#focus on the important things (writing fanfic) + start building a dresser if i need entertainment
aldieb · 2 months
unlocking new areas of the [redacted] riverfront. level 1 enemies were cyclists and level 2 enemies are geese
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badsext · 5 years
Hey could you do a fanfic for tourmaline but like an x reader one ?
Meet me at the Tetterby: Tourmaline x Fem! Reader (human)
Author’s note:  Thank you for the request, Anon.  I hope this fic is what you were looking for.  My other Tourmaline stuff has been wlw so I assumed that is what you wanted.  Let me know if I am wrong and I will write you another.
Summary:  Reader is a human who wanders into the Tetterby Hotel drunk.  Tourmaline takes her in and gently explains what kind of establishment she has wandered into.  After some coaxing reader explains that she came to the Tetterby on purpose.  She wanted to meet the beautiful fae she sees on the balcony every day.  
Warning:  Smut
It had been building inside you for months now.  It was like an itch that started small and now it consumed your entire body.  You went down to the pub in your most scandalous attire for some temporary relief at the bottom of a glass.  Life was difficult in the Burgue, especially for a woman like you - stubborn, independent and too smart for your own good. Intoxication gave you an excuse to indulge your inhibitions, but you weren’t as drunk as you let on.
You sat confidently on a stool at the bar looking like a modern woman in a tailored tweed cycling costume in spite of the weather and the absence of a bicycle. The men in the pub scoffed at your appearance or ignored you entirely, which suited you just fine.  The women looked at you with jealousy disguised as pity.   The barkeeper, a big mustachioed fellow, fooled by your wanton facade had cut you off.  There was nothing keeping you here, you thought, and progressed down the slushy gray streets alone.  It was just past sundown.  It was cold, but you were warmed by the wine and spirits still flowing through your bloodstream.  All the windows in the tenements and shops were dark and closed for the night.  That is, until you reached the coarsely named ‘Carnival Row.’  
You thought it was disgusting how humans treated fae.  As a member of the local chapter of fae rights activists, you had campaigned for Chancellor Breakspear and celebrated his win, but there was still so much work to be done.   Further down the block you began to see lamps in the windows and heard lively music from inside.  An invisible force pulled you towards the Tetterby Hotel.  You hesitated for a moment, but curiosity compelled you forward.  Inside you were greeted by a flurry of activity.  You heard clink of glasses, conversation, laughter, the shuffle of shoes, and the closing of doors. A piano was tinkling out a bawdy tune.  Here fairies could spread their gossamer wings in all their glory.  It was breathtaking.  Suddenly all the voices faded to a stop, followed by the music.  You were taking it all in when you realized that all eyes were on you.  
There were only two reasons for a human woman to visit the Tetterby. The first was an angry wife there to confront her philandering husband.  The second, a religious zealot, there to rid the place of ‘sinners.’  You, of course, were neither, but how were they to know?  
“I’m sorry, please carry on…really.  I’m not here to start trouble,” you insisted.  The noise resumed as the staff and patrons went back to their transactions.
The madam approached, sizing you up.  “If you’re looking for a job, the answer is no.  It’s fae only, sweetheart.”
“Oh, no, I -”
“She’s alright.  I’ve got her.”  You watched as your advocate descended the staircase.  She was stunning in burgundy and rose lingerie, a perfect compliment to her bronze completion and blue finger wave locks.  It was hard not to stare.  The madam threw up her hands and turned to more important matters.  
“You look lost…I’m Tourmaline.  What’s your name?”
You introduced yourself.  
“Do you know where you are, love?”
You nodded, grinning.
Tourmaline laughed. “Have you been drinking, Y/N?,” she asked gently.
“It’s been a slow night.  Would you like to come upstairs?  I can make you some tea,” she said, wrapping her arm around your shoulders.  You rested your head in the crook of her neck.  She smelled like heaven.
“Um hm,” you replied and she escorted you upstairs.
Her room was cozy, warm, and eclectic.  “Have a seat,” she said, putting the kettle on the fire.
You looked around and sat cautiously on the edge of the bed.  She sat down next to you and handed you a full cup and saucer.  You took a sip and smiled at the taste.  “It’s a fae blend of herbs. You like it?”  You looked deep into her eyes and nodded.
“You’re a funny girl,” she said looking back into your gaze and softly sweeping a stray hair away from your face.
You took a deep breath, put the teacup on the dresser.  “I…I have a confession to make.  I’ve seen you from your balcony.  I just wanted to meet you.”
“Is that so?”  She had put her feet up, lounging on her side, holding her head up with her hand. Her breasts had shifted in her camisole. You longed to see them fully exposed, to touch them.
“I think you’re beautiful…I’ve got money.  It’s just..for your time…we don’t have to -”
She kneeled playfully on the bed.  Her wings made their fist appearance of the night as she stretched them to the heavens, their iridescent hues accentuated by the firelight.  “Why don’t you take off those clothes and come over here,” she said, smoothing the duvet in front of her.  
Your heart beat out of rhythm and your breath became ragged.  This magnificent woman was so brazen yet so soft.  It was almost too much.   Your cheeks were aflame as you knelt to remove your boots.  When you looked up she was watching you with lust filled eyes.  Your confidence grew along with your arousal.  The buttons of your blouse seemed to open of their own accord and your skirt pooled carelessly on the ground.
You climbed onto the bed facing her, felt the heat radiating from her.  She cupped your face in her hands, kissing you slow and purposefully, igniting your deepest longing.  Your hands hands melted into the curve of her waist.  She removed your hair pin and watched with delight as your hair fell in waves on your shoulders.  A crooked little smile appeared as she eased you back onto the bed and began removing your stockings one by one.  It tickled when she kissed your foot arches.  You gasped when her hand rubbed softly between your legs, targeting your most sensitive skin through the thin linen. “Mmm, this is going to be fun,” she said, pulling your chamise over your head.  Each little exposed bud tightened instantly.  You wanted to be touched, but you needed to touch her, feel her body react.  She removed what was left of your underthings and was about to touch you there, but before she could…
You rose up and kissed her passionately.  She took a surprised breath.  You removed her robe and silk camisole then kissed her neck and shoulder.   Her divine sent permeated your senses.  You grazed her breast with a featherlight touch, then gently tugged on her nipple.  She ground her sex against yours.  You gripped the waistband of her drawers and slipped them down over her soft curves and all the way down her legs.  She spread them looking up at you, daring you.  You needed no coaxing.  Your fingers found their way to her wetness.  You stroked her gently at first.  Her head rolled back and she made a sweet little sigh.  Then you found your rhythm, skillfully rubbing her swollen nexus of nerves.  She twitched and hummed as she released then fell on top of you giggling.   Just the weight of her body and the suppleness of her skin against yours was so intensely gratifying, you wondered if this was all a dream.  
Tourmaline shocked you back to reality when she parted your legs and pressed her naked sex against yours, sliding around in delicate little circles.  The sensation of her wet swollen womanhood repeatedly making contact with yours and watching her slide up and down on top of you brought you to a quick and satisfying orgasm.  There was a devious look in her eye. She was only getting started.  She turned around and lowered herself onto your hungry waiting lips.  Her slick arousal tasted of honey and lavender.  
She leaned over to reciprocate, voraciously teasing and suckling your swollen sex.  It was and effort to staying focused, but you managed until she started beating her wings.  The vibrations coursed through your connected bodies, the euphoria making you scream curses into her void.  Once the room came back into focus, you noticed that you were hovering a short distance above the bed.  You quickened the pace of your tongue and moved your fingers inside her until she cried out with her release.  Her wings suddenly gave out and the two of you fell onto the bed with a thud.  You both laughed when you realized that the fire had been blown out and there were papers scattered about the floor.  
You huddled under the covers together for warmth.  “I’ll have to light the fire again,” she giggled.
“I’ve never felt anything like that before,” you confessed.
“It was glorious and I’m pretty jaded about this sort of thing,” she said. You felt like she was being sincere, but a small part of you still wondered.
There was a loud I nock at the door.  “You’ve been in there an hour with that girl.  I’ve got lads out here who want a go!”   It was the madam.  You scrambled to put your clothes back on.
Tourmaline threw on her robe, grabbed her purse and charged angrily to open the door.  “How much would I make for you on a night like this, five pounds?  Here’s seven!…Go on, take it and leave us alone for the rest of the night!”  The madam looked stunned, but she pocketed the cash and left without another word.  Your heart swelled as you witnessed the exchange.  
“I can’t believe you did that!,” you said sheepishly blushing.
“That’s one thing you should know about me.  I do what I want,” she smirked.
@dandycandy75 @transboyo14 @unlikelymoors @pighunter76 @marychovny @bi-satanist @i-dont-knoq @dopeybubbles @coleblackblood @discardmyfeelings @lillietheoneandonly @ancient-muse @joeythespookyraccoon @ofdazzlinghazes @bamfkurt @mckie113
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virge-of-anxiety · 5 years
Prinxiety Fanfic kinda lol Summary(?): Takes place after the events of DWIT, Virgil is having a difficult time after revealing that he was a Dark side to Thomas, and Roman wants to help but doesn’t know how Words: 1690 TWs: Just some upset/sad boys. Remus and Deceit mentions though.
sorry if there’s any mistakes, I wanted to finish this tonight. okay here we go~
“Want a hug?”
Roman stood in front of Virgil, his arms held out. Virgil crossed his arms tighter, and he looked at the floor, avoiding Roman’s worried eyes. ”No. I’m fine,” Virgil replied, still looking away. Roman slowly dropped his arms, and sighed. He could tell Virgil wanted to be left alone right now. ”Alright. Well, you know where to find me if you need anything,” Roman told him, as he turned to leave Virgil’s room. He heard a muttered “Thanks,” from Virgil, then he stepped out, and headed back to the common room.
There on the couch sat Logan and Patton. Logan reading a book and Patton watching TV. As soon as he noticed Roman, who was looking quite down, Patton turned off the TV and jumped off the couch, immediately wrapping Roman in a hug. “Hey Kiddo, is something wrong?” He asked, pulling away, his hands still gently on Roman’s shoulders. Roman sighed, “Hm, well,” He debated in his head of whether he should tell Patton about what’s been going on with Virgil. He wasn’t sure if it was too personal.
He straightened up and forced a smile, “No, there’s nothing wrong, Patton. No need to worry.” Patton let his arms fall to his sides as he smiled back at Roman, “Okay, good!” He returned to his spot on the couch and turned the TV back on, resuming his show. ”Logan, may I speak with you for a moment?” Roman asked. Logan glanced up at Roman before shutting his book and standing to follow him. Roman led Logan to the mindscape, currently imagined to look like a small cottage. A lit fireplace against one wall with a small sofa and a rocking chair in front of it. A small bed against another wall, with a dresser right next to it. Bookshelves and cabinets against the other walls, potted plants everywhere too.
Roman sat in the rocking chair, and Logan sat on the sofa. “What did you wish to speak about, Roman?” Logan asked, crossing his legs. Roman stared at the fire for a second before answering.
“Virgil,” He said, looking up at Logan, “I’m worried about him.” Logan took a breath, nodding slowly, “Ah, yes,” He started, “Patton has been too.”
“It’s just,” Roman started, trying to find words for his tangled thoughts, “I know he- He seems to- I can’t-”
“Roman.” Roman stopped and looked at the logical side beside him.
“Virgil will be fine,” Logan uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, “We just need to give him space. He’ll come to us when he’s ready.” Roman sat up and took a deep breath, “I just wish there was more I could do to help him, you know?”
“I do know. But you need to focus on your own job. Thomas can’t have his creativity full of nothing but worry. I believe if you don’t do your job adequately, Thomas will become anxious, causing Virgil to have to work harder while also becoming anxious himself. So, Roman, it is important- and best- if you focus on yourself and your responsibilities,” Logan stood, “But it is alright to worry about Virgil. Just make sure you don’t allow it to interfere.”
Roman sighed and stood as well, arms hanging by his sides. “You’re right. I’ll try to stay focused. Thanks, Logan.”
“Of course. While I am confused as to why you wished to speak to me about the matter, I’m glad I can offer some sort of solace.”
“I didn’t want to worry Patton about it.”
“Ah. That makes sense, he does worry quite easily,” Logan nodded, thinking of the situation, “But I’m sure he would want you to talk to him about it, rather than keeping it to yourself. He is able to tell when something is wrong, Roman. I would recommend you speak with him too, if you want to discuss the matter further,” Logan told him, adjusting his tie. Roman nodded in response as Logan left.
Now all alone in the mindscape, Roman sat in front of the still-raging fire in the fireplace. He stared at it, thinking. Thinking of Virgil, of what Logan said, of Patton worrying. What was he going to do?
The sound of rain filled the room, wind whistled outside the windows. Roman still stared at the fire, thoughts filling his head, and just for a split second, he thought he saw the flames turn into Virgil. But just like that, it disappeared. Roman was taken aback, but he shook his head and stood up. He took a deep breathe and opened the door to the cottage. Rain poured outside, lightning struck in the distance and thunder shook the small building. Roman chuckled to himself. He was letting his emotions get the better of him again.
He stepped out, slowly closing the door behind him. He looked up at the sky, full of storm clouds. Water poured down on him, soaking his hair, clothes, everything. Lightning struck in the distance once more, followed by a loud boom of thunder. No one could tell that of all the water drops on Roman’s face, some of them were tears.
Roman turned at the sound of Patton’s voice. Patton stood in the doorway. Roman must not have heard him open the door.
“Oh. Hey, Patton,” Roman muttered, looking back up at the sky.
“Roman, please come inside before you catch a cold!” Patton exclaimed, gesturing inside. Without a word, Roman stepped inside. Patton immediately wrapped him up in a soft blanket and sat him down in front of the fire.
No one said anything for a moment. Roman watched the fire yet again, but noticing Patton’s worried glances in his direction every once in awhile. Patton sat beside Roman, his arm around him.
“If you want to talk, Kiddo, I’m here,” Patton started, rubbing Roman’s shoulder, “It’s okay if you don’t want to right now though.”
“Thanks, Patton,” Roman looked at Patton with a slight smile, “I’m just worried about Virgil and I feel useless in this situation. I don’t know what to do to help him.” Patton squeezed Roman gently in a hug.
“I know, Roman. You’re not useless though! Believe me, when it’s time to help to Virgil, you’ll know,” Patton comforted him, “Everything will be okay.” ”You’re right. Logan said I should just focus on myself and my job,” Roman told Patton, pulling the blanket tighter around himself, “I don’t want to make Thomas feel bad for having his creativity full of worry.”
“And he’s right. You need to take care of yourself first.”
“I know,” Roman sighed. Patton pulled Roman into a hug, “You’re doing good, Kiddo.” ***** Roman sat in his room, lights dimmed, brainstorming new video ideas for Thomas to make. He tapped his pen on his lips before writing some more in his notebook. Just as he was finishing writing down an idea, he heard a knock on his door.
“It’s open!” He called, not looking up from notebook as he continued to write. He heard the door open slowly, then shut again.
Roman looked up. Virgil stood in front of him. “Hey Virgil,” He started, closing his notebook and setting his pen down, “Are you… good?” Virgil shuffled in his spot, shifting his weight as he held his arms tight to his chest.
“I don’t think so.”
Roman stood and walked to his bed. Sitting on the side, he patted next to him. Virgil slowly sat next to him. ”I’m here if you want to talk about it. If you don’t, that’s okay too,” Roman said gently.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, when Virgil reached over and took hold of Roman’s hand. Roman happily accepted this and held firm to Virgil’s. They still sat in silence.
“I expected Thomas to hate me when I told him.”
 Roman looked over at Virgil, who spoke so softly he barely heard him.
“He doesn’t.”
 “I know. It’s just… He really doesn’t like the Others. Deceit and Remus? Thomas hates them.”
“Because they do bad things. Virgil, you don’t do bad things.” Virgil chuckled, though Roman noticed tears welling up in eyes. ”I do though. I’m no different than them,” He said, looking at Roman, “I’ll always be the bad guy.”
“No, Virgil,” Roman squeezed Virgil’s hand gently, “You won’t be. You’re the hero. You’re MY hero.” Virgil smiled, and wiped off the tears that had begun to fall, “Thanks, Roman.”
“Of course, my creepy cookie,” Roman chuckled, seeing the blush on Virgil’s face, “I’m here for you if you ever need me. You know that.” Virgil nodded, and he stood up, still holding Roman’s hand. “Hey uh, one more thing?” He said quietly.
“Can I have a hug?”
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