scale when i'm posting about engage models. official robotany brand measuring stick man. always hanging around A-posing on everyone to give us a reference point
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rafent · 7 months ago
Complexity would be camouflaged as simplicity, a buffoon once thought vexing albeit healthful revealing his chipped pieces not one by one but in one sweeping motion. This matter did not only concern the surrender of all common sense as initially thought, as Rafal could now confidently gather, but that of composure. Words and indignities come in unending succession as if they'd scarcely been contained behind a gate. A different matter entirely which deserved reassessment, no longer normal but abnormal, something had driven an explosive Fogado to this volcanic precipice.
He retracted his bladed anger into a scabbard. Bewilderment settled alongside his necessary interest over the development, new facets revealed in tandem with new obstructions to escape. They would not be able to take their leave of any straits until the largest boulder of all should tug loose. To that end, questions so readily offered themselves that narrowing them down to one was a task of considerable difficulty. Still the dragon decided. "Fogado, you are rambling. What has brought this on?"
Naturally resilient as his kind was, their minds and scales hardened by turmoil if not blessing, being trapped in a perilous situation perturbed Rafal little. One could imagine that the human mind was lesser, that it could be used to explain the abrupt tide of Fogado's hysterics here, but that would only be neat condensation. The most elucidating tells of his behavior did not fail to strike home; the pool of his composure disturbed by ripples, his fraught nerves otherwise attributed to prey, and his frantic twists to escape likewise reflecting the same. Prey, as if Rafal were predator.
Prey; as if he were acting to escape Rafal.
Understanding dawned slowly like the trickling rays of first light into black night. A reprehensible black dragon. He relinquished hold of the other's wrists with slackening fingers and tightening recognition, senses alight.
"You fear me." Steady voice dressed in quiet, he honored the prince's misgivings toward volume, and pressed onward with his theory. Body without movement, mouth only. "We are trapped in this cavern without certain escape, but my strength is key. If you would only hold the torch and allow me to work for us both, our route would be secured. But that means little to you. Because in the end, your idea of danger is not this dark and entrapping space, but being trapped with me."
Blood was ever the most mysterious of four humours; synonymous with life taken but just as equally with life given, profound in its meaning and subject to deliberation, just as the bright crimson gleams of it to be found in the Fell Heir's countenance. Peering back with indecipherable emotion, that could be pity or pitiless, danger or dangerless, that could be one or the other, both or neither. Only their softened corners to swerve the answer. "Am I wrong?"
Mission Board: Showcase, axe +1
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